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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1967, p. 1

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T i VOLUME là 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTM%1O WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1967 150 Par Copy 3 Council ppointsW.Ruiter U As New Deputy Fire Che W Rutrwsappointed Works Department supply a . :..... .. Deputy Pire (ief by Bow- truck anid diye oSuday, manville Town Council at the July 9th to assist the g mew Cham e n Monday evening. of Bowmanville East and West The appointmetit was made Beaches. This was carried. on the recommendation of the The Oshawa Diving Club will HolIds uy s Pire Committee. be assisted on Saturday, July Couricillor Ken Nicks, Chair- 8th, by boys from Pine R idge G r en P t mani of the Pié~e Conimittee, School, and on Sunday by G re at presented this committee's re- Boy Scouts. port. The résignation of Permission was given the Canada'u centennial blrth- George Sellers froni the Bow- District Council of the Boy daY was celebrated Ini a manville Volunteer Pire Bni- Scouts of Canada at the r- Peclal way at Strathaven gade was accepted with re- quest of the Secetrar.NuinHoenSaray ge.It was decided te in- Cooke, te hold the Boy Scou July >1t., when Mrs. Doro-, terview the mon who have Apple Day here on Saturdny, hychlsadtetff applications on. file, and if 0coe 4h This was mv assisted, by Mrs. Jack Childs one b: fnot available now, toe ade:ddyonilrand MIs. R.. EvaIhote advertise in thé, local news- Prout and Couneilor Annie a tarden Party. for thec paper Oke.patients, their relatives and ......Committee's rep4rt was mov- Joint Planning Board's inter- fins h Fice, seconded Cuelo was received. Councillor ln The President of the Womens Hospital Auxiliary, generosity. seconded by »uty Reeve ed that council Rudlete mov- bnia roec, h MeoilHsia oadCara et Jcsn esi ha etogttechieo lgoeWesley Fce mnMd that the (TURN TO PAGE TWO) . dicraft objects. The hand- 1%stralAsoiaio ar pcurd bvea te penidiea M.Jaksnalomentioned that small Schade pieces were on dis- g Risng ndDedcaionceemoy eldinfrot laM .o sJnd H obbsnsen toausel attractive n n atrc set-et Shospital. Presiderit Ayre raised the flag. and the P'rayer H olds A w ards Aighf Board Chairmfan Jackson thanked the auxiliary of Dedication was said by Rev. A. Kudra. Members fÏtheir appropriate Centennial Gif t He spoke of the Df the Hospital Auxiliary Public Relations Conimittee th.iousands of dollars raised by the Women's Hospital Chair'nan Rex Walters and the Hospital Staff attend- G a u to a c Auxiiary to assist the hospital, and expressed the ed the ceremony. Left to right, Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Mr.G r d a i n Lnc badsappreciation o their continued good workan JckoMs Wm. Rudeli n the Rev. Kudra. On Tuesday night, June 27, tendent of the Darlington 1967, M. J. Hobbs School at Township School Board, along P i 11 gHampton bit the success boom with Mr. MacLeod, Supervis- Ac id nt I ~ ~ W I mfuh4once more. This tume they ing Principal of Publie cho -Ginm al IV o(ors' GreatLm p c held an Awards Night and a were the guest speakers of AccidentL Graduation Dance. the evenîng, and in apprecia.. tion of these helpful remarks Teprogram opened wîth Mr alrpeetdte Roud-p OnEnir Cnaia Eonmyte sitning anaao r aylor ~~ preend te1 Rou n - U- lowed by Principal Mr. E. S. with a gift. A resident of Chicago, Illi- oet l hs rsn. cmste ea h wrs trol of the-car he was driving Dpr cret al ~Tesfewn g aars er on40 Hgha estofe a R ta y l b un h~ nof the School Board, expressed Mr. uceprsndth tion Tesdhay eveninou-g atoe a R t ry lu e best wishes to ail the gradu- Glen Rae Dairi Trophy for eight olock. Te vehîcleates.Mr. Moorcroft, Superîn- the House League Champs to went off the road and rolled The tremiendous, impact ofF the Orange House. It was over, but fortunately the dri- General Motors of Canada on I received byr the two captains, -vter was net injured. Damages this country's economy can i (7Ce' Dianne Enrager and Peter These two pictures were taken at th1 nycrrc tMsot~ Stxa to is -car aniounted to ap- only be understood when it t4e e Michalejko. roximately $2,000. Constable is realized that in addition to Mr..Roberts S (absent I m Mr.iobrtswasabsntehatafternoon before rains wiped everythingot utatrte eodha.o h on tuatOPP, investi- its plants thîs grent industrial nîght so Mr. Taylor presented Telegram T.rophy race had started. Thtrpyadtpm eywswaddt gated. bndertaking spends $500,000,- RAINS - Some of the stores have been doing teInutalAtawrtoBbynewohawnthfithetadwsîaînatheie;Tpic Threws nthr n cr000,a year, or more than $2,- Grant Luke on behalf of Mr. ture shows Miss Lynda Marie of Torontoiiarte eci~oti dfii 000,000 every working day for .qutea.usnes.nl.htb.bste.as fw.ayRoberts.onoftemoryes accident iîwrestigated by Con- materials, supplies, and servi-~ and television repair crews are way behind in Mrs. Hall awarded the Grade oeo h oo~ce that participatEdnthmoin vtsLoepcte stable.Stua*t. on Tuesday ev- ces wîth other Canadian finms, their calis, as the resuit of the thuriderstorms 8 Home Economics Award to shows rnarshalls in action, pushing oreo h asoftet~katr-i a *ning. This 'one happened at Ian McNab,. Oshawa, nofit~Pots~e 30:55 .m. thee mils eas of cio hecmay odt on Saturday and Sunday that flot only poured Nancy Macklin and the Gr. 7 spun out ihz Enndskiilen on a township ~wmnanville atr lbo - ln;o e on h ay b iUà" - -M--~ Xbb-,i-'-Ath ee ~ ~oad The diverDavidTeprThursdlay.Hewsheget 'brepwrbraEIisasrenefAwdws xtètb a C aÉ,Oshawa, was injuredfeae arhlst ps.B JoibUA in the ener Pâlis to Dâmpe 7, a nd cahd. M .To-D t Hman Mo t he Inn.unconscio uswhen lic'htnin g struck a nearb oie Boy Athiete t o d o we1b hi a etofteing of the Club in the Fyn sy po MrlMorcofS hequi~V _Y1 mtis adpcaiet Mr. To hirtchay oDr. MrKeitl' - Te ou ha i ' ptinti té sh Te irhay o D. eihFortunateiy, she did flot sustain any permanent fTR O AET our awaà General Hospital. Dam- Seo iiErcJc age to werer asabce lebJmrat by cktheire.fel biâarws bu Bryson,' and M. A. MacLeoci., a ge(TNTOPGTw E nthusiasm o r ws a wer elbaedb .ertl CELEBRATION - One famiiy in town was quite USA Invadlers On Wednesday mnorning low Rotarians. Dr. Keith Sie- Rofald Godfrey, 27 Temper- mon led the singsong and Hub disgusted because there was no Centennial Cale- nce Street, reported to Bow-l Hoope played the piano ac- bration in Bowmanvilia to mark Canada's bir.th- L n n F r An a i n inanville Police that bis car, copnimeýnt. day on Stra.Te did their best to overcome a-1955 Chevrolet, had been Wilfred McMechan in intro- tedins rudta ,sn- rwstnne eomida.Tewnigtce a eto4en fromt the parking lot ducing the guest speaker said IaPca ymrci ~bokk- hah nd the To ont -D min cm tî at M n. M c ab ~ a na îvu G ner i oto s f C na a, in g "C an ad a" at th e top of th eir u n gs. Mp ie G rark t boughout th e evening so d by-H ow ard G b o . -S h _ B ank wbere it had been park- br ct pn 9yaso Limited, Mr. McNab toid the t t t t t Harvy . roks or ville Lions Carnival was a the Portable TeleiinDaIAf ee ed: overnigbt. Ceneral Motori' engieerng Rotarians. BEACH - Bill Mitchell advises that Bowmanà, we1-kconOeln am great success despite a sudden and the lucky wne a~ On Saturday, July Ist, at staff befone becoming manag- Geral Motons of Canaas viile's Beaches will be cieaned up on Saturdayý at Maple Grove bad bissheroafemiusdr-rdLxtn94DeSre 8:7 pan., Dan Vivian 119 er of the Special Activities roots go back to Confedena- niei h oa as to nteerypr fteTetce a nianrio Street, reported to Section of the Public Relations tien te Robent McLaughiin, a and Sunday, starting at 9 a.m. Boys from Pine nm i h oa as to nteenypr fteTetce a rw yaO% polce th tM ichiDagetcan agmke of Enlik TribunSeol, Sco tsoten ger f om Wet B ac , iciga , aiy rib ne on ev nî g.aveyo e ad ltte irl carelu fn m heH oo r dtowf lic htetDprment. crig ae fEnsi- RdeShoSotteaesfo etBah ue2 and for some- good tme, and. ail the attrac- crowd. Treahee rmBy ~abeen made at bis house It is a happy omen that 1967,1len, wbo staked bis business memnbers of Oshawa Diving Club and a town tHn otuuul 1 tions were weil patronized. Assisting utecr rinaivle11b eolat ýqp4 $28 In cash had been tbe year fCnd' etn acr ona reputaton for fin Works Dept. truck, will do their best to put the 1ound several balloons on The CanviC-himnbobsligtet s eeOllfoi lre11bn TURN TO PAGE TWO) nial is as the Centenary of (TU RN TO PAGE TWO) bechnsaefrsme ciiis is farm lmprinted with were Fred Cole, Bob Kent and Lionette Ede CoeLieteurehmei abspI ,. Former ResideninWins Lions Carmtr attivtieai thename "Norge Laundry Jack Bnougb. BbThelma Leslie, M.~dM&moo t adeaigVlaeRol Presîdent BiobiWatiametlte Cmoon Fo m r R sd n is Lo s C lHORRORS - One lady in town was so upset Oaks, Michigan. dnew tbe winning ticket for don Montgomeny he fa h niest tNwr when she saw a Preston Transport van on the Ife wrote to the Royal the big Car Daw, and A. D. the ladies worè trctv 86 rnsik - -- ~ ~%~ ~street Sunday morning that she phoned the f irm Ok irnalt:stery W:lrNnb:y h S me on.Ms oes BueSmonwnt to compiain about this intrusion on the Sabbath. apardii rn.Thsvdtn finsi Nwatews av loa rn nigtpl vut rl claigetalsmn upWsteluk inrof the trnime~ ihnro ae daswnteJno il Sha was advised that the Prestons loan a large pisRoeet colsu 197fn-doon Chevrolet se- Mrs. Leslie's longsktefocvatMeWbe Cad Uvan free of charge to service clubs in town for Ferndale, with helium-filed dan complete witb automa-tic was of red and itecekdwntemde aeA tercarnivals and that they were merely unlod balloons every year for their transmission and othen extras. gingham, and Dr.Cno' he n ly lfe ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ing the equipm ent at'the Lions Centre Sunday ti.Col a nnia co-ha re an Fe cred w s pNk w itb a d sg f cie sc n n ucl n ni ~~~~ ~~~~~ . ~~~~n o o n so th e v a n c o u d b e p u t b a c k in u se fo r T haryt sth a h C o e a si c a r e fth ec a T I N OP A E W > t i p eJ m .. f yeungsters may have tied Monday. The woman hung up at that point, no about- 10 balloonu oete doubt feeling somewhat sheepish. and unintentionally etm Lions Carry Cée nnaioc t t t t get away. Once the helium CO-ES -Thee soul be uit a now on was nearly exhauted tbey CO-ES -Thee soul be uit a row on would float to the ground. hand.for an unusual avening giame of softba;ll n I a apne eoe t t tty t h igb school carnens with hon- CARA VAN - Arrangements are underway to ours. welcome the Confederation Caravan that will be They were Ron Russell, A.~Iruthens, Noreen Hamull, Coný- _________________ 29th and 3th. In its travalo, this nie Howe, Bob Robertson and amazing so has attracted hundreds of thousands Ken Fowler. There wuj great- e*deternWit early %rdoy.eig.-"hnte o Iteknown hmerm a-. Sonny" who in now of North Bay, dropped one should sech rwo etan-5ad4 eremonleu there was a lunch eet-heai1édcBo.i served by the North H tOhwa. It had been carrid byLis'Cbmner aU e*3 to ol ad friend Howard Gibson on Slver St. Rie juat happened to ave will be staying in Bowmanville for a day's etP ns lb e'rîe i.O tawa ewatl ions,1 foriner Dlstriçt Gvro rnp 'tcad~ hw êaýdw tickets on band, io."Bonny» joikingly uaid he inight, as well buy a on Monday, July Molt and it is hoped to arrange ladies of tie club wore ce.- castie, left, and former 1Psident Percy 1aertt 4 iow .»»d wbn, bhe car, although he had b ought a new one not so long ago. Hie some sort of entertainmcent for them during thefr tennilaji dresses.t n. the Paming symboi to Bqewmanv1lle Llop Poién,4 ýj4çd h winner and is shown here with hiii wife and son, accepting the stay. Any ideas should b. passed ýalong to Coun- concludecj the e v enn t of the Bowmanviile runnitng, puifing continetwoùrid1 URcilor JmBreatthe FyingDuth»an oui" are howanaisdpcM.MRpbf i Il .1

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