Mr. m e UIOflO J ~~~Sweel Littie Charmer Up, Barbara rrightandS John Toronto. CadanSteanEomvfluy2,16 5 T h Om N w se Lne, Beth Ashton and Cheryl ?s. A. Wernam and Clke Wlim.W nedy uet Ashton. ~~Iy. Barry'a Bay, tm larkeMIM.FdE1~ ldaadMs oaCriOila Man~d Mrs. Herbert Mof- bave been with Mr. and Mrs. Mn.inrce FadunewekwihMr ndMs f t a d u g h e s o f F o is e F . 0 . C o o p e r a l th is w e e k . .e r, na.t v r y M r a d M s.M G U an udrwex wihMr adMr.A. M.aA r v. and Mrs. lex M. aVdMii. imoa-m p, Susan Knowlton and famy.Pat and XGUndDo t andsons of Wakawteker Jr. of O nawaiers-8, All~.~'an Ashton, Craig Larm-MnadM FdC and shaw wee ~ Cr b ra e, oys, 6 b Mike rem ined for heli ays. wer Sun ay îsitrs ith n. unda ev ning vistons wlt M.and Mrs. JonathaniJSunday dinner guesta of Mnr rS .n eadM.Oa or n a h ~~p b e s a n d d a u g te rs !' a d ? & n . K e th' T e g u n a a n d---.a m e se ra c e , 9 a n d 10 , E n g la n d ; M r . a n d M rs. J . P ig - v id . H a l p ~ were recent family Miii Street. ., ~ - Cindy VanCamp and Barbara gott and family were dinner Cnrtlto icr yptyc b r ihM.adMsWi.Congratulations te Mr. and',lowes Ashton, Paul Larmer, Janice guests last Thursday Of Mr- Mss. John McMle neMx n Ms ereHah i Ylole;Three legged race, and Mrs W. Park and JaEiy. ine McKe ) whweearedteeahehrbohrM' Ilad 12, Marie VanCam rie Paepe let on Friday to visit. Bailey, on their marriage on , er n alLre;BysGatGapi n.os t- Toefoiti emnt relatives and friends for a!Saturday, July 22nd ii rn ora ra e 9 a id u , L ry e dS dn th P e b t r an hu h Week in the state ef Michigan.lUnited Church. Mr. and Mrs Wry al arer alon nde a picnic on unay at wbo enjoyed th Wensa Mr n r.Hn adnKmetwl eieon Main! rce grl i and up, Cheryl th cottage ef Mn. George bus trip te o r.M.RvredFe wn ]Brink and daughters Ms.Steet*and B th Ashton, Carol WerryWila .P nt.Emroe a R osa L e w is a n d K atie a n d M rs. M .WSh eiamn a n dnberan d M rs. M a l e ms e n d se o . m Ms M.Sewn ad irand Donna Swajn. Mrs. Lorne Phare spent theiMn.. R.W. JackoMs a-coe"lh shstrl.M s Ross Leins a nea e and he dger, rs Jnte . .b weekend with Ms ioreillyn Jacksoin, Ms .Vse ag "o a h e r ch u m L a u ri e ch m id , re , J a c B ry s o nC h in e se ra c e , 8 te 10 . B a r b -M s e b u n this era a d ag r Lou et t ara Ashton and Janice Yelow- W ight, Bowm anvile. 1 Gorge Don nri , n n h u A t h M i h ne Bow-j -g it tony Lke'ndlees, Paul and Deug Larmer;M.anMr.Ca.MreMs.RcadDvsn iBigsccmnyg.Th -~ ---~Chinese race Il and 12, Marie and family, Peterbonough, Grant ThompsoMi ellksen okwr otwl Corp. Sandy Ritchie, Mrs.iîlast week at trie Reesor cole-Lry er a d D vi n an .H ealp .si. VanCam Brend YellwereFriday supper guests of Werry, Mr. anMi.GogcreVstrs of Chilliwack. B.C., left fer! Mrs. Cecil Robinson spent> Mrs. Park. tin rce G ud fur Mrs M uicSn. Ritche and thei son age n ar-Mnden.cot-lLaacothSharrusnne their home on Monday by a few days ths week ith Msnle ntawk nmer, Girlsfteîgsraceg M andndSharonFr ncis HandaMrsDonnal- day morningcalReverendr M meto car aftr sp ndin a;q~ a d M s. F anci Hal at -'13 and up, Cheryl Ashton, ee r o re M d and Mn. Alex i tchre an d M-lginceunt. -withlber iser, n.R. Bur- t a i y r . L s i e î s a p t e t n g , M n . L l o y d A s h t o n , W i l m a g e s s . T h o p i n i o n s f E p r n S l m n a d H . W . an r.Ae Rthe ad Mr.Lsi ei sapte VanCamp; Man's bail throw, varîed, but mn tpolia-dm s i hm .M.Fru D e u g L a n e a n d G a r yMMelaod M n. A rn o ld i sh e r , o u r e d th e T e lE p h n a i i n o s a n t v f C r w i h aMny. O . .Faa net. McalsHsiaTr!Du aeadGr elr, Sask Rid.eild- hs hntnladybe _____ 0._M_ J.__________ nto.Man's shoe kick, Keith Van-eer Ri , orladyu daughter Karen of Markham,' Mn. and Mns..Stuart Dan- n andCap bisPterwife served te e C a m pa a n dy w t M . n w s ýrcPu n alo i-The small childnen enaoyed setafwdy wt n n etceast remakdr t~ ne nAnc.i sawy nech, Paul and Gail o! Win- t a peanut scnamble. I Mrs. W . M acdonald visited Canada". M a nyey d t e w i h' ai e s n a k t iCeg, M Caitoba nancMy. Ihen sister, Mn..R. Scatt. Mn. SwssRushthscomunty.Th S P C A ý"i M illbrook visited M . andM f P T Lbo ,ae sPa î on . T end a tu s. Mr.Onville Challice and fam-. - ~ JLL.J. ee i .mnni and Mn.. James Graham a.nd sian, Danish andusainsngteateInGei Mn. andMn,. Trry Fagn - A ridaimicb-onys. a an excellen ,ily on Friday, July i4tb. dPard onrincm veillo-alsCntwig Mr. and Mn,. J. Piggett, Mn. the cruise aroutheilnsSfbl STURGEON S ef Ottawa bave taken up nei- laneous shower was edapnywtMradMs.Wl gvanxc den ce in th e f erm er B eau - . voe o r . F a k . y 1 r P r i i e b i g r ic ao f the ca ri l n pove c i i y d n n h e l . O FIRST QUALITY Ichamp house on Cebb Hill.ies ecmo itrc nSna.rlxto the hmeof ed. rnesdBy scadte aMr. Lawrence Squair of erJul l9t, o pm n enou MandM. Wa lU F emfat, Frank and Donald et alm, f Mn and Mn,. Grant of Miss Joan Marvin, eidest don, aBuningtan, Mn. and sn et Fn. an M n d WmoS.ald -1. .... .... "W hat did y ulk et" w ih ib C rw i h b : . 1. daughter ef Mr. and Mn,. Mn.. Leslie Virtue, Mr. andwaase an G tigHm' inrsInheeiolaue Oak île, we e und y ue tsd M-arvin, M orrish, w hose l M n.. Rap b Shaw , M . and w as th n a 1:1111 i . - u n dra yJ 1 2tak e p l ce o n riSat- rs. A . E v an s, O sh aw a, v isit- mrarv ellu es e îg iî e r n fe s J C ongratulation , te M n. and r-<~~M. a nd Ms.. A it e n e l nt h v i s d w n e s h s i h e t o M -- uy 9hinMor SuttonM , M . and n.. A.Vru tip1 fok ___________ a -- ns. Ronald Pingle et Cour-c f lb r t e h e n 5 t e d i n -i g at n c h urchh c i i i s M , G e n r u d e a S t e p h e n s a n d m m e s a M A m u T ie, the f rmer Miss M ar y o ua a y h: u:. T yo, B v ne e t fm n . t e cr-u a C s o week. ~~~~ - ov~ ean d J an bamie acn - T aylto r and Mn,. . ABu ne. et e, J nc p l n yuît untilSndaolMn anM,.Pi- A Jo n nd B rb na e A im r - T eg oodrt is h hes e t ier many Bo er vi eSi ted M n J. bs d m n s o a visited Mn. ei l ort r last ng - - s -e Gard.iner, w - - N T !nnvesryattfniem lst nd sciae expssedfnthe aMioystsrsq'lePr cunely vsngihMntro week. Sae$.0prgi rRd M .Jackd Mn.. R.Burgess. ipLangfel ï,pEgnsîrvu L S I I 9~~gai 7 9 s Wilsen and famîiy and B~~~o e twen o rtye a nd a fif.Ty loBy ar n d p nM r e-d y ta l atr n c n s r ey ho o 6 33 0 lent a th Bewn anvile bi t co n, a cfnend oft heab r ideh. Virt e ia t Thu sday FIN ISH C O A T n e d Mrs. N ibePot Mu oto Mr J. ed, W ib an M. L o M tt , B wm le.Serlsiý« '.1 , is T C ot, and fa b rid a bok M is Gaîl G. ib curaha , H ydo, isiro P , . so Ronad' geat-randaugter f Mr andMrs.B. incet, CrnerBroo, Nwfoudlan, cotain clppingan phosand bMsast e ilark.Aax Re.$03wStfee M.He-JndM sF.av ,O aw .M ob ePh t etJonibr 'roig ,i.hiaygwtbhin r and Ms G M, yefars d wee much enjoye.arets Mn. nd MrsB W PR..IE 8.30 mcurtBisktedleftand MdayAt eon i ccsion. o! te Ram. pn e asatal fe e GusWpsoe adJ SecondBewee frt .an C" 9.5oharfn dso usa.Teaal tis eighto n n te yeanpot aide-An sonn M t ngs rar Joa n tkbersat Tex onclusin etrVcatio gal. 7o95 MCenceAln a-duhe Caeandd Mn.. Lawrencean lle who eaybate e is rga dcoatedablrwth ibed MS.Chas.oShwlObehewad Liînsted Quantsty Hannîs et Eight Line, i. niss n ath ove ar a m o et. a Fitdaylier ing tr 8 .m. w e o r do t r c n phnAs.en y u n M e m o ita l H sp i t hl .M ire s u ltr a h m ,Ho!' erai s hoM re J .gRais p ra y o! ta ns er . te oin vite d. B o wc h a r g eeo r y o u m ah e p i ckeu psy on d p r e s c ri ptbo o Mr. and Mrs Albert Mu -, great-grnddalargerofate.iangMgarde.nVpotnailCoparentsokande fniendsndaren>aimedicine.gsWendihotodeaiderstproBillyahFREAjcf BFN H whicîx gir.fadsMweneonlattacheddy atw shoppingrand Sutin off a pMr. an ly Hl-an r.F Do Oswast' bbe h t heof ensiasher goits ene op fn a Rg$1.0mt b iaske left lo w.dy ----yas ee uhejy paens r.anENs.W "DcoatngSpc ,ofts wihM.and Ms. Larveconclusion et inspection byoct sînce 1921 Chailic attended the Sltbgestso! e gfs. Ate Kt ner b hv ecn wedding a niversany e Mn. n -o ng Jear an g ve- a ie d n s a Phon 62 54 1 an Mn. T omas Noron tlvrg e Ta n k You" Mn..tLd n nd Mounjoy and ate ti h s a a G Psho r visitons ti se toch rgeth 55 MankHaspianlatherday. Luncwhih gwas sered thea KnStWBw v i all n.g offd onyDet b astie-eMn.sansthMn.. s weanop-sifohoppin tuENEH S e nnd e Baptn aterbkp Ot-ogENr en bost aoehs, aise by Katy, n n r sel GîET Nt 7KgS.E.6-24 BomniOt thisnBsw&anvile, and Mn,.MMaeand_______Harvey________t________a____________________ s i n c 1 9 1 " C h a l i c a t t n d e t h 5 0 h l e t d ft h e v e y g i f t s . f ran d e c L u g lne d f C ae sc o u e re i snecenticailens Jiah Ma.eand 431 ýwedin anivrsa o Mrparted ai e Tant Y od . wish-Mn. ChnesdaBnig,.On sawt- Phones62n-5clngdatulahomos N ormoailtu rday aoenno o un . and , W A N T E o SuD M.yM..Oson bastneMr. undPr, Caesr 55 K ng s . W. Bo manvlle r. ordo Den ba re-malhoW e ar las ted b t C, . B i a tn d .R ss Gled thc7 M ount- _____________________t___ Brampton_____athnnedhomp 'etrom Poer tHoeMn. omilandSaMls. cje- minatd whn M repeon t ol y PuicnatCantwnigh Cern- and Dstrict osp itsand e-ye recent fr ie-darbusanp mucbd aiperovdy otihecnete x. Chalked ith n San eand ateonrecelaived dmaluringand erno cMr niticisms( omav bersenfonce.sta.good sow) t ben th alaunt- M A R R I E D M A NM . llamb orne m n e-imesty be aut ehsr is doncj and Ditrict ospitl very1 eWehstrofntWfve-dleyb sRtri . . . . .. .. .turned home on Thunsday af- mstaviin, n Tbis iiois dbbc REtET 0 er spen ding a few day, with i odadrqie lh Mn. and Mn. T. C. Dodds of odadnqurdegt g Tyrone. months te complete. nr An added pleasune fer Mn. TYRONELoydFounney, a former stu- f tenian Cburch bere. Mn. Four- C r ~~ - - - - W . H . T a y lo r a n d e n t m n ist r la b bn r e sblir nB e e f R y TO B TR INE BYLEA ING OILDanny spent a week with herliDorvai, i. preacbing ln Mont- COMPANY AS OIL BURNER - ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . boys at their cottage on Ca-!studies fer tlbc ministry. -;.n ing Lake. IMn. and Mn.. Arnold Will- ME.HANIC tlie Hamilton families on the! Mn,. Clarke Williams neturned -~ ~ ~sudden passing o! their broth-jhome on Tbursday from thein SPECIALFO Wrie dvrtse 84 ~.- ,~,en-in-law and uncie, Mn. Herb visit te Expo and te Uppen N E Wri.- --------------------------Mackie et Ebenezer. 'Canada Village. Mn,. Deug c/ Cnaia Satsmn,..................................... ~ s M~ Flowers in the churcb Sun-lFallis and family, Bawman- - t-Canadi- Statesman day menning were in * îngvile, wene Satunday guests Fro lam.b2pm l'O. Box 190- B w ma vil e - .... ... ... ... ... ~ ....m em ory o! M n. Fred P artner!and M . and M n. W alter Fal- by.berBoamii90 lismanviamily, Bethanynmwen R 1 -. -M m V IS Il,1 )CA - ALL CLASSES ORE LOW PuICE 65 ..TYLES, SHAPES AUD COLORS TO CHOSE FRGN Bflii, If Eequlred - Kryptok, Ultez or Fia-Tops Chioe. 4h. uiss,fFai 'Yom wînt ei ndiy yoeu pîefor y.ur specfal wquirm.f$L Select heom a wiie asmoî.$mînt of ffrmes, the *me de- slqied OiPWàillv for veut faite. pitsoniliy endfacial conbour. Kng *gar-s the Grttest Vaut.W ed M.ibghest qualitiy atONE LOW PuICI. WM't Yom comp,ère... provos. Si, King end Save! NEW HOURS: 7 BOND ST. EAST &.nM. to 5 P.M. 2nd FLOOR jSUL. S a.rn. to noon OSHAWA, ONT. CIos.d Ail Day WedWay PHONE 728-12<1 Susan Michelle Pfeiffen, the bright-eyed little girl in the above photo, cele- brated her second birthday on Wednesday, July l2th. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pfeiffen, Bow,-nanville, and granddaughter of Mrs. Alice Allin, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Helene Pfeiffer 'of Stuttgart, West-Germany. Photo by Astor Studio SUN Werry-Wright FamiIy Holds FR 941h Picnîc ut Cart wri ght i I LAM On Saturday, July là., bbc'Virtue, Glenn and Manion C AIE spending two weeks holiday. 94tb picnic o! the Werny -ILarmen. lb was decided to hoid:AIET with bis parents, Mn. and Mns. Wright, Philp family wa. held bbc 1968 picnic at Blackstockii 1Erneb Dent and fanuily. at bbe Cartwight Recreation again, wlth 12:30 dinner.C L ANE Newcastie witb Mn. and Mrs. Peggy Larmer and Lois Yel- Wenry distributed bbe foliow- !Robent Rutherford visitcd Mr. lowlees supplicd name bags ing prizes - Youngestcid W. Adams who is a patient ia and registered 94 people. Allen prescrit, .5 months aid Grant * DUSTY SHADES Uic New Maunt Sinai Hospi- thc dinner served by bthe Ashton, son ot Jean and Ras. bal, Toronta. iBlackstock W.1. ladies, Presi- Asbbon. Oldest Persan, Ja,. A. '* DSO TN E LNE Mn.. Harvey Morgan Wdent Menrill Van Camp cen- Wenry, 94 yeans. Langest fani- IC N NU D NE visiting with Mn. and Mns. ductcd a short business ineet-jily, Ross and Thelma Laneý Matb Harrison cf Bewmanviile ing. Eleanor Wcnny read bbc wibix thein six children. Pen- *A at their cottage nean Bobcay- minutes of tbe Executive son eaming fanthest distance ONE OJF AM INDI' geon this week. meeting ini June. Peggy Lar- Doug Lane, Strattord.' Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hunter mer gave the reasuren's ne- Couple whosecocmbined e! Port Penny were Sunday port. a98, iges totalled the least,. Ruth ~ AmuL guests et Mr. and Mn.. Harvey, The executive for198ia and Gary Mellon, Guelph, S A Vy1 i S' Glan. lollows: Past Presidont, Mer- wbose ages totalleil 43. WomanG Mn,. Alan C. Beauchamp eft nU VanCamp; President, Aman witii amalicat purse, Eleanor Cobb Hill enterbaineijl inber Werry; Vice-Preuident, Wm. WVerry. Man wltb meut change U r'T O now heuse, là et their neigh- Wenny, Kedron; Secnetany, mi one peeket, George Bray. bons on Thursday evenlng, te Eleanar Werry; Treasurer, The !eilowing sport. pnog-____________ Jmeet Mn,. Terry Fagan wbe Peggy Larmen; Management ram took place in bbc park: ,Irecently mavcd te Cobb Hill Comniittee, J yc and Ralph Boys and girls, six and udr froni tbe Ottawa district. Mhe Susan Wenny, Cralg Lrmer;w mu nooms were dccerated la yel- with Mn. and Mrs. Ed Hogg Boys 7 and 8. Deug Larmer, - lew and white for a "Stork eftFraservilie attended the Ailan Ashton; Girls 8 te 10, F - . S8hower" when Mm..VFgan e- Syer - Zarzi wedding on Bat- Cindy Van Camp, Barbara celved 1many beaugiriand urday July 22nd at the Ashton; Beys 8 te 10, Paul Rhod.sitt Ave nue United Cburcb Larmer, Deug Lamer;' Girls 74 King St. E: M.alMx'.. Wm. Robinsen of Toronto and the receptien' il and 12, Brenda Yeiiowicee. 74 anbhef ouse guest Mx',. eathe U àpere am atlarie VanCamp; Boys Il and W .McElrm i etarboroug1 W..t, MMis rek. r 1, A WeMr, Stk MER ~< ES N ROCKERS -CHAIRS 4 Sev.ral On. OnIy 1 ALL REDUCES,, TO (LEAR P LU.d t- Il ý& AL ý& Adm Ir 19 i y d0lcý4