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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1967, p. 13

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~..*... ..j*...........- e.-~ o ýend wth Tommy Elliott, Tor- The Canadlan State aBomnflep.819? 3 I I WÂU~~ Mr. and Mr@. H. Van Dorp vrosgie eea olw:t h aaeetm hm uni rydaughters attended the aceos: aes 1-6-Gilwheelenlnth lne ~~~@ve ~~~~~~~ F~]ortiataro-Vinr.ent-Innies wed'RaSusa Nesn oPtr ehp1htitwl . ~~~ding at Hlamilton on Saturday. Hp,6--Boy, Ei el;sbet aeti nana k cf Memorîa Memori~ ~ An Sunday a family re- Hoe9rne;eet ~ T ans n SIn~e cn ~no pu elV isit A ec uio wsheld at the home b Frank McCarth.Snl IWOUId like ta thank every. BARRE'T-In loving memory NICHOLS-In memory oi Jack PURDY-In loving memory, Mn,. Florence Glanville will of Mr. and Mns. H. Van Dorp girs-Janne Mun:e~;snl  L oefor the carda, flowers and of a dear father and grand. Nichais who passed away of a dear huseband and lather, b. et home to ber relatives Many people are looklng when approximately 30 et- boys-Pat Harniesa. ON ili I Meceived while ini hoa. father, William, who passed September 5th, 1958. Charle Bertram, who paased and frienda et 95 Elgin Stret, forward ta the coming visit to tended. Chlldren'e shankc:By, M.Fe G mt a 1 and smce comng home. away September Oth, 1965. Thase whom we love go out away September 12,.1965. Bowmanville,' Sunday, Sep- this area «, the Bishop of Mr. and Mrs. Eani Minto Frank McCarthy; gilà am uhdtoMmra optl >Margaret Stainton. Always in aur thoughts- aof ,ight, The depths af aarrow we tember l7th, 2-5 p.m. on the Coventry, the Rt. Rev. Cuth- and son, Owen Sound, and Baughen. 9 omnil nTedyee. 36-1 Gone but flot fargotten. But neyer out ofi mmd, cannat tell occasion ai hier 90th birthdav bert Bardsley. He, wili be in Mrs. C. A. Fornatara, Kà-it- Wî' pie --Sadly mxused by his daugh- Irbey are cherishcd in thel Of the loss af qne we laved 36:j the Anglican Diocese af Tan- chener, were guesta this wee hlrnspi aig il ig us 9h te eg, o-nla alad ers owlonto, begînning Friday, Sept. af Mr. and Mns. H. VaTr lie Punrboy-rnk c-m ia ieowltnh *f lfosian Dr. S r H.nus grandsons. 36-1 0f those they leave behind. And while he sîceps a peaceful Fred W. Trull, Orana, wauld lSth, afternoon in Oshawa at Mr. and Mn.. H. _______________________ îbi tafad the rd loatr -Lavingly rcmembered by sleep be pleased ta reccive his St. Gearge's Church, and even- Weston, apent the weekend Married girl rae-My .9safote3dForwiie and iamily. 36-1 His memory we shallalways friends, neighbaurs and rela- ing in Lindsay, and Saturday with Mrs. A. Wood. Clapdorp. whie ws aPaiet i M- ARRTTInlovngmeorykep.tives an Saturday, September 1Oth In Peterborough, St. Mrs. R. Scott spent a few Marnied man raceiege IMarar osiKtta . 3 of* wa dparsse wySpebrOTOS tnand, Wenniem -Lovingly nemembered by 16 from 7 ta 10 p.m., in Odd John's Church. day. with her sister, Mrs. W. Black. Marjrie ennet. 3-1e ho ps1965. y Sp-In mPRemOry a Dad ho diedhi. wife Minnie Estella and Fellaws Hall, Orona, an the The great .tarv of Coventry Macdonald, Bawmanville. Aut'wela 6th, 165. daughter ofMarjanieie and his accasian af hi.s th birthday. Cathedral i. weil known, but Mr. Dave El1isl Toronto, Siegfried and IngridBck waud iketaexpes Itlasadtawal te radSept. 11, 1965, and Mther three sans, Jack, Cilfiard and 36.1* the impact ai the Bishop Miss Maxine Wray, Oshawa, Adults' three-legge ae ..Ou sncere thanks ta all aur alane who died Sept. 10, 1966. Jim and their familles. 36-1* wherevcr he goca, is no less were Sunday visitons ai Mr.Alfans DeSmfedt adMr frienda and neiuhbaurs ira ml Instea d ai ide by side, The depths ai sorraw wc r and Mrs. W. C. Ives, 91 outstanding. He i. able ta con- and Mrs. A.Yga. AI- Clapdorp. Union and Enfie1d for th But to aIl there cames a cannot tell, R~.. Liberty St. Nwl epýs e the es f God's reality 1a Youngman spent the fe h u -",et crsed ta sbfrp oetO h os forprnsw I A dt receive their relatives in the world and In persanal weekend with his parents, ment, evenyane enjgydavr ..~ravig fr Bthay. Wen he aysai ue lvedsapela rMEMVORIALS and friends at Trinity United expenience in an impressive Mn. and Mrs. George Rahm iilig bfft yl salads,, Jack and Grace Douma 1 divide. And while they sleep Church Hall, Saturday, Sep- way. Stories aifansered pray- Greenbank, Miss Helen Rahm,cadctanKnukyfid h~ n hlrn 6l o avpiesme y ean i r peeful s eep gllnified ,nd Distinctive tember 16th, 2-4:30 and 7-9er and practical guidance in Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs hce wt ol _______happnea Ther m mary we hah Monriments - Flat Markers upon the occasion ai thein praying effectively are stnang Walter Rahm at Four M ile ahcndit h ais a d be d We would like ta hnoi Then came sorraw and tears, always keep. lu designa for any need 50th Wedding Annivcnsary. icatures In his addresses. Lake.an tsy picke ad Bu red n eaie h ut you leit me beautiful -Sadiy missed by daughter 152 Slmcoe St. S.. Oubaws Best wishes only. 36-1* U.C.W. September meeting cookies. our niens anoreltive whd san-in-law, Manjonie and "Q V r. ae ode e The itrns n pecita etne th supieparty I il teone tru h Dick Hakl.3. 723-1002 - 7862 will be held at the home af those in attendance hwn given ta us on the occasion yeans. ____ Auction S le l3th Mr. aes8 p.rn.,_ept.tMiss -ksan ai aur 25th Annivensany. The -Lavingîy nemembered. Sad- _Office_________________ .Al Akd 'l hesiss flany laveiy gif ts and cards ly missed by hi. wifc Winnie. PORTEOUS-In ioving me- - Way w on eenampWng tri arc sinceneîy appneciated. 36-1 mary ai My dear parents, Dad, Coflhlfg E e articles ta the Bowmanvlle KîkaveeM n r yone welcame.FIEQA Rit ad Rnd Frse. _____Mn. Stan Porteaus, who died Sia ntdCuc o ot nteOdCnigFc James Woadley visited withMOUE SAN 36-1*' suddenly on Saturday, Sep ShiMn.Unand CMn.. HEdSoathinarhniipanninliii MARKERS ______ CAROCHANin 19in5,m- Tunkey Suppen, November 8. tory. Doug Gower, Jim Wood (Mr.andPIIRIEgar A1Mfp I wish ta thank the congre-r mory af my dean father, Granttbelth195an 36-1 auctioneers. Cail 728-1005 !obiOn.C upy *uods ~4ît"umI~~ gaina hita eaohwha passed away September Mothen, Mrs. Stan Porteaus, - r.anMr. aesWod gaino hita eooh3d15.brwho sîept peacefuîîy away Annual Turkey Dinnen at 723-0976. 36-2 l_ ey aiso visited with Mr. and uIU 3hrhfrmkn m els enn od, 192 Saturday, Sept. 10, 1966. Kendal United Church on Wed- Mrs RckLuxon Sarbr-Si Chucomakninvtg fesa W entr, Thy purpose Though tears in my eyes do nesday, October 18. 36-1 WEEKLY ough. C mpa yAI'FSI o BROS.L» 2-20 -7870 at mthenjayabchienid TIhk utsd dncfot glisten Enniskiilen U.C.W. Auctioôn LIVESTOCK SALES Mn. and Mns. Gardon Leslie, AtW'àn ak ~ u nuaE e t ybe r ch r h ic i. I ha d ut a il is w ell that'. d ne by A nd m y face is not a iw ays Sale, Sept. lSth at 8 p m t D rb m C u t al s A e a M n. C h w O h w , v st-I I O W IJ* P r n r hl n u a c Helen anDuse. 36-1-Ever emembeed by is sad Home akingfruitvege- Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. ed Mn. and Mns. E. A. Vintue. CunvplyWodPoctin*Eutonllain _______ fdaughten Ruth, san-in-law Teemarning nih rtbe.3 *SeJIIns normes, Cattie, Swlne, Mn. and Mn.. T. Janczyn, Orono held their campany pic- *Bsns nuac Theiail ~ te at Stanley and family. 36-1 But I think ai the parents Euchre Party, Tfynon Hall, Valves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid Margaret and Fay camped at nic on Sunday, August 27t*EtaePnig The amiyIq had.at every Friday night, starting &i Son, Sales Managers. 52-tf Omemee aven the weekend. Waltana Park in at Stafford Broter Marguerite Moore wish ta HANCOCK-In loving me- Not a day do I forget you, Sept. 8. Admission, lunch and Welcomc ta Mn. and Mns. It was estimated Neastle.appr*PENIO extend thein sincene thanks ta mary ai aur dean father, Law- In my heant you are aîways p!ri'zes._________36-tf Mammoth Auction Sale, R. Stenden and childnen; they imately 150 adulta and child- miODU1Ui relatives, friends and neigh- nence Victor Hancock, who hene, "Portraits inom the Past"aet garage equipment, furniture, have bought the property ai nen wene in attendance. ThereLMTEPAN bors fan their acta ai kind- passed away September lth, For I loved you and missed Clarke High Schaol, Monday, lumber, antiques, etc., prop- the late Mns. Bertha Yeo. wene games for tht kiddies SLIMITE]LIF nesa, messages ai sympathy 196,5. yau, Septemben 25, 8 p.m. Admis- erty ai Roy E. Wilkins, 171 Sorny ta report Mn. Luther and adults and evenyane tak Box 133 and beautiful floral tributes, Though bis smiîe ha. gone As it ends another yean. sion $1.00. 36-3 King St. W., Bawmanviîîe, Hoaper in Bowmanville Me- part ta tny thein luck ion tht38Dna t .-Wlb SUAC O PN - in thtbas ai lovingwîie anfareven, -Sadly missed and always - AnalCr -Thunsday, September l4th. marial Hospital. wonderful pnizes that wene Pon Wiby6-350FCN A niother. A special thanks also Rotary Ana a Wash Tenms cash. Sale at 10 a.m. Rory Gibbs spent tht week- available. Winners ai tht PoeWib ta Rev. Crawford, Rev. Nor- And bis hand we cannot remnembered by daughtt Hel- at Robson Matons, Satunday, This is aexpoaylanecpialyarge -___ _____________________________________ t ~ly and Tyrone United S tijhae sa mn n sni-a egad September 16, 1967, 8 a.m. -sl n utsatpopi '~I'iWomen. Sincenely,mmaisnn.3- 6 p.m. Came and watch Bow- t1...Sliggrg ~eoe Moore and iamily. 0f htont wc loved36-1inanvilie Rotanians wash your equipment finst. Ted Jackson, 36-1 O muthe.n eloe ocar.__35-___3 Ted Spenceley, Cliii Pethick, -Always nemembened by IEA-nlvn oy Pre-Natai Education Classes. auctianeers. 36-1 We shahl neyer forget tht daughter Eleanor, sons Gary of Dad who passed away Tht Faîl Stries ai Pre-Natal ' P REPA RE N O W TO EN JO Y inany expressions ai sympathy and Bian and families. 36-1 September 4, 1966. Chasses wili stant at 2 p.m., Implements and furniture, and acts ai kindness extended____ Tht raling stream ai lufe Manday, Sept. 25, 1967. Fan hay and stnaw, Massey-Harris U E A E I E I et ta us by iniends and neighbors rails an funther information telephone tractar No. 33, New Holland W ~ E et the turne ai aur loss ai a NICHOLS, John Robent - A But stili the vacant chair Northumberland - D u r h a m baler No. 68, ful ine ai ma- W N r R WE ED very dean husband and fathen, token ai nemembrance ta a Recalîs the love, the voice, Health Unit, 623-5661. 36-1 chineny, furniture includes neal Ernie Wesselis. The beauti- dean brother and uncle, Jack, the smiie gaod diningroom suite, Heintz- SKIING AND SKIDOO-ING ful floral tnibutes and the who passed away Sept. th, 0f tht ont who once sat GON~P' RTT".' man piano, refnigerator, Moi- ciety are gneatly appneciated. May tht sun shine warmly on -Son Doug. 36-1 THURSDAV NIGHT. 8 o'clock hold efiects, the pnopenty ai J. AND FUN ALL SUM M ER[timru M and we would like ta thank him ____Spansored by the Junior Clifiard Naylon, Lot 13, Con. Il- IRev. John Frampton, St. And tht nain fall gently Chamber af Commerce 8, East Whitby, an the Osha- - John'. Guildettes, and Betty down, WISEMAN-In loving memory JUBILEE PAVILION wa suburban road, il/, miles - and Carson Elliott for their Making tht grass ta gnaw as ai George Wiseman who pass. O SH AW A 8-tf north ai Columbus, on Satur- AT YOUR wonderful support, a covenlet oven him. ed away Septemben 4, 1966. day, Sept. 9th. Terms cash. Betty and Denise Wesstlls. Let the winds softiy blow, Death cannat crase SUNNYSIDE PARK Fanin sold. Sale at 1 o'clock. - . ".-36-1* Like tht touch ai an angel's The friendship that we MO S E0IG Ted Jackson and Cliii Pethick, wings. knew, I O S E NG actioneens! H. Pascoe and S. Piao unngMay lie sleep in peace, 0 Tht happy times, the many Thrdy 1ih Naylor, cberks. 35-2 I Piano uningLord, forever more. laughs, h rd yNgi PRFSIONAL work guar- -Always in aur thoughts- A vaiued iniendship true. 7:45 Auction sale, ail new an- Santeed. Arthur C o 111 s o n, Sisten Millie, Bnother-in-iaw -Fondly remembered by thte B R ticles, Saturday, Sept. Sth, 623-3900. 36-tf Bill and Family. 36-1 Fletchers. 36-1 R BRN rm m wanehouse, Bowman- SM O SH A WA ville Auction Barn, located in m 6-tf tht Old Canning Factary, Nel-I Woodvlew Comniunity Centre cutlery, pale lampa, steam MONS ER BNGO irons, toastera, thermos jugs, MONS ER BNGO brooms, cofiee percolators, Net oda hicks, wreiiches, nils, shov-CTA 7:45P.M.els, axe handîts, pails, ironing RED BARN boards, saucepans, kettîts, There are MANY thingst articles too numeraus ta men- 20 x3"T D A our ehoice election oa im' W D K S R A SBethesda Cemetery 2uctioeers. Cll728-100~5ai A S 5ps2 0x ":::e ID W -DmiinCtaesi sol tty foodi the many con- sDay pm.36-b1ih31 r-iihdUslce aa venlences for easy shopping D K T A F Service will be held onBLCKI 15 Plywood6.Cocrt. it 31 ...the fut courteous check- o Tuesday, Sept. 12, 12 noan, Mhgn ,., out andi, most ai ail, the SAV- ...S.....nd........y............ .-.. .p.cs.... .... ... x ... . ...Lamia , et.1 1oHateds omlteV- ILs-3pru2cc Lmnae src "Z INGS made passible by aur et 3 p.m. Ini case ai rein con Farm Dispersal ai 150 Reg. beans full length. ROOF - C.M.H..apoe /2 ic rse pollcyai iowprRIM E RIBr service willi be heul i Chapel n hg grade Haîsteins. -o 4 ete ih1 iedcig n R.0.P. tested, vac-chirs.JOIST- 2 x 6 spruce on, 18" Centres.apht hgls Item. Came sec! Sce how I U ~ rn w 35-2 cinated. 75 milk caws, 20 te M 210 lb. wit 1" veran, LOW the TOTAL COS ea OST c NASHVILLE, TENNESSE bedh in September. Balance FLOOR - x 4 x 8 Select Sheathing finished sofftad("fca go! Youll reely like he way R ~ 9 I bGRAND OLE calvea. Daughtera cf Roaie MFfpyT&Gj you SAVE - et DYKSTRA'Si l Citation R. (Ex.) Seiling Rock- I EXTERIOR WALS-31"Knir or RIB ~-I-t8 9 OPRY SHOW' man (Ex) Seiling Triune STUDDING - 2 x 4 apruce with single setig oee ih8 ht ____________________________________ - Achilles (Ex) and other pop- bottom and double top plate on 16" Bevel sidin nlwrhfad5/6 o eCharter Bus Trip uîan aires. Records up ta centres. Apnt e e ODNFEHTHANKSGIVING WEEKEIND 18,000 lbo. Dainy equipment: Apnt nuprwls ea rpa R5,00 lb. DeLaval milk tank, DOORS- 2 exterior No. 510. joint, 3/16 12feb rdsitn- YELWRadishs L e sO c t o e r t o ( g o d ) , D e L a v a l m i l k i n g mi a - OR For Information contact rour chine, 4 unita, etc. The prap- local Trevee,-AgentRo r ety ai Vicon Farmns, Lot 32, TtlPiefrMtra Àà R don pedigrees.lLloyd W Axent o i I__________________8 SDeys - Escorted quantity af baled hay, 1965 3/4 WHITE - SLIC "Thanksglvl.nt Tour te ton GMC truck (goad), GMC T O O H R W~E SIED DINETTE Rochester" truck with hoiat. Propert TO O H R raofel no r st E o w nllle BREAD MARGARINE 0'a "hHw" "TeRvn 4 $1 ulr-conditionei motorcoaeh Note: This Ia a large sale and For information - Phone or mnust atart on tume. There i. T e Hw "' h fl IWrit tools on this 400 acre modern A LARGE 32' x 28' cottage with attached A MODERN 24'r3'wt tnhd8 4 4 R8 O__Ib. fan. Complote lit avanlable Patio Deck Ptoxe ta TRVE AENYon requeit. TotalpriWiloroai PoraHoe Manager and Auctioneer, Total price fr al 1 Tta p 50fr or 885-527 Uxbidge, I Job site inoludlng * J Job site, Incluiing O' BICK'S PICKLES or 885-2344 Personal &Il taxes --- 6 .&ltxs- BIC K S H P IC KL S LRE36-38 YGElC Suppes(RubberT Spl5 ad rct - - $2992 To Suppy andiEre $ 631 -' DLLS O GALICa JAR PIAN~O lessnaIln your home, pHoelit. Six #amples 25c. u DI L OSH D I 4-5 7 iao eahn t 28 Nvpasipidi sn waCe, 6237517. 1-1 0. U OCt.On . .52 Ow o o FRSULTS COUNTI LoitI Cou"l a Mler or'nseDOG, male, tan, shart-heired, COURTICE UITDSHOPPING CEiR ____ terrier, long taîl, name TU-1611 UM IT161 wuwuwwUu wSm-m uaty". Phone 623-2489. (HOME 0F QUALITY) uv36I,- jle - - - - r% à àA A ýbMLwTIPL--LI-vI77 SIEVI Oshawa & District camiodationfoseirc*el "",0wfontb r s enr cit- A enir, ground floar, reason,;el ReIt Esat. B=ad !rates. Phone Oronso 983-9639 .j *ALLONTO.THE NAME TO BWILD ON" if il r I j! 'I 'E.,

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