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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 12

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r., S.'..~.*.-.....*~ Bhrths Articles for Sale1 Articles forSale __ -cte anted to Rent Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale,!Real Esaetefo ..M?NEY--cord and Jennifer STROLLER, good condition STRAW. 623-5742. 33-1i MEAT cut, wrapped androz- RE o or ero home TWO-year-old, three-bedroom, (ne ron)ar ro t ~i .74970. 33-1 TFHrotre ergr nRalE.E.MEe 93.9obarpouribîe famil.reti B.ranld New electrically heated, brick bun-nk Esial fl un e he rth of thed firstID M N piano and stool, ator. 623-3181. 33-1* _ _ _ I:pae a p y a god T RInD Tl galow. Phone 623-2638. 3 * A E efild, Gordon Scott, on Sun- Cal623-7190. 3ob1 CUSTOM cm. ig, baIing,ý wtCond I LIMITED IllL. RI- LE Case~ ~ unhig mowing and side- Cn at Whitby 6885 IN ORONO-ero h ewt re Marial Haspital, Bowmanville.BALED y ad straw. 263-2582, A. J. Hoar. 33-1__5934_or263______ raom, large doubler 33lý63-2737. C__Wuis. 33 J* MSEYHRRS - raking. Cal 725-34r26, 33-1* !orlredul aae i SE-ARSbneOFIE odcastoo Phone 623-2753, or 12 Jane St.:Meme a aadDsrc Lt os-Lt __ __ _ -bi d r ~ . 84 8.3 -t j O F I C , a d la s w o o T h ree 2 -b ed ro o m a p a rtm en t . i 3 1-5R e l E t t B o r GORDO--Syney ad Sh WATER for sale and delivered, foot cut. Phone 983-5689. thE-UPHOLsiteSTERINGfo on (ee urîe) ae Cail Ciff Pethick 263-2131 3.3.*1faction guaranteed at W hyt! mi ediate occupancy in Bow- eeti etn, m prt e E 1 Kn t . a m nîl l c s o k F i In'( e uly ar la Î101 m nil . Write Adveftiser1 ers, kitchen with dinette, arge G u y6339 tLEmeeAN C annaunce -the arriva]iofafPOTATOES, Irish, Cobhlers, WATER for sl and delivered. Bros., Phone 623-5251 r83 / The Canadian Statjes- lot. Priee $31,500 Stone HosSnran Wednesday, August th, 1967,.1 se33uul ~~ - 29 tI.: ___________ -mn,-o.Bo-90 owa Mortgate cnb ratd18Ar nt the Oshawa General Hos- iRL gdsires clerk-tps'vle 6e23-7461 Rea1 bSturdy, Ag. 8 ita. 3- jMEN'S golf clubs and bag. ;TWO felds of second cuttni oin, ful or part-time. - _______36 I I 1 5 8 A c resgi n e r 'p ro d u c tived fiiobi g s o wN oArstther aL ln w o o O s hT rioui n e s j beautifuli8 roomttone bouse, CwrtwrilleFifee& DrumeRon KNPPAler ndJen r 63-85. 31 oo, 2-212 3- College, Phone_623-2739. 33-1*: September 1/67 for single RowNKItms wihpn _ _ - _ - -- 1 mme f rn v ilipr k n gei R amT. - e . o m e r p o p t. hap y t an oun e te brthLLOYD baby car age, beige, SECOND ut hay, standing or DULL tools are dangero I m i; f rih d ari g nF E Twt atc e ens e Li e ài F ia o- oapyeansnerorn, 7theb.,inew condition.lose NSTRtICTTCille.brick bungalow ihatce oson uly 27 1967,nMemoial623-239ondiion.Reasonable., baled; Case two-furrow trail iHave us sharpen. thên. SawsWould consider winterized C NTUTO aae tn ielcHly 5Ar on, grage st2n7firplaceHoin- 35Acre Rend Hui Hospital, Bowmanville. 33-1 3-1 tp plow. Phone 623-2179. scissors, knives. etc. F. Crowe, cottage., Write Advertiser 831, 98 -7 92odîice , loo6. x 155 Koweutfu I T D B K R Service, n w33-I' 0 l i s. o m n i le c/o. Canadian Statesm an, 9 3 50P.O.kt pe ~ l t 6 x 1 5 e utf l n w llr n rc INOX-Harry and Lorraine and used parts. Graham's! 40 ACRES standing c r o p, 3~ B x 9, B w a vle 31_ _ _ _ --,.n w brs te ns hsi ( n e T n k w s h t o a n o u c e G a r a g e , 4 1 6 2 6 3 2 2 3 3 . 4 3 - t f s c n c t a f lf , I 5 c b l . M Ô U N T J O Y a c k o e e r v ir-e ii r g a e u n e e t i dR E L O i ____ Thtoanuce-scndetalaflà ae Cul ewrri nsve, dul aae the birth of their son, Jeffrey LAG ie obntinu-Caîl1 W il f r i d Carruthers,ý -Foundations - Septic tank1 Required by Retired Couple edor bikbuglwaralso Hilton, on Sunday, August 13, right fridge and freezer, good 623-5923. 33-1 ,dug and backfilled. Ivanî r3BDOMHM ae rvlt10fe e 'sl toe 196 7, at M em o ria l H o p t l 1 co n d tio n P h o n e 6 23-2786 . '69 ýM ou n tjo y , B la ck sto ck 98 6-4 737 . 2 M o r n ni g r o p ef r dA s n nl $ 1 , 0 . T r . îitte~~~ 1.~I C cmdinng-r om refered! IVO N E Y T O L O N a e d h o 6 e d p 'been trans ere $5,0 - er or nyannd DaA l e rreil. 16--with4ispeettransmssion0adAcre! B~ymanill. A33-1wth4DOeDGEmtrns41sin.,nd16-CloseShoppinr - -Lease Finit and Second Mortgage, atnRo eri.6325 - f for DA reeanr O hBo $ 00andn will buy you thi 33-1 dis separator, stainless steel,; Hursi competition floor shift. CUSTOM ploughing, cultiva- i Required October lst ai ReRsonable Rates Executîve type bungalowAms e rc ac -on oeo celti dss and bowl. Teephone Phone 728-3261. 33 -1i tor, loader, pulverize:.-ch:n Write ADVERTISER 830 A ih rc on rdb n ao o B ih C- l a m ns a> a ne LOVE To r. m Mr. Ro ert Glen Rae Dai -1 bed, chet and riple sudres sr' ars fo and soddîg, ce - c/o Canadian Statesman j RH O Yliving roo ni with a r l argo e . 1 î nO, s-d. t e uetcouty. E sy mnv Lave Madi.sond Wis oin 1 a aeDary, 623-5444. 3'WALNU, het bdtroi desier's Wforg. ge. TlpeP.O. Box 190, Bwavle Ramsaead Insurance fireplace, lot 88 x 165. Asking lumbia. MtsI$ daughter, Laura Roberta, 7 U M M A G E Sale a n x $2 91 w - ic e c e t rf e d-847-1__28 t 3 4 3 i e ty S. NB ow m anvie 'only $20,900. Ter ns. .$5,000one mort Ibs. il ozs., a sister for Kevin; Christian School, Sugog Rd., from $189; kitchen suites frn' . A R S$53-726down.k$Streetown wc and Valerie, fourth grand- Friday, August 18 at 7:30 p.m. i $4950; S e a 1 y mattressA. B A Aoticeg child for M aurice and Sis. C on-i _ _3.3-1 $ 9 9 . T a e - in dress es, .6 2 3-7 2 6 4 3 -1Park3 tr eet 20 AcC on id r es s a ah m e n a c o l. I m c l t owman. KAISER encharsrage Pubig& Heating CliyUr Rweg daeon lot 89 feet frontage. Asking both the East n etbac ecs Not13Suo tBwmn __§ÉFlm ---sdng-2 aie 3eale1 New318,bcdrOopengl ow Cs.onh seabl rnaeo nie.Almdm cne Ville. 331 ea r guanantec. W i n d o s' and vacuum cleaner. Murphy 35 Nelson St. Bowmianvilîe! 98.3-5570. __ 30-tf For Rentletocin - ~ doors, awnings, nailings. Lorne Funtue in3.3Bwa 'MsoQC.Ofce-____f Liberty St. N.losTrswbngo OSBORNE-Don and DonnaA, 6337.3- ville. Phone 623-3781. 33l*iL.C aoQ.Ofce!lt.Tes (ne eneron ae apy o o sllin giurn-3t71. Sh-1 closcd until 2lst August - ex- TWO-bedroom bouse in New- 3 Bedrooni home with large Easy termns. Akn 6 0 (neHnesn r ap oERNIE PERFECT - illb i fic 4t 0.Ak e nnounce the arrivai of their BUYING or sli g f riu e S O e ef raF i L n of3 - i g oly $ 59 0 T rm .1 % Ac , daughter, Darlene Marie, 7 or appliances, cli Elmen, Here for a Fuli Lime ofus plb3owm.anvile, on atuno- inîdn2-uie269. 3-2tf4 EUCAPI'N Phone 623-3540 Dr. Austin's office will beÎTWO -BEDROOM bungalow,! Liberty St.N. iFamtoutstKna iî ra.H itna EUPETP.O. Box 1599 open from 2 until 8 every bodom agelt 2-17 3 Acres with 2 bedroorn d log cottag.3bdons;Ctae Lcae day, August 12, 1967. 33-1 FROM the grower te you, high 7 nai t. B w a vle Thursday nly, during July ___33-1*! bungalow, 100 feet frontage on large living roi wt tn acok o wn Lk. R a quality fruit and vegetables. BAR-B3-Q SETS___ 1-tf and August. 26-10!CMEsepsiwky.Lbr S.ittonae;frplc a SIMPSON- Tom and Joan Fred's Fruit Market, Highway BST _______ lAMPER sleepugst 6 a sixsoly$6.Akigol d o e (ne c Ransberry) w ish to an-i35, South of Orono. 32-tf L \ N C A R U T Mi L A . Parker and SonsS Avaiable Augus 26$3,000axes o ny $ . A ki gust c bf r e a-ouln o m n e h ve s v r l o h ~ c flpunce the bith of their son, TWO utsed -sections of picket lnbg and 623-2973. 33-1"ve. 18,Muste l -erln uen, Is 7zsFARMING be closed for holidays from1 ONE bedroom bhouse. eîcctric, eeh5v0 AcrOo- ernWis n en August 5, 1967, at Oshawa also used electic range, 22" ATTB O A R D ugust 12TEo Auust 19 3 -,lhat, ho e .87476p3.* sa, Hopeo rck h rn ' $2, Ï General Hospital. A brother wide. Phone 623-3644. 33 1* M O TO RST R A O A L R T S Amdm Aalal e w c us d t oc 0acre sow e fPr for Robent, Daniel nd S l__--_h o e 72 -1 0 -t t r e ahr om ,tL rik ho e Sm l . 17' M A H O G A N Y boat, con- P h nC23 3 8I e e y give notice that I TH R EE-roo ned h ated, - v t h c batroomsrx two b 7 roons, aIl 94 xi132 _______- vertible top and tarpaulin; 5cx-'ITTNG RAKING il not be responsible for ment apartmcnt; no chîldren. Open to offers. sraiwt Evirue otr, rale; x-w i«!SM-K7UI BALING, SPRAYING, any dcbts incurred by niy wife Phone_987-4919. 33 1* Eng Laem en cellent condition. Cal 623-2973.' PLOWING, ETC. 24-tf Vera Krishko, from this date. ed wl Bv. on No. 2 1ih a, O nr ___________ 3. engagementiog ti.iW .Blackstock'e2-F O RT -U -AM _RICA EXPERT - t Ed and ex- t reanxious to sel] G E N UI E B uf alob rgcrÇPhon 623 3134N EW or R EPA IR S _ _ _ 33.3* ,roorn s and bath. Fully self- ' ceI ent state of epais, lot' L indsà y 3 M l sJ h daughten U C W. luch boot>,, Blmck-Anyone wishing to bowl in only. Phone 623-3591 evenings. Ternis. no rc osbm 5x Mniaem lentafMaerytDavi terUC.Wk Faich atura, BagsckPECIA EET VOKLadies' Major Bowling League 31-tf I132, 50) x 32.FtRELETAELIE GaurdonlMcRbertaMa, t on of kFar StrdyAgMm.l os Dci26, 2356- ý_ R.R. 4, Bowmanvile nriver. oagno lrg CrdoMs.Dan McRelis, ne Mr._26. 33-2 4 x 4 34 " HARDBOAR Estimates Given o mir osee Dicko,26323516. LARGE country home for rentOny$10-Teis 4FrkSt e c2stle. Wedding to takehplace CnETERAcreD, two chairs,1 Rowmanvîî . . n Spab e n , 1 6 7 a enw ; t a b leav i ds , f l o o r '$ 1 , 19er-. C a l l E v e n i n g s - P . Z e p p e r o D r e n P a k , 2 3 - 3 0 . 'anE î a b t h i leeh d o , m d ' b sA r s i t b d r o l - A r L k e P t e t i lP h n o 6 3 - 95, R.R. , Bowanviie - 73..07chBowingbgins.eptemen water, ganden; near store u lw en ol o-50 Acres wv rek a 3:00 p.n. in United Church l m , c fr a l. m r . 4x 4a" O L R P Y O D _ __u31 * -s ap ~etha y. 33 Osha~ . 30 Guel h Stret,1 1.57 m. A C E R M À NM ixed Major Bowling-Any A. Carscadd n. 33-2*1! 1,00 ens for Private lu.dm s ne b s. Laj 6:45 pni. _______3033 Telehone 83-579tOoo.1.5i7plcelyHfmpnisd.Asinstes rdIdalotinDRYFM:24cr. _____ __yFREE ELIVERYpensons wishing te dropout HEATED apatments, ne hrecNomd3M ________ HaFRtEn frontages. Otoeo mmc, 2omiles f bamn. Stable cleanen. Goq ir o r tc o m in g U SEDT V masting, 1 , a rge V E iLOADING - TRENCHING , these pe sons by Septem ben 1: room ap mtm nt. Im m ediate g l w o l y a s ol, w îîjk g 4 , 00 - r ni.3 C E : w t o ey p n M a r r i a g eT V p ip e . G o o d for fe n cin g ,VLS a ndE R Fili el iv T og tp6 3 54 2 3 -S ola c 23 7 6 . 3 f b u l -ilt v e m doannskd0 A c e , O s a mFSn e Sa9,G el o Si adSs nCarter, 623-7343; Ros ossso.T1phn'0vtowl rodonfAelc, cnresse it ngo oa.Aki' fence posts, docks, etc. Osha- ________ îrdgh 6 35432 3- ng only $18,500. Terns. j miles east of Nai nl tu »lasdtoanonc h3'1-4 BOWMANVILLEý Reasonabie Rates avnraed Sept. 1. Aduits pre- Afe Hours leseCiii: college. ladS -Gine9 oi fothcoming mamiage of their ADCFTspinning 96 Ring St. E. phone 623-3388 i-63-576T TMANI1avfered.blc fier eaed PlelenTuase 263c2nic5,i concemn. mi Mnpaph Gordon Fry, son of pleyed by Louise Patterson N3THE CORPORATION 0F THE Mf H veotneicnt pote23-593,coudbeyedaings23-Anxioua to adi.t M n. and M rs. J. A. Fry, t e ;Handicaft G uild at Blackstock H M R E Z R i G E N E R A L R E P A IR S 'MnsoGeo geoH nnah 623 5793o r ht e - 62- 244 r ud91. T e en o~ n ik ch q e o d b id T,1rcdding te take place on Fi Fair, Stumday, August 26th. HOInFREer adJorgensen 987 ý___1.-1 $8,500 - Ternis 1[MALL brick building an Si-l ______________ ulins3oem7ra ,day, Septeniber th, 1967, in33-21TohnBowmx?.vver Street, suitable. for stor- 10 Newcsî oe teni xeln ol INSULATIONAnbican ngmeth- Fil> up with Grin-fed1Younig Jhnde jong , age, wonkshop or small busi-akAce,2bnsipe-rcdtos. e3l d, with rock wool. Wonk- STEER BEEF Now. EnJoy 623-2662TON il pay $25.0t0e cliJackmlent shed :omhm, xtEROHAA 9id _________________ CONSTRUCTION will ~ ness. $50 ionthly. W . FrankADce en co dt n. O N . 35b i in . O mnanhip gurantcd. F e e Beef ai its best all sumnmer. 6 32 6 elEtt Ltd.,cl Walter IR I C A R D ihwy.7 Ace or tme o Deaths estiniatesHarmy L. Wade, ID 7el.FREE ESTIMATES31t TO ANYONE .Frank, 623-3393. 3- 'I fld, ealtor Can e ntag2,5$20 Phocereek, 2,50086-f56. troadRTfro, hetedown.- Cal e ubrs K O W A L , R uby- A t M em orial 38-tf FR O N TS 49e lb. - heated, nio -tetd *, f sui vi e . I mi e R b * }osit l uB~ w ii vi1, o ' S D as cn pat, at ns, S IES - 6 cl b.R U P O S Tfor in form ation ern, easonable ent; imm mdi- fom Hwy. 401. ut b c ni 2-9 9 nîiday, A g s 11, 1967, Ruby Beatty, Thon and CrosIey Ci, Wrapped and Fast Frozen OUR CHESTERFIELD ledn t te c nitin o te se ssliio, 2 anbaoo sh-2 Ternis. fn wt n -l¶Vesh ' gcd 37 years,, belovcd appliances, nationaîîy dven- i'ta suit your family. Ask us OR CHAIRS persan or persans found defac- rooni. Apply Apantnicnt No. 7100Bawmanville -Esl v ed o u-iiini de f Peter Kowal, dea t le ine of fumnitume. Paddysý about aur Paymeni Plan. SHOP AT HOME SERVICE Kn or tamein g with muni- 13, 16 Division St., Bowman.-5 61 5 l/,soe rnothen of Dennis and Ciny. Ma ket Ham pton, 2 3 41 623-5252 cipal r gulatory road sin. __ __ ___ __ ___l.* in good mmcmà. Nc o, o 2 - 6 9 Rested at the Nothcutt Elliott , 263- 241. N BO - Trade $18 500 - Terni ragd.BWAVLL RA FuneraI Home. Funeral srv- W34 \VIS T e TANVILLEt ofvavillMO E N ________________oflage 3 edoo ï wý " il wwas hcld at 2 o'c'lack on'PASSANTS Garden - èut FRIGID LOCKER S'YTlRO. e Iorequntact vndal aMreRNapmten, 8noni Oner otlange on3 itbedmoni Beownlî naloS.bdomhoeohag onty nd b throom, n g ound floor fu ns e cotg on Lti 5- d ooi h m , iel fr 01 eae , 2 bt oo s Al ..Monday afternoon. intermentiflowes, gladioli and others,SY EP UPHOLSTERY 1ant odsgaaentol 2 miles est of Bowmanvile, Lake near Coborne wishes te large fmiys *Ba man ill Cciet my. 331 c ntaner arr nge ens.-11e22-fonrtosaiazer artrffa.ngHihmyn2tWrte dve - tad fo23-edr oni hom..C ntal ocaion Ow er ra s- ng 13,0hoTeris SYSTEM f _________ ostly, but aiso can create a!I on iha2.WteAvrir serloushazard o, teafor.n1 oming82bouse.Cnaewanytdtecamatedus Garage.ocaA - ph on e 623 -3527 at noon mnd rP h o n e r62 3 - 5 8 m a , .O B x 19,__ _ _ _ _a__ _ _f rr , m u t e HOSKIN-At hie, home, '767 between 5 and 7 pa., or 122 R. L, BYRON, ville .O.Bo3903ow a-1 9 0 D w si g$ 3, .Hoskin Ave., Oshawa, on Sat-1 Duke Street. ___ 27-tf'- 33-1 Brick & Stone WokTwnCek rnone yFOR XVostk12tisr9828, c/o anadian Staes-1G.vCousa c l. * fehmeonBomaeni d.MkeoLl UTYLVNG o -daAus 2 97We-TYPEWRITERS- $49. Nlaivestock For SleFireplaces 3- O- -ron n wobd :Iey N m n H si , a e 90 moiiey down, $2 weckly. Add - o m a ateCAiLLm n-1O h w h pp n e t e o e4b d o m 1 p 180' lot just north of, Brick 3 aprtmn uligfo ae.Bm.Akn b e lovEd h u sb a n d o f rs, C ash R eg isters, N e w , i Y O K H I Rrbu , se v en 1 S c ptc m b er I C R h v ille A Il c o m plctcly self-- D y k 623-7437. Wo d, d an fah r fUsed, Rentas, Servie r d s m nh l. Phone 623-715 0.o F R R C LSV R U I~ IE O T R ve He atd. Avail be rlst Osh wa Shopp n cenre.o e 4 b d o nt o 2b d o n 1 0. C l: G og a ,.aLena (Mns. Marwood Heard), jBillI Ha mil tovn,Raglan, 3- NDSOEMAOS fResidentiai con a uins mmclt' oen u-$3,0TaieOnemtunfmnd FI *kllen; H d 1GiD R .C. business nisie ra i e, 1-985-7160 (North o shw)QUANTITY-of-Ho1stein-and PHONE ORONO 983-5606 section; plenty of parkirqg. lhome in thrrficouintny. Langed rmIstImmfcHeaefomodem bungu-,r$s1esin. Ternis. 'BEila (Mns. Walter Onmsto) of O 3-hawa oenl tovle 8-or 983-5626 263-8450 bet3c1-4-und 6 gaow geth c. onif viwavepn- edl ilg Oshawa; L amne, B uketon ý I N fr g h r etr w - ,126 -840Office Ian i .m looking park in Orono ýA tach- 7 Roorni2 stony w l eiilt i oe a v ne c. - F ran k . B lack stock ; e t, Bo agwa vs.r N u r s esn"Nw o vi l 8 - 8 f. f c a ag , m c r o d sc - h m $ 7 9 0 .manville; Domothy <Mrs. WlIieuloading wagons, o11i2512. B30-tf Nursesm son Vivian), Tyrone ; Bret a fho pp n boeni i cnnOR Y h i e I r- e rod' P U B N hH A I G < s'e d L nbeiSn) 'a d h dn s ppid1m e iaeF ri he otg , K n a ii. C E , wih 4 r o~ __________________________ ES UF AIL TYPESiBJE tS w nted , gentle-1 Vend r moving and anxi oss ala.d' ASk ng $116 0 0 Te ns An e ax 34- 69 CLEANED n k lefr aer'- URNCES rLL irn preferred. Newcastle LO selI. Canifantable bunga- Sinicoe St. N., Ohw OMNIL:4bd g anqiles taken te the home Cil 623-22)3. 33-I Csoi-ul Hms P ers al t ==.- fvour-j-Pe s 33-1 l 987-4558. 32-2 lw with garage and pvd' 3 Bedroonim s1%.h m roi '/ try o e i Let ft R-UPlste ou PLUMBING REPAIRS ADDITIONS ETC. drive. Asking Price is only'close ta schools andsopn.hae,3 e ahom . j pI Sples-(ube rea tkthn ut e sPHONE HAMPTON No Job Too Big or Too Siali Nursing o m e i1iooBuvetsen p tntals 1, 75. Tris E H NY etombm goods) mailed postPid in!M L E 'AGERAN hepeadptuson263215aWEDO NEMAL lain sealed envelope with' mules, $15; f se mae, 81. J m Ml Adess: O N B O O K Lyn6nh rs21anor$a1,0-0For Ibis mml am uni o e n xi ou a s i mo n ½ ar c. W pr~ice ist. Sxsnpla2c23 Ring St. E. Bwînil yns icsokDelpoeP.Bx43-BwavieGNBLOTKATS mmoamion fornor s cti. Fmocy y aold wa n -locaina eea uies$,0 an 2 4 s a r p le s 1 .0 0 . M a il O r d e r _ _ _ _ _ 2 3 - tf 9 8 6 - 4 7 9 6 . 3 3 . 1 *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 0 tf P h n e 7 2 3 6 1 7 6 oI r A 6 2 - 3 7 0r a t s . P o n e O m , aon 3 - le i n a hon. d u p e a x n in 2 0 o th o1 5 ane5?x e l e t u d r r s uesS a i Dept G .RT- n.NOn. 152 USD AVETIG QIPENCFAN 32K-~ 2 4* 2-1*ly but carying for only $85. cN11lade . Lt1x1 io ULX nlrelt USDEARETTIC TAEN RAK RNK Cal] wt Oe frales ml ml:GereVm!q 'u4,0 ar conionn. Hydsolin evis1 C ey- ase rE Hris f.se- roPwith Coru Re$95 d0'-rnchingIAskig('TT D$10o00on merda.or Ou hem BOWMANVîLL smpe oil abSi$,000 down. Modernized brick .eôlress, equilly effective or Pi c hreup ~------------------$ 7 , 0 RR. 6, BOWMANVILLE G O~¶NLF _& CO UN '"r~ m.TerriieLvlue.Aer 9 .m. z E R O rc u dry or ily kin. ?any pleased $475MWe. bath. NaturalKen stoan And happy users. A k your Intern ational N o. 14 F O R A G E B A R V E ST E R IM f n i 6 23-2 210. B ~ .k 2 - 7 7 d a 2 , 00 w t eA~ - ru ggt f r Hydsolin today. wth C OR N H E AD -. -------00_-2 0 3 2-fe r9"f5~ < O- - 252365 C u e r C lo g 2 - 8 3 r fi d _____33-ï *Waver fM.1 IANCE CHARGES naw in effpeelon gaRetedesfrigeirecotetation Izlvd-Ztby3hiso ~~isftec ~~ a n y ? lie H ef ~ ~ 'tif M sua d br th e A rch i ects u n îli 3:00 p.m . local li e T u esd iy , M i o a e o o t B b J h u t n * 7 5 1 8 » ~ M u t e C 470,ou CV<rr«w APS *Bal.,s - Swathers - Combines - pinc erie tmber 3, 1917, for additions and ilterations le the Bmw. _________c P3e . . 2-07 bfh Mlb. -6378 4. * P~~~Urobm Traeten New,. Neo paymenus ti > i, gu* Conanerdil a siDomoti. IauvilleGolf & Country Club. Plans and 197LCIEfn tie.For loy Poster - Oroi93501E, alo oba Iifk Sale-1955 Ford Pickup. Tel-fWetnantr-WoeyAdmn-34- »%frI e a i n M iI C ol ,.ý b.o8i7 Me 1 . architece N iel R eam ph one r o n o 9 8 3 -5 3 7 . 3 . 1 ' ! G ard es Ra: > 1 2 J 1 eo g s f _4 COW.AN QUPMNTLT.sa-.MeSsin ArefflOteet, Ilobrrynsan Street, Toronto 5, 925-3289. Pi ToTe cing 1 wad Frooiu63-83 W La bl.MLU J?"»ul$1 P Mei gaz- L a n d e r r RU d W aCCr e 4 W -b rom d xtensive i fraft o a.a.le istiar bu »uinir. P IA N O l ousons in your hom e , G eorge Besten I. ! dS W NS Ç Ven p for 1« a pc4ntmen tj Po i Pe nn 3. t' 75 3 3 t "'1' L - Wt'

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