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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1967, p. 5

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- ~ M 1r .afd IMmaPeter 'W fn amily have rel Fom a recent visit ta Hc RevP-. R. C. White att ~e fnera ofthe lait k~luParker, at Rose eweek. MM. C. Burley, Mr gllénd M"s. H. Wo a misceilaneous s flice home of Mrs. 1: -'urley, Cobourg, in hozi bride-elect mis Donna Donell, Iast Tuesday evi The -annual U.C.W.s held in the SundayE 1hll on Wednesday wa houai successful affair, receipta of approxi ma Twenty-three member thec Newtonville Bowling gue held their final bai and season's wind-up ai Port Hope Golf and Coi Club last Tuesday evenir eNewtonville Ladies' bail Team played their Çm ne of the season her Wednesday last, when entertained Port Hope, latter winning by a rathei tiaive inargin. Despite the inclement ther a number of local pt were busy opening their mer cottages for the sei over the weekend. ThesE cluded Mr. and Mrs. Rayx Trim, with Mr. and Mrs. Tompicins and family, at rymple Lake; Mr. and Mr MacDonald and family, and Mrs. Bob Brown family, at Rice Lake; Mr. Mrs. Phil Gilmer and fair at Chemong. Mrs. S. J. Lancaster att, ed a three-day Bookkeei Seminar at Massey-Fergi Industries, Ltd., Long Bna last week. Mrs. Norman Lee andi ghter, Darlene Bowen, Cambray, spent Saturdayi Mrs. Clinton Farrow, as ing ber with a miscellan shower, in the afternoon, honor of Mrs. Bruce Tod( recent bride. Mrs. Harry Wade was lucky winner of a "Dres Plate"' quilt at a recent Pe: Sale at Port Perry. On S day Mr. and Mrs. Glen W~ namaker and Nancy of I grave were supper kuestsv Mr. and Mrs. Wade, and livered the quilt, while and Mrs. Bill Wade and b were with them for dinner Sunday. Miss Allie Nesbitt of 'J onto is here for a week two wîth ber sister Anne. Mr. and Mrs. Denton Mv aie, Toronto, were visit over the weekend with1 and Mrs. Frank Ovens. Mrs. Margaret Day of TI onta spent the weekend wA Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, wl other guests on Sunday wý Mrs. ROY McKay, Mr.a Mrs. Jack McKay of Brov Mfrs. Neta Bircb of Orono. The U.C.W. will rneet the Sunday Scbool Hall Wednesday, Mây 31, at 8 p. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broi and family were at Brucefi( over the holiday weeke] visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Ta loir. Mr. and Mrs, C. H. La are at Niagara Falls, Ontar attending the Postmaste annual three-day conventior The history of this partic lar south-east corner of t township, compiled throuj great effort by our local hi torian, Mrs. C. Burley, finally off the press and d livered here, ready for sa] Much credit is certainly di the authon, and all who hai assisted with this worthwhi Centennial Project. Get yoi order in early, as over E it's the easiest sarting power niower YOD can buy! LAWN BOY Villemas copies are sold already. ,turned Sunday visitors Wlth Mr. 'fland. and Mn. Glen Stapleton and tended family were Mr. and Mm. eMrs. Cecil Stapleton, Mr. and Mns. neath, Ray Stapleton and fanily, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Martineil and r. D. famnily, Port Hope. iod at- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancas- ihower ter, Miss Doreila Lancaster, Dennis and Mr. Jack Chard were îor of supper guests on Sunday with Mac- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Werry, ening. Enniskillen, after attending upper the Centennial Sunday School School Anniversary at that church. Ls the Mn. and Mns. C. R. Farrow with were supper guests Sunday, t ely with Mr. and Mrs. i:anl Far-, row, Downsview. ru of1 Mr. George Pethick of Tor- yLea- onto was i the village Sun- Lnquet day afternoon, calling on tt the friends and relatives. euntrY Mr. Keitai Stapleton had a Ig. narrow escape on Saturday Sof t- night, as he prepared to step first intohis car, parked near the Pàintings by Pine Ridge Stuclents Aclmired by Viewers they* ot'J1J1car 11 JNewcastle, wnen the anthr crapparently eut of the control, crasbed into h îm, 1 ýr de- tbrowing bim into the air. and smasbing bis car. For «'+ wea- tunately Keith escaped wîth leople severe bruises, but the dam- sum- age to tbe car was very ex- , . ~ ~ . . . . . . .""»- ason, tensive. We understand the .*",e .. ". ein- two men in the otber car " , mond were apprebended. e. RaY Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones >" ': Dal- were supper guests, Sunday, n. PE.wthicr. Enniskile dn Recently, Bowmanville's Publie Library was the who were amazed at the fine quality of the work. ana Mn. and Mrs. Doug. Lester soene of a display of beautiful paintings done by the Somne of the paintings are shown in the above and and family of Toronto were students of Fine Ridge School. The efforts of these photognaph. rilY, down with ber mothen, Mrs. young artists drew approval from_manyspectators1 F. Saunders, Sunday._______ ;end- Mn. and Mrs. A. Wade and the United Church on Sun- ýpers' Grant went to Keene Sunday day, but next week, May Sq ae3acg at Opni ,uson atternoon. ilb th udyShoi S u r Da cn M s m O p ig nch, Mnr.and Mrs. D. Vinkie Awi ete unayScoo were Sunday supper guests In the Presbyterian Church .... . .......~ dau- with Mn. and Mrs. Earh Mc- eeedFe wann deiiv------- --------------------- - - --" - 4- - - - - - -.------- of Ewen and famihy, Peterbor- ered a splendid sermon on with ugh."The Rejection of Jesus." Mr.- sist- Mn. and Mrs. Bey. Hender- Swann also spoke ta the chil- eous son, Bowmanvilie, were at dren choosing as bis subject î-'g in n. redHenersn's Suday"The Clock" and app1ying it d, aevenng.to everyday living-dleanin With Mrs. Bourgerie onl side, a dlean dlean face, anr the Sunday -were Mn. and Mrs. busy hands. Previous chihd- sden Ben Bnacey, Mrs. Eva Lakin, ren's topics have been "A nny n. nd ns. oddLaworPin" "Matches" and hast weekl Sun- Mn, and Mrs. Norman Mc- ,Moiher". Mrs. H. Visser sangl Van- Evens, Mn. and Mns. E. Mc- "Take Time ta be Holy" with Sea- Evers and family, ail of Osh- Mrs. Bniggs accompanying. vith awa.The softbaleague opened de- On Sunday, May 28, the their season hast week with Mn. memorial gift ta Newtonville Nestieton Foresters versus '~4 oys United Churcb, by members Bunketon at Bunketon with- "'" ron of the Rowe famiiy in re- Nestieton the winners. This membanc ofMn. nd rs.week Nestieton Foresters vs. ror- R. J. Rowe, will be officiahhy Scugog tMlomMmna or received and dedicated by Park, Nestleton. Scugog out- Rev. R. C. White. Two great- pîayed Nestleton and emeng- .~ " las- gnanddaughtens wili assist ed the winners. tors with the ittle ceremony. Nestieton U.C.W. Mr. Rev. R. C. White attended Mrs. J. Roffel was hostess - the Annual Bay of Quinte for Nestieton U.C.W. which - 'or- United Churcb of Canada met on Tuesday afternon vith Conference at Kingston, hast May 16th, with Mrs. Peance hie Week. as unit leader. rere Visitons at the Manse in- Vice President Mrs. Arnold --- and chuded Miss Cathanine Stew- Wiliams took the chair and - ~--# nte, art, Mns. James Stark, Mn. atten a word of wehcome ta o~~ +~~t Wayne Fosten, Miss June ail, opened with a prayer and in Geach. the theme hymn. Hymn 400, '-* on Mn. and Mrs. Trueman Hen- "Fight the Goodi Fight" wa ).m. derson were visions Sunday Sung, foilowed by the reading ýwn evening with Mr. and Mrs. in unison of the Beatitudes.~- eld Harold Eurley in Cobourg. Mrs. Jackson favoned with a rxd, Miss Dorelha Lancaster bas reading, "The Vilhage Ladies' n-- ay- accepted a position with the Aid". Nicholson File Co. in Port Mrs. Johns bad charge of ne Hope, as receptionist, and, be- the study book and spoke on io, gins ber new duties this Chapten 17 deaing with the ..-........ ns' week. probhem of the relations of '~ ~ +~~*. n. Mn. Jim Nesbitt of Grave- the wonld and church in Ger- ~< ~# eu- land, F io ida, ar ived h ere m any, E n glan d and S cotland S u r a c u i n h i e R d e P o e a e s h e p m k h s e e i g i he Morday, to spend the sum. during tbe age of Reforma- Sqare ofdances cte anghePin igeostmeadnsthfulhkep make this eening ina ig mer with bis sisters. tion. Hymn 405, "Stand up, wiîî get Bowmanvilhe Museumn skirts and crinolines, the boys Cara .M Topo lis- ---------stand up for Jesus"' closed off to a livehy and colonful in Western dness, wihh form and Museum Board membens is -this prtof temeeting. Je-LE ONThe busine period folîow- start for this 1967 Centennial two squares and dance to ne- are hoping that many frons de. ESTL TON ed with minutes and cornes- season on the evening of June corded music and the callîng Bowmanvilhe and sunrounding ue Mn. st. Proceedings wilh begin of Glen Dowson. distnict who bave costumes ve ndMn. Gore owpondence read and treasurer's a 31 uo hearwa d no teprfraceb awer and is opaythir iep ers, Miss Marilyn Weidon report given. Tbank-you notes of Mayor and Mrs. Hobbs v nderjyne i iped ancoe wiîîaccptdthisppo tuniy un Osawaand n. Brt B were uing lnessfr ands ent-t W Ohaaan M. er B we ne receng ived fr ads sretai d time automobile. tese dancens. Al those who costumes again. 00 wene Sunday dinner guests ment. Severai dards were Eîght couples drawn from'attend in old-fasbioned costume The Swingin' Bows and -with Miss Weldon's parents, 'indfrsc n opthz the Bowmanvihle Swinging' wîlh be admitted free ta the Pine Ridge Promenadens have Mn. and Mns. Edward Weldonigd mfmor siTahe rai ail A Bows and the Bowmanvlîe Museum afterwards, and ta made a neputation for them- Ste. Thenese, Quebec, at their intenesting book 1 have read'- selvedanin thepOsia xFok easi cottage at Bobcaygeon. foliowed. Final arrangements d,~ 4~iu r alsn aOshawa Painkand tie- Mn. and Mrs. John Buchan, were made for the Centennial vals,', AD a~U VN fntOns. hawa beirnantathe Canolyn and Douglas, Lind- cburcb supper on Friday ev- B tToroie s infntond Districn othuae say, wen e Snay vsios ening, May 26th. Hymn 403, DneAscainwibi wih erprnts, Mn. and "How firn a foundation" was T ropanc Associationwihi Mns. Ivan Pnoutt and aunt Sung and the meeting cîased f affiliated with a trans-Canada Miss Ruth Proutt. with the Mizpah Benediction. T o h e t D n aascain Mn.bi and Maidns.Nil ee, Adeiioslncnassr- Local and area Baton'Blake and Dianne Shaw Ist There are new displays and Debie ndDavd, istedoned by the unit in chage and Twirers particiated in thel.Flag Baton Twir, 15-20, Di' features in the Museum this Juay ith M.adMsalened the usual social 9th Annual âatn Twirlinglanne Shaw st; Novice Solo, season, incuding a beautiful Joa oot at their cottage at hou. Ms. Bruce Heaslip Compelition held n Satur-i 9 ys., Kathy Blake 4th; In- array of wedding dresses Mr.landMs ihr ai moved a vote of tanks ta day. May 13, in the Dunças termediate.Solo, 13-14, Nancy trough the years, froin 1875 Mn ad n. icad av-Mrs. Roffel for the use of ber Arena,, D u n d a s, Ontario, Yuill 5th; Advanced Solo, 17- to the 1960's. Shown in the son, Mn. and Mns. Carl Elliot, home, t n.Pac n e nnighm evrlto 0 ineSa s;jbieVictonian bedroom, which bas David and t r.Pac n e rnighm eea r-2,Dan hwIt uie Kim wene Fniday assistants, to Mrs. Johns, and phios. Queen, 15-20, Dianne Shaw been newh decorated in a to witoMndwh inanywa waIlpapenood-sioed- Monday guest to alwoi nwa hehped The Tartan Lassie Twirling 3rd. sinths isy isepcal an i.Doug. Davison, to mnake such a pleasant after- and Drum Corps with Captain The contest drew many sgatt rctive.s spcil Mns. Nelson Marîow was ____________ Nancy Yuiil phaced 2nd. Twirlers from the U.S. andatrcie entertained ta Sunday even- Members were Launie Yuill, there wene 19 Corps and Other new. displays inchude ing dinner at the homne of Mn. Judv Seelev, Vaherie Broaks, about 800 competing for bon- an old-time kitchen; pressed and Mns. George Heaslip. Kathy McCune, Debbie But-I ors. In one solo class there glass; and an eye-catching an- Mn. and Mrs. Charles ler, Leslie Bowen, Toni Back-lwere 56 contestants. Nationlrneet of ohd glass -bottles, Bniggs, Toronto, spent the strumn Gayle Burley, Sandra Baton Twirling judges from their flaws and imperfections weekend at thein home in a nd Susan Swaga, Margaret Canada and the States wene and the way in whicb tbey Neteo.Yeo; with the Whitby Druns judging. are made showing their age. coMr.Osandw Fank uMsal. 473.5, 53rd Street ýCorps and Teen Colon Party. The Oshawa S tarnlie t tes Some bear labels of New- feolOshahi, er te home aLadner, B.C. Novice Strutt, 7-10, 2nd Twirling Team wiii perfonm athe ian0'sd These re itramf atronclesathhoeMay 10, 1967. Kîx Blake; A dv a nce d at Expa in August as guetstecoltin fM.adMs of Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm Em- Dean Sir: Stutt, 15-20, 2n d Diannelwith the Hamilton Tige r CatthcoltinofM.ad rs erson and evening dinner In the torrent of emation- Shaw, 4th Patsy Blake; No- 'Shaw Corps under the direc- M.ads.serewt Heandk guests witb the Bruce Heas- aiism concenning Vietnam,, vice Military "March, 7-10, tion of Dorothy Hunst. Mrn. adMs oetWno lips.a few important facts are, Kathy Blake lst; Avne There is a Centennial-Can- Thee w s n ch rc ~î conistnth oenloke. MhitryStrutt, 15-20, P-atsyl Ontario Hydro's Pickering federation disphay, and many ----- -(a) The conflict does not Blake 3rd; Two Baton, 15-20, jgeneratng station nean Toron- mare interesting rooms and concern only the Vietnamese,4 Patsv Blake 3rd. lta 'a the pnovince's third exhibits, from early firearma --- but more tban ONE B%[4 Duet 29 and aven, PatFy nuclear plant. tofrntr made in Bow- LIOaN, humailinbeis, il-i - manville. Beginning June 13, J a p a , t e P î h li i n e , T a i-f o r tw o w e e k s , t e c o lo r fu l land, Mahasia, Indonesia andl-adatetcCnda hr even Indlia nd utai. - nn*r*iIE ~ A cerDhscet yats cent. Frher U, eua d- how lest te om ierc32548mission prevails, 25e fon adults, Bambtonm ry" tardote 2324. 10e for chidren, and yeu wilh j am oourstain., FREE DJIVERY U certalny see a lot for younj Ba b ra ou ins tr 4ly ) money. It la reque t ed ith i L a parent sScmpany chUidrem. The Canadimi Stateumans Eowmanile, May 24, 1987 EARANCE!1 Hoist sail now for Walker's ... for these designs and colors. They're yar 1 s ~ s:.- t s 'i i Sav SAFARe 1.73YarNd 177 Values Up to 3.50 yd. New washable nub homespun fabric. Specially purchased from a well-known fashion house. 4511 widths. Cherry, coco., white, navy, butter- cup, orange, turquoise, citrus. "LAGOONff TWILL CHECKS Save 42ç À Yard 697d Reg. 1.39 yd. Canadian miii clearance of cool pastels in an easy-care Arnel3l and cotton blend. Simply shrugs off wrinkles. 44" widths. Erin, bluebeli, azalea pink, Illac and pom-pom, checked with white. SaveN AIR ÀOTTNard SA Reg. 1.69 yd. By popuiardemand this is a repeat of a previous seii.out! An early. summer transitianal special. For fashions and home decor. Wash- able. 3611 widths. Summer and transitional shades. CANADIAN-MADE SeRY4L0e Reg. 1.49 yd. Finest quality, thick Wn thirsty terry cloth for ail your summer essentials. ln soiid shades. 36,P widths. Paie blue, pale pink, yallow, royal, red, gold, black. PRE-SHRUNK COTTON BROADCLOTH Save 22e 1 7 .4 lard 'e Reg. 69e yd. Special purchase from a wel - known Canadjan miii. For cool ~ home decarating, quiIt maki ng and sumnmer attire for the whoie family. Solid colars. 35" widths. lts Marly colora Include, plnk, blue, . yelw rd raggre n white. Transifional Cotton Prints, Be'sure to see these new arrivais ai regular prices, whiie you're WALKER'S FASHION PRINTS OnIy 19? lmported from the United States, famnous for thein iovely printed cottons. These are the "Drip.Dry,, variety, which means you'Ii neyer have ta lift an iron ta them. Machine. Washable and coiorfast, of course. 35" widths. ln many transltionai colora, auch es, blu., green, brown, red, rose, gold, Wlde aaaortment of tranaltlonal colora violet nid navy. and prînts. "AFRICANff PRINTS BY TEX- MADE® Only 9~ These briiiant, primitive and exotic transitional prints are Sanforizedb, washabie and detalled with a Tex-Setb finish. Require littie or no ironing. Capture them now for shifts, shorts, as weIl as shirts and PJ's for girls and boys. 381 widths. g .4 ( NE WTON VILL.E The QUALIT name to lool when buying GINGER ALE . hIharidy cons too "Y WUONS TmNIWATI1 le 147 yd. 109 yd.

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