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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1967, p. 13

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The Orono News Durham Delegates at W 1 Convention lfr. ad sBoi y Harnesafamiiy on Sunday. CCalvale, Sskand hs, Congratulations to IMr. and "' fiftir, Mss$. Ves'a Million of Mrs. P. B. White on their 82ad! T=rnto, are stayiniz with her wedding annlversary and Mr. andda mers, Ellen and and Mrs. E. J. Hamhi on their! ihy lillon, while Mr. and lst wedding, anniversary and' M. .E. Million attended Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Rowe the Clerke and Finance Officeru on their 56th weddlng uni.' Stion of Ontario Con-!versary ail ln June. if, Delawanna Inn, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mitch1 Harbor this week. ell attended the funeral of herý Congrattgations ta Mr. and unelle, the late Mr. IV& K.' - Pdrs. LewWWood, the former.Emorey at Pleton on Wednes-li Mlargareet"'Robinson on their« day of last week.1 4th wedding anniversary. 1 Danny, Peggy and Paulý Mr. Cameran Perrault, son Groeneveld who are staying' Of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne A. Per-; wlth their grandparents, Mr.ý rault, who bas been at theand Mrs. Julien De Paepe,' Orono branch of the Canadian Church St. South, untîl the Ipurl Bank of Commerce, end of the publie achool term,: has been transferred to the. spent the weekend with their, LindmaY branch. parents Mr. and Mrs. Paull Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard'Groenevelci who recently mov.i M4oncrief of Burnaby, B.C., ed to reside in Walsh, near! apent Wednesday of last weekZSimncoe. wlth hia sister and brother-n-ý Mrs. F. E. Rhodes, Centre i law, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Rob-'St,, returned home on Satur- i inoMs Mnre ih ea~avi h ootoItrai From June l2th to l6th the Federated Women's Institute of Canada (FWIC) tives' are 'viiting Expo this tional Airport, from visitin g week. 'two of her sons at Victoria,! held a convention at the University of Guelph. The above picture 'shows some Mr. and Mrs. Harold Han- *B.C., also her grandson atl Durham County dellegates at this convention in discussion with the International eock of Belleville, visited Mr. Edmonton, Alberta.1 rsdnofteAscaeCutyW mnofhe olMs.rtiDt rm and M. Wesey Wod am! Dr. and Mrs. C. Mairtensepeieto h soitdCutyWmno h olMs rtiDt o and Mrs.Wesley Wod andJacqueline and Jason of King-1 India and the president of the Country Women's Council of the world, for U.S.A., 'stn, is Magev Trrli nd Mrs. Greene. They are, from lef t to right, Mrs. Ivison Munday, Bowmavle 'Mrs. Chas. B. Tyrreli and Miss:ý Mrs. H. Bailey, Blackstock; Mrs. Arotti Dutt, India; Mrs. Greene, U.S.A.; Mrs. Cet Csh Tday E. Davidson, were June llth' Lorne Thompson, Blackstock; Mrs. L. Hughes, Provincial Board Member for Fer OGd ApullaaceS welee n gatutos toi West Durham and Mrs. C. Dickinson, Mo rrish Institute. Phtby enWso th»,Itb Ms. James annan ofKirbyl1Poob KnWlo tbt.ugbwho celebrated her 89th birth-, I T AT E BMA N day with a family party at thelweekend with his chum Ran- 0 L A 8 B 1 P 1 H D 9B home of Mr. and Mrs. Wmiýnie Forrester and family, atil. ýWannan, Park Street, on June their cottaoe on CameronD e i a e Mm r a PhnJ2-30 th. Lake near Rosedale.I _______________________Fraser R<itelile spent the Mrs. F. 0. Cooper, Mrs. Fred Lycett, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ir-! A Gado WntratSunytok Orono Cemetery win, visited their brother Mr.' SorAn V ter S AunyVroE' S A E A E Hospital, Toronto. The Orono Odd Fellows The speaker referred to Mrs. J. Noden and daughiter,' Lodge and Heather Rebekah the work af both lodges in ON Miss Viola Noden af, Toronto, Lodge held their Dedication - spending $100,000 at year spent the weekend at their Memorial Service Sunday af- for the relief of- distress in Orono bouse on.-Centre Street. ternoon, June llth at the 0 n t a r i o, maintaining the Orono Cemetery where a Me- Senior Citizens Home in Bar- ç SisesMshol end1marial Stone was unveile ..iu rie, setting up an Educational and Mrs. Betty Newman at-1 dedicated in bonor af deceas- Fund for students and thei tended the 77th Rebekah As-!ed members of bath organiza- most recent endeavor af estab- BEAkUTI i TONE sembly at the Royal York' tions. evc lishing the World Ey Bank. Q7_IT Miss Kate Forrester af Osh- was held in the Lang Memnorial miWe aeek tgva e etions awa, visited Mrs. Thornton: Chapel with chai Grdaion1o a better way of life," he TP UAIYWilson atwe.iasnatn scara d n closing he stated that Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gimblettad xenin welcome ta Odd Fellowship would con- and family af Leskard, Mr .h service. Bra Len Pears tinue until there was a uni- and Mrs. Glenn Tennant and read the scripture followed versaI law of brotherhoad. lu Hfrilwr Sna get o 't prayer by Rev. Basil.Rbkhde Sister Gay asyHrae Mr.and M wrs. n Chalsicef' aLng and a vocal trio by Mrs. the lady G amsbofe- A ~~~~M rand amily oht Millbr ce,î Wm. Wannan, Mrs. J. Stark jefloignmsa e andMrs.iyCaciiilJonoks.iceased members of Heather. P A Mr. tetnd Mrs. Russell Chat-i Brother Glenn Wannamak- Hardcastle, Gladys Froste, P A IN T day tho Lakefield spent Stun-* er, Port Perry, Grand Canduc- Catherine McKay, Sarah Mai - da ihMrs. Marshall Chat-' tar of the Grand Lodge a or, Nan Payne, Lulu Hawke, terton. l Ontario, spoke to the gather-Fat Green, Viola Neilson, QUAT GL.Mr. and Mrs. Alex RitcHle iing on Odd Fellowship and Elizabeth Cornish, Mabel Ten- QUARr $ *37 - GA. $ *97 spent the weekend with Mrr.i what it was doing in society inant, Cora Contrell, Helen 7and Mrs. E. Draper and child-1 today. IMercer, Edna Taylor, Emma ren, Oshawa, also visited Mr.I Odd Fellawship, he stated, Lunn, Amy Hatson. Brothers WHTEAD LLCLOSand Mrs. John Brown and son.!started in England aver 1501 William Riddell and Ed. WHITEAND LL CLORSMm. and Mms. John Killeen years aga when a few band- Youngman. and family of Bowmanville,,ed I ogether ta give aid under, Brother Robert Chater read Sol Ony t YumHom HrdwreMr. and Mrs. Orville Challice'intolerable social conditions. the namnes of the deceased and daughtems,. Dale, Donnai Thomas Wildey brought Odd 'members ai Orono Lad ge No. Dlenise, Mm. and Mrs. Albert1 Fellawshîp ta the United 436 7'J. W. Anderson, Robemt Munneke, Mm. and Mrs. Don- States with the first lodge be- Ard, Norman B a ir s tow, aId Challice and son, Mr. Ron1 ing farmed an this continent William Bairstow, Charles4 !funa nd amiy aten i. men aetknotmber- Berry, Samuel Bermy, Richard4 LIMITED 'amily picnic at the home of lship in the ladge and he said Brown, Wallace Brunt, Harmy Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken. "an taking the four degrees Carter, William Cochrane, A.4 95 ,airT.W- and son Tom at Millbrook on'ot Odd Fellowship one could W. Fallis, Wilbum Gaynor, Le- 9SKN T .Sunday. iiat help but be afiected rov Hamilton, W. H. Hooper,, 4 BOMNIL i s. oi {r5fIIlingývth soially ansi morally.:-, We :V. Kyle, Howard Linton, BOMAVILEJJhas. Retrfd meaiter spend- went ta heal the hurts ai lufe Russell Major, J. C. Me- PHTONE 623-5211 l in _ a week witb ber son, Mm.1 and elieve distmess," be said. Roberts, Milton Morris, Leon- AmodHolnswrh&Ms rd Morrow, Herbert Murray, Holingsworth and family at, ebr yeJmsNxn Coanile rono Jr a d!e. J. H. Osterhout, James4 ply Richards, William Riddell, * 1.1~. hi Arthur Rabbins, Lamne Rab- invitea 1 rtV bina, William Robinson, Her-41 i bert Scott, Roland Smith,4 it oS aVa h,11Howard Walsh, Samuel Webb, R. R. A. Whattam, Charles A O h waSn iWood, Edward Youngman. 411 An invitation bas been ex- The gathering assembled by tended ta the Orano Junior the Memorial Stone in the Band ta play a band concert in cemetery wbere a bni dedi- the Memorial Park in Oshawa cation service was canductedIf tram the McLaughlin Band by Rev. Basil Long. 1 SheIl. The memarial wax unveiledf The invitation ta play in l'by Sister Jean Wood, Noble 41 Oshawa has been accepted and Grand ai the Rebekah Lodge e the local group ai young land Bro. Bob Casey, Noble musicians will play at the Grand ai the Orano Odd Fel- sell on Wednesday evening, lows Ladge. Sister Betty1 * ne 28th. The City ai Osh-a- Major, D.D.P., placed a basket ' wa is paying ail expenses in.ai flowers at the Memorial. cnnection with the trip ta The service was concluded with a Toronto-Dominion Personal Chequing Account TM TORONTO.DO&INION BANKC TO*O#4TO OCUMM4CENTIN @RANCH 581(KG SY. W &aBAY ST.. TORONTO. ONT. Plus these other benefits "*'Pully Plerosnliz.d Depsit Slips e Fre Choque Wllof-Your choice of two colours " A Stafemesit ovory 30 deys Insteod of 60 deys e Your c.neelled choques returned 1* A storage box for cancelled choques e L.w service charges e Fast and efficient service ft doosW't ccci you $2.50O k gel fully personal. ieod chèques when you have o Persanal Coequing Accaunt at Toronta-Dominion. Only ot Torante-Dominion do you get PCA choques with yayr nome und oddress printed en them without charge, ami personclized deposit slips as well. You cisc get a froc chcque-woilet in your choice of colours, brown or block. but ihère's eveti more for yau with a Personal ChqigAccowît ot Toronto-Dominion. Now, w0 give you on up-to-date statement of your occount every 30 doys, insteod of 60 doys, togothor with yaur cancelled cheques. This sim- pHfms your budgeing ond givos you a botter picture soomer of what you spent where. Wih aur convenient Twin Account Plan you use ycur Persanal Ohequing Account for paying bis endi aur new 4V24% Prem.um Savings Account for buildièng yeur savings. This new savngs occaut pays a whopping 50% more interest (paid twice yearly end colculuted on th. mini- mumi mohly balance). Intorest is paisi froin the date of the Initial depoeit. We've go« a lot of othor Go-Ahecd ideas that work for y@u et Toronto-Dominion ... Ask abou tIhem wlieinycu corne ite open a Per- sanal Coquing Accottat Toronto-Dominion. TORONTO-DOMINION The Batk wh.r.poépb muke ihe dKhrm R. G. LAWTON, Manager, Bowmanville, Ontario MJKM. 1>111 Kb !UI. MoInUId Bil,Grn Dawn, Naci Dudley and Jack The death ai Mrs. Esli Oke Pearce. accurred at Memamial Haspital,1 iBowmanville, an Tuesdayl June l3th, 1967, follawing ai RONALD F. MAYNARD vemy bni illness. 1 1 The death af Ronald Fmank- Daughtem af the late Mr.! lin, Maynamd occurred at the and Mms. W. G. Rundle, theý Memorial Hospital, Bowman- former Ella Maude Rundleî,ville, on Monday, June 5, 1967, was bamn at Bethesda in Dar- iafllawing an ilîness ai three lingtan Township. She m-asý months. He was in bis 43rc predeceased by ber husband,< yeam. Mm. Esli Oke. A son ai the late Mm. and A life-long resident ai Dam- Mms. John F. Maynamd be was lington Tawnship, h a v I n g bamn at Bmooklln and received been bomn and raised at Betb- his education theme, He waqi esda, she lived in Ebenezer unmarried. iollowing ber mamiage until Mr. Oke's passing. Aiter ber He Was an employee ai the husband's deatb, Mrs. Oke me- Goodyear Tire & Rubber sided with hem daughtem and Company and at the time af san-in-iaw, Mm. and Mms. C. j. bis deatb had 22 years ser- Elston, 73 Concession St. E.. vice with the Company. He Bowmanville. was an adbement of the Unit- The deceased Was a mem- ed Churcb. ber ai Ebenezer United Mr. Maynamd is survived by Church, wben living In that. five sisters andi three bro- area, and in ecent yeams ofIthers, Edlth (Mms. Sld Walk- Trlnity United Chumch, Bow- er), Ralph, Muriel (Mrs. manville. She was a lufe Homace Hal), Gladys (Mrs. member ai the Women's Mis- Chas. Terry), Marjomie <Mrs. sîanary Society and United Erie Staintan), Roy, ICenneth Church Women. and Phyllis (Mrs. Gardon Mms. Oke is survived by, Chartran). hem daughtem Elsie (Mrs. C. The funeral service was Jahn Elston) and two grand- held on Thumsday, June 8th, children, Camai and Brian, al imom the Marris Funeral Cha- af Bowmanville. pel, Bowmanville, and was The funeral service was beld' conducted by Rev. George K. from the Marris Funeral Cha- Wamd af TrintyUnlted pel, Bowmanville, an Thurs- Chumch, Bowmanville. Inter- day, June l5th and was con- ment was in Groveside Cerne- ducted by Rev. Gea. K. Wamd tery, Broaklin. ai Tinity United Chumeb. In- Palibearers were Messrs. terment was in Bowmanville George M. Bebce, Jack Lan- Cemetery. dem, Ross Wright, Cecil Mut- Evidence ai the esteem in tan, Ken Terry and David which the deceased waa held Craig. were the many beautiful Amang the many beautiful, floral tibutes, amàng which floral tributes, evidence ai were those tram Ebenezer the esteem in which the de- Unitedi Church and Trlnty ceased was held, were thoçe U.C.W. Unit. framn Local 189; Depts. 2432, Palîbeamers, ail nephewa 2433 and 2437 Goodyear-, and grand-nephews, w er .lMen's Bowling League, and Meâurs. Douglu Oke, Wesley Clarke High School. f f .4 il I fi 41 41 fi 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 )pS c -AMB - THREE MEAL VARIETY in a BASKET' ChieMeaty Who le 1pS 49LILAMB 1 1 a Le af Rindlens Pkg. 5 BA O puI oi SHOP WTHCONFIDENCEUI du m em MdhMWudo I INbdbuSPCID SupaYOur munit SAT., JULY 1ST TO CELEBRATE CANADA'S 100TH BIRTHDAY RICHMELLO 4 FLAVOURS- A kCE (REAM c IT'S MAINLY BECAUSE 0F Ti W-TENDERLOIN END - +NPORK 4CENTRE CUT OR CH( «PORI +m CHOICE IMPORTED I 4Ai JMBli fu Tender Tasty Rib ~LAMB CHC fo Maple Leaf Pure Park ISAUSAGE IDomino SWIENER, 1-lb. 5c OÂ 5kg. 899 HE MEAT I i65cb 79C1 91b ROASTSJC CHOPS -b / STEW -J- or Haif LECS 491b qBreakfast 1lb: jnlon's Own Famouu >RNED 1BiâEFi 491b .t2THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY _________________ 6 v..-9PM ..pn Mom's Carnation Evaporated i jMargarn 23c MILKcH flFRESH PRODUCE FEATURES -Ik kgCALIFORNIA GROWN No. 1 GRADE LONG WHITE NEW POTATOES 10-LB. 5 ciPOl lr 0E -SBAG 6 wc- AIL ADVERTISED ITEMS IN Save On Dominion's Own Brancis TORONTO NEWSPAPERS RIchnieUo Orange - 16-oz, SIzejS OSHAWATIMESCHIFFON CAKE3c OSA ATMSDomino - 12-oz. Suze BAVIL 100 AVAILABLE IN THIS STORE CH'ER RY CAKE .39C t DEEPCUTFEATRESDomino - 16-oz. Jar BAVE 40 4 AiRsbryor Strawberry - wlth Pectin SAVE 10 C H EUESE S P R E AID 65C rl,ç 24os.JarDomninlon's; Own Brand Maple'Cream 114 -Ib. 7kg. A FSt. Williams Jam 49c HILLTOP BISCUITS 49C D.C. SiIced - 28-oz. Tins COMPARE SPINEAPPLE 3for $1.0(O HOME NEEDS SArrow Standard - 19-oz. Tins COMPARE 1Kleenex AIl Colours - Boxes of 400's BAV'E 14o »iAssorted Peas 6 for $1.()() FACIAL TISSUES 2 for 3 Sc 4 M9 Lynn Valley Standard - 28-oz. Tins SAVE 16c Leans-GatSiBV 3 «4TO)MATOES 4for$1.OO TOOTH PASTE 52C Revlon's Top Brass BAVE I1. PAPER TOWELS 49c HAIR CREAM, 79c Rideau - 16-os. Bottle COMPARE Ausorted Colours and Designs TABLE SYRUP 25c DRINKUNG MUGS 3for$1.OO Pkas. ofl10011 SAVE ON GLEN RAE DAIRY MILK PICNIC PLATES 99C j HOMO M-ILK 67c i PLUS DEPOSITAM L 20,/o JERSEY MILK QT62c iFR11 PARKING Ail Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Grive 190% loSftisiaction Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, June 24, '67, ln Bowmnvilh WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. j Open Thurs. and Mn. Nights 'tii 9 p. King StandSimpon Avrenue (HIgkwy, NO.2# -IOLjet k Ah -* J& et ajkm 4 Pl - -3%LB. AVERAGE LOIN ROAS LOINS U Toupwee Street, V.q. MMM% - 0

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