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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1967, p. 10

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Thé em ad'aa saumun, Bownanvuiet M 21, igg LORDC Launches (apag On Water Pollution Dangers The Lake Ontario Regional aflke. 'region depends "so much on "eeamnt C u nc il hast City alderman Edwin Cur-Iwtr h rets oto lauiced a cmpaign to cdu- tin, LORDC president, ater. Trevge a tesotr. cate the public on the' need that although the Onaidoispreveint in the suce." for cdean water. Water Resources Commissionfpa1wilb Princess Clean- To oneyth mssge I ws aig a good job" i water, a Pe .terboraugh secre- wUl use: newspapers, radio, bath education and pollution tary, whose picture and like- television, placards, bumper, control. "we feit there was ness will be scen hundreds of stickers, speakers, films andisomething more that should times. adCo8steII'.X be donc ta make the average Shwl asmaeprna The campaign, which willl citizen more aware aftei Uic ls ak eroa Ùas over thc three-month necd for clean water." appearances at canferences, summerexhibitions, centennial activi- rsidener Period. is aimcd at Mr. Curtin added that theftc inevw. rednsand visiting touristsleconomy af the eight-con ty rtiesadeanframss. da tion program, was spawned i last October at a LORDC- sponsared dlean water -con- ference ini Peterborough, less than 100 fret from Littie Lake PREI which at anc time had a high C> Pollution caunt. Z Delegates favored an cdu- W A E.l< cational programi that would W ATERstress the nced ta preserve present bodies afi dean water and restore polluted bodics ta POLLUTION their original purity.cnbe camne a seriaus problem in ««Help Keep Our Water Clean" aur region," Douglas McMas- ter af Murray Township said. Mr. McMastcr is chairman of the committee that developed Princess Cleanwater is the L.O.D.A. the campaign. 1,"Polluted water couid seri- symbol for keeping our waters clean OUSlY affect aur taurist indus- try and future location af new and reefrompolutio. W hôp 3T~ ranufacturing industry," he an feefrinpoluio. e o'e ousid. e' looking fanl everyone's co-aperation ta will do your part as a citizen of this make this campaign success- area to encourage' this programme. LORDC has develaped a speakers' panel for service Ail of us will benefit. club meetings and other in- trested organizations., Even schoal students haven'ti been averloaked. S p ec 1a1; cards with a dlean water mes-f Sponore bysage, in apprapriate language,I Sponore byhave been prepared for dis- tributian ta ail elementary LAKE ONTARIOf pupils inl the regian.f REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL observe omnion resaurces minister Jean-Luc Pepin who expressed a desire ta be kept _____________________________________________informed following receipt o fI _____ ' information fram leRst faIl's canference. -Examiner. NOTICE to The Ratepayers and Reside of The Township of Cartwrigl MERRILL VAN CAMP, REEVE, T0Y SHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT, PROCLAI THE AFTERNOON 0F -,-WED., JUNE I280 ta. be a HALF-HOLIDAY in the Township of Cartwright for the Celebration of Canado Centennial of Confederati, ta b. held in the rOCK FAIR GROUNI commencing at 3 p.m. BLACKST GAMES - CHICKEN BARBECUE, EVENING 0F DANCING Port Pi CENTEN WEE E VENTS Parade - Water Sports Western Herse Show Bail Gamiet - Children'a Activities Parade Startsatai1ip.m. Park Activitier 2 pm. te6 P.M. Dance -. 3 Bands uRn:SZ* ? 1SON: se4 »"AW Al qUDimati Wed, June" CENTENNIAI CHOIR CONCE] Direced iby Mn.. F. Hastingi Port Perry Hlgh Si Auditorium 8:30 Admission: $1. per person ChiAh Famlly $3.00 2 AI and Public Sehof Chlldren Sat., JuIy SPORT4 -D A Y at LAKEFRONT P4 PARADE an DANCE For Familier Iuteuate oi I MRS. JOHN IRUSAK The death occurred June 14, 1967, at the Oshawa General kflj5 Hospital, following a lengthy sickness, oi Mrs. John Husak, of 522 Eulalie Avenue, Osha- - s wa.e She was in ber 74th year. h t The former Anastasie Hresh- r:d r e e r t iht kevich, the deceased wes aB e d r l b a t daughter ai the late Mr. and p/N- Mrs. Us ti erm Hreshkevich. MSBorn, Jan. 4 1894, at Karkov, 30, 1930, at Beverley Street A n i e s r Baptist Church, Toronto. Twenty yeers ago argenized ing 1milk and beef more A resident ai Canada for 38 ertificial insemination service lefficiently, in order ta supply hl years and af Oshawa for 12 af cattle became a reelity in the consumer et pnices he can years, Mrs. Husak farmed with Eastern Ontario. This service pay. her husbend in the Bowman- has expanded fan beyand the This farmen-awned arganiz vtile area'for same years fol- dreaei a the- fo'unders'; Itietion h#s growxi to ôven 14000 lowing their marniege. She has gnawn ta be the largest breeder. members having aven was a member ai Beverley semen producing organizatian 135,000 cows inseminated per eStreet Beptist Church. in Canada, and what is con- yeer. The service area stretch- SBesides ber husband, she is sidered ta be one ai the best es over al ai Ontario east ai SS survilred by three daughters, accumulations ai Holstein sires Oshawa, and part ai Western ms Mie$s Natalie Husak ai Osha- an the continent.' Quebec, cavering appraxim- ion aoric n Mrs. JPe Amnes On June i lth appraxim- ately 400 miles. The area ooldsmrih(nMar a meOs a ately 2,500 members and became greatly extended in Glsm uing ( area)oher,. friends gethered et the at- 1962 when Quinte District Peo u reshvich ai aBrooklin tractive location on Highwey and Eastern Ontario Cattie ad six granchofdren. in16 et Kemptville, Ontario, ta Breeders amelgemated ta form DS andsixeancildsrve ws celebrate the 2th Anniversary Eastern Breeders Incorparated. heattermilsrvicuerwal and honor the pioneers. -el Hom e rmshaatr2op.m.uneal Flags and decaratians flying, OB Ho6, fOshwa, y iter pment nethe office girls in Centenniel 16 O ewaUnian mtery. Revn dress end a cow drewing a top O IU R J.sh.awalvonducmted thRe.buggy were edded attractions. i. ser vic e odc h The visitons enjoyed a beef- FRANK MILLER service. ~~~burger bar-b-q besides meet- Folwn njleso i ing friends and loaking aver Folwnga lness a si manths, the death ai Frank the sires. Miller occurred a rdy Addresses were given by Jue9 97 t eoilHs the 1967 President, Mr. Ray- une9,a6, Bw at MlemonielRs- e rry ~ ~~~as weIl as the 1947 President,'nbs5tyar fMn. Alvin Ralph ai Kempt- Son ai Mrs. George Miller, ville. Mn. Kemp bas been a Oshawa, and the lete Mn. director since the beginning, George Miller, hie was born at as well as being an active Long Sault and attended 1 N ,I A wa district. At the Belleville ried the former Hezel MeMan- location an June 4th Mn. Fred us wha survives. Hubbs oi Bloomfield, tbe orig- He was an employee ai inlPresident ai the Quinte Geenel Matons and et tbe Unit in 1948. addressed the time of bis deatb bad 23 yeans gnoup. service witb the company. Mn. General Manager R. G. Miller was Fine Chief ai the SmiJune aif fnom d t1947. cd inge ofNewc astlr3eansd 28 rr. 0 original technicien stili on tbe United Cburcb n a ei- Mn. Hubbs and Mn. Ralph maving there from Long Seuit. L related the discoureging trials Surviving, besides bis wifc, 11T E DI ID encountened back in the early are - threc daughters and five RT IFl EvvO.K s years. The breeders ai today sans, James ai Janetville, recognize the enthusiesm and Cecil, Phyllis, Menlene, Ken- s idetermination af these twO neth 'and Claude, al ai New- ;chool LAKEFRONT imen and many others ta make castle. .m. PARK ~~~this cattle improvement pro- Mle etde h PARK ~~~gram successful fan the bene- Mr.Mle etda h I. 0e T DSKfit ai tbe cattle industry and Morris Funenal Chepel, Bow- d. 5o ATDUSKindividuel breeders. Previaus manville, and the largely at- Lduits NOADMISSIONta the use ai A.I. a good sire tende ueai was held in eo CHARGE migbt produce 25 celves per the Newcastle United Church ycar. In 1966, anc outstand- on Tuesdav, June l3th, and .j 1ing sire, "Lassie Leader", pro- was conducted by Rev. E. C. duced aven 24,000 calves. Woodland ai Newcastle. In- TROPH lES Tbrougb this Cutpemli erment was In Bowmanville Roi aad lot plication, by using sires prav- e try BestParae Flas e n ta imprave the breeda, A v ery large number ai Chiliren'. Best Decorated cattle impravement bas pro- firemen from a wide area led 5Tricycles, Bicycles, gressed profoundly in the the funeral procession as han- DoIl Carniages and Wagons last 20 years. orary palîbearers. HID ENSBetter catte means produe- Palîbearers wcrc Messrs. Hlobbs, Lyle, 'Record, Cork, CHILD EN"SPost and Fitzgibbon, Fire iEnniskillen Chicis o a waomn ARK EVENTS ville, Part Hope, Campbell- Runnug Rcesfond, Belleville and Cobourg id P rm ce n Raes îHolstei n Sets respectiveîy. and Log IlIIgFn RegtramMme2 M FneRecord OBITIMARY Bowmanview Model Patri- ~ .CTCR cia, a purebred Holstein cow C .CICR ut ~u~iiwned by J. W. Bowman ai The death ai Charles Wesley -$u.,,5 l , 2 rs!Un Ontario, has com- Cathcart, aged 66 years, oc- n. petd fn rcodpi e- curred at Oshawa General -Has- CE NTONNI L faninance production test. ptal o Tuesd:y, May 30, CMURC 5JER ICIEdays on twice-a-day MiM11- jurcd in an accident with a the produced 26,674 lbâ., M&: post-hole digger and was in IAKEW2qNT ~~ cantalnlng 970 Ibo. fat, aver- 9optm ortowekMbfr age test 3.64% buttea-fat. bisdeh h AX "M AL "Jg record bh« a Bj-eed SMofa the lote Robent and OMM Ia sAVeng *f 202% for Ida Cutheant, he wai bornint a'iknd 109 fer fat, Pati- Kendal and attended MeLean's lam iki0ed "4Very Good» Sebool. On Auguat 16, 1924, ho aura-ed the lainer Annle Çolorful .Costumes at Recent Centenr.niaI- Legion Dance May Johnson wba survives. held from the Nonthcutt and A farmer, Mr. Catbcant was Smith Funenal Home, Bow- a life-long resident af the manville, on Friday, June 2nd, Kendal anea. He was a mem- and was conducted by Rev. R. ber of Kendal United Church White. Interment wa s in and was Master af the Orange Orono Cemetery. Lodge. Palîbeaners were Messrs. Surviving, besides.his wife, Bill Reid, Arthur Thompson,I are two daugbters and' five Reg. Elliott, John Loweny, sons, Mns. A. Buchanan Laurie Bullen and Garlandl (Sadie), Mrs. R. Gibson Cathcart. (Jean), John, Gardon, Donald, Among the many beautiful Bruce and Douglas. Also sur- floral tokens, evidence af the viving -are 20 grandchildren esteem in which the deceased and one great-grendchid. 1 was held, wes anc from*L.O.L. The funeral service -was No. 405. Plan Hay BUlne Deuuoistuation Near Kirby on Friday, June 23rd Area farmers will get ni er than they could be built look nt a new way ta niave 'by hand. One man bandies hày trom field t taae thisi the entire operatloei. Il ho wcek. A hlgh-capacly auto-fl chooses. he can Stack his baies matic bale wagon will gaij in the field. Or he can taire through its paces on the Sawl them immediately ta the Mac Farm, ane mile west aofi feedlot and stock them. "He Kirby, at 2:00 p.ni. friday,ý simply stacks thepi whe June 23rd. Ithey are most convenlent According ta Marton's ]Farm him," sald Mr. Morton. Supply Ltd., local New Ho1-I The local dealer p te 4a1 land dealIer who is spnsoringf that automatlc bale ê.wagons the event, the automatic bale are available either self-pro. wagon pîcks up bay bales ipelled or as pull-type' units. fram thc fild, loads and One model can even retrieve stacks them on the wagon, hay from a stack. It simply transports the load ta a stack-1 îk.u scina h ing area. and stacks them n stack, tips the load down anto thc ground. the wagon chassis, and trans- The stocks are said ta bei ports it ta feeding area or built faster, neater and tight-lanather storage site. DoI MisOu NEW HOLLAND FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd 2:00 p.m. e t SA&W MAC FARM 1 mile wcst of Kirby ';e anenman at the contrais ai a New Rolland Auto- matic Bale Wagon pick up, load, transport and staok hay bales ln record trne. He'il bulld stacks faster, neater and tighter than It ean be donc by hand. Stacks that stay stacked. It's the modern way ta, move hay framn the field. Morton's Frm Supply LIMIThI> Your LocOWalNVLeHladele R.R. 2, BOWMANVILLE e23-2279 M I aSEVI insecticide Ls on your SE VIN Carbaryl Insecticide gives a combination of advantages unmatched by other insecticides. lt's economical, safe, effective and dependable. It controls insect pests with a minimum number of applications. ln fact for many hard ta kili insects ... SEVIN is the stopperi When it cames ta safety, SEVIN really takes yaur.side. Yau can enter a fild saon after a SE VIN spraying. In normal crop application livestock won't be contaminated by direct spray or drift. There ls no soi contamination either - SE VIN breaks down quickly and doos flot leave persistent residues in the soul.* SE VIN Carbaryl Insecticide is registered for the control of over 160 different Insecte on 90 different crops. Seo your local agricultural chemîcal supplier and ask for SE VIN Carbaryl Insecticide. AGRICULTURAL PRODIJCTS UNON CAR S/E CANADA LimiEv: Chem lcas d Rosh&@ * /bm * G , A s AMWO éGeiho 0 PliastlcPi«« 0 consum paw"La 0 9 I CARBIDEUNION z le- , , .ýk, OBITUAIRY 1 523-2279

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