**~~***.** ~ - ~. .-.* - - .. s.-, -~.......4. ..-... -~ 4 '-..~.-..-..... -M.Geoffrey James, Pointe ~'aeQue., visiteti hi, grand- jother, Mns. Geo. W. James, 'Ung St. Eat, Friday evening. Misa Pat Anderson, Prince ;treet, is spending tic month if August as assistant swilm- inu counsellor at Camp kle, Haliburton. Mr'. anti Mrs. Leslie ýSombe# apent the Civlc Hall- fry weekend with Mr. andi ZWnS. Peter Auch anti Cheryl, liUe River, Ont., returnlng iome on Tucaday. Mn. Bazel Doran anti ber Lughter Myrna, anti Miss lioreenB1unch, al cf Kapus- tasing, were weckend guests1 'f the iornicr's sister-ln-iaw, Mvrs.. A. Marjennison and Mn. Krjerrisan, Flett Street. Mn.. W. J. Macdionaldi, Llb- prty St. North, bas neturneti laome from an enjoyable riait wvith hen daughten anti son-mn- law, Mr. anti Mn. James Grsahanm anti famlly, Valley- flelti, Que. Congratulations and best wishes ta Mr. andi Mrs. Man- tond Howe, Sunset Lotige,i Church St., wbo will be mar-1 rieti 6 years an Sunday, Aug- i ust l3th, wben a receptiani will be helti from 2 ta 4 pa.. Mn. a nti Mrs. George A. Frawn, Liberty St. North, braught their son Jim, bis -wife Canal anti daugbter Kelly Anne ta Bowmanville frorp Bagatrille, Que., for a risit here befane Jim anti bis fam- Ily leare for Germany. Mn. anti Mn.. Herbert Far- mtel, James, John anti Mary af Sbewsbury, Mass., were weekend guests cf Mns. E. V. Hami, King Street East, anti aiso visiteti Mr. E. V. Hoar -wha l9 a patient at Sunny- break Hospital, Toronta. Mn. anti Mn. A. M. Wight ~ amliy af Etimontan, AI- ahave just returneti home frein belitiaying witb Mrs. Wigbt'a parents, Mn. ant i Mrs. Orville Osborne, anti berd sister, Mr'. anti Mrs. Harold E Hammonti anti family, tewn.m * Recent visitons witb Mn. anti Mns. Nick Tkatcb, Cburch b: Street, wene Mn. anti Mrs. Royn Ostnow of Calgary, Alta.; Mr. tl anti Mrs. AI. Anderson, Alex, r Rantiy anti Kanin of Winnipeg, Man., and Mn. anti Mrs. v George Zubawicb, Pt. Myers,P Floritia. Pl * Neighbors cf Mns. Emmett ri Crough gathereti at the home p of Mns. Rosa Stevens, SCUgog a St., on Thurstiay aftennoon te B bld farewell ta Mrs. Crougb p ) andi ber famlly, wba leare $ Bowmianvilie thîs week te o take up resitience in Peter- p borough. o ývMn. and Mn.. Ennie Perfect ci have just returneti from a de- lightful month's holiday at the il West Caast anti a tour cf M British Columîbia. Ennoute a' home, they stoppeti at Vernon, 4, B.C., wlth tbe latter's aiter R Etiltb, wbom they bain't seenH for 24 years. 2, The familles of Mrs. Allin E anti the late Mn. Irvin AllIn, Bi Mr'. anti Mn.. Howard Alun oain Newcastle; Mn. anti M. Non- 1 mîan Down cf Oshawa, antid Mr. anti Mn.. Sydiney Venton - DI Bewmanvifle, belti a famlly ýîicn1c at "~The Acres" on Sun. 1i y, August 6th. There wce )0 persons at the dinner, mter which other visitons joineti the group. Mr. anti Mr.. Dennis Lynch and family visiteti witb bis niother, Mr. anti Mna. Stan Payne, Concession St. East, W] anti witb bis grand parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Hanny Rowe of Orono. On Sunday mornnng ý Mr. Lyncb sang a solo at New- castle Unitedi Chuscb wbere Mrs. Payne la organist anti t4hçintifrector. Mr. Lynch sis 9 blember of tbe choir af Park Te Baptist Cburcb, Brantford. mi Mns. Ranaiti Turner (nee Canolyn Stacey), tiaugbten aof v Mn. anti Mrs. Manseil Stacey, Wi Oncbardview Bird., bas been M( awartiet the Wallace Near thi Scbolansbip In Classics by roi Queen's University, Kingston. coi REHOBOTH Christian Reformd Church Scugot Street Miuister: Rev. A. Vandenflerg, BA., amD. . lTh Worship Services 10 a.nL 7:30 p.M. MIS a.m Sunday School Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday, 9:15 pan. ugverioa. Welome - I gthe second year oi Hanouns work. Mrs. Paul Welllvcr and daughters Launa anti Gwen eMary, formerly ai Rawleigh, iNorth Carolina, necently visit- cd Mn.. Welliver'a mnothen, Mrn. W. B. Reynoldis, Centre Street. Mn. anti Mrs. Weili- ver anti faily have now tait- en up nesidence at Jackson, jMississippi, wbcne Mn. Welli- ver bas joinedtheUi staff of the Mississippi Authority fan Edu- cational Televisian. Mn. anti Mn. Larry Mur- idock, Dehors, Sandira anti LaIurie of Hamilton, spent the holiday weekcnd with Mn. Miurtock'a parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Sydiney Venton anti at- tended the Ailin plcnlc at "The Acres" on Suntiay. Mn. anti Mn:. Donald Venton, P. Eng. ai Peterborough, misa attentieti the Allun picnic anti bati suppen witb Mn. Venton's Ç, aents, Mn. anti Mrs. Sydnrey Venton. Congratulations ta tbnee anea equestniana wha.e nid.ing skills bnougbt thera awards at the necent Oshawa Fair. Miss Christine Brent, an "Radar", won a second place ribbon la the Pony Class. Miss Mary Ruth Osborne with ber mount, "Badu", placeti finst in the English Satitle Cias., second in tic Western Pleasure Arabian. andi won the Higb Points Tropby, Eaton's Silver Tray. Riding "'Lady", Don Brooks af SauIna won tbe Western Clasa Open. Select Hay Crop jWinners Results cf the 1967 fieldi .rop competition for bay pro- uconsponsoneti by the Port Hlope Agnicultural Society a'ere announceti last week. The jutgig was cenducteti by Wesliey Yellowlees af En- niskillen carly in July before the cnops were bit witb beavy rain. Winner ai tbe $20 first prize was Lamne Wbite of R.R. 3, Port Hope, wbo was scoreti 88 points. Second was William 3lezarti of Gore's Lantiing who receiveti $15. He sconeti 87 Points. Third with 86 peints and the $12 pnize was Don Butit of R.R. 1, Part Hope. !ountb wlth 84 peints anti the $10 Pnize was John Fenguson of R.R. 3, Pont Hope. Pifth Place went te Bruce Eagleson of R.R. 4, Cobourg, wbo ne- ceireti $8. Receiring $5 consolation prizes fon placing 6th te l5tIî; Mornley Pbilp, Gardon Macklin and Sami Davitison ail of R.R. 4, Cobourg; Licyti'Kellogg anti Roy McHolm cf R.R. 1, port Hope; Harvey Bougben of R.R. 2Port Hope; William Maugh. an oi Coldsprlngs; Allan Dines, Edigar Bawman anti Wallace Buttars, all ai Gare'. Lanti- ing, anti John Aldenton of R.R. ,Cobourg; Biaine Ligbtle, R. 4Cobourg; Jim McHolm of B.R. 1, Port Hope anti Haroldi 4acklin of R.R. 4, Cobourg. Darlington Soccer Senior Resuits On Wetinesday, Tyrane tieti wli Sauina 2-2, with Nlck Vansegglan scoig bath Tyr- me goals, AI anti Don West. Lice counting for Saluna. Salemi defeateti Maple Grave -. Jini Coombes tallieti vice with Wilf Hall scoring he thinti goal for Salemi. rerny Loma. scoreti bath aple Gnove goals. On Saturtiay, Zion nompeti ici' Hampton 4 goals ta 1. Vayne Jonrdan anti Bernardi &cLean bath netteti two for he winners and Werner Wall- off tailliedtheU lone Hampton >unter. Courtîce squeezeti eut a i-0 in oven Maple Grave with Viii Altiswortb getting credit Dr the goal anti Hennian 'rakken the shutaut. With anc game ta play in ce schetiuie for all teams but âleni who bave twa ta go, ce standings anc as follows: :utice 26, SaUina 20, ZMon 19, faple Grore 17, Tyrone 17, lampton 14 anti Salem 5. Junior Resuits Tile Juniors completeti thein chedule on Thurstiay when on hati a fieldi day at Hamp- )n'a epne bcatlng theni 17J O. M0ke uzenko scoreti [gt goals, John Oyler 5, Rick Icean 2, Jeif McLean 1 andi rano Galbraith 1. Joey Hi'- ck hadtheUicshutout. SaUina beat Cauntice 6-0, but legoa coren wcre not vailab le.t Standings in Uic league are: 1 ion anti SaUna tieti for finit,1 ut ZMon wlns because ofai a ettcr. geal average. Cauntice a lui third place anti TyroneN arth. Playoffa start Thurs- e y.é [n the Ail Star game on à ,nday, Darliugton defeateti ( le fameti Italla soccer temml 1.M ti Sa thi sel Zig toi ta elé Mc Ca( the mvý Zic bu, bel tg fot da, ME the 3-1 Incluct New Minister in Newcastle Un cSocaIà &' £Personal Celebrate 6Oth Anniversary i Phone 623-3303 II I ~1iiI Loy' 1 «I - Prices Effective Until Saturday, August l2th Next Montlis Tax Roductions are already.reflectd in our Sp«cial Pricu i j Mr'. and Mrs. J. H. Highfield Mr. antiMi's. J. H. H-igh- lanti friends, together with Mutton, Mrs. Bruce Berry, fielti, King St. East, celebrat-1 congratulatory cards anti mes- Mrs. P. Greenfield, Mrs. Laur- cd their 60th wetiding anniver- sages, enhianceti the club houseence Goddard, Mrs. W. A. sary an Thursday, August 3rd. -for the happy event. For the'Edger, al cf Bowm anville, In honor of the occasion a occasion Mrs. Highfield wone and Mrs. W. Miller of Oshawa. neception was helti at Mem.!a brown paisley dress cornple-ýMrs. G. Diiling anti Mrs. C. oial Park Club House. Both'menteti by a corsage ai yel-IAlloway were in charge cf Mn. anti Mrs. Highfielti (nee low sweetheart rosebutis, and[the kitchen. Florence Elizabeth Yeo) wene the groom cf 60 years agol Ilonoreti guests at the nec- born in Port Hope anti were wone a reti carnation bouton- eption were Mns. Sidney Wake- rnarrieti there on August 3, niere in his lapel. p ly, Port Hope, Mrs. Antinew 1907. They bave two children:l Their daughten anti son-in- Walls, Oshawa, both sisters cf a daughter Alice anti a sonlaw, Mn. anti Mrs. Lelanti Mn.. Highfielti. and Mn. Wm. Lester, anti three grantichilti- (Bill) Berry, anti their son anti Highfield, Port Hope, brother nen, Elaine, Derwyn anti Low- granddaughter, Mn. Lester of Mn. Higbfield. eIl Highfleld. Hfighfield and Miss Elaine Among the many congratu- Mn. anti Mn.. Highfielti came Highfield, receiveti the guests. latory cards anti messages ta Bowmanville in 1921, at A niece of the anniversary1were those fain Hem Majesty wbicb turne Mn. Highfield took couple, Mrs. Wrn. Ransteati, Queen Elizabeth II; the Prime aven duties as caretaker of assisted by lier daughter, Ministen of Canada, the Rt. Bowmanville Cemeteny, andi Miss Bonnie Ransteati, Osh- Hon. Lester B. Pearson; anti froni wbich position hie retin- awa, were in charge of the Mn. Russell Honey, M.P. fan ed ini 1958. guest book, anti anothen niece, Durham, anti Mrs. Honey. Best Beautiful floral arrange- Mn.. Arthur Burgess o! Bow- wishes andi congratulations ments froni the Town of Bow- manville, welcometi the guestslwere aise conveyed in tele- manville. the Otit Fellows te the tea rocin. Assisting iniJgnams fnom frientis anti rela- Lotige. Bowmanville, relativesithe tea room were Mrs. Wm.IJt ives. BA BellesBeat Port Hope ln Openîng Semi-Fînal T the hanr bal) wee and well ndi and pegi strui seve conl fve Bc scori writh drip: opeti evei B.A. Whil val] vas vas lie whei clnv4 I i t c IN a vz di 'a-< ïoa esday, August 8th, saw; ton. Future games betweeri these pening game of the Dur- Port Hope scored their lone two teamns shali prove Interest- Lekeshore Ladies' Soft- run ini the final inning when ing with Bowmanville at Port League's semi-finals bet- Doris Mathews belted a long Hope tomorraw (Thursday) Port Hope andi Slaght fly into left field, bringing ini and Port Hope bacc in Bow- ook BA Belles. A closearneathuhsehr manville next Tuesday. if tught battie, the opener!self wvas pegged out at home ýnecessary game four will be in a 4-1 win for Slaghtiby a relay throw from Brenda playeti in Port Hope a week ook with both pitchersULnton to Karen White to GaIl today <Wednesday) andi gaine the distance, DiannelLinton, thus wrapping up theifive the next evening, Thurs- ton for the B.A. Belles game. day. osing pitcher. Mary Hov, ng for Port Hope. Dianne out six batters, gave up TYRONE bits andi three walks to it Port Hope's record ofi Mr. Fred Partner, Orono, with Leaders Rev. *D. Nor- rikeouts, seven hits anti Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hay, they, Mr'. A. Knowlton ani1 Ig seven free passez. 1 Victoria, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. nianville opened thel Ceci Heal andi family, llttle odJwl adtercrD ýgIn the first inning Pgirl friend Linda, Embro, Mr. out at Mr. and Mrs. Ralp Gall Linton picking up Keith Gobie, Mr. Stan Gobie Itilis' woods, Saturday, Aug. ble andi Virg Fajrey's Jr. and Mr'. Jeff Baker were us 5h which succeedeti in Friday and Saturday visitors On Sunday, Aug. 6th, the' ïg Gail home for the of Mr. andi Mn. S. Gobie and Partner-Goble picnic was held ,g run. Following an un.i Bruce. at Orono Park. Thoý present ul second inning, the Stanley Gobie Jr. has re- were Mr. andi M rR. Hay,i Belles scoreti in the third turned to his home ini Eng- Victoria, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. a single hit by Karen land for a visit. G. Kayac and daughters, Mr. and a few free passes, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gobie, Fred Pantner, Mr. and Mrs. g in a run. A third nun Mr anti Mrs. Stanley Gable Harvey Partuer andi family, coreti when Gall Linton and Bruce attendeti Canmpbell. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gabie, riven home by a sacri- ford Fair on Saturday. Mr. and Ms.' Leslie Goble it Ini the flfth Bownian- Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Haines and Mr. and Mn. Stanley allied for their final run spent the weekend caMpingý Gobie and Bruce. Debbie Sellers was1 at Pine Lake. 1Enla and Leanne Vivin Lhaome bY Brenda Lin- A num.ber ci Tyro boysa vasited John and Midge Vlv- Colgate Dental Creum Family Si:e Mfrs. Special 1.19 for 1.09 I.D.A. SPECIAL - 88C~ EVEREADY BATTE RIES I.D.A. Special 1.09 I.D.A. Special 79c No. 216, 9 volt Two on a card 1.78 Value for 1.38 No. 1015, 1% volt 4 on a card 1.20 value for 98e ANACIN TABLETS "I Loki128 02 POLVETHYLENE DECANTEI No drip pouring Snap on lId LD.A. Special 49C 100O's - Sugg. list 1.39......................... 9 9C D I-GEL FOR UPSET STOMACH 6 oz LIUIDor 30 TLETS_______ 89 DIPPITY»DO Setting GelExta o MDRD r p lus S Sugg list 125 "~C' muSpayBuy the 15 oz. size - get 4.87 Value for 29 Albero'VO HairSpra7 oz. size for le extra I.D.A. SPECL[, - 9 DOUBL EDGE5's pu BONUS BLADE S(HI(k SUPER STAINLESS STEEL BLADES Sugg.liht 75c 5 9C LAVORISMOÇ~THWASH AND Miss Breck Haïr Spray 8 oz. - Mfrs. Special 1.39 !Pr 99C Get 1.25 size plus 45e I.DA. size - 1.70 Value l'or 1.25 Special Secret Deodorant 1%¼ oz. Mfrs. Special 1.35 for 1.19 99c - Il. I.D.A. SPECIAL 89CI _________________________ I. 8 4 c PRESCRIPTIONS Richard Hudnut SPECIALS 12 oz. Egg Creme SHAMPOO (Dry; Normal ôr OIIy) or Cleer Sheen SHAMPOO or Creme RINSE or Creme RINSE N' SET' 1.69 Valu. for 99c U.D.A. SPECIAL L D. A REMEDIES ALEX McGREGOR. e DRUGS e 5 KING ST. W. r I PHONf 6235792 B-. 0~ g.- g.. B- *5~ s a B..,. TRUNITY UNITED CHUR(H Minister - Rev. George M Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur CoUison, Mus.B., L.R.S.I. United Services With St. Paul'a Congregation 9:30a. MOENIG won8mr~ #'GOD'S G1FT 0F GROWrH' Ne Church SehooL Nursery fer chlidn duuing the - us rdiee mmusi 1 1 IL =eb;e" OwnirvhMde'yt" helpThe Canadian Statesmnan, Eownmv!fe, kw.9,va1Ion ited Church MiseBrat ilertsaw a na il nFldy uui4l was supper guest of Mn'. R. nta and was conducted by R ~~ Scatt, Friday evenlg. Con- CI itrmu gratuiotions ?rs. Scott on g .~HmtnCneey .r. and Ms. Lloyd'cCoy, BaseDalerswere MesoWa Mr.B ambTMrs ntoLloydCarl Ferguson, Don Lgeôl MundB amb, eTa frnto, ere ni ruAdam Sharp,Cei '\ undy get i n.Pry u y rsErnest Werry, and W=I Sandersari. M.andi Mm .Lloyd Skin B.<'" horFnals, ner and family visited ExPo best three out of five gamnes, last week. start this week, Bowmanville TT9 Sympathy is extendedti o'Legionairea vs. Cobourg. LNG A Mn. andi Mrs. Ralph Hills on ist gare in Bawmanville, icr ihsfrased the sutiden passing of ber Thursday, August lOth, 6 P.. nere taMn..G.fo r a r&ed mother, Mns. Merry cf Mil tMmra ak who was taken tao 0hawe toissn Anne itcel 2nd game in Cobourg, Sat- General Hspital at Thur**ý Washington is spendmng a few udaaAnud,'h,2p.n dy days with Victoria Elliott. 3rd gamne in Bowmanville, The Misses Heather a< Mr. and Mn. Jack ~~, Sunday, August 13th. 2 p.m. enyRdePartPeyr# Nelson, B.C., were dinner 4thgam in Cobourg, Tues- pentgi two weeks boc aye. guests cf Mr. and Mrs. G. El. day, August l5th, 6 p.m. with their grantiparents, Mir. liott. 5th gamne ln Bowmanville,land Mns. Jobnstan. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sauthwell Thursday, August l7th, 6 p.m. Mr. andi Mrs. Rye Olbsoit spent Suntiay evenin '0witl*-ý and family spent last week at thir daughter and fam ,Mri Rice Lake.OBTJ R and Mrs. NarmanDaLvisiý Mr. andi Mn. Arnoldi Harris BT RYOo. anti chiltinen, Dublin, Ont., Ooo wene guesta of the South- Rt. B. (HARRY) FERGUSON wells. I IA L Mr. and Mn.. Roy Bara- Pollowing an illness of A clougb, New Jersey, were about two weeks, the death overnight guests cf Mrs. Zena cf Robert Henry <Harry) Fer- T E R - Anderson. guson occurred at the Oshawa Mr. anti Mrs. Bob McGee General Hospital on Tuestiay,____________ and family, Toronto, were August 1, 1967. He was in suppen guests cf Mr. anti Mrs. his 89th year. openhsaetlthe T. C. Doddt. Son of the late Davîi Fer- O hw Mr. anti Mi'. T. C. Dadd guson and Sarah Jane Green,l sh w visiteti Mn. Alex Guest, Ton- he was boem in Manvers PterHmlo, elat Township and attendeti school Business Collegel Pete Hailtn, eilandin the township. On Pebru- Le ofant i Bll Jewell aryr à 1908 be marrieti the Te. L spent a_ week camping at former Maude Louisa Green us Sept. 5,19 Quin-Mo-Lac, Madoc. who predeceased i hm.Restraoneno4 Mns. R. Taylor anti Michael, Tedcest adrstetiofsix ar e-esioe Miss Elizabeth Taylor, To r- in Oshawa for 22 years, mov- o i aerDsge onto, were holiday weekenti ing there frein the Ennlskil- Courses each leading taO guest.s of Mrs. Zena Anderson len area whene he carried on a responsible position Wn anti family. frigoeainadfonabsns fie i Rev. F. J. Little, right, both Mr. anti Mrs. D. Soutbwellfamgoprtosanifm abunes fic.W ýceeds the Rev. E. C. Wood- anti family attendeti a faniiy ly wc henetirent thattrepaeorgdats toToronto. picnic on Sunday at Rice Uniedwas n ahernta t dividuat instruction to ~~~Lake.UnetChrh Mns. G. Heayn anti son Mn. Ferguson Is sunviveti modern equipment. Seno Robert, Prince Albert, were by two daughters, Mns. John for complete details 4 ian at Trenton last week. - Monday supper guests of Mr. Hentiershot (Irene) anti Mi'. Dial 725-3375. Mn. and Mrs. A. Mooney, anti Mrs. D. Southwell.* Berwin Adiams (Ida), bath of 0Smo!tet ot Oshawa, were recent week- Miss Kay McBritie anti Oshawa, also nine grantichilti-10 ico SteNoh enti guests of Mr. anti Mrs. J. frient i Rck West, Bramptonî, ren anti 14 great-grantichilti- Malcolmn C. Barnett, Cavers. Mr .anti Mrs. John Cook andi ren. Principal Mrs. E. Norton, Nottin- Lori, Hampton, Mr. anti Mrs. The funeral service was Please seuil for your FIREE bain Engant, viitet be K. Crowells anti chiltinen, helti frein the Nortbcutt El- 1967Ctlgedarbn frini, Mi'.an t i Ms. J. Ca-Salem, wee visitors of M . liott Funeral Hom eBo6n- 7o rCatar-log e d C r. fredM.adMs .C-andi Mi'. J. C. Cook anti Mrs. ses ad Tlme-Saving Trainý er.George Wills. the Stainton-Shackleton wed- lngu without obligation. We were pleasedti t meetî Congratulations ta Bruce ding on Saturday. Rev. anti Mrs. 0. Lokhoi-st Stainton anti Margaret Shack- Mn. anti Mrs. Len Thornett, anti family cf East Angus, leton wbo, were marriet inh Haliburton, Mr. anti Mrs. Namo Quebec; they aise calleti on Tyrone United Church on Gea. Gibbs and family were AddreAr- Mrs. E. Murphy anti the Re- Saturtiay with Rev. Chnis holiday guests Of Mr'. antid yenga famly. Miss Augusta Dugan cfficiating. Mns. D. Gibbs.1 Phone Lokhorst stayeci twe days Mr. and Mrs. W. jeweli, Mrs. Etina Pbilp, Miss Jean 1 rd with Shirley Ann Reyenga.1 Mr .andi Mrs. A. Hamilton anti Philp anti Margie Philp visit-1Grd Rev. Lokhorst calleti on Mr. 1Mn. anti Mn. J. C. Cook, Mr. eti on Satunday witb Mr. anti CP n Mail Coupo Joýhn Hynes at the Sunset and Mrs. G. Brent attfrndeds Mrs. D. Phoqw<z <'g,,4e1orn. & * - - - 11 A large congregation was present on Thursday R.*C. White, left, and the]1 vening for the officiai induction of the Rev. T. H. of Oshawa. Mr.' Smith succ imith. as minister of Newcastle United Church. The land who has been called tbve photo shows him being welcomed by the Rev. 1- i 99C 1 1 ,ý PHONE 623- 5797