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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1967, p. 13

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M. J. Hobbs Senior Publie 001 HmponceeMalthd - Ramriton. celray1tei h, wi0th much fun and frol. .ThY opened the week with dey of different costumes. The çirls were sup- DOsed to Wear jeans or slImd Outflts, the boys comic cost- Urnes. Anyone flot complyini With this rule was taken in hand by the committee in charge and were dressed up I clothes from the "Lost and Foumd Department". At nonn an exciting volleyball garni was played by the men teachi ers and the boys' team. Theî teachers were the victors. On Tuesday a slave auction Was held with the girls bidding on the boys te be their slaves for a day. One cent was Worth one hundred dollars. 'Thiz sale brought out the wolf in« the girls, for the money they paid for these males was incredible. After sehool a Grade 1 Activity Night was held with sports and garnes being enjoyed in the gym. 'the next day was speni with the lady bosses ordeing their slaves around. Some of the poor chaps had to clean out their niistress' locker or yush a spool down the hall -with their nose. At noon on Wednesday the wonien teach- ens and the girls volîcybal team played another thrilling game. Thunsday, a Kangaroo Court was held for ail the misde- ipeanens cf the slave mart, They were bnought before a Judge. Sentences were hand- ed out and one of the girls, Anne Christianson, was bnought to trial and found guilty of mistreating her slave. She had te polish 20 pairs of ahees. Grade 8 held a "Sock Hop" in the gym after school. Friday was Centennial cost- trne day. Teachers and pupils had te corne te school in old- fashioned clothes. Sorne o! them were really quite pic- turesque. Mrs. Hornick had a 163-year-old black dress which was very attractive. Mr. Cryderman appeared in a suit with a swallow-tailed coat and top bat. At 12:15 pupils assembled in the gym where an amateur programme was held. At the close the best class yells were chosen, aise the best class murais, and finally the school's king and Çueen were chosen with their attendants. The queen was Shirley Gossick and hen prnn cess was Mary Jane Nemis. The king was Dick Alîstein and hls prince was Bernie Éiole. This past week at M, J. Hobhs has been really sorne- thing. 1 arn sure that we will aIl rememben it with great pleasure In the years te corne. -Christine Brent, Reporter. GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES throuch CLASSIFIEDS STATERSMAN Phone 623-2303 40 AEI'tARDWARE STORE tENNISKILLEN 1 Mr. and Mns. Vern Perigne ,and famlly, Brooklin, Mr; and rMrs. Clare Perigoe and fam- 1ily, Mrs. A. Perigoe and Mari- 1lyn, Caesarea, Mr. Gregg - Hewson, Collingwood, were 1Sunday guests at Mr. and gMrs. Ted Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin, tCarol and Gail, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt, Bow- * ranville, were Sunday tea guests at E. Trewin's. Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sander- son, Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Woods, Oshawa, Mrs. Cecil Robinson, *Orono, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowman- ville, were Sunday guess of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beck- ett and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp, Enniskillen, Miss Pat Goyne, Courtice, attend- ed Mr. Wayne Beckett's gra- duation at Guelph University, on May 17. 1Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leigh- ton were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wearn, Dundas, were Sunday even- ing guests. i Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamb, Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jewel, ýSunderland, Mr. Harold and Miss Alice Stevenson, Willowdale, were Sunday guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, John, Elizabeth and Peter, Etobicoke, Miss Winnifred Cole, Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancas- ter, Miss Dorella Lancaster,. Mr. Jack Chard, Newtonvillel were Sunday tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Cindy and Judy, Oshawa,, were guests of Mn.,and' Mis R. Rowan. Mns. S. Kinsman, Courtice was Sunday tea guest of Mr and Mrs. J. Kinsman. Mn. and Mns. M. J. Hobbý spent the weekend at Niagari Falls and'-iTXffalo. Miss Laura Giffin, Osh. awa, Mrs. Hodgins, Merrick. ,ý ville, Rev. M. A. Dougherty, end with hen panents, the N. rMiss Gonnili, wene guests of E. Wrights. Calions were Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper and and Mrs. P. A. Tresise and )s Marie. Gail and girl friend, Oshawa, .a ML apct-.U.rs. C. M. Jon s.M r. and Mrs. Fred Wright, Newtonville, wene with Mr. ý"- rara and Beverley, Bow- 1- and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. manville, Mrs. J. Muller, Mn. and Mrs. Munray Axford, Mns. G or doen Whittaker, Oshawa, Mnr. and Mrs. Ron Hamilton, Mns. George Brad- Clemens, Hampton. ley, Callander, Mr. Melville Mrs. N. Collacutt, Bowman- Griffin, Blackstock. Mn. and ville, Mns. Alex Perger and Mns. John Gril! in, Oshawa, MoncHmlt1 n n were Sunday tea guests of Mn. Mns. Walter Rahm, Tynone, and Mrs. Russell Gniffin. wene Sunday tea guests ef Mn. and Mrs. Ross Page, Mn. and Mns. Wallace Gniffin. lValerie, Stephen and Don, Mrs. Gordon Whittaker, Ham- j Solina, Miss Mang Goyne,lilton, was a callen. !Miss Pat Goyne, Countice, Mn. Mn and Mrs. Allan Martin, and Mrs. Reg Weaving. An-1 Mnee rntadBi caster, Mn. Garry Beckett,i Mn. and Mns. Earl Masters, B unketon, wene anniversanyl Cindy and Trent, Bowrnan- guests at the home of Mn. and lvle were Sunday guesta o! Mrs. Floyd Beckett, Wayne Mrn_ Ms . ite and Marie, on Sunday. M. and Mrs R.y Virtue. l Sunda evenng erys aand family, Bowmanville, Mn. ,Mn. and Mrs. E. A. ers Joe Rekken, Maple Grave, were Mn. and Mns. Edgar were Sunday dinnen guests of !Hern, Oshawa, Rev. and Mrs' C Avery. H. Lackey, Warkworth, Mn.* and Mns. Fred Preston, Miss1 Miss Betty Wright spent Grace Preston, Trenton, -.~audyeeigwt o Mn. James A. Wenry. Igrandparents, the N. E. iWrights. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Slemonn M Susan and Fred, Mrs. Alicej nM. and Mrs. Fnank Virtue, Thompson, Haydon, Mrs. Wal- Burlington, Mrs. A. E. Bilîett, ter Fenguison, Bowmanville,1 Hampton, Mn. and Mns. Mur- ïMn. and Mns. William Robin-j ray Dony, Scarbonough, Mn -. son, Mn. and Mrs. Guis Wilson,' and Mns. Ait. Randeil, Hanp- Orono, Mr. and Mns. Wilbnurl ton, wene guests o! Mr. and Toms, Blackstock, Mr. and! Mns. H. J. McGili. ýMrs. H-arold Larmer. Bunke-i Mn. Russell Cardinal, Peta- ton. with Mrs. F. Toms. iwawa, was Thunsday tea Mn. and Mis. Wrn. Hambl,- guest at E. Wight's. Sunday ton, Rochesten, Miss Elsiej tea guests with Mn. and Mr%.. Oke, Bowmanville. wene with E. Wright were Mr. and Mns. Mn. and Mns. F. Dorland.I Elwood Shackleton, Bowman- Mn1 n Ms lmn .ville, Mn. and Mns. Murray Mr. nd Ms. EmerHanris,. Sanderson, Raglan, Mn. and Whitby, Mn. and Mns. Donald1 Mns. J. Muller and Darny], iWeann and family, Dundas. Mn. and Mrs. Murray Axfond, iwere visitons at Mn. and r. r .Cyemn A.L. Wearn's.dMs. Oshawa, n .Cyemn Mns. Ron Clemens, Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Mc-i Mr. and Mns. Dick Wood iGuI, Miss Clara Page, Ton- and family, Maple Grove, Mn. onto, Mrs. A. Willoughby,j and Mrs. Lyal Brock, Bow- * Oshawa, Mns. G. Stephens, 1 manville, wene tea guests o! Bowmanville, wene with Mrs. K. McGill's. E, Page.Mrs. Sid Pansons, Miss Elva Mr. and Mns. David Stan - Onchard, Bowmanville, were ton and Deanna, Belleville, Sunday tea guest.s o! Mr. and Mn. and Mns. Keith Cryden- Mrs. M. Stainton's. *m an and girls , Zion, Mn. and M.adMs o a Mns. Wilhent Smith, Oshawa, M.adM. o ag jMns. Stella Beech, Bowman- maid, Miss Sally Lan mid, ville, Mn. and Mns. Cecil Slns n dM.R I Rahm, Union. Mr. Cecil Milîs, MeGill's. !Maple Grove. wene with Mn. Mn. and Mns..Fred Helroyd,i and Mrs. Leonard Stainton. Ha mpton, wene at Mn. and Mrs. S. Lamb's. Mn. and Mns. A. L. Bailey, Last Wednesdiay Mn.. Alex Blackstock, with Mn. and Mrs. Thunston, Fenelon Falls, Mn. F. W. Wenny. and Mns. Lamne Lamb were *Mn. and -Mns. Bill Mahaffy,1 guests. o! Mn. and Mn.. R. :Grant and Neil. Blackstock, Lamb, celebration o! little with Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp. Miss Lesley Larnb's finit S Mn. Roy Sandensen, Ton- birthday. ente, was tea guest o! Mn. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mrs. S. 'Mns. R. Sharp. Mn. and Mrs. Redman, Mr. and Mns. I. G. Howand Bradley, M a p 1 ej Traveli, Oshawa, Mns. I.* Grove. wene callens. jBragg, Mn. and Mns. W. J. Miss Ruby Virtue, Toron t o Bragg, Allen, Barry andl * spent the weekend with R: Janet, Providence, Miss Wen- Vitue's. dy Ayne, Bowrnanvilie, Mr. S. OsaaBartok, Toronto, Mn.. Squair, Ms. D. n Lewis, Ohwa'Newcastle, M.adMs iMs.PeerAgg, Debonah an!Ie, Dr. Wm. Bentham, Mns. ,Donna, Whitby, Mn. and Mrs. K.Blet omnfMr D. Canr, Joanne and Ivan, and Bille.tPreowmnlTrentMn. Bewmanville, Mn. and Mrs*anMis . Preton, TOshaoa, Reg Sampson, Lorelei and, .Petn saa i CoinCaldon ast , rs.Knudsen and Allan, Mr. * Coln, Caedon ast. and Mns. Pedersen and little Sunday supper guests o! Mn. daughten, Scanborough, wene and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. visitons durlng the weekend Mrs. Norman Avery, Deb- witb Mn. and Mr%. 0. C. Ash- b ie and - Dale, Salem, wpre; ton and family. recent visitons at C. Avery'q Mr. Hcrbent Wright andi Miss Marguerite Wright. S irIs bcd Sunday tea witb1 iatharines, pent teweek-iparena theS. &Wregts. BEAUTI TONE No. 1 Quality Paint SOLD ONLY BY Home iik Hardware Stores BETTER RESULIS FOR LESS MONEY QUARTS GALLONS LATEX WALL PAINT .,..............................$2.17 $ 6.97 ",HIGH-GLOSS ENAMEL ............................. SEMI.GLOSS ENAMEL ..................... EXTERIOR GLOSS HOUSE PAINT .......... INTERIOR.EXTERIOR PORCH & FLOOR ENAMEL.................. $2.47 $ 7.97 $2.37 $ 7.97 $2.37 $ 7.97 $2.37 $7.97 CHECK THE FACTS - Any can which bears the Beauti Tone label. is guaranteed to surpass the government specifications for No. 1 paint, and is sold onIy et your Home Hardware Stores. EXTERIOR, LOW.LUSTRE QUARTS LATEX HOUSE PAINT ...................... $247 ARCTIC SUPER WHITE ENAMEL ............$2.97 WALL PRIMERS INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR ................ McGregor Hardware LIMITED 95 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLIE PHONE 623-5211I GALLONS $ 7.97 $10.97 $2.37 $ 7.97 .j- - Hobbs School Celebrates "Spirit Week"' Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band had a busy day on Monday with a parade in Bethany and the Rotary fireworks entertainment in the evening. Ken Wilson took this picture cf the band in the parade. The second photo shows Allan Beer and bis daughter Cathy, ail dressed up for the Bethany parade that drew a large and enthusiastic crowd of spectators. The Cuiadian Sttemman, flowmanvme, May 24, Ion? T BEIEF IYIb rEAKS 891i 23cb 49ci .4,lb Maple Leat Sliced COOKED HAM 6-oz* vce Features UP ES 3'F$1 RAPES Maple Leaf Skinless I PORK SAUSAGE loMII lb. gs55Cmi, r Pkg. -------- Fresh Pro dL QMEXICAN GROWN CANTALC fflSOUTH AFRICAN GROWN BARLINKA GI FLORIDA GROWN ;mORANGE fl HOME NEEDS Pepsodent - Family Size SAVE 24e »TOOTHPA&STE 95c The Clear Hair Cream - 3-os. Tube SAVE 18e "S COR E 71c 40 Ban Roll-On - 1-oz. Sise SAVE 19e DEODORANT 78c AII-Purpose Towels - Box o! 12'8 "'CLOTH .59C 4~Lightweight Styrofoam - Large Size ~ICE CHEST.S $198 Oakburne - 10-lb. Bag SAVE 18e 13RI-UETS77c BARGAIN BUYS . Maxwell House Ali-Purpose - 1-lb. Bag SAVE 10e COF-FEE 7t5c Kîcenex 3 Colours - SANVE Go ~'PAPER TOWELS 2Rol 4,9c jiCarleton Choice- - 14-os. Tins DESSERT PEARS > 5 for $1 Low Law Price Bonnie - 15-os. Tins DOG FOOD 10) for $1 Drach's - 12-oz. Tin. SAVE Se (ORNED BEEF LOAF 49c' Ail, MeIrchandim Values Elfettive lii WE RESERVE Open Thur King St. and'. 8umpçM n Aveu 5-LB. Dominion s RICKMELLO SALAD3 DRESSING Domino Choice - 28-os. Tins TOMATOES 16-os. Jar SAVE t ISAVE 2. 4 forsiI Toniato luice 9 for $j' Hilltop Assorted or Vanilla - 8-os. Pkg. O PR Ice Wafer Bfiscuits 29c Rlehmello - 1-os. Size SAVE 20e Ang-el Food Cake 39c Rihelielo - 16-os. Loaves SAVE 130 -Raisin Bread 2 for 45c 49R11 PARKING > !e Xu Guaranteed To Give 100%/S,.tisfactlon [tit £Ioslng, Saturday, May 27, '67, -in BowiuaivMl1 E THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 's. and Fr1. Nights 'tîi 9 p.me Legion Pipe Bandl Leacis Big Parade at BeIhany It's Maint j THE KING 0F ROASTS - S PDCUT AS YOU LIKE THEM rfi THREE MEAL VARIETY -R :LAMB IN STENDER AND TASTY Rib Lamb CHOPS 1ASTS - CHOPS - STE Ak BASKET àmok 1WHLE OR HALF 49,ILRMB LEGS CONFIDENCEI Tf-USI'ECUIDI HOME HARDWARE STORES TRY HARDER TO SERVE 'l- '-e rtý 2- m nus

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