The canaIn t Bmn owmanvme, Juna 8 10 Births Deaths Articles forSle Céars for Sale For Sale or Ren ok atd Rel Estate for Sale jReal tat o aeRa saefrSl G XYEBNEY-Al and Ray are VIRTUE, John E-At SimicoeS TRA B ERS s. Telephone '5.O G -,$0 or best T O b d o z i u e nar CtSTO ai ee h n pleaed to annourice the arriv-,Manor, June 4th, beloved 623-5220. 25-2e offer. 51 Egin Street._26-4* Newca tle on No. 2 Higway. Baye F nt 62 21 . 2- R NO O FT I T N B T ai of Kathryrî Ailene, 8 bs. husband of Laura Mitchel, i ý n the fied, cut r 0tTn IB L E Rik Al c n eiecs eeh one yeP R rFlg lcuint, 63-286. 26-aRN -OFF3TAN TON1 RD. B. J.- 234 oza., at M em orfal os- dear father of M adeline (M rs. ing. e263-2030.ni26-1 Wildcat, extras. Telep-hone 6235295.o. __and_11_ h - pital, Bowm anville, on riday, Parker), W illowdale; M arjrie -r s . al 6 3 7 8 h 1r i ey fnsh g k nL i i June 23, 1967. A sister for (Mrs. Sam Johnson), Alliston, NiN E acrs of mxed hy. 623-7694. 26-1 _ __- __2 rts yh e esonabl23786 2. nerv. nieew 2-bedoom c R alEs Suzanne Marie. 26-1* and Laura (Mrs. ___ 0, elpon 21-2078. 26-1 '66 YAMAH-125 .e., most T n st -CU TO---îg~ - --- low. Lot 75' x 200', lat rarla Owe Sound. Service was TW~O beige rugs, 8 x~ 10 and Eccessories, 1,150 miles. Phone TNDER S r nîe Édtinn nd b1n. Bl 1.0. ReaenableStR AL O XKDýGro and Jean ýheld Friday at Anderson Fun- 9 x 12. Calil823-3281. 26.1 953-5895. 26-* painting ta be done in Bow- Kent, Newcastle 987-4496lWPamn. CalilBw (ue White) are very happyieral Home, Tottenham. Inter - KiOSEB ' ni n iî ta nn un e te irh o aso m nt out lea an Crntraile r. Pea- '63 B I K L S be gond ninville Publie Schnols. W ork 25-2 J. OC ONO RK la po Jê frey Kevon, 7 bs. 5 ozs. on tery. Toronto. 261 cal a ter 5:30. 623-3453. 26.1 conab ion.loa2d3and reaso- to be25,leed be ore Au7. CUSTOM grain spraying, bal- CONSTRUCTION 6 3 3 1C m a t 3 b d o m f m l Thursday, June 22, 96. an WATER for sale and dlVrd eotie rmA .Top RN 8-79 nu@ th a n k s t a D r. H u b b a rd a n d A t i c e s . f o r S a l e 2 4 h o u r sr v ic e . C a d el62 3 -5 7 5 62E c R e o t i e r m A a b e. 6 3 - 6 4 .25r9 6 . S p ci a4o- a si n g, b u cin g , mal i n g ad7 2N5 -955 793 4 o r N e is i g, h m o e f e t f r e i er e t ________ _ ____ _____ ____Principal,__1 s63-a438 . Cali 725-5934 or teMtriySaf 261door hrtppwrbrakes, son, inSpeeting24-tf HOOPER-.Gary 261* condtion. Ph ong862215.steering, windows, seats, radio, OntajoSIetBwmBone 3848 2 25-f Ra e Bod ALLO723-6esf8ofr.anc bedr om up reaon.. 2co n d itio n .llPh oP h on8623-267.. T ele p h o nie 623-502 1. T en d e rs Èfactio n EÉ R I N G . - S a tis - n B W l n l l b e t x s o e t n o t ÈOE-Gran lne2- 12.1wteIl.Poe6Ï24-tf ta be delivered ta my office ato guaranteed at Whyte uLBA ÇRy ueWllg 4ar o ihcrl rv ( n e u g e s a e a y i H A Y f o r - s a l e .- T e l e p h o n e T U B A E R S e ! c e , n e w_ _ _ 2 4 K n S t E , b e o e 3- B r s . , P h o n e 6 2 3 - 5 2 5 1 o r g a r a g e , c o m p a r ann unce the birth f their 264-265g. St.6E ,*,an used parts623-5252. E E9r)own iGary Scott on Tuesday - Ivetok Fr SleManay Juy 1. . RCJMes, 23-5252.stoey - June 20, 1967, at Oshawa Gen:- 10()ACRES hay, standing. Garage, 416-263-2233. 43tf - Sc1tryTraurt omad USon ughn ulivt FIFT 6wekoddcs Public SchoolBoard. 26-2 or, Ioader,' pulverizer* hi 623-7461 tdjh~ dlt nySdMry 2-80 e~al Hosital Pr ud rand Ph ne 63..705 _ 6-1 OUR hum r elctrc ove, Cal 263-2327. 26-1 sawing, so , cedars for *ege . $ 05 - . s o t p parents, M. and Mrs. Frank WATER for-sle and dâevered, combination, for wod or coal. --- - - -- T e Pu lc hne97e754d44ge $,00DwnP RTiP H o p er, O sh aw a, an d M r. an d C a l C liff P eth ick 263-2131 B est ffer. _623-7264. 19t f P IG S , w e ll S trte d , w i1 h v ery T h e P u b i c P o ne 987 4754S2t41 8 .00 D a n Pký5 r O m bR H '-Pi t r q uT w ta c o s r n. nc o Mrrs H rod H gha. 26ld Hughes. g od con eriograe. Bu vnSrsCiT Mhanb liraideon.sson St 9 Inhrck.CUooi ue- 9 nd gaage :4 be roo s orthehandm& JAME-Jon an Lida (ec uki.Phoe 26-278 afer'4. an. pplyJoeBarnskithe bamncindprevent disease olBar Utig utom post halo 2orne withfr JAMErt-Jarh ay andn a n- - 1*T bcc am, N wonil Any size lots. 983-5795. I ~digin ____Ph n________ ho4 1ow . Ap ly J e ar o kicigne $12.500orho- .Terni75.,and onalytt$50.00r. Op nr n eonth 26be1ts)TarbaccoyFamr786-e0tonv6-l6_ ,jTwp. Scho Aelphoe263-2180. 2-4ta offers. e$12a,500 hu-esanc f 1 nounce the birth af their HAY in the field, and pigs.17 6 2 2 264 __ 26-IfNT O B c ho e vi e5 nt p. o seC BO R 'T Ia. 1 oz.. at ontral G n-1__ 2.1* ear guam ntee . in dw, Angus stocker steers and heif- - oundtJo Y Bak- eSe rvic ks . e n itAt. Ho ae e sie tilCOB u Rcj - P~ b by te~ o m , h r 8 r oi, pu 7daught1 roz.. a nn e El zae thn usi W o- 2 . 2 61 nars ag a a t e W n o s e satm a m o e ,p e s a m p to n , n t dug and backfiîed. Ivan in g system excellent location , ing and sv -p o r s ri e o l $ 050 ih $ . 0 eral Hospital, Saturday, June '21 ACRES of mixed haydr, awin2,,,,,,ailngs. Lamors tm fn osepese1Ot ________ ~~__PoeGoreA cGwn ountjoy, Blackstock 986-4737. yearly ret, $,0.Akn enty ava O 6'amot.dw ades0ayet.Ct 24th , 1967. 26- f standing. P h on e 263-2035 after A l u, _6 23-871. 26-1 7 8 22 3Hoe e oe . M c1w$5,T400 o w . g g . A sk in0 - Te m . r T n a 25 0 292 - 77-23Hvlc. 26-1 16-1.f only $3,500 dow ag.Pri .cULUH-Calte4:30 p.m. 211-1 BUYING or slh furniture TENDER seIila RGITERED Pollj ed Here- and LGay-annaunce th C.riie; BICYCLE, 28", paper orapinces, cali Elmer, fards. Yoj uisadhi- om iowem, grass shears, e lectric orieAa ---HAVE us sharpen your lawnCorîeAe NEWCASTLE -Hnya "dGr noic ihýcrirand light. Telephone Hampton: business 263-2294 - 'eire itale..4flM ialay hedge timr.F rw plauethe birth Of a son'6231-3778. 26-1* residence 263-2695. 6-tf ,Crs availabeilr.e Visitons alwOaysrg See Chre.6 bs 10oswelcome. Durham arms Lim- other Insurance 102 Elgin St., Bownnanville. rso r o m e, lage c diing- galow on ar g lo. Akn . L o ~~±~ CCh rIes 6 bs. 10 os.---xx50 cre, tYCE ,an a , excell et BTo nhipConce o. nY ClarkeB ab; ne ' im a ult on iio , 88526-eri. E L S AT tin O shaw a G eneral H ospita A 0ares îrothy, a - M T R Y L , Yanh, 6ete , 8 h C n es i n l n e h h coa d ll b il furnace, w ell and * on June 24, 1967. First grand- alfa . C ourtice ï oad, 401. T ele- c c, o e an ___xce lenTw ns ip,__ o.24-3* for thressure B oartem, trade con- .-ST A R K VIL L E 0 A r s N U A C hone 72one_4.82-521condion o 6130PGovr5 s lon eceeved by thie onderslgned ,High school student, ue o ierd sigany$890with trout streani erpvd'omnlî 6LbryN cbfld for Dr. and Mns. Charles Phnh2544.26icnion.983-a10g ogron,6- A si an hr rncidC SO ul trnitr1958 Plymouth, vey good con- untul 4 p.m. Young children, will do light Teris. road. Priced ta .6376 for Mr. and Mmi. Irvin McCul - i radio for '62 Chev., $20; alo r edhousekeepingo, 500 mlslays ar Irnh, Newcastle. 26-1 car-top boat, $15. Telephone sp ay ch mals; used 45-ga. 1$125 cah. W ilfred W oods'i-2671. a2-77 61 il barmels. Gerald Brawn, fanm, second farm west side Forms and A.fomAtiR ar 7 2 3 ~ 6 7 5 . 2 6 . 1 * B r w v i e w F a n i, N e w c a s t l e . fo r t o f N e w t o n v i l l e . 2 6 - 2 al a b e t IA .ra I o a cB A A >S g a *r a g e , l a r g e l o t , n e w b a t h - ' a s t l e . n y $ , f 0 o n M e D O N A LD - Jim and L e c are, TR - R IE , excellent 24 tf Bed oo bu ga ow it shpt lotihvilaeBoaNr-den ralfc ose taeve yt in hpyto annunce the safe for canning, freezing, and table ~gSEVEln -a-olYregHtemteo.d Ofie i - reain oan d i fmae.AkigTUNO R.-GeealE4INS. edonibn arrivai oIf Allison on Th uir,3- use. Klaas Reitsma, telephne CLEM ENT Poutry-Roasti l m b n L.n.4LL  ____smar_______l store, living quares evc ao , nc o dto . O e d*y, June 22, 1967. A sse.9 3 3 826-3 chikens, 31/2 bs. - 41/2 bs., fal; 9 -yea - d Palamnino Loesf. or any tender fot 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville 62e ac owmstain ihîg tu 62c Abre Ranch sation bu ih w -a y aa elo es fçr Douglas. Thanks ta D 3c b Dliey n 10 on mare with stud féal, bth well flesarily accepted - *20M n tediepoB w a ved Xundle and staff. 26.* STRAWBERRIES - H. B. m re. Telephne Newcastle western broke. John De Witt, y~t ille, 35 acres wok be n w p vd frontage. Ca! orf t-.b gaov ce rl, nw o- Harstman. South on lst noad 987-4.35.3. ____ 25-41R.R. 1 etnil. Phnelieces Asin worklenÏ7,9cai.1 dto. 200 on West of Newtonville. Phone --- --- _93_982_._._alas-MI P RF CTerdais M O R R ISO N - Ji ai and M arg 1786-2539. 26-2* O N E 30' tra ler, davenpo t 26-2 B usi ess. Newt h neW . D l a s tor P5 L L. LUM G & H A CI G T fe nce s kin ly 7. 00 H O SE S .lainoo (t ee s S a p p e n d e l) a n n o u n ce i - - b d , g as sto v e , c il h e a te , 150 A C R E à 2- 2 i e s A m n s r t rP U oB n e 6 2T3 -T35 4 0dr y P ai 2 .3 6 ri k u n r o n, g r g e a e th rrvl of tei o 1T A BE RES ik or ahngm cin,-ergrao 26-1 Poo62-50After ouri Please Cal- Lw ec Wht the arrva ai ther o n , bring containers, 3e w si g m c in, niî eao.P A S TU R E O B x 19 i ht - 6 32 2 T im ot y Jam s, at M em or al 1 3LC wrenocsel]hAtpl 58062r-2150.8B x 15conditdioig. 62s2524gat813,500n Hospital, Bowmanville, June!quart. R. Eyran, 5 miles ast well Ave., Oshawa. 25-2* WELL WATER For_________ntari St., Bowmanville Inter Torgensen - 987-4491, onur 2è, 1967, weighing 8 Ibs. 13 zs , o Newtnviîîle on Highway 2,iR w rP trca W n 98- S6 wt lo p y ie t nd g d P o d ga d ae t ar riam es ofM rih Church. INSULATION, biwing meth- A ustin Turner ýPARTMENT for n t. ïTele.. _______1tf 26-1!'372-6487 2.34 2B doo wit ied c ta , Pr ud gr nd ar nt ae n. farn cat I omis 2-Iod, with rock wool. W o k- N W A T phone 62 -3573. 24- f SPti ~ _ _ _ 6la e ia ' M k d M i et o nio,. - -- -manihip guaranteed. r e E î A N K___ __ 1I'-u-a a n d M r . a n d M r s . G O O D p l y w o o d t r a i l e r , ' e t i i a e s H r r L W d e 9 7_4 8 j b a h . _ 6' _____________________ __L._________987-4481 ____bath.Phone623-2383. 26-1 'l EWASLE- Bdron eeeSlappendel, Bowaian- 12' x 6%, arranged ta selI fruit Phone Newtoniville 786-2256. 26-1 R ounear Onano on1WRTEASHIfNG STABLES REALnFTAe ih W. Frank Rei EfI1 aae e un PER-Jerry and Xafhy are!Fisk, R. R. 2, Newcastle, USED washer parts, motors, .Busnes venlences. Cali 983-5803 Omono. BR O P BNSa1 rn S.-nwmanville Mme.Ohw n ititieethne y$,5 987-652._____Bt 26-2 Phone Newtonvîîîe 786-2552 P o e 6 33 5 PaThra d C - t--edom,_____-__ hoe 23390Real Estate Bad c onBlneo n ot ________________the_______i_ _________________________ atro? ARTM'ENTder-1 _ Cal Colleet 41-tf et thefr daughter Col leen Anne 'COAL and wood cook Stve tised Une af furniture. AN a tae1av n g bage_ heaed, -ta-Jyl-ca--; m- Nd equipAie tcr e . 623-ng3S. 3W . On Tuesday, June 20, 1967, at in go ondiin ul ie Market, Hampton, 23-2241. rot FRANjBRIKI Stock adeu Miaercordia Hospital, Winni-lenamel, deep tire-bo34-tf bitiaus PersnIced i63-73a2-t ORONO:ý gagein.Tlpon etinldd ___________________hot_____,____ rotiut e g o n incm edfor a 3-7m3iat7 p ssesio . ele honrGoo d buildings. Gond pro- IE5ieB3d-3318 3-5 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ :r tnk,_ __ ducing so . Cal: George Van- C u ty R tet2- E n g a e m e t j ~ p pes inc ude . T le- T Y P E W R I T E R S, 49, no G;M C San van w th P C V li c. SM A L L ne-ed room apa t.. E P8C T A K D yk 623-7437. 5 c e e r M s o t 3 - 7 7 6 ] m n y l w , $ k y A d n e n u r e amoa v î e a e n t , î n d g a n d s t o v e , p r i v a e ,N S T A L I O NS O E H U S : O c r s W o e a n .on e r r p I - ers, Cashiers, File Cab., new, Auto Wrcckers, R.R. 2, New- 6INSTgA.L$6LpTIONnt Y10ARSsadntefi'edlametais, service, tmades. castîs or Phone 987-4636. 26-1 Phn22-43 5rpon2-2-uhctdwt 4pefah erty.. Gond depasofsapJk X. R. 2, Nesteton, announce land mothy, Lot 21, Conces- IuHltn, Raglan (North Phoe 254f43 Mmp ons63n27 thie engagement. fai h sion 3, Hope 'by Bunker Hi!l aiOshàwa). 1- SIAR TIMEFURNNHEDalrtitenttdee ricd jMs R ad dpgtm ay M g aee aSchooi). Contact H. M. Brown, 12-tf __IH " ý rrë t.tre24t o sel o ly $,(o ., Alan se starye, so nai M.weekends at farm, M nday ta O TTfý AGES a t Ch ce ai o n g, MONEY MAKER oms and bath. Pull; self- 2-f t e! il 800 -$,0 a a _______________son____MraPigonicelyLateeedd.aPnicr yuSand$10Jueet IisteAdwat cntainied and spacius. Adulti CUSTOM 1 IRy FARM: Going con- '110 Acres, South of udradLt. e do nd M is. V ernon A ss esine,!Fridày < Toronto 483-0689. 9 ige on Riersakerman50 d oainy o Eam pr ta $100 weekîy in nly . 623-3591 evenings. 24-tf ce rn. w th 19 'm ilk c w s, fulli j l- oorn stucco hoe1B m ~.R.3, Bnketn. Te ma- - ~- balance lowest tenais in Cana- cars with aur speciailiW.4edh- n CttOg, in- AT REASONABLE RATES buildings and excellent Iojl.ler anxious to se. - rage ta take place on July 8,!MASSEY Clipper combine, da. Free book ai cottage de- ing machine. No e p olîsh-e do or faciliies, hot and cold i Onl4,00yems $6,5 T r s 1967 t St. Joseph's Church. power take-off and bin, coin-Isigns. Murphy C., Bow aan- needed as we train yu 2 wate; Junipr Point, Stoney Phnone '723-1308 P R O E 2 ce ihiRvrrn am6 1 5 ~ o'loc . . 26 .* 1 plete or w ill selI in parts ; Caseiville. Phone 623-3781. 26-1* w iiI put you in business. M ust Lake. Go d i f s i g a dPO R O UT I G A IN , e c leTH bui:din5bAr ithR v r r nAS trir or w ith live pow er, go d - - - - - - m nd 26n nd s i -1 BFsRge. 80 Acr s, mi es Lin say D u le ~M r. and M i. G lenn Virtiie condition; 3 urrow Interna- C u ltiv a te d h v a d c e i. T le h n i g h n 2 - - - - _ __ A LIN G , SPRA YIN G , îstream . Beautiful brick hom e. i, oo e t ir ta e a Sc g g-b u om p. an a c ~ih t a ann unce the engage.i tiona l plough . et af Fleury M R O E H 2 - 29 U N S a enet part- PLO W IN G , ETC. 24 .411 Pain ed barn. Cal: Ge rg R iver. H ouse a d b m .I2 b d o n 'r nt af their *aughte n p a- double disen. P hone 263-2508. . F E D S D_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24-4 m e tch o s re r t e cL o rd E lnn- F O A L C E E NrOgap.eoo$nt a ti ic ia J o a n , to M . R a n d y N e l - a s , - a 2 6 - 1 * E x c e le n t Q a lity . L o w P r e uP e r s o n a l , Sfr te ce p - NBWW M A N V I T L ES iaF l e nt2 3te4ai7 .v e n d o n s - _ _Ca l e-so n a-Mn . 9n drms. - -s m o k e r s ; w i l l h d t i l l NS erpR-A R SN E A R B W A V I L :. 5 ~.D a i r y F a x mv r ao rD ïÀiË-rAR , heat a net Delivered or pick up at field rA. Gy uc cle o tember. Phone 623-3434. 25-tf NORTH AMERICA EXPERT acre farm with stane house. 20Ar hie .fni Jack Cole, al ai Bowman- bites. and other minosh, ineet TH uik eleff r --- -da 0 A r h i r vilac T e o auday ng ust rriti oned with l m tex Onit- Phone 725-9674 discom ot af mouth srEE'ft - l droi Éo hau s c in C EM EN T V VO R K A Il modern cnveniences. One af the finest in nt ia ier v l.a ed u d ia 2 6 g st t a e ir r d itt n q i c ly o e d aO n d-w h i te c a n k e r s p o ts , oe s, i N w to n v i îe , o p v e r a , ,B a r n . S tr e a m . C a l : G e o r g e E x e l enu nn o a i$l. lStSt.JJohn' nglcan Chgclimen.nS ecil e ollent hep - t±i $90t soes, ten er uni, wth 90 ant. W ite Adv rîier stî ate G venVan yk 23-437 brck ome 262tho-74,37.lkepEmoemllerîo ýmnt peil mllenshepIPae orstden uswtal pveriadckounty2 - ~ F le t h e r s 8 2 2 , c /o C a n a d ia n S a e m n a ! E e i g - P . Z e p p ir i N O H 0 F O A W : 1 0 a n t d a n s 7 ' x 1 ', 3 x j u t a t a i e c stV n - B o w m n v i l c .2 6 1 * l p r e v e n t a n d e a s e d i s c o r f o r t . T T O V E SS o r e - M o u t h M e d i - o . B x 9 0 a a a îeR Rm3 man v i îeC a7l- 7i A c rn w itNO R T OOuSe A : 1 2 ain 0 t re a r n s p o n d . xc e l n r w c e t 8 , 0 Balmex 98c at Jury & Lovel cîOER ne. $10( at Jury & Lovel! 26-1x10, ____ e.R..3,Bwmnvle 230729 Acare adr sub-divisiond 0 inam on. The engageaent la announe- Drug. _26-i $50 up Drugs. 26 26-1 - arn - . -or -- aiion i m ik cnrc. 1, ed af Romnona Jean daught,r enrlFezs OSHAWA HYýGENIC SUPP ls-- (Rubber THREE-bcclraom house,a-JAKUGS 10 acre lots. CaI]: Harnyj Sunderland. $65,000 2 0 d' Mnt.AvnelteMnr nenaf, G 1967 Froers T UPL " gonds) niailed 1postpald in tachcd garage, Parkway Cncsc., JC UGS ots7524.ion nt TV ,plinseaedenelpewith avallable Sept. .1. Write Ad- O D URNERS - FURNA CESCautti 725-2649. down7. ' ' 66 Acresn eaed nveoper 1- I tb M . Jam es Garnet* Rikard, '24 C . P. C E T F E Z R T u t n R . E s a s pi e l t a ps 5 vertiser 821, c/a Canadian CLEANED S 1 45 A RE FARM with gond M> fM.adMmi. Gamnet, Regular price 1289.00 JUst Eat of Rilson Road 124 samples $1.00o. Mail Orde; Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- PLUMBNG REPAIRS buidim. od br.Ex7ellnt 109 Trwth era wt ut$,olw. p RR,4, Bowaanville. SALE - $239.00 Dia! 723-8131 Dpt. T-28. Nv.-Rubber C.. manville. 26-1 PHONE HAMPTON so. Stream. Priced ta self.8Arsitiunhe On.Te wedding will take 15Cui. Ft. UPRIGHT Dy rnlght - illI akPru.1totP. Hamilton. nt. ..52 CENTRALLY locatcd, large 23211ORNottoae bn ag e ne are lk.Ti Roi2soe rc July N otic eo t I 0gou d lo r,. l w , il eRted w ith 4-pc. n c ai the nst e at 43 .m . in Staffa Un ted KReg TC27 EN00MODAE$229 .00 C ustom .D rapery pniat$1ath,20and îtc en- ail Addr ss:b . 64'lot n tis q ietvil 1 ~ u c .2 6 - 1 1, R e . 5 7 9. 0N-tAL Ec22 .0 0I v a e b t r n n i è e - a l A d e s a th - L a r g e lo t, lo w ta x e s . p e r ti c i in th e K e n dp r - l t I and- ette with stove and fridg, un- P-0. Box. 543 - Bowmanville$ 320. CalAG oge $ 9,0 -T rns WDr. K Blltts office wllI iumnished; $65 monthly. PhoaneV___y , r an r.H re Do -C t W a l le loe rm June 30 ta July 623-5971. lg ul mntsta sa a d M o u n t j o y , B o w an v i l , F I G D L O C K E REo n 3 a r s w hj are h ppy t anno nce he gaage. amn. uao -room homel2rge7437 Brdadl oo r utns ofc ii b aa e, c nrl 15n il L A I G - T EN H N rc 80 0 al os D y P i t d a a sr a i E cl 25 0 D w xasi Ë - Ivi* ýIliftse on,___vn ret a ren shwa hpjcý-»"C.'kê«Manvers and ______________ g_ Ma-- ---ltap 1cga d aarC-_nk 23747. aIe. Al equipaient a i x placen fro m artwright Townships. Open HOM E IM PROVEM ENTS ENNISKILLEN: 8 Roc ne turcs incuded. 819900 - TerMondaule Oport1nW 93t. re en. s h awa Th . , nSernaionB E R RIE-S ft.rearn offr ns ecio o M nd yJuy NEW H M S N well kept home in village n b sn s n h at a e o mO amnia eill takOn la ce n f SCSi B a'er3,"nS turday atte no ns in R P I S ag lo ih garage, watem xeln s m e eot J t. 1a5 p Cat ol jc hurii. Intrn tio al62-1 7 It. TR NRE D VARI TNP ark. July etween 3 p.i. and 4 p.m. G N R L R E A R !unde r rss r.oty 350 or8 50 0 Ort rll b r RARES RlSe, an Saturdav, ENOr Write for app ainti ent t a i do esur.n. i g,50 tM Bu r . e . ieh t ALJ h o e a e r c sB U L E S LT D.P.. g yr n , n . o n.1Ca l 23-3393 Ic u ty o peey e up e f R RESRES RVE GReRtTA EN U R L M i. G. . H aanTyr ne On.6-hn e*l ngOSHAW A: f; R omed brick Pa Ye - . * 62-0 7 3,0. 1M m, a a i. elithT v sey-Ha Lits W4-bar on steciB S 26N E L1*CONSTRUCTION hgalow. Beaut iful HI - * 128-5055 Oshawa -*. engagementof 623-2662 wood kitchen. Nicely land- thir o unca ter. a~mat n International 4.5 PTO H me Frei or 2- LO rigF E STM T Ssae it okgre.I cl e & « l t r dIl a u l ter, A ce Lo u sa , îIn terna tio n a l 46 H m m ea n r P r a r igT O e,,~w t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 t d ta sel]. C ali: G eo rg e V an - C la e M C u l on g h * 7 3- 43 b r o m f v r o n u al , d u n , s nG O - K A R T ln g o n d c o n d i t i oô n F E S I A E c p d w i h rc1a dn7n c o . B r o k 2 . 2 7 L o l w a m n o v « ~ M r.lam nd Quin, son M asey Feric s n 0PTO A S OR'otig ý U M M E R .LIU Ld(Jj h m tor. Phone 263-2538. -tf Dyk 623-7437. Red Kruger - . 3 8 8 lu ofh e d Ou-nnUdeyOnt T e m r. OR GE ARV ST RAvailab Iie dite iï'uGme - iste_--- - BDR. &-YAM- P RTARNES BdromBY A MWiso a mar-15 FORAGE CH1AVESTER ieilg R.C. K. INGLE.YUN oîstein cows and P1 IG fHAIN arne home. Well bulit and %ob johauten - 7:G 1î: 7 Burketan United Churcli, Intemational No. 16 with Price., about 48e a quart OfAceESDavi 2632284C26-Rgy vie. Aslag 13,50. I!rkefon, Ont., at 3:30 p.r. corn head dependng n i m er ff ceLais 2p63-2284 aid 26-2 24-MO U R Cîg o m Doe . nl $1395726. W s. a s A i E ..s g a 26.1* Case witls carnlicad ande IEpoultyldfather Sou . om Donelly 9rses64 Residencete pick-up S e ocemionSul. Nre'Re Fctik.Mlatt, ..1 ehOÙBrrSrvc PRTERY3BdomGaezuliI tielgeis Gsh M. or R.R. d ambrtStBet- Uslted fotS-1 mile etosat u 0111 ha- (Queo" aadLm. t.) any. Phone 7 r 13 colleet. SEPTICI TANKS AN ungalow, ail heated, with 4- On * - baa. Phon. A 1 'ni r t m a r a e hG h I w t o a b a , w a t o P o r t P e r r y M g * w n . M E I R I A L 1 9 0 9 P I T A L 2 - f f LBD D p e b t . N i e y o a t d l g e t a hi l. f o a 4àïïnScd of Mry Lynn, cutrbaNn ic-p TrlTL ED jbah ceylatd of Mt r & i Harry J. W. cu er br ai p k-p T e at Prim" MbIt î w m n i O Ni'T thraw it out! We buy PH NEAsking $11,000, Cal: Tom 'George BostOn 0«Mo, ntari, and -bae i.Ly àtooke just outh t ro.kP Bowanvill PHON Bowmlynvi95-72642PartMr . just about anything that's aid, HNMPTON 283-228 Dney98-24l.rPoy8582aiCplo uStk 6 .Mr. faiey. te Mr. Carl Intrnational 81 -9 fk . eitum an armfuî or a husefub . 'The TyRONE 263_2850 Afe1om la o Cl: i oa L n 1 .. rmtt, -a=of aiMr. IfOWEILCONDKTIOWgM PhoiM=3236 Talisman, Newcastle, even- Moitts Zenth 600<.. sowseCali:S Onal-The mar- T. CW NPces eddRg 8742.2-i efriceraftion DnMnt 2_64 M W o r k W a n t eand Phyllis M R obbie - 423-71 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4exae r c c at * M t dThom as B onaeiîy - 885-72 4- '~ ~ c L >UýÈP1ianceo P ServiceFCEHIJ5 N-R 'J5'J WseyAdesn 48308 lnan aSA MtsgUfOT»o r rppa Wq 14 1V A--i N IRCotI 0 D.A.L. HO EY'eCuai si n- $W L t hoo , . . PMAg i l uIRa i W maufffl e . Il R K N If O u m Wesley Anerslho 3 -2 4 M s a d %« d rt L 64 o t InP eri t ra Geoge V n»rk '62-7d3 at'Beaumbl 7'Fe