SPORT P tu" 137 m whshawa Green Gaigu .Uopku neng, g a chartuetoutMunfaxlist ing Zteyu would like to give it a whirl and dguse you ould lontbut nvr be getshkr nsm 0 enR metheballe and sre s, ýand other rules aily thechanna ' o, asst alreadec." avr reyou havesot yourself a Job. lower o Rbyuoaportmiyi ewYr' Prspective UMPIrsare asked to oennçteit . soM ém of ."t natu gtItondpX hr 3er, Dmen Gilho or AMnod Wa enasMa égb owmanvile Group at Celebr'ties ianrd h '"°'" - "e TBANKS GEORGE reeeo ,am fnCysoistMofocotwe As nmenioed ln las e ek'gS cluma --butconly heleyaryo ysotcodndhnthoh. Wt Walter Frank R¢al Estate hasWtaken o mae TswaHold Banquet Mm you.'"e's'm"' -dt•-n-r-o I j" leagu ponsorip, formerlyheld by UBil#bids Rubysid"Io yecosdawy. While Welcomzing Walter to the f= ourtem 196P.we The Youth Bw Léegue kriocked outta h mmmnywe tre t e al1o0sory to see Bills leave. Along wit acr nt Ill be he d $etur»Iod advertsmns Wbcuen nnar executive and members of the Town L64*tague, 2 llahCadan goIgtitaf soe. l"ad' Proprietor Of Buls MbSDrdsfût hi.s W n.m.e--har---YeaI i 1efren'108atr gm'a the Pastyears.Walter --we 1h0oe uwIlbe tinvolved in Goldstn,om fthvsno urdId adagode. the leaue for a long time toe. has Frets--40 u- "'°""""'" ; MAGNFCENT ATMÙON rsa ah oigsorqo.Aprnl ok InnnediatelyfflOowing the Oshawa Cettmndal pot#%yR utXOýtd tahn rmnlg tYl hc Celebrities Dinner, last Tues¢ay Megt, at the Citic Audi- Rocky repuid Wa MWn.T hc "tZ" wondetuarfuflour9léthem aU ra gowo A.Bob bu an hah'tIo together, perhaps we might be able to describe the attraction. Meeting, Orange HallSe ty and starts."IJr"A B entywrepaisgsop It was a weli-organized dinne from s&tart to d8h, Pool • 1:30 p.m. and "hid" o h eto bywss odh etaa prompting TV broadcaster BrianMcarla,,.to tt twaBrn re ltn tesm0n h ..., t Ruhadh ikl ild the best he had ever attended. That's rich prauisinded, but This spring the Department Syl Appshdreuk certailywWeil deserved by chairmn TryKlwh i of Lands and Forests Planted "Bucko" caugthmlo ormme coad eas uc anoutstanding Job. Just to gieyou an idea of tedèà tat40,00 ee n eta ewas ntdfrwt n ftoearn oycek enmpUmemnt there were some 60 head table guets and Crown Land, 217t 0,00 on&t played for Dtota pswsaLa okeadMDnl 30 more sub bead table district championis. Many Who would land under the Wodiand m. quickly learegoh zie ylalwda ohwh WIecontent to be ln attendace sa reg a înrCnena T o s ats, Po eh I n h enpi utta ob Te dinner was sonsored by the Oshawa Green Gaels ram. atn rg aigtescn l inn h adrToh n 1,cross club, with proceed going to help pay f&r the Gaels xLndsay station Win$ March.-trtemwhneolyund19n mn t Bbby Orr the guest of honor, and Nancy Greene say was presented a "Smokey asked, "WheresBee?' eyugtrcm ln n ln attendance as the event'lsspecia gust. Green Gaels OntarBear" citation by the ho was met b hsAp one i ut hc cochJî aBuhP .ua,.o r.cgnizdyhe lyr a # o ellF t f o ciat i ovnfather?"rsosWe -woae o?- i lC T s gNescchampion. Fo enteofPLandaiBsbby said "ParryiSoundlto peayiJuniori"A"nhockeyi 5 § Frank'les wàB rak nt theort W ib nadaColuminn10 gté, ic B Do nn t ep a hen Fuelse 'iue ktigchriiôs Pt fr 5-4Caaie l eni p e h i d ' egd a i n e ,C l b r e s i ri n h as ppw ay S p r a r ec a t r s r ehlta u o s h a talchssecetryJoh A a ed "P nhsa ryn of Massey, e mg igite a hre a neespasesren s su e o ie ls pa yersntije cul f an ttpn untlo ri* e e n as a r at oe ils ii n bolisadubeCration 0åeesuS nu , nSta ARI gilY reen opl eOntright"(ort tsdiandck toutarwin. Stepheowm ns edgu e ight taing the losssgBo. s g n e enu b M s re tsatdpuhgad sports writers s camen out s tellhi taasBstn.cheèqupd la 2-0hn e boton hlf o a bs Fr n t iean a ees h ad a Cin es ap o pTe ar f eeyeofma n cand Sw ar lrn a aho°rjiprsdevn Al Bldig pid ribue mre n Bsto.** rro y om earsn ad Abot's ingl Tem SandngsOsraway 2--ers oo Fairs in was erted w a0tnew OrStfleanspoorgeKndsnfo hs ltoy jigesbyTe adonan n hesxt, uesclse.WLPt. , ads0;Gins 5,Brvs d ute on, Pgeon, ald Anther Bi, pwnl et0gmswt e fmile n'r, wo hs ntl dhr i latrik Pck l'a sr an ao RpKeoles.War2 4 e We ague ae play- obwalleeorn e Ata a e tigonnssst Bfoe vey on- st0 crn t a01 uiPC htisngf e e adFrn Beakof by o b Frnk Ea a, Mhayger 3a y pa g A to n rf ut mefr t pacia7 newssed t abl a Olntyt n nd s C u ated"lnthe GuoHn coomamew tom auhe ts) r ceckdt.12 cur he a. rpid"eas or aigyu giab s-eofn1Free-Swinging Battle tbs ra afrnt nce e Un o e ',s"O°heb ln-tClarkenunaforotheir bnbow PSu nd walkedo 2 aTT · yskin, Nan be Canthenat ome Tnet r t i fi ohil1o y*raue y rnsikteodnteG l e a ed sevnOSpOr te i. nte riv*eCrs a ndbe m me ý4 uaY u *eyu'n e ahou sr Q -°4e3d" n"Rte B"ob" e DrhgtnGnstrad t n ao, to°:Ws represented byEtaleoBispcdton rleadWOshawaGnrl eigot be 1-0 houliaf02 llwd1 iks oe n or .B' O r r okeL os ithr s -e o a.ysonte eatGuTdRevadgthm Otupe den ofn e ."lofpe etb N so S home mnaedtosra-hunead 0 is urnghi mrkdhi frs gmeoftie• e aiay rndtadoslelte e ui eerl otr. owve, wowek nd grveea as ben announcew éld b f n h ter ir the frt o n ,as aa , o a nd t I'spa GetbyUnd ewayhi'Due h uC'U esso BEns eld e a° 12 :JTOt Fi astprdd.e, ly a goodlhing goforJi a ppntht me agains t eris o dt. h mnrsrmann ixWh te',Rich ared fvMcLean wasn henxthoe 9 race. , ont ishe rCan dia hmonscpue heMn ua thebi gn n heStnly upfial.- m rgd t «sortnns as satebo e s ul ped e talg 85 o nt-R..I's Bb elamt constk- egaineit,167, sa nitt o t crcueint ee s ylf.Imgadt.aem ie ym ietn Two of the bigges a 4-1 lead.he Win ed . Fa vn h m wnmtinrued isimpred ssvedstickrames endmg m tis. Zion t el unitehSttesrgAuners ecas noes epyivle ngt llan Y da g t vations wengt tk rne r GeUneras -- Theoeum en t ens armed t sgeksc orm e ars T oorewith sthr e enhi s rte ate l rove to evntsa d ,ra tan lbsupr f 3,. pr hst hv h Who ha e w unore e e w o cetn U a N.N.L. t inet a oe ethird, as three s 2n a d nt heu oers Btoth cl ad comne ne0whethquoar eeo dngah sawnnu e t ontctIee aei prtwsBlyTyo n un , y esert r o n ers o ns,. e arp pat t e u l - n T w e- t c . ay i irs nGed 10 t .E bo n ig t ero s Ha p 21.T r n dg d m r t e et e ws èe. ply o h e r .f r h m a d hi a iy to g t h m t si *ty, w nich ma e noor for yeas at Uiver-OnnSaurdayZiondostedachavebvensvailalesforMos Im exteme y roud ftalltheep sQ « m t n- ndn o ak wih a Wn -F a k s tos s py a gn a for tee RB .I.'s. an klloo " lep pe.etinRtw H e and rSkahaee C C c n'l a oromtanewy uork. "t4i et, ashen -seat s on l , is thidoche ame.Oson e arapedotf piosusdynightagu opns p ag rough the esses mdian .piscrowuneevgewown h aa be e frbj v«ryaa ndA1 tss o irop38 ta f ;1Gant G5 rd W n iga n , hampiAo e _ùygerrcaofehe Otari JLZ was '10-6. Thoir on U14ZU w- - e pits, bein tunity to me the cm oppor b«row ur, Ëits- They chased Ted ing blest by Frankal BOb Mc 'Ir« ww &lso have the ime- «Jffl to against16--lastt peeerefosornrns. Leveck from Ellis' mound ln Manus for the top defensive n workecl on m thon = Cetelloý Save evidence that the seventh, adding four more times the moet exciting part VI dollaW d ho " It caM thaï much tw"l ý>t him have a huadre& aback was play ln the, game. Wallace, of a motor race. Megs aitgln tbls year, are, the runs to clinch the victory. e he encOUCtered ln Toronto that Puneb 0 te beat. one of the Jeaguels outstand- Another grandstand le bein fted bucb.11 Around the Bases - For Ing outfielders, robbed Mc- constructeil just et the end JUrvey Webster pleked up Franks, Don Biablop paced Manus of -an apparent homer ree eeegn » IMM %cý= eouklat j4NM out how he the win, alter taking over for their attack with 1 er tt uphlU back t ree bits with a great catch ln fer- e cars will be starter ICenny Baker. app a, get over 1100' Harv and two Bob Me- away centre. te speeds of 1 tO 98tA94 whtu ht cOuldn't worked 6 2/3 irmings, allo i here the heAd people mph. Irroiz 80 -'l79 during the hockey attention - Manus, George Michelson, WtO Srner e "8"R. Bin7 told = four mu, nine hi te, tan- Gerry, Baker and Harvey -Ight, which re- Mo manégar Mllt &J=Wt wM't tw Mo«mg Ding three and walking three. Webster chipped ln with tw acerte .Zwï& quires heavy braking, through VI Shack would play, because no znatter what the Ellis J=Ped en Bakees first safeties apfece. Brian Brad- Legionnaires corners nine and leq and en le figurait Eddle wM help the brui= to whL P À contud difficulties for ley bombed a two-run homer corner one. Regtsuranta 9 a "3»o "xL After thrS frames ln the third. For the Shoe. be Incorporated lqto this wu there along vdib thê Uenuràg CWN they held'a îlender 44 lead. men Bill Cromy, their thlrd TOP C06ourg d which la to be ar Marlbores had Just w= T=y a alzial run InIsacken banged out thm hits sil e Champion grgnd. ALI that X«Uu and Gen«ah had euh won un Kâ> amow stand. a thnes - they miet filp for it. In O pener 5-3 Beaides the léature 2oo-miu 1 OUARAff UWIW wu'tb* bu*# te Win, ubwmm %&4" event for the Telogranx hy, 9»CM two ruse ve Wh to 'a H uris Sb Bowmanville loegionnaires whM tn» et seriez you wiU r= wo, we un beau là uded on therigrant came through with a 5.3 win 15 to win!l Tbat'a aie* Glu - the plevqx over Cobouri., Baturday alter- ThsSe WIU be a 12- p clash ffl *ma lut year. Offl nSn et the emoriai Park to for aU production sports cog Sb» Douglas, for M momw M ouanut qatmme Ked Blank Fraoïs sedans. Both events, or get their Bantam League as weU au a 12 lap event M Tou wu erbeuw season off to a fine start, Wbo wu Nplaced by the CJLC, acid M ýVoO4 U%»ý te BAMM PASSA" the British Au S the JSksy Club (his proeut enq4offl ) Uqq"ý Wbbb «Owed isach contributing a pair or AI 9 q»It 'DUVMAT , bit e vut Bowmanville out- cing Club ton by a who Ing on the m of tW Sd«. *%oW»«g bavbg- JM WM M 11-2 they n en race, which CJM produm - - 1 wm%,Mmttm the - asce IM-U facture àR. »Md a the Tommy lemIt, Wear a IU Duke St.. 13owmuv' two tu by 40-lap huts, As àr Je tbe a« W004 Agonnu qwew*@* teth tw immrmu The -84ht et ;UdiqapoU un CONTA on 0 Cinad" racWg two ln took -Up lead ln jSu» Dhabaur WM be a new exp«imce Me ý&fÈ IMIAU « this cold PUM j Canadim illotorgléd por M-7, Suqtbg a asta, The race .10M ' ' _ _ýW * Grmp hummee s »»d jeh Mu locab cam* three weeks aftw th@ mal qw", in the burth. * sumimu ùwm»S poIls 5w. wwch mm wlu hm tue 0 TEpý onww tbrée * rwate Plomb#, make adjugm" Un t1fé Auur«m UOAC *iverg UN& théir cou for a n= cbm& 'l H-N4 mano ami 1w MON à' à ý1 _e ï-