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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1967, p. 12

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t'~Z~ *~0~~~~~ bIIgwater and then mt uy il Icod water. Reive alB s f K th ns Ievufrom flowered stemi.! --.riit rlSociety Prear grenry epraCGy tak ai levesoffbelow the ~IdsOpenMeeting ta make artisn andandZGroupiM o th er& D a u g he5aqe to St1cIv ot enable and Ieadg a thriving junior should beplcdna cool, =u4fltIg home or exhibition The advoanepeprtonc or basement, over The Annual Mother and Susanne Graham thanked rsGaamrdtepoi Ofct lghsfeM foer tror feor a nida,"M.DaughterdnBanquetaOf St. them for helping Swhou"HdHI teTr".Ms >~~eenao ctfoer raj lwmbfr satngFlbrte a' d PauI's Church C.G.I.T. was banquet. Drtyomril g " Mm lia.Thomés A. an arrangement 's Of vital i*- Before starting thc actual heldMy1,4L represent. 401élîï4o1er, JIR. 2, Newcast> otnc sce sa, ira. Fair- arranging of flowers choose a 6:0henesday, aythe eaawre fMourdwt n hita dcto on «6:0p.m. in thc Lecture Room.1m ch ume M the meeting of «= o-rthrdcae. This work container ta suit the home and ste aquefruh the smem uslnmer ba rsaecortcd mnaofr secrd Ulanvifle District Hortlcultural wiil take at lemat 12 heura situation. Plan to place the ,", - months.Aca iCse UUCW.V Uochtyv held in the Public Llb- (overnight), or may bo done arrangement against a plain A. skit c d"The0bqunrrectt YUyAuditorium lai Wednes- several days aliead, ahie ex- background, neyer on a tele-,, . .scau-L. o Lyevening. plained. vision set, and away from heat .~ dent, Susanne Graham, wel- on by the CGIT pene n ByTr The president, Mrs. K. R. "Choose flowers not quite at sud drafts. Be sure nover ta 59cmdteget,.e.adigmc Iuhe.t arartWry i il letcher, introduced lira. Fair- full bloonm. They should bo place ftowers I direct sunlight. lira. nke rane mothersor nd Ei îeen McQuarri hnfv ..IT yx. Rv br0ther, a gardening authority. picked in thc early mornin Pt slwe in a cool place at sporthenothlers for thîr aurodus with pianosl ito.Ai ondh u e»h. nId that Mnr. airbrother, or evening, and the items night. Cut the stemsa a ittie ... ' spot to aldo e.andSsnepac h utrfinsi icesdla a 'Who was the chief organizer should be Imnmediateiy plungd sud change the water daily. -jayed te abundance f food, Th Grduto -01 the local Horticultural Soci- into dee warmn water. Discussing the choice of con- ~ nldn etnilCk o- c aaxnSriete s, a sa Past Prealdent of the "We hs lwrs are taner, lir. Fairbrother sug- orated in white with aur flag camplthe ogurlporas aDhawv Horticuitural Society, brought into the house the gested a deicate anc for frag- ,a e 7-96.wt he il uc flowers, and different .O oddt 1 Gagan rdutn 1ý1...he n tablaes 1arr - 1967he sam e appne GrahaBes for varlous types. She pointed .The tabcleur achome h an Sapne MargartWry out that the container should N m M ,< .oorshee e rases, Mrs Grahiam said afwc or dish ia always fattering. bakt.ete ha abewt Zinnias rendand ehiterrases a calared flowers look well In .wt y apaaopc an th PrsdtSune pottery, brasa or copper htnrd1 I 1 Gaai rsne ahgr I cards done in red sud white with a gift, a Centenna pa.t o "A pin type holder secured «-.y Centennial Maple leafs and Allrpae the~ ta Uic container with florist's . menu cards in samne colour caderepatd o pseg Clay or plastorcene is cansider- acheme. lira. Beverly Hend- service bsusengdurn h cd Uic best. A piece of florists's osnwsi hreo eoa B sdb h e *oasis may ho suchorod ta this. ten. Pren ati talihttci by John W . Lowry Another poasibility is ta stuil haeidn cld o romd nele sd asaothe ih LeA n A L nea deep container, n c w hich ThSr s d n : ~ t cn f am a c t n t e ni i your teleh e bas an inside ledge, with SP rtr aei a itterdnis hl chicken wire, or a deep con- - ----- ----e-thegngto S avthee =mnager tainer could be stuffed with Pictured above are il members of Court Lady Snowbird L1930, Nestieton, Queen. cedr cippngste oldtheOnt, a thy gt radyto perlormn recently in their kitchen band - "cThe Bash- Margarot Werry praposed Onwrs ult hey Ku ready the toast ta the church and fWith Uic first long wekend of Uic 197 summer "It ia botter to use an odd fui Kitchene Kutup."ittigly only a few days away, I'm taking a gaod look at number of f owers. The height Each girl has made her own instrument using tubs, pots, pans, lids,' Javosex Rev Tun etehed gitlsngly, niy driving habita. If I find that I've olipped un- of the talleat part cf the ar- botties, kitchen plunger, washbaard, old fashioned toaster, vacuumn cleaner has-exangt the girh edsorlshats thlnkngy ngly nsaf ntoin haisaferhpdrow angmgnthabitae oepadresapt., nowprerangementvolî,shouldfifshoc.anchkaand apchonrhehndneedaet oaureat handsody 1 la Uic Urne taeniake a nild-year resolution te turn a hall tumes the width of the oes eto rprueeus, i winhornsfipfespietc. ith glo s pd on the entearrootrheawrt abads over à new laf. This w ll likely be the m st exciting container. Begin coin o fs oum e an pd u t he h smusie wt h he proeiaoea h il is d e s d n t cry o the work th t haHe gamnior ever for mast Canadians. Visitors from other yaur arrangement with its taîl- csueadhtsehsmd arpeettekthn Back row, ef t ta right, been set before us, by the countries and other provinces will be jçining in our est comportent, then establish Sisters Ann Hart, Carol Doyle, Marg Le e, Mary Wilkins, Marg Elliot, Dorothy Olvenly Fa e ops Centennial oelebrations and aur highways wil ho the width af it. Fi11 in yaur Lee; front row, left to right, Sisters Jean Bolon, May Pre, An e, Ie e e oast o te mothors and busier than ever leading travollers fram anc coin- arrangement with delicate Ion- TParkern Anne Lee Irene .thanet t for therspia niunity ta another. For most visitors routes w~ill bo Uiery foliage and flowors at TriporMrln oldg.. ta rnko the ore rsup Ken uirfamiiar ones. Roads which we use every day Or the perinjiter, and place the A ___ arri n tha.lira.Khen VAN 1 week and te us hold no "'mysteries" may sanietimea larger blooms îaw. a iQarea eafa h ho confusing or diffilcult te a stranger truggllng ta1 "Spiky flowers add height - mothers thaîxked the girls for remember directions or becoming tired aftor a long and grace while the round ____ I Lii L inviting them and the leaders G R day's drive. Simple. driving courteay and a strict ones pick up the color motifVI W V for their fine leadership.GA * "t oin a! Uic lin " o sae divi g h bits coud c th pl n. illrs uil on-W hile the tables were being For The - "toeing f the Ine» 'onsafe drving haits Service thneltn.unday s iilleMrserviharles SGreenham was. Ccrleared Betsyws SlappendelsySledpDnel leY OURSELF make the trip casier and safer for aur visitars. . hance many designs. For ex- be held in Guelph on June bo Gideon Sunday. Sunday aupper guctwt e in a sing sang, with lira. sud ourselves. ample gyphophila <baby's- 22nd and 23rd. lira. Mason Glad ta welcome such a daughter and husband, Mir. Graham accompanying hier at * FERTILIZEit SREDR breath) la eapeciaily nice with was appointed a delegate, and good turnout at aur Family and lirs. James Martin and the piano. * OL I n Ai e l w a y ht e r v es r d i v e ri v ed u t a r m t s e e t eaan d A ris elcometat oury isitor Is tadive wmafy and ia. Fibote arned two other delegates will be Sunday service. Our pastor, famlily, Town. lira. George Graham, lead- * SEEDS, ETC. couteoalyon ur ighay ths amme. Wo aaist clubtter arane appainted later. Rev. J. P. B*meril had as his Don't forget the U.C.W. or, welcomed the guesta and *Avc nyu adnPoln coukoa, if oncoail practice his or six mantha Whot auldmns uts. e ndoutaeSecretary-Treasurer lM e r 1 o sermon "ld Strength for meeting an Thursday evening thanked hier assistants, lira. * dceoy beconie se autamatic that tho annual slaughter on it out," she advised emnphatic- Shute gave a pragreas report New Times"; also baptismal at 8 p.m. in C. E. Hall. Charlea Piper, lirs. Leland our highwaya .imight, lessen instead of climb each ally. <M~~Cne-srie hntefîoig lra. Allan Snowden accom- Mlsn ia eadBi o a e e G d n year. Needless cutting ini and eut, by; drivera familiar The mochanica o! an ar- niai Project. Several members babies were baptized, John panied hier sister and hua- their support, also project aF with a road can confuse another, driver searching rangement, florist's wire and volunteered ta assist with this Wmn. Mutton, son o!flir. and band, lir. and lira. Beg Tav- leader lira. Bey. Henderson. "Your redyGdo Cnt" for road signa; tailgating can lead ta an accident inside holders, should aîways work. lira. Bonald Mutton; liartyn lor Oshawa, ta Port Hope je Aiso told the girls they hadàa * a visiter la unsure of the way. And, really, did bel- ho hidden, lira. Fairbrother Mrs. Mason announced that Donald Wood, son o!flir. and se their parents, lir. and earned their chevrons and had 5MitaEa fOhw ligerent harn-honking ever mnove traffic any quicker? said. In extoiling the virtues next month In lieu o! the lira. Norman Wood. lira. E. H. Wilkins. their certificate ta frame. on lh o 26355 o! oasis as a base she explain- regular meeting a bus trip for A good crawd gathored in lir. and lira. C. P. Swallow edTahe C..ldeere aom a eit can ho kept and re-used the members ta Edwards Gar- the C. E~. Hall SauLuay evon- atene Enfield aniversary e atelcuero n ,'s s y p ta six manths provided it dons, Toronto, will be arrang- ing ta hear the vaniety con- service on Sunday. On way ia nover allowed ta dry out cd. dort, mostly composed o! homoe they called on lin. Bus- and la stored damp I an air A succeasful sale o! seeda achool choira. This concert seil Perkins and daughtor It might b. a wonderful way of wcîcomingtîtght container in a refrigora- and plants donated by niem- was under Uic Stewards o! Miss Margaret Perkins, Zion. vhIitors If we made mn effort te keep track of the tor. bora was onjoyed. liaple Grave church, Mir. lira, W. H. Donsem, Tar. varions happenings In aur area durlng the summer lira. Fairbrother demonstrat- Jack Hurrie acting as master onto, wasa Wedndavite snd fal nonths. That way we'il be able ta give ed the creation o! two arrange- of ceromonies. The a esn ih r. o ayvCamto bolpful directions te visitors i a amaîl courtesr monts which were greatly ad- was as !ollows: prhogcrasewith ir.Bo Va Cmp appreiate by ay trvelle. Weare hsts e themire. Onewas omposd ofrecorder group with solo, Ms hre eeBw world this year. Canadians are usually regarded amaakafdl n uia ia hre eoB ppreiato by ny taveler. e ar hosa ta tamrcd. fo waandm poso!nielr.ByVnC p qetfriendly, usuaUly he1pful and palite. This year ln awhite pedeatal vase, and Tho entire Nimegan family Nancy Kimmerly; duets, Nan- avleMr.RyVnCm we have a unique opportunlty of pravlng te the worid theaother was a delicate com- went ta 77 Cartwright Street, cy Kimmerly and Nancy and grandson Boy Brownell, Just what we are. Often It's the very sinialti position of silver birch twigs, Toronto, recently, ta celebrate Whalen; and the choir, lin. Base Lino, wene Sunday lun- fat a traveller remenibers wlth pleasure or distaste. forsythia, and daffodils on- with Mr. and lira. Jc er usî,tnrsl;cengot !ln ia Smail thlngs that willI color bis desfre te return te hanced by a amail white arien- Jamieson on their 25th wed- music by God!ney family San, Van Camp. a happy hoIIday spot or te vow nover te return acain. ta statuette in mass and tiny ding anniversany. lira. Jamie- which consisted o!flira. God- lir. and lins. Neil Brawnell Apleasant sie, a helpfng band and the umali caur- pebbles on a fiat green plate. son 's anc of il children o! frey, piano accordion,, son and three children returnod tesies that we extended ta aur frlends will prodide President Fletcher thanked Mn. and lira. Fred Nimegon Brad on the drumis, bIÔ o ne moYsterday ater apend- à store of happy momorles for visitors from, ther lira. Fairbrother for hier fas- of this village, jack and his music on Piano, duet by lier ing hast week at the Expo, lands or other parts of our ow cunry cinating addreas, and intereat- wife hnd bath attended Car- twa daughters; Glen Virtue, nîso visitod his mother lira. ing demonstrations. She tald scadden's Public School ta- Paddy Welsb, violin and 1 rweîa ~c the guest speaker that the gether. They were the re- tar; M. J. Hobbs Senior Pub- s s s saudience had been enthralled, cipients a! many benutiful and lic recorder group led by lira lira. H. R. Foley attonded and that ail who hnd heard useful gifts. Their frienda in F. McQuay; the first choir the spedial services at New- hier would benefit from the this area will join in wisbing was under the leadership o! dastie on Sunday and was And i yo ae paninga np ouael tisknowldgelse had imparted. them many more years of Mr. Smith, lir. Butler, mu- supper guest with lin. andi Anifyuar lann atipyuslft ira. airbrother gave lhon happy married ife. sic toacher; sala, Mis lalra. Clnrence Bell sud dau- summner, now us thc time ta- complote arrangements. lovely flowers taelira. Fletcher We were gladte t learn tbat tina*M.WyeElotgtrBwavle Your tlephon can b lp yau caanplte ths c oe u a lr. A. Sul. M n. E rl Gibank was able ta OS harwa tp dancing; June lr. K. W hitney, District quickly anti ensily. It can "go shopping" for the Lawrence C. liasan, 1Q.C., return home from hospital. We Surddard, guitar, w ernCmmsine !Mple Grave g Miss Judy Piper, baton Girl Guides, spont the week- trip; "ruai errantis" ta the nowspaper, bakery or the bost tiecarative flower bcd hat more surgery and wiîirlin;ln.Jh-lcur1 n a c ake o commis. craeyt tpdelivenies whilo you'rc away; or of not more than 300 square passibly be atill in hospital e o yslo. The cn closSioneMr.taninors e.ilbert Wl creamery tma stop by singing, accompa ied linhsudClira.rGfborteWbif- eu h h M r e a U h e a i f r r s e n v ti o s o r o t e . h o a m i i a r f o o , li s. a s o , t e C h rt e f o a o u p e o w e d ek s b ý b y M r . J o n u ir . n e y , T r e n to n , w e r e v is ito s o n UU ~~I~~I telphnemags aanin ueasy part o! a trip. Presitient announceti. Ken Kae la npartei Mn. M JobrcG'K . ht'. FV I rs na izi uue Four tables have been pur- in a much improved condition. Don't forget Maple GraveSndytli.K Whtys,5 chaseti anti donateti by the Oeo u village's grand autctian sale in June. lin. and lins. Fred B. Ste- Bowmnvile Dstrit Hrticl n a! urvens wero hast Wcdnesday turavllacitict th ic aId gentlemen pnssed away in Vacation Bible School, lia- visitons witb their cousin, ti ia Toron to-D n n o LriaroAuietoriut f the Puli hia 95th year in the persan o! pie Grave and Ebenezer, ta Mrs. JoeJweîsCn ina a ay Aioraiuationor gheueMr. Lau A. Wiîîiamson. -Born be helti at Ebenezer Juy lOth lin and Mrs. Fred Stevens cet' thre, tFlet-r gou in Catwrght hoe spent moat ta Ziat, 9 a.m. ta 11:30 a:m. apent the weekend with their P erson d h aIi //t m j cer tatd. Pesîen ! hs lie i ths aea.His Anyone interested in helping daughton and husband, «lMr.W I che ls a nnunettatawife predecensed i hm in 1950. cnaci Brt Sno nu, ndlia ByTopngat We extcndansympathythta thowontt t br oter E FI'T left by air ta visit in Van- Norman Woods and son. school pupils who left frorn STRANDED? cue.Hapo . .Hb s - YouPus choicehe Mra.Mac ebb a spntiig dr.and M.Jini Crytidernan, for twotiy at Expo 67. En uOaiZa..cstIS N.o a wreekWbr sn Hern n DeravitiMryierman, as ancnoporet a oninuî triii.s a A Staementî ieay 30 pda.ints eoFre Coff6la.sYwcnel. hqe euo B~~T A #JE~I~ 67CA~ "Rl' U Ipatia ithero ercenlyMLinoviss CrymnBasyon. eprtant lira J. tr C. Cooof 0sAit 10 miani ont ln. c1 al Uroine, Mis reny Cry r.raSndny supJ.eC.guesta orage box for cancelled choqu« essLwusrvicareeFaIadefdn ev (wésre just a few Minutilm away.) week in hospital.Master R a 1 p h Cryderman, Club 50 ladies helti a very zdceuswnyohae0Psnlpitr A large number of Ponty- Base Lino, were Suntiay visi- succesaful Contennial bake sale. zdceuswe o aeoProa ihr onro htyusetw.s It can hapm for an nilin ofremna, bu Friday eening Som attend.wife, Mr. antrilira. CarIas in Tyrone Hall last Wednes- oot-oiind o e C hqe ihyrP the end resuIt in the &une. You don't have cd the BrItov nuction ut 6 Cryderman andi taughter, Su- day nftornoon. Ail articles in Tournom nd odo YOU ginePon choe wh y eoui osnlCeun ccitfrpyn i a car and you need cm. Fait. p.mT., more were ut the Amni- san, Guelph, anti witncsscd Penny Sale wene caidbut charge and psozd desptdon sip thomwl fho r anilrnw4/%Peir oig con hehbouhoo nd'e'me otsail kinatof dance spansoreti by Uic Beth- nier's grmnddaughter, Susan number phono 283-2798 anti You oiso gmt a fre. disque-wollet in your diaice accountpasawopn5%mreieet any Bowling League; more CYemn Guelph. yau Winl redoive your gift. of colours, brown or bleck. (pelé!fwic neigboShod ad weve gt aUkind Ofattend.ing the Prosentation anti Mr.andMs eJhsnMr-anti is. John BakerydOdy anti camorlforlateti oan the mini-u- m nlemmgnew Ford-buit cars for rent. The dance ithe Town Hall for an agti Ma.. Mie, Johnsnd . . c Ade aer t horesvnq mcoe for ou wff a Pron. ol munimo*blae. choioe incu to you. T n he ice sresèabe nd oulins. Bann ie 1Mi anti t. akr n andw.incud iiauane ii ue rîe.werc Ths nec aClark anti son Steven, Ajax,113'. ocw vr 0dybt f6 es bu N eittirn you need a ca com j<> .ia ~ J~f <~ft SIf ifl~ enta of seveal ovey M M ntJudy Cooney, Toronto, n . apnti Mas G. ke n w th ao t er y 3 day s, icn steati of 60 daTh s ia o u thnc i n yucon nf o e e N t myuidacr oetu&Mr. Mcl Woods chairedthepn t hUicweekend with thei radMispnTomic Bker nd t oehrwt orcnelddsus hss.antCeun con tTrnoDn WelI1 put a rof over your head. Faut. a mu n mmil presentation wlth the Totit parenits, Mn. anti lra. H . ant is , n Bkr ant Orchestra supplying the muuic. Coonoy. Mn. anti lra. H. W.ianlira. C. Penwarden liast people were fed up Cooeley, Ma. anti lra. John e Snaev. Phoneus nwoui resrv the ur ofvoora wit laitweeka coli ant wetClark, Ajax, were Saturday anti fanily,wreunyee. Phn Snwwdrw tecCho ru how it latrek o and wt evn a t Gree Acr tefr- VMunsisfr and 3r. Wae w. peNoplu akC ii.dfeec weather.. Anyone with a VOlhivslo lt meyk. T R N O D M N O Chritmastreelantn ýwa rs !'motiier, lira. Mcfredofr.Jms4Bakw e « ea MSCON LD F o SA ES bmpyWe uoraoUi cS yatiGeeL. uNusawdnPontypool, with him "NA D ORD SA ES guty5»Owhite spue wre 19naome, Trenton. a sale y recovery Iu 219XwgOL L hon asM4planted ti north o h r n rs .ClautOsawa capital. i .LWOM 219 I D St. E. h o n 0 3 4 3 4 O W fl~ v1 1 m r h S oool (now ow ned by w ere S unday evening vi ito s M r. an ti E. G. L A T O N, M anage 12M&~ S. Manetta anti S. Chapiman). wlth their daughtcr anti hua- anti Chris, Oshawa, wene Sun- 39 TetuisranmSt.i . Mr. aR-Ussi F"uer anti band, Mr. n . Tëd ati day p saof. Mr. antiMm RI.. s a vl o utu s planta thons antidaughters, Newcatk rVh. t

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