W i n N w rl s cI n n A w Ç I I Magistrates 'Court HeId in Bowmanville Bettmber 9, 1987. conflscated. t>' or suppbying iquor ta a ffgstrate R. B. Baxter pre- Glen Luxton, 99 QUeen St., minor August 18. UI itdwh Crown Attorney' pleadcd guilty aiobtanixg Me ilamHl odt G. . B nnyas tye. Tam e u- u uan wi=e un.rR1. on- court thut hem son, Jimmy, acte AdasdtconefnsbeHR. Cannell, OPP, agcd 13, tobd ier that he was D1A iay Arcer nd a ar. bfflne wa sbclngoing down to cee Mn. Demi- Allen wuyne rcher d iii ar. in fine a n d chuik, a neigibon, ta buya -.- âI'mes K. on it cad cste, ou seven day. and tictractor froni hlm. Wien h. Ploaded gufit ofaIllégal pas- w cnlsue. did flot return b>' il o'clock Ohmlon ai liquar if MOspo0 Williaml K. Cnowells, R.R. se phoned mnot ber neigibar â%jme 17.* Bath wcre convicted.5, pleaded gufit>' ai Illégal where hem son iad been vist- ôdbath flncd $25 and cost possession aifliquor and lit- ing. She wgs tobd tilat Jimmy> five daY ad the tcuung.D the iighway. Constable and -the neighbon lad had let Y5 mi e qui T. avis told tie court he was flere sanie time belon.. Mme. *1, - arked i the. IGA parking Hale ait dawxi ta watch TV s lot observing traffic about 1:30 and fid aslcep, awaking -t 2 *INUa.m. August 1 whcn he noticed m.m. She rauscd hem ubad a baffle flung from an east- who was msleep i bcd, and bouxid car. The officer gave told him Jimmny had flot came EVf ICOVSP chose eat an King and souti home. -Mr. Hale told hhu ta (FO aAEOE n Ontario where another talce thie car and go look ion PROMPAGEONE) baffle hurfled froni Uhc vehi- hlm. * cuPreident Virginia Fairey la cb, mand shutfeued on fie pave- "I wcnt ta Mr. Dcmichuik's enew leader af tic Bow- ment. The driver admitted and he tobd me the.-boys weme............ à4InVille Kinette Club. She ownemslip aifie been iound nat fiere," cantjnued Mme. ~ceeds Immédiate Paef Pre- i is car. Hale. "I went ta the. other ...... Sient Barbara Masters. Thé The firet charge neeuted ln iad's homne and they were not er KInete oni, Wmsae;-ota fine ai $50 mand caste, ar tiee..Sa I wcnt back ta imn Vce-President n Ie is seven dmys, and tic second Steve's. As I knocked on tbe ~ Secretary Gladys m $25 mand cato r nudtonlad oor I saw fhem nun --.--« eacsurer Ruby Wood-five da>rs. ouf fi. front door. When tic>' n d mmdRegistru ,Donna Inhi ew aifie amount ai got into fie car I 5iW fiat ~ ~1iytcbroken glass ta ho iaund ni> son wus drummk. I phoned -ft Kiete Cubd~dmieve rywee," observed Mg thc police and ni>'neighbon KI" tt 1967 rctrsWanshdpu"Iec no reason for and told her Mr. Demiciuik ~ ~' 17-68 are Kimette Pat mukmmg Otie fine any omaller." hud given them been. It'sa mLdl ad ineffe Bv Joh Atkmson, chungcd wlth party Ue and while we we ~lsh. h Bulletin Editor la îiing ta stop mter ani cci- talking he kept Interrupting."1 ,.pette Karen Geddes. dent, iailmmg fa niavide proof Jimmny's star>' was fiat he '-' Preldet o>' Woodward o! Insurance andc operating a went ta se. tic ccuscd with ~ bsented a Puet Présidexit% car wîf haut a license, was ne- thmee other boys about 9 - a lpi Whyte, addnianded on bail until October a'clack and fiat their hast Pxdsident Fire>' made tic 24. gave hlm beer (h. wms not . ï sentation ai a Puef Prei. William Buman pleaded sure just how much) and told C Pin ta Barbara Masters. not guilt>' af camelese drlving hlm fa drink if. On. af the. NeeU McLean, holder ai tic- Ma>' 14. The. testimon>' given otien lads had drunk some but *~ &et No. 41 was th i lmmen ai b>' Corporal J. C. Cartwright, flot tic atier two, he said.-------- a $50 prize lxi tic Kin Arti- OPP, wae fiat he was station- Tii. accused said i. ived Ilial Ice Drmw. ai>' in fie cruiser an fie soufi aloan d fiat Jimmy kept a .1-...... Tht présidenfs o!fi.h two shoulden af Higiway 2 west pan>' if hie place. H. added clubs pnesentcd Perfect At- ai Courtice Intersection wiien fiat hc had a color TV and tendance Pins us iollows: he aaw two eastbaund cars, thc neighbanhood boys and Iinsmen - Irvin, (Juke) fie firet ai wiich mude a girls off en came ta wutch if Brownm, a past District Gov- rigit turn and fie second, and etayed late. On the. night onnor, 13 years; Osborne Wil- driven b>' fie uccused, swerv- in question wiile fie four liams, a punt président, 12 cd siarpl>' uta fie westbound boys were fier. i. icl sleep Bers ill Kilpufnick, a past lune fa avoid a collision. H. wtciing TV. He icard them reient, lb years, Arnold amnulted fiat he could not opening and closing tue fridge bîeep,a puet président, 10 defixiltel>' Identif>' the accused door but thougit notiing ai yeans, Bert Snowden, a past i court because fie ud if because tiie>' aten miade président, nine years, Harr>' hmppencd almost faur niontis tiemeelves sandwiches and Cobbacutf, elgif years~ Murray' mga. toast. Tien h. beard fieni Cain>, a pant presidcnt, six Tiechcarge wae dismissed. squabbling and blaming anc rears, Bob Faire>', four yeans, Martin F. Sissans was sf111 another. One aifie lads had - - - Immédiate Past Pure s Idecn t nof présent. Township ai Dam- gone to fie foilet on fie kit- - Ralph Whyfe, tiret y cars, lingtan Soliciton A. A. H. cien floor. President Roy' Woodward, 2nd Strike reported thut fie pro. "I cleaned If up and f aid On Fniday, August 25th, sx-year-oid Sharon Far- Vice-President Don Masterson, pent>' wms sf111 in fie same fiem ta scttfl down," i. con. oduhtro r and Bill Siagit Jr., oaci fwo condition as an July 25 wiea fhnued. "Tien I went back fa odagfr fM.axid Mrs. Jim Farrow, Liberty years, George Muffon, lot Vice Mr. Sissons wms given fime ta slcep until I was wakened b>' St. North, won a trophy for placing f irst ixi the novice Prsident Alex Wiseman and dlean if up. iolleming and a car bain solo in the 0-6 year-old class at the CNE twirling ,Abian Osborne, eaci one y car. Herbent Mudill, R.R. 3, Osi- ianking. If was Mme. Hale compefitiaxi. She is a pupil of Miss Patsy Blake anc Kinette Perfect Attendance awa, plemdcd nat guilt>' ai laoking for Jimmy."lasbe tdig wrin foaouaya. Pins were ueceived as iollows: aperaummg a mot or vehicle He admiffed fiat fier. wasbabe nsu y gtiri gfoa o taye . Barbara Connel, a past presi- wifhouf a license and driving beer miseing fmom fie fridge. dent, il ycams, Jean Winis, mn uxisafe vehicle. 1I feel I have i responsi- a puet President, 10 yeaîs, June Constable T. Davis stated bilit>' fa keep abremet aofi.h Cia past président, Aud- 1956 Oldemobile an August 18 fer. "Dnlnking underage le one Exior Choi re>' Sleep, and Jean Collmcutt, if imd no emergency brake, o!fih biggesf prabiems facing taci six years, PÉesident i-n udle ,an fie i.it iront the. courts fada>'. I fhunk fth ginia Faire>',and Elcanor Mur- doan, baid tires and one red Mr. Demiciuik le nat being Pochedentfonniyear,,loWiseaM.Mdi, iga nm- pmldu ielc icnLaun ches A ppeail dac, aci furyere - sfVie ail ligit misslng. . completel>' honeaf; but I am ~Iuby Woodward, Gladys 171- ewer fol-ecadi itemsu ecr hw ysm aet ley and Eeanor Murdoch, brougit île icense, dafed me fa wiere titir cîiidr>en ire ecd two years, 2nd Vîce-Pre- S~ovmber 1965 ta November and whaf fie>' are dbing. InFo Wiyte, Karen Gedde, Dem no one was fier.. He had led b>' heu son caying he wms The. Excelsion Choir of b, an Sept. Il, 1967. Mollo>' Paf Rundle and Bey siown ifta an officer outeide going ta bu>' a fractor. Thot Bowmanville hopes ta per- At fie same finie w. will Welsh, eaci anc yeur. in a cruiser. was oeil>'mn excuse. If le dif- fornm a spécial centennial start to rebearse "Handel's Tht" members of Memorial Thec fret charge wus disnile- flvulf fa beileve fiat a i3-yeum- concert fhis fMIL.Terefore, Messimi", wiiici w. also iope Park Association cafered ior scd and conviction an tic sec- aid as big as Jimmy Haie hmd we would lice fa cee came ta perform. We hope ta see the delleous dinner. Ater tic ond braugit a fine oi $10 mnd beer ioîced down hic throat. newr members i l sections mmm>' new niembens tiee. mneeting dancing fa records costs, or tire. duys. Tic fufier did not appear but especiml in thie tenon was enjoyed for fie balance Steve Deniichuik R.R. 1, aver>' concerned. And hie and bacs section. Of .the meeting. Newtonvlbie, pleadec not guil- ,nother could not*be cxcuced noew litrç!d e itfien. Tiere isa adefinite îack i nyin ane wo e nceted oi idl* ai supervision here. Case dis- sign 5 vioe aji missd."us. . have aur rehearsals missd." veryMonda>' nigif af Stepien Grant Cari-Harie, 'cockin fthe basement aifLie D S U S N Montreai, cimrged witi lm- R.hbt Churci on Scugog <RO PAEO) was in court wifî a witmess ee.urexpaciew l cent, and thaf in Februar>' TeCown wtnesses weme cusfody one wek.wilbtw pecn. puesnt mow Aton- Waltecm G. Barett, R.R. 3 Town Clemk-Controler Ro- n e>'Bonnycmsfle asked ion a plcaded guili>'of lîlegal p eno. yondewcuni' S AA -furter d ournmen. Défense session ai liuor June 4 and attention ta tic act that .a counsei ahi ected and fi. case supplying liquor ta minons. poposed 119 suite apamfmnenf was ismised.Constmble C. Stephen's evi- building le now befome tic Neil Kerr, ciarged June Ilb dence was fiat wben fie Planning Board. He mien- witi impaired driving, illegal accuscd was rouscd îmom sîcep ioned fiat when a new sub- a t pos ession ai liq or, ia in i hic at D 1 P ark he division is plan med t ic sub - ftpssi>ondof uecent mssrauî, ot lwoae a-fit.cngpeho.to . thic wrong licence plates, seiz- admitfed buying two cases ai division agreement aiways in- an we wfibilse t outfo fcanredesaitclucm tarr e meont. o e ing fa 1r-eat ut gierscne it lus 10 days injail mfwi enpe cigefil'ut - e.- '. Cnadan tatsma, Ewmanvlfle, Sept.6, 190? Wi. CN- - .r- -a Awag À real mey saver a$69 uto Lie. X1437 $249 '6 5 MIRCURY '65 RAMBLER 4 door Sedan._Equippd.$ 2 5 Claa8iC 660 Sedan. $19 lair X2317 qupea.$ 293 Lic. 297241 $15_9__ WEILL BE SEEING a golfYOU AT SEPT. 7.-8 .9 '634 OLDS '63 CHRYSLER f.Dr. Hardtop. Windsor. Equipped. $1695 Lic. MA7432 - $169,5_ I r- J77935_____ '163 BUICK '63 FAIRLANE 2 do«r hardtop. ma Station Wagon. Li*. X14784 $ 9 .5 Lic. X152le _$1493_ W. med 19U4 Tords, Choya, Ponae. Top Donuifor 9«41 .fraatrade-lau om NOW ords. "Wlth Two locitt.as t. Serve You Bettes" ALI flfWMA»H.zvn I -v910 lu OMHWA o9hawa «ý 29 KNG T. X- 520 KING ST. W. ppin, Centre) First Practice 0f Season -This Sunday Tie GI.. Club ai Brandi 178, Royal Cunadian Legion,I annaunces Ifs firet pructice ai the new season ta commence at 8:45 m.m. champ, tuis dam- ing Sunda>', Sept. lti in tic auditorium ai the Legion'c Qucen Sf. club noans. Under fie direction of Mn. Rocs Caftaon, the club us once mare cxfending an darnef i. vitut ion ta an>' mmd mIl met> iuitelrested in b.caming a part aiftie maie vocal group, fa camne oufta a iew practices and discover wiaf thcy've been missing. Tic flret autumn engage- ment wiii be at the evenmng service at Neefleton Unitecd Ciuucb on Sunda>', Sept. 24th af 7:30 p.m. Thon dames fie strcnuous senice ai negular mnd spedial practices ahedulcd ta prepare fie grou p ion the cuf9 fia a special Cent on. niai record some finie before fie end o!fie year. As in the paf, the Gîe Club la nxious ta cnt entait>. AnY inquiries regarding book- mig, etc. siiould b. dlrcctod ta Mn. Bill Bates uf 623-3429 or ta 'Mn. Jack Mantie if 623- r'5-Year Guaranteed Investment Certif icates NOW EARN 6½mVCo per annum One to Five Years by ln'vettng lni Guaran. teed lavestment Certifi. cates whlcb are GUaranteed--a.s to Prin- cipal and Interest. FlOxlemiay be used au Coflaterai for jbans. Redeemablo--by Execu- tors ini the event of death. AUthorlsed-..as Truste. Act Invegtnents. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 i t. . Or~mn yjtU.Ue. 4u hw.suwIIb te in..y Clarke <ROM PAGE ONE) Our Town 1 decided fiat he should be the anc ta play the. part. I sec a greaf future fan Keiti in Theatre mmd hope tiat this chance wili giv, hlm more experience mnd audi- ence exposune ta hclp hum develop me an actor." Grant Williams, aiea ai Newcastle, will b. piaying anc o!fie eupporting raies in "Our Town". H. again was chocen for hie intercef in tic Theatre. 1One oifite big evente ut Expa for fie casf wîhl b. an apport unit>' to meet fie mu- thon oi "Oui Town", Thorn- ton Wilder. Man>' important dignitanles besides Mm. Wil- der have been invited fa fie Premier. Perfomance on Septemben l9ti ut 3:00 p.ni. Anyone from fie inca wbo wauld like ta set oui bocal talent ini thie show la invifed toa igali iuuewebî perform- ance on September 15fi at 8:30 p.m. ut Dunbarfon Higi SchooL. An audience ai 2,000 Es expeeted for fis event which will b. held ouf aide. ricketa may b. obfained ut -tie door. The. achool la locat- ed in Pickering Township, îorth oi No. 2 Higiway, fwo niles weaf oi Liverpool ]Road, off Whmte's Side Road. 1 et D lm c R@lbarts <PrfOM PAGE ONE) again nepresent the Pragres- sive-Conservativev part>' and E. ]Richard Lovekin, who bas been nomlnated as fie Liberil candidate. No information bam been recelved from the New Democnatic Party' on their cudldate's identif y, but thons Io no doubf fie>' wull have one. A. mad scuanible wIi now take place i ail parties ta fibd commt tee rooma, ar- rang. financing, pne>are pro- motional mitenimi and solicit womkers tb habp with fie niul- titudlnoUu tailia thaf are part ot lmnolection cm~palgn.1 JURY & LOVELL FREE DELIVERY I J ) PRESCRIPTIONS*1 PRICES EFFECTIVE TO SEP .--196 DELSEY TWIN PACK Cepacol Mouthwash Eeg. 2-.33-SPECIAL -2Ifor 3lc 14-ox. eg. 1.40 - SPECAL$1.1 9 CREST TOOTHPASTE Chiortripolon Tablets Reg. .69 - SPECIAL -5 9C 1813 - eg. 1.9 - SPEIAL -93c Wernets Dentu Creme LadyPatricia Shampoo Reg. .69 - SPECIAL 5 9C eg. .99 - SPECIAL 7 c ALKA SELTZERI NESTLES SPRAZE 25s- Reg. .79 - SPECIAL -69 24%-ox. Reg. .09 - SPECIL 83 c GROOM & CLIAN Schick Stainless Blodes 4%-os. 1.09 Value - PCUAI8 7C Rg. .7 - SPECIAL - 5 9c JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER Reg. .75 - SPECIAL ........67 Super Special MODESS NAPKINS l5 «8s - Reg. 1.93 . SPECL ________ RACK TO SCHOOI SAVINGS ESTERBROOK PEN end 7 CARTRIDOIS - Reg. 1.00.........7 FIVE EXERCISE BOOKS - Reg. .69 ..............................66 250 SHEET REFILLS -Reg. .98 .....................-.... 8 3 RING BINDER .-2" RINGS - REG. 1.29 .................1.19 PAPER MATE BALL PIN - Reg. .98..............................87 COMBINATION BINDER...........................................9 il I i MIEL cýý B r n sa e h t t e charge a erabl i neshieIh Id tub-division single tam- It e ýewuo1hX u f]dwefllng la $250. On thet fIt wualstannu ecldreyD to hr on bais that a multiple family October. mh rad construction and ieAdfof maneance, although therebvt r jIla spent the. we wilb. requirements regard- yg .fWalton'sctae A1 L evc hack" on " t Ma . ern, Mr. Byron said that he i EF Pà 'fICMr. Swarbrick bas return. conudered $125 to be a rea-ME VE'ri E IS ervice ed from vsiting with' her sonable cost. daughter Mms Cronmiljoi Daputy Reeve Wesley Fice bRoniMs Thos. Pair- been a member of he ur Toronto and alto et ednt~ tis have such a charge per aas M iord o the second Orono Soceties for over 20 We are glad to report Üa J unit. Mr. Byron said ye, and tme this year for her many years.. Mrs. Wm. Mercer has had hear thaet the Provincial Govern- years of service to horticul- Sh. organized the. Ohawa operation In the Private Pet- ment ha. recognized the need ture In ttus are. On August Junior Gadeners group and ents Pavillon In the General by naking provision for it 7th, she received the Horti- Orono Jr. Gardeners, BOw- Hospital, Toronto, and la prog. under the Municipal Act. cultural Service Diplomi for manville and District Hlorti- ressing ver17 well. The.y.awMeritorious Service" which cultural Society and asulstd School reopened on Tues., The B-Law authorizing wan presented by Mns. F. with the formation of several September 5, with Mr. M. thec charge was then gîven Stephens ai Harwood, Dist. 4 othera. At the present finie McCoy and Mrm. Campbell two readngs. It wiIl now be Dlrector, on behalf of the sic la on the Standing Corn- again in charge. Mr. McCoy sent ta the Ontario Municipal Orono Society. Earlier, at the mittee for Juvenile programaini. teaciing grades seven and Board for approval before it Ont. Horticultural Asan. con- af the Ontario Horticultural eigit and Mrs. Campbell in given third readlng. vention In Gu.elph, ahe was Aton. rades one and - two. Grades Council received a letter the recipient af tic "lTrillium Weil-known In this anea for efnii r tasotdt Gun eileladChi-Mm. theairbofrothem's act9à". iber devoted work on behalf Cowanville School and grades Gunn Heliwel, nd Cris Mrs Farbrohers aciveof horticulture, Mrm. Fairbro- thmee and four ta Starkville tensen, Toronto, thanking the service extends aven a 301j ther's mont recent activity School. It te hoped that the. corporation for Its appoint- year period. She was Presi- wan ts a judge at the Bow- new addition at Kendal wiiI ment as auditors for the dent of Oshawa Horticultural mnanvilie Horticulturai Flower b. started before long. town. It stated that two re- Society In 1953-54 and haslShow. presentatives wiil corne ta BowmanviIle shartly to re- view the books and plan an M R R V audit pragnam. E NNISKILLEN MunaP oLGRl oen Deputy Reeve Fice told Please remember S. S. va- stayîng at Mr. and Mns. L. Sunday Sc. hol wi:30-ope counicil that he recommended cation is cnded and the Sun- Stainton'. SundayS. Nurhsety9is0alsm thetuchs of an aluminumnda Schouî will begi the Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, awlalby.uremrin ue cpurchasfee dd ndpo ayavailalendurig mao'rpeinnagr jcny s2i fetwien pro- U t a so itha oearspent the weekend with Mr. worship. Don't forget Sunday jetig ixfet n rot,~ service and picn idnner atiand Mrs. R. Virtue. School picnic on. Sunday, bet put over the front steps the home ai Superintendent Mran s.ElMstsSp.1h tbeedetG - of the Town Hall. This woulc A. J. and Mrs. Werry at il r.adM.EmMstrSp.7hab.elate- ~ imnae hepigeon mess,be una Sp.1,97 Cindy and Trent, Bowman- eva Park. Sunday, Sept. 24tb, lmi. Tehe Dpuy ee e a- udySp.10 97 cad.ta The deptakRen it on The regular sciiedule of ville, were Sunday evering wiliib. Baptismal Sunday. e hinisli e t akiend an chumch services nesumnes aiso v'sitors of Mr. and Mns. R.* Service will commence at hiosl ta taie d on$e1with aur service at 9:30 a .m. Vrut and ianxily. Mins il a.m. coul beobtanedfor 251Cindy Masters "pnt holidays Turkey Suppen on Wed., Installed. Sonry ta report that aur with Misses Judy and Lonie. Sept. 27tb. Watci Coming Mayor Hobbs asked if the ministen was in a car acci- Matcuas Deputy Reeve had discussed dent. We- ail wish Rev.Mr. and Mrs. . Pethick Events for futheartiuas thi materwih te Pýoert Doghrtya vryspedy e.and Bill, Scarborougix, Mr. East and West Schools Op- tusmate wih hePmoery ouhyaver >'spey e George Pethick, Taronto, were ened on Tucsday, Sept. 5tb, Cammittee Chairman, Coun- cvr.Sunday visitons at S. R. with the following teachers cilbor E. J. undie, as it was Mme. R. Seymour and Miss uehcks in charge: East, Principal no nthie year's budget. Margaret Seymour, Indiana. M.a' r.P cil Victor Smith, Mme. Barbara Dpoty on Mr. and Mm. F.oli, IniancGille hlCori,Miss Put Small, Miss ~ Dept>'Reee icesai tht oli, Idiaawhawem bal-Miss Clara Page, Toronto, LCaraai' d et rnia hie had aiea spoken ta two daying with friends in Can- Mrs. Annie Willoughby, Osh- LrWm. BuronWes;Phyncia inhers of that committee, ada, were guests ai Mr. and W .Brtnbr. hli Councillor Prouit and Coun- Mrs. O. C. Ashton, ms isaa iitdM. .Pg. Barr, Miss Mar Loudon, Mrs. cîllor Oke, and to Clerk-Con. Janet Bmagg, Providence, and Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Irwin Nora' Hornick. troller Byron. Mr. S. Bartok, Toronto, were were Friday evening visitos Crtlions ta Mr. Vie,« "I move that this be in-ecent visitors In the. Ashton Of Mr. and Mms. Joe Brown, for. Cookson on winnlngjv.. vestigated, n a 1 move that home. Newcastle. crRnz s at ti o n the canopy be pumchased and Mis os M. A ha, .. m. George A. Scott, Osi- Pl am, P r e r,için- installed," the Deputy Reeve has accepted a position with awa, was a weekend visitor1 maunt,a Blackstock; alea win- said. Councillor Rundle said the Children's Aid, Port Hope, ai Mr. and Mmi. Geo. Irwin. ning grand champion on bie that as Chairman af Publie following her work with the Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Clark, aged mare et Toronto. Exhi- Prapcrty he feit that somp- Victorian Onder af Nursing Flonida, were Monday callens bition. tbing should be donc. "I will for a year and a quarter in at Mn'.and Mrs. W. Griffin's. M. and Mrs. Dave Hacicion second the motion if the Toronto. W. wish Lois ever>' Mr. and Mi4s. Allan Werry adfmlLtbigA Clerk-Coritroller feels the success in er new work. wre Sunday dinner gueste bndta wil vithigber Ar- budet an tan it" le0f Mr..and Mrs. Ross Lee, ent w-l iitn ie a budet anstad t,"he Mrs. E. C. Ashton's iriendi KedronMrhonnuring Mm.ymd den stated. hohnurn r n will b. intcrested in knowing M.AdmHalydnt en , Toronto, visited hcm Mayor Hobbs said that he that she is making excellent 25i wedding anniversary. gadohrMs .R t tbinks if wire weme ta be put pragress in impmoved healti _________ ens in the Marnwood Nurs- up the pigeons would b. kept in the came ai the Suneet Ing Home, Bowmianvllle. -away. Councillor H ug he s Ladge Convalescent Homne, 1, ~i~iyiq Mr. Geoifre>' Taylor, Mil. agreed and eaid that that Bowmanville. £.EIN UAL. 'w tan, spent tic weekezid with Z would pmabably cast less than Mr.adM BvVaeMr. Gary Jeffcry. buying a canopy,, He stated d and m ,Mr BeyVele hrh evce- e eu Mrs. Frank .Leavell, Col. that he thou ght th e. purchase an a i y, u do i y le C u ch s r ce w re e u m ai a canopy should e inves- Quebec, Mr. and Mm. Roy' ed n Sunda>, Septenber 3, lngwood, le visiting hem dau1 tigated. Wery and famil>, Sudbury, at 11:15 a.n. W. were pleased ghter and usbandý, Mr... .nd Councillor k. asked tic Mr. and Mm. Bill Werry and ta welcome ur new ninister Ms. Grdon Besse and 1faý Deputy Reeve. if he had Ob. famil>, Oono, and Mr. and Rev. Theodre Snelgrove wo il>. taled nics ron moe tî~ Mrs. F. W. Wery were Sat- spoke on Christ and the Miss Judy Barrabal i ehan tand pce and h orele that umday evening tea guets at warking mari. Mrs. A. Poster accepted a position- In Port he had not. His motion was Mr. and Mns. Ted Werry's. wae at flic organ and fe choir Hope Hospital as Registerd lst. - Mr. and Ms. Roy Wery sang a alection. Nurses Assistant. Conclîr ugessu tand farily, Sudbury, spent Mr. Garland Cathcart and Mr. and Mns. San Vn couicillso ughiae aidefin the holiday weekend with Mn. Arthur Thampson are en- Camp, son Tom, daughters ite !dea of what tie propo - dM. and Mm. Ted Werry and îying a trip ta Expo fic Mary, Loriiand Lia V an posyJsIk, nwte d famil>'. week. Camp, Mn. and Mns. Neil sin ndmae ur itat it Mr.k and Mrs. Bey. Vele, a Tht U.C.W. met uit te home Bownell, daughter Vleie - is niot iiimsy. Jakead David, M iroh fMs. Swarbrick an Monday, and son Lei attended thie Van Councillr Rufldle asked If ville, Quebec, Mm. James A Tiere were very few mcer- Camp plcnic hcld at Midland It wuld e suportd byWermy, Mm. and Mrs. P. W. bers in attendance but consîd- laut Sunday. pales, and Depuf>' Reeve Pce Wrywr ensa u said no lt wud ltb per guests af Mr. and Mm. A. Couxiciltabnteat d r if w WMr. and Mms. Allan Wer Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Seils be isetaconactoter frIISattended thc Leentjes-Cole and get prices. Deput>' Reeve wedding at Tnnt ntdwlLh whons are now mecigel Fice said the firm i. advocat- Chuny nie ed ad ben in flhc aluminum huch, ]Bowmanville.1 business a long time and its Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill Mont.ith, Riehl, Waters & C'O. prie should be good. were witi Mr. and Ms. R. Councillor Hughes moved Langmaid, Salina, on Sundu>'. Chartered Accountants that the passible purchase of m ndMe ay ah anmnng b. investigated wlMpeGae eeSn Montreal Oshawa Toronto Hamilton and more pnice obtaincd be dayr dinner guets if C. Windsor Wlnnlpeg Regina, Clgr fore action le taken, also tatStainton's, and Mr. and Mrs.tcaltG t~tElwyn Dicicie, Bowmunville, Edmsonton PrneGorgeVacue thc enectioxi ai wire and other Sudyenngale.Vnove methds of getting nid of the werc udyeeig alr'g pigeons b. inivestigated. Tis.s eb titnutn- GordonW. Ruehl, C.A., E.I.A.Bart a. Waters, C.A. efrom Toronto on Satunda>'. OhwaSoCig etr'287 w us scconded b>' u cll r M n. and M me. D . Stainton O h w s a a S o p n e t e7 8 7 27o James Bounke, and cmmnied. a dD a n ,C b u g r an ena oorae Il Ps e e xrTTjý OMM lm PRICES EFFECTIVE TO SEPT. 9, 1967