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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1967, p. 8

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The' Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanvmle, Aug. 9, 1967 EXPO BOUM> By the time this column appears in print, the spor .ts - ed.tor will ufdoubtedly be one tired boy, footsore and worn,ý Out from trekking around thceî1000 acres of Expo. Armedî w*ith a press pass, we're hopeful of being able to avoid most - Of the line-ups. The Americas vs. Europe track and field, ineet is taking place this week, and we expect to find our-'O e selves ini the Autostade for some of the major events. One attraction which we must miss is the Kabuki! Theatre of Japan, which unfortunately has been sold out; for at least two months. But it is surely an understatement' to 59Y there is plenty of other things to see, so we should be busy. This reporter also intends to make a return visit to' Quebec City if time permits. When we find the time and recover fromn our fatigue, our impressions of Expo will appear' ln this column. t . t . t i. SOFTBALL PLAYOFFS The junior town leaguers have a possible upset in the mnaking with Whyte's Upholstering leading Frank's Variety,: two games to one in their best of seven serni-final. Frank's easily captured the regular schedule pennant, only droppingý a pair of games in the process. In the othe.r serni-final Ellis Shoes lead Chartrans X lting 2-1, with a double-header being played last night' The men's league aie ail even, with Stephen Fuels t\aking the pener and Walter Frank Real Estate tying it: tpTusday night. The other serni-fsa hs en'se rear and Kramp's Furniture even at one win apiece, Krarnp's yiWnning the first and Ken's the second garne. There are no Town League garnes scheduled fr ths IWeek and only the two encounters in the junior ioop. Next' 2 Se'sschedule is as follows: odY - Men's Town League 6:45 Frank vs. Stephen Fuels 8:.30 Krarnp's vs. Ken' s Men's lýiesdaY - Jr. Town League 6:30 Whytes vs. Frank's Varietyi 8:00 Chartrans vs. Ellis Shoes Wednesday - Men's Town League 6:45 Stephenis vs. Franks 8:30 Ken's vs. Kramp's Furniture Thursday - Jr. Town League 6:30 Ellis Shoes vs. Chartransý 8:00 Frank's vs. Whytes Uphoîstering t j ~ + t iCANADIArç GRAND PRIX Three-tîme world driving champion Jack Brabham andý the cuirent championship leader Dennis Huirne have entered, Grand Prix o! Canada, August 27, af Mosporf i Park. The two i\ustralian drivers are slated fo drive their Brabham Formule .Prie machines in this race for $100,000 cash awards - thÈ. largesf purse offered on the world championship circuit. Hulme is currently leading the world driving champion- t ' hip -wlth 28 points, fine more than second place Brabhiam end Jim Clark of Scofland, winner of the British Grand Prix on July 29th. Clark, who bas already subrniffed bis entry for Canada's first Formula One event, beat ouf Hulme in the British GP fa fie with Brabbam. Brabham, who won the world championship in 1959, 1960 and last year, wili be making bis second appearance nt Mosport, having raced there in a sports car event. Brabham's offly Grand Prix win this year was af the Bughatti Cirt&îlt In France. He was second at Zandvoort in the Dutch Goand Prix, Hulme, zneanwbile, bas been going et a fan4.aýtýc clip, winning Monaco and placing second in Sflne- as wýeli as the British GP, July 29th. He 'W.as third tt Zandvoort and fouth at South Africa. In facf, be bas 'nly falled ta pick up points in the Belgium Grand Prix. 'Brabham Is the first man ta win the world cbarnpionship car of his own design, the Brabham Formula One, %red by an Ausfralian-designed Repco V8. He Is aise sible for the drastic change in Indianapolis cars affer peted there in 1961 in the first rear engined car to- the famous oval. Driving a Cooper, Brabham placedl d 'the Indy revoluf ion was starfed. first race for Brabham's Formula One car carne in Gèrman Grand Prix. However, teething problemns e machine until, the autunin when he placed fourfb ns Glçn in the U.S. Grand Prix and then second at ,..xIcan Grand Prix. fie 42-year-old Australian and bis partner }{ulrne have' a *jad much success In Formula Two racing. For example, durink the 1966 season Brabham-entered cars won 12 or 15 events wih Brabham driving to 10 o! those victories. Humme picked up fwo of the wins, but gained enough points to, finish second ta bis boss in the overaîl standings. Hulme was excepfionally successful in Group 7 sports' car racing last year, winning five events, the'sanie as Eng. land's John Surf ees. 4 Hulme competed for the first finie at the Indianapolsi 500-this year, placing fourth and winning the Rookie of the Year Award. Hie actuahly sfarted the race in 24tb Positioný and astonished the fans and bis rivals by working bis May - to the fourth-place finishing. 1M« 20 Homemade Cars Compete in '4.~~'- ~,$"*-- 4~ This Saturday afternoon at Bowmanviîîe Golf Club, the ..- ~ 4tS first a! several piaying and social events planned wihl be! On Thursday afternoon, the hill on Sirnpson Avenue south wvas quite a" held when a mixed two-ball foursornit event wili fake place.1 sighf, with over 20 cars competing in the annual Soap Box Derby sponsored by around 3 o'clock. Foliowing play the tired gais and chiappies!teRceto ef o poososth aslned up, following the races, will enjoy a barbecue supper. Anyone inferesfed should reg-j waiting for the awaî-ds to he distribut cd. Winner wvas Randy Fox, at righf, in ister ahead o!f ime if possible or be af the club in time to' the middle photo, who lias just received bis prize from Councillor Ken Nicks. participate. If sbould be fun! Ilis pushei-, at leff, \vas Lloyd Devries. Boffom picture is a reconstrucfed crash ______________________that BilIy Dilling suffered with his West Beach enfry. Fortunately, he was not Fuels Nip Frank's in Opener 2.1 Th ea c pla owr S oftb in vtturii and bead ljack '.bt Kh patick attenipted to Lag as cdayolisgt undt foiIl d core from set.ond on Burgess' wa~iat ~o(l3 îgb wth Frank fbîlleatecicd o pul tuvoouf single, but Don Me-, pnant w înning Step be n'itouf in the 9exenth iw bIenIMul-fers fbrow cutf bu downi el stedg2n 1 al th r in (Ch uck" Kilpatiiuî singled at the plate. Real~~ Esae - t h e-lwitii one ouf, Stephen got: Stephen scatteî-ed six safe.ý morjal Park~. bbe nexf baffer on stîikcs, but fies, didn't walk a baffer andi Fran's cl urgas ic liite lnoped a siiigieovereýinned tbree. Burgess, wboi !George Stephen o! the Fuels second. Wben Wright fhrew bd onflY Pifched once in the, hooked up in a greaf moundwilcily fo firsi, atberupting fo regular schcdule, alhowed onl.y duel, as the teains bafîied niail Ritchic, \wbo bad sfartcd. four bits, waiked one andý tbrough five scorciess frames for second, the run scored.; struck ouf three. before Stepben's counfed twice The fbreat endcd on an in-, Kilpafrick was the garne's- lin the botfom ha]! o! the field fly on tbe very next- top biffer, collecfing tbree! sixtb. pitch. singies iin as many finies at 1 ae Wi- occ b The Realtnrs lied a chance t0 bal. Lloyd Hamiltonletb iing by heating ouf an in~- open the sern nteffhw!'ýswt a pair o f singles. jfield singie. He. stohe secon d -__ ___ and wýent ail the way arounrdR .tbrew wildly. Grant Wrigbt,iRealtorsDo n F ee J the next baffer, Nvas safe On'ê 'first sacker Tom Pearson's er-: rar, stole second and ... :E yen Series One A it lup on a sacrifice bunt by(Ted jDadson. - In the second garne o! a two runs in the top o! the' Jim Moorcraft bunted endiplay-off fwin-bill. undrtefisbtFan' one twhen pByufrst, Wrigit aeýdrtefrt u rn' on thenpayp furgesetdrigo scor- ligbts af the Mernorial Park,., single tallies in the botton ced the eventual winner. It' Tbursday, nigbt, Walter Frank 'bealf and the third, and pushed appeared that Burgess bad a Real Estafe downed pennant. 't bree across in tbe second and J good play et the plate, and Winnîng Stephen Fuels 7-3. .fwo in the fourfh. when questioned affer about The wîn evened flue bes f o! Charlie Kilpatrick tossed a his chances o!frneking it seven Mven's Town Soffbell seven.bit fer, three of them, WMright stated: 'I would neye,,r League sem i -final series et 0onercming in th firsfne i haetidto score. 1 knew game apiece. nd walked a pair ta earn the 1 couidnt Make it and was i Stephen's opened up with i ecision. Bob WiMlam att AWPHALT PAVING ALL WORK DONE AND GUARANTEED BY BOWMANVILLE CONTRACTOR IF TOU WISH YOUR DRIVEWAY ASPHALT' PAVED .. ..*' CONTACT STEPHENFUL Ge. Stephen, Prop. FOR FIEZ ESTIMATES PHONE 6235410/ FromTe -J.0 4TGreen P1 y ALEX SHIELDS W Professional ait ______ ~Bowmanville Golf Club 1Last week 1 quoted the1 the money. About one foot in De t complete scino etiquette 'front of his bail and directly Soap Box D r y K a ps B a and rnentioned that these are i i iewsavr a icluded in the ue of Golf.!-i i n wsavr a 1 should add that rule books- spike mark - a piece of turf 'Ken's M\en 6-2j asn approved by the Royal tuned up by an earlier play. Canadian Golf Association are1 er's spike - large enough ta Kramp's Furniture errupted available for the asking at the1 defleet his bail off line. As ha -for five runs in the fourth toi pro-shop.j was not allowed to repair the earn a 6-2 decision over Ken's! While we are.on this subject1 mark he elected f0 chip over Men's Wear, under the ligbts, 'I should like to elaborate on!it and did so with a 4 iron. - last Tuesday night at Mernorjal onle point. Rule (7), in part He nmade the shot successfuliy Park, in the first game of the states ..after play'ers have but if would have cost him a best of seven Me' Tw oled out, any damage ta the few hundred dollars if he had Softball League semni-finaîs. putting green made by the bail mîissed - a miss caused by or the plaver is carefully re-!'oen le' elgne th SJim nye pw rlie mt o ie". would point ouf ý Thesýe marks, eft unrepair. ~ te suggng owe wih athaf baIl marks (these are the! ed cause extensive damage ta "three-run borner, whi le Dicklý:)es made by the impact ftegen oot ofcosdr Satite d srog are,1 bail landing on the green) ation for the condition of the catring five bits, fanning 'can be fixed before the Player core1n oryu el~ psvnan ssiga oe ;rePutts and are best done 1îm-igolfer, develop the habit of mediatelv on rcachîng theirepairing any damage done ta Coyle scored the garne's firsf green. This can be done with thegren - and replace ait run in the third. wben he a tee and then flattened wvith ,divots on the fairway. singled, stole second and cross- the Putter or pressing lightly - -- ed the plate when "ýBuck"$ with your foot. Cowle's high-hopper to second Th ieoteputms wentfor n eror. not be toucbed except to fix In the big fourth. Rav a bail mark s0 any other dam- j Crombie starfed if with a age, such as spikze marks, can Ssingle, Vern Grubin doubled only be repaired after the putt .. ........ ....... ..............and Stata, given a life when bhas been made. Any loose - - ,, ~ "~' ctcher John Fowler dropped pediment mav be remnoved b y M. 'is pop-up, singled with tvo picking if up or by brushing it ouf. Tbe next batter walked aside %vith vour hand or club laâthen Coyle unloaded alwitbouprsng nybn toeigcircuit bat odeep i foweering (Rule 3-b)e. cre - centre. .L 1110 .~~I "Moe" Richards' two - ouf Iessness on behaîf of one play- - -single, following a single by- er rnay be 10 another was "Archie"~ Crossey and a basý'eicnc few years ago on balîs, Put Kcn's on thel when the Canadian Open was - I score-sheet, witb one run in Pla.ved at Scarborougb Golf the fourth. Club in 1963. Some of you, ed on the bill for Stephen's, 1 Ken's added lheir final tallv may recallwafchiiig on tele- gxving way to George Stephen, . in the sixth on an error and ,\'ision when George Knudsonf wîth the score 5-1 in the third. ',Bob Foster's single. lhad ai five-foof Putt on thel ý- Williamns ailowed seven bitsl Poster gave up Six safeties last hole to tie for low Can.j and one walk, with Stephen tuk'u bread akdadianand finish well up in, Sgiving up four safeties and tb me in being tagged withl striking ouf a pair. ithe loss. Covie led the win- . fhroughi to get Terry Black an iGuy Parks became the first1 ners with a orer and singleei a squileeze atterpt and "ýMe"i BANNER PASSANT bat er o! th ca pa gn to go w î e R c a d paced K e ni'siR ichards to it in fo a double 1 623-3258 four-for-four cracking alil wîth a double and single. pl. t h e i n n e r s W e t p r d t e w n e r s w i t h 1 2 0 D u k e S t . , B o w m a n v i l l e il-bit attack. For the Fuel- a homer and single, wbile s, rat rihtcoleced" qu re Brunt s borne run and a pair * Life Insurance erw double ith K eor n s 0 ingles by Cowle were tops * Incorne Disability craft and Dave Werry noth for the furnifure crew.* !ing a pair o! singles aPiece. Se 1 i F Coyle pitched' well in de- Pension Plans 'S m inals feat, perrnitting four bits, *' Group nuac Werry's single, a double by wapinIthee and fanin Wright and sîngle by Moor- Â craft starfed the Fuels off in e fist. rarp's ot oe :one baffer. * Business Iflsurance th ist rm'sgton ih 3-1 Wvifln. Estate Planning iback on a xvalk, sacrifice and, Ken's Mcn's Wear came c Don'lt worry about monley. S Pars' inge.tbrough with a 3-1 win oveî- You've got enough right now" Su n hf. Assurance A ft e t h fi st w o a tt r s r a m p s F u r n i fu r e , T h u r s d a y ' f9 la s t Y O U th e r es t o ! y o u r l oo a - had been refired, Pete Werry nigbt at the Memorial Park 10t feulesYou buy some-manaM 1 in gled to s fart th e b ig th ird even th e b est of sev en M en 's th_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ inning rally. Bill Ritchie Town Softball League serni- - iashaSharp Single, which final series at one game apiece. ftook a wicked hop and went! Krarnp's opened the scoring A ri:t A off centre-f ielder Grant Wright !on Bill Brunt's wron-g-field w m u . a ,. for another unearned runas! circuit wallop with fwo out:.w n w w~~ Bob Marjerrison and Parks! in the second, but xvinning a r . followed with singles. ipitcher Bob Potersu h Ry Pickell's trernendous out the rest o! the way on a, ,home7 run accounted for the ýýtrong six-bitter. Foster walk' R U N fifth inning marker and[ ed one and struck ouf a pair. . wU UEu A- 'ýFrank's completed the scoringý Bill Nicholson's single and'!BO MA witb two in the fourth, once af wo-out borner by Raye' O M N LE more after two were ouf, on iWest proved to be the winning -Tlpoe6352 singles by Parks and Pearson blow, as Ken's moved in front Tlpoe6352 and Kilpatrick's double. '2-l in the third. Kramp's had Adouble by Don McMurter 1 runners on second and third 1 adDave Werry's single pro- in the next frame with none:j/ duced Sfepben's other marker 'out on a single by 'Buck' Cowle. U B I in the fifth. land Ray Crombie's' îjft two- bagger, but Poster bore down to retire the next three with- *KT N GET CASHR TODAT out a run. FOR OLD APPLIANCES Ken's added their-final tally: FRIDAY, AUGUST llth throuch lin the f ifth on a pair of waiksAN CLASSIFIEDS land fwo Krarnp's errors. Tbey- AN - STATESMAN1 stili had the bases loaded with WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16th Phone 623-3303 Inone ouf, but this finie if was 8T 0PM ------'loser- Jim Coyle coming 0 WMAN VILET KAMRIV AL FRIDAYe* AUG. (NSE0F AINSA AUttrTaction 11MN IL CENTENNIAL BEARD GROWING CONTESTi 1887 NOVEL BOOTHS a BINGO - RIDES FOR TUE KIDDIES GAMES 0F CHANCE, - REFRESHMENTS BIG CFUENIA FORATHEENTR: AIL B1G CETNN DOVRAW FOR:ND - - 25c each - 5 for $1.00 TICKETS a., t 'w 'a 'w 'w .4. 1861*198, mý 10 BOWMANVILLE 1

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