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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1967, p. 6

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s s u q t, * . unadma Sateman, OWManVmI Juste14, 1107 hivrs Rateayers Disuss Subdivision (outrolfMe'asue = laDzy-ýA speca eingad r rdiscu Subdi. iaie land un, Mr. Gor ýVM cSli bv Mnvm Town. 1lln ota. ]Eeeve Lewis said. = = %ilO ededy cI chaired the meeting ContinuIng, Mr. Go use7hwlh ieg Whchwas held ln lhe town. stated; *uThis action by ,e) Public 1 v teto attend sip hali et flthany. Government -la not meani Some two manths a mothe prevent deveiopment. uIldpa far Minuster, Goverient wants deve -olon .W. Spooner desig- ment .., but good quaUty nated the Tawnahlps af Carl- velopment. At theie wrlght and Manvers as arems uprawl towards the ngr o4 W R f subdivision contrai, tetraest he ll v rnf trate t ninclpaliles rural iand owners. VER A IKEi iramhe possibiliiîy of an un- G. M. Farrow suid: "Th EVER ALIKE 1 ~planned land subdivision and aeol w ast o ta heIp the. Councilis af bese dare opnly t waystC townships tb regulate sucli deverimen, eiter rby subdivisions and develapment township counicil by-law. jthat mighl occur. cording to the Planningà The. realdents of Manvers na persan shall seil land lni Tôwnmhlp do fot want ta bave given are* ln any way.1 *~ ~ taak u mn to sell their there are exceptions ta 1____ iad, and healed comments order. If the Iatxd lin iiar were beard tram ail whoata- istered plan of subdivision tended thi. meeting. can b. aOid. Contrai does Three representatives fram aàpiy If Ilie vendor sélis Department of Municipal Af- hi. land, whlch means tha tairs wdre present ta give ln- farnier can sel bis tarin,1 fitsurmnce neecis dit. formation canicerning Ibis new lie cannot retain abuttlng la *r, to. Oneof th , açotrol - E. A. Gomme, bead "A iandowner can sell W o. necflb f3Iy of the adminittration division minimum cf 10 acres if *UffYSCS we performn for our of the cammunily plannaing retains At least 10 acres clients il W belp themn choaose branch; G.M. Farrow, super- land ln bic awn namne. TJ eth. types aild amaunîts of in- visor af thé subdiviasinn sec- mens tihat a fariner couid -ý e UÏanco best fitted ta their par- ion; Elric Searle, a speciaiist bis farm ln 10 acre lots wi U'tlcuar requirements Yau w"I inl l fcai plans in the. coin- out sklng for permission munity planning brandi. the department. Towngl ,,eind us rcady and willing ta Mr. Gomme onid tbe reasons counicil cmii buy or seil pare ï'iffcuss your insurance needt for putting subdivision con- o f land of an)y size withc ~ejtime»-et your convenience. trol on Manvers was thal the permission of the departmn Minster of Municipal Affaira if they are for township usei feit tiiere was subdivision c- 'One fermer asked wby Ma tlvlty taking place which had vers wms restrîctei to 10 à( nô contrai an Il in the town- lots sale when other muni ship. Since the township and palities were permitted ta i Its residents hait na protection 20 ta 25 acre lots. Ji hfIlh fromn land developers, the de- Mr. Farrow sid saine mnu - <P prtinent appiied the contrai. cipalîties were belng liO-acr PR@e cantr ai is similar to that to death". Many land 0V 99which could b. enforced by ers were cutîng up excelle uam'aasithe townshiè If it passed its tarmn land Into 10 acre Ic own subdivision contrai by- and selling wbole tracts ~ GNNIL m&i. law. And ta carry it a step land Ihis way, which is n te 01NERA INSUANR further, Council could approve good use of thc land. maiut.a. owmavw azanung bylaw and appoint a "ýThe purpose of the contr Committee of adjustment. If le ta stop the rotten apples: OfieResiuience the township did tbis, the de- the barrel from creating Pci , 8-5681 34î partment would withdraw its developmrent in the munie Jorder. Bath methai rotect pality. Itlais fot aimed et wel liemuncialiy ram poorly intentioned residents", sai Mr. Farrow. He further es l ained that any slzed lot cs e made, crented, subdlvlde transferred. There l a n i as long as It wiil support th intended use; a house for ê> amn le, a well, a septic tani and conformas ta gaad develoj ment. But it must b. wit consent. The question wax esked: a mein buulda a bouse on blgbway, cmii le have a drive way apcning out an tbe high way? Mr. FParrow said the De1parl ment of Highiways-.id oligal ed ta give a mani ccns ta hl property, evmn if 'itltres curve, or a bil un the rond It l discourageci by the High wayit Depertmerit thougbh, be cause of thé danger ta the mi driving onto thehgwy a point as dangerous.as a hi] Mlii la ii. rin tuta. Mor acve ;Twbip wen theî mmd. uyln lots.,. ~ drnk ws n biasubdivision n l tut naks yor fmllygro shrng orm, tht aidommentwos tr iret werofisuedivlait ylo Dn k ha Uty, h. rin yta tses ia f o hue.T greatany ins. f da! linof 14.the menumer c,. buildeinprit. iusued 'hi Mi D e thédik htnoMmMnmer consirnghen popu tben oiu subdivision otrIima nünds buyng loed o.ould teedaidetlerrent t tur.Grmre sidtiala n. that akesyourfanily g W stongGorme spi2 ie d ingtper. muia ertiî d not yreiz THE COatythrOR tATION 0 môt f nfohas THE TO NowBO M nsiL àttlEppua NOTICE 0P BY-LAW concernlng the propsed closingi of part o the road r&nnlng south of the Qu.en's Block in thé Town of Bowmanville. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tiaIt the Couneil of the Corporation ofthle Town cf Eowrnvile nt its regular Concîl meeting t. b. held on the. 4th day of July, 1967, at the Council Chambers ini the UTown Hall at 8:00 p.m. or any lime thereaiter, will consider passing a by.Iaw to stop up and close liat part of the road shôwn on the Plan of tie. QucuasBlock meuth ef Quéen Streetand rluainng esterly along the mou hbouadary of lb.ésMid Queés'. Eoek outb of thé former Camadian Nationaîl flJway fMegbt shed and north'of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber PIat from the. eat uit of Queea'a Avenùe for a distane of approxl. uuab M850foot t. Lot 30, Que..'. Blocku. NO11CE 18 ALSO HREBMY GIVEN that the Cauncil cf the Corporatlo f tbe Téof Btowsunaalu.propose& at the. mre meeting 'by the. aféasoaid by-law t. autiiorbé e sale of the topp.d Up part of the." mudoad t. the. abuttlng *w»m Tii. p»Poed bY-aw aad plan showtmg theland.a atdn »M inMy office. in tii. Town Hall. Tii. Couaci WlU lm uitlaPemea, O«by bis orbh« co»4,.et or <dotr, aMy pema Who ulalmi that bhm or ber landawMIl1b.pruju. 4W*7 fl.t.d by tii. »Wi b4w aMd wh. appauesto b. hear. Town Oa" )Mme the rit toc Thet y de-r ment I the r here atrol q a Ac. p Act, the Bu', 4h4 n, It ti I lot t ait a t but Ig and. w seil Ci lth- th out, ent ab e.) de [an- att Icre c lici- 08 sell Cg gibe iredpl unt wi lots of n0t ing zz ' pounds lieda o nm rg*'. L. rK. .aw aa , Mrs,, rg in _(Itended ton lest weik) shlpped la Toronto beadqumrt.- Davidson aitd Mns. Harold vIvE porWi wr fmvored wlth per. ers. The members expreasad White gave e short skil "Didn'l *em ý tedweaâtbrer and àa ijih llI tn thanks ta rs addoll you mean wiat you îaid?" cari ff- ed for aur Sunday Scbool anid t Mns. James Praser foe Mn.Wilam Pincyld o ti nnvesr service on Sunday al hem work ln thi cori- bbe sludy period on "The swml Satternoon. Miss Marlon But- riectiora. Church And The World", dis- late, !an teny was organuîl and Mra. Oun. bundned dollar. wîîî lie cusing tie R ea r ma t in forn eKen Shacketon was _pIanlst donated ta the Church Board whici began ln GermayIb it, and accompanlmd thie Sunday Renovating Com mitbce. M m eiu d 1f i Mar t heLuli ýhe ochoal choir fan théir lire. bers were asked to continue mn, is rebellion egainat the Char !x selections. We were pleased la aving C.P.C. coupons. power ai lie Pope and tih@ Ye1 k bave 1ev. Chris Dugan, Fnank-trmn aite Lben na &" frd, a former miniâter on Iis M ng. Rosa Davidson gave a Curi. oft eSwi te an n in 1h ch&ars i ur euest speaker. talk on "Slewandsblp", relat- frain bloe e y T Ini t e pialiildren's isîary Irig ta possessions, talents and fortaîicnl Zwelngî, yh TmI uI h. umed "Jin3'n Cricket", a time. "Cinistian stewerdshiplp rlh Zigi, wome a Ù plu pel as an ilu tr ti n. He h le using ai those personal relai h ildnen lbey siiauld qualities and lie lime and ina. ýh tblnk und ipe9k for Ihemuoeiveg leniai possessions wblci bave and nal la have aomebody elme been enînumbeci la us by Gad rt. Pulling -tbm strings as they do for His PurP(ame. In tbm put IAOE RS kt on a puppel. months we bave studied tbe lils thIs message to aduits bis work ai tie cburch in Canada W IESIE a teme was "On the recelinfi and itis developmenî over 100 d. cnici," H. remindeci us liaI a years. W. must look et thme Sgood gifla comm tram above preserit situation af the chumch BR AD e-and tiaI we must lie rmadv asitIlcaiicerns-cvery Individuel. Ë en andl willing ta receive them ýf We must sow thal w. moy et liîey are ta b. used for the-____________ ill c-léry ofGod.DuiesDr coy bm The churcb was decorated _______ ______ ______ ______ h wthtuipahd Illac. Tlere Acco atan 01, Churchintrilovhng memnory of he MËs. Ilarley Cowling. RAY J. DILLING 15 n r mdsyMpaty is xtend- C anend Accou ntn eta Mr. Hanley Cowllng end 93 Churcli Street nt femhly and Mrs., J. Côwll 623-3881 ly and family in te passing o¶ W .J0R O O N Mm)n ne owig Ciartered Accountent mi SfBSMSO e Congratulations and best 115Liberty St. S., Bawrnanvui.lI55 MOSouuaa e- wishes tb Mn. and Mrs. Bob Pion 623-3612 r Blackbunn (ne. Joan West- 4~ lake) wose wedding took WMLLIMC.HLL WTTAGE IROLL 9t place an Salurday et Eldad B.Comm. <mdl __-P 9 rchurch with the nece lion Cbartered Accounitant Maoe- *'~ mýtwe rengedetaln ai 361½ Ring St. E., Oshawa. mm ~ Wf Mr. and Mmo. Farewell Télephone 725-6539 OR2. 1" lackun ess Bnian and , if k un esn. ~Yi 0 S SELBY & Co. m t iGlen Blackburn Miss Jean Cherlened Accountanla h Welsh, Mr. andi Mrs. Don Osawa, Ontarioa t1tute n ".-o Welsb, Mr. and Mns. Ron 725-6451 728-7554Té ie . Welsh, Mr. Larry Welsi, Mr. William A. D. Selby, C.A. MORTN PIES anid Mrs. Geralci Shackleton, G. Edmond Burowî, C.A. MA ciu,,R Miss Ruth Shackleton, Mn.MA a ' -Eric Shackleton and M. a ndC hi NFOR* OMrs. Mattbew Marchan t- ,,1 r p r a c tended bbc Blackburn-West. G. EDWIN MANN, D..b l&ke wedding on Satunday. Chiropractor pe y Mn. and Mmi. FareiwéII Office : SBlackburn enlertaineci lieblin- 15 ElginStcraiHsySt rdal panly oIfie Blackbourn- St.,cor.623-11509 St Westiake wcdding et Ihein Office h ne: 6y3-p55t09 e> 0home gon FrIdey evmning fol -_________________________ iowingtie rebearsai.D Miaes li hJame@,, a junior D______n_____a 4COLOURS*PtIEM ammer delgate from Wale'i ha@ been staying wîtb Mn. an'q DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.g.- Mrs. Jim Coombes whhle in 75 King St. E. towmanville T S U Durham Countv. Office Houns: Mn. Jim Canpentmn and 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily friend, Toronto, were Wednes- Closed Salurday and Sunday day evening visilors with Mm. Office Phone - 623-5790 2Rt and Mrs. Bob Collacoît. Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 Anniversary Visitors DR. C. F. CAT1TRND.ng, Mr. and Mrs. Wiibum Blhack- 75 King St. E. Bawmanville burn, Daim and Neil, Mms. Rý Office Houri: Cowling, Haydon, Mr. and Mmoi. 9 a.m. ta 0 p.m. dally John Ringhani andi tamiiy, Cioscd Satumday and Sunday Mon, Miss Stella Blackburn, _Telephone:- Office 623-5459 . ' . Town, wilh Mn. and Mmm. -_________. . . . Farewell fllàckburi. DRt. E. W. SISSON Mn. and Mns. Don Wêlsh L.D.S., D.D.M. Mns. A. Malioy, Mns. LI çyc1 Office in bis home MefRobbie ard Todd, Town, 100 Liberty St. N, Bwmnvî1le r;L W w~ LfiL Misa Jeani Baker, Sauina, with Pione 623-5604 lu .1l Mm. and Mmm. Leslie Walsh. Office Hoôuri : prom Mr. and Mms. Harold Saiter, A a.n. 1 6 p.m. dally HainPtan, Rev. Chris Dugan Cloeed Wednesday - Studay Mr. J. Dugan, Frankford, Mr. DR. 8?ANLEY CGEÉ?lz and Mms. Bob Dfavie& and fain. 67 King St. E., Uwiii lly, Mns. R. Davies, Hagers- Office Houri: ville, with Mr. and Mmm.%V. à &.mi. 10t p 8 Vjrysxr Bob Devies, -Heather and Phane 828-7682 dabi wenl toExpo onMon-.L. i ~ . O L Mr. and Mi.,E. Foiey, Mrs. I sfln Y-ilda Cl*ell, Mr. IÉhd' Mca L-à 7 DONALDA. MaCGeGjloaHt W I L 88[f Clarence Bell and Patsy, To.wn, LtAuo lm Mr. and MUn. Ray Twist, uhoamo- awa, Orith Mr. and Mrs. E. Kn S.WDomafî Mr. and M ns. Ross Lane aciPhone 423-5982a l a fi . yu ,~~ s l iumlly, SawMisses. Rut 41bI. At toi 1#11i n I O F S 1lois! aNhit iT 1 Luan adDonna Wilcox, Town M o0rig qa g às .a uius Mr.and Mrs. Ken Buttey Phone 983815 ad femuly, Pelerboroug luit Mort aded wi Mr. and Mis. Sam But. Zlesideicea as MIL Bruce Stainthn' wlth -- Mr. and Mmi. Xcen Shackleton. O Mm. and Mns. AMt Yaung- r0i om etry = mian. Tyrane, Mr. Lawrence LUnE A-. fautr.o. kuair wili Mr. and Mis. otttro 3erald, 8iacketon. 148 Kinegomuil Mr. and Mrs. Bruoe LebmnraiOflOm mums? 57a--oinhmnt ind famfly, Ashburn, wilh Mr. TOI!phoui e22811 î5 7 o knd Mia. Dug Reynolds. M«-. - 'rues. - Thuya. *ftL. MWs A. Harvey and lm 0 Oa.rn. ta à8 j. vth Ut. and l'rs. Jim Coma- Titpjunua vnn IufM, the neal for contrels until criais arise. We need ad vanee planning. ««More lhi 90 per cent of Ontario's popu lotion live ini areas af sub division CaflUai". Mr. Alex Carruliers, M.PJF mh4ted liat ho would'person aiiy furliier investigale whi subdivision contrai was lmi posed on the township. Hg said hoe was concerned wt] lbe way 1h. order wha fropos ed, concerned wlth lis'Inter fering wlth peopi.'. riglhts anc concerned wlth thé goed lhe communlty. "However," aid Mr. Car. ruthers, 'There must be nome subdivision gaing-an ithe township when 22' buildin permils have been lioue< recentiy. The paion a. Manvers iu amaî1, sa penbapa planning mhould atart now beâ fore develapinent really he. gins. "Maybe itlaisbotter ta b. pre. pred and avald .Ipterference wdih people'@ rlîhts, It lm better ta plan now lhaiv watt for t criais". lHe urged the ýitizens preount ta ask ques. tions and v1t allier commun1. ties where contrailufi In effeci to see how it operates. Mr, Carruthens uuggested bhat tbe departrnent bad li- posed the 'eantrol becauee it l'as feared Ibat some develop- ers who had bought land In. neigbboring Cartwright Town- ship had miso bauglit land in 4*'vers. Il was explained that in a,ýrtwrigbt Township, where Lhere was no zonlng by-law, fficial plan, or subdivision control, Council wasat a logsl i control the developmnent of 3certain farmn bought Rnd %bout ta be cut up mbt reui- lenliai lots. lThe goverfiment iepped ln and placed'1h. con- ;roi on the township. At the iee lme, Manvers, mbutting aàrtwnlghî waa ln danger of sling developed "Ini a disord - -13' mnanner', noaaa s >imced under arder. manve!ZMTownmhip Council 111l furîber study thé malter. 'Cdia Club Executive1 c 1- Ln P. 1. le hd "Ma@I A IV UntdChirch Wom« r eap. If you don't makté use 1 Mn.. Hamald,, Wbite preided of taetoumyls hr" for thc meetizÏg of the United ieun, oc ationsaMe em. Church Women on Monday Dsusn oainMs rugit, June 5th,, opening the Davidson said "Christian Vo- Lprograrn with- a paeni "Sum- catian: is the lite lived daily -mner Dmys". , iii response ta Uod's care in Mrs. Thomna Jackson and aur homes, offices, stores, etc., Mrs. Herb CQppins led the wherever we are In daily con- warship service af iyinns, tact wilb- people. Church prayers and scripture readings. vocation is the hile lived daîly The Secrotary, Mrs. Addisonî byi comrnltted men and wo- Scoft, read minutes of previouli menn bsPecific occupations in meeting, carda af thanki rtra the church's work in Canada Mrs. Charles Reynolds, the and arounid the worid. The1 faoiy Ithe leate Mr, iDalton churci needs quaiified belp in Brown, Andy Watson, lb. Joh veyfel.We rmuaIguide1 Miltoni Society,, aur yaung people, give then t Mn.Ros xlmvdsn gveopportanutîes . for advanced Mr@. Ros ,>' avi son gave édu ati n, elptbem in chos- the financial report, noting the Irig a vocation. Those whor luccess of the recent Hrme. choome churci vocations baveJ ,,tend Tee wibi net pro fit ai en Inner compulsion, an aware-s peul.9. nesi of the greet need In thia Plans were ncde ta serve world In which we live. Tbeyt lunch nt a tarm sale In thé muet le dedlcated people". Ini near future and to caler for' conclusion, Mns. Davidiont a forticomirig wedding, quoted a poem, "Wbet Do I Mns. Qeorge Weddei report- Owe?" chi al Cea cht vin an or. vir lan Hu ae chu fori Ti knc 1wC rev fiel, mei Joh bar titu - I ( a I b lampioned social, education- and religiaus m!formns. John alvin was the -i nex great ider of reformi and tihe luchea that floIbm theCal- nisl raîber than tbm Luther- model are called Reformed Presbyterian Churchem.'Cal- nismn Spread tram Switzen. id ta Gerrnany, France, ungary, Scotland and uitiml. l1Y ta lie new world, "One funther aspect af lh. ýrch's. Ilgelong task of re- mring ielsaf muet lie ncaled, lis is the kind of reformn lwn au revival. In Engiand, en ai the key figures of the' vival were George White- Id mand John Wesley, clergy- n ai the Churcli af England. hn Wesley wu$ a persusive eaker and thraugh hm efforts eMethodiat Cburch was 'n. The need for revival con- weg in the Ile ai tie churcli. îewal ai faiti lm occurring Many placet. Wbellimr a ge gcele movement ai né- lai withIrithe chunci wll erge In due lime, naoune iforsee. The evidence ai ary points tu tbe likeli- Dd of morne nmw tide ai apinit eepang âmmng us soonrie or er, but when, or in what in doci nol Yet appeer". . unch was served by Mr@. ience Rawan, Mn. Rari itherilt, Mmi. Ibomnas Jen- gs and Mrs. Williamn ýcey. lieme wlil b. na furtier 725-1901 tinga unlil Sent~mh~r Ma es Pan1fr7-wSes8 Thenew110-osexecutive Man, ofcMiiOaitle 'United J. Needham, Frederick Nas- Of lie West. ,tunham Cll-Nations Afoetiahoei'OfCan- sl i rmnn oratt dian Club heI4 its final meeft- aà", WilU 'Ofl on '<Whatel Il ora nela;ounaDrt fig. recenrtly 4t the home aif Canadiens mean to lie Unit- ai Torno.D. George Goth, the new P"Jgdent, Mrs. W. ed Nation." well-knawn United Church foTeott ltmaepasfrtc January 23 - MerriliDen- miister fr oinLndan, On- forlicapln *man.ilin will apealc on I'Canadals taloMr. Walter Pilmnan, aif The decia-~ was made ho hndumlrjaý Achievements - an Tren UnIversllY; and Miss, hold at ieaa-ýzix meeling 'in untald atary.' Mm. DennisoCan rlte Whiltaon, famous thé coming,* season, t i«0 do an author wniting an Can. cile Politician of Ottawa. meetings la b1 heIM ah Trinlhy adian Induslry. The comung eanon, Ilion, UTnited ChiurcithaIl as Irn the.February 20- ProfessrWpa e ai& lie as interesting Cat ai speake 4 was accepled: L oron aiTrent Univermiîy , we h p, a cnro m ia Otoei 25 , l peel"n utra' as cirer. We urge yau, thora- mon pomhen jou nalis l oo in dAn hUfli'sfor, ta say "yes" when s o n , P r ô l n e4 j o u n a l i t a d e t C a n d i e n u n i y . "p r o a c h e d - b y a u r m e m b e r a h f TV newscaster. Mr. lHender- Among other names sug-icommittee. WiIb you as ai aari's laplc.w1 be "WanId gested ai speakers for liel member, the 1967-68season8 Building, Can4da's Desîuny". atiier Canadian Club meetings I cari liethh best ever for Cari- November 22- Peter Truc- were: Roi Haggart, Richard iadtan Club lIn Bowmanvîîîe.t MASTER MARINE & MOWER FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALES and SERVICE DEALER FOR LAWN BOY and BRIGGS & STRATTON A complete line of mowers, motors and parti Lawn Mowers and Tiller Rentais TAUNTON ROAD E. AT ZION (a7teLiti l e 9ool Hu j, v r VMAN VILLE IGA FOODLINEd DON MILLIGAN, -Proprietor t; 'Makes Plans for New Season -ik New Momiers ReoWevd at st Paui's Churci On Saturday evening, June 3, aI 6:30 0' ciock, th.e iderm of St. Paui's United Churcb and their sporules entertahned atIl aturkey dinner ln the churcli hall &Hi hase who had 9recently Joined the cburch. 1Aimait a hundred people set down at the tastsfully dec- orated tables. The. five lady eiders M. A. Barries,- Mrs. L. & Jrige Miss F. Gardiner, Mn,. Kullad Mrs. J. Welsli were ln charge ai the preparatlans. Afler the dinner the Min- aster, the Rev. Harold Turner sbawed afilmstrio "The Plan'; and lalked brie;fy about the rneaning of Cburch Member- ship.. The event atforded a wanderful opportunlîy for tbe new members and the eiders la gel btter acquainted. ol- owung i a list of those re- ce ivet the tellowshipcf St. Paul'§. Received by Profession ot Faith: Laurel Abernethy, Rdd- ney Langlais, ICeith Mount- joy, Douglas Piper, Daniel Robinson, Pa t sy Terinant, Stuart Tennant, Patricia Walsh, Michael Wood, Mr. Edward Bird, Mrs. Edward Bird, Mrs. Russell Brandi, M'ra. Norma Burns, Mrs. Larry Fiancock, Mr. Douglas Hate]y, 1 'Woodward, Mrs. Roy Weo. ward. Received by Certificate: Mr,, Joseph Barlan, Mins Bannie Beech, Miss JanIce Beach, Mr. David Bowen, Mrs. Ron.., aid Burgess, Mrs. Wm. lImynes, Mr. Lloyd Heard, Mr. James Hutton, Mrs. James Hutton, Mrs. Allen Marlin, Mns. Roy' Phayre, Gary Phayre, Pilip Phayre, Mr. Lloyd FrSnawdan. Mrs. Lloyd Snawden,le Betty Lou Snowden, Mr. Ra' mond Swan, Mns. Raymnon! Swan, Mrs. Riehprd Ij4inbIe, Mrs. Harvey Oebsti!, Mr&. Edward Youngmnan. Many of tb. above were ne- ceîved at the Morning Service on June 4. %ici . Mr Il à DARLINGTON UPHOLSTERY 102 King St. W. Dowmanvllle

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