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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1967, p. 13

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MThe Ca"&&nSatsaEwmnll,.M ,16 CLASSIFIE D AD S *p** MisrtesCut-~~aewsetrd1 (.U "isof TMania CaRdsOf Th'ns oiigEvents Com!ing- Events eiee. My incer e thanks ta Lloyd and eie Stephen- Beehive Rebekah Lodge For ail oy and girls. agesi IID i ar nda d relatives for visit, son, Newcastl, wihte thank enn Sale, ete ner 22. 5-12' hr!wl again'be a neia in Bow m anvilii and light inb1d ad h e ii a e n h r SiS t n r on n hid lo r ri ndPa d eltferfo t e ic et n w valaaen2dI Va aton Bile Se oo a te1ha n yeisared a ig t b ilin m te jas. 0< M moral ospital and Dr. delghtfil.25th Wedding An- Da ce to Legionaires, Satur-- h= s -a Reformed Church u 4 iI6 prochèd the overbead bridge ed with damaging two doors hiot ick end ero sa p te atr.te s otg L. !.Ewert for their kind- niversary party heid on T e: Da n uy ,'1< his l e-andnertiraly i Street.wevTrhe si tha Tu. ayJuy 8, the Hall, Ponty- f cggSre.Teaho west of tawn. A third vehicle on Keith Billett's rsdec.ponent mrgg udai ena Irn at nap (J.> day, June 27tb, i the Car-po Admiission $4.00 each. will begin on July 10 through Magistrate R.' B. Baxter wsflo ng t m sa c se Ths ee tecares against ý'ms npp(r) munity Hall, and for the 27o" the 2lat from 9 a.m. tRi 12pesid<ed with Crown Attor- wly they were prhe n o*lse. Thiswere thd hrwg n h ensFedrobih ao otluQ aterc 27-1 presentation of bone china-c noon. Sec you there! Fo ey G. F. Bonnycastie. Miss As it turned out to pass thern third ta sn anthenig ver six feet adwib 1 n onuni oe ul. dinnerwarc; special thanks ta Liberal Pic en 1cWaltona information or a rdepleaenldy Ryaccda dtyasehecrnbet a.et shol omw ichhewill pounds, denidthth a would like ta thank ail ithe comxittee in charge, their Park, Newcastle, Saturday af- Phone 823-7216 or 623-258 ca 1e for Legal Aid. Th;s bound car forced it ta cut sin be placed in a foster hoe ox akfrsnHisitd tiatTis'a ee 'ymtmf Our frienda and neighbours for assistants, the chairman, Mr. ternoon, uly 29th. Every- 26.2 week there were two private sesapythtM.B 'lhm.Bromeli lied ric i uc ~tegnrls~rec their hep with the children, . H S. Britton, and ail who sent body w elcoie. 27-1 shr-y ta M. Bts n This lad admitted ta Con- bo an tht e (H dro ta w ic bs pr af à du baking and flowers during aur carda or helped in any way Vacation- Church Scbaal, TIRIP TO. come pante. Whe at ercodthe wdriv rier lioehd n tbe mittdan Smih thatbheak-d a strcaitef-ens igteatiwyar.>ub- reetls fasse and te ak this occasion sucb a Tyrane Cburch, July 17 ta 28, H U N offered t h is explanation, brake very heavily ta, avoid ms and thefts, thus clearing that bie had wokdii a-toaledN~ îotaa o-nladMr re. happy oneC. 27-1 1:30 p.m. ta 4 p.m. Ail child- "Since Legal Aid started a multiple collision.f many cases from the local ning factaryinbsyuhadrtsaoroetespâde DonandMrTéHadery ren welcome. 27-2 WEST VIIRGÜ41A there ise no reason for any Miss Brown added that i police blotter. ke h esosadte n Tenders ViTW ti"A Griffin'Family Pin willi TuSenarrowed I al lk a xrs m EDESae nie ~b27-1tOrn akteArIO E persan, poor, wealthy or she liad not been anticipating Homes broken into included sue n de r w ctmnepete at itc ehletOpoPrte JAM O E otherwise, ta cme into court te sudden stop and braced that of Mrs. Robert Stevens, in close contaTe mescntasanisiutnalnd incere tanks ta nurses and painting ta bee done in Bow- third Sunday, July lfth. Sup- C IVI OLIDAY W EEKEND rwh raat legqale fro te haes e sh would crain ly Do Tunald Vivi an e arod flare very q ic y, s d ,cr w ic ba m de are Staf f Tir Foor Mmoialmavile ubic 4hol-Wo6 er t pm. 7- -practitioner. The courts windshîeîd. She identified Mrs. Ken Morris. Items stolen the right taeo gv Hospital, and Dr. Hubbard for ta bie campletced before August Tru]l Famnily Picnic at The Crowdnetor a id u uaiirdtheae en tedrivs e fTcunea George irsler abt thac e aon omîmet freal 1f care and kindness, and Rev. 25, 1967. Specifications may Acres, Taunton Road East, Fer Reseevations or Other persans wbo rush taeU the ccesa the driver of înclued aabnanabiccle ackupo anotherman mortggrsf da adit- sbould notd, reatv s e b ai edf obe tiedm - u da with9,230 p. .Pak etl an rg a d n e i ï h b o r s f o r v is it e , g if ts , s o n , S u p e r v is n g P r in c ip a l, a d m is s io n , $ .0 0 p e r c a r .a n h e p t t e C r w t e " i s m n n g o t e w y r n c a i d o n . flow rs and card e durng m y Ontario Street, B w m anvill. _ __ _27-1 a d h n xpcvt e r wn ta"Ag e nr it o he wa anndn c in.adjourned t eg it f i c e s d d m n e o h i tay insita.Teehoe623-5021. Tenders _ A et take instantacinwtottcor yaradoept-Ts tms ilb e ,Stme Ida M. Gibson. 27-1 ta be delivered ta my office, Saturday, July 22 t Waltona lare of the case. d r g th kidcoin-anada tr nn A repr sntties= froeneme 24 King St. E., before 3 P-m., Park, Newcastle. Bring dish- U.fl"LJLIf y b ave rasnte lay durngthwe kcndorhi.'" any - the radng choo sugeste Court.adjourndai~ 0pm lwo Sincere thanks ta family, Monday, July 10. S. R. James, es and cutlery! Sports beginTTDTRLE a c ae" you i e sonu d, , mof ten tlte H i es Wrshi. "any tat te d ae w go oi ay! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _svn frilends and neigbbors for help, Secretary-Treasurer Bowman-t3:0pm 27-1 BUS LINES LTD. ta cha rge," h Actotneygoor e thole lithis rier aus dam a dngacouîth ony 1 eli isits, flwers and carde dur- Public Scboo Board. 26-2 et33 ..n iii igorsainMmraHo-Cnena inet ekr72711sameone representing Legal who are in such a hurry go-, L)ennis Henderson, R.R. 6, __IatNocbea ahoe ti pia.-eiltak eD.1BWAVLLOTROCucJl 5 7 o- Aid and explain your case. ing nowhere that thcy justi pleaded flot guilty of assaulLI Hos __ __ ___ __ ___ ___ __F o r R e id e ii i s, 27caeng he rato or al Jtundle and Dr. Cummin s the T E DOW M NVILLE encing t 4 p. . Bring your 2-4 Leal advice le now available a't wait and must pass noicausing bodily harm ta a fel- . uo aiaî du t be bs -nurses and staff of the Mcdi- PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD picnic baskeunladDr migsth TH BOMNIL mecget4t .m Costume op'. te everyonc, ricb and poor." inatter what. $25 and $131low worker et Goodyear. HelFo Re cal Floor. Tender the 262wecome ROWET OUR Traffic tickets for radar caste, or five days." was defcnded by Tcrry Kelly. elain Syd and Mildred Kersey. Tne for the______26-2____ speeding charges on Liberty Ronald Mountain, Cedar William Bromel told the I'to frna rpry n 27-1* Addition'and Werry Family Pinic tabè "Western and Californa Tour" Street: (Constable Ian Smith) Knoll Fams, North Oron,i court that he had rprted ý onstrucinmknLH atac vi2 hcld Saturday, Juîy 15 et Price $35000 Eseorted Lamne Broome, $25 and costs, pleaded not guilty of carelesel the defendent ta a supervisai ifrteprhaeo xit Mere words are inadequate Atrto to Blackstock Recreation Centre. July 22 - Aur. 12 - 22 Days or five days; Louie Donald driving an HighwaY 35 Mayllor holding up production by, Prospects seeigodfraînhoe. - te8cenressm rati e hohsCetl Bring your favourite hot dish Places of interet: Yellowstone Cacha, $25 and costs, or thrce 15. He was represented by talking ta anc af treii pard trend i eîeta h c ~kAc;wiF ecanevroewohsCnrlfor 12:30 dinner. Drese 1367 Park, SaIt Lake City, Reno,"'days; Carlos Tamblyn, $20 E. R. Lovekin. warking with him (Brornclt). construction expn ue cbcre fetv nMy1 helpcd me through these days Sho or 1967. 27-1 San Francisco, Seattle, Van- and caste, or five, days; Bruce Melvin Hartwig stated thRt He said that when he left the cording ta the Bn !1In:Cpwrd te catrd ofSea it euiulfo- uled cedeschontplat couver, Victoria, Ban!!, others. Coxon, $30 and caste, or f ive he was driving e truck sauth plant et Il p.m. it was rein- real in its BusinesRvc o ak a. ~trt~-ov~ er odso ymah nd ele edeso tiua- O SERBN Odays; 'Rcinhold Fischer, $20 about 8 p.m. and signalling ing.and as he ran toward hie June, just issud inlmngg led h e ceen af nly ay thainn ousaTeder forBAdiion lanl ad ATHURSDAY NIGUT, 8 o'elock "Ncwfoundland & Gaspe Tour" and caste, or five days; Ar- for a right tîÙrn anto Taunton car the defendent stepped out The bank expistedmacaeaprt bn a cn oc a b". ouoTeero AdtaiCnraAl-bi pnoe yteJno Sept. 2 - l8th - 17 Days thur James Frost, $50 and Road when he abeerved a'jand struck him in the facej( nd for housinga eemn'mk H ase peal Wilm Woten. ehaon o CiI etralevePubtle Chamodber tho! JuComecric 28.0caste, or seven days; Patrick Cadillac drawing alongeide ta1 27-I 3:00 P.M. 1 JBILEE PAVEION No Night Travel Her anes 2 n aste s. It went1 right acrase the kickcd him. facte orta cniu îog igthmt eetram or five deyc; John Pickcrsgill, northbound lane and along A medical report from the wiemrgg ud 'e To fnend an rea- ues. Juy 1, 167 SUO S H AWA 8-tf Travel Airconditioned $25 and caste, or five deys; the east shoulder. A north-ý will become orcaiyvi-efciel xcudsnc19. Tem red n ea usJl 8 97 SNYïb ---R - Washroom Motor Coach Theodore Alan Wilson, $30 bound Ford came out of thel1 able as the rsi o!rcnbytesx eret.cingo tiesinNecatl ad thr atteOfieo ntad MONSTERBIG For information on above tours, and caste, or fîve days. Dutch nrsarn. W itnehagssn h cammunities, the Hydro-Elec- Baker & poison, 45 Charles Phone (osal .R James, the driver abserved the Ca- W tessNàdigAtadt triceand Public Utilities Cm-Street East, Taranto. 5 or et Thursday Night OHQ VPaulgw a ,., an cedigda, htIA oaaiion prtlIn dcscnibingcurncad- heBoMntscmeb missions, the representatves o! the Office of the Secretary- 7:45 R WEHhwa401, $25 ad c t on the ceet shoulder and sop tio, ' Hns in the houngscoa!temarshvehdni- several Trade Industries and Treasurer, M r. S. Jam es t or five days. T e C dl'c c r et d1à h a a i n e the Bawmenviîîe Detachment 24 King Street East, Bowmnan- RED BARN TRAVEL AGENCY Herman Gcncau pleeded nat and came out anto the nartli- Doblsb h udesaoit of the Ontario Provincial Pal- ville, Ontario. 0O8SIH A W A oPortlCanadienessconofmy as par- paci already; housing startsear ice,, kindly accept my sincere DrwnsndSeiiaos 6-t f liquor. The fine was $25 and 'Ford. John Mackey, a pas are ringing e v ery day adgoigltn thaks orthevey peaantmayli obaied y en26l- apearsta e lage peint sins pintta aev thake or hever plasat a eowind byeeriia Woodic 2m6-i3 enrecaste, or five days and the sefiger in the truck, told much throughout the Oshawa and for hausing, and m em orable evening ar- C ontractors from the A rch i liquon W as con!isca ed.Tho e va ' W i n s s f r c t n of f e t rngd ta mark m retirement tiens es ît of $25.00 M N T R B N OW S E I L Dan Kearney, 17 Sunset T o a Burc div r o eo va h e W n e se st fost ers w ih gvs a d- " ih sdi e c n l x d frn h yon -a deposING . werci, d'ae frmteepomn fte(etfe hqe.W SE VLE Drive, pleaded nat guilty o! the Fard, said he drove off rom.Teynciasctinoefcidmnd-fcsa work, t2e perblexu N l b1ic Uiite e t M o d yp si g n H g w y2 when onta the shoolder beceose it 600 accommodations in pni- than in 1965.bcw n th meT fr nc sin eý pcaiPNTAD AE &74 ..School is aven for another the road wes not clean ta do sccmned the best way ta avoîd vate homes for aut-o!-tow The bank saysuco!e-hui ndth uplcoi tha Ita the caýmmtîe e- POLSON, ARCHITECTS 74 P Myear, -and s esfl pupls go a collision. Constable L. R dlgte tc di g te " is ed potentfielfr ~ dit ak epanible for hefs ccesful 5eCsr45 Str etrE stsR DSB ANeentthoaswh tnEd b tACh istohdr ates n, O h- ames OPP w bthe nvesi- cple- aki g"BB blesomnn r bo sin etl amheroOysuawaa eal- chaleng: Ho evc H. S. Britton. 27-11 272 6-tf îaig t njy this very spe Brown were prceeding ast Convictionî brought a fine i m u ut lt ho g combin.ed witth e ani igo! dn nd t t no ex te n -ciel centennial summer bhl- shortîy after five o'cîock on1 o! $25 and 37 caste, an seven A t Mr. John An-adgrinnedaingroite aketreeevr day. Suzanne and James Ey- June 27. Thcy werefao- days. He was granted a week derson of Surrey Drive, oaoboscneadtedtu-reonahoetatneth den, Sadre and Gerfield ing two cars as they ap- ta pay. Rn-lion o! cxisting oen o duiet ateeteTi Payne, James. and Philbip Ni-, Wayne Narwich pîeaded ing Director for the Semînar. anc reesan or eohr îltgtcniin fteps choIs from Clarke high chool bere on Sunday morning fol- goilty o! public, intoxication comrilfdpiaecnrbt ate rn oadya rs aebe on Glel Gee, arbraeenn, BaigrbuchaericaeDWe-nndilega 1oscsîono!îisadrviarcbenglitt. e aanmet-avigdewy romplte, - dse .nach isi'i3 Gwcn Ford, 'Lewis Thorndykc, 1 comeý;gpianist ,eayi qo u es30. onvion Il- it for"have juet begun aur the single detache wlm.fct eahee. Cheryl Clarke, Velerie Aus- NichaIs anid PettîyPayne. Of-.brooght a fine 'af $25 and w haforroais id qal frcedy TwoMain5ator tin, John Tufford, Joan and feigwS received by Wes-cssorivdasinehweaercivdeqctfr roome from ince 1965,owo main facs. inUALJT Marylin Nichais, Jim Parnell,be Bet and Rae Tuffard; case, and the liquor wes con- Oi" a e fcda oshv otiue ate MN~~ N and erlAshy frm PL-tclosingpreyer was led by the fiscated. Corporel John Mc- "e irsit all the hoteldciein fetve-emd Hope high echool wcrc ail intermediate girls. Guey etatcd that the eccused end mt space available. which hes occurrintefcM4K S succeseful. and two o! those Lest Thursday, Jonc 29th, was mast abusive when pick- Next wc seek îodgings in P"-o!l rising hosn ed:rp 4£â,.,t students bad serious bcalth Mrs. Bristow and Mrs. Percy cd up near Sam's restaurant. vate homes as a splment aidya sing csteo! ocn di~ handicaps ta avercome dur- Hawthorne a! Peterborough Two weeks ega Çnown witt the commercial faciliti svr hotg ! ot TAFR Why do you see smills on the faces of our ing the year. iie thM.ad rsH.nss wehaditecseo gage fns vis te wi h m. nd M mc H ne ee w e e ear i th c se A force a! 300 W itnesses are T he B o customers? e Is t's FUN to SAVE Donald NichaIs and Neil Thoms et Redîe Beach and o! Bernard and Sclby Steeves. now calling !rom door ta doorBo!Maythnos without stnting. Thats what makes shop- Groencveld baot h received called on ather !riends in the Tis .week defense doonsel, in Oshawa and Whitby to Io- 'une ping so WONDERFUL t DYKSTRA'S. honure in their recent music community. Terry Kelly, called themn to cate sleeping accommodations ]RESULTS C U T Frnrhe mount l yckou t a ig ca ortfl adNi o rd . AanadAleec m theran, Estmlan s tes ib teleaemias.o eoahs" - P~m rmethe mome you sck o tepa b i de aur exams, Donald for grade 4 Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson, th san, s wel s th r frte de gts. Consult a Membr o! fe of your favorite foods, you sec nothlnt Strawbcrî-y Festival,---ton- ismr Mrs. -R:Fo-gaix"are spcnd- The evidence was 0 sordid Witnesses are family affaire. b ut alsles of LOW PËRICES .vr o.aohryerwt ngt.smerhldy et that the court was dleered o!ruw- smliesor o!ohhappyr customersh suwho hSAVEys OfThey arpeciate the fricndly siie fhpycsoeswoSV n over 300 people enjoying the their Georgian Bey cottage. juveniles.. After lengthy tes- tiue aiisetnd aIk~jSalrDrhr- AnlU VVAX e DYKSTRA ~supper here lst W dnesday Archie F rd was in P rt timony, jdgment Was reerv- them as they open their homes -21 N ~ mo f WHITE SLICED nigbt, just about as many as Hope bospital for surgery lest cd until Auguet- 1. Constable for accommodations. "T b e MULTIPLLMTE the ladies care ta serve in anc week but is home agein, wcll H. R. Comneli, OPP, laid this people of - this arca have LISTIN EVC EADevening. With the cowd on the way ta recvey. Jaint charge o! cernai knBox 133come prompt in attendence, tables Another trillium quilt was, Icdgc. know- sho ndommn dabedhos i O B R were emptied arly and those finished et M m. Reeve's lst Lest week in -Juvenile wtali t A d els ddcd, h a a & D s rct1 u d s S~ B ~ t 24 8 5 z..warking in the kitchen were weck. Cuwc cxpdswrecar-ou ect gr oo ecs fo elEtt oid hn bty6835 oae8 #5 cunder less pressure. Haying le a vcry an and oure aswr hr arsac o om._______________ Mmc. Carroll Nichols who again business this wcek with SUMMITCREAM ~~~tetakean e i usi nlortamacof r--------- ICE CREAM ~~~Peterborough nerer sup- EIAEHIL GHO T*lIB l.onar asdoorman, etChurch services werc beld I per hoIUUI eIT'iS . I - ale, nad OMhred lA. dAus tine Hl.NetSndy-e cm a O e placing duners et the is aur Sundey Scbool Anni- - S AV ! s ot e F I w-mm-w-drssed i rs f b g n M me. Vern n Peacck was - CROSNETTEIB ays, rcceived guete. Local taken* ta the hospital on ee er M RG RI ER Asupeople wre happy ta greet Tursday and le stll in ser- lU m ikr ti o this y er , .endm te M. s c nrl fdt o .Iln wW i r f l Fr em n en aml o T m Rr. . Mudr w ba ee i m a o n d' AJ IrA . MNRR TIug'and a bch oom were 0- '1% NKF RD T» J thr iemsshwnfo thecnete oa oeDsrptions o! early echools Scbool Tusa ann s-(AUl IL!q PEACH ES L220-o3. 49CA teltatcidnse on split well as the graduation exer- tdo8i i tee oîwgbatM Il s made by Larry Diii- Sevemel attended tepr yearafeatrya)- fer; they faced the log walb ade in Prt Hope on Satur- y a KEEN'S LO CALORIE HEINZ FRESH and wrotc n their lates, day. lfW B» and BUTTER LOCAL GROWN driven in the wall, for a desk. went ta Kapuskasîng ta pickAY t Instant DriCknESCAksA Thee wsa bottle of water up Mmi J.Peacock and boys.IY UR P NTO GE people remember tbe smelly arrwed home pev ousy. M. UR PlINiuPROI 16-os, rag that went with it. Boys and M. A. Pacck and BRING YO~WEIf, Envelope used a shirt sîceve. Cenadian famlly are borne as their ma- N E u chool books dating from the ther isn't taa well.aE 89c 2 49 . for39 day's lalokig text, the Milligan, were a ecc' SAVE Ilic SAVE 2se oldeit was a copy of the first over the weekend.M Il k ANU AU Canadian bistary wtten for On Thursday evcnng gra- 0 s EU VUW aNWood* schools. Another used ini early duation exercises were beld ---WI sehools was an American et North Hope School. Wcndy 1798. in ber rooni. Thirteen stu- COURTICESHPIGC Many fromn here attended dents move Up ta hip achool. 8161LIIlIED 728-1617 the big parade i Port Hope, The ladies had a baipe sale- D Y K S R "Son Satin-day and those from on Friday afternoon at the the lakeshore nartieipating churcb. Proceeds go ta the wth the Lidsay bod; A Ulep anizatlon. A L 77 KINClarke and Niei Groeneveld Mr. and Mu. E. Fowler and F00_D M RKET - AWàà,NVILE fr WsleyflenUrsry, Rd- family attended car raves at UALLOmUTHE N ETO gID)N ;ga Sihol en £ti A eÎý C o rn e nd ist d - r.' 'w)

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