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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1967, p. 7

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'N.' ~~--4-->. - - ~t--r--~. ~ .-.. ..-.-4- - - - Bowmanvffle and Osimwa and M M M D of Jesus fe dng the m ultitudle The Canadiffals a , B w an il a of ori ta w a Mrs. Douglas f i t m - U N -and 17 19 &)cia I &ono (kersoofna I steCh "'eBSt.anvufl ChurchHfls This story tells us that He will e. Tshel J entea'w m. D o s woith the bavsod fhe aen e utfoY rOW ecocuu S c afrmer mayor oi Bowmanvjlle, willUng to partake of il, a d bow Mi apet mrsîeSma ciù Phne 62 -30 rCived weaflfl<facOrsa eApoid h od fw reYses ah n 2 -3 3sn b r n r.D second story whereby hth ie young.Thspaesttdn'ear seve tb sent n ~ ~~~~~~boy who gave up these thiflE5 it was beaidte ao!al-eciton Sue r.Jones receivedSundaE LI oo anIIVU fl y was willing to aliare so that rngmentus land gflal fr Jothers may be fed. At this lee where M se i w Mrs. Helen Gud rc-IM.M .Hutchinson re- frnens and elativs mng "I wish to thank you for adtidt i enosadadwl fîhntig<linewh se h e niorn gr ownthP ntsadoflo Ville, recently visiued Mrs. A.turned home on Monday aliter- the many from Bowmanvile înviting me ta your bit Hda embtofthe cldre toprathe us rm the lovgeng fo! ainwitJesus ln g ave to theoplepe te !u.Weîutre-iW Carçr ndfamily. nooýn fram a six-manth visit wha attended were Mr. W. party," were the guethdpay1 membro the arate theGo. u ro the nlngoef!atitues" lie egt teapeopHem, nd oftha swa x M aY. Maud Densem of wii- with her daughter, sn-in-law A. Edger, -Mrs. J. W. Braden, er's opening remarks to Uic lkened an>anvrsr aa1ynth1uir eatmn b he Sea o! Galile. ember t siitIVIM E bowdale spent last week visit- and grandchlldren, Mr. and Mr. E. H. Brown, Mns . pE. youngsters on the occasion of birthday party and was happyiwith their tencher, leftthe .Jg rltvs and friends in Mrs& A. Cameron, Anne and Greenfield, Mrs. Td BidlSt. Pau' ntd C uc u o b rsn.le hdro nllluc o iî lsro s A Lget oschm s tIn eatvsCarol, Johannesburg, S. Africa. Mn. J. og y r.LM-dSho 1ierayhl tîtdBtlhm tepae rBa g led in prayer and soyteInterrnediates left mon On let ouh"'t a to w n.y At.L .M - e the clu s o n , he u ix a ge gr ive S r On Monday, Mr. and Mns. Enroule home, Mrs. Hutchin- Quarrie, Mn. S. Chartran, Seunday wmorning, May 7th. where Jesus w.as born and AsistatS. Supt. Mr. Wm. fo theseir byssroow the h o h on î irt i Aibin Clemens, Mns. Frank B. son spent two and hal! weeks Mrs. Chas. Mason, Mrx. 'Servie wanhcharge o! Sun- grew up, en seeing thitSea o rn adce h epn of tesno osto pletaleHl ad eraieP - ~ u dle and Mr. nd m. cl ith er aug ste - i - aw, Scot, M s. ack Cal ,n day chool Supt. M r. K en G alile he notioe d it w a.1s vr e c ln g.D r Wd h e on - aff ring: D oug - W oo d. G ary that althoug h e ry i g bo - Wiseman were supj)er guests h herirad AnJcko.aso n n.A :parents bothdthes ihpd aheaofthe aun-Itermdit classes, eligNchlMichael W dwadds batiuhai0 cluie Iwith Mrs. Norman Taylor. Jamihet Abranhd caand.-Jckon fpripnds and introduced theltry wherc Jesus was baptized them ha a îssrpis h ayre. The senior~ choir, flew MIG fightr ateedy We are sorry to report that aitArothSelnd "HeUcop ter Canada", the Igucst speaker, Dr. Peter Gor. and began his career of preach- Sea o! Ghat Ioeis sreap resur the dieto o r o;a of a hot warithtcury Mnr. Vera Agncw of Agnews Mr. and Mrs. James Coyle National Film Board's' Cen-idonWhie A., B.D., D.D. of ing and teachi.ng the way o! waîer lake. small by our stan- Metcalf sang "Besîde Green But here wemstrazett Neighborhood Store recently O! Bowmanville were honor- tennial Feature paid a whlnl- Toronto, whaho is Secrctary of aur Lord, and here is the vcry dards, bcing anly 13 miles long Phtre. fell and dislocated lher should- cd guests at a party held on igvisilta oBowmanville aven Te Bard of Christian Edu-lheart of aur Christian teachîn-n_ ig- tmlswd.Ama r ht jetdhstid thns yspo uigts o er. She is pragressing nicely. Salurday, May 131h at the the weekend. Many local and cateian, and Editor-jn.Chief o! of today. ibeautiful spot for swimming star to the senior pupils adbcd of tensionc i a.W Sacm Black reports a recent home o! their daughter and district movie - goers, bath NwCriuu ulctos He askcd these junior mcm- an ce kiing. Sa, we ca members of the cangregation aduts must i rmme ia good catch of trout when he son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd young and old, cnjayed this Dr.Wiesi ewudbr edo epeat withIrealize by its size, it was pas- He' stressed that wc adults we are childrno Gd n caught a number f this Lowry Krby o te ocaio portrait o! Canada not Pr echa sermon, but would hlm "The Lord's Prayer," and1 sible for people to stand on mut nemember that Jesus was that God entee mnî aspist il eepo17in Ibs logis h- eiry. Fned nd rann urnctst e-day showing tell three stonies of his recent ta remember the meaning oihesoes and listen ta Jesus sensitive ta children and the in the human oa !Jss_ Sang stila seepit. sfih vesay îc eandw relam at the Royal. Several special trip to the Holy Land: first, ta these words, that Jesus was as he preached fram a fishing childrcn ta ima, and whercver Christ ta teacsts l.sîn 6 3 -j 0 Dn sot afoeget.t 'hoe n rontlPr erMpetvsatndinBowaver. m At ska r a rhangr toen-dh rmr n uno et;rmnin u htwaeer boat. H adtebatflpol ogeae ewudwyo ea Dont frge t 'ponein GovèandBowfinvile.A ale school childrcn tram second t thse Intermediates we need, God wvill provide, story that had taken place here address his rmarks ta the of war was peet liat of your holiday weekend îoveîy buffet lunch and a very Brown's, as well as Newcastle visitons. If you spend the pleasant evening was enjoyed Public School, 'ta attend and weckend out-of-town w e oud by acli. s e t i i n e ui appreciate a report ofyour e hsbg n euiu travels. Dial 3-3303. Several local ladies attend- country o! ours, coast ta coast, * Miss Vera Johnson, Mrs. cd tise trousseau tea given by asfre ithsneyelr ben pamed Jean' Rice and Misa Carol Bo- Mrs. Arthur Riley at her home bision.e n in colon thed pana- land attended the Regional in Grafton in honon of!lher vso.I pt !tecil *Assembly of Federation of daugister Patricia. Those at- wet weather, some 100 Senior aomen Teachens o! Ontario, tcnding included Mns. Doug Citizens attended in a group hich was held at Caleton Rackham and daugister Lynda, og ursdayf!theRon as IM!cesiyOttawa, an Satur- Mrs. P. E.> Grccnfield, Mns . guesîs o!t iewRo al. aThei dy, May 131h. Alfred Allun, Mrs. George"Hicpe"vwo!Cnd Vice, Mrs. L. Chittick, Mrs. W. was followed by a very enjoy- Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, J. S. Rundle, town; Mrs. Ross able Englisis comedy, "The o Ring St. East, neturned last 'rdraEnsiln r Great St. Trinian's Train Raob- "rida evening ram a five- Jackson Wray, Mrs. David bey". Thusday evening saw ' week tour abroad, during Presson, both o! Oshawa; Mrs. a good aumben a! Canadian S T Fric they visited Paris, G C. Squire af London, Ont. Club members out for thse Fance, Camao, Egypt, Leban- and her daughler-in-law, Mns. double feature. Thse boys andMA on, Jordan, Israel, Turkcy, Warren Squire o! Toronto. staff o! Pine Ridge School---- Greece and the Aegcan Sea. attended FH~day afternoon. 0 h Mn. and Mrs. Harry Tayo Mrs. Agnes Carter attended Because a large number o! Tayor, 21st Annual Convention local students wene away Toronto; Miss Jud yPipr , o! thse Remembrance Associa- visiting Expo on this par- Toronto; Mss andyMsEieo, Silven Cross Women o! ticular weekend, "Helicopter Na~Canada, held aetihe Beacon's Canada" will return this Feul. Taylor and MgtrsN. y;Ars Hotel, Ottawa, May 6th Aider, town, were Mothers gta *lth. fom e 0 ecial HTHv I l wTaylosrNom.nWorld Wars I and II services. II U er Folo itie ceremaay at tise Mr.tnddtheBayon Marris NationalgWar Memorial onAt R t e en ettnde th Ba ofQuinte Sunday, tee was given byAt R irm n Funeral Directors annuel meet-1 ths .ODE.MuipaCate Ing, banquet and dance iseld when a warm welcame wes u ce n on Wednesday o! last weck at extended by Mrs. D. J. Odata, 81ncheon tise Holiday Inn, Peterbor- Vice-Regent, Ottawa. Among Mn. and Mns. F. V. Ott werey oughs. Mn. Morris was elected the highlights o! the conven- guests of isonon et a retirement lst Vice-President a! tise tion were films sisown by the buffet lunchean in tise Board Association. Department o! Vetenans Af- Raom, Department Of Refonm Miss Eileen Hughes, second f*irs, and severel Members o! Institu~tions, Toranto, on Mon- R I ~year nure -in-training at Oil- Parliament wene in attendance day, May . 5th. Membes o! O ohi gt u ài eshlse t thewe-ttie vaniaus tunctions. Gucat Mai'n Office Staff and Senior 1U * i eHdsitasbrpaentsheMr and speaker at tise banquet on Officials !rom .Mimico and If IIi'& St rts. MisHughes Lbasrty ,C.D. Thse film, Fieýlds Hooper, Supeintendent, Fine Mt r. isHughes hLii eylesaysa n.Gado Setaptn-tîncd H MISTINEGADE "Sug ?0List 'Just completed tisree-montiss' o! Flandens Sacrifice, VmyRidge Scisool, also was in aI- ADU1.6 'affiliation et tise Criminally 501h Annivcnsary, was also tendance. pFI. sene. May tis tise roup enjaycd a et Pine Ridge Scisaol as Indus- Gri Mn.andMrs Hrb owelbus tour o! Rockcliffe, follow- trial Shop Instructor, in 1931. Monc.sanMS. sent moat 0 ing which tise Air Force Offi- On retirement, aften 36 years 14 oz. Sugg. 890 laesieckSintsentmaloytofn cens and their wivçs wcne hosts o! devoted srie, ise was ist 1.19 lastwee intheMaloryownfor a reception la tise Officers Directon of Maintenance and riea duc ta the deatis o! bis Mess. Before leeving fan home Industry for tise Departaient tatiser. ' Mn. and Mrs. Arthur tise members visited tise Peece n! Rcform Institutions. In this 4 Yourigman o! Tyrone alan Towen and tise Book o! Me- capacity, ise was responsible - <n. attendadtiste funeral services, mary. for the repair, maintenance and b wisich took place et Slys Fun- ncw construction o! ail build- erai Cisapel in Lansdowne on Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Mc- . .uilzdb hsdpatet N e w .cd(J m lu # o HEV Thursday. Ilveen, King St. East, Oshsawa, ans utliazoe yseanthemenyBRAND hastsaindstel soenecin iseny he Mr. ad Mn Bobwene ot et a-lea gnd., d*ia- indus oer -tr Sot ope ix"adr w'aue , veiv-ner on Sunday, hononiu ber ic Ientiststinseogi htobus!Cre.2d. SotCuamecNdlwt uool M.,and Msrm iisug hn ns. R.O. oncs vanius Auit Istittion.ttansmission, white voil tires, wheef discaleciltri. packgewhich I- er and Mn. and Mrs. Don Bawmanviîîc wiso was cela Mn.DendaMr. OtI are wel speclol r. Tieknown in Bowmanville and White, Plnk, 1 8110W t oseicdedcriith2,00me/4on,3,00leàyî «'Timaiy" Charity Bal spon- hasts were assisted by tîir eîr . Theve r es i n o qa-Sg ît23cpoSIIO mis 2.0 s.,. ot,., ieSy. sored by the O shaw a W om en s d a g ter an di son, C erla and c r o ug F m l .S zr i s0 Wel!are League and held t Nl and Mrs. Jones' !amniîy, Scebooghg______List__________8__9 thwaosl oo e enanEfoinor,10 P l. 1 Just comrplets onflatthe "Somethinh-to.Cl.brte" Sal 6171 tieCrpie iilrn' ciolMn. ca rdS. and ersan 58 8 ece entry tags (ar reabonable tacimile of such tag).Ye Pnoceeds o! tise eetwn oduheEioand M.and i est stlnd thsmn attached ta many at our Sals Speciale ... or y theCriple Cilden' Shoo Mr. Rchrd anCesn an aobtain ans upan requsettfrom any member atour staff. Entries must te and_________Centr._sonRobert _____fToroto.______t de86Sted in the ballat box pravided in aur store, pria, ta aur usual clahing tim an Sat-Ws Mr n rf eadMa-Get atne ro oot urday, May 20,1I 67. A skill-testing question must b. correctly answered ta qualify tar a prizs. Please Jerrison o! Peterboroughs were io enta, Mn. and Mrs. A. Mer- a ntinas jerrison, Fiett Stre'et. S un- n oru a day guesta witis Mn. and Mrs. a wff Majenisan were Mn. and Mns. O n isp"s'ES LOO.*Roers,1reid Bob Harnaman andi Leonard, *J1 ip >'Frnic ieBwan-/A ~ tL I Willowdale; Mrs. Eva Hockîn,à ville Congregation o! Jeha- l T Bob Mayer isnMr.wnd . At Lbrary vah's Witnesses, reparteti ta- ES Pl taïlflL Bos. Tylerr ant Mn. adMrdaytisat tise 64 meaibers as- aDD IfGIlfts pcll Sunday aflennoon visitons An exiibit o! paintings by sembleti for tise weekiy min- QU-*KYiUa PnnTa in' BRtvE unfwt witis Mr. andi Mrs. Rupert Alice Gilbert o! Bowmanviiie istry scisool session et tise I Bycra, Chuncis St., wcre Mr. sites will be on view et Bow- Kingdom Hall unanimously Spedy HairiSetette andi M s. Gordon Stu nock andi anville Lib ary from Mon- apprved a public prtet o!'2 imCe #O R . * U I a rM c ausfo S h a r o n , t aw n ; M . a n d i M s. d a y, M a y 1 5. ri, s a tu r n d a y, t ise p e n s e u ti n a e s v e ' H V I G C E M69fo 8 9 BakT o or Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ma- lasChis tians as aie secuity EM ,, LI M "M I N r T isfeie... SOIIIG Ba k a od He r son; Te Old Post Office. M n.r . M x li e i, Il l lC EWNGSu..r NJC'R R ZO and Mns. G. Vice; House most interesting that tise pro- < INSECT C EOIN Sm. BUFFERIN ' CKBwiere New Fetienal Building secution produceti no witnes- .~~R EPELLENT " * - PLNQ10s II 5Sp!Sann Evr Sndy,91 pr.stands, Mmi. E. Oliver; Mi, ses te bcck up tise changes 1001SL8uoo ~ 'I *.. ?I Soa ld EeySna,:1 . Flume la Spring, Mn. anti anti no evidence te show 5Ioz. arosol bat 198 SuE. list 1.89 'Tveryce Wecome" Spring, Mr. and M s. B. Van- three-dy trial. Hence it was 24oz. SUgg. ist99C S~ 1.9IS s 7 atone; Tise Mill-West Aspect, unneesonable tor the Supreme 99 8,159l4 Mn. Norman Vanstone Court ta upisalt these con-s iDOIIToR--MN.DMIln A~. th77ruueepessllfi 1-westher LAXATiVE..' MfUI wu TRIITY ~ HRCH caiitly, isatinet neparteti tise tService Gum FIn m I iI TRImITYUNI R R Caurt's decision ta lie public. g' JFor PlANDi ~UU UbU"Even m re shcking,",te .' Sea iSkI 1 8s- sugg plsticsDE D R A T - Ui îs er - Re . eo g K W rd A B Dcangregation was tlid, "will .2 r. - sugg -j i $ rp ense e.Gog Ç ad .. .. be tise nesulta for lie familiese lisI 1.85 g~2~~ gI~1 Oraîs .Mr rîu olhon u.B RSM invalveti. Thirty-!ive o! Aisose 1809 254 - S u . S~ Ogns-MrArhrClioMsB. ....con victeti are Women wiso 490 m il lsu.iaa îst 49c it95 will be takea away fram their Ohio -TrIPOlOn FLUSABYS2fr7eRd ln SUNDAY, MAY 2194198107 families. Two o! tise wamen ./1' Nsw'f2ofrr7 are expectant mothens. Their ialstmaan»humRESISOAL a io babies wil be born ia prison." .0~"~5Y 11:0 a m.Terms ef from anc antid Tba m oI MI i ua p U "THE GUIDANCE 0F THE SPIRIT**# ofbense onvited '.T:niee UNADVER118SED SPEIIALs' WxlOLyferards2.4 given suspende<i sentences. OME A A VE! YP SUNDAY SCHOOL Ail forty-ajne of those were fiieti from $47 ta $170 andi, m,20 9:30 amr. - Junior, latermedjat. and senior ay ortcst ! Tise hope wua expreuset 11:00 arn.- Degmjgs liat public awarenes o! tise treataient of a minonity ne- LXMGEGR 11:20 arn. - Prlrnary and Klndergarten igous groupi PortugalN mifht t bmSn relie! o hèSKN STREET WEST PRESCRIPTIONS ýI.D.A. REMEDIES

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