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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 10

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rS ~cIDmdi5I!Stamesm, E wniavMle, Aug. le, 196?vute tO Sunday and they ail went ta Sturgeon's Point in the after- P n i g o k e Aqarium Club Members panied Mr Port ra sayFamous for a few days. They left onPo tr ys as P o l Sunday evening. W" were supper guests at Aubrey tions called "Famous Cana- and Durham and adjacent pT fl Two,. three-inch îisli wene aquarium," hie said. "If we make sure that the fish are Hircock's, Oshawa, on Mon- dians of the Great Pine Rldge'l townships north of Rice Lake. OBL.LTULR lifted from aailtanks and corne across any methods that maie and femnale - this may M.ay nn . CnitanS ar, ie art is dora Hold w. iThis first edition, pubiished ON UMHE Placed n a large one. are wortjiwhile, we experi- sound foolish - but many Mrsî n r.CrsinStr e ritDoaHla . i JuIy, contains portraits of JONHM RE "Watch this," said, Peter ment and if they prove ta be species are difficuit ta Ident- i- an; Mrs. A. Knopsel, The book covers three cen- hmsMiosna on Tedaha onHm Naef of Hamnpton, president positive we wiil put the me- fy as maie on female when TrnoviteatH sGis-uisaipsnilies wlio Maison, founder af Maisoniphrey, aged 74 years, af Baw- ofth BWianileAqarumthd nt se teyar yun.bergers Sr. were born, naised or spent a breweries in Montreal in manville, accurred at Sunny- Boclety. "We do this to either breed "You can't take the word af Portion of their lives in the 1786; Thomas Maison entered brook Hospital, Toronto, on They stalked each othen like fish for selling or showing. some dealers, often you may UTILIZATION 0F MANURE unîted caunties af Northum- the distillery business ini 1821 Sunday, July 30, 1967. In Jungle cats. But, just before One ai aur membens recently ask for a pair ai fish and tbey TURNS PROBLEMS TO berland and Durham. and set up a distiileny in Port pon healtb for severai years, theY attacked, Mn. Naei part- won third pnize for Canada think that you mean two f ish, PROFITS Mrs. Holdaway campieted Hope wbere it was a major hee bad been in hospital for ed themn. and parts of the U.S. with one and the first two that hie gets the 28 portraits in the book aperatian fan many years. seven months. «Trhese are known as Siam- af his fish. are yaurs. The manure tram 60,000 lay. last surrmer, capying tram Ohrfmu otHpr esc fighting fish, they are He pointed to a basin of "Wben a fisb is very yaung, ing liens can be turned into a engravings and photograpbs. Ohnfmu otHpr Son of the late William and beautiful, but viclous," he water squirming with little it may not show any definite profit, states sails specialist Ths sMr. Iiawy s batemadehrebutAsne an barn atHMryt, hEnglad, uaid. black larva. signs of sex," said Mr. Naei. Professor T. H. Lane, Ontario second publication. She alsa actress at eigbt in "Winnie where he received bis educa- He turned ta point out the "If the government paid a "Age of a fish is anothen Agicultural Coilege, Guelph. created the Great Pine Ridge the Poob", then ovdttin. On JuIy 28, 1923, be fathen in another tank, much bounty on mosquitoes, I'd be problemn - you can't be sure One year's manure from 60,000 caloring book, introducngNe Yr i 135we e riedtefrerHiaA largen and more colorful, a weaitby man," lhe said. of tbe age ai mast fisb when i aying lhens represents: 108 cron hrctrcin N peaYrd on 1Bro5dway e e ribta hf sumrvies.1 then tunned to, remove the "Those larva make great fisb you buy them from a dealer. tons ai 34 per cent nitrogen, Bivoon. "4Cloud Nine". Her movie amail fish ta, safer quanters. food. Tbe best thing is ta buy thern 150 tons af 20 per cent super "Blast,"he said."I freeze a lot af tbem for when they are exceedingly phosphate, and 27 tans muniate Mrs. Hodwybs dedicat- noIes since 1959 have includ- Fotsee yasagte One of the figbting fish thc winten months wben the young and raise them your- ai 60 per cent potasb. Or, at ed bier work ta ber parents, ed: "Edwin Bootb", "Pioneer deceased came te Canada j darted away - witb a piece season bas camne ta a hait." self. This nequines patience 1967 bagged fertîlizer prices, the late Thomas E. Downs Go Home", "F'oiiow that fnom Marypont, England, and et fin danghing Irm its Fin IRot but yau can get ta know your $20,000. and Emma Downs. Dream", and "Strait Jacket." bhas been a resident ai Bow- 35 MembersH,, examined the fish that fish thîs way. If there's no market for the Cover Design The book also cantains par- manvilie ever since bis ar- 35n a embersbad lost a piece oaitis fin and "Everyone bas ta have a manure, grow your own ieed Tecvr einl as ntaits CfhSamuel e Foteril inranadcatin,19e0neA IftheearSot 35The lier~sai,"a aet ecrflstart, some time," said Mn. needs. A good feed ration for pThencaverhdesrîgn ss alsa an P,,tr10ans dcoao,le InWhe iy.baaHamptoe n ai fi rot. h've got s are- Naef. "We dan't expect tbat a layers is 60 per cent corn, 10 original effort utiiizing bier John Field, William Well er0yer a Bomnvl adPotHoe'paration ta prevent it, but if novice will be breeding prize- per cent banley plus concen- own sketches ai Vincent Mas- Dr. Egenton Ryerson, Robent Mn. Humphrey was a mem- Mewmbnean d mee t onc e.o it gets going ta any degnee, winng fisb almost imme- trates. For 60,000 biens, that sey in a coilege ta represent Baldwin, Sir JohnAiMc ber of St. John's Anglica yo'elikely ta lose your fish. diately. denotes 540 acres ai corn yieid-apieteaiteide donald, James okun J-Cuc n wasa7s8,mem1 ta compare notes and discuss ~"eeaealta rb "As a persan progresses, lie ing 110 bushels per acre plus The rîdge obtaîned its naine seph Medicott Scriven, Col. ber ai Branc 78 oyai any new discovenies that tey 1.e taraviltanoaurum develaps mare skili in the 65 bushels per acre barley. in 1963 when the Ontario de- A. T. Williams, Robent S. Me- Canadian Legion, as well as have made ini the rais ogai mhae o nd3 dfert handingof is andaqurien 60,000 laying hiens can supply partment ai taurism estab- Laughiin, Marie Dressier, W.eaon 5dfeethadigo ihadte the Senate Club. He served ris - arnd ta bedsgu ject species and nat one ai them ental cumulates a th fertilizer needs for up ta lisbed a number ai large bhl- A. Hewitt, Charles T. Currel- overseas for five years withi Is a goldfis," Mn. aef sai numbeaisce. 600 acres ai corn, but yau'd day areas tbrougbaut Ontario. ly, ao on W t, the armed farces during, Share Knowiedge Ifyudnt acb ou Before you know it, they stili :need ta buy commercial The ridge was designated as George Hees, E. J. Benson and World War I from 1914-1919' «Tisi te upae fth Ifh nth o ons aitbe fLub are competing in cantests,'1 fertilizer for the banley. the aneas taking in the united others. -Examiner. Surviving, besides bis wife. club," said Mr. Naei. "We wiil fade and there gaes a Mn. Naef said. wantto har ou knwlede sow iec. ."If anyone is interested in w a nt ta hare a ur k n o w ed g sho pi ce.j in in g th e s ciety, a l t bey with athen aquarists and in Spawnlng have ta do is contact Roy omne way cantribute ta, the "Tnying ta get a pair ai fisb Kemp, in Wbitby, at 6685274, S welfare af our own aquarium, ta spawn is very complex," or Earl Gatchel in Oshawa, "One of the biggest inter- Mn. Naef said. "You ave to at 728-6728."1 -Tmes. ests with the more expenienc- cd aquarists isfinding better "This is haif tbe fun of an Y L ER O -M; In the absence ai oun min- absence - a service we much IFA LL ister, bolidaying in England, appreciate. Additîonal news service was taken bY the U.C. from aur cammunîty may (or I7EaieRih r.Ry o-supid yteREVOLUTIIÎNARy AI T E Uinson praviding the address. Matero'duning aur absenceW.lde.ib r.RyRb-myAtue upe yt <dg~, Next Sunday, we believe, the revoir. service will be taken by the Mn. Leslie Wright was. a Hi;-C group. recent callen here at Malconîa. àpn at te M and Mr. Ra RobnsonINHEALTIIFIL SLEEPIN I0snwd and Mir. Ken Lemay are spend- ZO ing afew days this we tZO Business Coliege Expo. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan, attended the Flintoff - Martin Tu~s, SeMis5s 96inda Rowan and Miss wedding on Saturday at North. uled ta leave this weekend for Master Mike Dart, Wood- T e0iter at once in oneO a motr trip through Western ville, bas been holidaying with ' ix Career-Designed Canada, bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Courses each leading to Mr. and Mrs. Aida Nasato, Henry Dart. aresponsibje position in Louis and Elizabeth Anne of Mrs. Glen Glaspeil, Mrs. b Port Credit, were welcome Paul Sobil, Mrs. Ross Stain- &business office. We visitors at Malconia on Civic ton spent last week at a cot- place our graduates. In- Holiday weekend. tage north of Minden. Mrs. dividual instruction - The Ralph Malcolms of Don Keith Stainton and Mrs. Jim modern equipmnent. Send Milis spent the weekend with Stainton visited them on £orcomlet deail -relatives ini this vicinity. Thursday. forcomlet deail - Manvers Twe. farmers have Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas Dial 725-3375. been a source of information and daughters, Scarborough, jO imce Sree, Nrthfor CBC-TV farm programns in visited at Russell Stainton's on 10 SmcoeStret, Nrth the past. This week the abi]- Friday. - Malcolm C. Barnett, ity of another of aur town- Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron Principal ship's progressive farmers is accompanîed Mr. and Mrs. sendfor you FIREE beipg filmned, for showing dur- Morley Flintoff, Maple Grave Jr967 ',Cataogue descrlbint img caming, season. and výisited * Mr. and> Mrs. ,your Career-flesIgned Cour- Congratulations ta the, Roy William Preston at a trailer ses and TIme-Savlng Train- Strongs, east of Yelverton, on camp near Bobcaygean on pg wltotobiaio. N. 35 Highway on being se- Sunday. jpgwitoutoblgaton. lected for this latest filming. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jackson Quite an honour. called at Jim Stainton's on liante Agé- If things go according ta Monday evening on their way ______________schedule, yaur Y e 1 v e r t o n home ta Paris from their cot- Addresu scribe e t ail at Malconia, will tage on Stoney Lake. Phone ________ b e sight-seeing down in "ýBlue Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, Mrs. Nase" country by the time Alex McMaster, Joan and Ross Grade ____ this appears in print with the visited George Hilts at Wil- Clinsd Maul coupon parents taking avero fmlis'Pnt TOWNSHIP' 0F DARLINGTON' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington at its regular Council Meeting to be held on Thursday, the 7th day of September, 1967, at the Couneil Chambers in the Township Hall at Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or any time thereafter will consider passing a by-law to widen and improve the following road : Waverly Road in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington lying between the north limit of the Canadien National Railway and the south limit of Highway 401 and to expropriate certain fonds in Lots 13 and 14 in the said Broken Front Concession requir.d for the aforesaid road. The proposed by-law and plan showing the lands affected *may bo seen in the offices of the Township Clerk ini the Township "Hall * The Council *W hear in person, or by his or her counsel, agent or solicitor, any person who clauns that his or her lands will ho prejudiciafly affected by the said by-law and who appli e h hard EXTRA-FIRM POTR Speciat Posture-constructiojq for the areas of your back where you need support- the mnost. Extra sup- port that gives you spine-level, relaxed sleep. QUALITV 8UILYT 8v WUUSM mo up1SM - ------ IU M M M .u are two daughtcrg, Audrey and Peter lathgate, &U Lt (MIrs. Don Rundie), Bowman- ton inembers. ville, and Mary (Mns. J- Amang thie many bcautiMi Varo) ai Cobourg. Aise sur- floral tributes, evidenc.e c viving are twa sisters, Annie the esteem ini which the de- (Mrs. T. Wright) an d Raechel oeaseci was beid, wcre those (Mms. D. Brough>, bath af from Bnanch 178, Royal, Cana- Bowmanville. dian Legion; Beehive r6mKah The funeral service was Ladge No. 125; Maple "Leat held tram the Northcutt El- Club; Senate Club; Ladies lîott Funeral Home, Bowman- Auxiliary ta the Royal Ca- ville, on Wednesday, August dian Legion; and Neighbos, 2nd, and was canducted by Rev. K. J. Frampton ai St. 9E CASH TODAT Jobn's Anglican Chuncb. In- F'OI OLD APPLIANCES -erm e nt w s n a m a vi Palibearers were twa ne- pbews, Don and Ross Wright, A tten lion Farmers! SAVE 1 Why pay more on premium quality GASOLINE-DIESEL & MOTOR ails FARM TANKS AND) PUMPS AVAILABLE CALL COLLECT WHITBY 668«3341 DX OUL CLASSIFIEDS CAWASHOPIN G0 CGMFGRT ITFS MADE DY BEVERLEY WHO MAKE SPRING WAtt NO COINARY SALE THIS ... but au avent we have planned with the Beverley people for many nianths. THIS 15 A 100% OUILTEO INNERSPRING MATTRESS ... and it fea- tures full 252 colt unit cf heavy gauge construction. NO skimping an one quality or comfart feature. This is a REAL $49.95 value and good value 1iflwe were ta seit it at that price. MAKE NO. MISTAKE ABOUT IT, your daity vigour and vitality is ne better than yaur sleep and savin s like this for fine quality bedding ARE NOT common . and that beautiful 100% ÎUILTE O cavering over these hundreds of tempered steel colis is NOT just window dressing. It adds extra comf art and support ta the posture type unit ... it actually impraves the wearing qualities cf the unit because caver, padding and insutation are securety united to the innerspring unit by deep, "teck- stitch" quitting. If prevents materiat tram shifting, tumping, bunching ... adds littbe packets of trapped air te your rest. Wake up ta the tacts of sound steep. Ct the hest in this Severley for a lot less than ever before. Act naw. lime on this offeris llmitud. SoId on YoIIes Money-Back Guairante.' r' 'r r! D~ATE 8thi tda Auguet,196! W. ~ UDZ -Ckrk vom.LESOSHAWA SHOPPING ____CENTRE 725-3 519 OPEN THURS., FR1.- 9 9-6 DAILI WHROPID-m 14 L ,1 s- ~4f T 1.11 4 't j l OPEN

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