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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1967, p. 5

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9 V*i- s Creek, kept the. ladies buqy throughout the week. I A Thursday evening an off!- I cial closing banquet wau held Re o ts f o with the institute felegates] I as guests of the O no v- Reports trom ment. h meuncdd Women's Istitutes eorgian a pple cjuxce, 1.»W.LC. CO"ou n. GuelphIing the official delegates ga- Pie. The guest speaker for b7 Kea Wilson thered in the Physical Educa- this Occasion was the Hon. J. was tic desire of the tien building at the Univer- J. Greene, Minister, Canada eerated Women'a Institute sity of Guelph on Monday Department cf Agriculture. ok Canada te celebrate their afternoon, June 12th, te hear The executive for the next 70thbirhda attheUniveir- the convention's opening re- three Yearm consista of Mns. sitho birt h foat the marks, tram the Hon. Wmn. A. George W. Clarke cf New. tyeeta ethe firph for it wasStewat iitro gcu fndn s eiet.M. conenton as eldin 91. tue ad FodOntario. E. V. Fulton of Manitoa ia lut This world wide organization Monday night was te f-Lano Nv Mia John Mc was started in 1867 by Mira. cial birthday part it h a iepsdnt and Mn.. L. Adelaide Hunter Hoodiesa at special candle ligbting cere- Tries of essalon Ontario Stoney Creek, Ontario. mony. Board meetings, res6o- is th 3rd vice-president. Now 70 yeairs later, Uic 10 lutions and the voting i of A highligbt cf the conven- Provinces of Canada as welI a new executive, plus a tour tion was the presence et the as the Yukon and the North on Wednesday ta Niagara International President of the West Territories ail sent dele- FaIls via Queenaton Heights Asseiatd Country Women of gates to thia the fourtji Na- which ended wtb the dele- the wodMs rtiDt tional Convention. gates being tea trne guest.s of of ld, M Tisvra. hAroti ut Sonie a3800iembers lnclud-1Uic mother institute at Soe lady from India addresscd thc convention s ev e ra1 turnes tbroughout the Week. I i The theme of the conven. cEIL 'lE r4iIlà~tao was "'Opportunities - Re- ~ sponsibilities, tram sea te sea - L E ER 71 RING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE SuperbDry Cleaning Shirt Laundering Moderate Prices 1 PHONE 623m2971 A FOR FREE PICK-UP \Zýn1 AND DELIVERY Zm IN THESE AREAS BOWMANVILLE TAUNTON MAPLE GROVE R.R. 5, BOWMANVILLE COURTICE TYRONE R.R. 4, OSHAWA HAYDON R.R. 4, BOWMANVILLE ENNISKILLEN NEWCASTLE BURKETON NE WTON VILLE BLACKSTOCK ORONO NESTLETON HAMPTON CAESAREA ZION Weekly drawJ for $5.00 cleaning to the lucky invoice number. q __________________i Here's a brand-new chequing account from Bank of Montreal. It's called Trie Chequing and iWs designed to be nsed in combination witb True Savings. How the two account plan works at a glance TRUE CHEQUING TRUE SAVINGS The Dis advantage The Disadvantage No interest. No chequing. The Advantages The Advantages Convenient way to pay bifls. 41,' % on minimum monithly Sinsplifie.s bndgeting. balance. Low cost. Money always avalabk Permanent record of Frec transfers to Truc expenditures. Chequing. Canoelled cheques as receipts. Free cash withdrawals. Keep enough in your Truc Chequing- Account to pay your bis. Put the rest into 41/ % Truc Savings. (If you already have a 3% Savings Account, you can convert it to Truc Savings). Where? At your neighbourhood Bank of Montreal. Bank of Montreal Canedas Flmt Basi HAMPTON W. 1. Hampton Women's Institute June meeting was held i the C.E. building. Mrs. Luther Aluin, the president, was in the chair. The meeting epened witb the inging cf the ode, follotved by the cailect, and Lord's prayer said in unison. Rail cali was naine one of the men in Confederatian and dates. Minutes of the Mav meeting and thank you cards were read, also other carres- pondence and trcatureir's re- part by secrctary-tireasurer Mra. George 'Yieo. Many tharnks ta the Ladies' Service Club 1c-r the $ 100.00 donation to aur Centennial Proiect, "putting Up street signs this summer." Mira. Milton Bryant was cuir delegate ta Guclph in May and she sureiy brought back a goud report which abe read and abe wvas appointed to get a scrap- l'ook ta put in interesting thinga that happen in Centen- rijal year. Collection and prui- nies were collected. Mira. John Balson acted as chair lady for the progirarn. 'TIse motta was prepared bv Mrs. Fred Honcy of Oshawa (ceofar ie members) jrn a wonderful pRper on "Yesbkr. yrar and the Present." Miss v Nancy Johns read it very A nicely. b The topic "Citizenahip" was ir prepared and read by Mra. L Theron M ou ntjio y (another rg wonderful paper). Mr. 'Ross bi Metcalf brought two of his rE vocal pupils, Misses Cindy cc Ayre and Carol White, who each sang two solos, accom- C panied by Mir. Metcalf, whieh t were very much enjoyed by Tg ah., Many thanks toalal wso t. took part. We were glad. ta -have Mis. Honey and Misa Minnie 1-H.omn ec at this meeting. T The Qucen was aung and ILnch of roll je]Jy cake and Of ice cream was served. Mra. Caverly led the Institute gracc. je ________ar Celebrate 6Oth Anniversary The flOth Wedding Anni versary of Mir. and Mi Arthur Saunders was celc brated on Saturday, June 17t] in St. Paul's United Churc] Ladies' Parlour. The lovel, csoom was decoratcd wit] beautiful baakets otfifower received by the honoure< couple. Assisting his parents in ire ceiving the many guests wa: theur only son Vernon o: Toronto, bis wifc Helen anc two sons, Alan and Robert. The gucat book was attend. ed by Mira. Alan Saunders oi roronto. Mir. Luke Hilderly, on bebali of the couple's frienda anc neighbours, presented gift ai jewellery, suitably inscribed ind extended warmest greet. Ings. A highligbt of the celebra. ion was the unexpected at. tndance of Mr. Saunder'E ister, Mira. Alice Crudge oi .andon, England. It was Mira Crudge's firat visit to hec brotber's haine in aver 41 cears. The tea table was ccntrcd itb a lovely wcdding cake, lankcd with white tapera. 'he deliclous lunch was pire- ared by the ladies of St. ?aul's Church. Pouring tea during the atter- oon werc Mira. J. Vermuclien, owmanville; Mira. C. Marri- ion, Osbawa and Mira. Arthur 5 mith of Toronto. Gucats -cire served by Mira. D. Palm- r, Oshawa, Mira. N. Smsitb, Ers. G. White and Mira. R. mes of Bowmanville. Mir. and Mira. Saunders werc whom we live. Even more to be treasured is -t-hat pe-rsonal touch which springs from our imagination and experience." She closed with reading two poems, "My Neighbor's Roses" and "The Reply". Mrs. H. Crydernian led in community singing with Mira. W. Laird at the piano. Mir. W. Brown introduced Mr. Wm. Tamblyn, Orono, who spoke on Agriculture, en- titling his topic "«Farming is a business, not just a way of life." The farmer has te* com- pete with other businesses for mien and the dollar. The popu- lation is increasing at an alarming rate and someone has to produce te feed them. If we don't someone else will. A fariner must comnpete on prices, pay taxes, etc. and nake a living. Farming is the only business where you are Youir own boss and do not have to rush out of the city on weekends. Mira. J. Petrosky moved a vote of thanks to ail on the >rogram. The meeting closed wiffi the repeating of "The Coilect" in unison.1 i tE si C bi fl TI ni Bc se Sr wi Ai MAPLE GROVE W. I. The June meeting of the Women's Institute was hcld in the C. E. Hall on June l2th at 8 pin. Meeting opened with the singing of "The Ode" and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in unison. It was decided ta renew aur subacription for the As- sociation of Consumera bulle- tin. W., decided not to exhibit at Blackatock Fair. Mira. F. Stevens gave the report for the Good Neighbors Commit- tee and on the C.A.C. bulle- tins. Mira, C. Greenham re- ported _on aur famiiy picnic on Juiy loth ut Waltona Park, Newcastle. AU arrangements are ta be bandled by the group including prizes, etc. The program was in charge of Mira. J. Petrosky, convenor for Agriculture. The motte, "To live without neigbbors, la like a garden without flow- ers" was prcpared by Mira. A. Barnes and read by Mira. H. Cryderman. Mira. Rames said, "There is an aid saying, You can live witbout your rela- tives, but you cannot: live without your neigbbors; nei- ther is a garden alive withaut flawera. Il a neighbbr of mine gave a party and did not invite me ta go ta it, I shauld not mind a bit. But if a neighbor of mine had a soir- row and did not ask me ta ahare it, I should tedl it moat bitterly. The lite we live amnong our neighbors paints a picture of the persan we are and stampa it indeiibly o the minda of them amn yy Pigeon Race From Ohio The Bowmanviile Racing Pigeon Club flew a race fram Mont Peller, Ohio, on Satur- day, Juno 3rd. It was a very hard race on the birds with only two nsaking the distance et 344 miles on the saine day. The result.s in yards per minute weire: lut, I. Piper with 940.02; 2nd, L. Richards 748.32; 3rd, Don Stainton 651.04; 4th, Brown Brco. 641.21; 5th, Ron Luke 480.25;: 6th, J. Turcotte 468.08; 7th, E. Luke 452.72, The second race froin Ment Peller, Ohio, was flown on Saturday, June » Oth, whicb provcd te be another hard race wIiit only four birds home an the day. lat, Brown Brou. 1198.23 y.p.m.; 2nd, E. Luke 1138.63; 3rd, J. Turcotte 1053.05; 4th, L. Richards 991-59; 5th, Bon Luke 514.51;1 Stb. D. Btalntoa008.18., 1P th ah )f flowers, gifts and carda. Tele- have resided at their present graina and messages of good addresa, 27 Waverley Roaçi, wishes were received tram Her for 12 years and prior ta that Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the farmed for 40 yeara in the Prime Miniater, the Premier Orono area. of Ontario, Members of Parlia- Their warmath and friendil- ment, relatives in England and nesa have brought them a Canada. wide circie of frienda whose Mir. and Mira. Saunders were fondeat wish for them la "Good married in 1907 in Beverley Health and continued Happi- Baptist Church, Toronto. Theynesa". RIFTIS4 AKI V IW6 a M 1- Mir. Ina Leddingham and )fMiss Janet Leddingham of Vancouver, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. [fCecil McGill, Toronto, were d guests w-ith Mir. and Mrs. >fBruce Ryley on Wednesday. 1, Mrs. Ted Spencely, Mirs. Thomas Jennings, Mrs. George Neala, Mira. Hector 1Morton, Mrs. Addison Scott attended the opening cere- smonies of the National Trien- niai Fedèrated Women's In- stitutes Convention at Guelphý University on Monday. Mr. and Mirs. Fred Vincenti and family moved ta Have- lock this week. Mir. and Mrs. Bob Ryley went to Montreal to attend Expo on Wedneaday. Mira. Gladys Malcolinson and Mirs. Etta F'isher visited with friends in Guelph on Monday. Mirs. Ina Palmer and Mirs. rMildred Bristow spent the 3weekend visitîng with Mrs. Mr.Nli arsnIsabel MeBurnie at Eldorad",. canville, Sask., la visiting wîth Mira. Verceda Strong. Mira. Mansel Finney, Mrs. Walter NeaLs and Mirs. Ger-' vin Mulligan were in Trenton on Friday, guests of Mr. and Mirs. Frank White. r In a girls' softball game here on Thursday, Pontypool took the wîn over Bethany, pscore 21-18. Karen Richard- son was in the rnound foi 1Pontypool, Vicky Curtis and Pammy Reid, catchera. For Bethany, Diana Green did the hurling, with Phyllis Young- man receiving. In the North Durham Lea- gue Men'a Softball game on Sunday night, Bethany took the win over the Pontypool visitora, score 9-5. Vaughan McGill hurled good bail al] the way for Bethany, with Terry Malcolm receiving. Dale Stinson was in the mound for Pontypool, M. Mitchell receiv- ing. Ernie Youngman, umpire, at plate; Rosa Carr on bases. Anglican Church Wemnn Mrs. Charles Reynolds waa hostess for the meeting of the Anglican Church Women on Thursday night, with Mira Howard McGill presiding. Mira. Noei Wood demonstra- ted packing a suitcase for travelling and gave numerous hints for Firat Aid. Mir. and Mrs. Bruce Ryley showed colored slides of pic- tures taken on trips ta Florida and Califoirnia, as weil as saine local scenes. Mra. Susan Scott, who is moving ta Lindsay in the near future, was pregented with a china plate showing a picture of St. Paul's Church at Bethany. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mira. Tho- mnas Badluk, Mrs. Levi Mc- G111, Mirs. David Masters, Mira. M1ervin Smith and Mira. Noel Wood. There will be no further mxeetings of the A.C.W. until September. flethany Women'u I[nstitute Members of the Bethanyi Women's Institute were en- ertained at the home of Mirs. Zarl Weatherilt for their meeting on Wedneaday night, with r. Harry Ryley pire- liding. The roll call was anaw«ed bY "A man (or wonian> of the hour and what he la de- ing for his country." This brought a good rompons. of "Mnes prominent in political, à% 811I arts, journalism, niedicine, etc. Mirs. Thomas Jennings gave comments on the program, motto "Tue active have a Thic ( .._ûan Statesman, Eowmanvmcl, .Tune 21, 1087 strong wiUl; thc lazy a stircng wen't." Mira. Jenningsalase gave a briet report of tne r N ea tional Triennial Convention v .an Mr.M A.NI of the Federated Womnen's In- stitutes of Canada, held at Guelph Univeirsity an Mon-Married 5 0 Years day, whicb five members had attended. Mir. and Mira. Munroe A. arganizations here. Mr. Ne&Y Mira. Hairry Ryley discus.sed Neai, 4416 Freemnan Rd., Orch- had a seven-ycars' perfect' the work of the Girls 4-H ard Park, N.Y., formerly of attendance record i the, Club, which is sponsored by Bowmanvilic, recently observ- Rotary Club. thc W. I. "There are se many ed their 5th Wcdding Anni- The family returncd te the applicants for membership for versairy at a tamlly dinner in United States 20 yearsa go thc faîl teri that probably Sbore's Orchard Dawns.. and aince then Mir. Neal hmW' twe clubs wiil have ta b'e Mr.-Neal, a retired executive held the offices of Vice-Pres.' forrned, with two leaders and of the Goodyear Tire and dent and Treasurer of Lord M, tw, assistant:,. Rubber Ca., la a native of Cliaby, incorporated in both, Annauncement was made Buffalo and attended Oberlin South Dakota and California.- cf Uic appointinent cf a new College. He is a lite member Mirs. Neal, the former Sylvia' Home Economist for Uic dis- of Jerusalein Masonic Lodge, Clisby, is a graduate of the' trict, Miss Doreen Hammiil of Bawmanville. Mir. and Mira. Oberlin Conaervatory of Mus.- Chatawortb, who wiil replacc Neal came ta Bowmanville ic and is a past regent cf the Miss Patricia Wray. Misasbortly ater their niarriage American Colonial Doughters. Haxnmiil's office will be in and during their residence The couple was marriedf Lindsay. teok an active lnterest in on June il, 1917, in Parker, Mira. Ross Carir gave a ire- S.D. Thcy have thirce sons, Port of the recent District grain and Inv'iting menibera Munroe A. Jr., of Orcharcl Annual meetin~g held at Ca- to ber home for the Septein- Park; Fred C. of Cincinnatth, Van, ber meeting, which wil feaz, Park; Fred C. of Cincinnati.' Members agreed to enter a turc a Centennial party. Ohio, and John L. 0f Akiron,' float in thc parade ta be held There will be no meetings Ohio. There aire 10 grand- at the Centennial celebrations held during July and August. children. at Janetville. A letter of thanka was read froin Allan Beer, chairnian of the Bethany Centennial Com- mittee, for assistance given by the Womcn's Institute at ail the celebrations held dur- lng the Victoria Day holiday ... . *Wekend. The accretary was instruet- ....~ cd to express Uic thanka of the members ta Thomas Jen- ninga for bis work in con- struction of new benches and donation of cedar sbruba at the Memorjal Park; also ta thc 4-H club for the new bird *. .i bath and abruba and flowers surrounding it, at the Park."':~ .. The prograin was in charge cf Mira. Eaul McQuaid, con- venor of Citizenship and Edu- cation. Mira. McQuaid gave a talk on Canada's new Gaver- noir General Roland Michener, relating somne of bis family lite and the special qualifi- cations wbich fitted hlm for this position. He is Canada's twentieth Governor General - Mira. Vincent Jackson and Mira. Thomas Jenninga, in turn gave further details re- II DU W " WSM R E E garding the new Governor VSI u IIWFA IJ U1 R[L Generai, describing bis in-', stallation ta office, the extra SEDSIIIVE auuuu COSffiIIC CENIIIR! duties due to Centennial year, bis appointinent as Chief of MARCELLE SENSITIVE SKIN COS- for product purity, cornes this the Boy Scouts of Canada (he METIC CENTERS are bringing new complets range cf pure cosmet. is the firat Governor Genera] omtlbat n oet ei knpmeig utr to bave been in Scouts as a omt bat n oet cisk pprngcuoi boy) and commenta on Veter- millions of women with sensitive blended formulas for dry, oily ans week, which began June siin. Discover custom blended end normal skin. Visit our lltb as instituted by a special Marcelle Hypo-Allergenic Cas- MARCELLE SENSITIVE SKIN COS- proclamation of the Governor. nietics-the pure, pure cosmetics METIC CENTER ToDAY. Let eur Lunch was served by Mirs. that CARE about your skin. From Irained consultants select t John Neals, Mira. Thomas Jen- The Borden Company, famous cosmerïcs luit right for you 1 ninga, Mira. Earl McQuaid, Mra. Vincent Jackson, Mirs.MRCIEE... Vs pue b.auty ... «d the beaty of ià 4 Vls pe Mervin Smith and Mira. Gla-.R IMrs. Addison Scott won theF K E U M lucky birtbday prize.FREDER1CK 5 Mira. Glenn Preston expires- se te haksofth mm- Prescription vnarmacy bers ta Mrs. Weatberilt for the use of ber home, tealal 67 King St. E. 623-2546 Bowmanville DURHAM COLLEGE 0F APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY ONE 0F ONTARIO'S NEW COMMUNITY (OLLEGES wishes to announce the classes to be given this September at the' Courses of Study St. North, Oshawa BUSINESS DIVISION 1. Business Administration 2. General Business (a) Accountancy (b) Data Processing (c) Marketing & Administration ENTRANCE QUALIFICATIONS (a) An Ontario Secondary Sehool Graduation Diploma obtained at the end of Grade 12 from any Branch or Programme. or (b) or or (d) The Ontario Secondary School Honour Graduation Diploma, obtained upon com- pletion of Grade 13. Mature students, those over 19 years of age, may be admitted to an appropriate programme if they have obtained standing in the writing of a special Entrance Qualification Examination. Academic Up-Grading Courses will be available to prepare students lacking ful entrance qualifications for entry into regular College programmes. The Community Colleges are making available a new path for continuing post-secondary education and the courses will be expanded as the needs of the community becomes known. In addition to providing business and industry with better educated and trained personnel the avocational and vocational desires of the students will be emphasized. The academic standards of Durham College demand serious application from the student. However, the rewards for successful graduates are correspondingly worthwhile and last for a lifetime. Brochures and'Application Forms are available from the College Offices and prospective students are urged to make application for enrolment immediately. Provis. ional acceptance may be made prior to the release of final Grade 12 marks for those applicants with good secondary school achievements. Piease direct ili correspondance to the attention of: The Registrar, Durham C.II.,p, 304, Sirnes Street Nor, Oshawa, Ont rio. 1 1 Temporary Campus TECHNICAL DIVISION 1. Engineering Teclinology 2. Mechanical Drafting 3. Teochnical Electronics 4. Upgrading Simcoe

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