"l. e da tate.m, B E w3ýM e, Z~ uneO21, 196 D'EADLINE Gay nd2Artiles fo~r Sale 1,Articles for sale~ Articles for Sale FrRn Work Wanted Rea saerSl eal Estate for Sale Real Estate frS l 101iÊoeGay nd20ACESstndngayPhone HAY, four acres. Telephone BRN, to be torm down and APARTMENT for rent. TÎee- CUSTOM mowing. AplOO - O-F-FÏKTAUNTORD.n !i~lIe Pot 1ope le happy 728-8006.san hy. 25-1' 623-3243. 25-1 remoaved, 36' x 20'; best offer. phone 623-3573. 24-tf John Wood, 263-2598. 25-1* Close te No. 35 and 115 High- W. Frank RealE itzee K w l 4 teflhone the arrivai of STRABERES Tlphn Fll crs lalahay. ee hn 2-2186.25. APARýflP1NT, central. Apply HIGH School boy esires sum- way's. New 2-bedroom brick ITE tiiI~'ehoendaughter, Nancy 623.5=02.> 25-2' phone 623-2756. 25-1 ONE Kelvin-Thompson bale Whyte Bros. Upholstery. aIl mer part time jobs. Telephone veneer, nleely flnlshed bouts-1 ebrOhw n itit WIPa $alter for Michael. ____________OshawaLTa 25.1 VATER for sae and delivered, USEI) Lilliston brush cutter stocker. A. W. Graham, telle- 623-5252. 23-3* 623-3594. 25-10 low. Lot 751 x 200', Iast year's ReadlGEERALINSUAN1 Cal Cliff Pethick 263-2131. Phone 623-7088. 25-1 phone9745,Nwa 5' EROE ouse, central, DUTCH couple desire* office 31,0. Raobli lmbqDzn~sos - Cecil and INTERNATIONAL 3-bar hay USEDÔ lawn mower and wash- available July Ist. Telephone cleaning, caretaking, etc. Tele- onpyet ai2 igS.WRomnll 2Kn t .Rwînit Verna wj sh .ta announce the rake. Phone 723-6258.' 25-1 ing machine. Phone 623-5515. MOVIZ camnera, 8mnr; pro- 623-5706. 25-1 phone 263-2940. ____ 25-1 .J. OCHONOSKI 623-3393 25-1 jec-ftorisetn oodlight25-1filsîe- fiiRiE-roomed apartment, up- TWO high school students CONSTRUCTION J 12Ar tc an rsieBnao!Cnrl bl~o tersn ony26 PIGS, hay in the field.- er, camnera filament, filin reel. stairs. heated, central. Phone will do paintinlg adg en- 1R12 -A93-579 Behan lbe 1ozal Hupit3, A f orosale2and212.vere-1 accSsoÊs.Pon 2-24m63247 5- nPhn-633861-9ro 1o.Jue1,Astin Wo,6321. 51BS mlifier, gultar and 623-5414. 2- 63217 52ig. Poe a2-38.251d gard3579 Bthn -9r EOmat MLe ropt for - -rie--P-oe, 123,2er25-tf Large barnis.oepssbemoe cnenec vT* dbie. rthansta2r ufeore ai 2-55. ____25 E lyehihcar a- FURNISHED bedroorin priv- CUSTOM mowing, hay con- ly$2,00- 8OOoon. paiu rom troho. D:r Rndi£dDr SiemoThn. ta24QuANTeiTce Cgoo hay75. TW-oy'-icyle, 6" o e, akrwith tray, crib ate home, lady preferred. ditioning and baling. BilOl 2,0 xeln o.îcuigaircnilnr Dr;tnl n ;.Seo.QATf fgo a.TO es iyls 6,oewith mattress, jolly jumper. Phone 623-3527. 25-1KnNwcsl 8-446.Guy!TLEBLNC (' Oshawa - Good Srai Rc or ihbr lsdn 25-1' Phone Blackstock 986-4707. racer, reasonable. 623-5427. Phone 623-5817. 25-1 25, etnecstei8 -24160.cresofy]a 2- -APARTMENT, tobedroom,__ 22 LAIfER- Lwrece nd EFRG~]T6R $3;25-he, s eIRswbiet, lChv areloerhted, centrally located; im- CUSTOM grain spraying, bal- Realtor northeast of Oshaw ihIdie odtrsaalbe L A A M E - L w r e n e - a d R E R I G E A T O R , $ 3 0 ; w a s h r , 1 4 F, O O c a b n .t r a l e r , sl e e s s w i gu r r a '5 m e d iac ae Tp o s s e s s io n.os s e si o n e pl e b o n e i nin g ,n b u n c h in g , a ndmo w in g L a gen d A4qIa ,are happy te announce $25; electrie steve, $20.* Phone five, plus Reese hitch. Phone phone 623-3249.- Mrs. Mury62-31 23-tf -side-raking. Cal! 725-5934 or 623-7461 listed at nnly $36,510 ______________of______son,_Brin 623-7-76. 25.1 25-14*Acres 89tOntatroaSt.ne5- 0 I.baý. 9 a .. on Friday, 1'HUETALR-~.Ï~ O ae uncrefr-______ ML prmnsov n 6-48 4t lu eHsîa ar an lda rs 1 ce ih6ro os Il ý919687, tGnrlHs ipd ic, awnnget.7-room hotuse. Caîl Bowman- CasfrSl fridge, $75 monthly. Avail- EPHLTRN - Satis- 1 3 Bedroom brick home with1 133 Acres with tolrei edo ear xeln 11lâ,Par Sun. 251Phne63-39.251 vle 23222 5-*able riow. Kowal Real Estate, faction guaranteed at Whyteifinished rec. room, dining-1bi .. Hen house.2soeoprtntfrthhadmri STUDEBAKER Service, new LEENT Poultry-Roasting shape. 623-7165. _ 25 lSALarebdoo*pri 623-5252. __ 20-tf1 lot 153 feet deep. Asking n~$100-Trs em arOe happy t and ertadused parts. Grahams1chickens, 1½ lbs, - 44 lbs SAL - Totalpr- ---- ný 4,00-Tens brthappf tirsnDounld the Garage, 416-263-2233.. 43-tf 139c lb. Deliv'ery on 10 ox 21/2-TON G.M.C. truck. Apply ment, fridg and stove, private, CUSTOM ploughing, cultiva $680Ter.10AceF bit ftersnDnl a-more. Telephone Newcastle 96H hS.,Bwanville, 69 king E. $76 per month., or, l oader, pulverizer; Acren rno d n on ay J ne 19 4 " TO E, 15, mig. ch st9874353. 25-41i623-3567.25 1 Phone 623-3434. 25-tfi sawing, sod, cedars for hedges. 1967, a Hmoia dspital. A of drawers, large crib, play :.- - - - -Ph-_-__-_________- 2, excellebntalocaon Snot0ace la.Vryaeadfl bsmn.Br brt, Liforda, Joh ry pn 5- Ph4-oaineuc48 nvem5tf o -- --mumpuslln lctin grnt inaJhn 2-* 4-OT luiumc avrge uphane oor cottage, $3;lcar, aSsoeeused furniture. roons and bath. FuÎlyself- CUSTOM hay baling and 1Asking only $12,900. j'scenic property. 8,0 gant$1,0.ers lbebaMruymtr and _____ ,lk ew aptn23231 5- cnand n paiu.Adults cutting; custom post hale ' Terms. iSoeHuead ce ibebaMruymtrad$0Poe786-2233 week- 3~0 cneA $50. '49 G.M.C. 1/2 -ton, re--- oniy. 623-3591 evenings. 24-tf diggirig by hour or hale. Tele- Handyman's Special cieArsfcnHw.4.Th 0- Carios Tamblyn, Orono; Mr. F2UR-bumnerneiectr2c8steve-4- $1'brick h Nforaitis and Mrs. Robert Kent, New-IcOmRblinefr woo oric soaleK, 1IG Phonie 987-4636 after 5. 25-1' ment, close ta Lord Elgiri>DN'T tear the grass. Cut it. 118 x,17orne wt el aclott arca. Only $lî,fo 3350mcatorgnlodii. casiearehapy t anouc 'bitofr -7264. 19-tf NG 1962 MERIlCURY-Mortr---- Schoal, prefer teachers; non Have us sharpen your lawri . . ed altle e-dow'n Mdm btwae et cld Jare arie, 7 lbs. î ce, 21' oULDED p. wo62a3-7U264.IED doo hmdtpp erebrakessmakers; will hold tili Sep: mawer. F. Crowe, 102'li pair. Make an offer. ie s the birth of their first grand- -- -- - i UNLteeDdor hrd, owseatsradio; tember. Phone 623-34314. 25-tf 'St., Bowmariviile. 42 Country Living Very scenic parel !ln Cno edpiae o en Monday. June 19, 1967, at cruiser and trailer with 75iTown Line Road N. whitewalls. Phone 623-2670. THREE bedroom house arid MOUNTJOY Backhoe Service .1 Bedroom bungalow with :1346' x 1.600' wvith stremi s-tietemny Memiorial Hospital, Bowman- h.p. motom, 1962. Telephone 24-tf garage, central, Bowmanville. -Foundations - Septic tanks attached garage. Lot 224 feer ing $6,000khm vile Bh ndMaiear te623-7326. 25-1 OSHAWVA. '8DSL,2odtie Availabie immediately. W rite dug anid backfilled. Ivarin deep, only .5 minutes drive ta odol-ceLt6Ro 2sae proud parents. 25-1 BUYiiNG ors-eling fuiture (One Mile N. of KIn t . oe teing Snd.bakes Advertiser 769, c/o Cariadian1 Mountjoy, Blackstock 986-7.Bwaviî. skn OrlYaden.Citis2b- lor appliances, caîl Elmer, 78~4 400 engine, 4 barrel Holley Statesman, P. 0. Box 190,1I___ _ 16-1.f $2,500 dowri. ChîesOtwit tem ' oedyfo ocppc-.Na UOLTERS-Cecil a'nd Laura Hamptori: business 263-2294 - rb.; also '61 Studebaker Lark, Sowmanville. 3-tf A9B500. n 'Wolters are proud to ,residence 263-2695. -6-tf We Rflt ana el ilpat frsae.63-67.fl __ ,2berom, i tiee Aoe ai-!$ewc00l qounce tebirth o! their SHELLED dried corn; weed- EVERVTHING IN THE -- 25-- newîy eoresd nilew gas mbing & HGarage. Absargeolutely the beste. frme «ghtem Rachel Mayann,ispray chernicals; used 45-gai. ...ne .uvstcKSaeAtdv etise80, 3 esnS. lwalEx chellgaet a fr the finhpd 2-'-oe rm os ihhy ntwitdya 980 Oëtts.7 ozs, on Monday, June cou barrels. Gerald Brown, CampigL- T etokFr ae frne.WriteAvrie80I5NloS. wmnle'ant ny$30.aeeagebdoý 1967, at Memorial Hospital, Bowview Farm, Newcastle. Aisn - 5Mdl fCapncE/lldAgsbll 6ýP ox190Canadiaviema, _ 1t mr atour leas$13,500.r _____________ 25-1___ 24-tf Trailers te choose Caompn EPoed nuse ________________ rn morths aid. Phone 983-5075.1' 25-1 RIPEFC egj sa ONE .30' trailer, davcnportIOPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 2-1-10 -- -- 1Howard Wight 6 23-2524 3BeSmcuotgsndlntpcdio.Mstb Deaths bcd, gas stove, .ocilheater,' ____ 25-1l'2-1 APARTMENT, beated, od- PLUMBING & HEATING 1lInger Jorzensen -987-4491 3bath Vroomolarge pe ee ab apeite.Piv GUSON - AtMernorial washing machine, refrigerator.- - 05creonbernimetehoe6354ba.Veyom.t3900nd$,0.Trs GUO tREGISTERED Yorkshire sw; r, raoal in, imdtiPoe62-5025 1Lrelt I om acîe ecsl.Eclet3bd pital, Bowmanvîlle, on Rent or seli, Apply 580 Fare- P.O.efo BFoxneo Sirer 1o59632549r, iirgom n btroî.r alA e ,O ha a 5 2 knd ner , 10h ee ks63-2I5. T d 'p e s i n o a bcd o m , tch - .O B x 59and furnished. $12,.50 0 e n s o m b ic u g l w b jt b sday, June 15, 1967, Eva CeAAv.MPhw. 52' ~ u INGi'. 2-1iAp Sams Restaurant, 14;78 Ontario St., Bowmanvîll John P.ijeWith Lake f clessCnsrutonoDc Martin, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, INSUÏIKTION, blowing meth- 11,well started, with very'Divisiori St., Bowmariville. 14tf f cgeg rtd hopouiEtr ag 70 years, wife of the late od, witb rock wool. F rkce LQU.IMENT good conversion rate. Buy in - 2i-4S-TC AN 1 rank t. nmiiî ansae lt ok,5a n (ert)sFhcld one ors Phe Nwtvle 786-2256.lSETS the barriarid prevent disea'se.1FrnSt- omvilladcp o.Dck ther o! Wilma Wotten. estimates, Harmy L. Wade, BAR-B-Q SETiAy sizelots. 983-5793. 25-1i Meaintéd ta Rent rUMPr1'IG Phone 623-3950 motor as weil as matfri Atr9pm Pes ai eral Chapel, Bowmanville ______38-tf CHAIRIS ,rime weeks aid; 2î 'FOR ad ugst-aan elWHITEWASHING STABLES' sig.Akg Satrdy t CoHAoIRIn 2pigs, xwesod ifeiotrebdomhuei'ieu LAW p's. ix eek nI. Wlfrd i Jui ORONO: 100 Acre farm. terms. ta thredy t 2a" bedrn-oomD wsbouset, mtos BERT± TOMPKINS 1Stock and cquipmcnt icîded. .A.Maereor- 97-26 Thor nd Cosle OUTOARD Woods Farm, second farm Newcastle or vicinity. Phone 'Good buildings. Good pro- Pnypo en aponCmtr. Bett, Tonandal l der- TOAwest side, north o! Newton- i987-4821. 25-tf Phone Newtonville 786-2552 dcri ol.Cîlierglan'6Acres with I0-roomhm;'.KwlJ.-.6356 E n g a g e m e nt ied line e! furnitu e. Paddy's M O T O R S vle 4 2 -Ca l C olle t 41 4!f Dyk 623-743 . it, 4- _____ _____ __cottage_ Enaemn Market, Hampton, 263-2241. REGISTERED Poîîed Here-ý Help 7437 tORTHOE: 8 A3-roo cottages tFI5- ~ M r .m d M s . M r l l nS u g i t t ~ f r d s . Y o u n b u i s a d b e ! - i ~ ~F R A N K B R I N K P R O E 8 A r e s m i t h r o m o t a g s.0u0 0p i c L 1TXIdrvrful1ietll-nd arselinsed t &tYPEWITiS, 49.nors available. Visitors aiways I drivr, fulitime.g W leon reeae-- a Lim-WRT S $9,n! . .phorie 623-5561. b51Techn hai.loodatio.Per upl.f3W00 hlo le teengagement of moncy down, $2 wkly. Addi-! man wfcoor uramFars P_ _ -Tre N Kn Hgwseoio.Picc a' em-nvllled hnat.E J te~eir daughter Joan Maie, taecrs, Cashiers, File Cab.. new,1'85 King St. W. Bowmanville Iitcd, th Concession, Clarkc RELIABLE mr o dairy ISTALTIC N ANK s8dcrsi, 5 elemi-doetadbos. x R CL Richard James L. Thompson, used, rentals, 'service, trades ' Phone 623-3134 Towniship, Orano. 24-3' farm. Phonie Harvey Graham, 0NSTALLATIONnORO o w28 Aes wi 16,0tb$6500paertii.Lrgeltt. elo cf Mr. dIl s AthrIul Hamilton, Raglan (North 25-tf-___- 1Bakoc 986-4856. 251Hro 6-220ame unaow Ilmd- i,0 650dw. ~msn tWhty. Mar- of Oshawa) . ___1-f--SADIGFRSRIESNlE-a ahepo ay2-fSarniebush. Nice and private.8romaidb rete take place in Black- FN ulthyfrslH M I.fl.N. RAFFRANZAH farm through haying and 4t Asking $22,500. rrck, statelyric etik United Chumch, July standing or balcd. Vicon Farm, Grandson o! Raffels harvest. Phonie 263-2225. '-tryhm.Lt" 8, 1967, at 2:30 p.m. 25-1Phe72-61i aarsr OWNERS Grey Arabian 25-1 CUSTOM PORT HOPE: 125 Acres witb 21stcy hoe. TLot 0 b 18 -15 Phne78-60,ifnoaswrexcellent buildings. LargelVr Two bptrooms 26-03.OeCocsio atExcellent conformation a nd IMAKE $3 ta $4 hourly-servingi1 FARMvING stream. Beautiful brick home. $850-Trs a nn p wst Gkcptfd home. Onerl-yCCentre, Streernis an!. d Mrs. David V. Hall and 1 'J miles north of rsn-1 e corisumers with Rawlegh' AT R FASONABLE RATES Paintcd barn. Caîl: George s o r %Whta annourice the engage- ton on Roid_16. 25-1 STEER BEEF New. Enjoy G. A. CANFIELD Household Products in Bo w-1 VanDyk 623-7437. 1 Bowmanvilîe, Beech Aeu ortt eo. thoIr eldest daugh±er,.1 ,MFA a ag, ~y.Bef ai lis best aII..symmer. 'Liberty Stables 2i63-2303patmnt, xcllntInom 263-2303 g s an e.ftll manville. W rite Rawleigh for T h.one 723-1308o CHRISTMAS TR E FA l ; Owner ifust se Ialnl da. A kn $,0 o n Varient Marguerite, te Barry aut0ntir,. an Ile used euther' SIDES - - 57e lb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 254 iinformation, Dept. P-140-124,J FOR* CUTTiÎÇ,. R AKING, 160 Acres. About-80,000 treesiSaey I-o m brc o e As age r m o e wt 4rxthur Clemens, son of Mi for natumal or 'propane gas;1HNS 6eM 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, BALING, SPRAYING. partly ready for market. Ask- with three batbroomsl w bc eromadtobd àà .r. .mLm.neCMe.nLdeavfmrottge $5loebst HINs, 6idl.euc ion Sa es Motrco.251tageN, ET.$4-f5$.o0. Caî: an rirebi fiepacs. ot94alepts$00 of Hampton. The wed-loffe. 149 Liberty N., tele-1 FRONTS - 49c lb. .1--_____-- -îgGogero ayedw t a k p l c e n a t u - h n e 2 3 - 4 2 3 2 5 1 ' o i, W r a p e d a n d F a s F r z e nW E E L TG I R L o r w o m a n a s a s s is t a n t - F O R A L C M E T W R D y k 6 3 7 3 ,1 3 2 ' . O p e n t a a n y r e a a a l e e i~HmponUntedC rc. OTTES a Ch-emon2.yorzA n usEOC ta cook for months of Jriîy and CNEW or REPAIRSers y uy22, 1967 at 4 'ok - - - tosuit urfamlly. Akus.ugust at Eririli Golf Club. No NEpo Modem 3 bedroonsanm3 brickmavileCoce Haptn niedChrc. COTAES ChmogLIESO K SALES,248 ACRE FARM witb EXPErT ê M r . n d m i . i l s 2 5 - 1 P i g e o n , R i c e L a k e a n d m a n y a b o u t o u r P a v a e n t hPol aynS l e s A r e a b a v y d uie es A p p y . E r N o l M E N V Vn d s.o ! a l e s k i n g 3 2 ,00 Ga - r e . L a r g e m a s .V r t wI c u e s p a o .H v lej others. Terms, $50 down, BU WMAN VILLE Ooo-E yTus,73 ..1Gl lb2390 rKnsCEMETW R r. an .Wlon Pring balance lowest ternis in Cana- - Every Chl]:.Ro7:30 '.m. Golf Club 263-9905eorlKsei' enagmeted. Free book cf cottage de- FRIGID LOCKE Sellin Herses, Cattle, Swlne, Mcn's Wear 623-5580. 25-1' Estimates Given Terms. Ctaîl: assDavdsai, i2200- 60 daoug htereLgaePetiiof ige Murphy Co., Bowman- Calves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid AT -C-ERýCal' Evenlngs - P- ZePPlerl NORTH O SAA 2 terduhel avidRamonBwe,iille. Poe6338. 51 YTM& Son, Sales Managers. 52-tf W1eaf itm elett RR ,Bwavll 2-79i FOHW:10 Excellent Ini'estmetFI rc. erHgw cf M r. v il e. M rs.e R3 -3on d. 251ti vY Ste d A g n t , aed , f r B w a v le b rr , ea3,or su -d vis or a o m er ia c rn r 6-x 723ard-0729 1 ed o têMr Davd Ramon Bown, afulltim rea 23-te' i Acre farm with bouse and' Mr ndMr. ayon CltvaedPhone 623-5578 Auc'tion sale, property of Arca. Seiling experience pre- KB RG SS 1 acre lots. Cali: Harry ý with gond brick bous. Co< Wen , ail efBowmanville. .- r aisn 8 asnS. err onoeo aaas1JC UG S ots7524.'ocnr fBw e marriage to take place oni! FIELD SOD - 2- M. avdsoi,38 Msso2.t.5,ere0.Jon ac f$anaa,0iC Saturd.ay, July 22nd, 1967, at' Oshawa, June 24 at 1 p.m.:1flargest realtors. Expericnccd'OIL BURNERS - FURNACES' 145 ACRE F1ARM with gondisii 2,0 1000dw.c od eDo'clock In St. Paul's Unit- Excellent Quallty. Low Prices STRAWÀBERRIES writing desk, radio and record Manager' ta help yau. Strongl CLEANED 'buildings. Modemn 7 maomed Income PropertyNwcsl ChrhBwmnile elvre rplkupa fedplayer, arm chair, floor lamps, pramotianaiR assistance. Con-f PL UMBNG REPAIRS home. Gond barri. Excellent Centrally Iocated in Ohw.Nal c rc uglw 251 Phone 725-9674 INCLUDING RED COATS chesterfield, china cabinet, President, H. Keith Ltd., 11 POEHMPO aIexra.Prcdt cli.ntumri o! $285pemit.nIdafolrgfaly it Mr. and Mrs. Morley. J. Oke. _____ 24-tf 1 RESERVED ORDERS TAKEN dremach radio, dlock, sewirig Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12,1 263-2151 lOw, ail5beoed wibu4pngal 2,00 pr abaeet sing $790 Wholesa ±-ar'hpprtoCANAIONCeNsA Easy washing machine, rugs, LOCAL iRQ IE Mail Address:j bath. Large lot.,I Ase otaxees.iilsae loatio yeÎunetednagbter Kaennewyors mo Enlad. ar fric 12 x 13 and 9 x 12; Iawri mow-i L MNRE[IRD-I.._o_5___ _____Akng$3,0. a]:Gore Wi mw_ 1WYsfe gn? eifi o -Ine epresentotive rj - VanDyk 623-7437,. hc-ero rikbn 100Dw wyte Boyd Palmer Kinney, nation Corn Caps bave been 1 Home Freezing or Preserving eor, dse, N..Ardentoos 94 mi hi ra bs ACKR NEWCASTLE: Duplex, witb golow situoted on wElIadf son o! Mm. and Mrs. Scott 'sold for over a century with i ALSO FOR STORES cash. Myles King, auctioneeop00 e rl y bcfor the up ta 3 X C A V ATIN G lot, 60' x 100, Aîtatc. I Weli-garptellmrgempctan ~Nfey, Weynuouth, Nova effective resuits, a medicated Aalbelmdaey 725-3039. 2-38e,.00Feall for pr the.ght' EXCAVTING 'inglyca1,5400c.bahAk-cdgrelgepto 190hme lseadwton mel.Te marriage will pad that really does the job! Aalbe Peitl Aesan 7. uli o ar-tme.LAIG -TE IGm rl ,0.Terms. Cali: '-Tcrms.i tâke place Saturday, July 22, Corn Caps, only 49c: Callous, afier picking --Ae2ta0.Cryumakel Sand, Graiel Top SoiIsnd !GeorgeVDyk 623-74Threebedroa, mode kitch 1 » 7 , a t 2 o ' c l o c k n t S t .' lahl s 5n;e r siJnr y a uce li o n e e r s ' s h o r t a u t o 4 0i pa.q uW etb n p e.iv er gp oeg eac tion e- 4s7sh ohttat o t r i p s . W. a n d g a r a g e.l H u r r y ! United Chumch, Bowmanville. 5c't uy25oelDr-1 Preaou 0 sqatwill selI by public ouction, an!yau will start soon and stay f2.Hu DlvrdORONO: New, split-lex'clI 'îhreebdromhome I uligLt 25Ij dependng on size order 'Stumday, June 24t, at 10 with us a long time. Cortactl Z - 10 r WATER SERVICE i witb 2 baibmooms. Gad size 'cd n lot 75' x 154'. Atab1B w avlc otg o -'SEIJF conscious due te acrie, Soîd on Concession 5, Reach, a.mn., the iurniture of Charles Now! Samuel Picken, 1546 Reasonahle Rates lot. Attached garag.M- ~~ Marriage pimples and similar blemish-1 1 mile east of Suburban Osha- f Fothergili, Newcastle, Southbi La keside St., Oshawa. Phone, 623-5756- BOWMANVILLE !bogany trimming. Call:George age.Faur-room basrptO 5 260 ecsl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ e s ? H y d s o l i n w i l l b l p c l e a r l w a t e P o r t P e r r y H g h w a y . p f 4 0 1 . T h e c ne n t s o h s 7 3 8 2 .2 -3 0 0 0 - T r s 4 2 0 0 n y $ 0 o n PEDWELL - K LPATRICK f your complexion. Clear, clr- r i Prne Aleisga 'ie 0ro e ntsaId hme'7218f M 24: -- A PLk 23747 GROVE: Frela Mr. and M ns. Harry Klpatrick, iless, equally effective on dry l ut Solth cf Pobrt sirry . ro e codhaiso!me:f o i e EU PH O ISTER ' VA PiDyk 621- 4 13 edroovrn arw y ec tatng a fi it ý n f h a P . p - - im fo st ly a ti qu esp lO R C E T R F E D h m .O;ea e , 4 p e a h 2-f CsDad rpidFr-Wood kitchen. Nicely landI-! -'- oeegrg.Akn 290 Mr. and Mrn.Pere. Cooper, International BZ75 Diesel RU RRETT FUR FARM . - 17-tf f 3rck5gare,00 Down 2Jt as CGs rce adCiime ar tc T aens f FEEETM TES saefihrckgme rc'New 3-bedroom brickbu- f awa, wil be pleased ta re- Corn Growers i Tractr mand Lader $1,595.00e Phone Long Distance with Children ' __ d ta cl. Cal: George Van-. gaows. Excellent workmn 6Arswt rc oeu c e their relatives, frienda asey-Harris 4-Bar Side Rake! Zenith 66550 (ne chare te 70) I wll nt be respnsible for BE & YA.M Dyk 623-7437. eship. Oshawa's best ho e T on. nqie N W àYneighbors at the home nfji ED RNGahi Forage Harvester wit Dp. Agrie. Li. -No. 63-C-67 drewnings or accidents that PUBN ETN PORT PERRY: 4 Bedrooin value.riyeta.Oi 3 ce isoM.adMsDoad1rwcr ed lkupmsy occur ai Hampton Mill SALES & SERVICE jfaehm.Wl built and $ 19,900 - $3,660 dowri. Wl erSakilG oa i re son, m. andourt.and curtwterb une d ic UpBOARDING houses and s ali e d 14H U easyr te heat. Picture lot with take trade. a d bri. $ 00 0 aw , on T e da , Jne 27, M assey-Fergu sn 3-furrow a alens iets wld be JOHN A. BURROW S, Prop.. goalivi w23-33i93 per, atlOftBl34:rrs:made Phofall e e eri R U T-HE R F O R D's7 p CaIll:Tom Donnelly 985-7264. P t Y o C î 2-3 3D iy F r . 7 0 l, ml fo 3teS md7te 9 F E R T IL IZ E R aie P'w, 3 Pt- ith bcade avalale, n qesdw-iî---2-11PO T j - 3 Bedroom Afr n. 50h utonccasionP w o à pu le coo eahrit-SEPTIC T N S A D unao ,elheated, with 4- cAlter. xcelen dnmy ro biee, n,, itng com oaiosP O E e. bah icl octd PtYO - » - 02,00 me7,, n'evt« aes t.,t .DRVN CHO APONE23-29 AÀsking $11,000. Cal:TomKen Heekin - - 6355 _____________ ÀNUY»s.eau rvlces, f L censed y HAMON 263-2 28D n9lî 9 5-26.o e Barneski - - 72 3-78 24-2 Reffigeration RdKr7r 25-7 dyeeigoedo ar .»Wru mhofeSpt DUAL CNRLCR Appliance Service Thoma Donnelly - 985-72641 Bob Johnston - 725-78wj ih bu tns hn Fbb rm FULLY INSU RED Commercial and Domestie Rom Davidun - Bethany 3RZ Bey Foster - Oroio 983-.1,2595 725-6553rtio - MiIk Coolers Wesley Anderson- 349-2669lWeaon an iii 02J 3 - . - SPhoneBERT SYER Geooge an iscter - Pets M¶ 4iqffl Fur Farm 14 Albert Street s.- 623-5774 Harold Co:Us - 7524 oadFre EGEppls i e retBrookliu655-8:1 l.Poo2324.2, OSHAWA Ngt 2337i . iiPot ... George Deaten-'UPE,8wekobed MemM0201C0 ade ar anisd Exclives 11 Port Ferry 9528 Gle itl ie2Ltlv le-tg aud Phne 87' 25-188 'i i