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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1967, p. 6

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y The adai, ~4f.Ail ,At -Rotc To Colo graphic pletorial accet et.-Hondrîulu, California awas enjayeti at i * anville Rotary Clu 24tlceon meeting in. the F ~Dutchnmen Mator Inn Wlursdy, Ka 11lvenÀ AtIin showd films ho M~en on- a trip leus than t, Mbnths aga. *A Six Yoara Perfect Atter suce Pin was presenteti ,Wjfred McMechan by Attem inéeChairmm.î Jack Lanc TIbe blrthtiay 01 Keith Jacksc I a' past president, w., ce briteti. by his fello~w Rotariai IPragram Conmnittee Chi zMM Rasa Strike, Q.C., in i tLducing the presontation clored Pîctures paiti tribu W: Mr. AUIn's work as a R tl"41n.1!. sýpake oai a*sanco in- aal club prajeci and also pýo1nted'aut that U AIln is a top seller af ticei îtenIf aything i ne ed, sk A andho will do wfth a arnije,"1 Mr. Strike sai Mr. Aluin talti the gathe: Iigthat ho andtis wife ha »oTd a farmers' group f tffe tour- The first pictu, thowed the Party boardinga Air' Canada flîght ta Chicag Wtere they changcd aircra: t9.:11Y to ain Francisco. Tho many views ai thi <ýt city shaweti its mai flffccnt harbor, fanmous brid 40à, hliy streets anti the rE Swned cable cars. The nic ofa the huge distric own ae the Delta, 80 milj ut aif San P'rantéisca, -wa ~~tured. There are mnore thai ~.J000 acres ai irrigate k d there. .~e ai the niany vaut foi Mar-for cattie was shown. lJ tafildt lot thero were 5,00 lanti the modern me dEical tiovices for feedinl e animnais wero amazing ng calves were kept org tfa pen in two raws faciîn è*h ather between whichi veyor type feetier carne feedt tathem. edeparturo by Par. .~enican Airways from Sar ~ lisca wasfilîmeti, and nlshing sCenes were filn, Is ,snpuavrt '-t- is uanel supposedte t sodepeâceoa ind. Yeu a't rest easy if a lump sum surance prcmium badly loflates your budget. Our antiy Preffium Payment 'au lets you sPace yaur in- srancle payments over a tumber aof-months. it, a ponvenient way ta maintaja bcealtby inatîrance program ,..and a- healthy budget. WC us for details. TIVAIT I ~, = ~ JAMES 9 IL UqSU0ILANCE I~t~,g St. E. Dowmanvtn. *10.. kesiienco 0U4.81 628-5493 w%. -4 q W. take thus opportunity ta thank you. out loyal customers... for the continuous support you have qiven your local Dairy. Since our establWsm.nt in 1912 we have alwcxys uupported our coimmunity. WE PAY TAXEs TOO * GEN AIDAIRY mua" WMAHYILLE n SUr a nc e DONALD A. MacGREGO B Life, Auto, Home Insurance U King St. W., Bowmanvllle' Phone 623-5962 Land Surveying MERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. - Bowmanville Bus. and Res. Telephane 623-7251 SADME RAMILTON - ORONO Phone 983-5115 First Mortgag. Funds Reoidences - Farina Biqineaa ProperiAi optogret Y KEIT A. ~ILITT.O.D. 14 Xig StE. - Bo*znanvfle OMe ffl:sr ppointint à6m m- -ThurL - Tri a ~m. to à pa2i. Thwgday .wOunigu IoatO EOWManvjlh, )&W 24. 147andi dedicated by fae Tufford The junior boys reed te firg a netifor srvcelnr I the fin'Show.s FilmsythaiarydmM1y Nichosreada e'ndW read excerpts fromn the Mary: R p anne Caswefl stany. Thebei Mrs. J. Fraser, provided the r fuiHoliay Sp tsloral arrangement. ts Mn. Clarke Dickinson return- orfuiHoliday .Stiedfroin Petorbaroughi Hospital onSaturday. :unt eti froin the 'plane. These whlch sconeti a hit. Mr. Sld Hasklll was taken ti andi showed the city fain the air, Presitiont Bob Stevens thank- Part Hope hospital an Satun- the the enormous bridges, . anti cd Mn. Allun for his entertamn- day for observation anti X-rai ab's the splendid coastline. ing travologue anti witty com- laiter becoming suddenly il l>y* The arrivai at the Honolulu mentary. Ho saiti ho hopes that. -marning. on arat ahowed a typicaîîy ta take trips thraughout the Mr. anti Mrs. H. Barrow. bAli fredy n colorful Hawailan tliat Mr. Allun wil! continue cog were in Bowmanville twO were decked wlth flawered waorld anti afterwards present who is in hospital there being lois. The beautiful buildings, pictarial accounts ta his ici- treateti for respiratonr trouble, ýnd- witie streets anti marvelous iow Ratarians- Mrs. Howard Payne, her five ta béaches Were shown, aisa the Guests present at luncheon tiaughters anti son, attentiec !ti- manY Iuxury hotels were meeting were AI Reeti, John the annuai May time festivitice don. pictureti. B. Wooti, Bill Alger, Dick at Whitby Ladies' College on son, "The attractive Wyola Res. Snawtiep anti Ed Piewman, aIl Satunday. On the way home ele taurant, run by the Saivation ai Oshawa. they calleti ta sec Mrs. Allan 3ns. Armywssoni lvey Peters ai Marrish wha Is in air- gardienwaoett in Intse yhospital at Bowmanviile. in- graunds the original grass WESLEY VILLE Shuann Eyden is at Expo ofhouse where Robert Louis ti ekbcing the student ýutc eesnlvdwsas a e (neddfrls ek chosen from Clarke ta go an R-seenso ioi as ah Ineteifris ek the trip pravideti by Rotary. his "Thre eresevOn Wetinesday, aftennoon the She willi ho hilleteti in Ottawa hia, "Tee r eeral im- lth ai May, the regular meet. anti wiil bc entertaineti there ~tpressive views ai the military ing ai the. UCW was helti at as well as attentiine Expo tili Mrn. cemeteny where mare than the church beginning with out-1 next Fnitiay, May 19. ts, 18,000 Uniteti States service- door wonk at, 1:30. Several The Snoll anti the Dinner, edmnaebrei ant tei il mombers inciuding Mesdames families attentieti the -Christen- ~sp t megmorial manument. J. GroeneveitiIi. Payne, Clar- ing ai Shenrie Lee Dinrier &t it. of hea egun thesitence Nichais, Ken Dinner, A. Kendai on Suntiay marning. id a ahgh bill were cavereti Tharndyke, with able assist- Shernie is the daughter ai Mr.ý er- with the picturesque homes ai ance ai Arnolti Thorndyke anti anti Mns. Ron Dinner, anti her tad native Hawaiians anti behii Howard Payne anti tractar ne- aitnt Barbara, grantimother for tbem the taîl mouritain, moveti the -shrubs fnom the Mrs. Ken Dinnen, anti great ire Diamont Heati, coulti hé look- iront ai the cbunch. In the grantirothor, Mrs. P. Snell al an eti at bY the audience. The aftenoon new shrubs, sarne ai sang in the chair at Wesley- igo renowned U.S. Warlti War II which hati been tionatet by ville, thon hati ta make a quick ait ncws correspondient, E r n i e the group in charge for thetnip ta Kendal. Pyle, la burieti in thîs cerne. manth anti othen members ai hi tory. the UCW, were pianteti. Each kg- A large statue ai King Ka- member arriveti with a pail or O'BflTUAR i- ï1lekaha, ane ai thc greateat ai hag ai gooti earth, fertilizer, Di.U R re- the isiantis' former rulers, was anti gardoen toals. The grounti ch seon an the street in iront ai was well. worked, enricheti MISS ROBERTA SCOTT it a gaverniment building. The with peat mass anti plants an- Funeral service for the late [s momorahie resitiential section rangeti. Tuiips which hati been Miss Roberta Scott ai Beth- ,as ai the city with its exquisite remavecu were neplanteti. The a an gardoens, was also pictureti. business was conducteti at the ny age 51 years, was helti ed AISO ta be seen was a vast conclusion ai the work, hy th- Wldnesdy at St. Paul's An- Marina for yachts. presitient. Readiing ai the min- glica Cuch in Bethany. ed Mr. Aluin presenteti pictures utes was omitteti. An invitation She dieti an Sunday, May 7th, In ai lanti, 233,000 acres, tievoteti hati heen receiveti irom Mon- mn Civie Hospital, Petenhor- 00 ta the production ai sugar nîsh UCW ta hean Mr. anti ough, ioliowing a sutiten ii- ~- anewasalso shown. There Mrs. Roy Bickie speak of thein'ns n h ai-edy 19wore aiso views ai the me- experiences in Germany, at. She was hamn in Toronto. ýg chanicai harvesting ai this uni- their regulan UCW meeting an tiaughter ai Susan May Scott ie versaîîy useti commodity. Tuesday night. Word was re- anti the late Wilfor.t Robent g9 "Ieariy ail the sugar cane ceiveti froni the boardi ai Scott. She came ta Bothany a growing landtisl owned by worid mission that Lami Shun about sevon years aga. Shet 'ti eight familles, It is saiti that 's campieting bis eîementary was a member ai St. Paui's their iarohears, who came ta education anti in September Anglican Church in Bethanyv ~the islanti in the late 1890s wiii be entening secontiarv and ai the church Women'sr In were missiananies. Sanie say schoal in Hong Kong. This will Auxilîary. id 'The missiananies now have require extra maney. Theý She is surviveti hi hem the sugar cane anti the ladies agreeti ta pai' the extra mothen, anti ane brather, jHawaians h a v e religion'. amount, about $ 5 more each Rawland Scott ai Lindisay. iMountains afiortiing wontien- month, until the endi of theT ho Rev. Arthun S. Aller-c fui viowa af the green valys year anti at thaét time review ton canducteti the service. anti winding streams were in prospects .ai continuing this,13urial was in Mount Pleasant the film. A green canyon support which wauid bhoaven' Cemoetery,__Toronto,9 almost as large as the Grand .$300,for two chiltinn.U ;. .h10;~ Canyon in the U.S.- was iso: Mrs. H. Payne, leader ai the' 7 Busi es &Brector pictureti. group'for the montb,.read iw. "Look at these scenes taken scriptune from Psai3ns.and'alsÔ i Ac cOU n ta n cy b in the city's Miost attractive reati ah articleen on ur first,_____________fi_____ Park anti zoo. Countiesa wiîd Centenniai. Mrs. Poey Snell RAY J. DILLING animais anti exotic birds wore anti Mn. Ken Dinner sang &I Charteneti Accountant i on, display in -excellent sur- dpîet an rtiMs. Murray Payne 93 Church Street c raundinga," Mr. Allitm said. neati a pooni calle4, "QCari- 623-3861 1 People were pictunoti surîing, *pot ada", wrîtten ýythepot W . iH.dGGN swmmng, anti enjoying -the launeate ai 1 > «Qrd L W .H OGN - os. Luxury swimming pools colléeti nfiiiel théi ladies,, anit.5Tj surraundeti with rich an4. cal- Mns,. Snel losiwth thèI Phone 623-3612C onfu! appintmenta wer 'also beictioîtL âter sini4g of the! WILLIAM C. HALL C pictureti. cenritennial hynin. '-Slides aiB.Comm.M On thein neturn ta Cali- Expo. buildings .w*ere shown Chartereti Accountant ti fornia severaldays wono spent with Mrs'. Clarence Nichais.anti 36 King St. E., Oshawa in Las Angoles. Among the Mrs. Murray' Payne doscnibing Telephone 725-6539 highlights aofthis citY anti theni anti giving thein impres- BURROWS, SELBY & Co. nearby Hollywood coulti ho sions ai the fair, inciutiing Chantereti Accountants seen Grauman'a C h i nese their sensation when they ho- 323 King Street West r Theatre anti the palatial homos came separateti from the chilti' Oshawa, Ontaria afi many motion picture stars, non they were chaperoning. E2-41 - 7875 The cnchantments ai the; While the _gardoen wark was, William A. D. Selhy, C.A. worldi- renowneti amusementiheing dono, Mms. P. Snell antii G. Edmond Burrw.-, Cý.. centre, Disneylandi, were alào Mrs. R. Best pnepared tea.i-_______si______ pictured. lAbout 15 ladies pnesent. h r p a tC ]H Ptrikig views of the Grand Ahurt l service is now calietihdrop l Canyon were presonteti hy Mr. Family Day insteati ai Mother's G. EDWIN MANN, D.C.ý e Ailin, anti lis film also show- Day anti Rov. Ian Munnoe usoti Chiropractar gi eti the astonishing caintrasts fan bis toxt at marning service Office : G through Arizona. Includeti "My Son fongot not the law ai 15 Elgin St., car. ai Horsey St. th were magnificent mauntains, thy Mother." A goo.d story Phono 623-5509 tE santiy deserta, turbulent iv- for the children, telliing ai a Office Hours: By appintnient tF ers anti modemn cities. tiog's devotion ta anothon dog n Mr. ho b.d akoen atPic- in neeti ai heip. The choin'sDe ture he ad akenaitthe usual special music anti 1arcl en a Solina Women's Instieute The iirst meeting ai the new seasan was held in the Hail an May lOth wîth Mrs. Jean Eakins, aur new Prési- dont. in the chair. After the singing ai O Canada anti the Institute Ode, Mrs. Beatrice Huggins, canvenor, was cail- ad on for -ber program. The -main part ai the pro- 1ram was put on hi' the 4-H xiris who hati just campleteti àc Homemaking Club "Cot- ms May Be Smart," untier 1me leadiership ai Mrs. Ber- ice Watson anti Mrs. Lissa [amer. The Club Girls thon took ver. Sherri Lynde intradue- id the skit. Those taking part 'ere LouAnn Ayre, Karen 'eiiowlees, Jenniier Eakins, alenie Page, Jackie. Brown, 3renda Yelawlees anti Sherri ,ynde. This took place in a îs terminal while waiting ta marti a bus on a trip ta Expo, uggesting ciothes ta suit the ersan. A fashion parade foiiowed, ith Joyce Taylor at the ana, when the club girls otielleti the cotton dresses oy hati matie in the club., olounful anti in latest iash-ý )n was 'each autiit. Those, ndeiling were Jane Lynde,' ]]en Cryderman. Joa nn e lggins, Jennifer Best, Sherril inde, Valerie Page, Peggy ilîson, Jackie Brown Canai 7ason, Brenda Yeilowlees, anniien Eakins, Rosaie Parr. haron Hu ggins, LouAnnl ire, Diane Danch anti Nancy .nax. A number ai girls whoi so campietoti the course ere unable ta ho present. heim record books were o splay. Rosalie Parr anti Ellen .Cry- !rman presenteti the leaders'I 'as. Watson anti Mms. 'Hameri th ruby colou mcd flowerl iscs for their guiding the hb girls. T'ho m ot ta "Grumbling >ils mare meais than a paon ok" was taken hy Mrs. mie Tink. This suggested at we beave aur problema id troubles behinti when w= ,tiawn ta eat. Lot us ho ankiul anti romember Goti present anti so have ne- eshnment bath in bodiy anti F irit. A piano solo, Sonatina, wasc ven by Joyce- Taylor anti ch enjayeti. Alma Langmajd oxpresseti anks ta thase who put an aprograrn, ospoclaliyte FI Girls. Our business meeting fol- qed. The minutes ai bath r laat regular meeting anti eçutive meeting were reati Sccretary Rita Fraser. The Màur*n's réport shows a IaDc of $313-16. Thé cor- opndonce .was reati anti Icusoci. 1iize, wlnners in tenent .-W.I.Q. contesta disl der Mm wi'] vas clui spci cool Jesg ta and sit thai ila fres spi: give muc A the 4-Hl our exc by1 trem bah neup ilo il "Gxood Neighbours" rert t M n . C y erma , urdete-. g ~~gate ta the O<e osCofr 19 Reports frHm antyd tbgave nfr SI rtî.ence at Guelph on May 2nd, n DMns. S. Doyle, convonor for Wvomen's 1 SttUeS Cltzenship, waln charge of te B&mpton Womem'a Inatuta' nual' to be heid at Maple on the motto "Commng to- At th May oe~>~ Grove on May 1 lth waa an- gether is the beglnning, work- RI, iliin amponwh a' henounced, Aelegtes were ap- sng together l progresu."She - mmbes jurnyed ta he oined.A ltte frinLao said "The greateat gîft we ~ m! n ampon were Mr. Ching, our adapteti daughter owe the Redmen is aur broad Burrndws tak d the o or. rHong Kong, was reati. She landi whxch they, afowed us ig ond eanemilthe work- requlested us ta givo her an to take over Without Miaking -eure ing o the ii. WEn they E-ngiish. Dame. We decided any great war againat. US. ing retredtJtheC. Mci 'e ckujît-on'aMary Jean; as typical anti On Juiyist, 1867, aur peo- th chng, M nd.C.cna toa trs tjve.. pie ceiebrated the blrth af K. E. Caveriy who reada Mrs. Beatrice Huggins, our aur Country. Canada wgs longPapr o thehisor; delegate ta the Officers' Con- united in Canfederation. This tHampton and the men who ference et Guelph, gave a year we are celebrating aur- yhave awned this miii. very interè.tting repart on ber lOOth birthday. Perhapa -withi ýg Mrs. Allin, the. president, stay at the Caliege. The aim Gads el this year, t he peo- e e. ookthechir or enealthis year 4houlti be ta in-.pie fi Cnada will realize ,business. ]Rail eau was "Name crease Our branch member- what a praud independent 1 dan implement ur grand- ship. Mrs. Huggins thanketi nation we rseodt ýfathers pnever saw." Mint ur ladies for sponsoring her flne."1 eae eodt nwr ut n apo eas rp Mrs. S. Doyle piayed "This t ,ee treasureantirepprt.avealo Mr$. Fraser asked for do- land is Your landi," foflawedi1 th tarrsepa rt.hSlera nations af furnishings for the by a reading enjitieti "Shout! t pampetdscuserns rea anilog cabin built ait Darlington I amn a Canada"ThW.I same diycbosiandspaniSes.o-Provincial. Park as township mernberssag O Cnd" Brirthi bo anti enniesfor- Cenitenniai project. The Eng- foilowed by Mrs. Doyle sing- f lretinhip ati eguarco-ish' letter frOym Mise Claytan ing "Landi af Glati Tamor- t A letontias la ch'ed. was read. Discussion on a raws."l The members then s Aeve bountr lup h. a JulY outing followeti. Since sang "The Maple Lea f". a have amalgamateti with East1 chareering a bus this year is Mrs. Doyle reati an essay ýç group, as the East group has uncertain, the committee wiîî entitieti "MY Responsibiîity a lost everl memers.Mrs.plan samethirig different. , as a Canadian" campased bya ios veral memibtes. Mrs .of Raollcal! foilowed. Your her tiaughter Mary Ann. Miss i] Cael e nthe Institn$ a favourite.ý salad. Lunch con- Doyle hati entereti this essay ' theIntittegrace. sisting ai jelîjeti salatis anti in arcn ots ntel - cookies foîîowed. Canadian Statesmian. She saiti BLACKSTOCK W. . J",We wonder what aur re-v sponsibilîties as a Canatian fi A very interesting meeting; MaPle Grove W. Instltute should involve. We must as of the Women's Institute- was citizens leati Canada to high- P. helti in the Township Hall, Th e Ma& meeting af the er goals. We shoulti help ta I Wedinesday evening. TheWomnenýs Institute was heiti pramote peace ini Canada and t President, Mrs. V. Bailey andi8t Th'n the C. E. Building an the in the warld. We must boast Ge Secretary, Mrs. L. Thompsan t at 8 p.m. Mrs. G. Lee, Canada's prasperjty by buy- were attired in costum~es afi a dnt ecmdeeyoeiggosý presden, wlcoed verone ng oats "ati inCanada." t, man yersago aswee aoutth opened the meeting with We shouiti be proud ta pro- tl haîf af the other ladies attend- the singing af the Ode anti duce articles labelleti "mati ing. After the opening ex- tercpeating af the Lord's in Canada". Every Canadian b, ercises Miss Aileen Van Camp Prayer in unisan. citizen has a different respan- camein ad tok piture. Te rail cal], "One step I sibiiity ta Canada. The one Decitiedtitahave next meet- mante us warc ai thpeae' taprtains toa allai us is îng May 31st insteati af June aeu wr te value ta be strong anti iight for the k 7th, sa that the 4-H Girls coulti af being frîentiiy with ail greatest thing on earth, "Can- motiel the dresses they have people. It was agreedti t do- ada" ai tie uringth corejs nate $3 towards "Pennies for Mrs . tveamoe i finset. Decdedt t fot h ave F in s ip lt the District voteraif . tha en s ta Mrs o le a any short c urse for W .I. this A nnual. anti hr a up fto r sthe pra- m y~~~ar s in c here are se many Te Sadn amte gram. 'yoings incmmunity for Cen- canvenors are ta be a corn- Meeting cioseti with the re- atc tennial. mittee ta Plan the Ratepayers peating ai "The Clic"m it M ovet, secondeti anti ca - anti Trustees D nner on M a Conis n. Lun h t s nd ihe s i rieti that the $250.00 raisetica t- 25th. It was decideti ta gîve pic s , teaL n ti ofsa dic e ws, M euchre parties for Port Perry's aur schoai prize ta Grade VI servetiby the graup in charge.,c new hospitai be set aside un- this year. Mrs. F. Stevens e tii a later date. valunteeredtiet report for the S Decid ticit give a prize ta Canadian Association ai Con-' MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Of the oidest man anti woman - sumers. v resitients af Cartwright'- anti Mrs. W. 'Brown, secretary-i WEEKLY REPORT in present ait the Centenniai Cele- treasurer, presenteti a budti For the week ai May 15-21 lav bration, June 28th. for the caming year, showin inclusive: A doanatian is ta be sent the aur neetis ta ble approximate- Admissions ------- 70pe D.N.O. Club in appreciatian 1y $300. Jt was decidedti t Births, 2 male, 2 female - '4 en of the use af their dishes for apply for the short course this Discharges . _ ------7.. 2 wl abanquet. year wîth first chaice "Fash- Major operatians il ýde Mrs. Stanford Van Camp ion Cues for You" anti second Mînor aperatians-----26'wIl gave a report af the District "Furniture Facts."l Emergcncy treatments -44 Executive Meeti 'ng and- an- Mrs. F. Stevens gave the Visiting hours 3.8 p.m. daiy. ah nounced the District Annuai ait M/aple Grave, May llth. The rail cali was answered by a short reatiing or paem from an aid schaoil reader. ,'C R A O Ater sonne cammunity sirg- T ng of aid sangs, Mrs. S. Van E N A L Camp reati "A Goati Frienti"; vlrs. W. W. Van Camp read M IL "Irish Charms"'; Mrs. J. RahmnB T E o .Country Life -in Wes±ern VPOI IGA HOMOENZD CanatiaI mthe-.184Qs.r. .WI OMT Taylor conducteti an HÀstarîcal Lunch ai gingerbreati anti . l 0' hippeti cream anti tea was- T insunily OZ.' i then enjoyeti.. ar F ANCY R ED p AND R CONO! WE Ip COOKIES cha,, KRAFT CHEESE, . 57 > INSTANT COFFEEé«. 98(* "LAM§ I N A ZlLAD LME rti FRONT O' LAMB 1123. LOIN LAMB CHOPSII59e SU1IEOOKÈEATD" 3 tAN 'Lt SLICED SIDE BACON lb, 79c K about SAVING1 16 Ytoîs ago thet ndtpendtnt gocer hot jhie poblei. in trying ta match the chaons wheif carne te Itayinl Pa. Najascor e aIr me IGA ws oaI,r.d inCanada. Coalnd, threse store onne,s oe,q then obi@ ta match anY camPern. The IGÀ fnmjily 0wnmherg ovr800stores in Coana. Wo,,i crnet te !aw food Pr-cea 0f IGA wednn't ah, t bock sent ta anv.ý one. W, pas s an extra nnntns ta yau *vcy day. We fe.oiy carea bout i-OU et IGA. IGA COIIEE' 8.9 15 - Bg ORNGordonP. h . , ê CHOICE R C..,Sty. U1:2, BEAUTY SQ AP cc.:.. 2 49c, ~~t MASML. c:31C WE REUAVE THE RIGHI TO LMT ,'TTIS 4e 3 Pks 2 MINI SAUCE 5,/,e.;-'29c Blade Roast ]Bone Removed or Short Rib Roaist 651b (NOICE NEW ZEALAND LAM SALE! LEGO' SHORICUT WHOE -.,HALF DAKERY DEPT. Ici OVEN FIESI 4f WSIN BREAD é" U [IMPSIERIS TWIST ROLIS 3 ko '32ç FROZEN FOODS FRENCHI FRIES C.e, y. ~53è :00 FISR CAKES et1%..39C Cal. New Crop SUNKIST VALENCIA ORANGES 3 0,s1 Cross Cut R@cst on Shoulder Roast Boneleu 651b *0 BOWMANVI LLE FOODUNER omw.' wt t,,. 4mut & le g W4«mw. Florida Fresh Fancy Grade Corn "e (ob lOfor 59c Produce of U.S.A. Fnesh Top (ARROIS 2bnch29c Produce et U.S.A. Finm Red TOMATOES 14-rn,25c 1 - au %d lins t r - r .~eMs4' .- ( at we 7ýw CROICE NEW ZIALAND LAIAI SALII Travel Series Ends With Fine Progra-m Featuring En gland4 The last presentation af theistreets were'among th Bowmanvilie Rotary Club'sivisitet i n southernx ý Travel anti Adventure Seres1 The neyer ta be fargoto for this season in the Town Channel coast, home of mn"~ Hall Auditorium on Thursday, valiant mnen, was plctured ' May 4th,wa tremontiousîy with its rolhing tiowns, and was Y home ports. Aiso shown'.weÈe '- enjoyeti by the capacity audi- Hytje Romney, ftye, Po.1. ence. The motion picture, Dover anti Folkstone. 'Englanti - Lontion tp Lanti's'ý Brighton, a fine resaitct Endi", gave a graphic partrayal with its casinos vrokn of the fascinating attractianih ovlhChn elaokifü¶ of this wanderîuî country.nstengshCaelbatit The cmmenttar,1 houses, hoteis, anti even the HaJanathSt picturesque amusement centre *Tgr t Louis, Missouri, which was once the pleasur. who was aiso the praducer ai palace ai the Prince Regent ine ;his notable color film was in- earîy Georgian days,, wau troduceti by Bill Thiesburger, viewed. ternationai Service Committee. The fllming of Portsmouth Mr. Thieshurger thanketi thel with its naval traditians was for their îoyaîty, anti apprecia- fivesa h aa ah tion ai the pictures shawn thisiBrittania anti Her Majesty season. His announcement that Queen Elizabeth Il. Delightfui a new Travel anti Atventure Cornwall, England's riviera Series wiill h started by Rot- type vacation ]andi, anti charm- .ry rîext autumn was met with ing Devonshire were also applause. The first presentation shown. iOctober wili be "Sctanti One ai Billy Butlin's ismous. ~'Afore Ye" with Jonathan Holiday Camps, which offer Hagar again as commentatar. luxuriaus accommodation for Landon's many aspects were thousantis ai vacationîng Brit- vivitiiy depicteti in the îast ons, wras pictureti. Mr. Butin, im ai the 1966-67 Travel and!an expatriate Canadian hati an A Adventure Series here recently. ýhis staff at this camp. Lord 'he great city's numeraus'i Valent ine Thynne, a son of laces ai marketi historic iii- Marquis ai Bath, whose hist- erest were shawn, as were the:aric mansion, Longleat, War- âuiiti Hall, the Bank of Eng- minster. Wiltshire, was also [d, anti other buildings in pictureti. as were 'Castie ie ancient City ai London,[Coombe, Bath, stili a leading ;e part ai the metropolis that spa, and Salisbury with its vast sthe centre ai finance anticathedral anti miiitary associa- )usiness. 'tions, alsa different parts of Londan's smart West Endtithelovelycountrysitie vith its wonderiui theatres,' ?staurants, shops, anti swan-: ry residentiai streets was alsa! )roughit before the eyes ai the vith its huge stone lions eurd ng the base ai Neisan's manu- cent was ai particular inter- st because ai Canada Hause IT4MAV 4M05O ýits corner with Cackspur P#«0 .4 ÏM WET1R ;trect, the National Gallery at urM ayr he north, the Church ai St.,i lartin-in-the-Fieltis an the'! tranti, anti the witie expansel fWhitehail ta the south. ij iews ai the bustiing market iPetticoat Lane were an nusing cantrast later. The presentation ai a pup- et show for chiltiren was aisa A LIG O .tertaining, anti the city ,sl D R IG O rnderful parks, public gar-i P OL T R ens, andi the Regent Park Zoo' U H L T Y ere also vieweti.1 102 King St. W. Rowmanvle

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