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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1967, p. 11

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Recently, Newcastle's Recreation Committee, held their annual Awards Night, when those swirmners who had passed ail tests received their awards. The above picture shows Instructor Karen Westley acting as Master of Cere- tnonies, with Lynda Eilbeck, Jack Pruner and Earl Foster passing out the awards and tickets for treats. M N e wCaas tic - Firemen For those ef you planningi tbroqighoot the anea Word ta stay on in the village this âtunnéd with dîsbelief onl weekeîd, you are again in- hear ing oi the auddoi death vitcd ta jeun in the fui and of Fine Chief Ray Hobbs ef merniment on the parking lot Oshawa. Chief Hobbs was ai the Chuckwagoî Restau- returning home from a hali- rnt this Saturday nigbt. By day', when ýhe - -ed-. Weill youTr request, as a nesuit ai known ta many throughout the great time enjoyed by ail1 the area, bis lossish saned by of you, tbere's another free a great number af tiremen, eveiing's entertaiîment ai fends aid neighbours, and round aid square dancing ta Mes brother and bis family with live western entertain- living right here in the vil- ment as perfonmed by our1 lage, Mn. aid Mns. "Buck" own local talent. The Car- Hobbs, Carol aid Fred, we veths, wba are in business te extcnd aur sympathy. please the public,samy if this A Centenîlal praJcct ai Mn. is what yeu want, then thisi Edgar -J. A. KCnefick la the is wbat you shail have. Sa plaque be bas erected on the gnab your dancing shoei and trcc pjanted bebind the pump your meut camiortable attire, house ini 1937, by bis tather, this la flot a formai evening,i William J. -Kenetick. Thi.- but anc where fienda, meet ý tre. is à Royal Oak tram aind a goed time enjoyed by1 Windsor Forest, England, and ail. Se the Comlng Events1 was planted at the time ai the for turther details. Coronation af King George Mn. aid Mns. Stan Pewell VI. Mn. Kenefick invites ev- and family bave returned ta enyone ta corne and sec this the village folowing a visit tree aid thé plaque In mcm- with relatives in Montreal, ory ai bis fathen. -aid teuring Expo wbiie they This. is it-the very lest were thene. weekend before the bell. rings Mn. aid Mns.. Keith Rager- and the ichoal doors are open son and family spent the ILWlcme Uic chiidren back. weekend at Beverley Lake. l-/incerely hope that evcry- Highligbt ai thc weekend was anhas enjoyed .a wonderful the birthday celebration iii summen, aid aboyé ail, a same honon of Keith's dad, who one. The noads will be busy was 80 years young on Satur- this weekeîd, with many day. Congratulations, Mn.t -racing ta get oie laut tew Charles Rogenson.F houri et the cottage, on head- With the taîl juif aroundv ng east ta Expo on west ta the cerner, the sports andt the Exhibition. Won't you meetings we have net bad ail take yaur time ta keep an éyC summer begin ta get undên on Uic -other Ïcllow, as saofa- wsy. Bill Harris aof the Com- fen the other feilow hàsn't munity Bowling Alley ad- trne ta keep an eye on him-1 vises us that another yean oft sel. Lague Bowling is about te 6 PAID ON' G UARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES *issued 3 ta 5-Year terrn * éani 44%Interest, payable half- ybarly by choque. *authorized lnvetment for ali Canadtasl Tnuurance Companies aifd trust funds. ITELINTR USTS - d4îDe»' dtit uurame crmto 73 MlmiaulsaILE, OstWa begin, with the men's ant rnixed league flot quite fiilec He invites taie af yeu wb( have not aiready signed ti te corne in and de se now tIf .yur are new te the village this ia a great way ta mec- and make îew fniendi. lt'sm lot of fun, s0 come aut anc give the game a try. Registration for Cuba wi] be held on the finit Monda3 safter achool stants, Monday -Sept. 11. There will be n( 1meeting that nigbt, but ai' tboys tram ceight years of agc as ai December 3lst, 1967 are unged te coeeout and rnegister that evening fronr 16:45 to 7:45 p.m. in the Lions !Roomn. No funther registra- t iai will be accepted after. Septemben 25, exccpt through fraisier. Registration tee il te be paid by September 25 aise. Ail new Cuba, the ne- gistration tee is $2.50, last years Cubs, having earned rney in vaniaus ways ir order te keep their tees down will only be aaked for $1.50. The Powell Family neunion waa hcld at Waltona Park o-1 Auguat 27tb, witb 53 pcrsons in attendance. Rossanad Irene Beatty wcre in charge af the recreation. Since the sports eventa wene rained eut, the aftennoon was spent in visit- ing. Bailoons were given eut, te the cbîldren, and pnizes were awarded ta the foilow- ing: Youngest children, David and Dale Rudge; the oldest attendant, Mary Widdis; the oldeit Powell, Sarah Holda- way; the longeat marnied, Mn. and Mn., Samnuel Powell. Stanley Powell guessed the correct number ai candies in the jan. As usuai the Powell Farnily did justice ta the food which was spnead on the tables. Aiten the meal, a short business pernd was held, conducted by Jack Crago. Minut~es ai the laqt picnic were read. Sunce il rained, Ross aid Irene Beatty voiunteened te look aiter the sports fer the next yean. IE was decided that the 1968 picîic wouid again be held at Waltena Park on the founth Sunday of August. Cards signed by those present were personally deivened te En- ricat Tonkin and Margaret ramr, both reieased tram bas- pital on the weekend. Our tnienda and neîghbons in Memonial Hospital this Areek, are Mns. Gweî 'Bar- rbard, John iDavis, Mns. Don- othy Good, Master Robbic Green, Paul Preîsick, Mrs. Ruth Roscoe, Mns. Margaret Smithand enry Tebble. 'p v< s< si ci and P.tT.C. wil become vacant nt the end of this yeur and elections for ail afaremention- cd offices wiil be hald thia December and uceessful can- didates will then serve fer tic ensuing two years (1968- 69). Mombers af the P.U.C. and Board ai Education have already beca intormed by let- ter ci ail the details af the by-iaw an a motion passed at the last negular meeting. This tact was reported hn the newspapers. Your reader agrees In prin- ciple with the two-year-term but prefers the staggered sys- tem. This, bowever, necessi- tates yearly electians and doubles the cost to taxpayers. While simultaneous electians for ail public offices open% the possibility ta wholesome changes, r arn sure the elec- tors are mature and intelligent enough ta vote for proper re- presentation and if this nicans a "green" Council, Board or Commission, then who is te say the veters are wrong. While it is truc that experi- ence can be veny heipful, Ai also truc that familiarity breeds contempt. (3) Regarding the wording of the by-law, this point wili be discussed with the council with a view te havlng it pub- lished b ut you must appreciate the cost involved in such mat- tens. «(The recent publica- tion of the financiai report cost in excess of $100.00). Any information re Council minutes can be obtained during regular houri in the clerk's office or, betten yet, finît hand at the regulan or special meetings. Which brings us te the final point. The regular meetings where the majority of business Is conducted, are attended only by the "faithful few'>. While the minutes may be seen by any interested tax- payers and reporta are car- ried in the local newspapers, stili much of the discussions cannot be reconded. For those who are unable te attend council meetings and would like te be informed on any points, 1 amn sure any mcm- bers of council would be de- lighted ta hear tram you. It might be natéd that ail coun- cil meetings, regular or special, arc open te the press and pub- lic. Ail meetings are held in the hall but unfortunately, due ta cincumotances. littie ad- vance notice is given for special meetings. Councillors themselves somnetimes receive only a few heurs notice. How- ever, the lait speclal meeting was publicized a week in ad- vance at the regular meeting. Such intereit in municipal affairs as your reader bas ex- pressed il indced heartening and welcomed, I ami sure, by ail in public office, News- paper reports af these publie meetings are a continuing source ai stimulation for a public interest and in this regard a bouquet ta the mcm- bers cf the pness.1 Yours very truly, Counciller Erie Fôshay. 1 Editor'aÉFoofiote - I would 1like fo back Counciller Fo- shay's3 remanks about only. the 1 Fihu Few" who attend 1 each negular cauncil meeting. 9Wbén tbey arc ahl there, tbcy rnumber "six" in ail. Mcm- rbers ai the pness arc -nat ai- ways at these specigl meetings, rbut there are only few ai theni that this reporter does nef know about ini dvance, 9even ta the tew heurs in ad- vance such as aur Counciliors neceive. However, with manv other meetings . takiîg place tbroughout tbe village whicb membens of the pnessattend, I pensanally do net find if neces- sary ta attend meut et the speciai meetings, as there ia anc thiîg aur 1987 Counicil are grecd on, that the press and public should aid will know what la giîg on.- Mmny are the telephone cals on pensonal contacts whereby the reason for sucb a meeting bas been explaîîed, whereby, when the rpatten la bnought up ln the regular meeting, the pness are able te tolow along, for yau, the public ta read in this newspaper. At fîmes wben a special meeting is a sur- prise fa the press, we have always been alaowed ta ask questions on the subject right at the time, and often foilow- ing the meeting the pneus and. members et couacil discuss the matter more fuily, even ta bcing handed aven the actuel repart. This, I tee], lu co-aperation between cauncil and préss who then citer it to the public. If this la an ex- ample of a "green". cauncil, I'rn for it, as neyer -in the yeans previous that I have been cav- dring cauncil meetings, cxcept ion Bob Walton, has there been such full ca-apenation between ail membitns aid, the pness in regard ta the meetings whother regular or méechai. ANSWERS QUESTIONS MAPLE GROVE Dean Eitor: Newcastle, Ont. Any wopian aio Maple Grave i who wishes ta bowl où Wed- In yeur last edition a read- nesday aitenoons, please er naised same questions with phone 623-7439 or 623-2821. regard to a recently passed Owing ta ftié inclemency ai by-iaw lnlflathng biennial edcc- thec wemther theéSu.nday school fions. As a sponsor efthis by- icnic lied ta be wlthdrewn, law I feel obliged te explaîn It Wise-decided to hald it at aay lfutures et said by-law the .&&mme place on, Sunday, whlch mey have raised cen- Sp.lt.'uhrprlu cern on contusion. The lara later.ý aîswcns will be la onder as Rev. aid Mr*. Ruggles Con- the questions were naised hI taty9ungest .daMjîerSe laitwec'm olua. hane, South. River, wenc (1) The by-law was given Wcdneoday cvenlng*lItM week j flrce readings et the regular callera on Mr. and Mn,. H. , meeting of Auguat 14. If was G. Fretam. discusscd et leagtb nt this Mns. aoridon VanCamp, meeting andamia the previous Bowmanvtle, bar dauglten July meeting. (Newspfaper Mî-s. Ken Hagerman, two sons space docs flot permit ane- ef Saut St. Marie, w.re vWst- imarks and discussions et ara bue *vénlng lam weck eowsdil meetings ta be record- with thse formes sBwer-in- ed) -1mw, Mr&.1 oy VoinCanw, (2) As lndicated in Uic by- BaseLin. OnV (ondsy even-I 1mw all aettv ou ws apluKr. Wes %Wèiry, Mn~ ~eoulaL = f&a "1WeT% Ulil M eanris'en er aunt, Mrs. Roy1 "Mr. and Mrn. 11. G. rcc- O N YP O mai were amang the invited Mn. and Mrs. Colin Richard- ovenseas and several times ln guesta at the Brown - Jarvis son and daughters took a nice Flonida lait spring. In tact, wedding i Hamilton on Sat- trip visiting Expo in their some af my friends say 1 urday. The.gaoom being a short holiday. neally went ta the dags. 1 cousin, Mr. and Un. H. G. Mran s.Dx we did meet several in the villg Ilý r. r r. andnMrs.eDixon wcre wlt teircaaln. n. idweekend guests with th .cmig home aiter Uic racea Mns. Albert Brown~, Hamilton, Sharpes. . Mospont, Sunday. One couele t Ms. . H CotemBratfod. We e glad ta learn that 'rom Quebec (two children). 1 Mr. and Mrn. I{oward Ciy- Mns. Lily Richardson is out ferom DuneeScoand. heya derman, Miss Esthier, Master of hospital. We understandfrnDude cta.Tey Ralph Cryderman,, were Sun she is cenvalescing at the and many athens had the saine dayvistor wih te frmn-s home ai Mn. and Mns. Howard cry "Neyer Again"! Three and d ona d viiswith theandrMer's ulien Pornt Penny. s haîf hours conning from son nd ifeM~.aid ns.McMMospont ta Pontypool. Theyý Dive Cryderman, -King. Mrs. John Allen- enjoyed had their entbusiasm dampen- Mr. and Mr,. Neil Brown- henself necently wben she cd as well as their bides. neil, tamily, Base Line, Mns. spent a few days at Expo. Roy VanCamp, Base Line, Aiter having .ots ai trouble t1spent Uic weekend at their getting their hiay saved, lotsET AN scottage at Mink 1ke. ai difficulty is evident inET AN Mr. and Mni.if G. Frcc- harvesting the grain crop. h mai, Maple Grave, sisten in- Farms have loti of fields lying T Cs who went on the bus; iaw, Mns. Ernest Freeman, St.* fiat and cutting is a pnoblem. trip to Expo at Montreal last: Catharines, were- Wedîesdayl Mr. Dale Stinson, star pîtch- week included Mn. and Mrs.1 lait week dinner'guests witb r e of our senior bail team, had Harny Ryley, Mn. and Mrs.1 the fonmer's aiter and hua-j the rnisfortune te have a 'cart- Jack Neals, Mr. and Mns. band, Mr. and 'Mn. Leslie ilage in bis knee tomn in the Thomas Jenningi, Mn. andi Jackson, Bowmanile. 1 lait semi-final game with Cav-iMrs. Addisen Scott, Mn. andi Mns. Aine Creighton, Osh- an in Cavan. The locals have!I Mn. Levi McGill, Mns. Hec-: awa, was a Sunday visitor oni taken the tirst two ganes and J no oton, Miss Nancy Mor- Swiday wîth hen cousina, Mr.i necd one more win ta take the ton, Mns. Winnifred Spencer,j and Mns. C. P. Swaliow. semi-final (five-game series). Mrs. Ina Palmer, William, Mr&. Chancis Pilch, daugh-1 Ramn intenferred with Sun- Sheen, Mn. and Mrs. James' ter Vivian, Toronto, are visit-ý day's garne here which will bei Fraser, Mr. and Mns. Noel iîg ber panentsï Mn. and Ms.1 played tonight (Monday). 'nie Wood and thein tamily, Mn.' Arthur Gibson, Base Line, also1 winners of this series wland Mns. Ted Spencely, Mn.! visited ber sister Mns. W. H.1 meet the winnens of the Bailie-adM. onlLoeM. Brown. 'bore Bethany semi-final series and Mrs. Wilson Heaslip. Mn. aid Mrs. Charlei Han- 1 which Bailiebora is cunnently Mns. Myntie Thompson and~ ceck and family, Oakvillel leading 2-0. If Pantypeal dees Miss Lila Davis have retunn-t wene weekend visitons withj win this it is ta be hopcd that cd fnom halidays spent at the, ber brother and wife,. Mn. and, ail playens wiil be physically summer cottage of Mrs. Gin- Mrs. M. Goodmurphy and, fit to play in the finals. Wc dys O'Connor, West Beach,ý family. extend aur congratulations Lo o n Sturgeon Lake. Mn. and Mns. Ray Dubeau,, the Midgets who won their Mns. Manjorie Edmunds,i and ions attendcd the famili emi-final series with Cavan 'Murry Edmundi, Oshawa, Mr.; reunion at ber parents, Mr.' three games ta two. They; and Mrs. Normai Neais of and Mns. A. Rice, Hawkstane, were down 2-1 and had to take Elmvale were guesta ith Mn. lait Sunday.î the last two games. They f i and Mns. Rosi Carr during; The Maple Grave Brownies, ished up by beating Cavan in thie wcekcnd. with their leaders, spent thei Cavan 5-4 on Friday eveni ng. Th aJnig weekend at Camp Samac af; Congratulations toalal an d,' hoas en ns has beeî! Oshawa. Miss Marie Brooksl continued success. hired as Maintenance Super-1 was chosen as best camper.i Real estate is stili booming. intendent of the new Manvens! Mn. and Mns. Wayne Pick-' We undcrstand that Bobbire Township Schoal aid Mn. and! &rd, datighten Angela, spent: have sold thein hame, cottages1 Mrs. Walter Falli au cane-; the weekend camping at Long'and swimming paol. We aise. takens. Paint, on Lake Erie. Camping1 understand there are, other! A cemmunity showen was with themn was Mn. and Mrs.1 deals pending. j heid on Friday night in theý Micky Dewson and famnily1ý We are flot an ardent raceTnited Church Sunday Scheai! tram Windsor.r fan but did go t'a dog races hall faor Miss Muriel NealF.ý1 4 ýG'-rc -! - CHIE A&P QUALTY PEACHES FEATURE PRICEI 3 TINS Ips ýE Lt! 1, Reg. Prloe tUn 49o - SAVE te 2 2floz tins8 9 Rn. Pric. ti 37e - SAVE lie 13 i.g Mtin ts 100 Reg. Frac. 2 tins 570 - SAVE 15o 4 14-iz tins 9 9C Reg. Prie Pkg 31. - BAVE 3&% 4 1lb pkgs 8 9C Reg. Prie. jar 33e - BAVE 10. 3 15-oz jars 89e Reg. Prie* btl. 9M. - BAVE 19o 14-fi-oz bu 79e Reg. Priepkg 570 - BAVE 4o pkg ofd 4 rails 5 3c T'he Canadilan statesman, Bowmanville, Aug. M0 1087 i daughter af Mr. and Mrs. ing "What'a the Good of a Go Neals, whose wedding Weddlng" and lad in a UvIv* to Wvid McReelis, son of ulng-a2long. Mr. and Mirs. David McReelis The coznnuttee fin dart* otig of Newcastle, will take Place arrangements were Misn Di. in the United Church at anne Smilth, Ms. ]Cari Wea. Bethany en September 2nd. thr 4Mr%. Allai Boer amU& Lovely baskets of flowers, Mrs. Rosis Kerr.1 Pink and white streamners Lunch was uerved and a. decorated the hall, and ai social hour enjoyed. Misn Wishing Well held the manyi Neals express.d ber thank", gifns.1 fnr the many lavely giftsa Bsi4X Mrs. Allan Beer conductedj invited ail ta attend a trous.%~ three bridai contests. M. seau tea at ber parents' horna Thomas Jennings gave a read. on Saturday. Attention!..Dairy and Beef Farmers If you are interested in improving your feda and your feeding habits you are invited te attend a meeting in Orono Thurs., -Sept. 7, 1967 2:00 p.m. and. another meeting at 8:00 p.m. whlchevu suits you better. The meetings will b. held in the Odd Fellows Hall. Dr. Rogers, a retirai professor, from an agricultural college lin the State of Ohio will be the speaker. Dr. Rogers là considered ta be an authority on feeds. He will discuss silages chiefly and will b. only too happy ta answer any questions during the question, period. 1LJ. C. Tamblyn Farm Equipmsnt ORONO REPRESENTING ADVANCED FARMING SYSTEMS, LTD., KITCHENEIL Narvel Brand (Assorted Flavours) Reg. etn. S AVE 8 ICE CREAM ½.gai Carton89C Supe- 4.'.-..ats Jan* Parker Reg. Price ach 49c - SAVE 6à LEMON PIE ful8" 24-oz pie 43t CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND STEER BIEF Jan@ Parker Reg. Prie ach 69c - SAVE 14o C CHERRY PIE~ full 8" 24-oz pie4545C J EAS andO AÎ Jan* Parker Orange, Lemon or Banane Reg. 59e - SAVE 1%ST AS OoT CHUIFFON CAKE mach 4 9 C OEE BTM Jane Parker Reg. Price'icaf Mo. - SAVE lac ROUND STEAK Roast BREAD cmk.d Wh.. 3 24-oz boaves 6 5C DNL W---- q-RUMP ROAST reshProd ce! ON ELESS âme - POINT SIRLOIN Roast r"Ontario Grown, No. 1 Grade, Guaranteed ROUND STEAK MNE 1Gcod ~Ccokers POTATOES 25-LB NONE PRICEO HIOHER AT ALp Càlif*mia Le LeGrand Variety, Sweet Full oP 'uleo, N. 1Grade NECTARINES te 29c NON£ PRICED HIOHER AT AAP AU.mICS i m.AD QUANANTEEDTHROIJ ATURAVSSPUMM I sl. SIRLOIN STEA IEAK $ .009 PORTERHOUSE OR ROASTr WING STEAK or ROAST ib UI$1.19 FA5 9 *15i BURNS OR SX - SMOICED WIENERS ý' 53#I41 M i lewcasdie --SociaI anad gersonal AdP Faney Quality "Newv Paek"l ASPARAGUS TI A&P (Orange-Grapefruit) BLEMDED JUICI Q.T.. Tropical FRUIT SALAD Scie (Parohm.nt Wrapped) MARGARIN E Plein or Garlie, Biced McLAREN'S DII Oral Antiseptio COLMAE '"100, Soft Rite (White or Coloured) TOILET TISSUE THIS 'S ABOUT PEOPLE Dedcaoed mmaSd wome. Eager Mm-scuer Siad expwiwmed oM Newcomers and aId-tmers, fufi-timers aend part-timer. Store cberks ami manager, truck du4ven, warehous.men and nrmtrit& Buchers «%~d bokers ond *Flsh Stick, Makers They do a grea lob for you.. Thcy aà# work for A&P.. They ore AP. ond we'rc proud of thons. This Labour Day, w. bca omessage for aon our emploem "We Cor. About You, Toc.* 318807 8DaIop nt,. PORTERHOUSE ROAST3 A U TURKEY LEGS TURKEY BREASIS NCKSan F -à

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