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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1967, p. 3

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Mr. Jamies Cromb and Mr. ~ , ;fi a i I vvar thurfl hunday liy lth, aLn-IThe Canadian SUaemn omnllMy2.10 Th e t WReformer! ai, Miciga, hr se st at-r, h isin Re- forrc husaý a l-a tise A T hat e L eS t Ctir.Funeral was frian Uic M arris ar me . Tise brjde'a mthe r Fceuncral Chapel on Saturday ed i g Qtreceise e oanig he uit ecehaternoon. Interment In theR o ar 14W Maching ccessoies an RotarianspltSponsorvil_ corsage was a CymbldiumnM- dMs ae n ib I orchai td ith tpink ro s h of B ow m anv lle w ere honor - cohrwowr agenln d gtaests at a Party held an The Bawmaniil oaydvlpeta onPr en dress with wool lace coat Shome , a y 13trdaug t he ndClub, several c ars aou. Snc ht Un, ie R tn i and ratc ing accesso res. M er hom ein ofaw, i -. a nd Mr nd. chased 17 i- s c la d it - h v be n b y ea n u . corsaide was aImoa aCymbidium Lloyd L w rK ry n in t eT w m t o h ebiuiinrvn r m q o c i , b u t w it b y e flo w r s e s .n. . ,L w n , K r y n t ep a t n r s , b i d n I n occasion of their 34th Wed- the chapter inteu hs alsec oias ud CU RII IQ AN RI L he Vllge Moel W lc ni on ym on in Ne Ytkhtye- Vnd reatvlattngng weeM on teterlraan a pr v- t e ar, ic Boar C u gldaiwhere the bride'. mother re1the bride was wearing a twa fi-cmreai-en t rt enned.Te i bk Bouquets of white gan liceived waigan aqua coatJpiecegreen tweed suit witb rMapTeoravonto o ma i hndts ed îqe a cswr osnnga C. ad white poms formed anwithitelack hat, white gloves, uc ceybfe oigeet eeds .' attractive setting in Elizabeth- m t ain bs o s ndla ck Patent access nies and in fa he quî. e - ntq es a d Thnv" t 'Ville United Church on Satur- corsage of Pink Jingles Sweet- mauve orcbid corsage. They noe yal aatn.Oi bnofnn day. afteno onf Maythe 1967, heart nses. T e grec, s -will reside in St. Catharines. n e y p e sa te.i g cu s d a d s Wm. Cabbledickssstevifotehihatteaedor.ue Fo teOurmnt 1Rtay Of M iss clo fr th en mQ a n etri hoe n a seied aeceive and The bride, w o attended waed b e by . .b s . p tntl nn s h vca a daugMiss Gor e n Q atii, c oe a bie crepe dress Bowmanvillc High Sch ol, i r.W . o b kvi a ps n an tt ded e. uch was er ve.t e To n a d tie sr d a g b er ai M r . a n d M s. w ith la c e b o d ic e , m a tc h in g a n o ffic e c le rk a t K e lse y B la c k st a k U ite d Cs o eb as O n F np u t e n onou -ff a - u fa o n t onu Howard A. Quantrill, R.R. 1, accessoies andi corsage of Hayes Canada Ltd., Conroîy n tendèdbr.Lnhwss Ca m'Pbellcof, and M . J hn) Zorin Sweetheart rses. Division, St. Catharines, and day. okU itd Ch r h dan y bae a le a h al, a d n w Ui oa i E d u C r i r , s n a i ~ r j e f n e i a i n n t h i t h e g r o o m i s A s s e s s o n f o r t h e d a yr c t l g i n h h n r d * adMr.. Francis Currier,J County of Lincoln. He attend- 'ta bk.s Por Pa pe wedding trip te Nortbern Ms.a nso etn 'hrhgens i- H pe p itsoienrdedsn,, fo'tdheeita Hbridoe.. ot er. ay wth be d u cll nt araocrckn villsey i ic iem hande e . Ra mnjit fficiated fr travelling, an aiange sherbet Out-of-tow n guests attend-vll Port Hope s e t d la s w s r ai e . A x e t d h n v i o sb e h he double-ring . crernony. suit, aange and lime flower- d frn Jarvis, Toronto, Osha teM d o.M. Ca C rnsh is naed s. J ccc n Mrs. Edwin Wilson, who plaY- cd hat, beige accessanies and wa, Kendal and Buffalo. cn ye a f w d ys isi g n bo , K p s as g. p nt he ite sa . C h e ryh ew i h t h e p u c hamesact, e tl m accompanied the solaîst, Mrs. roses. They will reside at 14 bride was guest cf honon ut weedwt r Maurice Cruise. Caroline St,, Part Hope. ifour miscellancaus showers. Miss Vi ola Nden a cf ugToronto Mn. ad.W ibc h The bride, who was given The bMden. Donith th catssslfr he"Canadianais"ioa N c thfeornt In marriage by ber father, Mrs.biewb iaitntdHotese orth soer wr aiuhoe nente -et. ldcw'Oshawa, setUcbte hn avdoto wbie Fenc tffeu. he ittended Elizabethville Public Samuel Martyk, Mrs. Allen .i-y Vi te he so an Mud w.p se, sl g s s d si gs ted beic w s d si ne wth Sch ol an P rt op Hgh Fotanda d he offce stffHope.usiLrHn.1aw D. nd Mi-. n. A SatndM .. J. Mue! eosfBc nictoew rsat a scoop ncckline and the School. An electnîcul appren- where the bi-ide is empioyed - alRthnedud hi n ewMs W. muithadvnaDecnsBec.Mn elbaw-length sîceves wcne tice, the groam attended Port at Flint, Michigan.,n.SvysetMna ih lcso niu ivnm banded with Guipure lace ap- Hope Public and H i gh! PORTEOUS - SM ITH ...Mn. B Lo g M .. W . M . an M s. L Mud- wgl s ar wîl e i cud d s p liq u e . A s lim sk irt w a s e n - S c h o ls . g , . ..'R i , m n. C u L n f T r n n r . R e t e s r .t e s l l s o h r t m hanced with wide bands anf R , -eta, anr. hli L ang fTor the same applique and was Many showerpatebnn-S.ausAglcnCrc accentcd by a chapel length cd the bride priai- te ber' at Bethany was the setting for Osaw er n alestnD. Bewaniîîe,.anMi,'umrutaeti. train. Mer sheulden lengtb mariage. Thi-ce miscellaneous the mariage ai Canolyn f ougasK', - so-ofMr. - a recently, swing te the wtdM.ad n eIaalal rehn Ewr y-eiî was caught te a tiara of showers were held, anc at the Doi-cen Smith, daiightei- of Mn. 0- -TCnl ngb.Maywîlne k -ci-ystals and peanîs, and hei-borne of Mrs.- Henry Thick- and M ns. Carl Smith af Beth- c eg a e br Ms nc Bt, cat nve c n J n ~ascade bnuquet was ai ste- h z be v lloan c at the anY and R ay Stuart P orte u , .m" i at n s , a u c - sp t t e w ek n w th M - lai- d y r o h y g raps a e n - n de c e .S p ka la rg e o rch id . O sha w a , a n d th e M isse s E lle n P rteo u s, R . . 1, F ia serv ille , 'e ta n d b i e w o e rs oS m p n A v u e r m H g - Miss Gwen Pattiso . Mn. and reC-eak Park" (so.tis os MSs Ellen Aiken of Peter- Aiken and Barbaia Bracken- On Satu day, M ay 20th. e M. Rab. M M l a b r Y r W e b n he a d c îd o i u g h w a s m i d f b n r i d g e h îd o n e i n P e t e r b a - A r t h u r S . A l î c -t o n a îi c i a t d t ru t ( i n c a s e o f g e M s s G w n a t i s n nd the brid sm aids w rcoug . M iss Lind u C urrier w as fer the ce nemnony, assistd by P it H p e e h l d y V 5 e e w t n n n . C a n t e s l îl b e d a were daughter Mrs. Ethan Jones n9 Mi-r, .R. rCrembie, Beanvcî 'Miss Barbaia Backenridgc of hostess for a ktchen andijî e. Reginald Rose of Prt ors t Hp Mnre an d ayMr s. ci ej2 am P c t i - b i - o g h a n d M is s L i n c l a p a n t y s h w e i' i n P o r t H o p e . P e n y .J o c a n f m î yc i . "4Currien ai Pot Hope, sisten The staff and emplcyes of M is. R ss Hall f W hitby, M . J h n r b m n tr- b v ~ltl D~ of te grom. Thein sheath Genral Fods gifted the a n ithc bride sang "The be n epn îc v g aw ns w er c af qua crysta i bride w it b maoney. The bride's W ddinig H m n" and O er-a m t r t p te he W t M n. . M a l o b w s ii th p.eau de soie wfth scoop neck- mothen honarcd ber daughten fect Love,"~ accampanied ut cd home triptewctkedWf-ar Maclntosh, Coid Spinswhe .neand short sîceves. Thel with a trousseau tea. the ongan by3 ber- duugter Coast. Fi C MDn-hspitM. Teacil wtte i- ,gown back was accented byý Miss Lyndu Hall. a f u il l n g t h c h i f f o n p a n e l . 1 T K L - P S E G i v e n i n m a r i - a g e b y b e r M i s a h t e t n n a d M s o s B n e t, ~ u J V SUE OTRMn.. danMn.MctshsfrS- MagrsilCterbsoant, dy dinner. CV 'They wore matching floral father, the bride was laveîy in Mr . and Mns an Bîe ndS . . o c a a cluster headdresses with bou-î The m uniage af Miss M arie,1 er foor-length gown aifec Mhrs ay n n aier iic B F b O tant veils arnd th cy car-nied Elaine Foster, d uughter o f M- s i m n n m ot d w ieg t f b rMar nt,'n a d hi ks n Md a were othels Da dinwitndMr n. and Mns. cascade bouquets of shasta and Mn.. Martin Faster-, Ken_ brocade with ail-aven rose ~' Mrs. Roy Little, and uttended M- cbnysanthemums tld wtdandM.JspJont- design and sculioped fiirie. edai United Church wherc Port Hope, werewihM. ,whitc streamers. kel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John egn.Tebdc etnd Shown in the above pooai-e Mr. and Mrs.Jh isrwoemi-terneeSer edu mt n r.H odn * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dig MTha ehh iPotSueS.Ctanns a on eckiince, empre photo HarryryLe, a Sit on Satunday. Mope wuabest an, un of b-Por tlmniz CatainStenniws awundne ndln ees.irA age took place in Zion Christian Reformed Church, Oshawa, on Saturday ghten of Mr-. and Mn.. Ronald MnanM..BWhthd ering were the bride'. bro- Cburch, St. Catharineson full train fell fi-rn the should- afternoon, April 22, 1967, at 3 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Hendrika Dinnen af Part Hope, was dinner with Mn. and n Abher, Mn. John Quantnill ai Saturday aiterno, p el2 rs. Mer elbow iength veli af(iRicky) Wavensveld, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. K. Wavesedc owavle a d Ms onFre-BSetvèalnd.th Oshawa, and Mr. Ben Scholtes 1967, ut 3 o'clock.' white nylon net wîth scalloped and the bridegroomn is the son cf Mr'. and Mrs. H. J. Visser of Oshawa. teri- and n. oh nd Foi-i-es- eeal the ccmmunlt 'f Bewdley. Be.J1Cohr edges set with tiny seed peanîs Photo b Astor Studio spent the holiday weekend ut HopeonMdan4 'The rceptio waJ.hldat,0îers8twus the was caugh tet a tiara head- their cottage ut Resedale,_________________ Tercpinwshl tofcaing clergyman, and Mr. dress of sequins and peanîs. i I I .i 'Cameren Lake. Announce New mushewidcn cadhe of white: sweetheart ro:: M a rried in Elizabethvilje United k.hurch M r. and Mrs. Alex Bitchie The bie who was given i n es, stephanotis and lily-of-the- and son Fraser were oven- ( \~J i ~ lelngSusane: nariage byher father, ware Valley. Dann:eFlakness ai Dnapak and B eai n S b s an e: a foo l ngh, whte ow 'l Mis ia ne ar nes f amly O naiayi M .' . e n r Shrùnks Piles ffthe scalloped necklinie. The Ida was the muid of honour. Mr-.'n Mrs. CecilGi-ahamn sîteves ice cf Ca n tily -pilace i s or S m ith ansers i ss....ther V r o ra a p n sevswrofCatlylc, 1GraceSih srofhe Sunday wsth Mr. and Mrs. Snmetimes a W«]neuglle ar uldh euj be nlWds and repir damagMme U. organza. Mer four-tie, elbow- 1bride;maids. A l w anc m atch- L o d G y o n a g ti h p b f r h an r s e e i sle ofu e u i b lt~' renowned reeearch institute bau length, bouffant veil was igdre1ssegarN e g-en MusangratuFlntion Falîs.Ad ngtoicrul fo.und a urni ue healing substance caughÏtet a cluster afilily-af- georgettl-e chiffon over taffeta1, Gbatb a withth ab lty to shrink hemor- the vulley, and she carnied a flon length, designed similar Gabrih fBownanviîîe .1iaid pinIes y. Itnrelieves itching caecade bouquet of pink i-oses1ta the bride'. gewn, witb bi-ho celuyuteclparty u t ti'.'h-' aMd dscomfort in minutesl and nd iily-of-tbe-valley. mutching flowered beaddness home af bei- sister-Ms, Jh op"s up henting ef the injured, Mns.'Sàtmuel Matyk ai St- tund tiny veils.. Thty carriëd Bry ..2 nnls Infined tissue. Catharines wus mati-enniofduinty posey bouquets of pink Berry, R-- we2, Mrrs. Johnt An Cas er -c"e, while gentîy honor and the bridcsmaids venonica, sweetbeart i-oses and - CLOTHES CAME IIT mieving ,ain, actuel rédiuction were Mn.. Chu fGordon, St.I white daisies. (obninkai .to place. Cathaines, and Mrs. Bruce Anne Rose ai Pont Ferry OI CA RU N G Motimotnhj i Elliott, ai Newtonviile. The 'was the littie flowen girl, her ELIZABETH VILLE ANRNGRM TSbprsigeho.Clh w enesoth h'- ~ Cernecca, was fower girl. the bridesmaids. Her flowes ~4 *- nt gtwatta s m p C huro o '. iecseMss L eacesres a ini tur et tham efn t . ra cl yu l a c i h n p e se y p o e q ofmn wmemnte vr&PiO Their gowns wene ci sbnimp were in a dainty white curry-asualtGrdnHl.Nx e t m u n y m a nth s. 2co lo e d c h iffo n flo w in g v e n n g b a sk e t.C h c h s r i e w e c h d m n . C a l o u l c l d y l e e f p k p a d d li r 7 This was accampliahed with a taffeta and ucceuted ut the' Robert Gill ai Peterborough PLANda ScoolsAI S u n d a y w ill b e e ie a n d o u i- L N T A T N E T E N A A C f» w healing substance (B c-D ye) neckline by chiffon rosettes, j as the gr oomm an. Allan cesa nîve sur which quickly helps beal injured They wone hcaddresses af 1 Smith, brother of the bride & Monroeeof Welconie change' Canadian LeginHl laudy u, r eils ana stiniatas growtb ai new white feathei-ed carnations1 and John Jackson, cousin ai wili be speaker. tssue. witb sbnimp coiored net, and1 the bride, wcre the ushens.On edsayfe nte *Now Bia-Dyne is offered in oint their colonial bouquets wenc The wedding neception wus ~-'~ Chu rch Wemen held theirW- metadspotry foi-m caliad; of white carnations with iheld in St. Paul's Parish Hall,metn MsW.Lgya' Pre ara ion H. skfoi it at a l drug I sh im p colored net. w herc M s. Sm ith r ceiv cd theho e Mn. G M i- s au . aw. MA *i es S tifa t O r yO oe mO msY M . The dore Guski was guests weuing a dress.ofi sn- pres e t eie. M rs. G. M o rsu ____________aanth_ her w set geld boenith atgi- Setu dsd.bes man and the shes we.cj ng ulI wih mach-M cAllistei- ad the devotional bat and bnown accessanies. H er co i-sage w as aof ai-ange__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ swectheurt roses. J. Orde Organ Studios evnwseaigat- Mrs.Ca on rl o-eus usa e 1055 Denise Drive Oshawa i-ose beige laceaena machs nt 7:30 p.m. ilUr 1 r n r.M. Keilett andj Mrs. James E. RichairdsEditor l h n in .. Li a A &é. i . p r e i eSu r n d a y 'I . . - - - - -- -I . jD u r i n g t h i s B i r t h d a v Cu a arPenwarden. M. dMr. en adiV1. n wre guests of Mr. and' Mrs G.Benar wth erMrs. June Kramer, Wanda Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Suttan Mrs. Carl Wright of Black- 'rtherBMrn iard Galla-e and Douglas, were weekend visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred stock and vis ited ather rela-rI gher, attended the wedding of guests of Cpi. and Mrs. Ben Dayes and attended Anniver- tives and friends. their brother, Mr. Fred Galla-! Madiii Jr., at Chambiy, Que. sary Service at Blackstocki Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robin-ýI gher ta Miss Boschl Battams,, mad visited Expa. United Church an Sunday. I son, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson:I at a candlelight service on Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Bran- Mrs. R. McEiroy visited Mr. attended the Anniversary Ser- Friday evenhng at Gananoque. ton and children of Windsor and Mrs. Wm. Robinson aver vice at EnniskilIen and were j Mr. Bernard's niece and neph- visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry the holiday. dinner guests of Mrs. Fredi ew Mir. and Mrs. R. Renard, Mercer and other friends and Mr. and Mrs. Carios Tamb- Toms. Rev. Milton Sanderson Ajax, were Sunday supper relatives over the holiday lyn attended the Seminar for of Toronto, a cousin of Mr.1 guests. weekend. Sehool Trustees at Eastview Robinson, was the guesti Mr. and Mrs. Bye Gibson Mrs. John Leishman of Osh- near Ottawa over the long speaker. were guests an Friday evenung awa spent the long weekcnd weekend.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence cf Mi-. and Mrs. J. R. Parkin- with Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Mr. Michael Fagan of Mark- Harris, Linda and Charles son, Courtice, for a going away Tamblyn. han spent the weekend over visited Mrs. Albert Harris, Party for Mr. Parkinson's bro- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gray Mother's Day with bis grand- Bowmanville, on Mother's ther, who îe golng ta British and son David, Mr-. and lirs. parents, Mr .and Mrs. F. 0. Day. Columbia. A. J. Jakeman vlsited Mrs. Cooper.1 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Webb Mr. and Mrn. Bye Gibson Milton Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. MortirrI and bher mother Mrs. Vera were recent visitai-g of bis James Gray and famlly, Cad- Sabin of Rochester, N.Y., Millson of Scarborough spent mother, Mi-.. G. D. Bentley, mus, on Sunday. were dinner guests of Mr. Tbursday of iast week wth Port Perry. lrs. Cecil Robinson was a and Mrs. Alex Watson on Mr .and Mro. H. . Milldon Mr. and Mns. Stan Gable and dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Monday of lest week.. and daughters and other re- Bruce, Tyrone, visited wàth Adam Sharp on Sunday and Mr. Harold Hooey ]S allatives. the Glbson's Sunday evenlng. attended the Annlversary Ser- patient in the Oshawa Gen-1 Mrs. Bertha Morris Chap- Mr. and Mrs. N'orman Davis vice at Lnlakillen Unitcd enal Hospital. J au age on, widow of the ,and family. Orano, were Mon- Church. Mr. and Mns. Norman S. lte Rev. Fletcher Chapman day supper guests et their Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham McNally af Coiborne attended land daugtro the lite 1fr. parents, )4r. and lira. Bye viuite Mr..and Mn,. Wilfordithei Annivcrsary Service atland Mrs. LeviMi of o- iGibOII. iBroandm u insat Downs.' B1ackaock United Churcl.mnvLevipMorrisaway ow- Square Dancing on Lawn Perfornied by members Swîngin' Bows and Pine Ridge Promenaders Maor and Mrs. iohbs will arrive in OId Time Car N'ew Diuplays Inelude... WEDDING GOWNS THROUGH THE YEARS OLD-FASIMOEn KITCHEN BOTTLES and <GL&SS As... FIREARMS CONFEDEBATION DOCUMENTS PEIOD BOOMS GENFRAL STORE ADMISSION: FRU fer those in old-fathloned costumne Others: Adulta »0< Childreà 100 prsay "Thank You" with big I Ail Our Furnit IOur hutre Stock of hMEN'S - WOtAEN'S - C PCorne in Today 1 - la # YOUR FAMILY $TORI' 23 KING ST. E. ;savings on :ure (Icotmin 'IILDREN'S uns GaIÔr.i J WMI' w "IF ' IL

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