esran.Bownanile, uneX 167Credfit, and two grandchild- alf Cntur ineGslReda U em°ro"OhistVincent Massey Students Enter Theatrical World Recor n Grua awa Chamber of Commerce; past president, heCZanaia Clu ofOntrioCounty; im- mediate stpresident, Osh- Sreo aWa Disrct Council, Boi oeofteU..t scouts of Canada, and a mem ing oupVs wl eod hera edet h be fteProvincial -and Na- FptofThearntnashmeb taFu Re alolà a director of Can- netimn.Te w a1tos il rsn hi hw Adian Automotive Museum-;trctoh boe nt xtnta n uy.2ad1 an honorary life member, Theatre are tesa-tddowc gtya :0ad93 Toronto Black Watch Asso. rhthm'nblEs Oi ed pm etoe C cisftion; member, Advisory Sow" for a totlo i r afn wl ttzn#ee, Osha:wa Folk Fes-.forances, thrediyo uyThar2n J n ittl; , merAdv oyCon -and 9:30at20pm,6:0pmphyzaebe ecnl al mnember, Technical Advisor hip vocldu"SmnadthbctiRoetheonf Committee of the new On-. afne"wowl iefu ats-Yr ie s"h tario-Durham College, Oh performances wc ihl u n h adoua oa awa;, member, Rotary Club of 9nJuy340nd15at6:0 n Oshawa since 1957, currently 93 ..Ln eoeterrcri Chairman, Programi Commit- AtrtetpFec f"h onso iec tee; member, Oshawa Gl ing star,MreleMsgwntothtpofhecat and Country Club; Member end her erfahe, noeaenihn-elri Peterborough Golf and Coun-TharonJumntExotearyptof16,Pu try Club; charter member Redding Show"tk tsSmn n r afne Parkwood Lodge A.F. & A.M Juy 3and etugveowrekwntadicswh Oshawa, member, S c o t t i s h te gets h arwr h Rite and Rose Croix,'Valley rhythm 'n ble1tin fcfehue fGenhc Of Toronto and Moore Sov- assemnbled ononstgThViaeadLno. ereign Consistory -Hamilton. *rshw tr s O timedn 6 Arthur onl w the aht OBITUARY Five StairstepSa a OBTAYBetty SwannJmsCrMS.RYW IHL REV. EDMUND W. TINK Bey hsndteBky. Rev. Edmund, E. Tink, 1 o grcrigms oua hF o n h ie died June 6th, 1967, at th Turtles", whos ic H ihl,69 fCutcocr O'Connor Nursing Home, Tra- Tgte"hsbe nteh e tMmra optl verse City, Mich., after an ex-. parade chartsfo ovr toBw avleonS dyJ e tended sickness. Mr. Tink had TeGaeIIndVstetsoR months now', tksoe 1 97 servd asa pstorand eacer a VicentMassy PblicSch • om svenleft to right, Sharron Gordon Rick J Jae ndlfur5ad iinp otlDugtroftelaeM Charles . World n Michan pstand therid-Vothenuet ss ublth ool invited parents and Alldread, John Wilson, Kevin .P y am Bes, rau ndyoffurpefrmnes tie n Ms.WltrChrta,3h Chareswesterd n stiatesand oCanad in gest t teir classroom on Thursday afternoon Dale R ndleD . , DwelattLricBendMoutnightyat 630ad :3 ore MrilIrneCarr A hlfcetuy te mnu cntolinplnt peaton B aeer ati n bakato be-for a special presentation of a -play they had pe-The unce, Debi Dwel ndLarisMunjo.etusith"hur a on nBwanil1n dutured and natural gas in- 1932, general supervision of fore his ordination in the pared, "The Knights and the Dragon." Ic r- etahr r.Rs Bryant, is standin t h sthemsclqitt"vr eevdher eduatin inBow distrieu 'allwith one Ontario allproduction operations was Methodist Church in 1908. the cast, dressed in homg . udtme a ed i rer. MTheorSn lopeetymnvleShos&nDcm eitediton firm, was com- added to these responsibili- The son of the late Edmund om m d osu e re rma mhtondth hrsoe 7 94 h are o pltdSunday, June 25, by ties. and Grace Walter Tink, he oTheoFouro anW. Nichols, who survivesat East SCenraloDisaatrtisssctrdtea hdTeheo naHook Mat for Centenni ra n r°IE p y. erl upritedetan i m.ornwall , England, tourg of Bowmanville. June 9 ánd 10,btot d heefm Bw aniefo Mr. World, whose headquar- this capacity co-ordinated America about 1870. He at- hsfiaRev.rmC. hie rea uch ps on lwig ermarige Aa ters are in Oshawa, 1s.respon- productio of m nufatuedtededth PrtPery ig hs in s ngeher e n Sun ale ws asi+wf, ehntrss1e e sible, for gas distribution and gas at stations "A" and "BlSchoolean Alertlegeaa mrnusnihnheeSnay ihMrmeigesaondhrhme-h a service im that city as well as and directed operations at teBeilthehe w n thelpetd i is- fhsfrtoe 4yasao ewie alr htBr ebro bnzrUie the commumities of.Whitby, Works Laboratory. That same Csio h n or mther Methodistm. smnd all ch wurch in ew- isn gee Ms a rodBnre-Chrh Pickering, Ajax, Bwmn- year lhe represented the pro- CehuhmNrhreaaa ondadaIwudpe'hsnDogead d *' MsNco vilPtroogLindsay, duction department on the Lae'h ttended Northwes- that sermon again", he remark- ney of Cobourg ga o o-dywsa avl one an Oon, ndsesths isdnin egtitig co mite, en nierit ad Garet dachorcaledcnitono UC..wil b hldadaswel she os kae trcta oe wsha .r n otne osreo h il nttt eoeh a and happemngs reminiscent week later thant.n esw en la gaeul In ddtio h isa irees to197.iCofe n.ctu e fo he etodstof us it brought a feeling of at 8 p.m. in theSudy cho ofteea site rsTon w r ker fsor e th com unti e a d nInu54, j s efre -on -t h r ch m Jun teBa1908. intere r t, w hile w e all join in hall. Un t ea r M s. T H c y L ag , w h h fou na d tonalre I imbe fsum'Gstchanged ove r raeseredn u be r _f0 pas- halth dv. and Mrs. White Henderson willbeichreo is din alery r. ubher os eerv c oga ni tins, roI n194 u tu re- o nural in Ca nda, Ih of s - nd hand happiness in their the program esds stitutions and service clubs. gas distribution, Mr. World Ciscosinand g htcal nttthe n e homein Ohaw. udanistrswth Ms.suvve yt rubndBhei "Charlie" World, as lhe is was given what he describes Heicag o vneia nttt hecoighmmBetBiougreicue r n Cata fCutr ro known. throughout' the area as one of the most important and wen , to Michigan l 135e pTatBids, let-rs Ery ad fmlNcoswspeees s under his supervision, was jobs he had ever tackled. He etrecevesev he appit-tay fth ogrgtinwthMs.EL aknan rad rohrSdey Carf born In 1903, the son of a was appointed chairman of a amen aethe latstf wich. was t r filld hees.l wer sH a t hlrnanvisLndea-B wm nilyevrlrn o 1foronto hardware and plumb- committee to work out with Onreversty5 0, ih. esaltr oweru felced t h er n, randM s.Bn rcy g.oer Ing merchant, and took his the Union details of training n ugst , 90, hgws er of theRlate roavew fOhwM h education there until, at age and transfer of more tharf 400 w rried e. 8Nettie asndAylr ofB ucfedbMhsT ry andBrae ofS her ae.rm tenrlsr ew shl 4, he went to work with production department em- in 19d0 le a aie 18, 149,aad uheMr..R s B o n o a i;M .adMr.AyhB w ay 1Fuea hp Consumers' at Station "A" on ployees to entirely new 'obs'G ra he wears om a ere tMso a and s e in me of tt s airn d mu e ,C u tc. d Ju 1 e, n W d es Monday, June 25th, 1917, asin the company's gas distribu- Citace RhasrdieAs orrete-t r o li yM. M.adMs ereHr-d d yRtadwscn ofic oy t te eerltion department. v. .'ar to s nvs. Alseof-v.Sams.eafamlo ilyhvnoegoasitdb suerntnen o w rs e .. Mr. World recalls that train- vincigartO.sons, Ale .r .f s.Geal R settefirsaew hom e i o m n fOhwa It .C mt when Consumers' was distri- ing of the men, and their FletcnnatiO ian Rv .o ella's CorgnEers whoeevleflo igtersces on a nC r etw si buting manufactured gas in tranpsfetr were successfully Ch hr, pastoridof ,NaaensSndy istrsat MraBllfu allt W dedy fe-wa m try sa Toronto City area only. completed in March, 1955, Al u rv of C arde, a s. taeysbrnin E eln o e n haallberersE Afersme1 yas nth iust as the last section of -Mrs. Aru T amg or isatrerrw eksooldaOad hurh sriewet Snahw ,R y an.eo e compny' Wors Lboraor-Metro Toronto was converted trude) Of PuriTyon Grgkn hirsnDrelbc aan l hog uywllakRuhe n oM les, in 1929, Mr. World began fromn manufactured to natural ther, Will ofckerman ra agnafe i ty hr hreo Rv .MGeQare n essn ting.altevrosp as Thatyer . Wold betaf; seven grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown and ofran ufai pdctu i on gas ro a me saf assat-o tea rgea-rncidedaughters visited her mother, oal andilt ad in th aes-vc-rsdn n eealad npe u bro icsMrs. Vitor Wagg, at West Hill nicalcontrol of these operaaer adrso elassumed bMr. Tink w•s predeceased BllndersonpngtonaTWNOF OWANVLL an , n co plton of tai- the gafpso nI s priution aFu nr Walteriesw eh el ulen bad f r al u is tt a 8 h n ig o h h o on land eo h ig tts am. yerwatendems i sa a htya rvre Ct ta nthi gr at s e a d ad ire Som ofthos wh toovpa t eDoug. w aL a enehe espnm s e or alliecnialap oiteoa agrndth asoeho is C urh, Ju e th t e ea he MS raea stkigOornaeafrmiefot rgh , en s ic elnodM . nd Mr. ary , e s t h a Ce ras h T a e H er" o k p"t iv e ota t c hS m It'C o n k , n nA l e r t B w e n d W yn e pHic . T h e e n t Oc l a s i o j u r t f 1 l hou d i g e , u t c o An n e lu u arh r t y Te2nin sanmn h. wa e .evn r gua d Ship Or e C ae od to h eown- Mruc E Wy R e bbS H( lie,DJe . a o ha e ad theGord n e Wesaleytc .naan ar ,n95d .- arhsura lec e we e t n ia rj c , a c lo f l h o e a , h t i a g n o h o o snBMr. and M s.npOF 8 rTm t hfr eough acai n erro un m sr b7t sidn ue raCemet er Bas wr ovh ld bulO n bo rd f e r a f up l O s e d a mi e.a r a vf a r y hk at oKM. an r n Larnt Wad e C L tA siFIver D s mr e ad B w n i, d a s M n is ur M . n d W illh Aech r rH 5rivke D Hade r e J u lyyB ow , 2 8 t h 1 "AX E S icudd rs Bil Wa nd T h yepo sile f r ai t c ni al ap ont d an g r f h a na t ou b s O t ie d hellna rnd a y n n enk he n tua re e a s s he i ek b o u a ofa henne bu ysa r aat rno a d eH B U L Y4 t, 9 6 o p r t s i a , 1 5 . T e r h ue e c ia lTg e s t ., • ,-s w e l a s h n d esff a riog etto k.f s gJgt e nor t h , ra e S n d a yG s updR .nLoB Y R O c o m-i f f A j x a i l y a t h eo u m' s a s a Y u 1 n wchoc r v n'na cs-r o r i g t e w cg u s t sl w i t M r . a n d M r s . A C et C ash T od ay hicgeringVmltheeracomTognwhencodh . RonfederatonCarava fe l Roy B er ra t W d atothe hme of M . might claxonb aring ut t ts You exprience ife assitwasbthyRknowFllittlemoreoabot dMrs. sonKBurly ofe Ne-fCier- u e s n J a u r 9 5 ; L n - t i n c lB u d i w o n . r f rsGo r o t e k c d " o n e I L a a a arf r w o p a s d t i o agDe e b r, 1 5 , h i e s n Bter ofamli es h x ii ie ry. o ing Tweni eso n d h r aCM i, i a rva n Mtravels . . an He e , w r a re n 1 2 , Y elv er ton ha a fre d m r i gn th D e r s i n3,9 m ie th o g E s e n Msrn.t ths f b ldo -anBe aushofitssiz kee the M in va es nd an or ern rLaken in si os a or 6 o t e ere an s e o neay o af ort E po 6 7 noW. Ph ne 62 -3 03an h ve on m rrepda g s o nj toye a g M hr an gleW s tu t h nA r raai v C e d er , arife a d en raly 2on M ondays. lin n Br wn teol tems on Frda.sio alex ibtn Pm biere-gseasro o efaran b mb In_ ddtin o he caav n With Move rtw mo s ' . epe r- ainao t Foe commt y nwas well ways a n d br in ance an- Trag ents of ane oher, a stkin this r eaf the C neda t on ,riece rinfndingaccom-and ava! bLtyoanre rth eswih ayrac mrev g ati t. are don s dayitrailers -anthre 1e e b t i cker ratting ithrough the '29 ed fn g nta e mu t es o ainsfrEp 7 iios el ac m o ato slse o xo6 .RA E :foa1 Paryat nLifford . W x o open 7 Jne7 Otaa u 112 LO EPOisa rve sccs Mk t 30a ay(ouleoc Yelveton nite Churh Frm 11a.m. ntil11p m .annte u n ds of o itri-Pteribouh July 13 17' Youhe Gaarassured o a paceon.eyu eevtosa ac) weas ile t wcapacityo MrSu n- aiy sto rs caanexerien c i ae mnaluround you n- the o ront o fy 2-A g. and el suna tay n onanala osbe-hsoe oesAalbenmn withthebotler f hnn ed aove, jin tgeter u c om r uniya ter avd te nato a ndus eum o n rt¯¯ moeltorit omsefice- ositbl M ntea urstH me. valal .an vzuluAtnosniof ifewh- -1Mr. and Mrs. BobUrry of held sat1the home of MrsEc PreUsirdsife whoalived and worked, Ottw pn afw ' A winner Royce a n Quakenbush. Presidig for lughed and.wp nCnd ataapn e ays here Anderso n, hBowmanoville, -on. oidyweekends, certahas en i oryo t et to Aand :fro h uisofe nteratatv , y e, Scarborouh, the occasion as Rev. L before we m alng. naa as eek with lher sister, Miss Thursday. knso comdtosae Emte atraie r da o ai in ri , he's ust aw n e t rip or to to of akwood, si stdby r Tsmjr Cnena o -M .dRandall. The death occ.ur- iior tth otavalbeLO XP p 7st.RAE: rmle ice aiiisadmi anywhre in Canad, viaAir C nada wH t bart h secndTevir yapr eter nucaln om-rast nPort H epRHosEpitalMr. nd Mrs. Frank Doweof offer you alternatives which we $0 a $1 o twpeo pl, srieicuddrAE:fo o f O ou y o n g 1 ed b y M r i e a o n fa jct vkal o t ah o d a d eofh is .h om e lwith R oe n l Mrt a n d M rs. L e w is a re su re yo u w ill find satis- $2 2 fo r fo uaro rto.e so s Ona ndoherearestil o atso pries rto woi HS tB b r.T e s c n tfor a a rsp a r o s e fpto d n mW d es s hafearn o M all ceo ug oers.ak r ev io silo toc nr edo rad M M a lnC na a ia A r Ca a a w s t e C nha ti ncO 2 d abr ug t .r t f u det i t sFu e fhaec ynM T yo r.t o LOE P ou hav r oi o E ffipie Mn trk t ena iiis T ierSt .Th r ar am l Janie S ace an Clm, ire tio fthMaadar . mete ry, N eto ville. a M s.eor e Sallo n r anord; a re wi t in few days, An c mdm a ins ,A rilrsie itm eaydrvn obio n Sev e a vistor rm et Exibition C omi- .or a ldger to un der - wSoucSa rls aghnd Mr. Hanodw db ofim to f t 2 fie E:$8 dsaceo xo6,alwt w er sen t fn an or e ca s ion s o r ln. w nt ug ryn M e or al The sath' eservaton diectfowa m a ethea onreatwo r so s - a10o - p AT S 3 5 an h r r tl oso rzst cw nisndweregue s o nth ir ami itential caav ns Hos ld on W Mneday at. uo n dr theebor he T yorogfaa e eto h oe ls$ a o aha dto - t 5ad y ullen a the 1au aa 'erep ced tothe s-ren a enr .ande Ros W u eal c B uspicageo , selad Mat t o r teXPh oeo w f e er ro p ,wth here aresilv a p S te .2 , 0 ie ,i say , r. n M rs. ,Ave r raandcom w est o f as, gn erally Uited Chrch a e ve o alyns, $90.00f d;approxim (514)3 7-83 a7forfllifrm ui dare ro n onra. A E ilyonLit ialem ta nt the op u lat hen larer n trs M .a dM s G ro atn Clers tr.F.Gime's -ndg s erpeodsAlsTE250t 350ady W I T S M o or- e t h re r vn a o I nZ t h e t i oe s r s t h e C ab a ngo v m a n i l e w an d rl e n t r Or FaHa tlee k n c l u e M . iA l l e d b y a c c omi moat i o n gov e5 fr m e t - n p e c t d an.p p o .an d rs Ke itha d B a r aence n t wErhi n t ri adetom ic . M r s W . igl li ieon . Allin S Ou ,sborn le ust hom e from fr th o bon on d Mvra i se i spa s sd efrmation. ernie C M i a n M iss Tront ofhee h e has u ner-us$3Add efosse were presentseodetdeocnasian oiadultsnt(overc12DepartHrneMonofyelns(undn2 b uOne.0 an reasesems. a Ga sen tis hese e r u tt G -Wrr sleadpcesM ftndaaremMcco ter typel, aTE er s eX a n w re g u st ri e d s v isi - e r i d to cag e o th e a n s rg e y al F rid y . e o d o f O h a wSM . a ntMr . r em arksmeo n r rH t l .T e e a e s i tarcav li s ate . M . n rs etlth npiood w il h s ml en thet t h oi -S hol h l n F id y y um yp on X O te i M . M w ers e