-" iý- CanalauUW.moe.Eowuavllh. q 11WBA Belles fle t ~ Witl, Courtice In Opener Bowmanville Slagbt& Cook's BA Belles bttled Courtice te a 9-9 lie au Dur- ham Ladies Softball got un- der way Monday ngt in II~ counted seven times in the. second inningsalmter Ceurtice had epened the scorlng with a pair in the tiret. The home- _____________________________________sters pecked away at the ileyor Presents Trophies rr L ir < gr Bowmanille lead to earnithe Sharlene Cain started for spo R rc) lc owmranvllle with Debbie Lia~qet HnorsBantin CampsS P R TO P C Spithilng te one battez 6, i the third inilnqs and 87 F" mobu23-723U Porter started for Courtice Bownvilfle Bantama, who Don Wiexo h tm Gog akrhd a great B m omn4wlth Susan Gray comlng on .>'uht this Town its tiret team, Terry Black and Barry many- well-deserved "'thank- ln relief. The game was cail- .4younal hockey champion. Johnson of the Pee Wees yousm" to disperse - to Mayor TENNIS CLUB OPEN cd alter six Innings because Iil>, Were honoured at a ban. time-keepe Peter Stacey, and Hobbs for the fine dinner and guet, Thursday evenlng at last but by no means least, trophies, tie executive mem- Tegonacnnitea i enavleTznsCua akes à*Lme Meniorial Park Club the very proud parents of thc bers for their help ini runnlng report the courts in excellent condition and ready for play. ;08. players. thc minor hockey association, AUl of the regular members have beln busy haullng out RE R TI M Beaed at the head table Mayor Hobbs presented tro- and the parents for all their their equipment, -and by the lime thus colunin appears no RECREATIO ~ el o Mayor and Mrs. Ivan phies te the followlng mcmn- tune and effort, cxtendedmstctenwilhvmaaetogtx aetr DE IEAC Councillor and MiIs. bers af the championship throughout the season.dub tRmndle; Town Clerk Ro- club, on behaif of the Town Captain Tommy Simipson, twO. I ULW F btByron and Mru. Byron; of Bowmanville: Tomminiy on behalf of the teani, thank- [t seenis that every year about now, this reporter states P e W e Wseai-na an. d Mxi. George Cawker; Simipson (capt.), Randy Rog- cd the Town for the banquet our intentions ai playjng tennis, but we've anly managed gaee pl ae on Mo naMy OodHawes, let vice-presi- ers, Scott Burgess, Murray and trophies, then expressing gm lydo ody a oln f the O.M.1A. and his Cawker, Gary Preston, Mark the appreclation of the play. hall a dezen games in the lant ten years. But this summer l5th, the Tigers def6ated the sie;scrctary af Bowman- Johnsan, Paul Slemon, Danny crs te their coach and mana- wMl be different, we are really golng to play. (I hope). New Angels by a 13 to 1 count. 'lULittleN.J. Don Gil- Cowle, Doug Parker, Larry ger for Uic wonderful job players will be more than welcome at the courts, located Bob Preston was the wlnning 'Oywho was Uic capable Allen, Kelth Mountjoy, Barry they did ln niaingts a at thc Lions' Centre. pitcher allowing only onc hit, ~..for Uic banquet; JiimcMho,_-br Willoughby, championshipclb a single in the ulxth by John hwassistant sports dircc- Mike Denaghue, Steve Forsey, Fred Cowle and George Anna Strike is president for the 1987 scasen, with Pat Bond. Bob struck eut eight orf C.K.L.B.; recreation Doug Crouh manager Fred Cawker reccxved glîts fromn Lucas, secrctary and Jean Evans, treasurer. Lou Rundie and and allowed six free passts 4lctor, Bud Fanning; and Cowle an coach George the teani, w1th the presenta- asKrse -l elicharge of grounds and teurnament whlle David Oudshoorn took jmkMohun, CJCLM. sports Cawker. tien bcing made by SteveLa Krsnwl en the loss clalming four strike- ZL d Canadian Statesman Gord Hawes expreused his Forsey and Deug Crough. play, whilc social levents will b. looked mter by Nora AllUn outs and six walks, and allow- _~rts editor. gatitude on behalf of Uicl Edltor's Note: We slncerely and Betty Lobb. ing clght hits. The mani with * Pred Cowle prcsided at tche ..A orbin g0i thank Peter Stacey for taklng A further announcement will be forth*igso ead the big bat for the Tigers was ~lyrs abe cir ust anai hmposhpte ths notes n tebnutatrw roagso ead Ron Stainton who had four ~~cUdlng John Fowler and ailes. had to leave early. xgteofcaicu pnn.singles ln four trips to the t t t t t plate. Errer ln telephone number DARLINGTON SOCCER OPENS TONIGHT for the secretary, Alberta ~hartr ns Tak W hytes tom ay) wth a full alate of action scheduled 2905 Instead of 786-295. Il for atuday igh whe Cortie viiteSale, Mn w Lcggcttne, E.R.1, Nctoentirlin betTre andt amptenior Socce r eag. gt ewytheehose sholdorepade6 in Opening Junior Game bea yoeadHmtna al rv.iteeif please cali Mrs. Alberta ZMon wIl be out te Win their lfthU consecutive league Lcggette, at 786-2905. by JM Clarke Ings, allowing eight runs on batters for the wfi. pennant but it was Solina that emcrgcd lait year as cup Bantam Ail Star Bal forbtwiestrlklng out For Chartrans, Burns Mac- champions. Sehedule Chaaraus i - fur tswhie an Th Juior stat pay wek frm Tursay.Sat. May 20 - Cobourg at 7eIl wid-churned .I five and walking anc. Randy Mülan had a doublean ThJuir ttplyawefonTurd. Bowmanvillc, 2:30 p.m. edsisBeauprie, lni relief, was nick- single. Six others sharcd Uct ttthehr. a 5- htya 'wmeon Monda y ngt, as cd for three runs and four wlnneru rcmainlng six sale-t t t t t hr.My2 -Whb t i r. Mens, Softbafl Lague t hitsi 2/3 frames. tics. EANTAMS PLAY SATUJRD4Y Bowmanvile, 6:30 p.m. iomned Its flfthscason. Car- asbrwt apiro Sat. MaY 27 - Bowmanville I-&a'a Mens War u ated harran ovrcae a4-2homers and five RBI's, was Bowxnanvllle Legionnaires play hast te Cobourg 2:30 at Peterbaro, 6:30 p.m. ,,:>hYte's Uphelstery 11-9, te deficit as Uiey counted fveteoersbg fenive sa audy*trena i enra akf ~lb i Wed. May 31 - Bowmanville ;4petthe 1967 seasen an a Urnes li the top of Uic fifth,atobrg6:0p. te lead 7-4. Singles by Bill along with Joe Kennctt. Joe a oor,6 ,«ff Then nt eare, oBtson ury . hd obeadh fficial home pener ln Uic 18 game schedule for the ban- Thurs. June 1 - 0hawa t Ththree WarBBIw ws.BaeHaneMuIly arinn ain, d lding nine home and nine away gaines. Bownianvile, 6:30 p.m. t sasn doped ane pusfou iiled isces Brown each cailected two Other entries hi the league are Ajax, Whltby, Oshawa, Sat. June 3 - Frankiord et ht lest inning decisions, hts dd te da g. safeties. The Upholstery crew Port Hope, Peterborough, Belleville and Franlciord. us.J8- Bowmanville, :opm *ushed home three;, runs in Whytes, however, rearcd back outhîttheUicwnner 10-8, but wlii rn x h otn thu A.Jax, 8:30 p.mnil 1-tervIctary. Pat« Cornel of the flfth te recaver the trans two. Salnsburyyand McBAT SHNOEomnvi12l- P6:30Hpei .4td_0 Uc evnt f ad 8-our ith ne r nmttd 0eron e- ar.niiospana ns Hn.NJe Ç arH I.,alped credit for Uic wmn la -,wU anbr' Feeters had a rough night ln xinile :opm Iîw.lth an effective- two-mnnlng homer Uic big blew. Chatt- Whyte'a lntleld, committlng Bomnll atnsralysatdtii eln, at Buelle -Bmville,30p.. ~elief chore. The veteran rani knotted Uic score 8-8, fourapecewhe n ile apucthOntanlo ha sare hing Tli usnung0 Bwmnll ~unler tesaed two hut bail over adiga ln u l h The coini tc hilie atrdteOtro hminhpo hr.Tua elvle :0pm Ehc lest two inngs. TeiTy a h sxh Atremperatures and opening day night. By Sunday afternoen, three more OMHA tities at Port Hope, 6:30 pi. lai2.6er, Chartran's mainstay set Whytes dowfl li hancth-m rustincas contibuted had been won ln the aiea, twe going te Oshawa, Uic chien Sun. June 25 - Belleville at ~~pear on the honwmnvlle, :30 .rn t yar11, cftaiCaran wnitwl a greatly te most ai Uic ernors te Whitby. Tues. June 2 - 2o:3 anviil five tnhn thet Uieven otbust Uctop comrnitted lni the gaine. TheTus ne2 -Bwm vil -* eore lied 8-8. He allowe 1f i evnh Jr. Mcn's league are hepeful It was the fist bantani cnown ever won by a Bowinan- at Whitby, 6:30 p.m. M--ght runs, elght hits, walked Rite by Dennis Tlerney and et attnactlng good fan support ville teain, and they wcre honoredThndyngtaa Thurs. July 6 - Ajax et Bow- four and whuffcd a 1k. nuni- Jim, McKnight, -i pinch-hit tbis season and Uic four team mlghity fine banquet at the Memorial Park Club House. manvile, 6:30 pa. ber. rls n un MacMillan's leop appeans te be extremély I a u ra lmr Sun. July 9 - Peterboro ah Dcxxiii Sullivan, whe took double were Uic key blows. well-balaxiced. Fans ancre- bt Wruhtl Bwavil,2:0pm the lois, worked 5 1/3 Inn- Saisbury kept Whyhe'i corne- rnindcd that gaines arare plaed due ho a previously planncd engagement we wcre unable Fil.. July 14 - Bowmanville backc hopes alive with a lead- Monday, Tuesday and Thurs- ta stay past the presentation af head table guests. at Oshawa, 8:00 p.n. off homer In Uie sevcnth, but day evenings ah Memnorlal This cerner certaînly congrahulates the players, coachi Sa. July 22 - Bowmnvifle * Coneliretied ic nxt trce arkat 630 pxi.George Cawker and manager Fred Cowle. Once mor w would like ha remid yau readens ai the teain members, M Whe are: Tommy Simpson, Randy Rogers, Scott Burgess, SDurham Ladies Lge. Murray Cawker, GaryPrsoMkJhnnau lm, ~ So tbal Sch daley MM~aonRobert Willoughby, Mike Denaghue, Steve SoftailSch dul Forey nd ougCreugh. May- JUI- t tt t t 15-Boôwmanviile vu Courtice 4-Pt. Hope va Bewnianville Newcastle va Port Hope Newcastle va Newhonvilllc SOCCER SPECTACULARr 71 17-Port Hope vs Newtonville 5-Newtonville vs CourtIce Despîte the tact it was a chilly evening, 21,940 fans Courtice vs Newcastle Bow'vile vs Newcastle S18--Newtonville va Bow'vllle 10-Newcastlc vs Ceurtice poured hIto Vansity Stadium lait Wednesday night te. take 23-Pt. Hope vs Bowrnville Bowrnanville vs Pt. Hope hi the soccer attraction betwcen Glasgow Rangers and Sparta Newcastle vs Newtoxiville 12-Port Hope vs Newcastle of Prague Czechoslovakla. 24-Newtonville vs Courtice Courtice vs Ncwtonvillle Alotalrpteshtcpesbxagedtwaa Bowx'vllle vs Newcastle 13-Newcastle vs Bow'villle gra conteadepotersnthe uupress Nox ts redibe wan 209-Newcastle va Countice 17-Courtice va Port Hope ra ntsdpieheog ly.NwhsscbeIfr Bowmanville vs Pt. Hope Bow'ville vs Newtonville froni a knowledgeable soccer writcr, and penhapa we have 31-Port Hope vs Newcastle 19-Port Hope va Courtice been watchlng too much Jr. "A" and N.H.L. hockey. But we Courtice vs Newtonvfile _ Newtonviile vs Newcastle didn't even notice that it was that rougu, apait tranm fthppce KINSM IN SUPER CAR 7 1 2 ve ouh aner hlda decdddedge, t wasn't until reointro.Ti a nl 8 - 1 3 the 25thnminut when t y flaca hîgoo oo n gal. condition. 13 - 4 2 But a strong Cecci defence andi a goal-keeper who plckod Lie. K13738. ONLY 14 - 2 3 off everythung that got pait, made.thiesingle goal stand up u~BINGO..u.15- 4 1fora 1-0Sparta vctory. ieeonhlprtclny 40 OTHIR Go 21- 3 1 lnithe. trot ton minutes when they refly turndt c'aas PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE 22- 2 4 Uic pno-Glaigow crowi romici ts approvat I 27- 1 4 Heniersn made a great play, but hut the post from $28A00 2 close ln. Rangers lest a lithe momentum wb.nhe wuin- Juy4 - 1 back only ho sand a header omathie goal Bondouon sent a s - 3 4 perfect pais te an uncovered rocelver ln frot, but he o uldnt MMWsa New 1iN7 AMUUAISORBLa« or qPANla 61-aIget a ahot away. One of tueir own players tppei eue et omst 8AU M14 Garne P1. 4 2 thi. iardést aliots Rangers adaml l ght, whien ft app«erulto (a am..: I,4m" aBwsl E là - 4 bavetue goaule boston. 18- 2 l- eni tbroughout thie contait, as angers oaninpally carrai 66St Nu I.< game, oqffl19- 3 the play, but couldnh finishoff thiir bon iancus. 166Kinga t.E. Wl- jKarl UIv Coms (Save t. wu)ua> 4j~ 0- 2We oouldn'h hep bu t Mnk tat the Cmoch secmer aud DW ~s *~ *~j*l3~~g* ~25 - 3 1 hoc»# playeraMst go ho the. aineactingobhool. liq reM and mi13 3 PLAN TC ta laéIuaaj Ye~al. ~4wouuu you bélieve that we saw thie youth UE ,»6w 9ord Wtt M auIhcaptured lni a parking lW? L.*s no wo'ne *W t Ie to dad sxW*tr pVas ho p* SBEV'ER LIIMBER *STORES oe LoA11e: ECOOM MOR THA 20 GAAEST CHOS i )ODWILL USED 'E CREAM 0F' SParisienne la rdtop >matic transmission with Ig, cnatom. radio, white er. Vinyl top. Executive gmal miles. Balance of $2895 &-Dr. Sedan n, custoni radio. This le ginal $1495 e-Dr. Sedan. custom radio. Beige wlth A-i $895 1965 V-8, anhomal power ateerluI customn radio, Herc'u a loca black finish v hrim. Real ahi Lic. R13755. 1962 1 6 cyl., autofli wali tires and trin. Must be bo apprcciateî Lic. J92580. c 1963 l à 6 eyL, stands IwaIl tires, chroi ear lavery et )ODWILL USID CARS 1 0 1±i ,11 >ATTEND ROTARY FIREWC IIGH SCHOQL GROUNDS CARS THE CROP Pontiac Parisienne 4-Dr. Hardtop tic transmssion wlth power brakes tg, white wail tires, windshield wàsheru, ,Shade-Lite wlndshield, Positive-Trac. &1, oue owuer car. Gleaming with blue Larp! ONLY $2395 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan îaie transmission, enstoni radio, white il wheel dises. Sharp white wlth bine ,accu te ý$89 >NLY $895__________ Pontiac Laurentian 4-Dr. Sedan tni transmission, custom radio, white >me dises. This particular leau. $ 7 DNLY $1295____ ro CHOOSE FRom lPhone 623-3396 ORKS DISPLAY -MON DAY, MAY 22