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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1967, p. 5

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----------------------------------------------------..--------- .----r--.-,- v. M. m Mis«God'nP T the department Canada was The Canadian State.mn Mr. amBrd? ieee r -ari ie lsiication Tlkfree of rabies," Dr. Harris uaad.1H VhIDhbGen route to the TambWyn - Ca- 1" Rdsasermlrci txs aives bledick wedding in ieaming- dsRelatmActc oest r.and Mma. Milton S. Tuck- it is. gettmng very near thelton on Saturçlay. e foxes, which seem ta have Orasia and his niece Mr. and Mrs. Grant Moffat, Mr..Hre M&a, U T lI flr l l A... f . k .. Aaughter of the late C i FYank, Bob and DonaMld lHarry Lewis, Mr. and Mis lI r ncEastiern Catada rmaal iM .& w'-s 1we! Tuckeî, also formerly o! Oakville, Mr. Lawrence Squair lr Glanville attended the L fjS ed that the red fax and skunk Oiono, were visiting in Orono af Salem, Miss M argaret M of- o li gBanquet at B awman. ..se-a b e ev is a r n i. Ge u h o , e olr. T e ga ms m t. O odyadcleonMsfaM.adMsJakMfaP a s Im p r a tIo e i tian in this part of the country, Taranto, (nec Jeanrish r i.Sde uhoas E. Scbmid re the Tucker tam- BIam*and Ian of Orana, visit- Mr. and Mrs. George Jack, and the strain af the virus wcre honaured renl bypsntdhecuewl . Ily history. Mis. Schrnid wish- cd"Mr. and Mis. Wm. Moffat Maureen, Bill, Danny and P ..:.daes nat secm ta spread read- relatives an theocsa igf imny he betcin es aiber viaitors will alsa cal] n Mather's Day. Tommy, af Maîkham, Mr. and ily tram damestie animal ta their 25th weddin ni r ei ude a hr on her and help lher wîth the!,Dr. and Mrs. Kcith Taylor, Mis Arthur Bryant ai Peter- ~L V ~ L~~dmsi nmlbtawy esr ttehm iM.akdt ieafwwrs hlstofaithe Orono district Bannie and Nancy af Bramp- baîough visited Mrs. C. SealP r te ting5! - c detra ilanimbtal tays aya Ms. ei ude h al hc m t Y upyn nornainniospent Mther's Day with on Mothcr's Day. drmamcsi dailt anc. Ms. Lewis Rud]ecre rcicydcitdwt iv Photos- as soon as o siasMrs. Marshall Chatterton. Mi. and Mis. Ralph Virtue, The part the Hcalth aifa aio Oshawa. have becn 13,,ooo cattie "Our dcpartment thîaugh tahue co rsaelielnwih the'-iee an- Judy and Laurie ai Enniskil- Animais Bîanch ai the Do- Dr. Harris tald the club tcstcd and $14,00(),000 paid in aur labaratary at Hull, Que.,hnow Aca int nviycaefakdb ht len, were Sunday dinner guests minian Departmcnt ai Agri- that Vtcîinaîy Medicine, a compensation ta awneîs oisuplies the Department af carnations a ai Mr. and Mis. Hairy Mercer. culture plays in piatecting the six-ycar caurse, is taught at 194,000 reactor aias ehwt a dianass o a Mrs. Hughson- byMi. clndivecads.Teak Mi. Clarence Allen bas re- health ai Canada's livestack the University ai Guelph, "ra t n7 b ive p nim adal h ncve a peranis adahtcbuo.as aebyM.Lwi EX C IJ SI V E~ A Tturncd haine tram the Mcmn- was abîy dcscribed by Dr. A. University cf Saskatchewan, cent ai the cattîe were ix'jected invalved", Dr. Harris explain- rte iî son Dai.Etraneti h anLSI E Y À& ral Hospital, Bawxnanville. W. Harris in bis classificatian Saskatoan, é;nd at St. Hya- wih rulass ndlase c.onDaMid.reln-imucadgaswae- FR ED ERiC c sMiss Agnes~ Feriuson afi taîk given at the Bawmanviîîecicnthe, Que. The mai ority oa it rcloian lse d.AounM.Lv RohseNYarvdon Rotary Club's luncheon meet- graduates enter gencral prac- amountcd ta $9,000,000 each He told his iellow Ratarians ens acting on behi a h ae ya n ersmna F E E I K SManday ta spend two weeks1 ing at the Flying Dutchman, tice, gavernment service, la- year. Today this infection 's that Canadian livestock bas relatives, gave a shor u n ee evdItr with ber sister and brother-1 May 4th. brtoywaîk and artiiicial ls hnhl foeprcnoeo h ihs elhfra pehcn Pht iihn yin-law, Mi. and Mis. Alex The birtbday ai President inseminatian service, lie said. and same areas have been de- standards in the world, and the bride and groai 25orno Oswa Hapn Watson. clared free ai it. Tuberculosis that the Health ai Animals yenrs. A gittofai par ian1B w niîe THE GREYHOUND PHOTO SERVICEDr. and Mis. Tboas Bur- Bob Stevens was celebrated "For 18 yeaîs I have been bas been reduced tram appiax.. Branch woîks hard ta ensure table lamps was pîectdb Seilgesswî h THEtt and dnugPHOer PatViCia by bis tellow Rotarians. Guests emplayed in the Health Of imntely tour per cent ai the that tbis is mnintained. Presi- two cousins, Mis. Edgn ak io' ohr i.S uh "Canaa's Fnest hoto inishrs Jneai nd sbutrriy ciaîeat the lunchean meeting were AnimaIs Bîanch ai the Fed- cattle ta anc tenth ai onc per dent Stevens tbnnked Dr. in and Mis. Si Tîewiv hi obsnns i.A lm Mi. nnd Musso is.e rarents England; Jonathan Hagar, St. oi Agriculture. In the bran chHarsfrh eclntd-oDvihn liTE KEP YO.JR CMERA OADEDM. and Ms. Wm. Roaiason John' Miss.; Howard Smith, nie laboratory warkers, the "When I started waîking oi dress. tem with 25 CenteniaSivN.HTylr îeturned home on Sntuîdaony Wood and Ed Buraws, ment inspection division, and F RU E n~~fter spending last week wi~thei osnDulsR thetbcontagicus diseases di- Cavan. tard, visited Muray McLaren ndded that be bas been main----------- Kodacolor or Black and White Film Mis. James E. Ricbards at the Ontario Cripplcd Child- ly associnted with the con- visited tîiends in Part Hope ren's Centre, Taronto, on tagiaus discases division, but and Cobourg on Wednesdny Sundny. bnd also spent some time in its and Snturday ai last week andý Dr. and Mis. Carnelius ment inspection. F R E D E R IC K 'SMis. J. Skillen. t n Kingston, spent the weekend Banhta eradicate the disease woasuations toaiMi. adMtnand nd clir o hde n s.Ca."he air lh avein imaIs Pr esc r ip tio n P h r ia c y Mrs. Paul Edwaîd Tamblyn B. Tyrîl and other relatives, stock and prevent others such tefreMisMrae u Amangth guesta at the as Foot and Mouth, Rindcrpest, I 67 King St. E. Bowmanville Cobbledick, on tiiei marriage Munneke - Aiken wedding rec- Airican Swine Fever, Hag m in the United Cburcb at ently in St. Andrew's United ChoIera, Anthrax and ditter- 623-2546 Leamington on Saturday ater- Churc, Milbrook, werc Ms. nt ones common in varius noon. The bride and groom will Herman Vos ai Den-Haag, parts ai tbe warld irom enter- FREE DELIVERY reside in Guelpb. Hollnnd, aunt af tbe graom, ing Canada. We probibit all Mr. and Mis. Archie Mc- Mi. and Mis. Andiew Mun- livestock, livestock pîaducts,m Laren, Donnie and Evelyn and neke, Miss Jo Anne Munneke, meats and bides tramn enteîingm Mn. and Mis. K. Douna, Mi. th-- country except tram the- eand Mis. Paul Graeneveld, Mi. U.S., Australin,. and, New nnd Mis. Orville Cbnllice and Zcaland". M .....daugbters Dale, Doretta and He told the club that 800 TDenna, M. and Ms. Dan-h pounds ai ment wcre cnis- Tr aIdah, M . and M is . cnted at customs entiy points Rald uchife, M. and Mis. in Toronto nnd about 25 O H W ~ Woaldter Nanninga. anl trm pounds in thîs sub-district dur- I Ill D llIT I é:,ononisterict, n .nn M is. oming last December alone. He O H W A W O have anoter I h tadesrtrictiiMrnuacnurers h a eno ded that another product ai- L *L L... ~ R. Buwmestr an Rapblowed ta enter Canada under Am cr~ r Mi. and Mis. D. Woudstrn, v. Miss Fr. Venekamp ai Baw- retitoesbds S manville, Mi. and Mis. P. Zev- "The Health ai AnimaIs j ,J 1 ,..... ..J enhuizen ai Toronto, Miss K.Brnbi iswepnibetnvo uoflateu jJries, and to' cong auae c som r DeGooycî and Miss M. Zwierthe testing and certification aif af Newcastle. the elth ai donor sires, main- Mr. and Mis. M. J. Tamblyn ily bulîs used fon artiiicial in- who won them at Ihe*r .~d >r.L~~~4spent several dnys visitingi semination. ît is now passible ....... fieinds and relatives and were ta obtain aven 1,000 otfspring gucsts of Rcv. and Mis. A. E.1 tram an autstanding bull in mi1 * TONÎC usai ofWoodstock, Mr. and anc year. Sne rrot. -3 i .. i nversary . i C M ily cf London, en route ta the tor use in the future. Cows Tamblyn- Cobbhedick wedding bave been inseminated at at Leamington, Ontario. least thîce yeans nter the 'w' r family ai Oshawa spent Motb- than 500,000 cattie were bred es Day with ber parents, Mr. nrtificially in Ontario lnst ____and Mis. Alex Ritcbie and year.I Tha sae Ivel sprke ad secil Wlso'sFraser. "Peels Poutîy, Paît Perry, Thatsain liely parle ad spcia WilonsMr. and Mis. Orville Chat- in'«this sub-district, anc ai the flavour you enjoy in boules cornes in cans too terton, Caral nnd David, sperit largest batcheries in Ontario, can ar sohany ad onvniet. asytothe weckcnd at their cottage exponts cbicks toalah parts ai And asaes adan ovnet ayo at Canal Lake. the warld. The certification pack and carry for the cottage, picnics, camping Mn. and Mis. Robert Ruther- ai the healtb ai the parent -take Iess space in coolers. fond visited ber parents, Mn. bneeding stock tram whîch tbe - and Mis. Wellington Adams, eggs arc produced is the ne- But remember-it's what's in the can that real ly Lakesbone, Newcastle. sponsiility ai aur depantment. counts, so make sure the name is Wilson 's.-teîed ithe Tamblyn ~- Cbl" siBrucellasis and tuberculos- when you shop. dick wcdding at Leamington Lems atbe lmntd on Saturday were Mr. and Is. Sile tbuelsspc Carhos Tamblyn, parents afinetebulos pic hegomMsshanTa-was started in 1957, there e ~ *blyn, Mi. and Mis. Wm. Tam- blyn, Mis. Fred Tamblyn, Mis. Wmi. Cobbledick, Mn. nnd Mis. Gardon Power, Mi. and Mrhs.tao Cu Jim Stark, Mis. John Stark and U I AreYOU getin th bet d aldnugbtcî Susan, Mi. and Mis.HnodsM eetin Chas. E. Miller and sans L.arryMe tn* ham, alai the Orono district, 1 Guelpb, iormerly ai Orono, The Mnrsh Hall, tour miles For instance, if you have a SAVINGS I i.Lie Topo ~wcst ai Milbrook, was the la- ACCOU T, i you mony eaning4120o Blackstock, Mi. and Mis. Rus- cation ai the second meeting scîl an Hane aiWoftbthai Durham 4-H PatatoI 4IzOlàLong gave the Sacrament ai President ai the Club, James Baptism ta Gregory Glenn, sonWnlken, opcned the meeting SAVI GS A COUN s 3 /2 0aiofMi. and Mis. Willis Barra- witb the 4-H Pledge, tollawed bal(th nAne agte ya edn o h ints' (hyalways have) ai Mr. and Mis. Helmut Blas- byu Secretany Doris Beatty. 3O0/ocbke; Patricia Jane, daughter Pau1 Wood took up the nnswers ai Dr. and Mis. Thomas Bur- ta wonksheets wbich bnd been If you hve a CHQUING ACOUNT Donett; Barry Donald, son ai Mi. banded in. TELE VISION DRAWS - Above is pictured Mr. W. J.HerPsdntoOhaa od If yu hve CHQUIN ACOUN Doand Mis. Donald Chaîhîce; Jon Fruit and Vegetable Special- yoy gtyur aceldeheus acyluour cDaesn iMinadMi. o it WltrRuhetchseqsuesPodcs t.,prsntngte otaleTleiso St wn yMa G easnleà, n and seling Rel Etat? v eait is Tyrone anniversary. Mr. C. Carson Mr. P. SmithI Y ou ca at C. O. T.Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardy, Salemn U.C.W. will hold ther Mr1.Gutr Yo c n t .0.ar Oonceebatdtheir 25th My meeting at the churcho COMBINATION WOOD STORM DOOR, donated by Lloyd-Truax DoE t. and always hav been able toIwcdding annivensary on Sat- Thursdny, May l8th. __________________________________ adawyhaebeabetiurday, May 6th at a surprise Sincee sympaty la extend- WnhmM.N er receptian at the home ai Mr. cd ta the iamihy and friends SWIMMING RAFT, donated by Corpiasties Ltd., AjaxMiM.LBama If you deal with Central Ontario Trust you get the best ai eveny service and Mis. Bruce McArthur, ai the Inte Alfred Richards0 llsedan y u lwas id pusfrendyheptl ericetrm Cmmn.Courtice. wha passed away last Thurs- i CASES AMTICO FLOOR TILE, donated by Amtico Cao._______ lty Comnpàny. Centrally located, too, in botb Oshawa and Bowmanville. erous giits, and the presenta- Mi. and Mis. Farewell Black. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS EXPO PASSPORT TICKETS: M.A .Hri tian ai an easy chair and silv- hurn and Bran attended the Mr. IK Shaw Mis. P. Shody io amily and friends was made day, when their grandson iH.CryM.BTnkM.RKoaysl TC Il U ! toby their son-in-law, Bruce Me- Brent Alan, son ai Mr. ana Mr. G. Ga egnMr. W. Paterson M.G ua Arthur. Greetings wcre rend Mis. John Iinghorn, was bap- S W ITC U P !tram Russell Hancy, M.P., and tized. They were dinner guesta Ena Smith ai Birminghmren, Hagersvflle, were weekend s aW* a W oodP r ai TSI RT .. ~auILuf~tEnghand, wheîe she was mai- vsti with ber parents, Wi. s TRUST & SAVINGPIJ ied ina 1942 ta Tom Hardy, ad is. A Cîrg I 8H0*N am t CnaaGnd '. . rag Onono. Shrie camer e to M.Bra BCanadacm-CMnE»0ýIX COPOATONband's return from overseas. pamied a bus load af students LÏ411M E M17 lserved ic Ontario Begi from Bowmanvllle 111gb Schoolm C&Umment, Oshawa. t XOl, ok Mr. and Mrs. Hardy have Mim. Dick Bylsma enteitaïn--- ---- A>J . 19 Si cS S . NI23 Kh g St Wanc son, Terence of Orono ad cd some nelghbors ad friends OsaaDn owmnanville, Ont. four daughteis, Mrs. Bruce at an "Arten" party lait week. Telehon 72-521 Tlepone6232527 McArthur (Shirley)> ai Court- Mmi George Callacott, who, Ia.1i fW Telepone 234.91 Teephon 6232527ice and Patricia, Pamela and for the lait several years bas NTTHE A O W N Kare ato Oegrand- n eideunla inSt.latemr- Kaurnt omeOegrand- beein tresidn b t. athr- lw complete tii'ia mily cicle,Mspt.

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