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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1967, p. 11

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o4rge Crowd Present for Annual Fireworks Dis plciy Newcastle - The finui ai pnoved no exception as every- Martin; girls 8, 9 and Io, Gal mayhlia eekendî lias ane was awed at the beautiful Andrus; boys 11, 12 and 1à. be lemedand la no a h k a rgtyltDrl art;grsi,1 behlnd un. As always withwythskwabihtyltDeiBaet;gr.1,1 holiday weekends, trattic tic- with many different colons. and 13, Susan LaCombl; ladies' Upa are seemingly worse each On hand once again fan any thnee-legged race waa won by Yemr, and this yean, wlth the emergency, wene membera ai Karn Parker and Susan Part- amount ai accidenta just ini tht tht local fine dept. Addlng smith; Piggy-back race won local anti proved ta have been an extra precaution, temp- by Jack and Debbile Prunier:* na exception. We trust that arary signa were put up in Winning the men's shos kick aIl cur readens did enjoy the front ai tht park on bath waa Bill White, the boys' shot weekend, aithougli fir tram aides af the street allawing kick, Mark Tillson; the ladies' the warmest we've lad an tht "No Parking". This was toanmd girls' shae kick was won Victoria Day celebration. We prevent anyone running anta by Susan Partamitl and Banli alto hope that flanc ai thein tht road irarn behind parked White with the wheelbarrow faines appear amang any ai cana and being ht. Befare winners belng Tom and Alec the many accident victins. the fircworks were lit,- there Martin. Ont lait race, the Celebrating the Centennial were several races ta add ta piçgy back figît wms won by 'Victoria Day in Newcastle, the enjayment ai those arriv- Michelle Sawyer and Char- the Newcastle Lions Club in- ing eariy on the grounds. lotte Johinson. vited al nesidents ta take part Amang tht wînners ai tht Howard Quinney won car in the fun and iireworks held events werc: 4 and 5 year-old license dnaw-Tlieatre passes at tht Community Bail Park boys, John White; 4 and 5 for twa at either Cobourg on on Monday evening. An in- year-old girls, C h r i s t i n e Part Hope theatre: dinnen ion cneasing number attend this Williams-, 6 and 7 year-aid twa at Nortliway Restaurant, event every year, and eveny boys, Rod Dancey; 6 and 7 ail change and lubnication at yean the firewonks display year-old girls, Cathy Metrail - John's BA station, $3 wonth ai stem. ta imprave. This tint ion; boy. 8, g and 10,_Donald1Igai, Erdo n ShelI station. Newcastle:- Bruce Foy, a( itudent ai Sinon Fraser Uni-1 versity ln British Calumbia, recently made a cross Canada journey tram Vancouver ta Montreal. With iniends, also tramn tht University, Brucej and Tish Tucker, Valente Florence, Ruth Caspeil, Janetj McCracken, al ai B.C., Tom1 Stumpi ai Toronto and Jim( Brink and Tom Meredith ai Iontreal visited with Bruce'sr tamnily, Mn. and Mrs. Tonyj Foy ai Sunset Blvd., Newcas-i tie, bath going ta and return-5 Ing tram Expo. Thein travel-s ling was dont in a 1953 Cadil-a lcheanse, which was piaster-g *d with slogans pramotingt EXpa '67. Tht reactions fnmam bath matorists and pedes-i trians were wiid. Many leit1 the sidewalks ta come aven and aliake liands ai the stu- dents and on thein arrivai at Expo, fret passponts were given ta them tram ont very grateful top officiai who realized tht fret publicity given by these students. Out- side ai having ta push, taw and urge tht heanse over tht more than 3,000 miles travel- led, and iosing tht muiflen at eveny bump, and having ta canvince police that they were not any part ai a notoncycle gang causing great problens in the Western Provinces who seemingly use a heanse as a staff car ta drive their leader araund, the trip was ane ai great expenience and a thnîli they wouldn't have missed and will long renemben. Hav- ing had two full weeks at Expo, tht students have again neturned ta the University. Others fain Newcastle who Tax Relief for tht Aged Recommendation Number -18, sub- niitted as one of tht important recom- mendations of tht Ontario Select Com- mittet on Aging ta tht Onta-rio Legisiature during tht present session, reads as follows: ,Let tht Province enact legisiatian amending tht Asstssment Act So that local municipal councils, Who wish ta do so, may by by-law, authonize and direct rebates. and reductions in resi- dential real property taxes up ta $150 per annum for persans 60 years of age and aven." Tht. Provincial Governmenîi has taken action at tht present session on a. number o! tht Committee's recom- mrendations and with respect ta Rtc- ommendation Number 18, a Bill was iniroduced in tht Legislature a few days ago. Tht Bill, Number 105, is an Act ta provide for municipal and school tax credits for tht assistance of elderly per- sons. Pht Act is in essence tht recom- mendation of tht Select Committet but was madified ta allow for a defermeni of t'axes on the propenty of elderly per- sants aven 65 years of age. Tht resulting1 loss of tax revenue ta tht municipalityE is paid, for by tht Provincial Govtrn- ment and is interesi fret. On the death of the propenty hold-E er or sale of tht praperty tht deferred taxes are paid oui of tht estate. C On introducing the Bill, Tht Hon- E curable Wilired Spooner emphasized1 that tht programme was an interims ont, and that further recommendations, expected in tht Smith Report on Provj incial-Municipal taxation, would pro- t vide futher assistance.a It was felt however that in order t ta assist elderly people, Who are 'in t dapger af losing their hom es, something ps*huld be dont befare the nexi session ii the Legislature. TheeBill received second reading 1 on Monday, May 8th and, although receiving unanimous appraval in prin- ciple, tht deferred tax clause in tht Bill *aq opposed by the Opposition 2 Parties. Speakers for the N.D.P. argued tisai there should be a rt-allocation of res- 3, ponsibilitiese between tht Province and tht Municipalities, with the Provincial Government assunsing immediately the Ssu of the administration cf justice, 4. ~and wisat remains ai tht administration M. welfare costs. [n addition, the N.D.P. 4*0rosed tht taking over of tht bulk ëW.f educatienal costs by a phased prog- .5. ranime over a period of years. Mr. MacDonald, N.DP. Leader stat- ed that an unfi-rtunate aspect cf tht defermenit clause was that many eider eltizens would flot seek thç assistance ht because af the equity they have ini their oi humes. hg Tt Liberal Group. based is oppo- sition on the following points: lu .Tise Lgégi4lation would do nothing pi te ast thon elderly peepb rent- tâ ing their ,(Provision, thraugis t] and Famil, 2. Tht Gave] ing supplei tldenly imd from him- Mr. Nixai for tax ne! arn not forget the tural comamuni special difficu] are iaking on t] nîed lufe, and daus pressure bilities for hon Mr. Nixai into tht debati which 1, as Ch on Aging, wa. niany occasion to in mny parti Tht f act is society we hai ing graups, yoi Within a years 50% o! Province will age or under. lengthening o! ed in an increa. sixty-five year. With tht gi er educational art dependent, of years ai gre. cal developmer have increased enjoyed the holiday weekend at Expo, were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, Miss Doreen Powell, Mrs. Marie Gartshare, Miss Gail Allun, Miss Arlene Ailin, Miss Jean Perrin, Mn. ]Ray Brown and Mn. Bill Mon- ley. Leaving at seven a.m. Saturday tliey returned just about two a.m. Tuesday nomn- ing. Mrs. Craga reported tht it was iluite cald there, but wandeniul and something that ,no ont should miss. 47 Almond Avenue, Wiilawdale, -Ontario,. May 13, 1967 Dear iEditan' I am iwting in support et thome nesponsiblè for the early return af Clarke Hîgli School stucdents from Expo 67. They are -ta be, comn- mended, I think, for rlakhng pupil and parental dispîtas- une ta do what they thought was nlght in a difficuit situ- Mien. Students and parents muât bath nealize that for such an excursion ta be a succeas, there must be nuits, and once laid down, the rules muat lie adhened ta. If atu- dents teed that they cannot accept these restrictions upon their freedoin, they need neot join the excursion. I agret tht the early ne- turn would be disappaint- ing ton those young people who had abeyed tht nuits. They would be better ad- vised, however, ta voice their dispîtasure ta their fellow studenta wlio were Ïsponslble for the disci- pllnary measures liaving ta le taken. As for tht "angry mothens", tliey shauld lie f rateful, I think, for tht lesson in responsibility that was given their teenagers. If tht lesson lias been learn- cd, thetrtnp ta Expo 67, how- ever short, was not in vain and the money not ili spent. Your very truly, F. C. Farr. In onden ta keep a «ood newsy Social Columnw ,n eUp-to-Date Data must have youn full ca-opena- tion. Many wene pnobably away aven the weekend or Ufl Icerfud had guests that others would like ta hean about, please ne- At a necent meeting ai tht memben ta caîl 987-4213 with N.A.I.A. it was feit that tht your news. general public should lie Our iniends and neiglibors brouglit up-to-date as ta the in hospital this week, are financial statua ai tht project Miss Susan Allison, George and future planning. Collins, John Davis, Misse'rina Onganized on Apnil 28, 1965 Fenguson, Mns. Jessie Full- this gnoup hcld their first brook, Clarence Hale, Mrs. fund-raising event on August Louise Hodgson, Gardon Lak- 1, 1965. Since that date ing, Frank Miller, Master $24,613.96 lias been deposited Gardon Millty, Lanson Mill- in tht Village of Newcastle, son, Ben Moise, Ambrase Pal- Atificial Ice Fund Account. lard, Mrs. Edna Selby Mns. Of this anaunt, $10,304.56 Margaret Smith, Mrs. Gladys has been raised by tht Con- Sunday and Henry Telible. mittce thnougli vaniaus pro- jects and tht balance nepre- jsents business and pcrsonal p I donations ta date. *Tht installation costs ta date ar have en$,510i- i Tht Installation Commttet estimatea that an additional p P. 1,500.00 will lie nequired ta tnable the plant ta apenate at housing accommodation. full caiîacity and ta dlean up is madle for these peole thost items,,whichi, because ei wB~ eather conditians,, could not hée Department of Social lie campleted at tht tint ai [y Services.) 1installation. rnment is simply provid. It is alsa feit that in onden tocamplete the praject a !rnentary assistance to thtenent faonr must b e instal- ividual but taking it back ed.eThis wil prateet thc pip- once he- passes away. îng and make the building n, pointing out the need maire versatile for oif-season activities ai any nature. Tht m, stated that we should tstimated cait ai tht iloor is ýe people in the agricul- $3,50oo.0 ities, and particularly the To sumufl p ties af young people, who Deticit ta date ---- 5.0 Estinîated final In- ,he respansibilities of mar- stallation' costs _ 1,50)0.00 are subjected ta tremen- Estimîated cost ai ýs in assuming responsi- cernent floor __ 3,500).00 ,e ownership. Total $6,957.08 î's statement introduced Tht N.A.I.A. las twa big ,e a facet of the problem events planntd for the lcinine- tairman af the Committe diate future. ýs made aware of ons A Centennial Balil ! bting planned for thteat Satunday s, and which 1 referred in June and the Annual Pan- icipation in the debate. ade, Cannival and 50-50 Dnraw , that in aur present day ton Civic Holiday. vetorapidly develop- Tht Commiittt ee d e that veh antwo g. p thent are donations still ta lie uth nd gin. made and if tht public ne-. matter of a very few sponds ta tht upcomning events the pouation of the as they have in -tht past, they be twenty-five years of are confident that tht project On tt oter hnd ~t xay lie canpleted in tht not On th othr had th taodistant future. the lufe span has resuit- This pnoject wilI have ne- ising population af people sulted in tht gathening ta- ,s andover.gethen ai approxinateîy $20. s and venfor every man, womnan and rowing demand for high- child living in tht Village standards, young people amd again tht Committet wisli for an increased number ta Most highly commend the ýat Ost Sinifcan meinesidents af Newcastle and ai csi. gnLicantDisrict fan this very fine nts and eanly retrement spport. 1tht dependence of tht a senirIsementot aur society. As a resuit tht middle productive group is bearing more and mort o! tht tax burden. Can we afford ta place an added burden on them by subsidizing :hrough tax rebates bath tht elderly and tht heirs ta their property. Thse Government gives tht follow- ng reasons for drafting tht legisiation n its present form. 1. hi gives tiniely relief ta elderly people reducing thse tax load on them ta approximattly tht 1961 f igure. 2.It is economical, praviding thse nec- essary relief ai littît or no cost ta tht local taxpayer. 3. Tht taxpayer should not be .called upon ta subsidize tht heirs of home- owntrs as well as tht pensioners theniselves. 4.it eliminates any possibility a! abuse by children ai pensioners wha have flot assumtd over tise years any i-es- ponsibility for their parents wel! are. 5.It -is an inierim measure until rec- oniendatians of tht Smih Report are available. and given considera- tion. Opinions wilI vary on thse subjeci. Iis a matter ai providig assistance in thse one hand and on tht other the aolding of the tax Une. You cannai have it bath wavs and )eriaps, as a Tarante Star Editoriai )ut it - "It lu a good scheme, Riving éx relief Wberé It lb Most.urgent"' KENDÂL Mother's Day gutats with Mn. and Mme. Spence Gardon were Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Low and baby Scott, Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen, Mn. and Mns. John Gordon and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Argus Curtis and family. While using a pasihale dig- K la"g Tuesday Mn. Wesley theant gai. a lile toc close and lad the nuiatortune ta have ont leg broken and tle other badiy unjured. Ht le now in 'D'hawa liospital and we al wish him a good necavery. Thinge are laokung up in Kendal as two hauses are get- ting nenovated. Mr. and Mns. McTaggart have put on a new addition and have covered ai with a new aldin which makea il mare up-ta- te look- ing. Mn. and Mna. McTaggart are planning an niaving down hene. Mn. and Mn.. Allen Fos- ter have punchased Wes Teli- blts' place and have liad a dniveway put i ta h and have aalsa atarted work inside. Thursday evening about 20 gatheed ai the haine ai Mns. Allen Inwin ta honon aur bride ta lie, Miss June Geacli, wlthi a kitchen showen. She neceived many fine gifla and goad wlsh- ai. Misses Kathy Turansky ILarganet Thampson anâ Cheryl Vernon gatitilup. Mn. and ins Bryant Brown and Carnie af London, Onianle, vluited -ber muait, Miss C.W. 8I91wart, Btur&va m Mr. mm/ phonedl . Rtufi WMferding md Mus were guesta this sunday Agiies SaIIqk called ta set lber Mm. Swarbrick. Simday. Mîm stewart went Up Mr. and UMn.Sd t.2ari gatherlng at the of AmiAboMchgn lhoie o be Mn.er GoeiTusdaynfrht with Mm. Loitouse IÏ: the t= ml ercer .m went un ta MnC_.-W. Stewart, Mn. laxVo thte odday. Jlm. Stark and Mr. Sid Lai- 1Mr. and ýlM.%Srchuk eUW. attended' the Bay a faniBY, Torouto, wwe dowi Quinte conference at Ki the weekend. lad week &nid presented themw The Kendal Wildcat bai P"m'o-em secmr a min- team went fer an eveninj ider Pr t ea'cmfng Yar -at the -Savarin lai.Ma, but no far da nait aem ta ha nlht ben succeauful Miisters. do i.SienS.aHol flo mtm ta cam.for parishési i Caada vsiin e wlth Iliree appohntmnents. tlefr wives an&. familles. . Nbilng W" - Mirs. W. Mer- Mr. and U-M. Jas Stuk cey? over the weekend were bier St. Catherinus, ?4r. an~d daughter, MI> C. B(wch, lier Awde,_ Jarvis, were _dowr husbafid Charlie and- famnily thlic eeÏêend. Mrs. 2. Ke' from Lakevlew. oai'S 't ýCittleines -fà-stm Mr. and Mrs. E4die Courux With Mr. anid Mns. Martin ,Marie and Lynn, and Mr.an ter far a few weeks. Mr&;, Ray Coureux, and Mr. and Mimses Loaiane The] Mnt. Carl Langstaif, Linda and Shirley and Dorothy Mt Dehbie> were back to Lake wétltotaToronto fflday, Kualibi for the weekend forn the Port Hope High Sc a famIy gatb eting. group. Some went ta the Mr. and Mns. Charlie Else excliange and others to Dennis and Kenny and a8gir Bailrt gaies ae * frend ot Toronto a d andnd Ban.'ni eme diveatm Mrs. Cy Elsey, and Marilyn ai crn*Te nemdas1 Oshawa were guests af Mr. and e Litby Britamn Saturday Mns. George Mercer and am- wdnayth a score ai 12-1. . fly. Iay theBantans played Grdon angstf and Joh Keene but lot by -a cor, Thompsan had their plans for _________ a hoiday weekend oif ishing back in the Park abruptly end- O ITRl e hntefine boat they U*ILl.[Y were taking back becamne un- loosened and crashed down on MRs. JAMES FIETUf the higliway damaging both the boat and the motor. They The death af Mns. J. were back near Bancroft. Firth occurred an Fr1i Luckily they had put insurance May 12, 1967,' at Memc on before they left as the boat Hospital, Bowmanvill.1 helonged to Art Farrow. Firth, who was in lier. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, year, suffered a fal Scarborougli, were down to weeks aga and liad been their summer home for the hospital since then. weekend.1 Daughter of the late Ji Sorry! It was Miss Brenda and Jane Wilson, the fori Hoy not Miss Linda Hoy whose Margatet Wilson was born name was engraved on the Newcastle - an - Tyne, Noi Communion set with Mrs. A. umberland, Fng1and, and Jacksons. ceived her educatian at Gai Mr. and Ms. Wilfred Rough- head-on-Tyne E 1 e m e n t a ley and M, Ross Roughley School. On August 16, il spent Mohr's Day with Mrs. she married James Firthç Alva Swarbnick. Mn. Ross pnedeceased lier. Roughiey and Miss Talmnadge Mrs. Firth had resided in Kenneth Nickcnson. Ministers wlio have senved Keith Staînton's. A LOT ~AYuI!JOF Y NE16HI 1927-1967 HAVE SI Maybc it's because they discovered Jone Parker Pies . thousands have. But ... yau say, "No thanks, thtre is nothing like goad hame-baked pie." We agree ' they're grect. But wauld yau believe if if wa told you - oor'Jowr Park ePls taste lfme-baked? Probably fot . .. until yau've tried arna. Then yau'd discover the crust Às short end fiaky 111cm your own. You'd discover the fruit is the kind you'd use. the bcst . . . juicy, flot stiff with starch, And if yau popped a Jane Parker Pie into the aven and warmed it before scrvng, you'd discover a pie you'd b. proud ta cafl your mmn. Are Jane Parker Pies a gaod reoson fer shopping A&P? They're one of many. BOURS TOPPED %Ç 1,oib 1' PINIAPPE-V GRPERuTDRINK Ani Page KETCHUP SURF JAVEX BLEbACH 6lonti..43le (Prepriced SpeciaIn 48 fi-oz Reg. Prie battis 2»c - SAVE De 2 15fi-oz49 Reg. Price 9U. - BAVE 60 3 ib b@x 89C SHORTENING CAKE MIXES 2 pkgs 89C 1h lbpkg c Libby's Deep irowrt.d EAIE 5 witii Park tins Reg. Pr,.. tin Z9e - SAVE n7e 4 19f-oz 9c [JANE PARKER APPLEf PIE47 AU A&P "DEST BINm'e e Super-Right Quality Canada's Fanest Naturally Aged Red Brand Steer Deef BLADE ROASI SHOU.LDER Romi il.- -FLORIDA, SWEET, YELLOWý, WELL FIL.LED COBS, FANCV GRADE CO-RN .6 u39e' NONE PRICED HIQHIR AT AAP BLeDE BONE REMOVED lb .~-Short or Cross - x. l« FRu BROASIn BL.rADng -- Us I I f i * Tt.' I ALL. PRIOES HOWN IN Tt 'I wlth "'i0 CanadianStatesma Ewnmvlll, sur 24. lu? 1 Yepe th Newtonville ChurchHisor by Mrs Cecil Burley nda The hlstory ai the Newton- ment on Cobourg Circuit in since Newtovle bae ville United Church goes back 1825, Whitby iii .828, Baw- head ofc ci I 874 am- ftd le ta Navember 4th. 1824. manville ini 1846 and New- Reverends Newtan II 0t). SOIÙU, On that date Rev Aso castle in 1852. Leachi, Wmn. Scott, Wm. éas.- Green and 11ev. David Break- In 1868 the first churcli was Samuel Salton, J. Wllc4 kô -Of enridge, saddle-bag preachers built and dedicated on Jan. St. Bartiett, Richard CouMmt1ce- Mu. then an Smltb's Creek (Port 28th, 1867. Rev.- Mr. McCui- W. DOwn, Matthew isn fr Hope) Circuit, arganized the baugh was pastor and guest John Lewis, Wm. Wsg ~ ilake Society af Wesleyan Method- preachers were Rev. Enocli Bunner, Chas. Adams, Roabt. mypg isa in tht log cabin ai a Mns. Wood, Rev. S. S. Nelles and Edwards, Hiram Roc, John E FrOs- Saules. We were an appaint- Rev. G. R. S4ndersan. Griffith, Edniund W. Thnk4,ý In' 1874 a parsonage was Thos. Wallace, EugeneL. rrteli, Bowmanville fan 20 years and built and Newtonville became Beach, John MeLachian, Law. ,ece alsa llved* in Oshawa for a liead af a circuit with Shuloh nence B. Smith, H. A. Eun%ý, iho number of years. A housewife, and Kendal the other two ap T. D. Lancaster, S. J. j'ý1 li 0 er intenests centred around poîfltmcnts. This is stili un- and Reginald C. White, pros. liok er home and family. She' changed. A Sunday School ont pastor. .. tht was a memben ai St. John's room was built in 1890. Fromn This Centenniai Yeux newjý - .edAnglican Chuncli, Bowmaxn- time ta time generai repaira washrooms have been insaR.- atdville.1 were made, also a steel shed d, a history of arna writtena play- Surviving are a daugliter, built. and plans laid for remodelinr, - radMrs. Wm. Barrett <Winnie) On November 22nd, 1930), of the parsoahge. d asonMn James Firth, Church, Sunday Shool room, re ai bth, ai Bowmanville. Also kitchen, shed and stables were ZO surviving are tlirec grand- burned. Rev. W. J. Todd,MO chidren, Mrs. O. Carlin! then Presbyterian mînister Mr. and Mns. Chrlie Hop (Peggy), Buffalo, N.Y.; Doug- and lis board kindly extcnded kins, Beaventon, vislted Ai las and Terry Lee Firth, Bow- an Invitation to the congrega- Russeil Perkin's. manville, and two great-grand- tion ta wonship ln their cliurch Mn. and Mn. Henry Dort children, James and Stephan until weather permitted build- visîted at Fred Dart'a, Woade Carlinl, Buffalo, N.Y. ing. This invitation was ac- ville. Among the many beautiful cepted. This was in the midst Mn. and Mrs. Harry Polos, imes floral tokens, evidence ai the ai the depression and there and sons went camping at- iday, esteem in which the deceased was a question ai whether ta FHastings on the weekend. _ nrial wab lield, were those tram the build or wait. The congrega- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cumeran' Mrs. Royal Canadian Leglon, Legion tion gave the board the green went on the bus trip ta Expo 8lst Gice Club, and Generai Mot- liglit to bulld. The opening '67 an the weekend. tour ors ai Canada, service ai the new church was Mn. and Mrs. N. Patter, Tar* iin The funenal service was heid held an November lst, 1931, onto, visited at Hcnry Darts. fain the Nortlicutt and Smith with Dr. Frank Langford, Mr. Russeil Stainton Is a rohm Funeral Home, Bowmanville, guest preachen, and the build- patient at Memonlal Hoaspital, ,mer on Monday, May 15, and was ing dedicated the following Bawmanvilie. n at conducted by Rcv. J. K. Sunday. The dedication serv- Bert Beckell was up nantIs: rth. Frampton of St. John's Angli- ice was canducted by Rev. T. fishing an tht weekendi. re- can Cliurch. Interment was in P. Penny, President af Bay of Keith Staintan returned tes- Bowmanville Cemetery. Quinte Conference, assisted by home from lis .flshing trip on Sr y Palîbeaners were Mdessrs. Rev. George McQuade, Secre- Monday and repontcd they hat ý914, Alfred Wilson, Gardon Wil- tany; Rev. John Bunner, a two incita af snow up thora. wvlo son, Gardon Pattersan, Donald former pastar, and Rev. Thas. Mn. and.Mrs. George Gardon~ Wilson, Robent Wilson and Wallace, pastor. and family, Oshawa, wene at l lewcastile Soc;ia ui 5ersona/ Report from Q ueE by Alex Carruthers, M. 1 'I 'I 'f 4' .4 a * I * 4 4 t q a s I a E. j' .4 'v '4' 4 4' t. j s' i 7 CALIPORNIA, SNOW ~S'HITE, NO. I GRADE, LAROI HEAD, ZIZE lw. CAUUFLOWER sué ONE PUICES HIOHER AT A~P [Dependable Groceries!] r e s 0 1 NOME PRIC» iticmait AT AAR VOUR

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