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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1967, p. 6

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a - IimCandin Satsma, owmanVmc, AU&. 30. lm0 tfistoricaI Pageant "Portraits from Past" At Clarke High Sept. 25 The histoutcaj faion pg wedding dresa warn by Qi Omnt, Portraits from the ,wt Victoria are anmg the fa ýwflltake t.o the stage Sep- Ions, and these Illustrate tumber 25th ln fthe Clarke wide range of costmesi HSigh School Auditorium at played ln the presentatian. 8 pin. Local women, drawn fr ,.lnteregt ln the pageant Is organizations ini Township -at hhjevl. Bcaus ofClarke, will take the parts emtbItpaeso h the famous wonien who wi entemW of onfederation,ithe original&. It lias created a growing In- -tereît in planning for Cen- WE L Y I E .*nI lcélébrations wherever ES YVL E ihas been shown. (Intended for last week) Portraits from the Past wtIs Mr W.ENchsn desgne ad created by the blooming cereus continues .-Ontario Centenril Planning delight its owner andh Branch but la aponsored by friends with its profusion local organizationst in the bloom. It bas been bloomi ,citie8 and towns in which it regular1y once a year for ni JO Been. In Township of Clarke years and on Sunday, Augt It la belng aPOnsored by Cen. 13 had fne blooms, with mi .$e.nnla Comniittee of Town- folk ln to admire It. On Mo ihin of Clarke. show da{ a t had two moi Proll go t oa the sow twas ahappy day at t] go twar thecOs OfThorndykes last week -whi -linancing Centennial celebra. Sharon and Linda receivq 'WOns ln Township of Clarke. word that they had both bi .The Show presents a review successlul in their Grade of women's fashions from the exanis. Linde earned ane itays Of Canada's early ex. the government scholarshl jýlorers to the 1900s. The .19 which will assist with ber edi ostumes are copied from the cation at Waterloo for foi ltYles Worn ini the daYs af years. Sharon hopes ta 'iuch women as Helene de attending Peterborough Teacl 'haniplain, Mns. John Graves ers' Coliege. *inicoe, Laura Second and Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Barrov 1ther faniaus wamen in Can. clough of Peterborough sper Ida's hiatory books. Friday night with Bill's pi S A bathing costume, a riding ents here, then went to Otti habit, and a replica of the1 wa on Monday whene he wi R OYA L OrdNV THURS., FR1., SAT., AUG. 31 - SEPT. 1 - 2 WALT DISNEY'S "The Shaggy Dog" and T1he Absent-Minded Prof essor" On. Comploe Show Each Evening at 7:30 "Shaggy Dog" Matinee Saturday - 35 cents SUN., SEPT. 3 TO SUN., SEPT. 10 On. Comploe.Show et 7:30 p.m. "ONE 0F THE MOST BEAUIFL MO VIES' E VER MAD E! ACADEMYt AWARDSI£ DAVID LEANS FILM «w mw i3DOCtOR ZHIVAGO GRflNE QWJN JU-MQIMIE TOM CUUTNY ALE GJINE SIOJMcKENNA -RAMM¶1RICHARSO M1ASfAFmmmROD SEIERRffATUSHINÇHM ROBRT BOIT DAVIDtLEAN UM1INNMTO9 'Aduits $1.75 Students $1,00 SUNDAY MID-NITE SEPTEMBER 3 ALFRED IIITCHCOCK'S %The Birds" In Color, also "Monstor on the Campus" Aduit entertainment eecn the dis- tom ;s ai zore )gt lt e ofe kin ing luet uit Dn- TcPanfypoal L.O.B.A. h ire, a ery suceesaful penny saie tlie Fnidmy, Auguaf lltb. Antic Iei and prise winncns arc lisi eed beiow: Wastc paper basà en lins. Green! cut flowens, Al 13 Olan; lamp, lins. C. Fal ai cunfains, Canl. Webb; $2g Jps Mary liacklln; clown, Kai lu- Neals; dih clothi, lins. un Falli; haircut, lins. D. Wil be fruit basket, Frank Auh h- glasses, lins. Banîketis; ne( lace, lins. Wilson; pullawcms lw- Steve Prost, ho y's trouse lit Mrs. Jin licMullen; bar-1 an- set, Paul Whitney, spoani a t- nolera, lins. Bowman; flac darl lhh, is. Wilson; laund ~7dmener, Debbie Cox; s anmd peppen, Lyle Nattress; fi lins, A. Olan; $3 cash, X, Zanwoid; clown, C. Hethern tan; $2 cash, C. Hetlieringto ash trays, lins. P. Sf fr11: flowers, Dianne Hetherlngfo level, Marnk Bradley; clow Vicky Curtis; liglifer, Rail Hyland; bar-b-q set and ncl ens, B. Hetlierington. Dish, Kafhy Kerr. wainr chopper and rallers,lins.1 Ponter; pie saver, June H. land, bird ornaient, lins.1 Mucha; wailet, Elaine Hylari clown, L. Rogers; wrenche Bob Whitney; piggy han] Karen Neals; $3 gai, lins.( Thampion; $2 cash, Mr: Munphy; pillow, Ronnie Fal trmy, lins. L. Bradley; wast piper basket, G. Whifnell; rE frig. set and nollens, lins. I VanBeek; clutcb bag, Kir Nemis; cake senven and nolîi lins. T. Hooey; doîl dishei Joan Richardson, coalen, Mi D. Guflinie; plîyhng candi,F Wilson; boy's trousens, Frnr Ashby; ncfrig. set and noilci lins, Speans; grocenhes, lins.N Faili;bnuh st nd nollers,1 Buck nefig.set and noller M. Guftirie; waste piper has ket, lins, G. Peyne; table aoth Mna, ..Preston, ligliten mn( case, D. Atfwdll; playlng cards Mr$s. M. 'Bradley; hiricut Sharon 1FInney; doiley, B Kent; clown, M. McQuald; $1 clilir tevemm; ua nc roers, lire. 1. an Beek; bati ol amnFili; clown, L Dohert'y; plant,.-lis. H.. Curtls $3 gas, June Hyland. Necklace and carnings, Mrs Jin McMullen, mugi,lins. E R'ogers, bracelet and eannings, B. Heingfan; hmer and blocks, Mark Bradley; table cloth, June Hyland; ilawcns, L, .uk:pillaw, L. Hudson; hand crearn, Sandra Falli; clown, Tania Bmdluk; wmste pager basket, R..-Rossi; bail glove lins. I. Fee; $1 cash, Karen Richardson; bath sait., lins. W. Falli; bath ail, lins. F. Mucha; plant, Randy Le. flingue; clown, Mns. lMnetta; cliild's hain cut, lins. I. Fe ornmments, W. Baker; piilow, Mary liackin; jewellery,lins. Fiengold; cake senver, lins Murphy; sait and pepper, lins Simpson; clown, Bnyan Whit- ney; lamp, lins. Freeman Eddy; therin. and rallens, Deb- hic - Robent son; $3 cash, lins licCanroil; clown; lins. Mc. Quaid; dishes, lins. M. Sain. cils; cowboy bats, D. Young. min, W. Kerr, P. Wonr, R, Whitney, lins. R. Darling, M. Grahm, lins. Oliver, lins. Olan, lins. T. White, S. Frost, Pat Galiaglier. Guns-..Dan Gmlaghen, Jeff Mitchell, M. Bradley, M. McQumfd, Ken Whitney, Ken Stevenson, Kelly Nemis, lins. Oliver, Gayi'e Par- teAr. Karen .Ta..1.. rb. taking thecourseIn tui -training for driv!ng clasa Clar&nee Nichois, Jamesi -PhIMlp and irs. Roy Niq spent part of lait week at E Mr. and Unr. Geo. Fredt and daughter of Burnaby' spent part of Fiday anc1« unday with Mr. and lin., old Austin. Mrsa. Frede was the former Norah Sa] and wa a former reuic ]Recent visitors there and other friends wcrc Mr. Mmra.Erie Moorea of Liverl Eangland. lins. Moorea vw ailierasi the late, M~rn. Arnold Thornd] aunt, lins. J. R. Brimmaco oi Toronto, has been visi wlth the horndyke famil Mesdames E. Barrowec and C.-Dickinson attende meeting on Monday evezi August 21 at the home of and Mns. tdwin Wilson, Gi en F1111 to plan arrangemi for the dipiay of the1 Durham Riétorical Soclet: PONTYPOOL NO MILK DELIVERY rSept 4th SeplorMiIk Doluvery on: TUISDAY, SEPT. S5th GI..Roe airy OOWMANVILL aerr. thrge w - ddevelop.d a praotcl-v s and tem of f ih culture whiceh has 0 'n !chois set the pattern uaed for theA n u l Lio î PropaAation ofegaon r andc world. ~The auccesaful Legion Pic- ry, nd DouS rM Sat- nic held by Branch 178 ai 13-15, ist Lynne klr 2 AMn- ri oalCndanLgo, Anne Morris. Boys 13--5, erick eÂ'I I * t Waltona Park an Sunday Jin Walton, 2nd Daryl Soi Iifoflr'li .ne atternocon, August 1JUi w s esales. en.ioyecl bya arge crawd of Girls 16-25, lit Chris CO: withr.Bk i membens and their famiiles son, 2nd Toby Kan 0 and rPlaqjue to Special Events Chairman Bob 16-25, lit Kim Spencer, ft 'ool, Hilditch was in charge oi ar- Rick Spencer. Women, 28-3 as aragmnsHewsasse t eaPre.M ,253 Jack S a m n u e l W ilmn o t by Seh Hu t It Bra M ryr. Wo e !ke's The Councl ofaiClarke part in the races for those lien, 37-50, lst HIae. Brawi mbe Township at their recent meet- under seven years aid receiv- The Three-Leggcd Race ff iting lng set up a coinmittee ta plan cd a prise. The winners cf won by Mrs. E. Burns an [y. the unveiling ai a plaque near the Girls Race, afe 7-9, w as Donald Samnenacaies. The Wli Ough Mary areereraandJant Mor- ners aif te ac arw Rae id a the it. aftheforerWilmt .7SecrWa ar r4ingCreek Fish Hatchery, west ai ris came second. Boys 7-9, were Jack Kpight andi Gle Mr., Newcastle. The Wilinat Fish lit Jae Klipatrick, 2nid Rob- Finney. Te Lade h ar- atchery Plaque fi ta be un. bi idth ikn oTh die*a shnt rsSd- veiled an Wednesday, Septem- Girls 1012, lst Marilyn Chris orson. iEs ber l3th at 2i30 p.m. The King, 2nd Patricia King. The winners ln the Pie Eat yas Township ls warking in Con- Boys 10-12. let Jack Myber- ing contest wcne, lut Patrici- ty.Junction with Ontaro Depant- _- _Kng, and 2nd Bnian. Anhlcy ment ai Public Records and Cavendish, ftand Pr. (the Jirn and AnIts Nicicersoa Archives on this project. home ai Longfeiiaw's Evanife- were the winners aofie Egl The eomniittee appainted by une and tihe Acadians), te Throwing contait. held Council lu as foilows: Reeve R. AnolnviseH with Its The special prize for ti, s on Foster, Deputy Reeve H. E. Fr neand;r oa-ods esn Peetw !cls Walkey, Mns. Reg. Lovekin, the aauest fortifications of presented ta iurs. Annii sted Mns. T. Fairbnothen, Councillor historicai significance ln Can- Wright. The Hanse Shai iket, F. A. Gray, Mn. H. E. Millson ada. Mebbe we'ne pnejudiced, Pitching Match was won bi [vin and Mr. M. Rosi, but affer 3000 miles, the Roll- Rosi Wright and Rlck May- lis, etnga h c m in g Hilsai Manvens appeared berry, with Jac MeNuIt: gag A eetng f te cmmiteethe malt attractive aifail. and Pet. Lake second. ir, was heid lait week ta funthen Mr. and Mns. Arthur Row. C. plan the prograni fon the un-' an, Misses Linda Rowan and C.is veiling ceremnonies.-Times. Marguerite Wilson are saine- by; wherc in Western Canada on se, EL ER O their motor trip ta the Coast ;ers, Miss Judy Robinson kit Ilâ (Intended for lait week) this week for Saskatchcwan sh- Mn. and Mns. Clarence Page, representing Lindsay Colleg- dry Ian and Adele are spending bat in he Centennial Scbool salttheweeknd t Epo. xchngepnognamn. fileA speedy convalescence ta The Ray Robinsons, atter <en Mns. Ray MCuilaugh Who visiting Expa lait wcek, spent ,ng- ~was rlae from hospital a day or two witb iniends at ýon; this week. Castieton on retunn trip. n; Mr. and Mns. Herb. Porter enio Calgary Alta., with Mr.r wn, and Mrs. hank Malcolm airiln >11- co(iiurn Fi ek.S n al M eetingA g o tr Oshawa weýre callens at "Mal- 9A g o tr ntry wc missed thern. O Poultrv utThe Lut. Samuel Wilmot A number from Yelverton -. S v y i L. attended the "Couples Club" The lait meeting ai the Dur. EY. The Ontario Histonical Soc- England ln 1589, and went ta îibly the greateit single con, auction sale held at Janetville ot PieyPlaque ta be unveiîcciNengland in 1640, settling tribution ta North American on Wednesday, and repanted a bain Poultry Club was held on lt of bumps enear Newcastle next month Adsedn fti eny hiitdbsgaod crowd. Around $300.oo Monday, Auguit 2lst at the e.*cai lZ1ný U k'ta commemanate the Newcas-Adecnato hsery M.Wlt iiàdhs was talce n for the club fanin ai aur leader, Gary Jef- W e caieiigvn i G.stl Wimot, CeanSa uel LemNelwEgiand etiehorasexpeniments in arthficial pro- treasuny. fi ane .frey. Thc meeting was opened lied in cosing insurance Gs Witi FhHcery and Cak emulWlo h asdpagation ai iisb in 1861. By Home an terneagain at 8:00 'lkbytepè- lis Tawnship in 1850, 1851, and the Layai Amenican Regiment 1866, loi years ago, bie mav- main aur motor trip ta PXEI . oclc yTh nu for their hm car.. t~ rom 186 ta186 inî'uiveduring tlhc Revalutionary cd bis wank fmain the 5mal aur vision saturated witb -" dent. The miutes werc read buiesW'Ib.latoiv e- evakes an intenesting stony. . expenîmental h a t eche r y ta tunesque sceneny and intenest- and fie rail cal answered. you a complet. property' H. M.Wlo' clru i- Aiter flic war, Lemnuel Wil- mare elabonate iacilithes pro- ing sigiits; witb the little Gary told us what ta look sunccekp.Clii im tory links Clarkçe Township motb et U ew BunEick ilding athe n bautin aiwon-an five lbs. havien and fan in a cdais aimeat typle isrnecekp aiu rs, with the eanly days af the wit te Unied mpe a buligo tebn iyaur correspondent five Ibi.hniwih ejde n eNew England Colonies, the Loait.Ain i ecn imtji ea Ilghten, it'i not bard to sec gave remuons an. The officiai rs.ArercanReoltioar Wrdents have been two Lieuten- homne. w it a the heartier away placing and reasons were giv- R. Aenarinvlto nad mir ant aienoso New Bruns- The goverinent realizing frain homne. Saine ai the more en by Gary. nk Layalisti in New Brunswick, wNBk 1ie membenu ai the the benefits ai this praject interesthng or eye-appeaîsng ' !s, and the sunveying ai much ai N.. Legislature, an M.P. ana meant stackîng streami witb higblights ai aur trip were The lait -wonksheet wau V. ntaia Reors cncenlg ~:Nenatw ebn iamon, decided ta undertake the bills ai Vermont, the Lake taken up and the preparatian S U I V. fnie . ecstl c hHacery gthveNe Brunswick Execu- the wark ofiicially. Samuel Champlain af ,Haeela the hindi for fthe fair was s, autline the fascinmting de- aio e i fi rivy Caunci Wilniat was appainted bead Cape in N.B. wih its tower- discusied, closing the meet- s-talsa te utuefn Canada, also mn N.B. At- aifie Newcastle Fish Hatcb- ing rock flawer pots, the Re- ing.. Gary was thanked by ;h, pagation ai fish canied en -eea anda Provin- ery. This fish culture apera- vensing Falls ai St. John, the Elizabeth Kellogg. We thank J id thene 100 years ago. chai Secretary. >thon aven fie next 50 years Magnetic Hill ai Manctan, the Mn., Jeiiney ior the nice Is, Benjamin Wilmot was h The father offlice min ta was ta praduce 155,000,000 longest covered bridge in the lunch. GENERAL INSURANC3 i finît ai bis ianiîly ln Nrt be hanored by the plaque hn fhsb ai variaus species. wonid (1,282 t. long) in N.B.; On bebali ai the club, I Anuerica. He was born n September wîs Samiuel Street flespite thls succesi, sel- the iovely P. E. Island witb would like ta thank Gary Jef- ~Kint St. IL Dowuaovile $5 Wilmat and h. came ta Up er min stanted fa decrease in ifs ned sandy soil, the "Anne fney and Ron Brooks for- be- OffIce mesI<ee id D . W Canada. 4&,17Q .pxde~ada Us, 1879, and by the lâte 1880's of Green Gables" bouse, hing uuch gaod leaders. Much h BIOZI lrsc ory homenearRl~mnibd disappeared entinely frain swlmming In fthc Atlantic fume was spent and we are 6853 Hebecame 'asurvcyanfo streami in ths province as Ocean n thc sandy beach etf very grateful ta then. ; A CC oun I anc y gth e rn Atet he f ic u- bek oif te c rof1812 he 1. RAY J. DILLING volunteered for service and B. Chartered Accountant won hls rank- ai Major an fihe 93 Churcli Street field. He served In the Baffle id 623-3861 af York. The township ai Wil- '....... le mot in Waterloo County was WM. Y. H. COGOINS d C hartere cc u ta t n i mned mter h i ~ m t o g t. _____etySt *IM ayan B oys 81 M. i Itbogh Phonel 623-3612 400 acres in Clarke Tawnship, WILIA ~ HLL Durham County, anti event- WILIMCm. HLL uliy cquired 1,700 acres ly s ~. hmterd countan mare, whîch inaddition ta . 3i C n t E ., cOsbtawa fie original 400 acre purchse - Telphon 7256539 were ail in anc block. Samuel DÎJROW, SLETwastheyaungeît ai Samuel BTJROWS SELY &CO-Street Wilmot'g four sons. HIe Chartered Accauntants was educafed et Upper Can- RS AND RD f, 323 King Street West ada College, and'iii 1850 be- '** 1ST1EISETE 1. Oshawa, Ontaria came Clarke Townsbip Clerk. K 'a"". YICERT1 3* 725-6451 - 728-7554 He married Miss Helen Cianke, William A. D. Selby, C.A sister ai Judge Clarke, in G. Edmnd Burows, CA. 1852. Liter Samuel Wilniot . ".. .... Cwaî eiected Wmnden aifite .. HICKENS Chiropractic Uitedd aun iesofNathuin -1.Avrg G. EDWIN MANN, DC. He was a pioncer ln flic *Chiropractor science ai fisb culture, and Office: was rýcagnized as an authoni- -' - D nt riawrdd gidmealQ+co ,.,wO kî1Ur5;streanis flowed-flinao-ugl lits 9 a.m. fo 6p.m. property. - Sidan. ta 4 pan. rsay B S E M am. an. fl hrdy Mn. Wilniot had been -a keen C Closed Sturday- and Sunday stUdent of natural hstorur for LL Phone 6 3-7 62 soine yea. RHald also been> extremelY lnterested iview- ng flic pectacular samin 8 In nsuran ce runs which ascended Wilmot IGABrookfield 1-lb. &Clu. D O N A D AX M a OIR G IR C re ek a ch a u tu m n L d . . . , o n ifs d e a n, c u rre nt1w ab .e d I l Li _ _ _ __teW , A uto, om *en tàCv a n. rre t w eda n 3 i u osPure Prk E4 9 an mines Strawbes'yy Easberry 5 A G pb»w u * s similar toe weil known Wt u.P-1 y Atlantic salmon, but from wf rmu examinationaiof the acales a AoASf7 Mortg agoes the few macunted pecie GJ M 7 Phone 983-5115 Palsi belie#e flat tie al. »mI eeal Ol6c SOF I NKSBL OGNA 49< ' plu morme on bad spenthfefr egti vg'Roue s fli regin ci ui 6 c F D RIN KSS A E R E 5 Ontario samnien wcnc one C-miua Opomî~Ytobe advMy ece!ab? %mm U-U. zx th Imie wbJe c M rim S 113M BO menin ttl eme f Intic 1th M cen - M Xti 110w . *B tient tiry. Sam uel WIug et D tci 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ I th.t a. H.apidlt eoucfi G FOODL1NER *Thwriday lo maiewhat bus w.i. ~~b @cWtW,4mMeedh 36, en, in. en by kt- na ýT. On Je De. k F 9 bom lAke Ontmio.lo MAR»ftPW, à%# rrw.riAMIMLIO!lk 14

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