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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1967, p. 2

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2 1~e Cuadan~UtaeumnBowmazwlfe, Jime 21, 1967 I MgitraesCourt NOT I C E éhddin Bowmanvill. Re 5, 9 U 2fl 96 167 esCmeover the H ed uttan, OPP, and defens Ou Moedretay mb ve oeunneiG.ArstonteOshawhI Day C eba o s Cotat *S lai nprogreas Ini theI t dr1lng it utaConviction brught a fins cf DUyIUhIflUifln CmucCib a m=ersý . 1k Pthe. Johnaantruk. Mr. John- M20and cmtgor fiveda. 8 .Bfttenm with Kenstub. son sald ho dld nett 2h15 RobertntZod Coer, 36 IDBt<USPftsldad i Ithe. audi- . paebtfi i mat ers vne, Ospha wa, o fB wravlem cansh e toehl m 99sairs. Terry Kelly Tii. C aaked that Uic pîsadeal netg ot f carcees As the ma rt fB w = ileiecc t a ecorme affl auty counoel for Legal charge b. dlsmu.asd. dnlvng ApnieL 2,d "waa e> Aid.On Tcadete P Gordon Chester Broniw-rceted by Ter, Kelly. to the reernent thart for the observance of Z.B tr ed t Cow tonvile. n1.ded gue cf Crown witnessen were not AtonyG. F onc drivhng w Uah iesemmwas present 50 the charge wnds O I I N D Y C L B A I N Iuty " wo u ilwa en Stub- under susenson. Constable K. mlm&wsdi-D M I INed.E EB A I N îigý Ruttan, iP, od the court Eldon W. McDonaid, charg- Ailison Clarence Raomaus- that h. topped Mr. Brown in cd wlth Wcastle Mavig i Mn.21 Arhu Sree, sh th vllfl d ewcste.Con te i plagcirNewcasleiMay plcecO Of businessin the. Town of Bowrnanville awa, 211 Ar.d rtu Sry 12 w thvilla rg o finesle on-$50Uic herd t~e cf Nerajun UUU akig n 'c aan cot, r 0 ays. e$ ta Auguat 22, Winl be clas.d both to iterere ith Magistrats Batten t ieal him Cornelia Vanliamt>urg, R.R. the. 11laow trefil pleaded net $25 anal cata or an adaitonal 3, plcaded nlot gullty of lin- G. UM;c ea dhl M n. ays for hig a permit proper llsuig Arl2. hg SATURDAY, JULY lst, 1967 viteus.under sup= son,X. Brown 12. - a d - Star Johnsn a floe o r tw e a py Barry MCLean, R.R. 4, Linal- o!DX 0O, ste that he was hie fines. "ay, reprsentcd by Mel Cun- M N A ,J L r ,1 6 *Vsuing west on Taunton Claude lanr Pattenson, R.R. iiingham, pleadoal nat guilty of ZmLd W en l truck broke 6, Bcwmanvi1lls, chard with failig ta reniain at the scene Yaing for it another possession of liquor, waà Te- driving April 22. Investigating e rkdriven by thc accus- mnandeal taJuly 25. officer wan Constable K. Rut. Bowmanv iii. Chamber of Commerce John Rohaceký Indien Roa, tan, OPP. Toronto, appearealtI a wheei- Wilson Carron stated that he chair followung an accident on was parkcd on thecgrave lT I E C A T O M M Hlghway 401 March 17. H e s cmde of County RSda5 inET LM RC A SCO M T E Guaron eed plad= d,, gufltyt1 a charge front of the Foresters' Hall in Juvestmsnt Constable J. Schultz, and was It was about 9:30 whe a vei ance by swearing. He waa ne- ulthnateîy based on the funda- Cetfct.represented by Trr elly. ce roe p nst pe3d close maneot o cstoDfor amental beliefs cf the scientist. NOW BARN that he founal the Roiacek ahead and alna into the front out o! town on police business. -whethem God-centered or vehicle, travelling weet, had fender of Caron's car. Hie got Seb nFeradaeve o m r man-ceritereal - calons and crossed the median Inta Uiceout and openeal Uic <ono! o who had elected trial by jualge gives direction te his activities O 2 70 eastbaund lane and run head- McLean's car ta speak ta hlm anal jury far carmai knawledge <FROM PAGE ONE) in science. A man-centereal 6 ,/.cyoon into a car In whici two about it. The driver starteal off cf a 15-year-oîd girl, chose titis tic Ioderai goverment paid ai view a! life, remarked Mr. per annum pensons were killeal. fast with a squealing of tires. week te lie trica b y inagistrate. subsidy of 85 cents per hunal- Jose, makes an idol o! fer five years Mr. Rohacek, who had been BammY McLeem tolal quite a hy weerreeta byelpumsfmanufacturingiscience,. proclaiming that sci- by Investlng In Guaa- In Canada about seven yeans, differerit story, sa muci n a tn erry Kelly. Part of tht cvi- nilk. Ten cents o! this was o nce wili eventually salve al tee Inesmcn Crtii- had been driving only tirce Magistrate Batten wondemeddecwshedanlteae helal back toasasist tI cxport- probleins o! mankînd. teedInvstmnt ertfi. months. R satal that when ho aloud if he wae hearingt about will continue mext week. igsrlsdiypout. 1Ec pehwsfloe cates whlch areateinpted tapastwo cars the saine accident. Fred Bertie Cing upldîaiprieforducte. riEac s peechcuas onsw Gurnee--as ta Prin- ahealhe ont îmmedlately in Hewlett and Donald Ale . P oe m products are higher than tiose in ehih the youngem genema- cipal anal Intertst. front cf hlm hal attempted ta Armstrong seald they were pas-. i E IIi n international trade. Thc ex- tion excianged ideas anal Plexlble-mray lie useal a pans too, anal he lait contrai songers ti the McLean car and RECRE UUWUU poart assistance fund is used ta questioned the speakers ratier Collateral for loans, o! the car on Uic wet road. beacked up his version of tht make up this difference on enthusiastically. And when Iedemable-by Extcu- WaY. incident. The first charge wes Girls Sotball arpodcsisulssp-teetrsmdehegdns tors un tie event o! Magistrate Batten dismisseal disinisseal. Rotary-Gibbs defeateal Mut- pyttair rdsi sp us f up i- tic lectreslade ts turednt death. tic charge. The second charge, camelesi tons 15 te 10 in a Recr'eation ternational miarkets. Cost o! with their refresiments. The1 Atoleas Tstt James Colline, R.R. 4, pieal. drivirig, was laid following an Pee Wee Girls League game exetassac n16-7welpeae el aife A tive-s Trsent ed guilty o! carelese driving accident fartier up the oad pieyed at Central Schacl 7.r3a iacetpri 96-6 wlpmpred mei eaty alsetit.Bsied, Ac netet. on Highway 2 in the village in whîch the accused's car col. groundls lest Saturciay mrn - as 73cnsprhnra hi elh Ppte.esd, CENTRAL ONTARIO o! Newcastle May 21. Hetran lideal with onie driven by F'rank ing. sidywspad oast. TRUST & SAVINGS into a parkeal vehicle accord- Heinen. This witmess saial thet Basebali - mous Series Thy woaslpad. fteT- h lmxo t iecn CORPORATION ing ta Constable J. Schultz, whem ho sew the McLean car In Uic Rocreation Depart- bate toelie distributeal ta dairy ference was the public rally 23 ~. .,OPP. Conviction braught a fine weaving from side ta side up ment Atom Series gaines farmers is about $2.874,000. on Saturday ovening. The »:UB" o! $35 and costs, on seven days. the road ho pulleal off as Ian played at Memoriai Park lest TeCnde er on rd i tdns o i 823-2527 Failing ta produce a dnivem's as he coulal. The McLeari vehi- SaturdaY momning, Pirates de- mission took over administra- Knox Christian School playcd licence brougit a furtier fine cie wes founal in tht east ditci feateal Carameals 10 ta 8, tion o! the Ioderai dairy prog- several fine selections an their of$5 n cssao tre as facing suh hlGin dfae Do-rani cm April lst. The subsidy recorders; their director, Mr. 723-5221 Lea Joseph Gassien, ageal 65, Conviction brougit a fine o! gers 25 ta 16, anal Mets aven rate this yeer te $1.21 per Lukie Janssen, aiso led tic SOR8 Victoria Park Avenue, Tor- $50 anal rine dollars coste, or Braves 17 ta 10, hundreal pounds a! manuac- audience in e nousing hymn- xon t.iiur o nta, pleaedent guilty of 10 deye. Future Atom League Gantes turing mnilk campereal with 85 sing. The speaker o! the Mo.,o.hu cameleas driving April 21 in the Charle Pigden, aged 20, Mon. June 26 - GiantB va cents last ycar. evening was tic Rev. M. Deb 8 te 5130 Township o! Manvers. Tic Medoc, anal a student et Ryem- Mots, 6:30 p.rn. Cheques for the rebete will Vries o! Toronto, wio chai- roMnnn Yr 0 o a Crown withdrcw this change son, pleadeal not guilty cf came- Tues. Jume 27 - Doalgera va go out to dairy farinera short- lengeal both students anal par- t] crsve ou9 4 andl laid ont oi making an tnt- ec driving Jenuary 16. Tommy Pirates, 6:30 p.m. ly, Mr. Honey satal. ents anal friende ta open theirg L tom«»M Mm Wed«dm proper beft turn inetead. Kelly was defense counsel anal Wcd. Jume 28 - Carde, vs e___ann______t_____bt a Tht officer wes Constable K. Constable D. Stuart, OPP, tht Braves, 6:30 p.in. alea ta prectice tic Christian li investigattng officer. Ail gaines et Memoriel Park. visioM of life. o!tisae Mm. Pigalen leftus homne et Future Pes Wee League I p e k er4l visiy residentsofts ral DelottePIen.rHaskns8:15u a.m. ta drive te Toranto June- ngsvsm dial ticir shamei making titiZr. Doote lneHsis Slsatrbeimg Up until 3 arn. on Mon. 0 ai6 nglsv second conference a succese. y a chool prajeet. Ho mal break- Tigers, 6:30 p.m. et Vincent A t n The enthusiastic atudenta me- re wltb whom are naw merred lest befome leaving anal wien Massey. turneal ta their coninunities Ir he foît dmewsy on Highwey (PROM PAGE ONE) coiiviiiced thet religion ia not de Montoith, Riehi, Waters & Co. 401 stoppeal analhad a candy p r p r h. GveM îso! ut for tic home and tic ber anal aoft drink. Later is~f io ieM iin'J Chartred ccounantsana nel~i i O A Toranto lawycr, Mm. j chumch; It lo not meneîy ta le -~~ Valkswagen ieft the iighway Qtusspe idyvuitng talked, about la. pnivate, but b, feclng eest. on thc Chriatian vision in alsôc to 1,* Oiked e ut anal G Motva Ohaa Toronto Hamilton Ernest Dunnig 'iîoerideal .ll' U education. He explaincal ta practisal i publie, evtry- la Windsor Winnipeg Regina Calgary mechanic for Edenalale Inati- tic teenagers thet there are thmei he Edmonton Prince George Vancouver tute, a co-aperative for Sev- (FROM PAGE ONE) twa systerne o! education: tht enti Day Adventists, saîd hisanirmale was given tirte reed- anc which teeches that al cf m m e exainetion o! tht car led him inge anal passel. hife muet lie seen anal liveal hab e Cordon W. uebl, C.A, EJ.A. Burt IL Waters, C.A. ta believe carbon nionoxide Co=acMfor Richard Gibbis with Goal at tic centre, anal Mi. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 72847527 al seepeal Into tht vehicle. nioveal that havlng studical a tic other which allers a mari- in Conviction brougit a fine cf report entitical Ttn Acre Lots, centered education.. Naturel- <PROMl PAGE ONE) M .25 anal casts, or five days, anal Suli-Division Contrai in Ru- ly, the public sehoal systcmCil The diectors weme ugdI he was ganteal two weeks ta rai Areas, which had lien cannot teaci the Christian 4%_ --.' r~dI TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE The 2nd Instaliment 0F 1967 TAXES DUE JULY 4th,. 1967 R. L. BYRON, Clerk. toavunlot canylng handi M oas uler bat ,Jt>s enciosod Dialo et dm beck lots you control powet, for Carpets and bols h'Jy. Lawrence Gardon Leducier, Roxbonougi, chargeal with il- legai possession o!flquor Mer. 25 by Constelle D. Stuart, OPP, was fined $25 anal coats, on five days. Failing ta preduce prool o! Insumance cost Wiilis Ealward Mawhinney, 135 A b e r foy 1 Avenue, Hamilton, $50 anal costs, or 10 deys. Investigat- mng officer was Constelle D. Stuart, OPP. Not notlfying the Departient c! Transport o! change o! ownomship cost hlm an adalttional $10 anal conta, or two <lays. Illegel possession o! liquor Ceet Peul Demnis Mercer, Ken- dal, $25 and caste, an five day.. Tht afficen wes Constable D. Stuart, OPP. Titre were tmaffie tickets too numorous ta mention. William Boydal ppoareal on Tuesdey belore Magltrate R. B. Baxter for sentence. He ap- peareci homo Jurie 6 anal was fouria gutlty o! driving while hie licerise wae under suspen- sion. anal remendea ta this week. Tht fine was $100 anal $8.60 caste, or 15 days. Thomas Scown, Toronto, ap- pearoci May 2 anal pleadeal not guilty December 17 c! tic thcft o! Christmaa trees front Sain Manetta, PontypooL EvIdence waa heardanid thezniatten put aven until this week. Convic- tion brougit a fine of $100 andl $12, or 15 <laya. Larmy Wilson, was remanal- cd until next week on three chargea May 29 - drIving without a lcense, faillng ta have exposeal licena. plates fon the current year anal faillng te produce p roc! cf Insurnce. Ronald Cupitt, Carrylng Place, was remandeal on hits ovri recagnizance for cone week aftr betng chargeal June 18 with the thel of atransa ton radio. John Anthony Smith, ciarg- ed wtt indecent asait, was enanded lnlu cutody for one week. James Brockmnan, 59 Stone Street, EC., Oshawa, pleaedalnot guilty of public museief Dec. ember 15. LvIdenée as hourd April 18 anal th. aeal n e. mandeal fer ~~soc pont. R.e swude prepared by the staff of tht Central Ontario Joint Pl1an. ning Board and adopted b: that board, that couneil en. dorse the recomniendationi contained ini paragraphs one, four, and five of Section fNine. This was seconded by 1Coundillor Dow, and carried. iCouncil Instructed the Clerk 1Administrator, W. E. Runde to contact the City of Oshawa Works Department and to ar- range for a meeting with the tTownship Road Comnxittee for the purpose of discussing a proposed amendment to the Boundary Road Agreement. Councillor Dow, seconde by Deputy Reeve Down, mov- cd that Clerk Administrator Rundie obtain prices for in- sulation of the ceiling in the Municipal Building. This was carried. Niews HeId Over We regret that meveral news budgets from corres- Pondent@ have been held over due to a laut minute short- *ge of upace. rFmwi - q w mw, JURY& 2 2KING ST. ER I PREE DE[ PREuHOLID, LAST 3 fo« auy Sum 40rà tgah-Sndqg (FROM PAGE ONE) Drum Corps. There Winl a be amuslng antique carsp: vided by Ken Adams, Oro, and Stewart mcTavish. Th, wll b. nunibers of hormass pontes with their ridera. a soverai horses and carrial wll alzo be driven lin t parade. More antique cars a: horsedrawnvehicles wifl welcOlned, and anyane intt estd ii tkln prt shot telephoine "the e ament Recreation: 623-3114. The Horse Show will clude: 1. Western Pieasu Clans; 2. Musical Chairs- Patch ]Race; 4. English Pe' ure Cla8a; 5. Pols Bendfr a. Reining Horse Class; Tlag Race. After the Intermnission tI progarn illcontinue with- 8. Parade Halorse Cias; 9. sac OPJhg; 10. Ladies' Barr Race; 11. Appie Dunkin, 12. Plckup Race; 13. Junic Barrel Race; 14. Girls Po: Bendung; and 15. Girls Goi Tylng. Thon the presentatit of Grand Champion Awari wilI take place. The Centennial Haras Shoi ia Ponaored by the Corpore tiOn Of the Town of Bowmain ville. The Producer and Aren Dirertor will bo Bob Lel gete, Newtonville, and th Judge wii be Don ewti Gait. The announcer -will b Buater Ehient, Bowmanville and Edith Brown, Oahawi wiil be the Timer. Albert Leggette, Newtonville, àth i Secretary. QUiers interested ini particl pating in the Horse Show Who have flot yet reglsterec may pick up their registratiol forma frein Ken'n Men'a Wear Division Street, Oke's Shai 33 King Street East, or tht Recreation Department offici in Uic Lions Centre, 26 Beeci Avenue. Square Dancing fans wil be offered a big treat on Sat- urday cvcning whcn the fam. ous Country Gentlemen, Oit TYme and Modern Band, wil Play for a program of Square Dances. Gerald Elliott, a lead- ing aid time fiddler, will play with the band, and the caller Accident Round-Up bulance took Hamy Coiiacutt, 116 King Street East, hi, lit. tle son, Jarie, ege 5, passen- gers in Mr. COllacutt's truck, and Mr- VanNest ta Memorial Hospital. ?&. Collacutt Is a patient in th hospital receiving treat- mient for a back unjury. Hi, Young son anal Mn. VanNest receiveal treetinent for ninor bijurici tri the out-patient lepartinent. On Tuesday evening et 10:45 3'dock a mnotorcycle rialden, by William C. Brisebois, 228 Irecnwooal Avenue, Oshawa, !ailed ta negotiate a tur on, te Wharf Road, anal crashel. %Ir. Brisebois andl hi, pas- enger. Arthur Gavas, 1303 ng Street East, Oshawa. 0h sufféeealundetemmineal n, 9,are Patients tin Me- e - - - - - - - -111t o arrange trat a good repre- ~ g o L d r e aycflie, because its stu- sentation of members be pro- 1Thrnee cars collided at the d.ent cre from Christian, sent at the council meeting nortern entrance to Orono y socialiat, Jewish, atheist, and when th.is request is made. on Hlghway 115 at 9:25 a.m. t other backgrounds. S in ce The treasurer, Mrs. Peggy On Saturday. The drivers a Christian parents real!zed this C Frank submitted thc finan- wcre Kenneth Irwin, Scambor- ,fact, they developed t ho cial statement which ahowed ough, whose car sustained ap- i Christian school system, in, that the bank balance as of proximately $,0 damage, y which al of culture is inter- April 3rd was $330.31. Ex. David Kikptrck0 Peson preted fromn the Christian penditures since that date Ont., and John Coffey, Don kviewpoint. came to $80.14, and receipts Myls. The Coffey car sus- e Saturday's speakers were amountcd to $10, One mnem- tained about $900 damage, a Messrs. Gerald Vandezande, bership fee, leaving a bank and the Kimkpatmîck vehicle -business agent of the Christian balance to date of $260.17. It receivcd approximately $700. Labour Association of Canada, was reported that accounts on Constable K. C. Laton, OPP, cand Arthur Joosse, science hand amount ta $145.85. Iilvestigated. eteacher at the Hamilton Mrs. Frank moved the adop- There was a two car col-. -Christian High School. Mr. tion of hiem report, which was lision at the corner of Liberty V an dezande addressed th e stu - e o i e y R a t n n S r e o t n a l s e A e 1 dents on the topfic: "Christian eoddb R.LwoadSrtN thndCrieA - Polîics: the rt c the carried. Mr. Lawton, second- Poltic: he rt of he Im- ed by M . M acGregor, moved possible". He stated that to- tiiat the accounts be paid, and day in politics - as well as this was camried. in all other public areas of Committeca for the coming D life - religion is not put i year were set up au follows: practice. None of the political Santa Claus Parade, George R E___ parties, for example, hsSehen, Chairman; R eta ii aspeciflcally Christian bahis eS atep DnMllgn Christians muet learri to worlc Chairman, Arthur Hooper; together in politics and give Public Relations and Public- solutions to the political issues ity, Don MacGregor, Chair- of aur day, solutions that are mn ii farJmsA HN clearly baseote Chita Bell, Chairman, W. B. Syer; c eln religion. TourisR atn hi-o eln In his speech, "'Science and isan, R. Lanyr;wtn, Car-oe ue Creation and God's Word Pro-ma R. M lntyre Ne ias, C duces Vision", Mr. Joosse told Bickell; Memb e r s h i p, Don you iles his youthfui audience h t M Gr g , C ai m n C. A also mnan's scientific work 'B McGror Ch anraH C. Ae. Mr. MacGregor suggested that the C. of C. consider *~IIFIMsupplying benches for the gar- dens around the Bowmianville LOVELL Public Lîbrary. It wau decid- NV cd to, have Mr. Lawton con- tact George Vice, Chairman 623-3361 of the Library Board, ta T H ~xaU If tic board would accept auch a donation.T H On a motion by Mr. Bell, LIV! RN seconded by Mr. Lawton, it to visit oui waa agrced te give a $10 do- yulcte nation ta the Durham Cen- ' la,< trai Agriultural Society. we iiod g On a motion by Mr. Law- DO<LAR ton, seconded by Mr. BeIl, 1 là%Y SALEwas agreed that the directora AY SALE give full support to th MFA CON - DA yS themcmbership feea romain imniecately. Plans for a Golf Tournia- ment were dlncussed, and M. F imer Spedials Laww and r. >Maccreor arrangements. It was arUe ta have Mr. McDonald oV'tain the two extra garbage recep- os - SA Talets taclea ta b. acqulred as called ASA TàblttS forin a motion pasa.d at Uic Mc lust meeting of the directors. 00SOc - 500 Mr. MacGregor told the meeting that Maurice Preston $PRAY STARCH pohd hmregarding FO R 90S..6cto bos B mnvne.Ist wu 21 9 KInq St. E., Bowmai "e pf.d6eeclded toacak Mr. Pe tot attend a lunchwin mee tingon cf2 the directors ta disSu h is s4uetion in greater detaIL' nue onMrflay et 7:54 Pm». aspect or the newdK.E.i% SThe drivera of the two cmarsathough 'Is leit Wtmon~ lnvolved we G. Bian Ev- outoide woktae Ui.ra ans,>3 CanIMU Avenue, and The Hydro officewustrai. Davlid C. W. Woolner, 62 frred ta th. Newcastle Tow Queeft Street. Constable Bon Hall in 1965. This municp Farbur unvestigated. hydre office alwaya bua - .1~ tISO There wan a thrss cr . an efficient onc wlth a friend, ýrO- lision at 12 o'clock noo o ly atînosphere. Harvey Bnit, ,no, fflday on No. 35 HighWay ton has known ail the custom, lere near the Chuck Wagon Ites.es, mont of thern by their tmsw nd taurant. A car owned and names, even the children wl>e and driven by Kent Rlpley, Cres- sanitnes came ta pay, thi 'ges' ton, Ohio, sustained about hydre bis for their pare the $700 damage, and there was As Tomn Meesenger, the! id approxlmately $3,000 damiage manager of Newcastle ey1q be ta Mr. Riplcy's traller. The ": The advlce andl ex, cm- other drivera hnvolved were perigmcat-of M.iss-d" uld ROY Barraball, Main Steet, bA rect in a ona M. cf o t $1on , 500e a eci Britten will be held n Wed, abou $l500damage, and ns i-Oscar Weber, Toronto, and nesay eeig June 28 froni Ire the lattem's car sustained ap- o t 10 P.m. in thc NewycasI 3. PmOximately $450 d a ni a g c. C________Hall ta- Constable K. Ruttan, OPP, 19; wasu tceinvestlgatjng officer. i 7, A car driven by Noxon E E KL E Leavitt, West Flambomo, ont. A lovely June mnorning and lie wcnt out of contrai on 401 the regillar. quartemly Coin' ï- Highway at Bennett Road on munion Service weme conduci Ik SUnday et 8:30 p.m. The vehi- ive ta a fair attendance at tht 'l cie went off the road and Sunday mamung service. Out 1; crasheci, sustahnung about $80() nuhnistem concluded her seriod or damage. Constable L aton Of sermons on outstanding le OPP, hnvestigated ths accî. Bible personalities Who wce; at dent. near Jesus during hisin mm nMr. Leavitt waa taken by tmy, chooslng Matthew whd 'dl the Bawmlanvilîe Area Ain- was aise called Levi. Remi Î ulance ta Memomial Hospital Dougherty read Uic brief me 4 'w wheme lhe recelved treatmenl fenences about Matthewfo~ 1, for a shouldr injury. He wuz the Book o!Mar. Mtthth n- able tea bave On Tuesday a!- hee OfaneM ak. MOttew 1 ta tmnon fr he hme a m- Jews trusted by the Romani 9- cuperate. T w o pasengers, et a local level toelie a tax' te Anna and Yolanda Bruna: collecter and publican ti Ca' t, Toronto, recelved treatinenï pernaumr. Though hie had 9 e ti UiceOut-Patient departinent lucrative occupation and wal e, for mninor Injuries. just and sensitive he was cx' camniunicated by hia owNf taPeople* as a traitor, whic. lemade hixn feel dieloya n 10 n n@ VhlrnComareoni V, (FROM PAGE ONE) day with the saine area w k d, the Welland P.U.C. to build Matthcw's ture ne thefis In hydro Unes in that town. century. r, hatsaie Yar e crnete The sacred elenients for the Pi Newcastle where hoe took over Comunion Service weme pro' > ,e the gmocery and bakery bus- pared by Mesdames A. Shara i e iness, that had been oprae and J. Slemon and Miss Betty I by hie brother. WJhile stl Jane Wemry. Eiders, MessrA munning the store, ho started John Siemon, Milton Stainton, Il in 91,ta carry out meter Kton lMGiIl and RossAsh, street lAight installation andth service. d bill collection for the local Sr. choir practice 7hursday l Hydre syetein. t 8:30 P.u.; Jr. choir practc e Twenty yeams later, Mr. Brit- at 10 a.m. Saturday. tc - ton assurned the full opera- Parents kindiy note thai y tion o! tht newly-formed Iqew. the sunday School service id rcastie Hydro Electmic Coin- withdrawn Sunday, June 25,,~ mission. This meant that he but attendance of 'puPi sWin ~ did ali the maintenance womk be recorded If they attend I and niew construction, as welî the church service. as the Office work, meter read- As a final reminder of the in an bill collectlng. Be. eonibined chairs' Centennial sidsthia hie carried o with "Canadian Sunday"l service the store until 1949. This en- please see Coming Evens emgetic mari devoted fuit time This sPecial service will lie et ta the Newcastle H.E.C. froin 9:45 a.mn., June 25th, at the t then~~~ oadmvethHydmo chiirch, when aur pastoral j office ta hia home. Ti y charge also begins its aumnier j mamnieprsan was ubiquitou's chedule for anc joint service and kep tthe HYdro systei for all three Points of Enfield, operatîng eîîcety Bumketon and Enniakillen. - He continued te do the This service, prcsented by our work ingle-handed until 196 chaire, will celebrate Ca n.. when Donald Lake was hired ada's lOOth birthday and wi.1LU as a lineman trainee. Mr. also lie in honor of Canal, Lake continued as lunernian un. hymn Writems. Bede th tii h. took anather positinmssgsinsn, u iis.th t w e a m a o n e d T m Ms- o n o r n e Ic h o r m e mr b e r s ongr oiedthe Newcastle will give brie! biographie of Hydmo staff. Harvey Britten the writers o! Uic iYmicg they has kept his finger Yon every are n ig. z- -~ I P. êIs la

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