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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1967, p. 5

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Married in Tyrone United ~"~Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edgar Stainton are shown in the above photo as they sign the register following their marriage in Tyrone United Churchï on Saturday *afternoon, August 5, 1967, at 3:30 o'clock. Formerly Miss Margaret Ann Shheck- leton, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shackleton, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. anîd Mrs. Donald Stainton, R.R. 5-, Bowmanvtlle. -McRobbie Photo fathar, the bride wore a ful length gown o! white Lagoda W e LcItnq crepe wîth Alencon re-arn- broidered lace bodica featur- ing thrae-quarter ]ength scal- A i'AINTON - SHlACKLETON pink roses adorned the church loped sleavas. Tha A-lina altar for the marriage on skirt was accantad by lace Taîl standards of white Saturday afternoon, August 5, appliquas and the back o! the gladioli and chrysânthamunis 1967, at 3:30 o'clock o! Miss roundad neckline was high- enhanced Tyrone U ni tead Margaret Ann Shackleton, lightad by a bow which Church, and an arrangement daughter of Mr. and Mrs. caught the long, lace-ambroid- o!- white shasta 'munis and Kannath Shackleton, R.R. 1, ered cathadral train. Sha Bowmanville, and Mr. Bruce wore the groom's gift, a MemoriaI Hospital Edgar Stainton, son of Mr. single strand -of pearîs, and and Mrs. Donald Stainton, har shoulder-length, four-tler Wekl R pot R.R. 5, Bowmanvilla. veil was hldby a rown of For ha aeko! Rv. hri Dugn o Unon-cascade bouquet was o! pink For te wek of ville officiated -and. Mrs. Gor- roses, stephanotis and ivy. Aug. 28 - Sept. 3 inclusive dyn, Brent played the wed- Mr.Nso Cabrin ! Admissions -------- --- 55, ding music. Mr. Ross Matcal!, MOsa esowhmbrino ]Births-3 maie, 4 female Ï the soloist, sang The Wadding Osaa was matron o! honor Discharges --- ---------- ---- 74 Prayer bafore the cereniony and the bridesniaid ware Major oparations _ _ 2. and Blassed Be This Day dur- Miss Lynda Little and Miss Mino opratins 3 in th siging0f te ~ Janet Little, cousins of the Emenrgoe reatenu ------ 1187 the nn o hergi-bride, both of Toronto, Miss Emerenc tratmets 7. er.Virginia Osmond o! Bowman- Visiting hours 3-8 p.ni daily' G an in marriage by her, ville, and Miss Ruth Chackle- ton, cousin o! the bride, Bow-t Lmanvifle. They were Idanti- B, i.K O S H~caîîy attirad in forlnt BiýÇ mTO SCH0 11. mint green gowns o! chiffon aver taffeta stylad with round- FA IS I~ S LE d nackline and empire ho- dice adorned with a band o! (SALE EXPIRES SEPT. 9th) Pink enibroidared nylon. Pink rosa trim highlighted a cape. 1'lika shoulder piece fashioned ODDS ENDSwith standup coflar fromd CLEARING which flowed two, chiffon cousin o! the brida, was' 50U flower girl weaaing a flow-e, i eghfrock in thse sae de-n el for ~sîgn a the senior attendants. t p hThey wora four-tier, mint i PANir suiir green vail headpiaces held by a Pearl studdad bows, and car- a $1.97 white shasta 'munis with pink CLEAINGyd. rosas. Mr. Monty Emmerson,ina COME IN AND SEE OURi Belleville, was bast man andle NEW FALL FABRICi the ushers were Mr. Kannath - Stainton and Mr. Donald Steinton Jr., brothers o! the groom, o! Bowmanville, Mr. Douglas Stainton, Oshawa, 1 David Shackleton, brother o! FABRICS the brideBowmanvill Ms 28 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE other brother o! the brida, was ring hearer. 'The recaption was hald et r tha Lions Centre, Bownian- villa, whera tha bride's mo- * thar recaived. For the occa- sion sha wore a pink import- ad silk, A-lina jacket-dress BOOK FORwith standup baadad coller, 'BO O K FOniatching pink ribbonad net coea yellow ribboned net SA LE coat ovar a yellow crepe dress honeymoon in Cape Cod, the, bride was waaring a yellow If1 and grean, puckerad crepe "'Th R olino iell iýA-lina dress with metching by V olet Carr191 Nonquon Rd., Apt. 404, A heirdresser. the bride ut- tended Salaem Public School, Bowmanvilla High Scbool and Secur. your book while the stock is ini supply. Paul Pogua Beauty School, In, 180 pages of reading, plus 32 pages of pictures. Trno h ro .aBl iTelephone craftsman and at- tan ded Bethesda Public School The Rolling Hilis is the only book in and Bowmanvilae High School.! print which deais with the developmnent of Several parties were held i lin honor o! the bride. Miss Manvers Township and its people from the Virginîa Osmond gave a bath- > irst settiement until the present time. roomn shower. Mrs. Nelson Charnberlin beld a kitchen Oth shower. Mn.. Don Welsh was THE TOWNSHIP 0F MANVERS hostesa for a miscellâneous shower held by the Commun- CENTENNIAL PROJECT ity. The groom was pnesented Pric . . 2.50fora hrd brk diton, with a wallet containing a Pnie .. $250fora hrdbac eitin, suni of money by fellow plus 20g~ handling charge. Add exchange on workers of the Bell Tele- ebeques. Mhone nMM Shackleton honored Excbange Màrriage Vows in Sarnia Given in marriage by her matclùng wide-brjnuxed hat eider brother, Mr. Mylrea black patent accessories and Craweythebrid woe acorsage Of pink sweatheart floor-length gown of Lagoda. ona. Lywl rsd a h The fittad sheath, with itsRdOsh Lisa Apts., Nonquon rounded neckline and taperat d.,*Osawa. sleeves, was caged at the back A gradùate of the Un'ûver- to form..a full chapal train, sity of Western Ontario and and the gown bodice, sleeves the Ontario College of Educa- and back ware accentad by tion, Toronto, the bride is a împortad hand-clipped lace mamber of the Bowmanville appliques. Her haadpiace was I-gh Scheol teaching staff. a jewelled'crown, held by a The groom is a Methods En- silk illusion veil, trimmed gineer at General Motors and with pearl-studded lace .ap- is a graduata of the General pliques. She carried a cas- Motorg Inhtitute, Flint, Mtich. cade bouquet of white gar- Pi*r to har marriage the damias and stephanotis with bride was guest of honor at trailing lvy. a coffea Party and miscel- Miss Judy Harkness oi laneous shower given by Mrs. Montreal was maid of honor Frank Harknass and daughter and the bridesmaids wera the Judy at the Sarnia Golf and groom's sister, Mrs. Douglas Curling Club. Mrs. Douglas Hooper of Toronto, and Miss Hooper of Toronto was aiso Marilyn Quantrili o! Orono. hostass for' a miscellaneous They were gowned. alike in shower. A presantation was floor-length antique turquoise made to the brida and groom linen and the sleeveless b(>- by the staff of Bowmanvilie dice, with Sabrina neckline, IHigh School. wias fllghlighted by an A-Ulne skirt. A self-panal, which wvas complemented by cover- HÀYD ON ed buttons, fell from the back neckl1ne. Thay wore 16-but- Note thre change in the ton white glovas and match- tm !Sna col 21 ng rse ore heapieeso'clock. Church service will and carried baskets of whita ha withdrawn on Sunday on and pink carnations and white account o! Bethesda Cametary pinocchio Imurns. Dacoration Service at 3 p.m. Mr. James McClelland, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. W. Thiesbur- awa, was best man and usher- gar will show pictures of ing were Mr. Robert McMul- their trip te Europe, in the an, Oshawa, and Mr. Rick church on Saturday evening, followed with a corn roast in the church shd. F. or girls anlsin Foir girls the weekenDuwith Mr. and Mrs. Morr is Pollr.sand w itho rs ola d an i wiet family. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Murray,, Port Arthur. Mrs. Rose Mur-ý engaginu ray, Geraldton, called on Mr.! and Mrs. J. Potts and family. on the holiday.i ideas.Mrs. T. Mountjoy, Hamp-i ton, was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron. Mrs. A. MeNeil, Toronto, Mr. Archie MeNail, Mr. Doug, Fontaine and Neil callad on, :j friands in the village on Sun-ý day. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gar-1 rard and family, Keswick,ý visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dud- ley, Burlington, were Sunday, visitors o! Mr. and Mni. A. ]Rend. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thomp- son and Cynthia, Bowman-, ville, wera Thursday visitors at Mrs. A. Thompson's. 1Mr. and Mrs. J. Abbott antd Steveri, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thompson and Model No. TR126300..$300.o0 Heather and Valerie Thomp- from the son, East Beach, Bowman- "Daamand Treasurel Collection ville, were Sunday visitors nt, Mrs. A. Thompson's. Corne in and see aur engag- Linda and Janet Sharp, En-I Ig fashions. Styles as modern niskiflen, and Barbara AshtnnI es tomrrowspent a few days with Mr. S tomrrow.and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. creatd by Ian Graham and Steven cretedby Liptay attended the C.N.E. on C OLUMBIA Wednesday. Red tendI Clamond Rings Port Perry Pair on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron were tes guesta of Mrs. T.1 hor frm IOOtoSlO00.at..Mountjoy, Hanipton, on Mon-; day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read, 1J6>per'S Ra eeSna e ss of Mr. and gru. ClaytoniRead,ý 1obbie and Steven. The occa-' sion was Steven's birthday. Yeie elry Ms lc onsrtre; Sf ~o MisdAiesJonefre tuvred n Wenesdy fom aver 29 i" t IL enjoyable trip to Begina,! EOWKAVILLI Sask. This wua In conectîoný with her marks et Courticel ask us for your Ire@ brochui School durig the year. 'HOW 10 SOeCt YOur Diermond" MissLyn Read, Whitby,! _______________spent the weekend ai heri home. Ellen and Catherine entertain- ded to Sunday dinner Mrs. J. 'D. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton J. Tamblyn and their son rMr. Glenn Taniblyn, Diane and Mark of Santa Anna, Cali- -fornia, on the occasion of Mrs. 1Brown's birthday. Congratu- -lations. àMr. and Mrs. Robert Con- lin and famity of Three His, Alberta, visited Mr. and ýMrs. Wm. Miller enroute to Ep. Mrs. Mmr McDonald. and you« Ms.Geo. Skinner of Tarate, The. Canadian Statemman, Bowmanvile, Sept. 6, 1U6 -> 1visited her assit, Mrs. Violai1 iSmuth on Sunday. i M. ad M..Jams Ferg-'tember lut at Uic United the bouse on the nonth rear so . n d MRhst erNYseg Church. Newcastle. Mr. and from the United Church y then oholyweend ., «Mn. ins. Mencer will reside in Downs is tie new mana5ue~ and M s. Alex W atson.Po t op .O na H d o- SM.ad Mrs. Chas. Gray iMn. and lins. John Chalice Mr. and lins. Roy WIMtW anddaghtrsof Bawinanville, Of Milbrook, Mn. and Mrs. and son Robbln and hies-o have moved into Uic bouse Glenn Tennant left on Satur- Bob Tennant, attendedý* iey recentiy purchased froPiday on a rnotor trip to Uic Tnack and Field Day and: Mn. and Mis Phil Vowlas on East Coast. Ottawa Exhibition and visited, Cobb Hill. Mr. Gray is tUic! Mn. and Mns. Donald Gra- 'Expo. Postmaster et Orono. . hani o! Oshawa, Mr. Vernon Mrs. Keith Taylor ah Mrs. Amy Whitley o! Tor-. Grahami, Mn. and Mn.. Cecil daughters o! Bramipton pn onto visited Mrs. Catherine I Grabam spent Sunday with several days last weekvwit Seal on Saturday. Mn. and Mns. Roy Graham et han mother, Mrs. Marsae Unit No. 3 of Orono United Cookstown. Chatterton and other reli Church Woman hald thein Mn. and Mrs. Robent Ruth. tives September meeting on Tuas-lerford and son Doulasn-Mn. and lins. Ed Drap&k day avaning in the Main Hall.I!turnad home lest week frOm and sons o! Oshawa, M. a"d Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Hooev a motor trip and a cruise lins. Alex Ritchie and 9=i lot Toronto spent the weekend among the Thousand Islands. Frasan were in Tononto =-- with M. and Ms. Horace M. and Ms. Oscar Adams Sunday ta hear Billy Grahi,. Best and Ron. visitad Mn. and Mns. Burns Mn. and lins. Archie Baile MCogatulations to Mn. and Kittmar and sons et Lakeside and daughter Ain, Mr. F. SMnWane Ross Mrcer, the nean St. Marys lest week. Bailey o! Sterling, Mn. and ifomen Mis PtniiaAnn Mr. and lins. Melville Mns. John Bailey o! Oshawa 'Pantner of Orono on their Downs and iamily of Streets- wene Sundey guests of n PHONE 623-2971 Complet ely "VeeÀ Crazy ? Our Competitors say so. and our Low, Low Prices Prove it!1 peciaI .iycleaning Of fers SEPT. 6th UNTIL l6th 0 a ------ - --- Mr. and Mrs. Larny Earl Thompson arc shown in the above photo following their marriage in St. George's Anglican Church, Sarnia, on Saturday after- nonAugst 19, 1967 at four o'eock. The- bride is the former Miss Sandra Louis Craley, daughter of! Mrs. Frank M. Ciýawley of Sania and the late Mr. Crawley, and the bnidegroamn is the son of Mn. and Mrs. Earl Thompson, Orchandview Blvd., Bowmanville. THOMPSON- CRAWLEY Crawley, Sarnia, brother of the brida. St. George's A n gli ~can The naception was held nt Church, Smt'nie, was the set- the Guildwood Inn, Sann*a R O N O ting for the marniae on Set- where the hnide's motharrne- unday aftennoon, August 19,caived weaaing a drass and L u N 1967, et four o'clock o! Miss coat ensemble of silk Alpin- Ml I UJ Sandra Louise Crawley, dau- ette in patal pink fashioned N E W S~ lhe o ariaFankth. laawMn. wore mpr atcî snieshMen is Tn ose ger o! Saris.ande Mr.-withe mpiat wsting a. esi M.ad r.Tn Fstr Crawley, and Mn. Larry Earl and a white Cattylea orchid of Vancouver, B.C. visitedi Thonipson, son o! Mn. and corsage. The groom's mother han parants, Mn. and Mrs! Mrs. Eerl Thonipson, Orchard- assistad to recaiva and chose Ross Gîlbart and John lastý view Blvd., Bownianvifle. e mint green silk shantung week. They xnotored across, Ravanend Alford Abrahami packat-dness with white ac- tha Western Provinces and' officiated and for the occa- cassonias and white Cattylea wiîî spend two weeks et r sion vases o! white gladioli orchid corsage. Expo before embarking oni and pink carnations adorned Following the naception tha Septamber l9th from Montreal the altar and the chancel. happy coupla dapartad for. a Ion the Russian liner "Alaxan- 1 The wadding music was play- honeymoon in Montreal and dan Pushkin" for London, Eng- i1 ed by Mn. France and the New York City. For trayai- land. They will be touringjl soloist, Mn. Hanb Sinipson, ling the brida wore an off- Europe for anea nd ane a hl! sang The Lord's Prayer and white dress and coat ensemble years. Ave Marie. in baskct-waave knit with Mr n d h .,, mrr, .d M l'A UW1-. COURTEOUS~. SERVICE 623-1971 Pickup & Delivery in Town of Bowmanville and Country Areas: 2 PRS. MEN'S PANTS or 2 PLAIN SKIRTS PLAIN DRESS YOUR9 CaOICE 99 *%e Our town's got everything . .. fine shops, handy services, helpful people. And the one place to find them ail is in your Yellow Pages. Take, for instance, ail the things-to do with cars. Your Yelow Pages can help you buy or rent a flOW Car, or repair or service your present one. Whatever you need, your YeIIow Pages can help you find' rt quickly and easily. .. whether it be a fleet of' luxury cars or a simple tire valve cap like the one illustrated. Yes, it's good to get in the' Yellow Pages habit ... everything's here in town 1 intow 'c -',, 'c- 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE At Our Store. e name it+ >our>dIlowpagesç e~ydàIb heoe i ý Ire marriage Fnîday evening, Sap- ville have moved ta Orono to and Mns. Lame Bowin's. 3OCYo Discount ON ALL DRYCLEANING 40/o Discount ON ALL CHILDREN'S CLOTHING FOR BACK- TO -SCHOOL CALL TODAY FOR FAST. HAVE

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