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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1967, p. 14

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,yý- Recent visitoru with Mr. & lind Mms Randolph J'raseri aftd, Bob Were CorParal and Mni.,Gilbert T'qadSt* af Winnipeg, MWnîýto.ur-Stu ents Do img their visit, Steven accom- panied his mother (the for- mer Juanita Fraser) and bis1 grandmother, Mrs. Fraser, on D aPartmeia a trip to northern Ontario, where he met his great- grandparents, Mr. andl Mre.I The Grade 13 students at IClar ence Wilkins of South jClrtwright High School mnade 'Porcupine and his great-great- an excellent showing on their grandrnother, Mrs. Eldonal departmental examinatîona. Cowan of Clute. Several pic-. Nnety percent of the papers tures -of the five-generationI tried were passed and thirty- family gathering were taken. fi e rent of the marksab On Friday evening, Sept. tained wee either first or lut, at 6:30 p.m. the Com- scnd clas s honours. There munity Centennial Celebra- were six students out of eigh- tion will be heid at the So- teen who received averages of lina Hall. Everyone is remind-1 70% and over. The top stu- ed ai the parade of Centen- dents were- niai costumes, so dig out your grandfather's bowler bat and granny's or auntie's best Sun- day gown as we. feel this will ber very interesting to both aid and young. Church service at Eldad United Cburch wilI be helà at 9:00 a.m. beginning Sept. 3rd. Sunday School will be held at the church at 10:15 a.?n. On Saturday' evening a number of relatives, friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fraser to celebrate with them E11 their *25th wedding anniver- sarY, The hanored couple (average opened the iovely gifts be- first clas stowed on them and both ex. and seco p.aSd--ýtJeir sicere appre-1 papers. f -~ MlEr* IDKt Kraft 74-oz. Pkt. Parkay, Sofi SAVE 2cea'h .ÇDme «~MARGARINE jMcCesDne 1 1-lb. Pkg. ýed E.D. Smiith Apple,& Ralsfia 55s 19-oz. Tin SAVE 230 ____ PIE FILLING Kraft Smooth SAVE 4c HButs li-az. Bottie SAVE 22e jPeanut Butter TOMATO CATSUP 5JI 12-oz. I Pink, 'Yellow, White, 2 Roil Pkg.jgli 3 9 Bathroom Tissue 40 MlClaver Leaf - Solid Vht t igePySV G 7-oz. Tin SAVE 9c 8 Varieties Peek Frean 8-oz. Pkg. T UN A ISAVE ?.3cAug. PLAINBISCUITS 2 2for 89, Dominion's Own Brand 28-oz. Tin n Clait Sd. SlIe28 Domino om mtes4I! i SPEACHE S ICiarks lu Chili Sauce SAVE 14o SAVE 17e 19-oz. Tin 4~3 for s1.00o BEANS with PORK'410 *Breakfast Club with Peetia 9-oz. Jar «~ IMumpty Dumpty 12-oz. SOTD JM i Potato Chips ASOTDJM 'R 1 IAil Varieties ÏMonarch lO-oz. 1kg. 69C ~Pouch Pak i 69c I AKE MIXES 6'100J0 .r»930o Off Pack ALL 1-oz efflDETERGENTI eatho 26-oz.I $149 Heaitho -Dea, Food 6~iR Transportation for the School year by the following bus routes: 1the Paceu Universil ~rles Wettdd Grn.Graadmtr e pectwhen sht v i si t hé agr t e? Fre dly pers onj sericlcA J:rvafety... and ocorse Wb ar b ky oshopg e lot ta ellher U ,wt tmas on pcif...W"rtnstebs tit .. Utl,alit 110had tedo wtsask, Shoppint g un. itw,.as à fime fg chat xittuphi Mrents oandstock up 40r thee nêole s l l o aim e s t u or 1 fh re e . labeth Ilsompson le- 77.3%) obtaine ks honours in 5 paper >nd- class honours in She is going to ente ulty of Science at th ity o! Toronto. 3udy Cochrane (a\* crage - 77.6%) obtained fisçlass honours in ail 7 papers With a high of 85 in History. She is going to at- tend York University, Tor- onto. 1967-68 wilI be provided ROUTE.No.- 1 Begin at Town Line and Con. 9, west to Long Sault Road, sauth tae Long Soult Schéol, return by Sault Road te Con. 9, West on Con. 9 te New County Road, north to Con. 10, West ta Scugog. Road, north ta Burketon School, south on Scugog Rond ta Enniskillen Sehool, south ta M. J. RabbUSehool. ROUTE No. 2 Begin at Scugog Road- and Con. 10, West on Con. 10 te Road 15, returu q 'sanme rond, ta Scugag Rond, s'outh on Scugog Road te Con. 9 West on Con. 9 ta Kd dsuth on Rond 15 ta Con. 8, east on Con. 8 ta Enniskillen School. <possibly continue south ta Hobbs Schéol). ROUTE, No.- 3 Begin at Enfield, west ta TownLine, south on Town Line ta Con. Si e.nst on. Con. 8 ta Rond 15, south ta Bradley's School, West one-haif mile ta Vican Rond, south ta Con. 6, enît te Road 15, south te Taunton Road, eat ta Courtice Road, south ta North Courtice School, north on Trull's Rond ta Con. 4, west ta Town Line, north on Town Lifte ta Taunton Bond, èist ta, Mitchell's Corners School, east ta M. J. Ifobbs Sehool. NOTE: A later bus will follow ta transport Grades 1 te 6 pupils ta Courtice Schools. ROUTE No. 4 Begin on Scugog Rond, south of Con. 7, north ta Con. 7, west on Con. 7 ta Baker's Schaol, south on Sauina Road ta Sauina School, south ta Taunton Rd., east ta M. J. Hobbs School, west on Taunton Rond ta Sauina Road ta Nash*Rond, west ta North Courtice School, east ta Courtice Road, south ta Highwny 2, east on Highwny 2 ta edge of Bowmanville, north on Rond 7- ta Nash Rond, west ta Raad 10, north ta M. J. Hobbs Schéol. ROUTE No. 5' Begin on Con. 8 east of Hnydon, west ta Haydon, east te Road 6, soutb ta Con. 7, enît ta Tyran. School, east ta Rond 3, south on Road 3 ~ta Con. 6, west ta Betheada School, ta Scugog Road, sauth ta Taunton Rond, weut ta Rabbs School, west ta Road 10, south on Road 10 ta Nash * Rond, west tae.North Courtice, south on Trull's Rond ta Highway 2, east ta Hancock Rond,, north on Hancock Road, ta Nash Road, west te Courtice Road, narth ta Taunton Rond, east ta Habbs School. ROUTE -No. 6 Begin at Taunton Road and -Raad 3, south on Road 3 and west on Benschop Rond, south ta Con. 4, east te Road 3, south ta Con. 3, east ta Providence Scisool, enît ta Raad 1, south on Roa.d 1 ta Con. 2, west on Con. 2 ta Road, 3, -south on Rond 3 taIlwy. 2, east on Hwy. 2 ta Bennett Rd. south on Bennett Rd. acrosa 401, return ta Hwy. 2, east ta Shaw's Sehool, West on Rwy. 2 ta Road 3, narth on Rosgd 3 ta Con. 3, west ta Seugog Rd., nortb ta Con. 4, east ta Salem School, west te Scugog Rd., north ta Rabbi School. ROUTE No. 7 Begmn on Wavenly Rond South, north ta Service Rond, west on Service Rond to Courtice Rond, north on Caurtice Rond ta Baseline Raad, west on Basellue Road ta Prestonvale Rond, north on, Prestonvale Rond ta on.2, ston Con. 2 te Souths Courtice School, west on Con. 2 ta ?sul's Ro n orth 'on Trull's Rond te Highway 2, west on Highway 2 te Prestonvale Rond, uouth on Prestonvale Rond ta Con. 2, emît ta South Courtice School, enat te Courtice Rond, aorth on Courtice Rond ta Taunton Rond, east t. Rahbe Scbool. ROUTE No. 8 Coumepce at Bighwny Z and Martin -Rond, south on Martin Road ta Babetne Rond, west on Baseline Bond ta SoUna Rend, north on Solinqi Rond to Con.Z., west on Con. 2 ta South Courtice Sehool, west ta Trull "od, mqrth ta Rlîghwny 2, wft en Rghway 2 ta Dnrlington Blod,, noif ,Aa DpUnab gtpBfd.te Na* R ond, te Comite Rond, north ourUc Und t. TauutnRontde eut ta Rabbi Scisool. UOU'tI N. 9 ~osaw. oeê9 ,> wa Line and Con. 6, soutih on Tow4h Line ta . 5we » s oad, uo» bta Snlem School, north onM'Xnvers te? tît. , nËtb ,sCon. 8, east te Behesdatscho. ~frw~ ScoI B~r'Office (Phn. 263-2285). S. T. WQftDEN, t ,Cb*mn Brian Mauntjoy (average - 77 %) abtained 4 firsts and 3 second class hon- ours. Hils high marks were Mathematies A 85, Math. B 812, Physics 83. Brian- is going ta study Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Nancy Dorrel II(average - '77.4 %) obtained and sec class honours in 4.pr andrsc class honour n3npp4. Her ighmarks were 90 in History and 86 in Latin. Nan- cy is going ta attend Victoria Coflege, University o! Toronto. ciation. A tasty lunch was 1 served complete with wed- ding cake. Their daughter Mrs Gilbert Tapp and son-in- ilaw Cpi. Tapp and grandson Steven of Winnipeg, Mani- toba, and their three sons, Allan, Glenn and Bob, were ail pi-esent on this happy c- casion. Others attending were from local vicinities and out of town guests were presenti fron; Toronto, . Scarborough, Don' Milis, Port Credit, Oril- lia, Barrie, Winnipeg and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fochuck, Burlington, were Saturday evening visitors witl% Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis. Mrs Tom Westlake and family, Peterborough, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley His and family. M.and Mrs. Roy Grills, 1Vlhtia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees. Recent guests with Mr. ard Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and family were Masters Douglas and Craig Larmer of Black- stock, Mr. and Mrs. B. Harri- son, Lois. Ralph and Gary, o! Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Vice accompanied by Dean' and Boyd and Darrell Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice, Kathy, Susan, Ronald and Walter at- tended the Vice famnily picnic at Lake Simcoe on Sunday. Rev. Victor Bowins, Mani- toba, -was recent tea gueqt Sheila Tamehishin (average - 73.7%). Sheila ob- tained high marks in Mathe- matics - Math. A 88 and Math. B 85. Sheila is going ta train ta become a nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tor- onto. THURSDA ~ 6:00 P.M, Dominion's Own STomato Cen CI-iATI 9z DEAIITV ÂIr'Nc- R egular Style or Plus Egg 2 4-oz. Batifrs $.VE 20e e'Helene Curtis Shatbipoo 79c iot6-am Jar SAVE 24e jNomzma Skin Cream 95C «Bx af 12 Confidf.s SAVE 10e etuEMIINENAPKINS 43C ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS I 91TORONTO NEWSPAPERS kY NIGHT SPECIAL A.- 9:00 P.M. ONLY Brand 48-o4 Your Comrnunity itennial Prolect 1867 1lm OSHAATIE L AVAILABLE IN THIS STORE FRESH PRODUCE New Crop Can. No. 1 Ontario Grown POTATOES B2g 77 B.ek to School Treat Sunview Green SEEDLESS GRA PiS.2s49C OiMario Grown - Canada No. 1 Grade ,CADBAGE 6 FROZEN FOODj Dominion'. Own ;Ëran Dominion Pink or. White 6V/4-03- SAVE' 29e LEMONAD'El Dominion's Own. Brandý Domino Fancy- SAVE 60 Mxed - 32-oz. VEGETABLEsý 2for$1.00 Dominlon's .Own Brand Domino 12-oz. SAVE lOo. PETITE PEAS 4for$1 .00. FRESH BAKERY PRODUCTS Dominion's Own Brandj Country Girl SAVE 2001< 24-oz. CHRYPS Dominion'. Own Brand! Rlchmello Shiced or Unsliced SAVE ECIAL ONLY id Arf toc IT'S MA-INLY BECAUSE 0ý.-F THE MEAT Piîesswood's - Burns - and Maple Leaf Defatted Short Shank Whole or Haif Smokd Cooked HAMS 65,1 Only at Dominion - Deluxe Golden Bird Grade A IURKEYSlb. Ag.43 ib~ Choice - Ali Meat - No Waste Pork Tenderloin 931b Dominion's Own Brand Dom iio WIENERS 55b Maple Leaf Sliced fi-oz. Pkg. (OOKED HAM 59& I UOP MIN COUFIMNCEÏ1 - I~sé, Fra. w h -I Maple Leaf' Bindleu - Breakfs BACONýl APLE.- Alil -Merhandiselb Guntateed Té, ,Ive 1O~,Staclu~ Values Ef,çctlve Until ClouIg, S«turdby, Seàpt. 2,.,679, in" Bownianlvmel WE Rý.RJVE THIE RIG*T -TO -IWIMTr. 0~1M U.I! ~p.rThur. ~ 4_Nihis tg i9 n tmd *rom'Loullo Kln St on Sinpsg, ven. (4ihwoy N.2 Traspotation'Routes DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP SCHfOOL, AREA FRIDAY NIGHT SPE 6:00P.M.- 9:00 PA.M. GradeA - Dominion's Own Brain l Il PIPATI IDCC AND 1w*EEY PROVIç tÇEWcANm ... Loogj WNtrsi Lle 1 1

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