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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 7

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7; -7- -Ç i SoclaI & £kersonal Phone 623-3303 'Mr.S. T. H.McCready - MsCarson 2Elottanduso ~~tbrdgeAient i và4tngMark. e7r.and rs.ByronVanstone. Mr. and Mms. George Gra.. Mrs. K . 1gsoCn.h and daughters Ousan cession St aýndehrdaughe, and Geoegeann have returned Mn.. M. lamiltoare In Ot- home efter a two-week vi*i tawa fora few dy, with their daughter, son-in Min. M. E. Sherwin of Bran- Iaw and grandsons, Mr. and don, Manitoba, recenil'y jbdt-Mrs. GOrdon Murphy, Jimmy cd Mr. and Mns. J. Byer 01 and Sady, Windsor, O1nt.,an Horey Street Bowmanvlle.. 8180 '* aham's relatve Mn&. J. IL Swlndella han re- in Michigan. turned £rom a month's viait Pte.PJ'R,<,n. Kinnear bas with her son Roy and lanmly, spent a month's furlough wlth Dollard des Ormeaux, Que. hi, Parents Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Mr. and Mis.,E. Rittu ert Kmnear and &ster Elva. and children have returned Th famlly spent the holiday :fromn a very pleasant holiday at Kincardine where Elva la 'vlsting Expo '67 and touring remlalning Until school ne- Quebec.Opfe. Mr. and Mis. Kinnear Qec.accompanCe Rition to O Ct- 11ev. Lorne Trimble return- tawa whe he will continue cd to Chesterville Ont., 1eat hi tour across Canada with week miter a three-week 'riait The Canadian Forces Tattoo at wlth hi. parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Central Canada Exhibi- E. W. Trbnble, Ontario St. ition. Mr. Roscce Dowson, Broad- Mr. and Mis. Fred Smith view, Sask., bas been visiting have returned frai» a very relatives ln the ares, Mis. W. enjoyable motor trip through T. Symons, Miss Stella Black- the Maritimes and New Eng- burn and Mrs. Douglas Cole. land -States. While in Noval .Miss Alleyne Clarke of Hon- Sctia they were guesti for oluu. Hawaii, and Miss Elsie several days with Mi. and Drewe of Toronto, recently Mis. Louis Boudremu Meté- zpenit * week with Mr. and ghan. fiecent vlsitors with Mn. Mrs. M. L. Roenigk, King St. and Mn,. Smith Were Mr. Os. Mr. and Mr§. R. McRelvie car Kidd, Vancouver, B .C, and famlly, New Llskeard, Miss Grace Smith, Long Sault, were Sunday vîsitors with Mi. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boud. and Mis. Harold Hammond reau and Dawna, Newmarket. and famlly at their cottage, Misa Maria Caetano of An- Stoney Lake. gola, Africa, who is apending Mr. and Mis. Robent Evans this year as a student at Alma and sons Donald and Evan, Ladies College, St. Thomas, >ý Quebec City, Que., have been spent the weekend with Mi. Visiting town friends and re. and Mis. Ross Stevens, Scugog latives, neturning home today Street. (Maria knew Mr. and <Wednesday). Mrs. Stevens' daughter, Mur- Mis. L. Bradley, Mrs N. iel, when ln the Congo). Mr. Woodley and Mrs. A. B. Ste. and Mrs. C. McLaren of High- phens spent a very enjoyable gate, Ont., who sponsored week with Miss Florence Gar- Maria', coming to Canada, and diner at ber cottage on Hall's' whO called at the Stevens dl*ke in Haliburton home for ber, were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. B. Engley and Mns. Stevens. bs Brian Robert and Dar-1 refl, Ste. Therese, Que., lefI for Frederick McMann, son of home on Monday after a nice Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mc- -holiday here when they enjoy- Mann, Orchardview Blvd., and ex ed renewing acquaintances Tom Puqk, son of Mi. and Mns. with aid friends. M. Puk, Liberty St. North ail Mr. nd rs.JohnVereekboth Queen's Scouts, returnecl L3 Mr.an Mr. oh Vebekon Sunday fromn the l2th th, Fourth St., were bonored by Worid Scout Jamboree which- their neigbbors wlth a sur- was held at Farragut State prise party aI the home of Mr. Park, Idaho, from Auguat lst and Mrs. Fred Ward prior bo to the 9th. Followlng the Jam- their departure to make their boree, the Ontario Scouts vis- homne in Huntsville. ited Vancouver, B.C., before Recent guests o! Mn1. and neturning home The Jamboree Mrm. Brenton Branigan, On- will be shown over TV Chan- tario St., were Mrs. Brani- nel 7 on Fr!. night at 9 o'clock. #an's parents, Mr. and Mrs. _________ FPrank Hollande and daushter Ruth, and Miss Joan Aiken- son, all of Forest, Ont. K N A Mi. and Mrs. W. A. Davis and family, A. May and An. Mis. Mary Luxon, Mi. and idrew, Ottawa, daughter-Dianne Mis. Stan Gray and Miss Mar- and girl friend fromn Ashford garet Patterson spent a few Hospital, Middlesex, Engiand days aI Lake Kushog. vlslted Mis. Annie Wright and Miss Stewart went on the taniily while on holidays. bus tri p sponsoned byr the Kir. Mn. and Mns. Peter Aucha à bY ladies to Kitchener. They - Cheryl, Belle River, spent the went through tlie Wcston Ba- 'weckend with, Mrs. Auchs kery and were ecd given a parents, Mr. and Mn.. Leslie 1bal of bread. They were also Coombes, and attended the show» througb the Institute Coombes famîîy picnic aI for the Blind, the Snider Meat Thistle Valley Park on Sun- Packing plant, and saw some day .of the Doon Museum. They ' Mr. Gary Down, . RR. 2, had a very pleamant day. The Bowmanville, son of 1\1r and arrangements bad all been ~ Mrs. Lloyd Down, bas ~again made for tbemn before band. been awarded the Jury Schol- The priming 'of tobacco has arsbip and will be entering been going forward very rap- bis final year in the Honors idly as the weathen bas been Language course at McMaster pretty good tbis week. Every. !Unversity, Hamilton. one làsbusy. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Con- Il has been quite .a novelty way have returned home aften to see a black cap bery bush ho]idaying at Silver Spring with bernies on it gowing out Camp, South River, as guests of the crutch of a big maple of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall, Iree in Kendal. A new cane and with their nephew, Mn. L. bas grown out recently. The D. Parker and Mrs. Parker, cbildren found the red bernies on a boat trip tbrough the liot se good as tbey expected. Kawartbm Lakes. Mis. W. Mencer and Mrs. Mn. and Mns. Robent Kerr Ted Coatham; wcnt to Ujx- lsàe returned fram a holiday bridge 'hUnsday to me. Mr. 1xeElephant Lake are a i.-and Mis. Arthur Grant. Mia. trpendlng several day, at Grant lu now lni the bospital Ecxpo_. Mrs. Ker eturned ne- 1 xnde cently fmom a thmee-week tour Pnýlday evening a miscellan- REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugog Street Minuster: 1eV. A. Vaadewbergl B.A.. B.D. M.TII. Worship Ser-vices 10 a.m. 7:30 p.M. 11:15 a.m. Sunday Seho.! Back To God gour Every Stnday, 9:18 p.mî 'E,'erju* Weioeme Mis. Vance Allen spent Sun- day evening with ber mother, Mrs. W. Mercen. Mi. and Mm,. Bob Youngrnan spent the wsekcnd aI, London aI tbc Dog rTrials. M. Rosa Roughlev 'rislted with bis motber IMm. Alva Swanbrick, Sunday. Judy Fonk and !amily 'riait- cd with ber parents Sunday. Jack went ote staock car races in Coîbomme and won Ibres finst pnizes. The MeTaggart famlly and Miag. McTaggart's aister and famlly had a plcnl I Orono Sunday. There wcrc about 70 present. art Mi. and Mns. Bob Cnrll- ers and friends apent four days saeing Mantrae and aI the Expo. lthe little daughlsr stayd with her grandpanents, Mn. and Mns. H. Poster. About 40 relatives and frienda of!IMn. and Mn. Roy Little celebrabsi bbefr bwsnty-j !ith wedding anmivens an y Saturday nigbt aI their home.t A fIne tite wau enJoyei andi some !Lovcy gifla wcrre mcclv- TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H Minster - flev. George M. Ward, à.A., Ef. Organist - Mr. Arthur Couac»a, MusA., L.R.8.M ,.Uited ServimesWIth St. Fins Cougftgatlm, IF.3O a.m MORMG WOBSHI «THE ALL.- KNOWING .00 GUEST SOLOIST: Mms. Yack Péacock, Cohawa Nqe Claurd Sehool Nürmey for chiMiren duulng the uniuaguoewio SExchanc Mr. and Mrs. Munray Byron Locke, who are uhown i» the above photo, xchanged marriage vows in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday 'ternoon July 8, 1967, at 2:30 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Suzanne ,nda White, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Gerald White, and the bridegro¶r is e son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Locke, al of Bowmanville. McRobbie Photo Wed in Christian Reformed, Church I W eCnat»statuman, Eowmmn% A~ u&, & -M? fIocked nylon over a white acosunrme, uni asus0 sheabli gown, accenled by y carnations i a r¶ut 0daisytridiiad styhed 1=th As ltha ppy ciozle W edd in ffshort alceves and square fhelr wcddlùng bnpte neckllne. A train, which fell cm Ontarlo, tbb bM#ciî front the back necklne, lalgh-, wearing amnt eM Ih llgbted flic gown and ber dress wlth belz e~ shouiden-length tuile veil wau whIte Mycet tris»,wvue 'Oc caught to a coronet of white cessories and Coraec daisies. She carried a bau- sta daisies. The are, quel cf yellew sweetheart at 3 King St. WuUwn roses and white shasta daisies. vrifle. Miss Connie Mitton o! Osh- Both thc bride ad awa, cousin of Uic bride, was attend6d Bowzv le mald o! honor and the brides- Scho@l. The bride la BATESO>N -BROWN white carnations. The groom's rnalds were Miss Sonja Kobn cd as a teller at the mother assisted le recelve of Courtice and Miss Sharon vtlle Brnch o! thUic Arrangement& o! white gla- and wone a pastel pink, emn- freland o! Trenton, anather MOiitnal, and Uic dioli enhanccd St. Josepb s bnoidered lime» sheath, pink cousin cf the bride. Thsy an eniployea of the e ml Roman Catbolic Churcb, Bow- bat and corsage o! deeP rose wonc yellow flocked nylon, ville plant of!tbbC oodi*W- manville, for tbe marniage on and white carnations.ee floor-lengtli gowns o! Ibe Tire & Rubber Comnpany. ~ Saturday morning, July M, cig ste nd' 1967 at il o'clock o! Miss Befome leaving for thein saneeie nasth b 4' Sheia MrgaetLceyBrown, baneymoon at Watkins Gien, gown, wlth thc exception o! Suhergaf r Lucey Mn, N.Y., the bride donned for a train. Their picture bats ENILu John P. Brown, Bowmavle travelling a multl.colored, were o! matching yellow- md m.Chistphr ateson' twa-piece sheath I n blue, flocked nylon wltb dalsy The R1ev. and MM. son of Dr. and Ms. Sdc green, pink and yelow print trin, and Iein bouquets were gan l40k., elenbe( Batesn Osawa.Re Sdneywith ack aten andwhite of white shasta daisies. e;M.Jh OkPt * Batso, slaw . e.F. K.wtl lakpaet n01se- Mi omeThmso, oih ugb; Misses Anna and Cuw- Malane o!!iciated and Mr ac ries. A corsage o a- M.LreTopoOh lotte MClCenzle, Toronto, '1h Jack Smart o! Oshawa play. mon pink and white canna- awa, was beit man and th. cd ut Mn. lion Oke's. cd tbe wedding music. tions complemented ber en- ushers were Mr. Bill White, Miss Luanne Calton bau 5 Givn 1 mnmnageby emsemble. Mi. and Mis. Bate- brother o! the bride, and Mr. turned from bholidaying et fathen ic brde wors an son will be reslding at the Don McGregor, brothen-in- Beaverlon. fath r t e b ide wor an R osalynne A m s A pta., O sh . law of the groom , boll Ofi a!ll ce P sc * A-lins undendresa of ivory awa. Bowmanville. Ms alc acs Thai silk covened by a cage Keitb Davcy, EMaine usi o! Chantilly lacs !ashloned A teachen aI St. Christo- The reception was beld In are attendlng Expo 1h11 Weq with bell sleeves. The Thai pher's School in Oshawa, the Trinlty Church Parlons. For Eric Bowman. speùt lite silk was tbc gifI o! the bride attended school In Bow- bbc occasion bbc bride'. me- weekend wlth Roland E<iw. groom's father îrom a necent manvie and ls a graduale o! Iher worc a steet-length, man ut tbc Sargents, Mia. trip te bbc Orient, andth etrorougli Teachens' Col- shont-slecved, mint grne en Mr. and Mrs. Ncl avuh dress and cage were made by legs. The groom, wbo attend- dresi and sleevelcss walking and Addensley, OttawniVf.o bhc bride's mother. Hem shoul- cd O.C.V.I. in Oshawa and s5 coat ensemble, niatcbing fea- cd aI Mr. George LIveidee,% der-length veil fell îrom a a graduate o! tbc Brockville ther bat, white accessanles last week. petal bcadpiece and she car- Hospital Scbool o! Nursing, and corsage of yelîow amd Murnay Smith, Oshawa la- ried a cascade bouquet ofî is a psychiatrie nurse at the white carnations. She was holidaylnýg with bis ni yellow sweetheart roses, wbite Ontario lHospital, W b 1 t b y. assisted in reoeiving by the parents, Mr. and bMs. G. Bow., carnations and stephanotis. Both the bride and groom are groom', mnother wbo chos a màn. A couin ofthe bide, sports car raciuig enthusiastet, street-lengtb dmess flowereci Misa Beverley Bamiha, cconi- A cusn ! te rieMrs. parbicularly al Mosport, and in beige and green on a white panied by frind, u beec» Les. Dobos of Port Hope, was both are former sa!ety man- backround, white bat and lhoidaying hIVln i matron o! bonon and the shals witb the Canadian Race bridcsmaids were Miss Cath- Communications Association. erne Bateson, sister o! the groom, and another cousin o! the bride, Miss Janet John- LOCKE - WME E T N I L B O son, both o! Osbawa. They C N E N A O I weeattired in A-lime gowns The marniage o! Miss Suz- * ~ , o! apple green, Swiss cotton amne Lynda White, daugbber I ~ ~ H >U shantung styled witli bell o! Mr. and Mns. Gemald Wh¶ite, l w C ntris f " gi" sîceves overlald with Swiss and Mn. Murray Bryon Locke, 'uIu lace. Tbey wone green petl son o! Mr. and Mis. Wm. headdrcsses o! bbc drcss ma- Locke, aIl o! Bowmanville, A brief resume ofi smofe the hlghlights of lenial, and Iheir cascade bou- Was solemnized In Tninity the past and present ef the United Counties ot quels were o! white shasta United Chumch, Bowmanville, Northumberland and Durham la avullable te 'mums and carnations, on Saburday, July 8, 1967 aI resîdents of the Counties IiEV" If plcked Op Mn. Bnian Coleman o! Strat- 2:30 o'clock. Bouquets o! yei- lord was best man and usher- low and white 'muma formed ut the office of the Counties' Clerk. If requested ing wcre Mn. Gary Guyitt, s» attractive setng for the by mail, kindly enclose $1.00 to cover <est et Ridgetown, and bbc bnide&s ceremony, handling and postage. Extra copies are avallabb brother, Mn. Dennis Brown o1 The officiating clergyman at $2.00 for soft-back and $5.00 for eloth-bOuBd Bowmanville. was 11ev. H-. A. Turner and bookis. The reception was lield at Mn. Rosi Melcaif played bbc d"The Acres" on Taunton Rd. wedding music. Mrs. C. Hl- Non4resîdents may procre the book aM East, bbe bmlde's mother ns- laburg o! Toronto, cousin of ceivln in a coral, Frencb bhc bride, was Uic soîoist. above et the pnice et $2.00 and $5.00 respectlVely. ipple crepe sheath dress Given in marniage by ber Address ail requests tote acCountUIeCla1' with comal and wbite bat, and lathen, bbe bride worm a for- cosg o a~rn nr a ~ *~Office, Municipal Building, Cobourg. e "'liii &w Prices Effective Until"Saâturday, August l9tit Mr..and Mrs. Frank Brinkc, show» in the above photo, chose Saturday afternoon, July 22, 1967, at 2 o'clock for their wedding In the Rehoboîh Christ- ian Reformed Church Bowmanville. Formerly Miss Florence Van Dyk, the bride is the daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Dyk, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, and the groom ls the son of Mr. and Mrp. John Brink R.R. 1, Williamstown, Ont. Photo by Aster Studio ed. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs LitIle were witb hem muni Mim Tippitt at Gardon Hil The Little famnily were ais( present. May we add oui con. gratulations bo Olive and Roy STÂRK VILLE Mn. ani Mrs. John Murphy and family visited Mn. and Mrs. Charlci Murphy and their son Antbeny Chanci ai Paris, recntly. Mr. and Mn,. Sid Hallowefl and Nancy fpent ladt wck ln Montreal and visited Expo. Miss Donna Souch, Toronto, spent tbc weekend at home. Misa Laurie Little. Camp- belifod, hbêtbe» avhignaa boliday wlthbhs. Llcw Rafle Misa JoDu s 'alawuagucut of houoe t Sloh, Wedaday Ovagag o! ladt week when a mumben ci bur fienda gave lbe a ubgw«cio!beautiful«INl &Md gSeai wsh for ber forth- 00004 maiss.joua c. and ltvtW 'iCto" nother'. home 108cm al ber Mr. Bden Trim. enjoyed a i I i I J s. aflen apending a fetv dayu ln 1 day befors returning te Cal- t, Parry gound. 'gary. 1.Mr. Jack Waiker, Toronto, Mn. AI! Graham, Toronto, spent the weekend with Miss spent a !ew day, at Mr. Sid SNorma Hailoweli. liallowell's. recently. Mr. ma nd f. Laurence Par- Mn. Tom Wood, Elizabeth- row anld famlfly slpent Sunday ville, was Sunday supper guest aflernoon et 9 family gather- et Mr. Henb Reid's. Ing at Mr. James Low«es, Mrs. Roy Austin, Wesley- r, Kirby. ville, visited at Mn. Morley à The oomnity pienic was Robinson'& and aise attended 1beld on Mr. Erennan', lawn thie ihower for Miss Joan Palls with a fine attendance. The at Shuloh. activities anranged by the Mn. Jim Hallowell, Mliss coitie Mn. and Mn.. Eni"n eulah Hallowell, Mr. and Caswel, Ur. and Mmi. John Mn.. Llew Hallowell and Mils Stark and 1fr. and Mnr. Carl Norrm Halowell spent Frlday Todd wcre greatly enjoyed. lait ln Toronto. Alten the deliclous supper Mr. Mr. and Mn. Delbert Hélio- Caswell expncsscd the apprecl- well and Bill, Tomante, have ation e! cvcnyonc te Mr. and bec» at thein sunimer borne. LMra. Brennan for thc opr tiunty of enboying thc aAor: Mns. E. Trmn, NewtonvIlile, Un.. lfrb R*Id wlth Mns. ÇMSfod Rid auJ Elizabeth, Bowmaville enjoedaàvisit CtCs éa R e , nd s Rbr sundy iaw oattendu Exp- o r.l kpla nus Ilnda uy nelwrasdwit Rel. Robert Guy Whobas aT AT7EaSxANi been on a Pastoral charge ln qu1eC for a mnth, Mrsuy.nv CL A 0 1 13DS8 WAMPOLE Magnolax THE FAMILY LAXATIVE 20 oz. Sugg. List 1.59109 Kotelx FEMININE NAPKINS 48's - Sugg. List 1.89 15 SCOPE MOUTHWASH 12 oz .19k 99 Pyribenza mine Relevos Hy Fa99» 18's - Sugg. List 1.1699 Tri-Vi-Sol Vitmin Drops Lîscc.30 3.59. Alferto VOS Hai Spraly Plus FREE Supsg. HAIRDRESSING List 1.091*47. I.D.A. Envelopes and Writmg o i Rng. 25C ea. SMc Value 0i43 WILKINSON Super Stainless Steel BLADES 5Ys -Sugg List 75c 59 MACLIANS Ss TrOOTrHPASTE LIs, 99C CalarylLotin RlleesJoisonlvunbur n o M&M1, BAYER ASPIRIN 100's- Sugg. List 99c 69C ARRID Roll-On Deodorant Sugg. List 9U579 ALKA.SELTZER, 25's- Sugg List 83c 67c, ALEX McCREGOR 0*DRudS 0 Phua. fl3~Ufl 5 KING ST. W. PKOP j' 12 or. - 1.75 VALUE for 1.49 1.23 REMEDIU PRESCRIPTIONS 5 KING ST, W

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