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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1967, p. 2

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- -~ .*.-.. -- ~ w 2 bsCmadiaSum anEo max l u w,16 ManyExciting Events ut CentennjIo Horse Show. The* eowmanvfll. Cc isialiso , bald on sa belongtnto onShwr* B tberV Fà,wgt Of NeIN teet. wua greatly enju" by mone than 2»o00peoçi ~eNeesit wa& _ _nmred1 Tow CimilJadwS 1i ahlp, Mayor Ivani Hobba, e tended a cordial welcome tii. crowd when it official Started at 12 o'clock noon. T. A. Fannlng, Directorq lRecreation for Bowmanvi]l was the Co-ordinator. Bc I*ggette, Newtonville, wi the ýProducer and Arena Di ector. The Judge was Do lRewitt, Galt. The Horse Shci Comrittee members w e Coupillor Annie Oke, Cour cullot' Ken Nicks, and Cour cillor-James Bourke. Albert Leggette, Newtonville, we the uccretary for the evex' and Edith Brown, Oshawl was the timer. Buster Ehler was the announcer. The winner cf the Ladie Grand Champion Trophy wa Gall Woodward w1th 28 point; Mrs. Woodward is a daughte: of Mayor and Mrs. Hobbs The Ladies Reserve Cham pion was Aflison Collins wit Executive' Picked for Hockey Teams 1At a recent meeting of the Bowmanville Mdget-Juvenile l!ockey Executive, Carl De- vitt was elected to the posi- tion of general manager fo. bath tcams. The followlng appointments were also made for the 1967- 68 season: Don McGregor will coach the Juveniles with Ray P'reston handling the mana- g criai reins, while Bryar Hughes will continue as Mid- get coach and Ken Suiners- lord as manager. Bud Hir- rock also has been named as a director of the association for the comlng year. HURT IN ACCIDENT H. Lamne AlUn, 1 Prince $treet, was inJumed i an acci- dent on 401 Highway aI thc Çurtlce cul-off on Tuesduy l ternoon. Mm. Allun ilaa tecker wlth tue Ontario De- $atnffent a! Hlghways. STiie cause of the. accident us sot been dctemmined, but ft la beiicved that Mr'. Aluin had compleled a check o! a *ruck whezi the vehicle un- Sxetedly --backed -.up --and raged hlm along lb. pave- ment. Mr. Aluin is a patient In Memoial Hospital. en- 24_pcdnts. Johnm Wuger, 3. Fers Flion, lat- T14eMeW Grad Chq*n4. JuIm Strachan, 5. John nds w»s Jim Struchun wttis 44 Prout, 6. Juck Woodward. ro- vord adthe Mus'm Ruou'ePlckup Race, 1. liai Stru- son hamionwu M1(k. MéGre- chan, 2. William 'Crowys, 3. gorwit 39poins, Mayas' Jack Woodward, 4. Allisos Elob3 prstedthe. trophica CoUins, 5. Mlke MeGregor, by to thse wimenm 6. Jin Reickert. Junior Bar- 'or. In Uiche mognd mber ons'.! Race, 1. JIU Canfield, 2. ex- Uic prograin, Musical Chains, Brian Stokesa, 3. Paul Vaneyk t0 John Lines, uge 3(), &MP. R~Jr', 4. Làim lid intofft 8. Car. &lY Newcastle, dlsmouating quick- ie Brqwn, 6. lim Leggette. Iy, unfortunately Suugt ahiGrJs Pole Bending 1 Aii Of hec! in a stirrup, and lbroke mms Colins, 2. pat iqln,3. ne, bis leg i hi, fail. Ait Brown, Kauren Bickcil, 4. Gail Wood- ýob whp was in charge of the St. ward' 5. Bannie Smith. Girls ras John's Ambulance membens Goat Tying, 1. Gall Wood.' ir- present, qulckly with bis as- ward, 2. Bannie Smith, 3. Al- an sistant.s placed Uic injus'cd lison Collins, 4. Pal Mine, Dw man on a stretcher and he 5. Debbie Leggettc. r c wus tuken by Uice howan- Tlit Centennial S q uared n. ville Area Ambulance la Me- Dance heid on Suturday ev- in. marial Hosptal, where he is ening i the D)ominion Store rt sUl a patient. Parking Lot wus a wonderful us Aresa Director Leggette Im- succesa. James C. Coyie St.1 nt, medlatcly announced thut a was tue M.C. and Square ma collection wculd be taken uP Dance Calier. His outistanding ýrt for th. injured competilar. calling added greatly to the More tisun $55 was collected, enjoyment of Uic crowd, o! an i.Lnswsparticu- Mor than 1,000 people ut- 'a iarly appreclutive of the tending the event. Music for t. thoughlfulness of Mr. Leg- bath aid lime and modern er gete and of ail those who had dancing wus provided by the )S. doated.Countny Gentlemen, Whitby, Il The resuits of Uic different and Uic music o! Champion tevents on Uic pragram were 1Fîddler Gerald Elliott was us fallows: Western Pieusure fcatured. Clas, 1. Mickey Barnier, 2. William Crowys, 3. Mar Ruth Osborne, 4. Jack Woodward, 5. Put Mimne, 6. Mike McGre. 7 Y lm l Strachun, 2. BfilMdMurty, l 3. Jack Woodward, 4. MikeBo M s 6. John LUnes. FOPAEN) Patch Race, i. Lorraine FO PAEO> ýe rows, . Dbbi Legeteaniounted ta more Ihan $100. e Cowy, 2 Dbbi LegeteConstable Richard Kouhi was le 3. Karen Bickcll, 4. Gail thc investiguting officer. >- Woodward, 5. Put Harding, A car driven by Donald t 6. Bonnie'SmiUi. E n g 115h Uqb, 255 Nassau Street, * Pleasure Class, 1. Linda Luke, Ushawwnlotacoro 2. Linda Ednionston, on at 2:15 p.m tofcoase i * Kieve, a hors. owncd by Lin. ut Courtice RoadasWen- U da Lue 3.MaryRuth Os- day aflernoan. The vehiclen ibrne, 4. Bty PBlia 5. Ro- wcnt off Uic oud, cashed, andc yret Spcncclcy, 6. S n j a sustained upproximatciy$1,000 Kahn. damage. Constable l J. J. Pale Bcndlng, 1. William Chalmers, OPP, invesligated. Crwy,L 2. Jin Strachan, 3. MieMcrgor, 4. John Prout, Mm. Umquhamt was taken by e 5. lUsn Cllis, . Dnnythe Bowmanville Area Ambu- s O'Connor. R c i n i n g Horene cccivcd treaompntal t 1Clssa, i. Linda Luke, 2. Wil.- evdtramn heme for b lium Crowys, 3. Mike McGme minor injuries, and was wel gar. Flag Race, 1. Jini t.a enough ta rcturn ta hlm home a, chan,,2. ak od ard onThunsday aitemnoon ta re- Put ime,4. Mike McGregor,cueae 5. Gord Sllckwaod, 6. John Thcre was a two car cal- Wagur. lision bctwcen a car driven by Parade Hors. Clans, 1. Lin. Maynard Scott York, Port du Luke, 2. Carrol Orme, 3. Credit, and anc driven by Mar Ruth Osborne, 4. Chris. William Whiteley, Toronto, an line Brent. Sack Roplng, 1. 401 Highway and rolled over Jack Woodward, 2. Femn ejatwst of Hall Road last lion, 3. Fie"c eo, e.sdncesday ut 3:30 p.m. The William Crowys, 5. jim Str-r leoan o! h.dirs chan, 6. Bill McMurty. Diane York, uge 24, was taken Si Ladies' Barrei Race 1. Gall bY tue Bowmanvillic Area Woodward, 2. Pat Mine,3. Ambulance te Memorial Hos- ec Lorraine Crowys, 4. Aiiso pitli where she received treat- el Collins, 5. KurnBki,6. ment in tue out-patient de.-r Bannie Smith. Apple Duni.prîetfo iorijries. A 1.g i.Mike McGregor, 2., Týhe Yor'k car recelved about a; Fine, Varied Parade HeId Here Saturday Everyonc laves a parade and the -one on Saturday nsamning befoe thie Centennial Horse Show was speccally enjoycd by lie spectatars wio udmired the. skllled hoiscmansliip a! the. many ridera, Uic pictur- esque.,côstunics of tihe drivers ancipassengers in the car- riages and ather vehicles drawn ly hbancs oraponies and the amsngad fashoned automobiles and vintage matai' truck. . The tawn police crulser, drivas by Constable Don And- erson Went along in front of lie parade, which wais'headcd by a convertible ,driven by Couneillor Ken Niclcs with Councillor Annie 0k. and hi daughter, Usma, 11, who was In -idlrig clothes, as pais- 'etatsyBlake, a Chapo Baton Twller, In a pal.eblu costume and wearing a hall white feather shako on ber beud, led lhe Wednesduy1 Majorettes a! the Bowmunivilleg Recreution Depurtment. Otheri leading majorettes featumed1 were Brendu Heuuing iu ac amarI mcd and white striped' costume, and Dianua Thertdl. la bccomlng uavy blue. t The attractive young Satur-1 day Sllarettes wcme aliliu place an a large flout, whici 1was adarned with a huge silv- cme colomed Centennial Ci-est ,made by Patsy -Blake. The 1Imperial Druns Corps, Osha- 1wa, marched ifront a! Ibis float. Ken Adams, Orona, and his wife and Ken ad Sandra Rab- inson werei the enclent Ford car. They ail wore oId lime costume. Dan Hall, Orona,- wus Uic driver a! a 1930vi' ug sdned a 1929 Chevrltt-uk rven by Brian en.Ti truck had been lent la lie parade by Stewart McTavish. Next came a procession o! horsdrawn vehicies includ- lug a surey, a victoria, and severul buggies, as well as a nurrber o! single and double- scatcd carniages. Thora was also a fine pony carrnage with three ciildnen as passengens i addition to tie driver. Then came tie cavalcade o! hamacs and poules sud their expert nidens, men and wo-1 men, boys sud girls. Weili tailored western costumes and smart riding habits were wamn. The parade started ut Centrai School grounds and proceededi ta tic Homme Show ou Schwarzi Brothers tarin via Silver,à Churci, Llberty and Nelson1 Streets.t ~700 dlamage and the car own ed by AU. Whiteley sustainec approximately $150 damage Constable C i a r k Stephen OPP, invesllgated. On Monday evening ut 9:0.9 o'clock there was an -acciden- on 401 Highway flot; fam rano Waverly Road. The trailer at. tached ta a tractor driven b3 tAlvin Thuna, Toronto, brokE ils hitch and rolled over. Ap. proximately $3,000 damagE iwas sustained by the. Irailer, Consale Kazak, OPP, investi. gated. Theme wus a two car collision ut King and Liberty Streels. -The.drivers invalved werc George W. Evans, Scar- borough, and John Edwin Duf- field, Toronto. Damage ta th. two cars aniounted ta more than $100. Constable Kouhi Investlguted the accident. On Salurday at 11:43 pan. theme was a collision bctween a car driven by George Van Daname, Detroit, and a Burley Bus Lines achool bus,, driven by James Murray Smith, Bunketon. The accident hap- peed at Martin's Raad and fÇn treet West. Corparai McGuey investigated. Theme was more than $100 damage ta Uic two vehicles, but fort- unately nobody was injured. ,On Manday ut 12:45 u.m. tuera was a collision utt1h. corner of King and Division Streets. Thc drivers o! lhe two cars involved were Mmi. Karen White R.R. 6, Bowman- ville, and Kennelh L. Wise- man, 71 Brown Street. Con- stable Kouhi investigated. Damage ta the cars amounted ta more than $100. 9Xiicer Eickard. Prei-1 VSJack Du=n ad I»mg iag fficel, Frd Ilm Bruce Luth, Tail irkmd Tail Twister i I her.by procm MONDAY, JULY 3rd A PUBLIC HOLIDAY in the Town of Bowman ville - to comm=emorate the 1Oth Anniversar of Canazda's Confederation IVAN M. HOEBSF Mayor, Town of Bowmanville. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Lions to Carry Torch For Oshaw There will b. an unusuai eveut here lut. Friday afler- noan when members o! Bow- manville Lions Club wll b.- came munning lorci beurers. Their efforts are lied in with other Lions Clubs bctween Ottawa and Oshawa. Appui- ently a torci sent fmom Osha- wa will be lit lu Ottawa tram the Centennial Flame. It will be cari'ied by Lions members along the. way 0 that il a- Complete Diabetes The. Diabeles Deteclian Teati from lie Durhamn Caunty Masi Survey were tinally complet. ed lune 5th, said Mrs. Marg. mry Pewtmess, Executive Sec. retary, Northumberland-Dum. hamn Tuberculosis and Reaitli Association, and mesuits wce sB follows: 11,376 people wcre tested, and a! these 343 bave been, edviaed tai cousuit ghii PhYsicfuns because 'o! evIdence f sugur in theur urine. Not al a! Uic 343 wl! b. tund ta bave diabetes, Mmi. Pewtrcss said. Foliowing Uic rorthumbemîund Caunty Sur- cy lait fail, lu which, 9,127 ci-sans were testcd for dia- >es, and 447 rcfcrred la bcii' doctors, reports froin > hysicians ta Dm. Charlotte M. -Eaoner, Chaimman o! aur 4edicai Advisomy Commnitîce, éowed that although 42 ncw ises of diabetes wcre found, LS well us 26 !ammerly diug. iosed cases and 15 presumpt- 'e cases, a large number o! hase re!erred ta their dactars id flot have uctual diabetes. r. Hamner, howcvcr, pointed ilt tiat the. warry and incan- ,icuce whlch may have been cpeicnced by some muy b. ompensatcd by tic knowledge tut othens have been diagnas- das being diabetie or pre- abetlc and have been placed ider lupervision a! Iheir >ctoms. lu addition a suas- er o! individuals wcme ta ne- ar la heur doctors in a fewr anths' time for further ex- mination' othen werc given dvice on diet and otier eallh matIers, perbupa pre- enting development o! a snk case a! diabetes. The final report, glving lhc suber o! diabetes cases faund itic Durhami Couuty Sur- y, will bc made later on, fer reparla froin* physiclans ave becu rcceivcd by Dr. *te f rv c p be p. *si cal no t12 dit Dr oui c t', ed dia lun do( bel tur arn adi hei ver fi, in ve) afiq haN fa Festival Lrives ln Oshawa on Saturda3 morning us part o! their an. nual Folk Festival and Cen. tennial celebralions. The lomch wlll arrive berf t rorm'Newcastle aI uppraxin- ately 6 p.m. Fniday, wicr lias. volunteer runners frair thc Bawmanville Club wil iassemble aI the casteru limilE 1of the town. Thcy will carry tic torch througi town ane nearly ta the out8kimîs oc Oshawa wieme il wiIll haad. cd over la otier runners frai' Runnemi include AI Cuth- bertson, Bob Lawton, Jin Frank, Lare Carlson, Eri Barr, Jack Munday and Bob Williams, with Laurence God- dard as manager a! the. teain. Grade 13 Students (FROM PAGE ONE) dent based on a professianal * csent by the. achool staff a! ad studcnt's total pr- formance during the. year. A portion o! thus assessmeni wml nommally be based or some type of formai examina- tions during tic ucadcmic year. But the department empia. sizes that the purpose for end. unitorm tests. Teachers Bail Judge Il la suggested tiat teachems who work with students are beit qualifled ta assess their performance and therefore il is tiey who should sel and mark Grade 13 exuminutians. Thus, according ta the .dc sires af teachers, examinullous wlll vary from subject ta sub- ject and froin achool ta ichool. But whulc lic Deparîment o! Education lh vucatîng lic field a! setting and murklng examnation, it wiil serve as a consultative agency for teachers and principals and it will continue ta b. active in Uic setling up a! curmicula. The dcpartment will con- tinue ta publisi Grade 13 courses a! study but princi- puis, a! 1er consultation with teaciing staff, will have dis- cretlonary powcms tlaudapt lie departmntai curriculu - for local student bodies. Next year lic Departinent o! Educatian will award sec. ondumy achool honour gradua- ition certificates ta students ou the recammendation o! princi- pals. To qualify for a cer- tificat. il will b. necessary for a student ta have standing in ut icast seven Grade 13 credits. Ontario scbolarships will be awarded la students with an average a! 80 per cent in seven credits required for the bonor diploma -,u3ejnow UiI re Accept Reslgnationa aad I Bowmanvîlle. Third 1-The. board ucccptcd the prize went ta Paul Vny "resignations o! Mms. Agnes Jr., fifth prize ta Blair Van- n Lewis, a science teacher at eyk for burrel racing. Sammy Bowmanvillc secondamy sebool; 1 couldn'l gel thc otiers by :s Mrs. Leilu Werry, a French phone but uudcrstund, Gardyn ýy teacher ut Clark. secondary Brent camne lst lu 1h. Parade. '-I school, Mrs. J. Sharon, an Rev. David Northey was 3fEngîsi teacher ut Port Hope gucat speaker at Hampton bigi school, and Mms. M. J. Sunduy Sehool Auniversary SO'C on noar, a iairdrcssing on Sunday, and were dinner leacher at PHHS. gucats o! Rev. and Mmi. Char. Il ulso uppmoved appoint- les Calta. il mente o! Miss Linda Arbour in ---- Lc tue Englisi depamîment ut the 1-e .Caln isoyadForesters Clark; Mrs. Lillian Watson, commercial teacier ut Clmk'ive Ch eaue sciaol; Peter M. Moskaluk,T New e te history teacher ut Port Hope, and Miss Diane Roc, home Kingsway District Council, ecanomics teacier ut port Canadien Order of Foresters, Hope. Walter Short was uc- hield their lune dinner mccl- cepted us assistant curetaker ut ing in St. Andr'ewsa auditorium Uic Bowmanvillc sciool. in Bowmanville on lune 6th. Revie CorsesTwcntY-foum maembers of tue Revi. Cermas Council and two guestc were The advisory board hus Present. The members of St. drusticaily revised lechnical Andmcw's Ladies Auxiliary icourses ut Port Hope bîgi semved a deliciaus turkey din- school. ner. Next yeum' icechool wiii On behaîf a! tie Crippled teuci automotive, construc- Cbildren's Scliooi and Treat- t ion, ciectrical and mecianical ment Centre, the Secretary technology. Mmi. Ralph Campbell acccpted At Caurlice secondamy a cheque for $100. from Presi- ichool, a new utility forge, a dent Mmi. Doris Yourth. This *power back suw, an electric cheque representa lie final in. nibiler and a band aperated stalment o! a pledge made hy rod parler wcmc appmoved ad. tue Courts of Kingcwuy Dis. ditions ta tic machiery. Thc trict ta donute $100 n year for higi achool board ulso discus-fveyas lu memomy o! Bro. cd provision o! a five-ton Chai-lie and Sister Too:)ts Fer. punch press and uskcd tic guson who passcd uway six sufety branci o! tie depamt- yeams ugo. ment o! labor b. requested ta Following the presentation a check out the aafety o! equip- brie! businees meeting wai meut lu lie tecinical depart- bcld. The pîcule was bcld ou meula of bath lie schools. June l8thi n ('mono Park, and Better Communications thc imail eilîdren received prize Ice cream uand nop was Representutlves a! tic board served to lail. ta tue warkshop lu administra- tion for senior bourd officiels On July 3th, Court bqestieton in Toronto reported tic n ccd will hold un outdoor initiation for better communication b.- ta commence ut 8:00 p.mý. ut twecn the secondai-y bourd and tie Forester Hiall. All Foreslers the vamiaus elcmeutary sciool welcame. hourds in tue cauuty. Meetings wcmc adjourned "We propose tue establish- unlil Sept. 2th, 1967. ment a! a liason cammittcc camposed o! the chairmen o! lie variaus hourds, secondary school principals, clementury supervisary principals, inspec- CHO O SI9 toms and secretamies o! hourds ta mccl egulanly and ta dis- cuis matters o! intercît ta tic wbolc educational program in li county, including the in-u s tcreatlanship o! tue twoU systems lu tic area a! ad- ministration and finance," said representalive J. E. Speers. r"This i. lu addition totahe 0* V here co-ordlnatlng guidance com- mitIce. ItleI. oped lie bard will approve tue plan". The mutter wus refermcd ta S* W h 'or the management cammitîe for discussion. ky 1: a- Birthday pro i ou a.I.. TYRONE AUl ouds led tb Tyran. luit Fiday nigit for thc Centenulal Suppýer and Car- nival. The. weather was Ideal for the doukey busebali gaine which caused great amuse- ment for young and aid. The ebildren enjayed the fisti pond a n d incry-go-round. Te évening ended with a 50-50 draw, the wlnnem being K. Shackleton o! Salemn. A draw o! a dail was wonby Suaun Pleasance. AboM where Centenniai plates o! T=ran Church o! 1868 and .atinotes with Tyrone Unit- ed Church o! 1967 were du dlspiay and sevemal were sold fer souvenirs, Il belng Tyran. United Cbureh 1001h blrthday next year. Tyrone friends -enduneigli- bor Join iwiaing Mrs.W. Miler bout wluhes ad con- CMtions on berSMUibirth- , ue201h. Many friends &Ws relatives called on Mon- day to wish her well. 5h. J Was dinner tuent af heu' granduon and wiUe, 1fr. and lira Douglas Millei and chU- j inn. 8undgy «M» raof Mna, iAuxiiary J New Lions Executive Installed Here on Monday Evening -r 1 Miller w Mle. and mm Il. mer Furea. New Toroeth and Mr. and Mms. hms'I Johnson, Omhawa. Mxt. and Mms. obt. Lus. bert atténd.d the wediq 13eat Purs ul - r lam Chûsch, O$hRwI4 OU Satl Urday, JUDOe241h. M . a d M u oy WgCzar, A lberta, lira. C . . Wight, lMma.Irwin-at Bowmmnvlfe, w«Orm i- evenfug guesta of Mr. and Mirs. Lorne Phare. Urg Ma7ry 'isdlay. Ml, Velma -lndlay, Mrt. Dom Flndiuy and Ublro,!nion. ville, Were 8Sunday w l Ofm Mr. and Ma lndEg low. Mfr. and Unr. Elsies' Pur'df New Toronto, spent the. week- end with Mr. and Mm.. Eut Preacott and called on Mr. and Mns. George AUcregd. mm. Retu Thorntosi, Tor- onto, la pending a few days 1lt; ber aiter, Mr. and Mn. Earl Premcott. Mr. and Mnr. Robent Lax and boys, Welcome, Mr'. and Mrs. J. Park and Jim, Misa Lyndu Dingman, Peterbor- ough, were Sunday gueuta of Mr. and Mns. W. Park. Mrn. Annie Rtivera apent an' enjoyable week with Mr. und Mrs. H. Wonnacott, Toronto. Sunday, Mr. and Mns. Howard Wannacott wcre gucats of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. Mns. Edith Murphy waa tea guest Sunday evening of Mr. and Mns. Ross Ashton. C.G.I.T. and leaders M, D. Northey and Min Shirley Sykes spent thc weekend camping at Cedur Park. The Davey family _picnlc was held Sunduy ut Green- wood Conservation Park. Mr. and Mns. A. J. Hour visited Mr. and Mm'. H. Bull, Peterborough. 1 Miss Kathy Hoar, Toronto, Mr. John Hoar, Detroit, Mr. and Mmi. K. McQuaid, Osh- awa apent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mns. A. J. Hour. A number from Tyrone ut- li 1 TU@ Pimaldent, Mrs. Lloyd fhose who asulmted wtth this AYM re dsded ut Uic meeting prjeet lin ?&y wor Mn. S. of the Woenen', Auxilla rr i antes, lmma- Nubtt, mms tMemonlu Hospital hei n thc C. G. Morris, anid two mcm. i. Eurd Room ut the bospitm. bers f rom NewcasteMma k iUeiti. The meeting was C. Slvin and . er~ yOpened WUthAuxiliary's Pra'-$W=hno.~oaedi cS rMuid In Wilion by the ment. à ed urini'Sace - by bems.Mrb. B. WeïUtikedîmitid. 18 TroUmUrer Mnm. R. G. Cowie li=,.Lmnps nove& that the n In hu* finncial.staemets'emmrmr oge, b. t* mui that returna front Uic sale uuthOrlzed ta puy any accunts ofe ikes'rth okn dus'ing the suminer months. * ~tlckes for th Erklg nestPuttermon second. umol nounted ta $40. Sh ulso uinnunced thut the total cd this motion and It was car. : a BirthdaY PUicyCof the On a motion bY Mns. Mc- t Hospitla, gven by thc aux- Lughlin, accoded by Mm * lliary ut Uic Lions Centre, Hooey, it was dccded tht the aMOunted ta more than $600. auxiliumy mccl on Friday ai- She added that as the expens- ternoon, September 8th. es wVerc about $100 thc profit President' Ayre announccd uMountcd to $517. that the. Women's Hospital MnS. Cowle moved the adop. Auxiliarles annuei provincial tion of her report. This was convention wiil be held in 1ecnded by Mrs. L. J. C. Toronto on Octber 22nd, 23rd Lange, and carried. und 24th. Mn. John Nesbitt, the cor. Bernard Holden, the Hospital fresPonding secretury, rcported Adrninistratom, apoke ta the on business correspondence re.. meeting informaily on Ac. ceived and sent dunxng May. creditution. He told thc aux- 8h. movd er reprt's dop. iliary tht there arc 97 un. tion, whlch was scconded by uccredited hospitals In On- Mns. Fred Kramp, and carried. turio, and spokte af the ad- The~ 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. vantages of accreditation. ER.Thompson, Chairmn of When a hospital ska for a- Uic Finance Committe, sug- creditation the Ontario Hos- gsted tht In the autumn in- pta Services Commission p- stead of the card party and paoints. a doctor who la serv- art exhibition which th. aux- ng* n an administrative illumy ha held annually for position ta make an inspec- two years, that this fali a tion. Dr. John H. Murray, coffee party b. held instead. Toronto, wil be t Memorial Mra.Geore Yung henHospital an September lSth moved thuta coffee party and frti upsh ttd bke sue b.held by the aux- Second Vice-Pres. Thomp- iliary in the autumn. Hem son moved a vote of thanka ta motion was seconded by Mrs. Mr. Holden for is tlk and A. L. Hooey and carried. President Ayrc lso expressed Mms.Hooy, Gft hopher personai uppreclation. She Chairnian, reported h reminded the members of the Mayra th red halesn Garden Party ta be held at ayute t $61.42 alesiPamkwood, Uic residence of Smiut everg$10s42,as theColonel R. S. McLaughlin, $45.h Theve GiftShope w Oshawa, for the Oshawa Gen- $4or The mont h wereexpenses eral Hospital. on lune i4th. for he mnth ere$477.26, and the oast af Smith Bever- ages was $34.85, the report ahowed. 5 Y u Teadocption of hem report G a a te was ove byMrs. Hooey. G a nt e This was seconded by Mrs. W. Investment A. Courtney, and camied. Certificates Mrs. E. V. H-oar, who with' NOW EARN Mms. J. O'Neill, is a ca-con- venor of the Marathon Bridge, reporled that the total profit ject was $515.97. She movedpe nu the. adoption of this report.I fofieyrs ' This was seconded by Mrs. L. frfv er T. McLaughlin and carried. byi nvesting In Guaran. Second Vice-Pres. Thbomp- teed lvestment Certifî- son, the convenr of tray fav- <iae whlch are ors, tld the meeting that the Guaranteed-.-#a.ta Prin- Sunshine Group are pmeparing cipal and, Interest Centenniai favors for the Flexible-mar be used as patients trays for July I st. Collaterai for loas. Mrs. William Wallis, Libramy Redeemable-by Execu.. Cart chairman, reported that tors in the event cf

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