Riders 'Recai Ponly Express Top Drivers (omung The Telegrain Trophy race at ed for a Ccmadian Mot( Mosport this Saturday 15 expected'to Many improvemen draw one of the largest crowds iin made at the track, sin, the history of the track, proyided the including new bleache] weather isclear and Warm.At stake cominodate fans on is the new- three-foot trophy for the away where the start wmnner of the two-heat f eature race, and others at strategic with most of the words tcpracing the circuit. drivers competing, plus $Ç5,000 in A. J. Foyt, recent v cash, the Iargest camount eyer .of fer- Indianapolis 500, is the]1 ~b ~naèurn VOLUME 113 Relays of riders from different riding clubs in California, British Columbia and ail across the continent have carrne d a leather scroll signed by Aifredo Gruel, Mexicali, President of the Charros, a M exican horsemen's club with 20,000 mem- I bers. This scroll carrnes greetings and be st wishes to Her Majesty, Queen Eliza- beth, from these riders in Mexico, and Alan Legate, Inglewood, California, who is ini charge of the mounted express, will present it to her at Expo '67 on July 3rd. The scroll was brought from Oshaw a to Bowmanville by threç nembers ofà the Ganaraska Riding Club pictured above from left to ight Bob Leggette, Mrs. Jack Woodward, and Jack Woodward. H ere they showed the scroll to His Wor- ship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, who is shown holding it with Alan Legate. Written greetings te Her Majesty, Elizabeth II, Q ueen of Canada, f rom the Town of Bow-l inanville, were given by Mayor Hobbs t o Mr. Legate to be presented to her Majesty. Frances and Rick Rickard were the r iders who accompanied the seroil to New- castle where a letter of greeting for Q ueen Elizabeth was handed to the riders by Reeve Earl Walton on behalf cf the residents cf Newcastle. Stan Cobbledick rode with them as far as Newtonville. Betty Brooking, Newtonville, was the rider who -carried the scroll to Port }Iope where Mayor Michael Wladyka presented greeË*ngs to the Queen to be taken on to Montreal. Publish Findings of Recent Mass Survety, Robert G. Lawton, Toronto-i assistance provided by volun- Dominion Bank manager here teer helpers, Without whom and chairman of the Bowman- the survey would have been ville Mass Survey for TB and impossible. Thqy also expres-ý Diabetes held recently bas re- sed thanks to the many citizens ceived a report from headquar- who responded& by attending ters, showing that the Durha!n the clinics. 4< survey was considered most 0f testable lpopulation ini successful. Results of the Dia- Durham, estjmâted at 42,225, betes testing are still incom- the percentage .coverage was plete and will be published at159.5% or 25,136. Taking into a later date. account that about 25% of the Both the Northumberland- people have had recent x-raysi Durham Tuberculosis & Health lin hospital, at 'places of pre- Assn. and Mr. Lawton were empioyment befôre the survey, high in their praise and ap- were iii or absent, the actual preciation of the dedicatedi (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Rota rua ns Entertain Engage- Several New Teachers Cia jidre.n for Three IAccident Round-Up A construction ilagmian, Weil Louws, age 16, R.R. 3, Bowmanvillc, was injured on >Ionday afternoon sbontly be- fore one o'clock wheiihje cars collided on 401 HighwaY at Courtice Rond. He was taken by the Bowmanville Area Ambulance te Mcmoial Hlospital where be receeved treatmcnt for abrasions te bis right arm. Hc was rcleased on Tuesday a#gernoon te ne- turn te bis hmYe te recuper- e. The drivers of the cars in- volved in this accident werc John Paskaryk, Hamilton, Magdalene Cropp, Ceoil ins Bay, Ont., and Nina Mllow, Sarnia, Constable J. J. Chal- mners, OFF, investigated. There was a two car col- 0 District High Schools A. number cf new teachers Lillian Watson, West Hill. have been engaged by the The 19 new teachers en- three Secondary Schools in gaged for Courtice Secondary the district and they are ta School are Robert Agnew, take up their duties in Sep- Pickering, Allen J. Benford, tember. Dunnville, Miss S h a r r o n 1 The eight new, teechers en- Blackford, R.R. 3, Bowman- gaged by Bowrnaivilo JigÉbville,-Willism Y. Çlymer, Tor- Sch o are "ia Lynda Arbor, onto, 1Miss Dalla Eldimt, Slm- Toronto, David B. Duchesne, co, Brian L. Gr eecn wa y, 1Port Hope, Robert W. Holsp- Kingston, Mrs. 'Angela Law- ptrom, levelsnd, Ohio, MIYss son, 'Pickering, Norman Mc- Linda Michael, Oshawa, Cyrus Carroll, Oshawa, Harry E. Needliar, W in gharn, Ont., McClurg, Oshawa, Edward A. ]Ronald O'Brien MlndemoyA, McLeish, Whitby, William J. Manitoulin Island, Marle y Outram,Ajax, Thomas Patter- 1Shortt, Welland, and Allan T. son, Oshawa, Mrs. Evelyn A. Woodlock, Bowmanville. Read, Toronto, Mns. Caroline Four new -teachers have K. Saunders, Port Perry, Miss been engaged for Clarke High Kathryn Slemon, Enniskillen, School, Alexander G. Callan,lPeter P. Vander Borch, El- Hamilton, Paul McMackin, mira, George Vander Kuur, Peterborough, Robent James South Mountain, Ont., and Taylor, Oshawa, and Mrs.iGlen C. Wagner, Pickering. Women's Comfmit tee Seeks More Members .usion on thle Çk'± overhcad TheC Women's Committee cf Groob, the wifc cf the new bridge at the west end cf the Oshawa Symphony Orch- conductor cf the orchestra; town on Saturday afternoon estra met on Mcnday, June 12 et 5:45 o'clock. The drivers at the home cf Mrs. Leenard Mrs. David Bratton, Bowman- c)f these two cars were miss Taylor, R.R. 3, Uxbridgc. The ville; Mrs. Marjonie Campbell, Mdary Fagan, 35 Beech Avenue, cemmittees new constitution Whitby; Mrs. Fred Collict, end Derwin Highficld, 74 On- was accepted and plans were Mrs. Maurice Hogard, Mrs. tario Street. discussed for a membership Robent Helden, Mrs. Dan Mrs.Joane Fgan als oftea to be held in September. Longaucr, Oshawa; Mrs. Leon- Mrs JonneFagn, isecfThe ladies are most enthusi- l ard Lucas, Bowmanville; Mrs. 35 Beech Avenue, who was ,8astic about their project forDavdMcuf r.Ewr passenger in hen daugbtcr te coming year, and biýecor ta cella, Oshawa; Mrs. Pease, car sufced ine lcera-enlarge their numbers.grcatly. Bowmanvillc; Mrs. B r uce- tiens fer which she receivedi Among those present at thec Snelgrovc, Prince Albert, and <TURN TrO PAGE TWO> meeting were: Mrs. JacobiMrs. Helen Wright, Oshawa.. Legion Holds Special Parade ta Mark 1 - -M - mquff m-IW - m The Bowmanville Rotary Club's annual Fathers, Sons and Daugbtens Night held last Wednesday evening in the Nightingale Centennial Temple was a great success. More than 130 Rotarians and their child- ren were present. Captain Herbert Fraser, Chairman cf the Youth Serv- ice Comzittce, was in.charge. cf arrangemients for the event. Re was assisted by Director Chairnian Tom Cowan, and the members of the Youth Service Committee, Stewart McTavish, Jim Elrick and NDP Candidate Claims Farmers Lack Fair Income Farmers should be en- tilled to an income that is equal to the interest on their Investinent, plus a de- cent living wage, Stanley Downs, NDP candidate for Oxford County, told an audience lni Pontypool on Thursday. "W. are denying the world food hecause of a lack of finances to produce it," he said. "If the fariner was receiving a fair in- corne, the hungry of the world could be fed." He contended there was no real agricuiturai pollcy at either the Dominion or Provincial level to ensure that the farmer recelved an adequate income. -Examiner. Veterans Week On ~Saturday morning, înenbers of Bowmanville~ parade with President Maurice Conway in the fore $ranch of the ]Royal Canadian Legion and the Ladies ground. Following the short service. the membens endi .Auxiiery marched te the Cenotaph fer a service te the pipe band lef t for a Drum Rend service in Sunder-~ ýsk etraa'W W k. Thia t, usiwms part of the 1land. Harry Cooke. Bechive Rebekah Lodge cat- ered for the delicious turkey dinner with althe fixings, and a special ice cream and cake dessert. The eatering conven- ors werc Mrs. Ruth Mitchell, a Past Noble Grand, and Mrs. Karen Michelson. Special bags of candy as <tURN TO PAGU TWO Ç/its andi brsport event. ts have been ice last year, ýr stands to ac- the straight- wîll be held, spots around winner of the biggest naine O'rono .Odd Fellows and Rebeka'hs Unveil Memorial to Mosport,-. driver who will be in action :on Sat- urday. He has won at Indianapolis three turnes and wil be driving his Ford-powered Coyote, the saine car that won for him this year. Second place finisher AI Unser will also b. here, along with many other f arous drivers i n clu d ing Bobby Unser, Mario Andretti, Jinmny McElreath and Lloyd Ruby. Â~IJ.LVWJ~1Lb ~ At an impressive service Sunday aftennoon at Mrs. Gladys Ganisby, Mrs. Betty Mvajor,, D.D.P., Glenn Orono Cemetery, members cf Orono's Odd Fellows Wannamnaker of Port Perry, Grand Conductwr of Granid Lodge 436 and Heather Rebekah Lodge 334 dedicated Lodge cf Ontanio, Mrs. Jim Starkç and Mrs. Cecil Jones, a memorial te the memory cf thein deceased inembens. back row, Len Pears, Robent Chater, Harry Wade, Those who teok part in the service, fnom left te right, D.D.G.M ., and Gordon Watson. Bey., Basil Long,, net front row, Noble Grand Bob Casey,, Mrs. Wrn. Wannan, shown mn photo, dedicated the inmerigl. Mrs. Rosas Todd, Noble Grand-Jzan. Woo4dtmddle row. ..- .- HUNGRY - An unusual event will be held at Orono Fair Grounds this Saturday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. when Durharn's Hog Producers show what can be done with those pigs once they are cooked oven a barbecue. This is a prornotional scheme that will enable anyone to eat as much as ho or she can hold. Thene aise will be entertain- ment and square dancing te f ili in the time while you are waiting te go round again. Se, corne eut and make a hog cf yeurself. t. t t START - The contractons have started work on Bowmanville's newest municipal b uil1d i ng on Church St. and once thoy have figured out just what te do with the'old pump house foundation, the structure should take shape quickly. t. t t t t1 TESTS - The Diabetes Detection Tests have f in- ally been cornpleted following the recent Mass Survey. A total cf 11,376 people in Durhamn were tested and 343 have been advised te consuit their physicians because cf "evidence cf sugar in thein urine. The Nerthur.nbentand-D u r h a mi TB and Health Assn. obviously has rendered a valuable service by sponsoring tiie survey. i. t i. i.t . BOWLERS - A few cf the members of Bowrnan- ville's Lawn Bowling Club that has been dying on i ts grass in recent years, are geing ah eout to nestore interest in the organization. On Tuesday, June 27th at 7:30 p.rn., they are planning a big opening when old members will be welcorned back and new, inexperienced pnes will be given a royal introduction, plus ail the instructien they need. Quite a bit cf werk has been done on the greens te put thern in good condition. Phone ahead te Les Langs 623-2435 or Jack Nesbitt 623-3473 te let themf know you'll be',coming. t t t t -t CENTENNIAL - This Sunday afternon at e:30 Clarke Tewnship will hold a Centennial service at Kendal's Park and evenyono is invited te attend. Guest speakoer will be former School Inspecter Allan A.' Martin and Orono's Jr. Band will provide mnusic -prior te the service. If you haven't heard these youngsters, you've missed a real treat. \t t t t t WINNER - Jack Judge with number 238 is this week's winnen cf the new Kin Irlestrnent Draw for Artificial Ice Fund. His pnize $50. t t t t t CURBS - Quite a.few of the cernent curbs aleng King St. are breaking u p and çneating quite a hazard. In front cf The. Statesman office several chunks are mhissing from the edge cf the paved surf ace. Se fan, a cou ple cf them are resting on the sidewalk, against'the building, whuile.one leose on6 keeps jutting out enta the road. Hit It with a tire and boom! t t t i .t t DEAR FATHER - In case there are. any wives on children who have not been reading the papers, this Sunday is Fatlier's Day. We reapectfull sug- gest fabulous tafs,(paid for out of the houe keeping mcney> m-d an extra t' " hours in b.d on Sunday moring wlth no itrbne.It weuld also be fittinig if Father w«ee nScouraged te go play golf and on on. Wives ý mig1ht keep in mind, however, what happene o Mo*tý W8 Day and,,ovm rn emevos okhay ilLegion Parades to Cenota,h' For Veteran s Week Service. Branch 178 of the Royal rade Ernie Perfect was the their country. The Prayer or Canadjan Legion held a spe- Parade Marshall, and the Dedication was said by the cial parade on Saturday morn- Color Party was composed cf Rcv. J. S. - Gllchrist. the ing to the Cenotaph where a 2nd Vice President Peter Branch Padre. short dedication service was Batbgate, Comrade Bill Bates, After the Last Post was held. This observance was in Standard Bearer Leah Gra- sounded the Bowmanvîfle Le- connection w i t h Veterans' ham, and Comrade Rena Bath- gion, Pipe Band played the Week, Saturday, June lOth to gate, Lament, and this was foflow- Saturday, June l7th. At the Cenotaph President cd by Reveille. The parade headed by Conway and President Mary The route of the parade te Branch President Maurice Westovet. of the Bow1manvilie the Cenotaph had. been aiong Conway and led by the Bow- Ladies Auxillary to the Royal Queen Street to Temperance manvi île Legion Pipe Band Canadian Legion pl1a c ed Street, and Up TemperuS moved off from the Legion wreaths in honor of làiose who Street to the Ccnotaph. The, Hall at 10:30 o'clock. Com- had sacificed their lives for <TURN TO PAGE TWO) Foresters Donate $100 to Centre 16 Pages BOWM 'MANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14. 1967 1.15é Per Cnnv 9)iéces