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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1967, p. 6

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In-tea. auidln 8ÈS tataumn2&Blmswfl., r hrm thO N T YoP OpOnL - ~ a a Mr. W. C. Robb rett Pot e Hspta l Ofl Friday Our seno ftbal mea had attendnce waa down a litte' ,J( j iu-iC rorfito aet st~ago ekpclgUp two we had gnoss recelpts of avez Iren erWForCla ke-Sehoswhlch ah. anWOnwins over Cavan 9-2 and 16-2. $2600. It-laept that after'n =Minea Mfruaeacident This ahould consolidate their epne are pald considera-0 at ber borne In Westmoun't, Position in 2nd place. The ble over $1,000 wlI be avail- t four weeks ago. mdget tearn has been playing able for the Chaniber of C=m-'a Inenddfr Rtwek e advlsed the board tuat The acceunt of Jack Hood edhr witl Mm. Robb. seniors defeat Cavan on Suin- big event here will b. the heJUlY meeting of Clarke tenders were being called on School Supplies In the aniount edhr T"w. Area Scheel Board was the 1lth o!fJuly for the con- of $7,026.87 for clausrooma sup, nMr. Don Owles la a patient day. The Pee Wees are trying Penny Sale sponsored by the l4eld On JUIY lth In Rendal struction o! the Klrby and plies was ao withheld asi Memorial Hospital, as of bard but unable ta get, into local L.O..A. whlch wllI be Pulie School with VIce-Chair.. Kendal Schools, with tenders parts of the shipment were Saurday. e.The i oun laiethern l-lld Auet1thise awll e inati Mn. J. Barlow, Jas. to close at 4:00 n.m. on Wed- unsatisfactory. Mr. Grant Wade played banlge h on aistai ul detsd e ae wlth Kendal Interniediates in u1der the able leadership of date In this paper. Liowery, Win. Turansky, Jas. nsa the M hof Auguat. The Mr. TuIansIkF in reponting I(ingston, Strdy Mr. Clifford Falles have won WehatatM. dadC ~t~t ndH.BetSerear- Bar ared o ee Wth for the T. & M. Committee o and leat in their lest two gam.i Webb of Peterborough la is h 0 ~feasurer o! tue Board; Fran- ee on tuat evening to open infomed the board that Mn r. and Mrs. DonVinkle es. The seniors wi1 li eet Civic Hospital. For many years 3, cis-Reed, James Buckley and tue tenders. Wnan did net wisl ta e sen Saturdeya t Lindsay, ntrong opposition when they Ed resided iD tue McCrea'n B Robt. Chater. James Buckley And Robt. placed in the Kendal Unit b ut Wxt Mr. &nd Mr. Clarence inxet Baileboro on t h e 1 r Church area. 81 'Frencis Reed, Archltect, met Chater of Leskard addressed nrferred te teach ini the Gflnxer and !amily. grounds on Wednesday. Coniderable properties have with the Board to rev'lew sev- tue board, stating their con- 1irby Centennial Unit. No Mr. and Mn. L. DeSmit and The entire conxnunity and exchanged ownership recent- C en Iitems relatlng to tue con- cern for tue safelceePing of the further action was taken by fatmlly cf Orono, are moving County of Durham was nad- ly- Mr. Albert Bowins has fc struction o! the new Kfrby records, datlng back in excess the board on this report. into thelr new hume, here on dened to bear of the passing sold hin new home in the vil- b( Cthtenniai School and the of 100 years, of Leskard Schooi h I Main Street, formerly occupied of Walter Rickard, youngest lage to Mn. Martin Dwyer. Mr. rE addition te Kendal School. The Section. These had been jean-. Te !ollowing items were by the Harness faniily. son o! Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Nornman FallIs and Mrs. Gold- JI Bonr approved if!: (1) ]Relo- ed by tue board te the Cen- dealt with as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Brown, Rickard cf Bowmanville, after stein have sold their proper- R câM1?g the outside drinking tennial Cemmittee o! tue James Lowery moved that with Mn. an-d Mrm. Fred Hen- a very short illness. Mrs. tien in the village. We do want d( fountain te the west aide cf Clarke teachers for display iD the working drawings for the derson, returned Fridey night Riekard (Annabelle Hendry) to express our congratulations the achool and adjacent te the the Cenawood Shop as Part addition te Kendal School au from tueir trip te Expo. taught in the Pontypool school te extensive painting, roofing lE plaYground and (2) the rede- o! their achool museum ex- revised and submitted by the Viaitors with Mr. and Mrs. for seyerai years. W. join and cleaning up ID our village. hE signlng o! tue fans in the Unit hibit. The board was in!orm- Archîtect be approved by tula Phil Gilier at their Chernong wyith the entire area in expres- Richardson Bras. Garage and ar vatitiletons for quieter opera- ed that pages were being tern board. This motion was sec- cottage on Sunday, included sing our condolences te thone Mangan'n Hardware have had U, tion by means o! a lower eut of the minute bock resuit- onded by Jas. Stutt and car- Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Clysdale, who mourn. new paint jobs. Clifford Olven n 14.P.M. but retaining th-e same iDg iD e general detenioration ied. Mr. and Mms. Bert Tonipkins, Mr. and Mrs. Lyness Doher- of Toronto han had a new roof-Ai capacity. Mr. Reed alo pne- o! tue records. The delega- jas. Stutt moved that Mme. Mn. an-d Mms. R.ay Tonpkins, ty o! Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A., and ether renovations on the th forte the okna addin tiard move the e ordta rm R. Merkley's sabary as munic Shelley and Robbie. are ioinîng with Mr. and Mms. Robt. Halloren residence. Sev- tic acrton ond dt ion.etterd Cnovthord sopa teo-instructor be IDcneased by $25 With Mr. and Ms. 'Wlfrcd Ralph Sharpe in spending a eral new fences have been tin atbe o icsion onund t er vide for their preaedvtaonrin per classrooma per year, effect- Paeden, Sunday, were Mrs. holiday in the Sharpe home bufit on the frontage of sev- gabee ralbu ie ss o n viewfo! thei hisorcvalue i ive September 1, 1967. This Daisy 'Peeden, Bowmanvile heme. The Dohertys have been eral homes. A lot ta be donc th genera businss.Teywfter hasurd thaetl motion was seconded by Jas. and Mr. Lamne Paeden. visitig our village for over yet boys but it sure helps. Wc E' rTeyeo s ud e mtve Lowery and carried. Mr. and Mms. Sid Bmo;wn and 20 years. They amanged a undemtand that the Mangan Bv frotec aord o d b Seo ad The Secretany was instruct- girls went ta West Hill, Sun- grand party for iny late wife Hardware in possibly the nid- He pbacd I the veult tO n o no cd te notify Wm. Hooey cf day, te visit hem mother,, Mmm. and I, when with our brides- est building in the village Fi Sol. MmIn.te Buleyaitgreed Orono Customn Fencing thet V. Wagg. maid and groom we visitcd (built in the 1880's). an SS oco.Many uece agry fd itue fence on tue Kirby Centen- Mr. and Mns. Wallace Bau- Buffalo in Oct, 1955. A mystcmy bus !mom the FI( retunng tue documents to niai Sohool site be completcd ghen attended the Baptismal Our annuai Street Fair and Peterborough amea stopped on Bc tue vault ID Orono School. by the 24th day o! JuIy 1967, Service in Orono Unitecd Dance is over and a goodly Sunday afternoon for a short Pr: us A letter o! resignation was and that failure of completion Chunch, Sunday morning, and crowd was present and it tume at Robt. Brown's Rest- I received from Mr. Endel Ulp by that date will nesuit In wene dinner guents et the was e gala affeir. While our aunant. The passengers don't Th fis.and accepted by tue board. cancellation o! the contreot. home e! Mr. and Mms. Alvin first A letter fnom Mms. R. Memk- The Sccretary wan request- Yeo, as were other membema bey inorned the board she cd te ebtain pnices on poetable o! both familes. A mi would acccpt the position o! chalkboards and movable par- Mr. and Mmm. C. M. Joncs music teacher in Newtonville titions for use ln the tempen- wcnc Sunday celIems with Mms. Public Schoob iD addition te ary classrooms et Lockharts. Giddus Joncs, Bowmanville. conidr a icreseIn ersel- July 17 et 8 p.m. In the office' Jack Klmball's, Lakeshore, aryof$50pe classroom o! tue secmtary to di scuss and Mr. and Mme. F. Gilmer FO U R SP IN ýer yer. hisreqestwas grades and enrolinient for the wene Sundey evening callers. ab d fr gnerl usiess 197-8 shoo tem.Irene Kîibal retunned - home F bofore you drive fabe o eea uies 976 coltr.tep r!om Mernorial Hospital, Sun- zqat ~ nsw car Harvey Partner Limited, unden chase o! anc set of Groller omy on Tues ay.erapnet ur tnw atef Jly7, 967 arau- Encyclopedia for use in Omono Mm. Arnold Wade w:nt tel O P E NL prtc oriwtu t feno!tdefetin aatuel t scrt mee e IaÎâ ton udy, o a yourinvtmen an frl ofdefctsfor the pcniod qnetedto c auefo r. .Sihreu dt .yoëur famlily's welfare. We'U c! anc year !mom the above m erenc uhreslefo.Mm . mt eundt b. apy o cl yu btin date. As the installation was cobeetatoiis em home here, the latter part bhap ohp o ban net cemplete, tue board did The secnetary was advised e! the week, !ollewing hem so- ~I U AL quality auto insurancc..4e.« net accept this guarentec. Ms te m equetaMmm Baicyhe and eunMr.Bwand vii uslcp-W IN A 2 pendable insurance becked by This decision was besed »iMm talstoetniutetl.M.adMs.RsdlM- thisagecy m Th He th te opinion that the guaran- Board on Monday, July 17 inl Quaid of Saline, are staying thisagecy nd he artord tee pemlod o! one ycar should the office o! the secretery ne with hem et present. Fl ,:-IsurnceGrop. allon s bltion was cempbeted accord- The next regular monthiy awa, will preach his final ser- IDg te tue ternis a! the con- meeting te b. held on Mon-. mon In Newtenville Chumch, SIH tract, and ispected by the day, August 14 et 8 p.M. in next Sunday morning. There Boiler Inspection Depetmcnt Lockhart's Public School. will be ne services In oum o! tue Ontario Depantment cf church during tue menth o! SIIOPSY'S VIENNA - 24-OZ.- Labor. Augut. S the accounts totalling $3,0770.- and Temry o! Toronto, were SL M C 51 as vemified and presented AUAL EEOS RN Sunday celiens with Mr. and J N Sby the Secmtary-TreasurerAUAL EN OS RE Mrs. Jackc Elliott. JAM S b aprovd fr pymeL AMhisiol" a o9 !e be ppove fr aymnt Tis olowing an illnesao e Theme will be ne local news motion was seconded by James years or more, Aune Lorene sent in next wcek, as yeum Stutt and cemied. Osborne, deughtcm o! the lete1 correspondent is hcading for INSURANCE Paynient e! the account o! Mr. and Mmm. EI.i Osborne, E pb th p st e u u UIDUVIIIthe amount o! $2,998.66 for tue sep ea cely awasofJuy 8, t9 e Offipe Residence supply and installation cf a ealyheusr c Iny18 the . lp*3uiecor 6238 o-5493 replacement boiler ln Orono he wsom n It he Eoevng e- _________ s withheltd pending eua n hrand ived and Acco un ia n cy Muuwý ý ompetin. ded n te hme fini a.£" EAT i. DILLING had a very cheerful disposi- Chartened Accountant tien and, ýalthough an invalid 93 Church Street AIfor meny yeams, ne one heerd62-81Ml fo Delicious reat!'-hem complin. 62- In hem youngem yeas Miss W . .H . eed ACoOGn Sa thdfl rM U " Osbornne was an active mcm- hrce conatpy~ofrrvf, Sh l15 Liberty St. S., Bewmanvife ber o! Ebenezer Church. Sb ___Phone ____623-361TO2EE F R H E RR IE Swen a Sunday Scheol teecher Phone 623-3612 FRESH BERRIESand a ile member o! the WULIM C. HALL WEanJUC Woman's M.»ssionary Scct.B.Ceirm.SWE an JUC She neyer lest interent in the Chartered Accountant PRDC 0FUSA activities o! tue church and 36% King St. E., Oshawa * and taethe lest hem theuguts cen- Telephone 725-6539N VE tred emeund it. DURROWS, SELBY & CO. The deceased was buried in Chentcred Accountants the family plot et Ebenezer 323 King tetWn RNE ', Ï,C e me te ry , w ith R e v . R em e mil s h , O n ta r io RNE conducting tue service. The 725-6451 - 728-7554 palîbeaners were Kenrieth Os- William A. D. Selby, C.A. bornIN C e, Tom Ogie, Ron O8- G. Edmnond Bumows, CA.SizeC berne and Steven Doyle. C io r c j 8s L . d !,Chimoprc resoe ieQt o M n . S a c ed M . R e i W o o d 9 ' I & rà e a N . C E R R Y P I E 9Z M S T A Choos. f rom our selection of plans or Suzanne WorralL. n6Of7c HuS t.E .romn.iu will build f rom your plans .. . Mrboysnrctr eid omeodhusaMnd 9am thnôuh Pm.edeHER.RY IE 9A on 25 servicod, N.H.A. approv9ô d Mrethfrodeyi.p~9aY to4panwTrdyOANESURqjFNY - ltatbatflgary Stampede. They crossed Phone 623-7662 OUNES QUR 4,EUfy over into the U.S.A. and came as4 (?~~I C rescent Mr. and Mrs. Jack Huggins, Ins1ian ce~Ull êl" ii akthtWy ROI I L @U .15 Gary and Ross, 9ccemKAInERdRDOALD A.. MeGREGO ~...'L41TisWL4 by their dauguter, Mmi. Den-. itA.uto, H.ommia S-DVSOIa Farrow and children e f cfto oe UN SBWM Oshewe, as wdll as Mr. and m n lumRnee J RAFST~ 6 IE Mns. Barl Huggins and baby, Knget W. wmve RA. wIr 4"ES65Ca Llberty St. S. Bowmanvi. have gene eut te Bon Echo Phon O100K a c LOW DOWN PAYMENT tri-p. o r tga MM. Adelheid Sehulteo!»3ij~ OO5SUE1 ý»"S « âve"t NK& morte torms Gern=iasl a visitor wlth her Am IIM N N J a l a e . n o n v e a e n t I A . m o r t e g . t o n8 10i t e , M nS . K sP a r Ho l e n . P h o n e 9 8 -5 1 1 5 at .ly ¼% Iterat.Mr. and MnS.!S. J. Lancaster Remziden - Farm were among the gucats et a BsnnPoete -.ENQUIEZ TOAY - barbecue et tue home o! Mr. B" rprisJG M L Edgar Nichol, Lakeshore R, mOptMURryPLIUS HOMUI Wednesday Molgt. __________ t__r__y *1enu s tn «a vlsit0rat Mr. Bert f O 62C EOT 67C Tozn Trdaours. Br4 - GA BREAD 24 oz. loaf 25 TieWon'& Intitute Bake Telpboe 16 iaa Sole held et thie home o! Mm i. ML ue&, a. Te rL, oin nay, was W"a.m te à p.m. "S PI lnwfor sure where they are and se gmet.gm&an&gm1r geing but it le mOstly turough Besides hem husband, M.f O IU R rural aean. I heppened iD and Yco was pmedeceaied by twol met sevemal tuat knew me in- sons, Orville when an infant, M George IL COU&"et .ludiDg Fred Thonipson (fer- and Lorne who wes killed iD Foflowing an lUn eto nerly cf Bethany). A lister action while serving with tue tbree and a bal! mnt1 thtie of tue lete Ed. Cain, Mme. Aus- PUCAP iD 1944. She wes elso deatu of Mm. George R. Col tin Sutton ( did live ID Cav- pnedeceased by two sietens bacott, eged 89 Yeara,% cr an), and sevemel others. We and anc brother, Mns. Arthur on Fmlday, July 7, 1967, ai are glad that tue bus owner Wilson, Wbitby, Mn. George Memonlal Hospital, B eWM saw fit te visit one o! tue bost Bell, Oehawa, and Mn. Orval ville.W lacs in Canada. Short, Oshaw. Daughter o! tue lete Thoa' The funeral service was and Menthe Knight, tue for- held on Fmiday, July 7, frOni mer Emma Jane Knight wepy OBDITTJAIRY the Morris Funerel Chapel, born et Napaniee, Ont. Thie Bowmanville, and was con- family rnoved te Bowmanville MES. R. J. YEO ducted by Rev. Harold Tur- when tue deceesed was an- The death ef Mme. IR. J. Yeo ner. Interment wan in Bow- Infant and she received ber occurred, !ollowing an fflnessmniXlile Cemeteny. education ID Bowmanville of one yeer, on Monday, Juiy Pallbearers were Messrs. schoobs. On December 11, 31967, et Memoriab Hospital, William Colville, Murray Yeo, 1901, she married Georg Bowmanvlle. She was In uh« Morley Yeo, Ted Yeo, Alex Robert Collacott who pree 82nd yeer. Henry and Delbert Grills. ceased hem lu 1933. Daughtem o! the lete Jennie Among the many lovely FobbowIDg ber marriege, she Colford and John Short, the floral tributes, evidence o! lived on the farm property la frmer Berthe May Short wan the esteem. ln which tue de- Darlington Township untW on et Oshawa wheme she ceaned was heid, wemc tuese 1945 when she moved te Bow. received hem education. On froni Geenel Motors; Robin- menvlbe. In 1958 Mrs. Col« July 21, 1902 she mamried son Tannery; Bewmanviile lacott weent te St. Catharines Richard John Yeo who pre- Foundry; Goodyer, Bownxan- te reside et Lmnwell Hall. 5h. Jeceesed hem in Januamy, 1947. ville; Silver Cross Associa- wes a member o! Trinityr The deceased resided et tien, Toronto; Rebekah Lodge United Church, Bowmanvlle. 160 King St. West, maving No. 3, Oshawa; friendz and Mm. Collacott is sunvivedt iee freni Tyrane. She was relatives. by ture. daughters and one m adherent of St. Peul's son, Marjorie o! -Bewman. 'nited Church and was a BOXII ville, Elle cf Toronto, Robert nember e! the Silvem Cross BROWNS (Bob) of Bownxenville, ancd sciation and wes an ac-1 Mm. and Mrs. Harold Hugh- Doris (Mms. Frank Hopkins) ive womker in the Associa- cs and boys neturned home e! Oakville; and turce grand- in as long as hem helth per- lest weekend aftem hebidaying children, Joyce, Jini and Joani aitted. et tue cottage for two weeks. Coilacott, abb o! Bowmanville. Mme. Yeo is survived by Mr. Ross Boyd flew te St. The funerai service wes mrec daughters and six sons, Therese, Quebec, on Sunday held an Mondey, July loth, 'elyn (Mrs. Colin Colvillel), night for e week e! business froni the Morris Funeral Cha- lwmenville, Geco r ge o! et the Genemal Motors office pel, Bowmanville, and was imtn, Russell, Violet (Mmm. there. conducted by Rev. Harold recmean Reynard), Gardon Master Ken Boyd is et the Turner. Interment was lu Ld Delbert, ail o! Oshawa, Billy Henris Hockey School in Bowmanville Ccmetery. erence (Mms. Orval Grills), Etobicoke this week. Pallbeerm were Mes. - ýwmanville, He rb e rt o! Congratulations te Mn. and Lawmence Squeim, L eslii e 'rice Albert, Sask, and Mmm. Claude ffarness, nec Jean Websh, Sain Buttery, Leslie loyd cf Kinnieunt, Ont. Webb, who were mermied et Coblacutt, Lloyd Richards and icre are 34 grandeblidren Omono on Juby 8th. Jamen R. Collacott. GCONVENIENCE WE WILL BE AY WEDNESDAYS 4"" MOTORIZED BAIRBECUE out your free entry form today for IOPSY BAR-B3-Q CONTEST SRfOPSY'S ALL BEEF 1' WIENERS *--591 c ib FOODLINEI

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