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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1967, p. 6

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Be an e m 17lmýent of the local C1hambr of Arneatne h ueral 0o-f Jlr n md Louise, W1 odl.fvvd yo.u~Lod n ef o f H ig h S ch o o l Commerce for the year ending StJth ~l.Lwee'u 1-Yarold Mrs. )L P. PhilpSab,,aamdeaduh. phebr31t 96,w sp -M . Lw retnce Bro n md spent Sunday with etoh Es. ti . L cbry e sented by Sceay-rauerMDuali FPunerui Parlouri er, Mr. and Mn.hs. Smt.Bw nvle ooebrh. U i rFrank as iolw:Baae n Toronto, Monday.' Mr. and Mrs. W rih elo ï h S h o JHn aur s 96 876.Attend eanery M e Mr. and Mns. Art Ruston and girls, Mr. mdrsLd14gandchlrnm 6Iat Rece1lts MembershipDues $1,-J and boys, -Port Credit,spt Wright and family jle ihgadhlrn g,469.85, Donation fÊrom, the' Some 15 members of the F. A. Dilliîng, St. John's Ater- .Saturday and Mr. and Mr Mr. and Mrs. Gazne E-K Santa Claus Parade Commit- wî f c Wlh helmri evc whl $10t ttleeeit towar, onddEvnngBanhsChristmasMu C.M lwalSndywlhMn . rghOsaaa tehoeerlHoeonMyW. ute oaA.h~a from St. John's After- noon -Branch, Bowmanvllle; Bob Ford and Roberts, W fPort Perry Mandela otcutmdSmt 'n $1h0,ctopls thefirats$1,5n9.85 attended the Annual Deanery Luwaon, St. John's, Port Hope, Ford Sr. of Mr. and Mns. KltWigtpm mdwa odcdb balnceequlle $242 M,7 Meeting of the Durham and 2nd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. A. E. Mr. mnd;Mrs. Arthur RahmdfmlOhwfrMth e.Jh oei fEeee L /I ner Expenditures- Se cretary's Nrhubrln Deanery re- Snowden, St. George's, Graf- Bowmnville; Ma San Hall,r's Day supper, Sudy Uie hucasltdb o f ' . A Èlar $40,Telephone $149-18,bonne 'The Rev. LWare was Srld, St. John's Ev n u aing Suen n da uper guet of:r.Camp adMr. and'MsHnyS&vlQec * e 0 a M b r o C a m p o sib e. M d r a m a are b eh nd r sid ýt ia1 ton;andH onni-- StM rs.ry aw ereeb a nM r..thandlyMo m B r H arry V anlle r R ev.Sun aS taitC aeygieSPotwP Annul Metli hld il coaepl~me t, adtey todntt norg ew $44.44, Association Dues $25, Mrs. D. M. Cooper, Life Anne's, Bewdley; Social Serv- Marlon Brmdburn and Doreen of Mr. and Mrs. A u a rnczdeKlh ara, in the Yig WI tell i ou of their dramu lndustny. Times have changed. Advertislng $32.13, Durham Member's Secretany, and Mrs. lice Se'y-Mrs. R. W.SW'yVon Camp, &Il of Toronto, Camp, Port Penny.omeroHveanAi ana elof olst or-Baudien , hot teOhaaad Port Hope have Central Agicultural Society A. E. Monroe, Recordng Sc- 1Garden Hill; Enaixonx0 viii. iuj of owo r Baudenc. mnvjl,"h tl UcO ha ivhile Rowmnanville (donation) $10, R C pI1 a c 1 n g retary, of the Toronto Dioces-l-MisiBet- Glliernt the weekend ait thein Miss Dianne Taylrsei i ecl, etSodn Bt. owni alle"A fbt" lie obnsec h i e wn eome Up," mehd. Now itmuit catch Buîbs for -Christmas Lxghtîng an Board of theWoman's Coîborne; J. A.' Tninrespetv oe.teweedwt 'at__avle t * om hg onbcm p"Mr. Sallows stated. $363.53, Limbillty Insurance Auxzllmry, spoke on cad dis- Bn Hanks, St. Pu',Mn. and Mrs. Mcmrii Henry en Campbell, Nestieo.Lnbnyolsaa Unf iuatcylack Of a thrivng and p rouaou Miss K àmp asked how this (Christmas Lighta - two yeas) used wilh the meetin, l'The Big on G. A. Sec'y-Mrs. and fam ly, Bowmanville, a d Mr. and Mrs. H1 r a h ay lrl tiue tôo Oit the fr re- t M ore capital Iu requ lned plled that th is t w s l c t d S n k e e to 1 , G n a e w ihis being considene in Newcastlc; arniiy Life Sec visited M rs. L. H enry, Sun- for M n. and M rs. Ro Fr e wh c s e wa h ld k, Plus, some other fo. devel p et, lie usrted. ner thc Golden HorseiheReceptacles (Printng mnd this Dios eiga se re n' e wcMstle;J am any iitS cy.day. men at Scugog Hal Fi da ne m n a ntet m ofthUi. meeting, whzch RundySaflougreed that uywhlch extends both cast and Covens) $57.703, Annuai Dinner tof ai oen asipntat Chuch . o aoe. sis Brbrareri,, lgt.plt nBomavileCe impotat scheme would ne west from Tor-bnto. He sug- (Loas) $8.43. Total Expendi- Mrs. J. Oubonne brought greet- Mrs. K. J. Framptoc, Mrs. Norwood, spent the weekeend Mr. and Mrs. Ed.Lwo ey lftroducing the pMel, money, and questloned where gse that land uhould be turcs $,316,01. Balance on ings from the FmlyLite W. J. E. rstn Mrs. L. with the Mra Byers.anBrcYle Luce" told the audience lit could be obtmined. ileased for live years to any hand December 1sit, 1966, $1,- Department of the Diocesan Boumne, Mrs. J. Osborne, Miss Mrs. Lorne Thompson spcnt Sucday with Mr. mdMs It robablv as la the wmy Karen 1Crmmp sked whmt fIrm that appears ready toa tart 111.40. Audited April 4th by W.A. Isobelie Davis, Mrs. C. Bettles, last week with frlends in Lon- Marwood McKee. 6f' YOitg People somie of their p ans fordvlpment could a factomy here on the condi- James A. Bell. Miss Doisy Dunlop, Medical Mnu. A. Parsons, Mrs. L. A. don and Lcmmington and ait- Grant and Neil lauii épfinions would probably beb9esuggestd, and Janet Moues tion that Uic building must Mm. Bell moved the adoption Mlusionary, on funiougRh tram Parker and Mrs. F. A. Diiling tended the wedding Satunday accompanied by thergad ciitiemi. "Remember they do umld Iiat she thought consid- be constructed wlthin a deflite of the Treasurer'u Report. This Pakistan, In India, addressed attended the annuai Diocesan of ber niece, Miss Margaret mnother, Mrs. R. Mcaghi flit have Your experlence or eration uhould be given to the peiod. was seconded by Athur Hoop- the ladies at the aftenoon Board meeting of the Woman's Cobbiedick and M. Paul of Caesarea, attende ci derstanding of an md priai of aImore education Mr. Cobiban aisosaid that cm mnd cannied. session, on lier work amn'uxla.ofteAglcnTmby f rn.vesr eriea 'Ôdoor be abletorealiZe m-ans= to More tecreational he believes that inducement te President McMechan thank- the native pecipicu of thatj Church in Toronto, May 2nd Sunday guests of Mr. and Sunday, and werespe the obvious la nt alwy facilities. industry could be provided ini cd the inembers of the orgaci- particular part of Idia. n 3rd. It wmu at this meet- Mrs. Kenneth Samelis were guests of M. andMr.Fe Mr. Sallows advocmted. a the way negotiated tax assess- zation for his re-election by Rev. G. Moffat, Rural Deanlting 'that the memberu of the Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sameilu Gniffin. John Bradsa wsJe. I pmçnt of a town manager, wo rates of pay prevailicg in the present that the meetings of land Demnery, conducted the Toono Diocese vcted, almost Anna Samnelis, Orono; Mr. and versary. .. would nlot have his hands tled aremandcisaid he thînka the the Chamber of Commerce are service of installation of offi-1 unanirnousiy, to join with oth- Mrs. Charles Briggs, Toronto. Mr. mnd Mrs. AlxFt JI -- by red-tmpe. He suggested thc towiS.ý should encourage thc not just for directons, but that cers for the coming year, nd er women's organizations of Mrs. A. J. Cook md Do- FenelnFls e position ,scouica ue held by a location -of light In ustries ml members are urged to closed the meeting with Grace the Anglican Church in form- las Cook, Brooklin, visited the InFis ecSna youcg energetie mec. hene thY-vwçuId employ WO- attend. This wiii give them mnd the Blcssing. ing the Anglican Church Wo- Neil Maicoims, Sunday. guests of his sister, m n I M . C bla de lm ed hat m ec i sig t i ta he obj cti es cd O fficers in talled f r th e m e c or "A .C .W " , in the M r. mn d M rs. N eii M al ml M s. E d. Ha is T h H arris there must le capital to work Mr- Sallows 8pokeii-of thîs endeavors of the C. of C., he cOming yeam: Pesident-Mrs. Diocese of Toronto. and famiiy and Mrs. H. Tayo faml eeas i oe with. "lt ls esoential for devel- location as ideal for industries said. Hie referred ta the bulle- were Tuesday supper guests g%14, ~oprnent. That ia wh t lu lack- because of-transportation faci- tic on helpful in this regard. o ' f M r. nd Mrs. Stanley ff T T T 1 I T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Icg," ha naid. lities, which icclude the CNR «I su gest that a definite 13L-C S TC KMalcolmi, Cacsmrem, on the oc- UDJ..LUAfI rpaetie an P n iha 0 o aeeltmnhb e o .casion of Mr. Malcolm'u birth- Ase:we o 'i agree et course, but In- d ru cd h ighwasy 41 orae ecmchb e o C ert ietet dûtry mst e obtalned. Howta ra iin ayacSu of C. meetings. 1 wouid also Splendid Mothcr's Day semv- Mm. Paul Rahm neturncd day. MRS. ISA LILLI[AN RGbrmr this l e donc? This is a tailage markets. like ta see more dinner meet- ices weme held in both cburch- home Wednesday from Brock- Rcv. P. Romeril and Mm.lab hav Godyartue'Wlz r tatligstMostres wold leop nio igduring the year. Good es, Sucday morncg. In tha ville wheme he ha. beec af- Earl Dormeli attended the The suddec death nFltyplceswt N havelGoosear on, the zo the lest for this town. She 'Peakers arc avallable. United, the choir sang a lovely fillaticg for three months and Bay of Quinte Conference in day, May 5th, 1967, of r.~ Hmonr oiyfo h Bowvll e Fhéd ompdny,md ccld theta oot c President McMechac also arrangement of "0 Happy le on holidays. Sundmy, he Kingston last week. Lillian Crago at theagof2 HrtodIsrneGo. Paper spe clalteiopc.W maaae agrmdtee ugsed that theTohontoranf Home". Bey.,P. Romeril de- and Tony Arambulo of Toron- Sucday guests of Mr. and years at Hilsdaie Mnr hsoîtnigpcaeo haer that ohsohe c .toc- fore could put up with "the Commence take over the Cal- ivered an impressive sermon ta visited friends in Peter- Mrs. Lloyd Beacocik acd boys Oshawa, was a shockt i rtcingvsyuaImon 4'DA LNG O shdbuhat opyh a dJon langer and smellier factoies!I' endar cf Coming Events for on The Responeibilities of borough. werc: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cole, those who knew hem.Shha t onha Qaz ht nml lt,:k- While the education o the towc. This wouid enable Parents, stressicg how par- Mr. Emni .Dorneil spent the Mrs. Margaret Tarvis mnd been in failing healthfosme cvre..getrcnei cd t Ciend luMtothlnglas-ayailmble lis jood, Miss Moses anyone ta telephone and ascen- ents should go ahcad and lead weekend wlth the Rager Dom-MS s ieBeacock, Oshawa; time but was aîway. ey ec rbbycnsv r-R LS Ry euAted"Mmlanosmannt d, shetaddd that he hope tain what bookings are set for children ather than pushing relis, Ottawa. Mm.s andiMrs. Fred Morton and alert acd kept hersi uy yumny.Scu oa o result d,," r. Salows ssert sold she dded het s e ewpngthmcdrodoicgnd fhecol-workg ndetangifa a 23741FraEshuts Inte eal yar ~ hi ane fsujet wlll aaî-called on ýh members of the lowing rcceived the Sacra- drewPicAlet pn M 1' ec2-31Fe otae "n t er l4s aa ea do saIlei ohf ueturi e. ha mbil Cmecet ou etof Infant Bmptism: Ter- s rneAbrsett .HnyGaaTrn t.frbzmshl tHls bl te utre Came o Cmmrcwitho Mt cdM e S dy mcd Monday dale Marior. SnUy Wswsa el.t o Shen cammended the parka Bowmmnville. esa Anc dmughtem of Mr.. acd Fre ayesit h Mr. mcd Mrs. Oscar She wms a member a bn an play ro cdssiuae Te ittinsofMet vceMrs. I4enry Buma; Janet Dye.Graham and Mr. and Mrs. ezer United Church dWo andplagrondssiuatd Te Ctaton ofMert wreLync, daughtcr of Mr. mcd Mr. Wayne MacShane, of Russelil Mountjoy. nien's Auxiliaries eve% itc throughout the town. ',The lat- ead -aloud by President Mc- Mmi. Alan Bailéy; Kevin Lee Kingston, was weekend guest Miss Verena Graham was she scttied in. that cm uiy -- WMANVILLE cnjoy t esf gam pes thedllo Macgrnecipiet F er M usan; David Allen, son of Mr. mnd Mrs. Boy Mormow, the Ross Duffs. The decemsed was m a 623.L5flW ANVLLE efortah0 e d amest., the foresente b Mrec oîbns: re- r.9 ndMrs.Davdmn d rs. o therc ee ndo un:joy . WSundan eMonay gestMr oinc1. the daughc fJ5 mnd A eesHiltono th wereks Para wetere Provelae idec r a mothers' hair. Theme are dacces Hotel, R.. M. Hollingshemd af In St. John's Chumch Rev. R. of the Richard Van Camps. mnd Mrs. Allan Booker, Bur- h aeRcadmdEm for dults, but whmt of teen- Canada, Lîmited, the Bowmnan- C. Rose combined the theme Mns. larry McKee, Nom- licgton mnd Sundmy uti of Osborne and wa maiedt Tusday, Friday, Saturday, May 18 - 19 - 20 agers?" she' sked. ville Foucdmy Company, the of Whit Sunday mnd Mother'. ih suedn e msM.mdMs ci smio rdrc ietCaoo EEA NUAC "Truc we have a theatre, Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, Day in a vemy fine sermon. mcd Mm.and Mrs. Boy am- wlerc Mm. mcd anil-Mrs. eiatn Februmy 3r in19, hp but the younger kids ail scmeamthe Ontario Hydro Area Office, O.N.O. meeting wcrn andab ge BofwMr.nî,devittGoronilenanM.ddeasehtem Hae)InV99.iatw 4Kn t E omul es, alt oug S tur ays mm Tr nsp rt Li ite , ick by' w s h ld t he o m e afS a lY K evin md M r. R oy F ergu son . b aam a nm d N eiI, O shaw a; M r. L loyd S n ow den . in C eler st mrring Uerm an's fler mite cot Fsia y ib sa ttThe B o v- i kg i 'se ,Bo t Beauty Salon r son r n iThe Mday O N e e ting Mme. Bha egnod la m d anrs. L ve n le it, ar Thc elatcafm cd Bs si) me 2356 162 .5 ~~" W le n t h e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~j lley le fine. I w uld go m ore D ykstra's Food M arket, Peter w ith 23 m em ber s and three w m u d y g e t f M . m d M s a d n W l o c n a g t r, < a e) M e o - O fc e l a o Safurday Matine 2:00- .m. 25 cents, often if 1 han.,a car, lut lit lu Kowml, Jr., Real Estate, Gln visitons present. Minutes were ~ ~ ~ _________________________________ we miles rm my home. Smlter'e Car Waehmd and mpproed. Aleen Everyone le proud of the Supertest. Van Camp skcd for voln Sunday, May 21 Mid-Nit@ %0wAena acd of the hockey tennis. teens to help at Port Penny Theme are aso Uies for public Buhnss liaer Hspital Bazaar. O.N.O wasIuffpjCyçAEO Ii skating. auW I I~ ar skd to caten ta Graduation RTPNCGAEO RAGHABR NT '% Th£"i w uîe lke a ec A c o uDinner for Grade, 8, Jue 20th. D00 B Aq metieY.M.C.A. md a Y.W.C.A., here cc0unta à C lArneet frlnht e CRNYO an hnâavem oth idoand '.'oudr RAY J.»ILLNG -served at Family Dance were IL U swimmicg pools with aduit Chartemed Accouctnint ( M NÇ 'T" arth DM es Screaming" supervision',MssMoses sug- 93 Te metin Sattheettr- D R IN K S 1.È gse.623-3861 cd over ta the hosteeis who had mrnged for a fmehion Color IUÈE tin ~ ~ -Ms rm pk fWM. 'J. H. COOGINS shw48otscr rsss __Uf r _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ golf courses he ne, a cd mis a Chartered A c 4té, cshw . peart w ema nidrese s mentioned Mosport as mn at- 115 Liberty St. S., BoWmanville mnd hair styles. The clothes W4:9< Sunday fo Wednuday, May .21 - 24 - 7:30 p.m. traiteot-oftohw peple Phone 623-3612 wiere docated by Kay Van' -district could le a necreation WILLIAM C. HALL Ladies' Wear in Port Pemmy mmes attnacticg people tram B.Comm. acd hair styles were b A A PWT PR f i vusIACNE Taranto, Osaw cad te Chmtered Accountant Dmvid's ofPart Penny. The VNCM YT O . . 51 Dcentres for day trips or week- 361/z King St. E., Oshawa models were Caccie Swmîn, A I ccd holidays. She spoke of Telephone 725-6539 Eileen McLaughlin, Noreen ::Zm:îg up mad- beautifying BURRKOWS, ELET & Co. Mm,1lcoîmn, Jan Paisley and BEA N S1 , both Bowm mville Beaches, Charte ed Accountants Shre W elm wth Ea eS F I DN K Kig Street 323 King Street West aey scmetto A and ta the residectial districts. Oshawa, Ontario deliciaus lunch wmu semved liy 28 «L, Mr. Smllows expneused hi. 725-6451 - 728-7554 tehsesmdhmgo ~ ___ _ _ _ 1~5 Mdes that uit present service William A. D. Selby, C.A. The Mathen's Day supper at 9 __clubs here vie wlth anc an- G. Edmond Bumows, C -,. St. John'e, Fridmy evcning, -~ other egmrtdlng projectu. He wswl attended mcd eIT A!0 4fr16 MU suggeeted these orgacîzationa sm a very excellent mcml IAPL [AF CANNED it TI bU" uet i.t>eh C i r o p r a C t i c wms na yc . P i e c eEn U * E L I . D -etagether,- plan whmt ouId w:ook a'IPizs er gAUmJE.flk~~g donc, then ail membens pull G.DWN ANDc given to 'the oldest mothen -ogether ta attain their oljec- 0.B rsnt r.JFodr h Mmcneor1 ~Chiropractor preentMrs.J. Frder.th tie.mather with the neamest îirtii- M stn2 49 Don a ~~~~15 Elgin St., cor. of Honsey St.lFadrmd h E O 15 'Tusd',,fidy StreyMa 5 6 7 vote of thmnks, ta the four ed. o ne62-0c9motrwlth the most childnen, r-îaquent Hlgh Sehool students. Office Houri: By ppointment - ernn'a""'tne Thursda, y, atrday, ~Pmesdect MeMechan mîso ex- ____________ Appraximateîy 30 YoungSt s p r e s e d i s p r s o a l a p r e i a -p e o p e tt e n d e d th e «" P o p u la r 'Tant_____________tien________Denfa_1Ppty" cfHiC n th -R .«. M-R U EL1 1 .n d y e.n i-..e v . R o m Pnie- sO as a egult of a draw P*& ue Tnuac-es'hé John Burnbarc Orchies- Il c EBR IlC M a £ d DON Ai, AMacGREGO mSuoprovlded ciusie. EROZEN' F005 ENLIU IFFiSC15 Lite, AutoReHoem e fmraehentngwes raTUE U UI UFII IIFR*M~.fg Ilusrimee M. mcd Mms. Enet Lanniér U 281 CkUML IA MRIUL t394 il R IGULAR MILK D LIVERY11 1K1"gst. W., DowmanvutIe visited Miss Annie Wright,ORNE 953. Phone 23-5969 Oshawm, Tuesdmy. Mm.. R. Stinion, Bowman- 'ville,________________Mrs. Albert JlJICico w 79 TU SD Y~MA 1 r and Surveying Wright and the Fred Trewins, a TUES AY, AY 3rdHmazLL Dl gRoWN Fniday,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P .ENG.,l O.L.S. M . L. Bradley, Bowm mn- m o Es3 121 Queen St. - Bowmanvllle ville, visited Mn. mnd Mn., Bus. end Bes. Tolephone Mervin Grahami, Frldmy. BOWANVLLEROTRy623-7251 Twelve ladies from Black. BOWMANVILLE ROTAR -- ~~~~~~~stick-Womec's Inititute at. M ENIS. 41 FopresadBnsc ytended tUic District Ancueil in OULL-u- * -items effective May 17, 18,i,20 Mo rga g es M'eeGrove, Thuuay.er iGIGANTJ( FIREWORKS DISPLAY th W MLTN 00WWin IR- tue M 98-&115 Os ta n.Otlahnd i QSW* reserve the right t. lfit Il A COMMUN ITY PROJICT o ler ln ost dI . 10f.quantifie&. Busines Properties Mr. and Mn. W. t>.Fe ON A ,M Y 2 p.mi 0Opio0me fry and Mr. an br. T«nysoi yo u nt ruiLm unî a elis were Fnldmy supper A. m . OK- of Un., J.rA Sngyn Mr.esandeMr. John Ibm

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