Mm .Bruo Tilis , difor pgft mU421 IlewcsticPioneer Button Club IlewcstleHold July Meeting cat Social ari'(Personal Crawford Summer Home Newcastle:- The Pioneer Some Centennial cards wer, Button Club met at the sum- aiso displayed, as was ahs Newcastle:- This village fancy decorad bike, wagon mer home of Mrs. Win. Craw- the Centennial QuÎlt design. Was deeply uhocked as word! or buggy. T'he more people ford, Wellington, with 13 ed. and made by Mrs. Marie reached them of the suddenl who Participate in the Parade members who enjoyed a de- Gartahore, showing provin. death of Walter Rickardlthe better. Please contact the liclous noon luncheon, after cial floral emblems, C.A.N.A young est son ot Mr. and Mrs» parade chainnan, Fred Couch, whîch the business part of D.A., 1867-1967, rnap of Do. Garnet Rickard. A weilWbefore the weekend of the the meeting was conducted mJ.nioxi of Canada, Newcastle known and extremely wellicelebration ta advise him how by the Vice President, Mrs. United Church (100 years old llked young man bis deathi many in your group wiil be 0. K. Osborne. May 24), Queen Victoria was taken haid by ail. The' in the parade and whether Cards of buttons for dis- Queen Elizabeth 11, Sir John residents of the village of it's a float entry, horses, Or play were Kate Gneenaway A. MacDonald, Mr. Leqter Newcastle express their deep- whatever. and Ceramics. Mrs. Crawford Pearson, Union Jack, Cana- est sympathy to his family. The Centennial Committee told briefly how Kate Green- dian Flag, Mapie Leaf and Our congratulations are ex- report that much interest is away buttons orlginated for Stylized Maple Leaf. tended ta two nesidents on being shown in the big Civîc they are pictures of children Mrs. Crawford very kindly their extreme good luck this Holiday weekend. Elsewhere whe were of great interest ta presented each lady with, ps t weekend, winning the in this issue are details of the Kate Greenaway. Ceramie beautiful copper button at beautiful 1967 Oldsmobile activities planned over the buttons are made of pottery lunch time and later they drawn at the Legion Carnival three days. Somnething for of some type, with a self made a choice of saime favor- Iast Fniday evening, was none everyone is planned, with the shank and are deconated with ite buttons fromein rys donat- ether than Wallace Couch, Dance (Geo. Chard's orches- trees, flowers and buildings. ed by the hastes.. and the gentleman wbo soid tra) Saturday night, the -- At the close ot the meeting Edmunde winning ticket was Community Pîcnic on SundayIÂY the ladies visited the Wel- EdudMajer, who just hap- and the big day Monday. Hvil î ington Museum where Mrs. yens ta now 'ne on hi, bh-li Bobby Orr will be at the1 Crawford had on dispiay a day.. parade and the Carnival w.11 Churcb service at 1:30 p.m. dozen button cards of beauti. Mn. and Mrs. Majer and be in full swing at the hall Sacrament will be adminîs- fu1 pearis, whistle, vegetable U«somelt cf their family are Park immediately following tered on Sunday. ivery, eut steel, black glass, vlsiting with friends in Dra-the feature bail gamnebetweeni A Blackburn and Cowling royalty etc. ton Plains, Michigaji. Gary Oshawa Scugog Cleaners and famhîly gathering was heîd a t The 'members were very bas accompanied Mr. Bruce Durham Ail Stars.,h colos nStrayfruae i iwn h TiUlson and boys te Buckhorn Mr. and Mrs. B. Heyer have te coohos n t fort ateoinfvedein th fora wo ee hlidy.1Mr. rtndteNwYkafer coming marriage of Miss Joan Applecraft shown there. Al C. E. Tilison of Hamilton !S a week's holiday with bier Falls and Mr. Wayne Black- the figurAs (Fathers of Con- alo vcatonng it thm;sister, Mrs. W. Kay. . burn on August l9th. They federation> are eight ice aiso vact atnig wth tn m; Mrs. R. Dennis left on Fni nce Mis Tilso let orniBuck- y oni eSîa were the recipients et many high carved front apples and hemn on Sunday evening. chewan te visit her sister. ovlygft. hngalthedfigtes dry. Afnte Mrs. Hattie Pinkerton eti Mr. and Mn.. Ally Kincaid dryingdte gres natepant-ci Mn. and Mrs. Edward Nes- Yonkton, Sask., and grand- Dorothy and Kenneth, Avon- daddesdi uhni bitt and family are now camp- daugbten Mavis Koch ot In- l' as.,ai Mr. Arthur coWue.înt Eza er twdo Ing In the Buckborn area and dian Head, Sask., are visiting Read's. yealng teontrctthsdis- are planning one te two with Mis. Marie Gartshore. Mn. and Mrs. James Gra- play as bier own personal weeks' holiday. Mrs. Pinkenton ia the daugh- ham, Garfield, Gregory and Centennial project. Something juat a little dit- ter of the late Mn. and Mrs. Gordon, Valleyfield. Que., The next meeting *win l be fermnt for the Scouts of the Noah Selby wbo lived on the visited bis parents, Mr. and at Mns..P. Gnosjean's, Cod- ~astle Troop was held on fari where Newton Selby Mrs. Leslie Graham, while on rington. W sday evenîng when the now nesides. In 1909 the Sel- bis bolidays. boys invited girls te join, by family moved te Sask., Mis. Reta Nivins, Bowman- themn in a camptire cook-outiand this is Mrs. Pinkerton's ville, visited Mn.. D. Cam- fMJVTTT and swim. Tt wax a mucb en- first visit te Ontario ta meet enon on 'Saturday. LONG SULDZULTJ joyed evening by ail, with the relatives whom she bas neyer Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Thomp- girls admitting that the boysiseen -Mn. and Mn.. Russel son and Cynthia and Mr.. On Sunday, July 23nd, Mr. do a pretty good job as chefs. Powell and family, Mn. and Purdy called on Mn.. A.Iand Mrs. Rye Gibson attend- The leaders and their wives Mrs. Ronald Powell and fam- Thompson. Mrs. Thompson ed the Gibson - Bentîey fam- also enjeyed the cook-out. ily, Mn. and Mrs. Sam Powell accompanied them te Lindsay 'iy ne-union at the summen The Newcastle Guides ]eft and family, Mr. and Mrs. and Bobcaygeon and visited home at Lake Scugcg cf Mr. the village early on Saturday Jack Crago. Mn.. Edna Selby. Mrs. E. R. Thompson's aunt and Mrs. Harold Bentley, mnorning for their annual Mn. Eric Wicks and Mn. and Mrs. Graham, retuning ta Ajax. camp. Complete details will Mrs. Newton Selby and fam- their home at Bowmanville Oven 30 mnembens ot the b. availabie once tbey have ly. for suppen. respective familles attended teturned. M liiss Christena Selbv spent 1 Mn. and Mn.. Rosa Ashton and ail sat down te a lovely The Summer Playground isla few days witb bier grand- and famiiy and Mn. and Mn.. supper around 5:30 p.m. well underway and everyone mother, Mrs. W. Allison, Port[Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ail those attending wene attending is enjoying the c-,ý Hope. 'Ray attended the McGill pic- from Long Sault, Port Penny, tivities. The first week therel nic at Peterboroughi on Sat- Aj'x Toronto, Wîllowdale and wsa Backwards Day held .D n urday. Wnipeg, Man. Mr n. re on -henFric:i when ail the re E Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham Bentley, wbo i. turned 8t), boysand irlsattended in,È r , D n aefen rn oks cletes wrn nsid eutandare on their annual Antique Scame fromtand F.SkA. Parts or nsdfoulad Car Tour from London te SuhDktUSA backwards. The follewing Par rni e M gr, Brighiton, and then on te Mn. and Mrs. Rye Gibson week was Indian week and a E xpo. visited with Mn. and Mis.! special dress-up day was held 0 u A*UIIh Ms a ab rn,~ Glen Pugsley, Cobourg, on on the Friday. This past Fni- hhiaying ab roe. Saturday evening. day the yeungsters attended i 71~ Gall Graham is helidaying ----- wearing costumes repi'esent- At a recent meeting of the with bier grandpanents, Mn. jiwTVIT .I Ing other lands. The super-1 Orono Hydro Commission the and Mn.. Walter Rabm, Ty- WYELEYVILLEj visons, Patsy Blaken and members passed a motion in rne. George Gray are doing an ex- which they are obtaining the Mrs. K. Cewling visitedý In spiteeof the constant nain cellent job and are most cap- services et Mn. E. Dent on an Mn.. Mabel Cowlîng, Salem,la geat dea fhyhsb able in wbmteven task befaîls bourly basis te act as a part- on Wednesday of last week. Iput in the barnns with the use tbemn. -Appreciation sbeuld lie time manager for the Orono Mrs. Thompson visited Ms.. cf modern equipment. if it shewn te tbem by baving Hydre. Osmond, Bowmanville, onlbad te be bandled as in youn child attend regulmrly. ! The only fuil-time employee Wednesday. ethen times, by herse and man At the most necent meeting now with the local Hydre is Mn.. K. Cowling i. spend- powen alone, it is certain mnuch held by the convenons of the 1the office clenk, Mn.. R. West. ing a few day. with Mr. and more would have been lest. 'Centennial Weekend" it was Maintenance and nepains is Mn.. Malcolm Eltord, pont The bemvy deluge cf nain encounaging te nealize the through emergency service by Penny. which fell on Sunday aften- response that the holiday local contractons and manage- Sybil Graham la spending noori flattened many fields ofi weekend is getting. Postersiment is now on the samne a couple of weeks with ber grain.- have been made up and placed ba S. aunt, Mis. H. Crossman. The weather was fine last aIl even town lnvlting eveny-1 A letter bas been neceived Mn. and Mn:. Lloyd Slemnon, Tuesday evening when about one te jein in tbe paradelbv the Commission that Mn. Susan and Freddie, were Sun- 250 people gatbered at the whicb could weill le one et Messengen cf Vancouver will day supper guests et Mns. F. home et Mn. and Mn,. Clan- the finest Newcastle has evernont be available as a man- Toms, Enniskillen. ence Nichois for the annual held. Alneady there are sev- agen fo the system due te Mrs. Ken Smnith, Kingston, twilight meeting cf the Fi- enai floats being made and ilunes,. Duning the latter part 1 accompanied Mn,. D. Cam- steifl-Fiesian Association. The mothers are busy hunting up etf May the Commission bad1 eron te visit Mr. Camenen at speaker for the meeting was or making costumes. Thene passed that Mn. Messengen be Sunnybrook Hospital on Fnl- Mn. Bilan McCague of Glen are great prizes for the besttacceted as manager ef the day and was overnight guest Afton faims, Alliston. Hie bad potmsadas o h. rn ydoSse.Tms!o rCmrn been in Japan whene saieof! Cost me, mnd aIs for the On no ydre Sysem.Tim s. e Mn. C mer n. is own cattle had been sold1 and told ef dainy fmnming1 there, and bis impressions of Pakthe11 bi re_ onco un ay m r in n Staistcs relasd rcenly by he agents and Ontario parts producers. et Toronto wene in the cern' :)ntario Departinent of Econom.ics and (e) airitained1 clese liaison wt rnunity on Sunday. Mn. Atkin:!l Deveopmnt utlie te flloing (e wih sns parents lived liense ver )eelo m nt otlnthesllw. officials in gvernent, industry, and 40 years go. ~eeit.associations, to keep up to date with Mn. and Mrs. Rodney Brown (1) It is estimated that 202 auto- the latest developments ini the auto-o Toronto visited with a- riotive plants and expansion cf plants, motive field. - aidar rwclugh's ias Han- alued at $468 million, have taken One of the major fears, in the dev- oneyne nh tts lace since the pact was signed. elopment of such a pact, was that our nfr Payne i.s pending P (2) he rowt ha creted15,00 aail art manfacuner wold sf- i1 week at Camp Adelalde (2) 'hegroth as ceatd 1,00 smll prtsmanfacurer wold uf- inthe Hialiburton area wlthý ew jobs, benefiting 53 communities in fer frmn the re-organization resulting the Newcastle Girl Guides. )ntarn. from the auto agreement. But a thor- Mn:. J. Groeneveld Sr. and (3) Motor vehicle productIon in' ough survey of original parts manu- daughter Mrs. Katie Suttorp 7anada bas niseri by 3W". facturers in Ontario indicates the fears hoe lix Hoplan.lut we bore (4) The price difference in cern- to be. groundless.. they had visited Niagara Fails >arable cars sold i United States and As an exporting, nation Canada ne.. and aiea for a couple et days. anada has narrowed from 8%te bW qires stable and expanding markets. Change iný rural communi- qu tiesa s veny -rapid these day., w'een 37r and 51f. Thé most stable and dynamie market and perirpi more notice- (5) New capital investinent, ne- is thèt ai 'United States. If we cari able in old communities like ulting from the pact, has beeri valued develop oui' industries so as to be Wesleyville and Port Enitain. t $56 mllin. crfietîive n te Aeriarimaket, Bath school houa.: whlch b$Mk n owetned ve n te worisabout h ave been the centre of If we lok00 k t hep rio ro ene aen or bu h childrep's sannews and tri- CiAuto Agreement the beneficial possibility of entry into international umphs for. jenerations, are Sbecome more obvious. markets. flnow occupiea by thefr new esn1963, though exporta of auto The branch plants, on which ane owensMr. and Mmu Robent ,Steenso at Wouleyvffle vnd arts from CazLpda rose to $36.3 millian, mnuch of Durham County's economy Mn. and Mi.s. Prosper I4evigne aiports du.ingk the same period rose .depends, i. surely one of the major !at Port Britain. T'he Drue rom $318. million te $544 million. Just. 'rem=&n for out' rapid and industriel !Dinsier farm hez boots nid riorta ii. grementCanda'.trd grothand or he Iproemens ,and greater changes are Ins rbroth asm entCanaa's radegroth, nd fr thprorovpect infithhydre planti àfItç with United Stalate% inilauto productivity achieved over the yearu, m1mans, n. le n. A 0. le Id ýa, in er Et- id [y a Rt ýy 91 S. e B, n PlneaPPl-Grap.ruit Or Pf maPP -O pa ,ng. PE T M M RIES Del Monte Drinks 2-noz.79, Clark'. Fancy Quality ROU..,PM 2 US,.e.- MSVE Oc TOMATO JWCE I*uSm69c Monoh (seoOff Demi) ROg..Pf4c. 57-SAW Attf EXTRA 4a, SALAD DRESSING 34=r5 3c Maxwell Hou.. ROIS- Plie. b"g S-&àAV!AN EXTRA ies COFFEE 4cCOff MAL -4ba89C Pntry Pack & Cooka. Jar R". prie 97. %l0. a V 0 DARE'S BISCUITS 2-bpg 89C OUR OWN BRAND JMIL DETERGENT BLUEBERRY , CE On. 99c - SAVE 10c M¾89jé PIE FULL il INCH 24 OZ. ChoIE SAVE 10.gýtý"a -cit ecs Reg. prie 690 ieteh 4 SUPER-RIGNI, CANADA GRADE "A",o EVISCERATED TrURKEYS FRESH SIIANKLESS ROAST PORK SHOULD MAty amJT PORK CHOPS MAPLE LEAF, VAC PAC (OOKED HAM SUME-RIMH QUIJY BEEF LIVER EXCELLE FI* BRAISING -"0BRND lBUF BLADE STEAK M 'ER m,45# fSpkg 59lé 49e b6I '69 6 TO 10-LB VAC PAC FROZIN SUPER-RIGKT BRAND, SEMI-BOWELIS, 5KINLESS, DEFATED, VAC HALVES SMOKED - COM HAMS «qmw -4 ~XVisit wrTN EU A AMim ino. bthis ad uuarmetsad tUwuj FÂMOUS LAm -AmF FINEST FOR EAN CHERRIES MM MMD MR~OMUtQ AT AIP'U CAIJFOBNAVAMMC~, SWEff, FULL 0F JUCE, No. 1 MM*O ORANGES' n5-l NON!E PRICED HIGNER AT ".Pli d n p b Iý 0 D bg m ci at re JANE PARKER m a solght, aind j a annea 0 l h* Cimadian StteOmn, Eo19wMMaVMfe, Xly2, 100 Red Cross Invoiveu :10à'afl:m hmr ous. and uiltable atorne. He Augua are'being taken. Sunday supp« r bof M aiseI expressed the gaod wish- M- John Hamlton visited and Mr&. Stophon Saywfl esao the communlty. and pe a cousin who is very iliinCesrs ln INew îiiooa rrojecisented Dr. and Mrn& MeShane Z-7orburg, Thursday te Sun- Mr and Mn. Wa]kor, T«r. r , wth brdge net tab e a d e tecaled Pnlday, and M r.e The Canadian Red Cross devoted te the production of tour chairs), a beautitul walî Susan and Gloria Graham, and Mnm Robert Hall and rÀt Blood Transfusion Service isiother buman-baseci sera for imerr and an eîectric clck Port Penny, spent the week- Newark, N.J., were Sundy lnvolved ln a new projeet that !such diseases as measîes, aise severai msola~u end with theïgadaetgetao n.W .Va wifl pnovide more esseatial i mumps, rabies, botuiism, etc. gift. Both bride and groomn Mr. and Mn.. Mervyn Gra- Camp and Miss Malle. blood producta. iEach donation produces suffî- expressed thein appreciation. ham, and Mn. and Mrs. Ed. The plasmapheresis piloti.cdent plasma for the produc- Lunch was sérved and danc. Harris wene Sunday guests. proectinTorntowil po-tio ofeiht ial o ani-ing te music provided by Rev. and Mrs. Menilil Fer- due oct i Taante wll PO.sertir. nt-Mn.. Happa wus enjoyed. gusan were weekend guests Soccer o k seue ntitetoufetMrs. Cecil illuand cailed à hieru eiee t e.h Miss Calotte Michon, Que- on Roy and Bill Fergusons senlior seledalse b irs te belneedta e thelabec, Who la on the inter-pro- Sunday evening. Wdedy 'l Sh p firt t b unertke bya R Avincial cichange af 4-H Club WMn. and Mri.VRcss Hube 1Red Cross Biaod Transfusion .B.LI.IC.KSTOCK members, wa gust f M and. aduhtrs, osHghesrons 1, S<>liia 0 service anywhene in the wonld. and Mn. aihLaerad er ernd Woadsteck, sconed by John tu 10 Membens et th e staff cf the, Sîncene sympathy i. extend- famiiy last week. On Sundaand M wens. es of Mr. with Sain Reyenga registen. 1Red Cross in Toronto are ed Mr. and Mn.. Deug Mackie eeigMsaSao an ld solnnhe Lanmer, and iag the shutaut. esenving as volunteens in the Iand family, mise Mis. A. Mac- evnang iss Sarnm r of nheBill Fergusons On bcsiengtM kie et Young people lanoDur ot tunday eveaîng. Aise on Grove defeated ZMon 2-1. deelin fepent fohniq e -et f rt and snMiosthe sudde Sunday evenlng Mr. and Mn.. Bradley and Ray tresng ceuipie or tealtr.tHarberother an sonf Mîchon.Noel Menton and beys, Qsh-Sne o h inna efour week period, tbey give zen, last Menday. erpr r.Sa-awcle nteF usons. mý blod nd etblod.Aise te Mn. and Mm.. Gar- hopa. We Va wCamp hefrom Mn. and Mn.. Ernest Lan- Courtice alse won by 4e"kê A ek prier te the finst net Rîckard and tamily, New-hspt.Wewh hm a mer, Mr. and Mn,. Glenn Lar- lgSle -.Bnlan HaW«P cdte ntesde et speedy convalescence. We mer and boys cailed on MisescnentSta'aled- four, lîenn3i* d onation the donon i. immun- ateonhesdndah hope ta hear et more in- Anale and Effa Wrigbt, Osh-.Cute u n ife Slzed wlth a panticulan anti- efthteim son and brother, Wal- provement fer Mr. John Ven- awa, Sunday evening. Aldourth yonle adWr4 t serum whicb determines the ter, on Friday. ning, that be may aise get Mr. and Mn,. Roy Taylor On Saotu ne,Cotceba kind ot product that will be And te tbc family cf Mms. home very soan. Glad te hean wcne Saturday supper guests îproduced frein tbe plasma. James Ginn, a fermer resiL- Harold Ham-ilten is comîng et Mn. and Mn.. Garnet Mur- Solina 3 te 1, wlth Pote LUX*. ,Plasinapheresis is a new dent et Cartwright, wbose aiong tmvonably, &1so Mn. Ed- nay and girls, Cnesswell. emburg, Henry Courtney and.f tmethod et plasma extraction funeral was held at McDer- gar Hemn. Mn. and Mn. K, Dunsmoor Wlilfred Aidswonth cc in4~ an salytke but9 ot-aabkrPalrwithl r.B a ywk iit iie nBapoSndaysnles. Ron Broomne sceo mnusuaoftaes abou'st 9mtt-Pan akerPalesUn n.. B.elatveinHan Rwy Mrviit-viatd nMpto Vnce for Solina on a free kick. Two- muin tes e d the donorure iterent inesCadm. Uio Migreatives. laHlarWdiht Mn. Bomn MnntA-..yr wr ivnoe gives two usual biood dona-1 Rev. R. C. Rose delivered a and tbree girls visited Lonna udc ie Bew Uof weneSt suspensionsBakun fi tiens. These areay visitons et Mr. and Mn.. Slla'd lackurn oe. tien. Tesearecoiectd i fine sermon on "The Rîch in Waterloo a week mga Sun- W. Archer,. n li o orie double plastic packs tben Young Ruler" in St. John's day and Mrs. Wright nemain- evalfintseaci- Menday evening, apa~ plaedina ig see nfn-.Cburch on Sunday morning. ed for a few days. ed at tbe Parlons, Bowman- squeezed out a 2-1 Win ovoifs- gerated centrifuge. This opera-I As Rev. Rose i. now on holi- Mn. and Mn.. Roy Taylor ville, Sunday, on mttended bbe Maple Grave, but no detail< tien sepanates the plasma frein yRv asil, otset hrdyteMna uea nNwcsl hrhp h the mcd cells. The red c ls d y , R v a si l , P n p n h n d y t e d y f n r i casle cb rc p t O corng weno avalabIeZ, are thon eturnnd te the Penny, will be in change bers iast week with Mn. and Mn.. on Monday cf Mn. Waltem In the junior league, theré- donen in tbc normal transfu- for the next few weeks. Anson Taylor at the latter'. Rickard. were two gaines on Thurs4asO. sien technique. A nice cnowd attended the cottage on Lake Muskoka. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Mc- with Courtice sning 6 t* The initial pnojoct i. for the community sbowen Satunday Mn. Orval Stinson, Linda Shano, Kingston. spent the Hampton's zeno. Robert Muir production et anti-tetanus son- nigbt in honour et Dr. andiand John, Chesiey, and Mns. weekend witb Mn. and Mn.. and Ray Sibleck each scoredi uni for the treatinent et per- Mns. Wayne McSbane (ElaineIR. Stinson,.Bowmanville, vis- Bruce Mountjoy and family. twe, Don Archer, Ken Seo. sens who are allergic te senuin Mountjoy).Hno Graham ite ns .Wright and the Mn. and Mn.. Sawyen. Till- vinks one each. Don Harrison pnoduced frein herses. wa h aable M.C. for the Fred Trewins Saturday even- sonburg, visîted Mn. and Mns. got the shutout. The next project wIllicoin- vening. The couple came te ing, and Mrs. Edgar FHera, John Hamilton the beginning Zion Juniors itok on Ciii. mýence the production cf vac the plttorin as Chenyl Met- Oshawa, and Miss Doreen and cf last week. awa's Local 22, the teani cinia immune giobulin, ai calf played the wedding Donald Trewin 'vnniskillen, Miss Joyce Mahaffy, Tn- that will represont Ontario mucb neoded pnoject te coin-Imarcb. Prograin consisted et were Sunday callens. enta, spent the weekend with in tic Junior Tournament nt bat tie illnesses resulting frein1 piano solos by Gordie Mal- A bus lead frein this aiea Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mabafty Expo, and beat themi 2 goals vaccination complications. , colin, Anne Mariow and, visited Expo Wednesday te and boys. te 1. Nike Kuzenko and John Other plasmapheresis pro-! Cheryl Metcalf; neadings byj Fiday last week, and regis- Mn. and Mn.. Stantord Van Oyler ceuated for Zion and jects in the future will be Nancy Dmreli and Cheryl trations for anther ane la Camp and Miss Doreen were Mike untng for the guesti, 1 ?à 5 9'1