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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1967, p. 2

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2 The Canadim Statesman, Eownanvffle, MTuy 26, 1967- naday eveiing, uIy th e z Tennis Club Posts J Interesting .Entries. in Parade's Bicycle Class JaMr e a~ c th o w lg t M e Tennis Cub PostsDominion Store parking lot.Jon FolowngJl1,, ,the next FlhgDutchman Inn park. SFnor lth fourt etnarMCgeo lnta Se o diri h i ng o n Wenday, August Snir441Dc alHCu 'l 2dStertl ime 9:00 pa.. jIned wti t h w-*woso o Over Peterborough lih eetn h n bdrcnt Acie t day, July 18. adKrat Bowmanville Tennis Club and Daug James wair narrow- WeuleyYIlwea octnbcpgrm Wocctedenond soniht ankedybecadi7- inmberlst u Sue contest on M n a, u The match againt the aller dClaubbb pize win ers an deeing ebroough s Peterborough *beem lait wRo Y esof n, el EB eam 4 o 1. x d p irn . was cancelled and la re-she- man, ta give u m dlc ~ K la g assc a p e~ Again lte miýdLxe arings duled for titis WcdnesdaY, Five young people were ]n- Judgn dairy cti.Abre itdI acdbie c ef Anna Strike adLe R_ July 26, in Peterboroughi. jured when e car driven by year-o d cow wsldaon dile, Betty Lobb and Lars Results were as flow s: K n ei r ! d2, b r i h i' s n t ep c u t e e a u i r a Carlson won their matches. Ladies' Doubles: Norali AI- îKîn eiunCoe or, ge bdeM .a o od ~Ief crs The first mentioned won lin and Julie AMliii(Bow) del. 115ent t teeO shawa,> 2dgntrtol ule handily whereas Betty Joy Emsley and Deli Smed- e fHte odo tho.! fdive mtur cas lobb and Lars Carlason iad mor, 8-6, 1-6, 75., j s etT e e w r e r u d b rn i g g e tn s ta h te stage a comebak ta win Mixed Doubles: Betty Lobb _ , Sline Road, and struck a five of ur SenirCl lbCnde soito their match. and Lars Carlson (Bow) dei. tree, et 11:50 p.m. an Tuesday. rncmbers. Offica uîswr elcaslnh wssr In addition, the ladies' Barb Pritchard and Noei Mcl. The driver and anc of his Robert P'lett, nd doubles beam of Narait and rose, 2-6, 8-6 6-1. Anna Strike passengers, Patrick Donovan, Carias Tamblyn n rni hre Julie Allhn won teir mare- and Lew Rundle (Bow) de!. elsoacge 20, Oshawa, after re- jose ur.e ybt lbdrcasi thon contest egainst Joy Eim- Marg Daniel and Erie Morton ceiving emergency breatmcnt The secondpatoau aley and Dell Smedmor. (Peter), 6-3, 6-1. et Memoriai Hospital for meeting was he1i.a m Thte fourth win pasted by Men's Doubles: Bill Burgess severe head injuries were plement shed Nihsatn r Bawmanvilic was a sdefautJ and Bob Dunn won by de- . trensierred by the Bowman- ranged. In thec men's doubles. Te fault. Keitit Kidd and Don ville Ares Ambulance to the Clarence Nichsweced* 8 5 . local club almast made it alGiles (Peter) def. Walt Elb- Toronto General Hospital. us ta his home dtdtoe ciean sweep but the second 1 er and Daug James, 1-6, 6-4, Two other passengers in thing o! titeir 1amstp.Hs. Spen's doubles of Walt Eiblerl 7-5. te shattered car, Miss Sandra farm haid wan teCnena rO AEaS T am pkins, age 17, and Robert H om e Beautific b o C nt t be d r e a d lb au d e om S f. J o s e p h 's P a r is h Mc~~I Echern, age19, both of lest y ar. It wa my a e iier sa M bt ~o Picnic ut W's aonatOsawaeaienassoid e:dfrviny fam he. iert cadni k in s s u ff e r e d m u ltip le la c e r a - m a d e a n a d m i a l e t n i e e e e s r a i c e s Pi n c a a t n i nuisin the accident, Music was praiddyMisAowiebteradr tad Mr. ME enssandWlaMcCauie copn-a ie onhpwudcn The Parsh Picnic for te Shelley Leddy, 3. Diane Vil- ha injuries, possible arm d by Faye Adam n giabne t e udr B w a. cogregations ai St. Jseph's lems; 10-13, 1. Nancy Verley- fractures, and multiple ninr and Mrs. Elaine ecr as il iepoeto se Roman Catolic Church here sen, 2. Irene Rietmuller, 3. injuries. ccompanied by r dm.ct iert aî rs Newcastle, was held under Other winners were: Lucky Aco bert Oriiston, age 20, Osh- very popular frttspo ao sesetadb p the. auspices aofte Hly Spot for Mothers, Mrs. V. Acosiderable amount of preparatory work went at Fridays Legion Parade. Winners were, from lef t awa reeived treatment in gram. pidt oa seset o aeSociety In Waltona Blight. Open Race, boys and into many of the entries in the decorated bicycle class to right, Randy Lake, Diane Johnston and Jill Colville. Memorial Hospital's Out-Pa- Mr. Francis Js nrdc abidnsol sl a ltNewcastle, and was girls ege 15 and under, Gerry ient Depertment for abras- cdithe gucat ekeBia s j0eatly enjoyed by te large Masterson; boys and girls 16ryie Space M an, n k C am r and Hula Dance OPP, investigated te acci- b e r f adults and child- and ver, Russell Gibs n.io s Co ta l D n S u r. e'inwita atended. E. Wihli Sack Race, 16 and aver, FredSn k Ch r e was te Picnic Citairman. Verleysen; 15 and under, Ma- Roger Gaadwun, 7 Carlisle C l 'Thi. winners of te Aten- rie Vogels. Avenue, was charged with C m h Once rimowcre Mr. and Three Legged Race, 16 and s.P aprade The Speover, 1. Saphia Willems and impaired driving by Cnsta- ROPAENE ai Drew prizes wev a Russell Gibson, 2. Maria boicRn PakeerThtti lo s ' Eetr CnWi.nterveen and Stephen Lip- Wdedy fe Qpcner, Bert Payne; 2. Jeweltby. Titree Lcggcd Race, 15 onbie rag id a Kn the cah r Goadwin was driving dy mrig wl .a locQk Bijx, Mike Vogels, Newcastle. and under, Mike Willems and onte it a o tarce es vv r hî MKoing H b s l .Éhe w inners f te w a spe- H rry Vogels. 12:21 a.m.ta e ar . S e i l g s s w h w ll b Clal prizes In te draw wcre Ladies' Shae Kick, MrsTte atacyce rderMt 3Dirk Vanderwerf, Newton- Egon Riebmuiler. Mcn's Sitae Temtry ie y wille, and. Michael Heenan, Kick, Dirk Venderwerf. Egg ]on213Olver t tet, 0ge 21 fr Drhm Cont, Mr. oey ÇburtIce. Ion OliverulWentzellnageo2tstpr1.eMarare1Russeert C.reetvOsMawa Was In charge ai bbc drws. Vogels and Dirk Vanderwerf, rlinsed rie s n t heor Eer- fo ex r uIr,.vts - Treasurer A. J. IHrstman 2. Benny and Sopha Vander- tionCard 'uis" Cnarruth-r as ini charge aifte races and werf. Married Men's Race, gny Depatment ofMm..Ale C reec ... ct er cn ests. W inners in Stew art C tsitlm . W ieel- a o c c e a o n e a a -, e c s l n r . the 25 Yard Races for Boyr barrw Race, Gerry Murphy pmat lely $300. to a- e r, vat ,thtR eehfea ligEn 'ers: Age 5 and 6, 1. Gerry and Benny Vanderwerf., The pOn manay $63 0 a. .io W a nli. . IEddy, 2. onnie Visser, 3. Tug ai Wr between Single ~..~'. car driven by W alter Urba i- T w nship i is u r 0iisholm, 2. Rendy Master- te latter. ;' 'i' outa con Trao wn he]ev làn, 3. Marty Vogels; 10-13, Oto oto n oldoe :1%,Larry Hardcastle Jr., 2. on . t . thaunle tRaonigte d Mt. o Gerry -. Mastersan, 3. Harry a115 Dmae etofbitegrhîle 'Vgels. C rni*v uI - ï115. Damged totevhceFolloing oe sý-Grs 25 Yard Races: Age (F<ROM PAGE ONE)> ere a atbut $1,oo gK47, 1. Arlene Cisholm, 2. engîne. Ed Major, Newcastle Cosal r YdyOP te wlbMos Zn* Venasse, 3. Micky Led- was te seller af thte wunnung' nesiatd Pr.Cu Constable TamWiYardy, 2.Ptikfor trie officiai paa ta. president, was te Car Draw Mr. UBowmenî e Astk Chairman. te BwaVie Ara Am- President Maurice Cnway bula biencead renc D e- A~nglicans drew te winning tickets for mentane EdrecD bea- D ffe bie Ladies Auxilisry's Speciel pTtmentre m inuis Aaren fr mnaieijures R à în e dRedwood 1uriure, Mlisideon et 10:5 p.m.o n nayvi n eicoRl., W te s & o twes a twa32cargcaS-eew;t2.w$$$m$$r$$n$-w$$er$$$ Co-Ordinators Electrie Blanket, Mrs. C. An- ion aNo1:50Hgipa.m he udri- ChterdAcona 7'Miss Denise W cssells hasTawel Paie, Mrs. Ernest Rash .- ... .. onvers 35a i gbie ars uva e d wre been appointed Ai-ca Ca-ar- atte, 24 Liberty Street North.R'er fthcs vla ed26,PcbeMoie. sbitar for te Anglican 1 st Vice-President Rase Ven-.Roberut Cyl, ad Jaitn Mntea 1ounig People. Titis wss an- asse wes te Special Draw ebruh n onLapai-te, ido libun ed by te Anglican ]io C nvenor. aMi 1T oroys ac .s a mauentedom na rn e G og a c u e césan Council, Toronto, thi The Ladies Auxiliary Daîl aMr oximsatscar $500,Emoto * eek. and Fising Rod D raw was t er was about $250() d g o d n W e l . . L . H r . W t r, C 'Miss Wessells will be re- canvened by Conirade Denise ta bie ap abotecar. Casabge Gro .Re ng frlicason Peole were: 1.Desd Drs ot and $5. .....................................................atny ons i c ola son e twl ein A n ct ia a ie w n esLarry M a o p, nves- 8 o p ~ C nr 3 4 3 -2 a-stsir ii rsShtaron. Burns, -65 Lamb's . Omhawa Osbaw wh 2c rit e e s irin isey Bl-*Lne; 2. Fisiting Eod and Tac- ~lgtd gheh t.ewt foilleBaynd. -kLae ith $5, Mrs, A. Godidard, cludes Uxbridge on te north. QMana uiiry Pr nesd tet dte Dlocesan Council. Mry est ove avxdbt litWill~ Lorraine Bruton was ini charge .' *- solution ai any problenîs, and o! tt HtDowtad.. h i~'~ luMisersu a zaistn bite a ot o sthand.Cm-ae Y E S .wh ae hm Ms-Janet Living, aisa af ren's Costume Parade Chair- Nowmanville, has been ap- man. Scores ofsettr odntr ace-tecolorful parade evening rdcds n neesigoli ncludîng Nutbean and Phyllis Nutbeainin the foreground. H i o VRCR orunbo.m rc i from te Higit School th e from ow m nvlle's bea ch residents. T hey are, ta M emo 1alPark. s H I O V R C R G u ara n- m eea hrety na rr dina. Légion B i da, li t o ys 1a ck BillIE O E 5-Yeu P~ipeBn dte parade, als ian disePs Peie T.-Io Stanir;în em ;fÉý AmN efot ..in ~iandY Lake, 2. Diane John- said. Fe. spoke af exhibitions 6cl-atmtetasisoi 1.92619FORDRDFUSTOM 1 sen, 3. Juil Colville. ai ntaing and sculpture as u m ccr . ut Kt134 asmsso7.IC U 7531 The anîusing rides made 'a bath tintcresting nd insti-uc- m rP o r m U d r a HOUg:est bit. Titere wu.s a Ferris jjvef ]RUS hethe Scraabler, eaimail A eaie 137 cisnddtrsmuo. traioa.dbit CharCiculr. Heydens aiso asked te E'~1965 FORD CUSTOMLi,0UD w o3u Sig.Eart Bragg and Lions ta help childi-en developW 11h 613"Re is>iered fojr LeM 94AUTN"10 1ovAmU moto& George Perfec eei music apiecialian by encour- ce smchare o! tickts i4i- iegng Item ta listen ta god194CE.MLB INwm m vil' Qloed cha4U ref tuketsfratheproviding bt 1 -- eansfor LVVIII d so.STATION ýWAGON 16 OVI sitauld sec that tem sans and ____________ d.ah-espractice singing at The Bawnianviile Depert- Park, 73 et Vincent Massey, 1964 BUICK LE SABRE 1963d NIC4R ~~h~~5rais1 have been bld é te :ere Orvillo Osborn, 14 ment f Reeceatiuin ni er 25 at West Beach, 35 et Bal2-R eH R TO cJ71SUOIUOiSfSflUjol tdo by tou-lechers et years; Laurence Goddard, a Porml eludrwyBah n ix t WaveleLcyK20 Ib la unfounateat te= e and Howac isn W'ith 208 boys and 187 girls HRod for a tobal af 613 regis- la n o t ; a b e n «u h c l i n a l w o o th e r p pre e t , 1 h w m i n r g a o f r h e W v r e A Y M R Lmve yow Kedasietel Ia" - me Pounjle',Mr. l aal i. ine years perfect attdnc eah*In 138 regaisg red itn dS a. h aeîyMNYMR - SDCAST HOEFO al chI a a really C A. M Donald 10la ars* le r. are 13ere is ereleod dpi-agi- ar tias be cint fer d velo ,Ing ud piutlu g . cir a iimo im w iti top R elpit Amr n d )Ro Tu e lte e s a taSwlmn, 67 lin the ue l cw p riip nsAA~iu *cu m er dcvl t, d eodcdng fud x e a cr actad P~ i've mid Six yean alds, 90 in being invalved. ~ovdedwhe lie aw msa ecevede 1 Yers er-13 lante Interunediates, and mer pi-gaical well under » RY LOVEUL , "001.18 bei-he. - 1«t end&ncS Awu& The 12 la the Survival Graup. way wlbh about 30 comlpg out oUbO13~ ~ remetloi- m u et u There were 32 boy every Thursday aienoon aI Vt i m has nJi y S. & Jam'e. toi-ad la lte Day Camppi- the Lions Centre. The Senior bis «.t GuesIs proenlt etbthdiM- et Thistie VfeyPark. Citizens will itoldteir An- ODSL for C: pttypsir w« Cam nual Picnic an July 27th at *tton 1 . ~o,,»wym~je, j~ ~ llIeq ra q l me, 4 St. George, a' - .: I W > Kî a Os sw ait Fua md Ri itgLcthIl75 ri-2*0.M mt uai.,a polavd RaePin- lbehdiaetLion Centre, 1881 l'h. Recreetion Country and PhOflé 623.253 1-fùLî 14 "' rnd htofiUlitsIe et Ont«ài 'U »t e t Me- 'Western Jambwee eltractei l MO.park.1U gm jiý se t10 oioP*Iem wed. - à). -17

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