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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1967, p. 11

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30 Nova Scotia Dairy Men Spend Last Thursday mornin farmer visitors from Nova Ontario. The program was ~4*. .. - . Agriculture and Marketing . .. .. . .. of Agriculture and Food, a a large number of applicantý of Harry Jose and son Frai Horticulture _________________Flower Shov their camp grounds. They R c iv k Library Spon sors were to travel back and forthReev h to the village. However, black NectlOn Wdsay clouds hovered over the bus, AugustleOth tedNecatle and coming through Toronto Hortiutural Sohety e 1 d Canadian Artisîs it broke down. The 0money tua Scet bu abring the Scouts and Opening the meeting, the P a ntng E x ib tail their equipment into Wal- President, Mrs. R. B. ikr P aint ng Ex ibittona Park wbere they stili expressed her pleasure at see- needd taset up a camp site ing that there was such a good Newcastle-As its Centen- hours: Sept. 13-7-9; 14-3-5,, while planning what next to gathering - in spite of it being niai Project the Newcastle Me- 17-9; 15-3-.5, 7-9, 18-7-9; 19- do. Their funds were run- a rainy night. rmoria% Library is sponsoring 3-5, 7-9; 20-3-5, 7-9. ning out, and they were Mrs. Rickard mentioned the an r.'Pxhibit of the Works The pictures are the prop-! strangers in another country, District Horticuitural meeting of Canadian Painters, known erty of the Ontario Historical but they were flot stranded or at Lakefjeld on Sept. 23rd and as the Group of Seven. Society. let go hungry. With our own askeci if any of our members The exhibit wiil be in the The public is cordiaily in th- obad epl vel could attend,as Newcastle bas Centennial Room of the Coin-1 vited. Threwitbeflheadyb and gpdt eo lp, ter not been represented for saime munty allat he ollwin 'carg. Terewil beno'eiay ad gad a hlpthetime. Transportation would munity all atthe olowing harge.lads were soon set up with lots b rvdd of food. Getting themn back ta epovdd the States wasn't too big a Mrs. Rickard then called for Jproblemi either with offers of a vote of thanks to Mrs. i lew casttle back. Leaving the village the fiower-bed sign - which early Monday morning, Scout- many of you will have noticed m aster and Mrs. Robert Shear- -and made a fine job. L/~ ersea took one load of boys, As- The President then intro- C>O(-Cl(l a nd -(ý,s fa itn cums Ronald duced our guest speaker, Mr. ýowry and Scout Ron Lowry Lescard of Cobourg, who was Jr. took a second load, with in fact the judge at our show. Newcastle-The Chuckwag- ones who took it sbould she'Ed Nesbitt and Scout Kenny Mr. Lescard is President of the enHoedown was as great a! catch them, they're just apt to Nesbitt taking a third ioad. Cobourg Horticultural Society, ouccess this time as it was the1 wear it around their necks villag efre soon leaving the M.Rnei n While there weren't when she gets finisbed. ivlag o the Peace Bridgean was accompanied by their nearly as many people in at- Congratulations to whrecas e them aki to h tae.Proretsa iraM.Spy tendance as previously witb Bertha Thomas who will cMrs. thevm on bak intotea iteMr.jecairmaon Mr. Spry.h 9o many out of town for the1 brate lier 95th birtbday on cee:T be maypndi hav eng adti had brougbt the other two ong weekend, it was a swing-' urday. disppintdlneavignadalon for protec- In' time. Both round and 1* t f tn rp runined, but gtlmn.n square dancing were much At approximately 3:30 p.m. ail1 that was forgotten in' the enjoyed, along with the tai-' on the holiday, Monday, Coun- friendly way their problem It's not often, I am sure, that cntandenertinen . trag-cillor Doreen Nesbitt received was soon shared by residents a Horticulturai Society gets ers ading trough t.San e- a telephone cail from residents of the village, and tbey were to meet the judge so soon after ing the fun joined in as well. i In the village informing ber appreciative of the way every- a show, and we really were One as pino playr ad atruck that had drivenion e offered to help. fortunate in having him come her husband a fiddler. We ltod o the village hauling a Our friends and neighbours while our personal queries re- can' gie yo th naiesth lad f field corn. This corn rg h wad peU, can' gie yu te nmes thy iwas falling off in al direc- in ospitai this week E .adn.teawrsw~.zi -just jie in and got into' r. wnBacadL. fresh to mmnd. joined ~ ~ ýtions, leaving qulte a trail ClMrs. MnnierCutir, JohnMrLsadirie u tune. . fromi the 401 Highway along Doea r.Mni ulr oh r ecr rie u Things go in threes and for 1 Miii Street and oflto King Daos Emerson Fisher, Master show, but also, rather cour~- Donna Carveth, ber first was Street. Councilior Nesbitt Rbbie Green and Mrs. Mar- ageously 1 feel, offered con- the great time enjoyed Satur- took ber car and gave chase garet Smith. Keith Aiken just structive criticism, and put day night at the Hoedown. As after the truck, owned by Ed. returned home from hospital forth a few ideas in whicb she said, this is what the Steinfield, Osbawa, and de- Tuesday morning. we could imprave our show. people asked for and this is manded some quick action The new telephone books The generai remarks were that what we gave tbem, a real from the driver ta get the mess have been printed and sent the entries were too close ta good time. Tbe second was cleaned up. The driver assur- out. This was a most valuable be.ieedpraperly, either by the fact that ber stock car, cd Counillor Nesbitt that it item receîved in this bouse- a judge or the public. Mr. number 29, with Donna driv- wouid be cleaned up right bold. Telephone books around Lescard is him self a florist, *ing, took first place in thie away as hie, the driver, had here couldn't possibly îast and we couid be sure-we were *p9wder puff race. Her part- already called back to bis boss longer than a ycar. Witb the hearing the facts fram a real ner In the car, Don Holmes, and reported wbat had hap- front cover gone off bath old professional when he went came in witb two seconds and pened. There was stiIl con- books, and now misplaced, over the classes - giving his athird. . Here the good lack siderable corn lying through soeo u otip rtn easons for the various plac- ends. On Monday evening, out Miii Street when the numbers bave gone with them. ings. just 10 minutes after the Councillar made ber check to- It was easier at the time ta Some of the points were as Chuckwagon Restaurant was day. write tbe number on the cov- foilows: cLàsedt up, Donna was stili Severai American Scouts, er than ta look it up eacb time. S there and sa was ber newly- travelling with their Scout- With the inner pages tatter- maie baskets of fiowers bad p!urchqspJ convertible. Just master and bis wife in a bus ed and torn the numbers are been packed tao full, and the as sueq4x iy it was gone. and filied with ail the camping either unreadable or tomn rigbt ideal way was ta arrange the! r'ý lipe bs seen it since. Donna equipment meant for a bail- out. Considerable time and flowers ta make every flower, bas had the car barely two day, entered Canada witb effort go into making these stand out, \es It is white with red plans of visiting tbe C.N.E. and books, and the people doing Roses were quite good, but Shostery and was something, Upper Canada Village. Pick- sa take care and soake as few saime were too far open, and Sse waX, retty proud of. Now îng out a central camping spot mistakes as possible. How- some of the foliage was flot1 it's gone, and woe betide the they chose Waltona Park for'ever, sometimes mistakes are good, In a nosegay, flowers that' smeil strangly and ratber of- fensively, like marigolds and zinaIol ntb nld IC innasbddn. einld à mq u u FERTILIZER AERO BRAND is the. time to top-dress hay and pasture fielis for next year, plow down most of next spring's fertilizer this faili, 5 that y@u - plant sarlier next spring - lesser the spring work load Spreaders, materials ar more readily avallable now SAVE protein dollars 1 Fortify your silage with CALREA FOR BEEF CATTLE SJILREA FOR DAIRY CATTLE ~.These high urea supplemnents have been proven to sève ceeders many dollars. (EREDALEFERTILIZERS Ltd. NEWCASTLE, ONT. 623-7150 With Petunias there is the bazard of buds coming inta bloom in a warm bail. If the ciass calis for so many blooms, a fIresbiy opened bud would dqualify the entry. This problem could be avercome by asking for so many "stems'y instead of "blooms". The same idea couid be em- ployed witb dwarf marigolds. Snapdragons sbould bave no, dead pods on. Dining-room arrangements were very goad, the odd anc was a littie bigb. For a din- ing-tabie an arrangement sbould be no hlgher th.an 8 to q inches and again, mari- golds and zinnias are out. Zinnias were very good, but some had bad petals under- neatb. Witb corsages- again no unavoidable as in the case this year when several are com- piaining that their number Is not in the book. Councillor Doreen Nesbitt was quite up- set that ber number wasn't prlnted, and wisbes ta assure the public that sbe daes not have an unlisted number. It's the smre as in tbe aid book, so why flot now capy It into the new book for future use. DURHAM 4-H POULTRY CLUB ACHIEVEMENT DAY The Durham 4-H- Poultry Club beld its achievement Day an August 26th at Blackstock Pair. The members had their birds at the faiu for 9:30 and the judging at 10:00. Mr. Dalrymple and Gary Jeffrey judged the birds. The first thie In the clama were: Ist, Dianne Darcb; 2nd, Bilan Met- caif; 3rd, Wes Larie. The club bad 100% com. pletion to b. Pz'oud-.L CNADA GRADE 'A" EVISc'EIMED, FROZEN CHICKE NS 3 TO 4-LB SAVERAGE CHOCE FROZEN %>29î ibis Wuïks F" ros Fi & VêptubluV"le Bradford Marah. Washod àweet end Tendr - No. 1 Cr&d@ bq '19c NONER PROEO HiGNEMR AT A&p British Columbia New Oro* Fch of Piavour, Paney Gradeo, Si. 115'. BARTLETT PEARS NONIE PRIoeD HURIR AT A&P lli ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l eaainSaen omnllSp.~10 Meaty $ide Pork SPARERIIBS .59< Imported Fromen New Zoaland "AB LEGS 11»49,e Super-Right Quality,, Sliced, Skinles IBEEF LIVER "b49e Schnoiderla Pure Pork "Counltry StyI~ SAUSAGE yle69i shopsy's V«.Pa, Il 5,1 0 5 WIENERS .9 Mapie Leaf Pure beef BOLOGNA - 391e Our Own Aligood billed Rindlem 2- PKO SI.«S SIDE B.ACON 1i»,*77<e A%&P Brand Urended Ree.lPl" leks No -B"VI 1ne (W9 PORTIOS R. i&« 16op49C LAKE PERCN Filets 12-o Polbng53c 9-M laas lu lsad guirulusi m~, .m hic. 1007 School Opens- With Over 300 On First Day -. - Newcastle - On Tueaday . . . . . .moln1nas n s alllove, the doors were opened for an- other season of teaching and_ ý learning. Aniong the vertý Young children, attendlng - siho for the ffrit tinie, thers, werc nme who were over1y- excited and most anxlous toý get rh down to business or ot els, they stili were' too sure that theY did or dld not like Uic Idea of leaving' il X ýi 1 l am. And what about Mm?-, 'There was more than one wlth, a visible tear as she saw the" S first of her family off to g, Durhamn county welcole 30 dairy culture Representative for Durham A. O Dairyl and C. A. achotal forIt a anevsenghd iScotia who were on a six-day tour of Douglas, Director of the Livestock Branch of the Nova Scotia Dept. last of their family off to ;sponsored by the Nova Scotia Dept.,of Francis Jose, is shown with bis father, at lef t, explaining their sebool. But it's dont now and nin Ca operation, with the Ontario Dept. aperation to the group. Later, after Mrs. Harry Jose and Mrs. Fran- probably tomorrow's trip won'l and the vîsitors had been selected from cis Jase had provîded lunch, they moved on ta tour Roy McHolm's De ,,riy as difficuit. tIn Durham, they f îrst visited the farm farm, R.R. 1 Port Hope. The graup left for home by plane from There ta welcome the par.- - __________________________________________________ents and children, Principal nis at Newcastle, accompanied by Agri-1 Ottawa on Friday. Ronald Munro couid b. meen- 1 1 directing tbem ta their cor- say a few words on Cabourg's J usual manner. This year Mn. rect rooms. There were wll il Soc iety Hr. itiijoietM. Rc-Need e chers FanisJase takpes ve s av:r 300 attending scbool he. Hr.cuitl oiety. aieada coo uerned-frt onng ih lse ardinthnkngau gests for Ch. t nt and be too urges a large doubling up. Lecr iha gift of a box ofFo Scbool teachers wbo bave Teachens this year are MMs chocalates. t I taugbt for several years bave H. M. Munro, Grade 1: Miss C. i rz sAfter the speaker ieft, Mirs. *Sud y S h resigned. Wbile a great bass Watson, Grades 1 and 2, Mn,. Rickard anounced that the ta the Sunday Schooi, how- H ebtGade 2 rs.C flowers that smeii unpîeasant, next meeting an Oct. 3rd, ever, Rev. Smith feels that Barrabaîl, Grade 3; Mrs. C: and they sbouid not be too would b. an open meeting. 1 ecsl:.New bi obligation bas beenConwitGae4M. flimsy. . Next camne the moment we 'United Church Sunday School mare than fulfilled, but b.e T. Martin, Grade 5; Mrs. H. Mr. Lescard briefiy tauched had ail been waiting for__ will begin classes again this lbas bad the task of finding Chapnian, Grades 5 and 6; on vegetabies by mentioning the prize-giving, made pos Sunday maorning at ten a.m. replacements. Somne new tea- Mn. Robert Brown, Grades B- that the roots and skin sbould ible by the generasity of many The new minister, Rev. T. H. chers bave been found but and 7, Mn. Lyle McMahonî. be ieft on onions. people tram Newcastle and Smith extends a cordial wel- there is stili a need for Grades 7 and 8, and Mr. Ron- In heJuio Cas te 1 the neighbouring district, came toalal memnbers of the others If you would like t alad Munro, Grade 8. In he unir las th wed1 Am ang the winners there Sunday Scbool to return, and take a' turn, yau will be more Miss Watson, Mn. Chapman collections were mastly ton were anc or twa new names, invites any and ail new mcm- than weicome. Contact cither and Mr. Brown are now o high, and any over 12 inches wbich is always gratifying bers ta came out. Rev. Smith or Mr. Jase today the Newcastle teaching staff were disqualified. and bears out the aid saying The first Sunday will be At the eleven a.m. service and we welcome them ana Mrs. Rickard then invited about if at first not succeed- an open meeting after wbich this Sunday, a Baptismal Scr- trust thcy wlll enjoy teach- Mr. Rundeil and Mr. Spry ta ing. and ail that. classes wiil resume in the- vice will be held. ing ber. S9iut 9a4tke. WHITE BREAD ISN'T THE BESI SELLING BREAD IN CANADA Know why' Because it's flot for. sale ini most stores. Only A&P. - Aiekso its c*-Iebest.selling bread in-Canada. But vie seil hundreds of thousands of loaves each week in just over 200 stores. That will give you an idea of how popu- lar Jane Parker White Bread is. Why? Weil... lt's the onie that's dated on the wrapper 30 you can see it's fresh. lt's the one with quality that equals or surpasses the others you might buy. lt's the one with the fiavour so good it's guaranteeci to please your family - unconditionally guaranteed. lt's the one that, chances are, costs a lot less. And remember, it's the one that's sold only at A&P. When you think about it, shouldn't A&P be your store? -'.1 Jan*Paker - Reg. PreemlS «40.- MW "a Jane Parke.r Spanish Reg. PWriem ah 390 - SAVE Us BAR CAKES 34f 9C With Park i Tomato Sauce Reg. fflo2 *m 5 - "W100 ANN PAGE BEANS 32S4«d79< Choie Quality PEATURE PRICUn A&P PEAS >4d99 A&P Choices QuaIity pouma DESSERT PEARS 4»4«-"'99c Chef Boy-Ar-De. Rq> Puies ti. 3ne - *AVE 140 SPAGHETTI <w"thMem Bas) 3 sc"89c Chef Boy-Ar-De. Re&i. P ie 3.- SAVE lie BEEFARONI 43 15«"89c HenIey Choie Qualit, FIATURE PftbC FRUIT COCKTAIL 414-0« du99e White or Coiour.d Paper Reg. pPrio P4 ne - lAVE s White Swan ToweIs k.c 249c Humpty Dumpty iRam.Priftes »0S-BAVE Os POTATO CHIPS 2-ozpk 63c Powdored Reg. Prie, box $1.w0 - BAVE 100 SAIL Detorgemut s"knu bx1 .09 1'oq- Six Days Touring Ontario Farms -f 1- i Il i I j i NOW PLAN NEW "PONY TAIL"' EASY CLOSE POLY WRAP JANE PARKER DAILY DATED SLICED WHITE REG. PRICE loof 25c- SAVE 10e BREAD 324OZ65 LOA VES VA PAC FOR ROASTINC lb OR BROIING CHICKEN WINGS -w74711 The Cautdim etatemun, nowmuvgl% s"t 4, loff i l', 1 ý

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