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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1967, p. 3

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g- - -"--w THOMPSON - SUGGrr¶' ed wlth white accessorlesan Pink roses. The groom's nia A Pretty afternoon wedding ther assisted, wearing a blue Ivas solemnized in Blackstock nylon sheath complemented 'United Church on Saturday, with white accessories and JUly 8, 1967 at 2:30 p.m. when yellow roses. Joan Marie Suggitt, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Sug- Following the reception the gitt, Nestieton, and Mr. Rich- bride and groom departed for ard James L. Tliampson, son a honeymoon in Northerr of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ontario. For travelling the Thompson, Whitby, were unit- bride wore a blue sheath ed in mnarriage. with an overskirt of organza Rev D.Norheyoffciaedover taffeta. The ensemble anRtev.dDNrthyusficadwas complemented by a blue Pad theweding music Wast net hat, white accessories and palaydb is hrlMt a corsage of red sweetheart ca!,roses. They are residing at Given ini marriage by her the Georgian Court Apts., father, the bride wore a full Whitby. Iength gown of white peau de The bride will continue her -soie designed wth scoop nurse training at the Ontaric heckline, elbow length sleeves Hospital, Whitby. The groom >and a built-in chapel train is the owner of R. J. Thomp- *complemented by a jaunty son Haulage, Whitby. *bow at the waistline. The fit-s ted bodice was accented with Prior to the wedding, the à spray of floral lace flowing bride was honored at showers down fromn the left front given by Mrs. John Hamilton, shoulder onto the full skirt. Nestleton; Mrs. Ruth Smith Iger waist length veil was and Miss 'Eleanor Thompson, caught to a rhinestone tiara, Whithy; Mrs. Ethel Emmer- and she carried red roses and son, Nestieton; Miss Helen white carnations. Swain and Miss Judy Swain, Miss Myrta Egli of Baden Nestleton; and Cottage 1 Staff was mnaid of honor and the Of Whitby Hospital. bridesmaicis were Miss Helen Guests attended the wed- -~Swain, Nestleton, and Miss ding froni Halifax, Toronto, Eleanor Thampson, Whitby. Kitchener, Simcoe, Pickering, They wore matching blue, Whitby, Oshawa, Port Perry Bleeveless street-length sheath and Nestieton. dresses, with bolero jackets. niade a! gracious exquisite CRYDERMAN- - BATTY lace over rayon taffeta with a satin bow accenting the Boki ntd Cuc baiera front at the waistline. was th sting fothe mai'-h Their headdresses were arti- niage an Saturday, Juiy 15, ficial blue roses with blue 1967, at 7 o'ciock in the even- ýý ,ad hy care ing of Miss Carolyn Joyce 'munis tinted blue. Mrs. John Batty, Brookiin, The best man was Mr. and Mr. David Lewis Cryder- Lawrence Quinn, Toronto, and man, son of Mr. and Mrs. the ushers were Mr. Ray Sug.. Howard Cryderman, Bowman- gitt, Nestleton, and Mr. John ville. Contes, Port Perry. The of!iciating clergyman A reception and dinner was was Rev. George Mundy andl held in the Christian Educa- the wedding music was play- tion Centre, Biackstock, fol- ed by Mr . Norman Williams. lowed by a reception at the Mr. Ross Metc.alf was soloist. bride's parents home. The Given in marriage- by ber bride's mother neceived in a father, the bride wone an lime green sheath with a empire, A-line gown of white green lace coat, complement- peau de soie featuring a cha- Mr. and Mrs. ]Richard James L. Thor.npson are shown ln the above pýhoto as they sign the register following their marriage in Blackstock United Church on Saturday afternoon, July 8, 1967, at 2:30 o'clock. Formerly Miss Joan Marie Suggitt, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Suggitt, Nestieton, and the groom is the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson, Whitby. Married at Brooklin Oshawa, and MWa Kathy P L R o The Canadian Statesman, Ewmanvlfe, Aug. S, 1987 e in go nthiepie-1waist- g at herbrother's, re- visiting with Mr. and M coed eln gn wit -ikle Don't forget the picnie sup-j Mrs. Treviss (nee Diana Ged- turned with ber sister and Walter Goode. e^ coerd odce ebo-lnghper on Sunday tob heid at des) on their marriage last husband, Mr. and Mns. C. P. Mr. and Mrs. Sam a«î edadmgring haddes Darlington Park, foilowed by Saturday in Maple Grove1Swallow. Sunday evening M. and daughters Misses MarY. se cf pin repe adorned h service. United Church, reception )fo_1 and Mrs. C. P. Swallaw and Susan, Urnie and Lisa, spent with matching veiling, ' and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, 'diChstnEucio Mrs. Amy Niddrie were cali- the long weekend at the*# their bouquets were a! pink Base Line, Mr. and Mrs. Hl. ers an their cousins, Mr. and cottage at Mink Lakce. and white roses and 'munis. Percy Flintof!, Maple Grave, Mr-. and Mrs. Leslie Colla- Mns. Harold Ormiston, Cour- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Neal Mr. Brian Car, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff, cutt accompaniea by tlieir tice West. and family, East Angus, Que., ville, was best man and the Bowmanville, were among daughter Mrs. Ted Hoar, ber Quite a number o! residents sjpent a few days with Mr. ar4 ushens were Mr. Wayne Ste- the invited guests at the Fln- daughter Lee Ann Hoar, New- were away aven the long Mr.Arthur James and fan*~ yens, Iroquois Falls, Dr. Ro- toff-Martin wedding last Sat- castle, were Sunday visitons weekend. iiy. bert Allia and Mr. Robert urday in Oshawa. iwith Mrs. Hoar's eldest dau- Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Je!- Rev .and MIrs. G. Lokhurst Cox, bath o! Bowmanviile. Congratulations ta Mr. andlghter, Diana Hoar, who is ane !ery spent a few days îast and family froni East Angus The reception was held at o!i35 students wha are taking week visiting cousins at Sar- Qewrecles o ra4 the Glendale Motel and the black patent accessories. Te special course in chemnistry nia and Courtright. Mrs. Arthur James and 1mf bride's riiothen wore, for the will reside at 10 Esson S n ah tteLkfed Mrs AUln Snowden, Maple Mr. and Mrs. Carias CrY,4, occasion, a peacock blue lace Kitchener. Ont.' Coilege Sehool. Grave, Mr. and Mns. Bob derman and daughter Sus jncket-dress and corsage of The bride attended IroquaisiMn. nnd Mrs. Harold Pas- Gaadmurphy, Oshawa, spent o! Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Dav(- pale pînk roses. She was as- Falls High School and is a cotn, were Sunday a!-te ekedwith th am rderman, Ma p I e sisted by the gromn's mother registered nurse, a graduatelternoon cailers on their cou- er's daughter and familY. weekend callers with ti10 who chose -à Mocca coloured of the Kitchener-Waterloo ins, Mr'. and Mrs. Steve Mrs. Howard Hagedorn and parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cr(,.. dress and coat with corsage of Hospital School o! _Nursing. Doyle and famiîy, Mrs. Elva !amilyPtsvle who had derman. Miss Esther Cryde*» yeilow roses. An analyst with Equitable Je!fery. benvstîng ber mother and man is spending a lew det~ Foilowing the neception the Life Insurance Company, Kit- Mi'. and Mrs. C. P. Swaliow sisters, returned home with with Carias and wife11z happy couple ieft for a honey- chener, the groom attended were Sunday aftennoon visi- them. Guelph, moon in Cape Cod. For tra- Bowmanville Public and High tors with her brother and Mr. and Mns. Ron Rogers Mr. and Mrs. A.J. C mt velling the bride wore a yel- Schois and graduated with a wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bull Ash- and daughters have retunned bell and Mrs. L.C. Snowdet' low linen dress and cape, B.A.* degree frani the Water- tan, Caesanea. Mrs. Amy Nid- home fromn Rosedale cottage attended the Highland gameàJe wîth yellow print bat and oo Lutheran University. drie, Toronto, who had been where they spent last weekin Cobourg on Monday. OÔry Cleaners 'C/zuckle Usually men do not marry women on a 50-dollar weekly pay cheek. A girl must be making about $100 a week before they'il even tive ber a thought. CLOTHEs CARE HmNT: Protect Yourself. Always msst hat your Retail Store guar- aSntees carments soid te, you ta be dry-cleaned. BOWMANVILLE August llth KINSMEN KARNI VAL SMemorial Parki Mr. nd Mrs. David Lewis Cryderman, shown i the aboe photo, were married on Saturday evening, July 15, 1967, at 7 o'clock in Brooklin Uniited Church. The bride is the former Miss Carolyn Joyce Batty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Batty, Brooklin, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- rnan, Bowmanvîlle. pel train. The bodice of embnoîdered lace was signed with a scaiioped r Une and Fench seves, If you were bora in Yon should apply now for your OU>) AGE SECURITY PENSION By applying now you wiIl receive your first payment ln January 1968, when persons who have reached the age of 67 become eligible for Old 'Age Security. If you were born in 1901 You ahould make application for your Old Age Security pension six mon tha before your 67th. birthday. An Old Age Security application form may be obtained at your local Post Office, or by writing to the Regional Director of Oid Age Security lni the capital clty of your province. With it you will receive a pamphlet glving fuil inormation about Old Age Security. OUAI.ATEED INCmESUPPLEIIEN As soon as your Old Age Securkty pension Je approvedi, you wMl be sent Information about te. Gurant.ed Income Suppleusent and un application *um. You may b. .ntitled ta a supplanment whlch, together wlth your OJd Âge Securkty pension, wMl guarantee you a monthly Income of s ast 8105*. ISSUED BY TH1E HON. ALLAN J. MacEACHEN, MINISTER THE DEPARTIENT 0F NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE d e- tube s helengthavilyof- df e - t l e as h o e i d b y a l ily - o f neck-I the-vailey headdress. She car- nîed a white Bible crested andA with pink nosebucis and c cented by satin streamers. Mrs. Tom Constable, Mrs. Bill Batty and Miss Esther Cryderman were the bnide's attendants. They were attir- ed in mînt green, empire- waisted crepe gowns with lace bodice, and wone head- pieces o! white ribbon roses with mint green circuini' veil- ing, white shoes and gloves. Theix- bouquets were o! pink tmunis and white carnationis. Mr. Jirn Cryderman was best man and ushening were Mr. Doug Batty and Mr. Ken Cryderman. The neception was heid in the Bnooklin United Church Christian Education Building. Before ienving on their wed- ding trip ta Montreal, Que., and Expa '67, the bride don- ned her travelling ensemble of a twa-piece canal boucle suit compiemented by bane accessonies. They will reside at R.R. 1, King City. COX - STEVENS An attractive setting o! baskets of pînk and white giadioli and candielight from pink and white tapers en- hanced Iroquois F'alls United Church for the manniage on Satunday afternon, July 22, 1967, at 3 'cloclc o! Miss Linda Gail Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mns. Herbent Stevens, Iroquois Falls, Ont., and Mn. Gary William Cox, son o! Mn. and Mrs. William Cox, R.R. 4, Bowmanvjlle. Rev. F. Jackson was the officiating clergyman. Mns. H. Gosnell played the wedding music and the soloist was Mns. E. Burton. Given in marriage by 'her father, the bride wone a floon- length gown of white peau de soie with empire wnistline, and elbow-length aleeves. The gown, which was styied in stnnight fiawing lines, wns accented at the neckline by white lace and the faonr- length train wns alsa edged with white lace. A white peau de soie headpiece held her floor-length veil cf fine tulle, and she carried a bou- quet o! pink baby roses with a garland o! ivy, pink roses and lily-of.the-valley. Miss Donna Love, London, Ont., was niaid of honor and the bnidesmaids were Miss TerYLYnri Fitzpntnick. Sud- buryi MnMCarol. Kiloti,, M 4 z -w 4 4. w- t- a. g a a. a. w -1 ffl -1 a

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