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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1967, p. 9

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àRecreatto0n (Pev[ews uallac.e sgltlomtt gams je la under the sper- on and Tap Dan"e regl isioncfMn. Harold Bennett. iraions WiI be held on Wed- Touch Football League 7 'a, et lt ro t Applications for Touch Foot. r1 P.r.u the r Lions Centre,' bail may now b. obtained ut "~Eee eAenuBwa- the Recreution Office, 28 ne hefei. 75c pen les- Bcech Avenue. This activity lTl rc»th Bowling League 1i8 for boys 1l te 15 years of .The reç#istration date for!age us of August Ist, 1967. this year s Youth Bowlingl Girls' Softbafl League will be held on Satur- 1»I a Pee Wee game played day, Septemben 9th ut Lib- ut Central School on Tuesday, erty Bowl et 1 p.m. for ail Aug. 29th, Rotany and Gibbs groupa. The fee ia $1.00 per defeated Mutton'. by a 17 ta season. The age groupe are 13 count. as follows: Bantan,, 8 yrs. and, The game played et Vincent under 12 yrs. of uge by Sept. Massy-Slught & Cook de. Tt. Juniors, 12 yrs. and under feated Robson Motons by a 28 15 Yrs. of age by Sep tt ta 25 score. Home run hitters Seniors are 15 yrs. and under for Slaght and Cook were 2yns. of uge by Sept. lst et Debbie Bramell two, joye this cunnent year. 1ROS two, Joan Perfect twe, Timnes when the league wiîî Bonnie Rendell one, Janet bowl: Bantama uet 10:45 a.m.; Draper one, Vicky Tenry two, 2 gamneg, 30e per game. Juniors Bannie Woodward one, Julie nt 12:30 p.mn., 3 games, 30c per Luxton one. -gamne. Seniors at 2:30 p.m., 3 Homne run hitters for Rob- gamnes, 30C per game. Son were Cannie Pearson twe, __Thene Will be FREE bowling Kuren Connelly one, Linda f'îu-jn neffistration day. The re-lTaylor one, Rose Mary Tice 1,,:,Ilar schedule will stant on Sat-1 one, Cherry Vanstone one, .u!rdaY, Sept. l6th. This pro- Julie Pearson one, Jayne Manshal two. t'TT7lTI9myWTTT -i In a Bantum girls gae ELLILAETHVILLEL Team One eatdT mTw (Intndedfor ast eek) by a 12 to 9 score. I Inenedfo litwek) Homne nun bitter, wene1 Mn. and Mrs. C. Beatty had, Nancy Hooper one, Dehbie eawith Mn. and Mns. Gardon1 Mutton one, Nancy Goodman ]Ruth, Ida, recently., twa, Kathy Milner one, Jay Mn. and Mns. J. Peacock and Wright one, Fran Henning -the twins returned to their one, Penny Westlake ane and 1 home at Kapuskasing about a Carol Livingstone twa, fon week ago. The oIder boys are Teamn One. at camnpfor aholidayand lateri For Teum Two it was Heath- 1Mrs. M. Walker and Miss M.' er Wright one, Patti Lyle one, Powell will take themn home. Lynn Stacey one, Sheila Fos- Mn. and Mn.. C. Mercen and' ket one, Susie Marshalone. .Philip are ut Expo. In the Pee Wee girls' game Mi'. and Mn.. R. Crombie, played on Thursday, August .IBowmanville; Mn. and Mns. W. 31, Rotary and Gibbs defeated ~Terbenche and family, Port Mutton's by a 26 to 11 score. Hlope, spent the weekend at, The girls' home nun bitter. for Mercere Wethusr 1n Rotary and Gibbs were Kim Mr.R ethue n Burgess one and Wendy Mn.. J. Dekoker spent Thurs-1 Mountjoy two. For the Mut- I 'day with Mn. and Mns..IH. tonii. crew it was Marg Spry ~ta Brantford. 'with twa home runs. We Are Stili Holding The Line.. Since 1951 prices of aimait everythlnt have risen greatly, but the annual foc for membershlp In the ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE - Peterborough Club han remalned ai only 015-00 per rear. t. 'I À 'I 't *1 j t t If i 'f 'I t.l t. 4 -t t. f - f. t.: il t ~ J I ~ it t 1. t ~i j f l~l I~1 AND thé benefits te members have actually lncreased. Wben ion are interested lu Jolanu a mater club, ho sure te learn about ALL of the features of member- shlp. More Information eu be obtaineil from the office. ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE 328 Water St., Peterborough, Ont. -Peterborough Club Phones - 745-4146 745-4192 I ~.~~f1ZdSYNDICATS MI annowmces 1Me appobttment 01 GORDON CHANT Hampton, Ontario au a iepresentatlve la Bowmanvill. and Darlington Ares PHONES: Hampton 263-2258 Oshawa 725-1513 MNMSORS MUTUAL 0F CANADA LTD. 11NVESTORS GROWTH PUNI) 0P CANADA LTD. INVESTORS INTERNATIONAL MUTUAL PUNI) LTD. Coming to.. Alexandra Park, Oshuawa SUNDAY, SEPT. 10 ____ ____2:15 p.m. V&. OSHAWA -ALLUSTARS 1:30 p.rn - CKLB %Ioda vs. Oshuawa Timtes ADMMSON M4v«o ak 5. 1 DyIGant. *1.2 Photos Taken ai Cartwright'- Annual ,Fail Fair Mrs.. Iarold McLaughlin, Ieft, winner of the shirt-ironing cotent ami Mis. Hooceveen. ITop 4-H Bee Showmen, lef i te right, Cary CornISb, T«"r Malcolm Mmd Brîum W1lm Mr. and Mrs, Day, Kyte team up on, their tandem bicycle i the big parade Mr. and Mrs. Roland Stiles flot ou.iy entered the Fai r parade, but ouier had Won firut Prize ut Jan.tviii,'u Centeuànial celebration. Photos by Ken Wilson LA CK STuO K. Mountjoy, Gr. 2; Ms M. McGiJl, Gr., 3 and 4; Mm'. B L..,..C K SO C.K . Turner, Gr. 3, Mrs. J. Ven- nlng, or'. 4; s.D Dorreli, ?eachas **ud pupilu are ailMr. Erie Fletcher, Mr. Ronald chers. Gr. 5; Mrs. R Corden, Gr. 5; getting rounded up for uchool Rozborough, Mrs. Catherine For Càrtwright Centrali Mr. Grant Campbell. Gr'. 6 opening on Tuesday. Foflow- Eojkowsky, Mr#. M ar i on Schaol: Mr. E. Cburch, Pi. aii4 7 Rotary Literature; Mr. ine are the teachers for HIgh 3ehnuton, Mrs. Yvonne Cbi'U- elpal; Mm, B. Gunti, Kindeî- E. Churcb, Or. 6 Rotary Sci- Ëchool: Mr,. Gordon PleY, tie, Mrs. Joyce Taylor. The garten; Mrs. D.XIyte, Grade 1: eneel Mis. D. Green, Princi- Pif acipai. Mi. Rq Mbtoul hun ai.Port Urne n- Mm 0. Mtdhiel Gr# 1 sud8;»ul'upart Us. supply. Mm . I I Thnison, Gi.7; Mr'. E. Chal-j The Canadian Statesma, Rwmanvife, Sept. 8, 1987 SJ'".8; Mn.. F. Wonnocott. Lieuenan mdMrs... Samells and Mr. and Mn.. ay, Monday, of their cousin, -Llutnan ad Ms.J.Wihj Russel Molnjo spent a few Mr'. Arnold Hickson. diams of Mid West Militaryý days last week ln Northern A great many relatives and Academny, Wheaton, MI., wercOt.ro friends called at ArMtstrolg weekend guesta of.. Mr. and' MOntario. nn Mrs. Gordon Paisley and'.nMs. Joyce Goodbrand adFnrai Home on May Pr Cralg.Mns Elsie Scythe, Toronto, attended the funeral 'tgesdy Mr.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IM and Mrs elBl r n r. Tom Galllgher, of Miss Effa Wright, ýa fdr&w Mr. and n. Neil BaieyB<manvWfe, vlalted Mr. andÉ mer Cartwright resident. and Howard and Mr. and M rs ilFrerdr h ROY Corden are holid Mîn . w ifeodeeukn h with the ROY Turners at Coeý A E Hill,.JMr. and Mrs. Murray Byeri. ALE We elcme r. nd rs.Jlm and Janice were Sundayj (Intended for la8t week) W.Fetwceme Mi.haed Mrs. guests of Mr'. and Mns. Cliff1 Mr. and Mrs. Fareel E.t FltrGwho anhav me. Sedgwick and family, Nor- Blackburn, Mr. and Mn. Gers anMr . tahe njiland tahme.Wood. aid Shackleton and Mr; -Brio n. Fletchoo er i e tach n . adM.,tpenNa Shackleton were gus at tthe Fltn e H igh Scooler entMa. and four sons, Downsview, Blackburn - Falls weddlng « Flcher n aner Cntalspnt Sunday wlth Mr. and! Mr. and Mn.. Sam Butter? Mstho. EatLakadfr Mrs. Wilbert Archer.1 attended the Chard - Lan. Mn..Bare, ar eavs and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Hector Short- Icaster wedding in Bowman. iI.y Barie arevistin he1 ridge and Bill visited Mrs. L. 1 ville and the reception at New* parents, Mn. and Mns. Wal- Fitze in Midland Hospital on tonville Church Hall, lace Marlow, and other relu- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shack'le. tives, while Mr. Leask ituk-ý Miss -Aileen Van Camp andtan, David mnd Bob and Mn. ing a Summer Drivers Courseý two girl friends from Oshawa and Mn. Bruce Stainton spent ini Toronto.i left Monday for a mnonth's1 the weekend in the Kingston Miss Lynda Kyte hasi holiday in the British Isles.-I area and enjoyed the Thous. been home on holidays and! 5eve~ral from this are& ofiand Islands bout cruise. wil.l be returnng to GueiphE Beacock relatives called ati Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh next week. the Mackie Funerul Home on and Mr. and Mrs. Farewel Robert and Bill Van Camp, Sunday or attended the fun- Blackburn spent Sunday with Port Penny, were weekend eral of Mr. Morley Greaves, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pingle ut guests of their grandparents, Lindsay, on Monday.1 thei otage at Stoney Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Mr. and Mn.. Austin Bea- Mr.and Mrs. Sam Butteny Camp. *'icock, Mn.. Vera Moffatt, Mr. 1 ttended a family gathening Mr. and Mrs. John Kewen, and Mrs. Arthur Hylandut-lat Mn. and Mns. Charles Tommy and Elizabeth, Bea-itended the funeral in Lind- Wclsh's cottage consville, Quebec, une visiting Mr. Everett Trewin. Attendance is pickin gup et chunch services as ho1iay are nearing an end. The Unit-, ed service in the Communityl Hall was conducted by Mr. Royal Moulton of Toronto, a, Representative of the On- tario Temperance Fedieration, 'who gave a fine address. In St. John's Church, Rv R. C. Rose delivered anex cellent sermon on Nicodemus. M E Mrs. Larry Smith (nee Dono-1 thy Fish) who were marniedi . Star of! cTlVg in St. John's Church on Sat- urday. v-.Hl Mn. and Mns. Royal Whit- field, St. -Catharines, spent last week with Mn. and Mrs. Harry DeGeer and Roy ana! visiting other friends. Mr. Weir Swain and Mrs. Margaret Carley, Toronto. spent the weekend with lhe Harold Swains and called on the other members of the 7v Swains.<W 7.V iffiIj Miss Hyacinthe Booth, Tor-1 /Mol àa. onto, was weekend guest ofi *Jngy Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Mr.G. V. A. Scott niovedi Bill 51131F ta Belleville Wednesday 1 >EPc0ri Mn. and Mrs. Keith John-1 obM gtTn. U ston and girls, Belleville, and ~A/ID O r#iEps Mns. Fenga Avery, Tilbury, l ii TICKETS ON SALE spent the weekend at the JURY & LOVELL home of Mrs. J. A. Johnston, 500 1'- TRAVEL AGENCY packing her beongings whilel BfWMANV1J4LE Mrs. Johnston was still inj hospîtal. Oshawa Civic Auditorium Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Curtis,i Rob and David, Richmond! Thorntons Rd. South Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Barr, Ticket Prices: ADULTS $2.50, $2.00 and Beverley, Bowmanvîlle,1 HLRE 1O visited the Gordon Stnongs on HLRE 10 Sunday. L ET ZSRE Mr. and_M.__KennethiALSASRSRE N.H.L HOCKEY STAR #........ antE(sl% .: .. ORONO FAIR FRIDAY & SATUR DAY SEPTEMBER Sth & 9tlh Here is your chance to meet one of the great Hockey Stars of the N.H.L' . .. play the exciting Esso Hockey Game. . -. bromse throuéh the colourful hockey exhibt ... and find out what's new and better in MODERN HOME HEATING EQUIPMENT. Ail this is yours to enjoy when the big Esso Hockey Caravan cornes to toyyn. Be sure you attend and enter your name in the big Esso Hockey Trip Contest. It's the big event of the season . DONT MISS ITI PRESENTED BY VOUR ESSO HOME HEAT TEAM A. H. STURIROCK & SONS Ltd. BOWMANVILILE1 HARVEY PARTNIR Ltde ORONO0 j, ImEIL i your choice! details at the Esso Hockey Caravan

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