lin cu~atiSusMUZ OWManvme, ZuIy Llm buerency Group WinsTwo. Trophies. At Annuel Camp, Out '-The BownMnvllle A re a Rob noDay Reader, Ethel EI*gecyGroup, Citizen, Eb= M fr adMrs..Ken xand RBadio0, wn two trophies AdM ,Ke rn e, Ralph1 Rt the Soth Western Gênerai Fr, Naelda Beustrache, Dan- Radio Ausocation's twa day nise Wéusels, Mn. and Mns. tnîp-out held in Tilaoburg JeryCakell Mr. and Mnrs. ]Mt weekénd, whlchwsa- utnBrn. Mr. end Mrs. tended by about 5,000 people Ted Smith, AI Wilson, John frOm Canada and the United Foe Hector Wilson, Cliii EiBtea. Chalise, Mr.' and Mrs.* How- Thée OUP Of 28 aduits, ac- ard Devey, Dan Hall, and Bil CGlpaned by several child- Clarke. 2 4i who left Bowmanville The Bowmauville Are a for Tlllsaburg on Friday in Emergeny Group won the at -10 car caravan, werp M'r. trophy for thé largest Cana- "d Mrs. Ken Hoopén, Sandra dieu carevan, and aise thé traphy for thé bést costuméed I i entry in the parade. In this I IISandra Robinson, DiyRa -dent der, Eiléen Adams and Ethel Acc Robinson woré attractive 1807 R _Udresses; Ken Adamis, Dan oun 1Hall and Ken Hoper wére <FNOM AGE of> tieuie; young Carol and' stolen. Thé juvénile cancern- Pauline Hooper weré thé edt 'was returned te Uxbridge modern part ai this Centen- Training School when hée p- niai eutry by wearing 1967 peanrd in Juvénile Court costumes. Sevén dean prizes nere on Tuésdey. weré aIse won by people froci A car stolen in Oshawa wes Bowmanville. récovened thraugh thé co- Ou Seturday eveulng Mn. OCofration of Harold McGéé, and Mrs. Ken Hooper wére béid a pécielty Papér Pro- honored by the présentation, ducta. Hé asked Policé Chîeîf o! an éngraved trophy with B3rnard R. Kitnéy ta check an inscription. éxpressingt thé regarding a car léft in thé appréciation i thé Bowmau- tiliI'S parking lot ou Thurs- ville group for théir. succéss- day. fui efforts in orgenizing théir, A atone possibly knocked ceravan and trip. by thé wheél ai a passing car bfté a 12 by niné foot win- dow af Stednien's Store on Fnlday night or éanly Satur- S o e dOn amingy et 5:05 p.m. ah we raotorcyclé riddén by Wayne FaiEs Bhaughnessy, Waterloo, wént Off ' No. 35 Highway et.-the <PROM PAGE ONE) Janetvlllé Road. Mr. Sheugh- tiny ilowérs. zméasy wes takén ta hospital in Lionétté Ruth Williams was Lindsay where hé is recéiv- Convenon af thé Lionettés' hig treatment fon a shoulder Baké Salé. Lionétte Mollie Kent was Canvénor o! thé fr4n Saturday et 1:20 e.m. a Hat Booth. Srt drivén by Térence Sniith, Ed. Leslie wes Cheirmen o! M.: Braemore Court, Oirhewa,, Crown and Auchor Booth I, stukhydre and téléphone and Ralph Ames was Chair- = as t Zion an thé Taunton muan of Cnown and Anchor tod. Damiage te thé car and Booth II. Glenn Lander was Poles amounted to about thé Bingo Cheirman. $1,100. Thé driver was not Thé Séven and Undér Chair-I Iv unéd. Constable J. A. W. man was Glén Martin. Jim B&hultz, OPP investigeted. Frank was Chairmen ai thé A transport treilér, owned Chairs Boath. George Wébs- ILy.Mldland Transport, and ter wes Hoop-le Chainman, <,kyén by freneusz Oléchow- and Howard Gibson was thé s pToronto, ceught on ceblés Plush Toys Booth Chairman. onà lielld oven two Bell Ross Stevens wes Chairmen de: !eélepone Compauy pales af thé Fruit Booth. TdMh-A wben leaving thé parking lot er was Nelty Booth Chair- shi blhincl thé Caniadien Tire man and Bruce Lush wes neý 9tte, Church Street, et 11:24 Fish Pond Chairman. a n.on Fiday. One pale feil Howard Wight wes thé Free Stf scroès a car ewned by B. Maney Chairman, Jack Dunu LLu Yavysege, Liberty S t rée e t was Chairman ai thé Mot Dogs àq7ovth. Damage te thé poles, Booth, and O. K. Osborne was &azdtaruek aniountéd ta Refresiment Booth Chairman. ~rxmtely $870. Ch.ureh Thé Balloons and .Dents = tastie up because ofi Booth Chainnian was, Eie téépoe wires, etc., until Bar]. Jack Hoidstock, was M 'hère -ws a collision on Highwey eest afiCeésanea '~turday et six p.m. Thé vrs Involvéd wéré Doug- Frayer, Caesare, L. Jones, rnto and1 Léonard Bell, ri Mi.i.Dmage ta Mn. iyr's car wes about $200, t t thé Janes car appraxi- Wey $1,890O, and theré -was ior diaagé ta thé Ball car. istable, Clark St ep héen, P', inveutlgated. ,hère wa s a four car cal- ai on 401 Highwayest ai rtice an Suuday , t one ýThé drivers wére KevLa 0, Toronto, Wodrow k Iele - Partagé, Michigan, XIý Lefebvre, Ottawa, and emn SoIly, Consécan, ont. nage ta thé cars enîounted libout $450. Constable Sté- n was thé invéstigeting rér. 5-Yeur "Gucranteed * Jnvestment Certi cates NOW EARN 6 r annum for five years ;1Y favesting la Guaran- ted Jnvestment Certifi- ,,oc awidob are Guarateed-as ta Pnin- çlpal ,and Interest. F1b1 ýmay bé used as * Co11ateral forn ans.- * R eumable,-by Execu- tors lu theévment of death. AustJ'nso sTruste .Act Investints. .ýý3NTALONTARIO TRIMUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 2 nst. W,. 8 Ures t 5 I& . to 4gu f Q DI.ltt.,Phnd.r, the. Chairman in charge- aiofthe Mérry-Go-Round and othér rides. jPnior ta thé Cernival thé Lions Spécial Parade was en- odby thea DrwnieCev- jayédhbyCthé townspéope. ed nolet, and featuring thé Ka- valiers Drum Corps,. thé par- ade merchéd from ,Central Sehool via Silvér, King and Ontario Streetg to Mémorial Park. . Starting et 6:30 'clack- thé Kawartha Keveliérs put ou a splendid Band and Drill dis- play. Many martial tLune9 and cetchy mélodies wére played by thé Baudsmén as théy marched and couuter-marchéd in exact formation with théir large Colon Pety.* Hobbs <PROM PAGE ONE) Fi rst.Graduation Exercises and Awards,,Night HeId at M. i.. i I The auditorium of M. J. Hobbs Senior Publie,î Maeklin, Mary Potts, Kathy :Vice, Caral Wight, Cindy chool at Hampton was packéd with parents and stu- Ayré, Pete Michélago, Diane Baragar, Anita Truil, ents on Wédnesday evening of last week for the first Christine Brent and Karen Coverly. Lowér photo ,wards Night and Graduation Exereisés. ToU photo shows thé platforrn guests, from left ta night, Princi- 9ows some of thé trophiés présented and th e win- pal E. S. Taylor, F. McQuay, E. Butcher, H. Webster, ers, from léft to right, front row, Larry MacDonald, Valedictonian Barbara Williams, Guést Speaker H. R. éeve Warburton, Bémnie Koîl, Mark Johnson. Grant Moorcroft, M. J. Hobbs, H. Mackié, R. Meteaif and uké, Boyd Jewéll, Ray Leach; back raw, NancyI Mrs. A. Dunhili. Honor Retiring Minister ýMrs. Workman's Pupils I.Present ýfiné Concert"' I people who eontributéd thé mast to thé Athlète Pnogram this yéar are Mark JTohusan, Bennie Koîl, Dianne Benegar, and Anita Truil. Mr. Mtealf préseutéd thé Music Awerd.ta Terny Russell and Carol Wight. Theé run- uers-up were Bill Cooinbés and - Cindy Ayré. Thé Recorder Award, wes preséntéd to Ray Leaeh by Mn. McQuay. Thé Drainîtics Awand went ta Canal Wight and Steve Warburton. Atér thé first bh ai ofthé ewerds were presénted, Rich- ard Baréck recited thé iam'ous "Casey et thé Bat" and gave it such a huniorous Interpréta- tion that hé recéivéd. gréat appleusé.. Canal Wight on be- heuf of thé two Chairs and thé Recorder Baud thankéd Mn. Metcali for aIl hé did this year for thé Chairs ta broad- en their autlook on music, Mr. D. Dewell ior thé fine wark TeRv n hé dld lu accompauying théeh ev n "hlis and ta Mr. MeQuay, After 10 years minisi by preaénting thém withe tokenof appréciation, charge, the Rév. -and Mrs Thé Gradé 7 Académie at a farewell party on T] Awand wes presented ta Marybé living in Oshawa. Theii Potts by Mn. Hobbs. Mr. clrywse hnwl,1 Hobbs also presentéd a aîna irg îsé teowfl $10 ta thé boy or gir with éd appréciation of thé seri thé hlghest mark In Mathe- congrégations in thé area. maticsaend Engliah for bath tonville correspondence. Gradé 7 and Grade 8. Thé Gradé 7 Math. and English English-te Kaen Coverly. went to Rénate Hoyn while Thé Debating Flaquée éu ýthé Gradé 8' Math. went ta te Christine Brent and Rnate Geza , Zgnchowlch and the Hoyn. This was présented ta theni by Mrs. Dunhill. IThé Elleén Coutts Général Hukim SOUSProfiieecy Award was Hakls & elisaetdby Mr. Taylor to WII W5I an» »m ul I MoomthI, RidbI, Wotrs & C. Chartured eomuntants -tu 1ow bom Wkiejpe 04-e ,ii 1' f g-'-'; MN- afflue Vav*voe 44& owsun&S. W,s. CJ* M1rs. B. C. White stéring on thé Néwtonvillé S. R. C. White wéré guests .riursday évening. Théy will ir niany friénds and visiting présénted gifts and express- -vice théy had réndéréd thé For more détails, sée New- Photo contnibutéd. ' 1 dance was held for Gradé 8 tgraduatés and thein parents with Frank Thomas as aur dise jockey. Tablolid Day 1Monday, June 26, 1967, wes thé day and M. J. Mabbs was ~.ovnjy.Tablid Dy. his was a Kr. Taylor donated and Pré- Track and Field Meet for thé ited tbé CitlénhP Awbrds achoal. Thé Whole sehoel of Chltik ree nd2;d pzxieey 475 studet volt, P~pt n ams oi sevén. Iswlàr WllIlius;a thé tetanis liehd one main lultry m4idrp S he éex. e blus or yéllow. They 5Udthée of thé tl t 2,stationuplay- =ts tar*tIo new uchooL. diuét ganies at eachj siy.Ayre sud CaroI l It son, Vive Points werea hsang 4 *ltghtiul solo. awarded ta the tea&= that won t evzi a «lsd otéCh évent and » tréS points ta h hésng~ga Tt e. .ec te= il a tie curd ittç tb~ ,~radacaUe T3~ hin~igteainfor thé. itun~w ré ~e ~ IVthOG o Was Rab -Ro4 The annual Piano 1Recital by Leslie Mohun, Joanne Le pupils of Mrs. W. E. C. Work- Gresley, Sheila Marchant, man held in the Lions Coin- Louise Nimigon, Donna Mc- munity Centre on Tuesday Xnight, Bilh Mohun, Maynard evening of last week was en- Ferbeek, Shelley BaIl, Dennis 3oyed by a large audience. Tripp, Sharon Kennedy, Deci- Farncomb Le Gresley was the ma Osmond, Alian Frank, M.C. Shelley Fry, Ronnia Haass, The spacîous room was at- Sandra Bryson, Linda Ritchie, trativly decorated with Shirley Wood, Brad Almond, trastiesiy osspik eoieHoward His, Sa r ah Le ases oreossnk eimsGresly en lod u asnd one ossos. D ema sle,PennydABrown, PGu smd nehta of il the Gre, avid BrnPett sdents pr s anexeds-Ronnie Vice, Sharon Almond, sno rma as atn expes-Kathy Rose, Elizabeth Yorkz, ain ffe ercpreitionan Donna Woods, Virginia Vivian, afeto.Dianne Puk, Susan Vice, The varied and interesting Ronda Hetherington, Barbara program was a demonstration McGuey, Ronnie Marchant, of the progress made by the Denise Watson, Carol Vande- pupils during the year. Ex- mneent, Jane Cattran, Heidi cellent touch, proper emphasis Higgon, Fenwick Laird, Helen and surprising musical feeling Avery, Peggy Clark, Rikie was displayed by these young Van' Heuvelen, Karen Mc- pianists. Knight, Janice Eiliott, Linda The pupils taking part in Kelly, Margaret Plummer, the recitai were Kathy Me- Hilda 'Ferbeek, and Wilmal Murter, Janice Hunt, Virginia Vandemeent. Tripp Patti Watson, Donna After the recîtal a delicious Munday, Cynthia Baill Debbie lunch was served by the hoqt- Rowe, Ronnie McKnight, Deb- ss Mrs. Workman, assisted, bie Harris, Margaret Wilson, by several friends. eneal cLaughlin as Presidentan GýW. McLaughlin as Vice- President, he stated. M it General Motors of Canada's M a tors rapid expansion and progress, (FROMPAGE ONE) the development of modemn (FROMPAGEONE) assembly lines, and today's craftsmanship and design. complex production were dis- "Within a decade the dem- cussed by the speaker. He also ands of production forced theltold of the company's record abandonmenc in 1877 of the of service during World Wari, smail Enniskilien workshop. In II when it turned out weap-1 its move to Oshawa the Mc- ons, tank huils, îihiitary vehiq Laughlin carniage business, cles of aIl kinds, and airpitilfe' operating consistently on a parts. basis of one grade only and/ "To date over 5,000,000 that the best soon outdistanc- Oshawa built cars and trucks ed any other in the ine. Be- have been turned out. Three fore it entered the motorized out of every five new cars on field it produced more than Canadian highways over the! 270,000 carre~ges, buggies and years have been products o sieighs, and was the largest General Motors. It has buinIt carriage works in the British mr asadtuk nCi- Empire. aathan any other manufac- ««In 1907 Mr. McLaughlin's turer. two sons, R. Samuel and Geo- "Because of anchallenged' rge W., decided that motor leadership in motor vehicles cars should be built in Osh- people think of GM as ontl awa. They obtained the rights an automotive firm, but there ta use the Buick engine in~ ismore than that to the GM their McLaughlin cars. The story. McKinnon Industries, first, the famed McLaughîhin a member of GM's family for Model F, took to the road ill decades has three plants in 1908. One is still running to- Windsor and St. Catharines. day and can be seen in the "Frigidaire Products oif Canadian Automotive Muse- Canada, Ltd., has an Il acre um, Oshawa. plant ini Scarborough, The "«Mr. R. S. McLaughlin is seven acre plant of General SÛil rurining and on the job. Motors Diesel Ltd., is in Lon- He is the Qldest employee oif don, Ont. General Motors of Canada "At Oshawa General Motors with 79 service and isloperates a vast group of active as Chairman of the uIants turning out Chevrolet, Board. -He served for many Pontiac, Buick, and Oldsmo- Prestdent, and Is still bile passenger cars, G.M. a director of General Mators trucks, and car and trucki Corportionparts The combined usable Mr. M<.Nab,,said that In 1915 or space of our Oshawal Mfr. MWcLauthlin reached an plant and office buildings is! agreement with Williamn Dur-. api>roximately 192 acres andý ant of lAnsiig, Mihigan, for our empJ.oyees number somel th rlght tae manufacture 16,000. Ch cm t rahý Canada,ýC_l "In Windsor G.M. Trin,ý LOIS the dM4,ghIln and a- Ltd., produces most of thei i4ai Chqrow t omparUu trlm sets for Oshawa and the, Wen m0rerd, G ea t.Therese, Quebec, bhuilt bloton 0 ~zI4awth IL . cars and trucks, and also for thie area na wanteci tis clone unden Local, Improvement but whén infonmed o! thé cost had decided egainst it. Councillan Nicks moved thet ~information reganding preént costs of this praject be ob- tained, and when thé costs are Pnesented ta thé letten wrîtens they then be asked ta havéea sufficiently signéd pétition made up. This was seconded by Councillor Prout end car- ried. A letten from thé United Counties Council esked 'thet thé Mayor and Town Clerk bé asked ta sîgn Fonm No. 98 which is nequined by thé Fire Menshal's Office for subsidy and! White VIiàt b 1966 FORD F-250 STYLESIDE PICKUP New condition. Lic. 30198B. 1965 CHEV. 3/-TON PICKUP FulIy réconditloned. Lie. 25972B. x 1964 BUICK LE SABRE 2-DR. HARDTOP MANY MORE A-i USED CARS TO CHOOSE, FROM maocD01NALD0 1964 MERCURY 2-DR. HARDTOP 4-speed transmission. Lie., K15233. 1964 CHEV. MALIBU STATION WAGON Li c. X12031. 1964 AUSTIN Ili100"l 1964 ACADIAN BEAUMONT 2-DR. HARDTOP , Lic. J94729. 1964 FORD XL CONVERTIBLE Hèfresa a sharp ear, f ulyr equipped. FORD, 219 King St. E., Bom ni lî Phono 623.2534 Phon. 723-5241 SALES' 520 King St. W., Oshawa r b I I. 4 Hobbs ScIiool i Th'ssereh ùewa fraetRadilo the Cduntiea Council whîch assurned the financial responsi- bility of the required 55, per cent. However as the United Counties is flot the owner of any Fire Departnient or ap- paratus it cani)ot sign these forms. Therèfore local mayors or reeves alonq with the clerk are asked ta iu The muni-* cipality as such has no fin- ancial responsibility o thber . .... than the Counties' levy. Ken Hooper a member of a former council was presentc at this meeting. He spoke tet delegation time against this1 letter which he read in thet copies of correspondence at-t tached ta the agenda. He said t * that under the agreement with Darlington Township only one truck with six men is dispatch- ed to a fire there. He alsoa pointed out that the Citizensa Band, Hem Radia Operetors, . are ready to assist with com- munications. Gordon Wright, Port. Hope, e Emergency Measures Organiz- ation Administrator in the United Counties, said. that ý primary purpose of the Fine Radio Communications system referred to in the Counties Council letter is ta, help lu a national emergency, but it can also be used to assiut with communications whenw necessary between the fine de- d 1partments of different munici- a export. GM pnoducts at the palities. a; retaîl level are distributŽd' Councillor Prout moved that through independent deaierno actioni be taken on this v organizations, and thousands'matter and - that it be re-e o! workers depend on these ferred to lext year's Town e dealers for their livelihood. iCouncil. Councillor Hughes Pe Mr. 'IcNab also mentioned spoke against this motion. He er Geneal Motos Acceptace said that the federal govern- a Corporation, Motos Insurance ment has good reasons for the el Corporation, and Motors IIfold-, EMO plans, and that this offers se ing of Canada, Ltd., which Bowmanville the opportunity m provides financing for new to obtain good radio communi- G.M. dealers. ;cation at the ight frequencisl "General Motors as rw without cost. It would en- hi with Canada and with Can-,abto the local fire depatment o ada is celebrating 100 years ofitocal Oshawa or Newcastle glorousexitene. othhad: Fire Departments when neces- humble beginnings. Both have sary, he said. lit is a co- T enviable Pasts. Both have ex-l1operative move and somne- th' citng and wonderful futures. thin g should be done about In We look forward with enthusi-iit," he said. Despite this standth asm to the second 100 years"îthe motion was caried. ic Mr. McNab said. By-Law No. 67-17 to auth-1 th, onize the closing of Raynes pr, The Rev. A. VandenBeng Avenue and for the sale of this moved a vote of thanks to Mr.; land to the abutting ownen, McNab, and President With 'the Goodyear Tire & Rubber erspoon expressed bis person-al Co p y of an d, L mtd appreciation to thCoust a g n f îsandL seod speakerreading. Ken Hooper, who had sent ap 0 letter to counicil saying that h2 A p p in would present bis reasons for OPPOsing this closing at the Ca council meeting, said that ai- D ep uty though he is the President of Br D ep ty Local 189 of the Rubber Work- vs ens Union, he was not at thé (FROM PAGE ONE) meeting in that capacity but board that it approves the only as a private citizen. ME second phase o! this study be- He said that previously ing made. This was carried. when he was a member o! Letters from four nesidents council it had been planned 1 of the area requesting a sani- to close Raynes Avenue, but tary sewen to serve Frederick, at that time Goodyear, was Rehden, Edsall, Jackman and opposed to this. Mr. Hooper Barbara Stncets were received. said that he would flot be Mayor Hobbs recalled that a opposed to the closing of this few years ago some people in stréet if Goodyear were to sequie Itfor extpansion,4 but thtUle he"lappased ta t"island< being used for privileged s ing. R. T. Smialek,' spokeîsuianý for the Goodyear delegtion) prsn hch, included VIce. Présidnt H.l G. MacNeill, jackI Taylor, - SBowmanville Good.' year Plant Manager, and- . J. Gilhooly, Personnel Man.- 4gér, told council that whei: -the campany boLlght tble ý! ý north oi the Goodyeap1. hère o*ned by the 1t eans Avenue, but n définite cauld be faund to effet at the ..Registry Offic. rhe comparny asked cduneil to take action ta dlean thé tig~e4 that Goodyear could také the land for future expanstp In thé meantime sarne i Alill be moved into thislc ;ion for parking but therelis ample parking elsewhere1r Smialek pointéd out. Third néading was given te" this By-Law, and it waspe. ed. Two more By-Laws wer ' pessed by cauncil. By-Lâw,. No. 67-18 népéaled By-Law N. 708 pased in Januery 19,5e. vhich appointed C. S. Oke. Deputy Town Clénk i(xa' Humphage, Taylor andpMe. : DonalId, Peterborough, thé!, town's auditors. This change-. was made because Mr. Oke', duties as Assessor are heavy, - ý and because It was decided ta have auditors at a morece- venient location. By-Law No. 67-19 was pasoa1' ýd to implement legislati-n passed by the provincial gov.ý-ý ?ment reganding municipàli and school tex crédits to assist fderly people. Councillor Oke,, . ;conded by Councillor Bourké', noved that an advertisem ent.- )e put in the Statesmen exel, flining the tax credits and:îj iw persons, ege 65 yeers aftd_ I ier, may apply for them. î Amena Board Chairman '.l, Rundle thenked Clerk~'j 'reasuren Robert L. Byron MÉr, he work done by Buildi*n.g I. nspector R. Hetherington eàt' he Amena. He said thet the î .e there is now excellent and .e boards are elso an in- 'ovement. ýtom Leagu=. Iay Offs Thurs., July 6, 2:00 pn..' irdinals vs Braves. Fridey, July 7, 2:00 p.m.- raves vs Cerdinels, Dodgénsý sPirates. Saturday, JuIy 8, 9:30o.n- lets vs Giants. GET CASHR TODAT - FOR OLD APPLIA NUES - through -CLASSMFEDS STATESMAN Phone 623-3303 LMIO lMM7--ý FREE..,Flt Leave your Kedacolor or Black a] with us for developing, and prini and recelve a new film FREE! JURY LO' 2 King St. E. Prescriptions « Photo Supplies 1 0 SAVE HERE!