1:.0 0 Fîr ftj ï gdgiw DEAGLINE FOR (LASSIFIEDI Tuesday, 4:30 -p.inj *ÎRiML--lennand àndaBell 0,0e Wlchman) announca the arrivaI et their chosen son 4Gregor Glenn. Proud grand- '~ arets re n. nd Mn. J. WiclnanBowmnville, and SMA. Bell, Oshawa. 35-11 '2 Forthconrg Marruage ~g Mr. Lanson Milison, ew ,xmuti., wishes te announce the f orthcoming marriage of bis daughter, Elizabeth Doreen, te 4Robent Fonton, Oshawa, son xof Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fon- ton, Belfast, Nonthema Ireland. X The ceremony is ta take place on Saturday, Septemnber 23rd, 1067, nt 4:00 p.m. in North- minter United Church, Osha- ~ 35-l* ~*Mn. and Mrs. N. Leslie ..TomponSt. Eustache, Que- fbc(tormnerly of Bowmaa- eàý ville>, are pleased ta announce ?tthe forthcorning marriage cf their eldeut daughter, Linda Corinne, ta Mr. James Bruce Munro, St. Louis de Terre- Sbonnie, Quebec, son of Mns. A. u. Munro, Downsview, Ontario, ;eand the lato Mn. A. Muno. The >- wedding will take place at t 7 p.m., Saturday, October 7, e-. 1967, in Tinity United Chunch, Bowmnanville. 35-1 Decths SDEVRIES, Anny . At the >,Oshawa Gêneral Hospital, on (CManday, August 28, after a Slengthy illness, beloved daugh- ter of Benend and Marie De- vries, dean sister of Mns. W.1 Van Der Werf (Regina) of Newcastle, Mns. G. Bruinsma (Tino) of Hastings, Mns. A.1 -Lamars (Atie) of Oillia, Mrs.i xnP. Witteveen <Crie) of Osha-i %v~a, Mrs. M. Doieweend (Bep-c lî pe) of Whitby, Mrs. T.1 , mith (Jean) of Samnia, Mrs. J. Bucking (Dianne) of Can- inington, Frank cf Whitby, SJohn cf Sarnia and Ryan of :N?'ewcastle, in ber forty-founth year. Rested at the W. C. Town Funerai Chapel in Whit- by, for Requiem Mass at St. John the Evangelist IR.*C ' -Church, Wednesday, Augusit 30 at 10:30 a.m. Interment St.m John's R. C. Cemetery, Wbit-t by. 35-1 7 MOORE, Ethel Marguerite-AI Pnincess Margaret Hospital on Thursday, August 24, 1967, ?Iý Marguerite Million of Tynone, ..la hon Sth year, beloved wife o f Leon Maoro:, dear mother Sof Jon, Paul and Gnace. Rest- e d at the Northcutt Elliott >'unerai Homne. Funenal serv- Ice was heid at 2 o'clock on turday alternoon. Inter- mfent Bethesda Cemetery. 35-1 PATTON, Norman Leslie-At Peterborough Civie Hospital on Fiday, August 25, 1967, Norman Patton of Kendal, jpnt., aged 76 yeans; en ah r of Marianoe (Mrs. Milton owes), Audrey (Mrs. Albin Lwea), Morris and Elmen, al -of Peterborough, and Rosa cf Kendal. Rested at the Bar- low Funeral Home, Onono, Ont. Service was held on Monday, Auguit 28 at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. SWESSELLS, Ernest George- Suddenly at his home on Sat- Surday, August 26, 1967, Ernie Wesselle of 131 Liberty St. N., Bowxnanvilc, la hit 58th year, 1beloved husband of Betty J Graham, dean father of Denise, son of Mrs. E. A. Wessells and the late Dr. Ernest Wes- tells, brother of Mrs. P. Moffatt (lRaa>of Thornhill. Rested, at the Narthcutt Elliott Pue- xal Home.Fueasrvc ývas held at 2 'lock Tuesday atternooa. Cremation. 35-1 SIn Menioriani ,4 HARIS-In ieving momory of a dean father Thomas Hem- - ebrt Harris, who passed away t: August 30, 1957. Gene tram lis but leaving tmemories tDeatth can nover take away, r-Memories that will always inger Whlle upon this eartb we stay. + ~Lovingly remembored by thetfamily. 35-1 KNAPP-In lovlng memomy o f a dean mother, Neilie, who Il asieep September 2, 1966. 0 one you loved was by your side TP hear your last faint .sigh r ahispen just a loving word BefOre you clOWedyour eyes. on lit we saw your loving face You locked ne fit and weli, e dld we even think t * That was our last farewell. dlY Miased by son Rosa, wet.and grandchildren. 35-1l KNAPP-ln loving moey -ot a dean wjfe, Noeli iiam, whO passod away Saptermber lffl, 1966. 'I'wo tfrd eyea are sleeping *Two wllling hands are tili, om newhe uuffered fan tee much xa resting in God's wlill. Snom r mid qoodbye te me, or etapa tu8 Just as weIl, »InVet could have uaid goodbye Ir n MI1loed se well. rè%membered by liu lAe5A A &LU GUITAR andj 623-5190. amplifier. Cali 35-1* TABLE saw, 1 h.p. motor. Phono 823-7187. 35-.1* PONY 2-wheel cart and hamn- osa Cal 97-4954. 35-i SINGLE borse trailer for sale or ment. Cal 023-5737. 35-1 ELECTRIC guitar and amýpii- fier, $95. Phone 623-7013. ______ __ - --_35-1 FURNITURE for sale private- ]y. 49 King St. East, 623-3538. 35-1 WATER fan sale and delivercd. 24-Heur service. Cail 623-5756. _________________ 29-tf 550 APPLE boxes and hamp- ens. Phone after 5 o'clock, 623-5428. 35-1 TRUCK tires, tbree - 7.00 x 17 8 ply; two 6.70xl5 6 ply. Tele- phone 263-2233. 3 5- 1 WHTE wedding dress, size 13, 6' train, nover been womn. Phono 623-5694. 35-1 STUDEBAKER Service, new and used parts. Graham's Garage, 4161-263-2233. 43-tf SWEET corn, spocial price when beught in quantity. Paul Allie, Newcastle 987-4473. BATHROOM set, tub, taiet, sink, hot watem tank with heater, now; taps and drains. cheap. 623-2890. 35-i* BUYING or seiling furniturel or appliancos, caîl Elmer, Hampton: business 263-2294 - residence 263-2695. 33-tf FROM the grower ta you, high quaiity fruit and vegetabies. Fred's Fruit Market, Highway 35, South of Orono. 32-tf INSULATION, blowing meth- od, with rock wool. Work- man,hip guaranteed. F re e estimates, Harry L. Wade, Phono Newtonville 786-2256. 38-tf QUANTITY of storm sash, combination doors, 3 hostoss chairs, dresser with mirrom. Phono 728-6327 befare Friday evening or aftem weekend. 35-i USED washer parts, matons, Beatty, Thon and Crosiey appliances, nationaily adven- tised lineocf furnituro. Paddy's Market, Hampton, 263-2241. ____________________ 34-tf SWEET Coma, excellent for corn reasts or for freezing; aise shelled driedfedcm stili available at Browview Farms, Newcastle, 987-4474. 34-2 fiowers, gladioli and athers. container arrangements. Tele- I g hono 623-3527 'at noon and etween 5 and 7 p.m., or 122 Duke Street. 27-tf CRAFTSMAN 10 - Inch tilt ambon saw, 1 h.p., complote with tstand, dadas and cutter-head, like new; Gendron baby car- riage, cream colon, excellent condition. 987-4883._ 35-1 TYPEWRITERS - $49. NoV money down, $2 weekly. Add- ers, Cash Registers, New, Used, Rentais, Service, Trades Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160 (North of Oshawa). 33-tf PIKYoum own cern, toma- toes, peppers, Spanish anions, cucumbens and beets. Bning 13 containers. W. Eymann, 1/ mille east of Roy Nichais Gar- - age, Courtice, go north, first corner. 35-tf_ USED Massey - Harris soif- 0 propeiied combine, 10 foot -P table, thoroughiy overhauled. Iý One used No. 35 pull type coin- st bine, 8 foot eut, 3 years aid, 7 and hydraulie table. Phono 37 a Little Bitain, Massey-Fergu- of son Dealer. 34-2- ONE Allis-Chalmens Mode] 50 di Forage Harvesten, bas eut 3 di crops: one Model 717 New Hol- land 2-now hanvester, bas eut 6 40 acres; anc Case one row t forage hanvester, gond shape; ar one McKee Model M harvester co with cern head pickup and Ni- direct eut attachment; oneeT 1Allis-Chalmers Model D17 with 1 Se loader and plow; one Cock- In shutt Super 40 diesel tractor;30 one Nuffield 1060 diesel trac- toi ter, 325 heurs. Apply McKe 1 Farm Equipment. R.R. 5, Lied- U,1 say, loeated East of Lindsay, $2 North of No. 7 Highway a t the Lt new Ops Elementary Sehool. vil Phone_324-2,472. _. 35-j - HOME FREEZER L TN OWNERS Ha FUI1 up wltb Grain-ted Young SE STEER BEEF Now. Enjoy a Ph Beef at its bout ail sumnmer. HINDS - 73e lb. He FRONTS - 49elM. aM SIDES - 610 M. 251 ilut, Wrapped and Faut Frozen te sait your family. Ak unu about our Payment Plan. DA BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER Tou SY9TFM Au E - HAMPTON 263-2583 silo unloader, hay racks, wag-j Lyntonhunst Manor bas ac- Phone 623-5578 35-4 ans, hay conditioner, welder,i commodatii for senior citi- 35-1MF plow, trip bottem; Ford 'zens, ground floor, reasonable' No ______ dise, chain harmows, forage rates. Phono Orono 983-5639. PUE imk og hîf - blower, grain elevator, weed 29-40* usm -lackdoghalfShe P- spnayer, 21' boom; 5 hay rakes bond, haîf Labrador, ane ear MF hay mower. 3 manume WAork WNanted $SNu'NI OBILT.ES up, one dowa, very dean pet, spreaders, patato planter, fort- CUTO loginliutia anawens to Sunny; gond cash ilizer spreadem, post bale dig- CUSOadnpulveizer;claiva- WANTED ______62-7558. _35-1tor,lodr uvizchn newad. 63-758. 5.1gem, ehain saw, fertilizer (9 sawîng, sod and sodding, ced- WRLL EUY roUt CAS13 LADY'S Swiss calendar watch, tians 2-24-24) 2 tons Ammoni- ans .fan hedges. Telephone Thursday, Bowmanville, King um Nitrate, etc.; cultipacker, 987-4754. 28-tf Of âJ&W TOP Fric. fer Trade-in St., or stores. Finder Phono grain box. cern scuffler, large u new anewmblem 087-4522. Reward. 35-1* quantity of baled hay, 1965 ¾/ A. BA AR S 189« SK-DOOS - ton GMC truck (gond), GMC T NOW N DIPLAYWcmted to Rent truck with hoist. Property Plunibing & Hea ngT NOW ON DMLAY J"Qured bY RWed COUV eto Vicon Farms, Lot 32, Con. 6, 5Nlo t emnil r Reuredby strelCouleDanlington Tmr,10 miles ossE. Dwmnli1B UMM 'P)Ne Cbiure northwest of Bowmanvile. 1 lti 2 or 3 REDEOM 11O1« Note: This lsa.s lange sale and RENT-AML MOeon, d£lt-rees, refèrred must atart on time. 'more isERNE PERFECT CO" te O hPping - Lame a great demi of machiaery and pL-UMING & 1HEATING MADTM Eequred Octeber lot tools on this 400 acre modern S Write ADYKETISER 1&» farm. Complote list availableo Phone 623-3540 as ina St. . et Wllm.m cCanadien Stat«Mmuu en request. Lloyd Wilon,. Box ~ 150918 WURAWA * 78-55P-&O U & 1 w mmpuavill. Sal. Manager and AuctilonrISOtt tBwsalU '54 8$4UzbMge. 852-3324. 35-21 1-tf .ULVI.I-.Là IL £101E ADDITIONS ETC. r Job Tee Big or Tee Si WE DO THEM ALL D~ON BROOKS GENERAL CONTRACTC hon. 723-6176 or 623-3i 3 BACK FROM HOLIDAYS. Brnn Your Car ins for 'NE-UP & SAFETY CHE rakes - Muffler -1 Ail Work Dose by Lleeaeed Meohanlos ig K«st. W. Doinaav Pho» 8383 '~'(1) Painting the extenior ews. Pnice $3,400. Cali: Rosa pi îwoodwork and trim on Omono Davidmon, Bothany S0R2. I mali Public School, Church St. N., ORONO: 3 bednoom salit- EsI Onono. ro level with 9 bathrooms. Gar- Qu1 > (2) Painting the extenin ge. Lovely location. Asking pi R)oaor a ti f $19,760.00. Call: George Van- ot 1670 Bnown's Public Sehool, Lot 21, Dyk 623-3950. 4*Con. 2, Township cf Clarke. 2. Specifications mnay be ob- 4 BEDROOM brick bunga- tained from the undersigned. low on 4 acres. Cil heated. LoWest on aay tendo e jt 4..pce. bath. blatural stone AM necessarily accepted. tepae. I.~a4.P.eu a HORACE R. B EST, rnge#.< itern rs CK Secretary-Treasurer. Ater Mleurs ]Flemme. Cali CI it.35-1 Don Mou.ntley a 423-2614 1< M.and Mrs. Poster Suow- lLu .iseo - shyUn 3* don invite their friands an-WsyAd ersonW relatives ta celebrate wlth GmrgS VsuDylt «48-437 them their 45th Weddlng Ilarold Ceuttu o 725.2@419~ Anniversary on Saturday, W* Lit Photo M.L.S. ile September 2nd, 1967, at Ked- non Chuirch, 7 - 9 pm. Boit end EKOIusAve 14-Vf wlshes only, pleu. 84-3, 8- 1 % -STOREY frame house with garage on % acre in Maple Grave. Phone 623-5350 after 6 p.m. 34-2* 1 i f 'I I 12 lie mudin Utatoeuawmanvfle, Mil. le, l1W? =- 1 -1 Articles for Sale Auction Sales Auction Sales WorkWcmted Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale CLEAN baled barley straw. Bring y o ur throw-away Implements and furniture, MEATceut, wrapped and froz- 10 ACRES south of Orono 2 Blackstock 986-4407. 35-1 1articles ta the Bowmanviile hay and straw, Massey-Harris en. Cail C. E. Miller 983-5988, trout treams. Phone 983-5626 WATER for sale and delivered Auction Barn, Nelson Street tractor No. 33, New Hoiland Orono. ____ 33-tf after 6 p.m. 35-4 Jack Call Cliff Pethick 263-2131' South in the Old Canning Fac- baier No. 68, fulli une cf ma- îîAINTING and paper-hanging. TWO-y-ear-oId three bedroom R I C A R D 18 CRS tadig ecndtory. Doug Gower, Jim Wood. chinery, furniture includes real Apply Wilson Abernethy, tele- electrically heated brick bun- 18ACESstnin scod ,auctioneers. Call 728-1005 o! god diningroom suite, Heintz- phone 623-2419. 35-1* galow. Phone 623-2638. 35-2* cutting alfalfa hay. Telephone 723-0976. 34-2 man piano, refrigerator, Mof- -_______________ 987-4481. _____ 35-1 ____ fat stove. many other house- WILL look after pre-school TWO-bedroom home with rec. LDbuilding, 21' x 46', free WEEKLY hoid effects, the property of Jcidrnnmyh ewiero ,lag duegag. 623-2503 for dismantling and taking I1~- m Clifford Naylor, Lot 13, Con. mother works. Cail 623-3102. Phone 623-2753, or 12 Jane St. aa.623-5485. _ 35 i 'LIVLb1TJCK SALES 8, East Whitby, on the Osha- ___35-1 31-3 576-1050 MASE-ari Cipe cm ltDurhami County Sales Arena wa suburban road, 1 1/4 miles CUSTOM combining, baling, m v v bieingod c ppron. ma- Ooe-Eir hr. 73 ..north of Columbus, o Stu- bncin, owingand side.- A L. nooev IJuplex-Two Apt., one 2 bie i oodondition566. Stan- OronoEr hr. :0pm day, Sept. 9th. Terms cash. raking. Cail 725-5934 or 263-,* bedroom and one 3 bedroorm ley Bail, Ooo 8-63. SllgHres' Cattie, Swlne, Farrn sold. Sale at 1 o'clock. 8438. 30-tf REAL ESTATE AND apt. in good condition. Total 35-1* Valves, Sbeep, etc. J. A. Reid Ted Jackson and Cliff Pethick, -~PO - INSURANCE incarne $170 per month. Good KA-ISER-aluminum siding, 20- &Sn ae aaes 2t auctioneers! H. Pascoe and S* . Bwavle 6Lbr1.Itrs year guarantee. Windows, M faction guaranteed at Whyte O il-3LbetN.1ers doors, awnings, railings. Lorne Mammoth Auction Sale, Naio, leks.3- Phone 623-5251 or 623-7264 $4503bdom soe gargeeqipen, -ritBros3-2.2-t and a haîf, frame home with Allin, 623-;871. 35-1 gara qumet, uritre Tuesday, Sept. 5-70 Hol- ---2 20 ENNISKTLLEN-4 bedroom garage, on large lot. Central lube, ntquset.,prp-steins-Auction sale of Oview GIRL, 18, one year business bouse, lot 66' x 133'. Central, location. Terms. King Std e tRE. W ilkimni7ile cins, 70 head, registered, colleige, would like clerk- Askîng $9,000. Ternis. CtaeWl rd ag KiEDngD huSay, Septmer lth classified vaccinated, preg- stenographer position. Black- CtaeWl rd ag FILD SO TusdySetmbr 4t.nancy tested. Ail from Unit stock 986-5540. 35-1 HAMPTON - Building lot bedroom furnished cottage on Exeln ultLwPil Termcah Saea10a.Sis.4 lkow,8frh 671'/' x 163', well located. Little Lake as down payment ExeletQulty owPies8This i a cash. Sal a rgem. ireust 40dmilk ce1reshMOUNTJOY Backhoe Service Asking $1,700 - Only $700 for a 3 bedroom home. Dellvered or pick up at field s an ecpinal ageiuust and September.y Bai- 1-Foundations - Septic tanks down. Liberty St. North-3 bled- P oe725-9674 aie_, an ebeaad heifta s, pt-!du nd ,blackfilied986I4an7. HAYDON-BuiIding lot, il'room frame home with garage Phone ~Spenceley, Ciiff Pethick, aî-nick milk porter, Mantjoe Blckstck 96-77 24-tf tianeers. 35-2,p1 ad Srg P221-f acre, central. Asking only and nice lot. Owncr leaving pupad3units, 2 wooden, $1 s,000. country. $16,500. TV OW RSsilos, 9.000 balles hay, Jameý- f LAWN mowers sharpened. 2 Acres - Four bedroo T O E STuesday, Sept. 12, 12 faon,: a sal cene 10' 1t Reel or rotary. Makes lawn NEWCASTÈE-2 Bedroom orm tcohm n ageè 50s 150 Hoisteins. Complete Xi-w tabl e. maneîre160'eadtr i mowing almost a pleasure. F. bungalow, garage, new furn- barn.Lnsucapedom ithn dif- $50upcon Farm Dispersai of 150 Reg. (go), It mneshng ahin Crowe, 102 Elgin St., Bow- ace, good lot. Low down pay - ferent v arieoffrit tresif OSHAWJA and. high grade Hoisteins. steel stables, stanchions andc1 manville. 34-.3* ment or will trade for Bow- Good location and terrifie TV UPPY LD. Classified, R.O.P. tested, vac- pens, property of Wilfrid Car F AN B-N manville or Oshawa property. view. $19,500. cinaed.75 ilk ows 20 ruthrsScuog S. i BeORONO-4 Bedroom brick, rono-Beautiful 3 bedroom Taunton Rd.. E, Oshawa lfreshen in September. Balance manvilie. Terms cash. oNoTrnhn- close ta everything. Askingkbrck bunao iheeti .Tust East of Rltson Road bred heifers and yearlings and reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. Lloyd $14,500 with low down pay- heat. Large lot with carport, Dial 723-8131 ýcaives. Daughters of Rosafe Wilson, auctioneer, Uxbridge, SEPTIC TANK ment. on highway. $16,500. Day or night - Bill Leask, Prop. i Citation R. (Ex.) Seiiing Rock- Ont.351 ISALTO WETENONAIO _ man (Ex) Seiling Triune -351 R 6,NSTAN ION 8 ACRES -- 5 miles frorný 5 Acres-3 Bedroom brick WESERNONTRJO Achilles (Ex) and other pop- HeJ1 7V4 .. , BWMANILR Bowmanvîlie, 3 bedroom brick,: bungalow and barn, just northl LIVESTOCK SUPPLEMENTS'uarsre.Reors3pt-7201p vnLL small barn. Asking $10,500. of Bowmanviiie. Real goodi MINERAL VITAMIN FOR .18,000 lbs. Dairy equipment: WE require five ladies who 623-7201 ale.$1,00 Hogs - Dalry and Beef Cattie 5,500 lb. DeLaval miik tank, drive, full or part time. Caîl 10_ACRES -tf Terms. 20Aue. $18,000as.a (gond), DeLaval milking ma- _112839-2537. 35-2 ACKERMAN Scugog highway. Asking only1 beef farm, most of land work- BISHOP SEEDS LTD. chine, 4' units, etc. The prep- SHORT-order cooksforVoy d. gr1500 1aldepoasst. $,000dgownd Improved Hay and erty of Vicon Farms, Lot 32, geur Restaurant, Waveriey Rd. EXCAVATING 13,00.al e asstream5,and ood Pasture Mixtures. Con. 6, Darlington Twp., 7 Apply in person.__ 35-3 'LOADING - TRENCHING Ernie Bradley - 622-3560! miles northeast of Oshawa. ATESS~n ~fi Sand, Gravel, Top Soil and Ken. A. Caverly - 263-2632 jMac MeDonald - - 623-3911. J. A. Rosevear Foiders upon request. Rebert . ESE ane, ulFui Delivered 35-1 IBob Johnston -- 725-93651 Flett on pedigrees. Lloy'd W tîme. Apply Voyageur Rest-- -WifH ke9357 263-2095son, Uxbridge, Sale Manager.1 aurant,_Bowmanx'iile. 333 ýHurWAE SERVICE GufHwe 8-24 Reasonable RatesGu LEBLANC,' aodPc « 96451 ___________ 35-132-51I BOY or girl for paper route ___ 3-' ____inl Bowmanville. Good profits. 623-5756- BOWMANVILLE Realtor 35-1____ USED Wednesday, Sept. GENERAL85-12. 5- HA V S IG ing farm auction at Earldale 85-2125.EN RA REPAIRS 6376 HA V S IG Farm of Regîstered and High TWO maie press opera t ors-f or adTRIO IRN rsieA John IF. DeWiih EQUIPMENT Grade Holstein Dairy Herd, shift work. Appiy in person,an TRGNLFOR GPrsleAe REAL ESTATE LIMITED aise Super Dextra 2000 tracterCuvpy WodPr duct, John de long Executive type bungalow 14 Frank St. - Bowmanvllle Allis-Chalmers No. 66 (like new), forage harvester, Orono, Ontario.- 35-2 CONSTRUCTION with large living room with 1 Combine, p.t.o $ 775.001 power spreader, J.D. 10' doublkil WANTED - Temporary-farm 2-62 ie-ceiatyfiîhdre.n-ne6335 dise (neariy new), hay con- help for up te two menths. 2-26 room with bar. Asking onlyi 20 ACRES, near Oshawaý Case Forage Harvester Idtaeblr ifi omn nikle FREE ESTIMATES $20,900. Termis.wihoelpndst.tra wlth corn head and ionrbal,2 elevators, WlrdBwaEnsiln ihlvl odst.Sra. plekup ------ ---- - $ 450.00I baie buncher and stooker, 3 Phone 263-8466. __ 35-1 _ 31 -tf Beech Avenue Asking $15,000, Terms. rubber tired auto steering wag-COKSmeor - -LJ..LJL2rombikh ewt NER SH A:13ae International No. 16 ons, 31 sbeep, 5,000 balles of O S mno women (wo- RE'TTDTJf'TER1 orTbikhme ih NEROHW- 13ar three bathrooms, 2 marbie' farm. A-I buildings. Large Forage Harvester hay and straw. bulk milk cool_ men preferred; dish washer; YOUR CHESTERFIELD fireplaces, lot 94 x 132. Make Oshawa milk contract, facing wlth corn head ----- $1575,00 er, 3 unit milkers, furnitureI waitresses. Apply in person, OR CHAIRS an offer.3rod.Pieadtmst etc., the property of Eari C' I Voyageur Restaurant, New- SO THM EVC Tractors Disey, îocated at Lot 6, Con*cste 623-5252 Park Street be arranged. Caîl: Mrs. Me- International B275, with load- 7, Pickering Township (being WOMEN for waitress work New 1 bedroom bungalow1 Robbie 623-7159. er, International T5 Crawler 1/4 miles north of Highway 7 gond earnings available for WAHYTE BROS. with large kitchen, lot 89 feet ORONO: 100 Acre farrn, as wlth loader; International at Salem or 4 miles west of women who are neat and de- 1~O ST R frontage. Open ta offers. a going cancern. Cattle and B414D Diesel; Allis-Chalmers Brooklin on Highway 7. Farrn pendable. Please caîl 753-2270, U H LT R ncieyicue.Hue "B", wlth scuffler, $395.00. soid. No reserve. Terms cash.1 ask for the manager. 35-tfi - 2-tf Meadowvlew Blvd. bacneypondd. House $5,.1 Sale 1 p.m. Faulkner and MALE clerk for local- food FOR- 2 bedroom bungalow on lot Cail: George VanDyk 623-7437.1 Woods cleks, Akinsn an x 120, immaculate con- Po sWilson, Sales Mgrs. and Auc- btet xpnecery. WredB ck& tone W kdition. Asking only $12,900. 30. ACRES: with lovely pond International 3-farrow, 3-Pt. tioneers. -bu o eesr.-Wi A-Tm.stengnd oa skg bitc; Msse-Feruso 3-ur-35-4* vertiser 840, c/o, The Canadian Firepl1aces Tems ieo o ad oad Asin hitch; Masey-Ferguon 3-fur-Statesman, P.O. Box 190. LbryS.N ro, -pit lth Cse3 Thursday, Sept. l4th-Clear- 1 BOwmanville. 35-I CALL Llberty St. N1009acres. furrow, on steel. __ _____ OXFORD BRICKLAYERS V.L.A. approved, 2 bedroom 1DiRY PARM: . 100 alkcres. ing farm auction of Holstein I MALE -or-Female dish mýachine AND STONE MASONS bungalow on 3 acre lot, 10'on Mcincer. e 100m ows. International 17-tooth Dairy Herd, including fresh, operator wanted, starting Sept. feet frontage. Asking only'Mciey vr$ 00mnh Pull Cultivator springers and bred heifers, 4th. Permanent position, gn PHONE ORONO 983-5606 $,0 dw.ly rnilk chelque. Good build- International 3-point hitch Dise also 3 tractors, M-H S.P. corn- wages, uniforms and gooci $or0983-ow26 ings. Anxious ta sel]. Chre nbine, good: baler, hay cn. provided. Appîy Chef - or 983-5626Muple Grove Area 145 ACRE FARM: Good Walver of Finance Cagso ditioner, N.H. bay chopper, 2 Flying Dutchman Motor Inn,BA N S& Y M 3 Bedroom21 home with gar- buildings. Modern 7 roomed BALERS - COMBINES bale elevators, N.H. power 623-7242, Il arn. ta 5 p.m. A N S&B M age, smali pony barn, 1/2 acre home. Streamn. Excellent soil. TRACTORS spreader, power rnower, grain __3.5-1 PLUMBING & HEATING lot. Asking only $11.500. Low Priced ta selI. Nopamets'ti ay 168drill, 44 can bulk miik cooler, ~ wsigo oe SALES & SERVICE down payment. NA SAA 2 c~ No aymnts'ti Ma, 1683 Surge milkers, Surge va- cOne d arit gvng foIony 24-HOUR EROHW :10ar ~~~TXT cuum pump, good; 5,000 balles cj Rlah S-ervn-ie rbyigh reOu Bune Srvc We list and seIl M.L.S. farmi with bouse and barn. T..4-JV.tJ. hay and stmaw, 3 ri-'-ber tire awleigh evc ih____i um rSrieRed o u-dvso n1 EQUIPMENT LTD 'auto steering wagons, furni- in part Durham County. Best SPI AK N ee o aJ. 'Iayfrsbdvso n1 T. M N T .ofiskn.I yuI oi ETflCETAEKS ADPfrKw l r cre lots. Caîl: Hamry Coutts Phn 2-69turc, etc., the property o of e its kid. Ifyou' i work. S EALOR725-2649. Phn 63569Harold Jarvis aed Son, locat- Rawleigh, Dept. H-140-814, PHONE BOWMANVILLE AREA: 4 134 ingSt.E. Bo 35-ll ehaTwp.t 19bein.27, Miles 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, HAMPTON 263-2288 and GENERAL INSURANCEýbedroom home on large ]ot. 35-1________________2__2_mile Montreal.H 35-1 TYRONE 263-2650 IOul heated, 2 bathrooms. Al N.W. of Makham Vilg)- - STT 52 King St. W. Bowmanville ,newly decorated. Garage. Ask- Cars for Sale Note-This is a gond Hoîsteiný SELL REAL ETAEV A N -R 06325 O350 ens dairy herd and the implements IJoie Ontario's lamgest Real. 63-253N RY$L3VING05 Terms. :LD tow truck -in god re- are in gond condition. Farne tor specializing in vacation, P itr New Listing! CONR1IIN:Sron iair. Phone 983-5756. 35-1 sold. No reserve. Terms cash. rural and town properties Pantrsed bungalow. Ail modern Faukne ad Wod, cers; pe ingsin heOrooKenal and Decorators Ahsolîîieiy immaculate, 2- i conveniences, on 2 acre lot.' 958 CHEV. sedan, 6 cyl.FukeradWos ersOpnnsithOooKda bedroom bungalow with beau- ILow tae.ia.Akn tandard. Cal_623-3061. 35-1 Atkinson and Wilson, Sale and Newcastle area. No ex- 2 Elgin St. - Bowmanville tiî'uî rec. roorn and 2-car gar- '$ taes. C ali ergeasng ____ - Mgrs. and Auctioneers. 35-1* perience necessary, we wili ne 623-075 a5e.L.cted ear hoping.Dgk623-437 56 MERCURY sedan, stand- ____ train you. Excellen~t cern- Phon ,63 07 g.Latd ershpi.Dy62-4. ýrd, with overdrive., Best Pimi o el iontrns ffe. 63-735.35- Thmsdy,,eptisato:3 arrangement. For ap- __________ 26-tfPicdtsiwthers LOVELY: 3 bedroorn brick )ffr.62-735 3-1 Thrsay Spt 7 a 730pointrnent caîl or write Mr I -hoeinte onty Lr 96- AMLR- mria- p.m. Faîl Special - Select'mrChsom H.KTH S TI TA Kavok!oeintecury Lrg r.6 d in good DaimACatle, oesin2en Sal LT REAshLTO, 181 EgIri- PT T NKCezy cottage on waterfront lot. Al modemn conveniences. Ir. sedn in vry gon con- airy Cttle, onsignent Sae LîlotEAoT Twin1 Lake. ltBangain Lfor BAskingfor$17,90$17, Ca.îl:lGeorgeg ition. Phone 623-3495. 35-1 at the Cow Palace, Stouffvilîe,1 ton Ave. E.. Toronto 12, telle- STABLES someone. VanDyk 623-7î437. Ont, ofemng ureredandphone_487-3333. 32-4 IWHITEWASHING 66 CHEV., Ai condition, grade Holstein cows, beifers,I tD Commercial Investments! 6 ACRES, with 4 roomed tandard transmission, radio heifer caives and buils. Oher 'NeedExr Money2 IERTTOM KIN CaL±ffie.fr'fll ar-hY.LrargftLL'1 As-ý id dlock; owner changing te breeds aise are usually cee- iExr Phone Newtonville 786-2552 Cainoficefo0fu50pr-hom. Lrgesteam ,As-0 ýompany car; $1,650. Phone signed. Customers are find-iBecome an Avon Representa- Cî ole 1t preprti e nhoanvle fe down qewcastie 987-4242. 35-tf ing consigements that meet tive and tara your spare time Cal oinsct r pectii o. ilefo oSw A:8romd to 'RUCKýS-l4je- J~ their requirements for correct into dollars? ? No experi- JACK.,1BU.RGEtS ýyoum npcin SAA:8roetoe ;erial 4C1504616432; 1 i i 8 type and high production in ence required, we train yoa. L BURNERS - FURNACES Rancher! stomey brichomNe. Oueated, riternational '/-ton, Licence these sales. Censignments Open territories in Bowman- 3 Bedroom brick with at-4-c.bt. ewydored ....; 194 inernaiona . dAwn frem ;a deara--- -ville and RufralÀAreaonf D -CLEANED Askn 1 6,00. Trms Lot Us Bulld Yon a DREAM HOUSE Choose from our selection or we wll buld from ybur plans ...on fnlly servlced, N.H.A. approved lots at beautiful Parkway Crescent SUB-DIVISION Liberty St. S. - Bowmanvllle Low Down Payment... Balance on convenlent N.H.A. Terms at only 734 % l nterest. D. BEERS Phono 623-2263, Bowmanvllle 35-tf W. Frank Real Estie' LIMITED REALTOR Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 21 King St. W., Bowmanvlle 623-3393 100 Acres .Janetvilie Terrifie buy in Janetville. 100 Acres, very productive farm, gond harn, beautifîilly decorated home, ie immaculate condition. with new kitchen, new living roorn, and new hardwood floors and ahl con- veniences. Haîf heur drive frm Oshawa. Price $35,000. Terms. 188 Acres - 2 Ponds Greenbank area. Beef farm with two ponds, bank barri, 6--. roomn frarne house. Fro- on twe roads. Asking $33,0~ -Terms. Vend or would con- sider taking back second mont- age if eecessary. 100 Acre Stock Farm Gond beef farm, very pro- ductive dlay loam, with gond buildings, bank barn. concrete silolarge implemeet shed, nr-w a]uminurn siding on hiouse, ceeveniences. Attached gar- age, gond watem supply. Priced for quick sale at $30,000. Terms Ifobby Farm In acres and farrn buildingsj' 4 miles from Oshawa. 14-romfni 2-family eIder brick home, several shade trees. Bamn 30' x 100' vith aluminum siding, steel stanchions. Outstanding. condition. On paved road. Price reduced te $40,000 with terrns. 100 Acres, 1 Mile Bowmanville Solid brick 9-room home, Terms. 200 Acres, Kendai His 9-room home, ban, 35 acres wooded land. Ideal recreation property. Only $25,000 full pnîce. Omono Anea 5-room bungalow, lot 150, x 150, oul fumnace, 3-pce. bath. Close te No. 115 Highway. O1nlY $9,000. Terms arraeged. 24% Acres, Newcastle 8-room home, ahl conveni- ences, large barn with roon for 3,000 iaying hees. Ftonc- age on No. 401. Only $24,800 -$7,000 down. Independence la the Country 10 Acre parceis near Bow- manville,-$5,500 and up. $1.500 iown. 10 acre parcels, Kendal -lilis, $4,900 and up, *$i.l'à lown.-7 King St. E. Duplex, Bowmanville 10 rooms, commercial area, excellent investment. Lot 64' x 168'. $16,500. Terms. Ontario St., Bown. anvlle 8-room brick home. Cnm- nercial zenieg. Excellent lean home. $19,900 - $5,000 down. King St. E. Store, Bowm an ville Ideal for Barbershop, Ie- ;urance Office with apart- lent. Must be soid at once fr U.S.A. owner. Askirîg $15,000 ,- Open for offers. Ontario St., Bowmanviiie Semi-detached duplex. Cern- ýr property. Muîst be sold ta ;ttle estate. Asking $15,000 -$5,000 down. St. George St., Bowmanvlle Beautiful 3-bedneom brick sncb bungalow. Recreatien eom. Many extras. $24,500. Kendal Hillu Cottage 4 years old, 2 bedrooms, ;cneened suni pench. Beauti- ail pond; 2 acres land ail andscaped. Good stneam. Ex. elîcet value et $16,000 '0 errs.J Busriness Oppontunlty Vaniety, Restaurant and Gao lumps on busy No. 12 }lwy, ange turnover, 10 year lbase. stablished 20 years. Living mars lncluded. Asking 'ice $19,500. Owners have tber Interests. Cali 628-8393, 728-7518 or Toronto 923-9174 Jtoi 9 P.m. 1 e ~Jpmton g 20 68 ýr2m.WIIsota * as U2-Dm5 ne Barnoski a m 123-5787 lare MeCullougb Ms 72 -,Uj i Knuter - s 72347 :en Sockla - - 623-* *y Fester - Orono 983-I61 oten Banlter . Gmrdes -Mitt 8I [ward Ferder Drooklis 455-385 rge o ton . Prt P.paw 5 .1- for SaY c tg il