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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1967, p. 6

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U~ 8a~w~ U.~L S, Ufl PS.!. -Cancels Coverage ~For Thost J PS uti befogouaoy àteend scuio! thus yeai-Y iSo 35,000 pons caver- aftboing advisid byPhysi- Cima, Servies Tacosporateti Intthels oir aiwlti- raluai. on DCem=er31. IThey uibeixgur.tap t~i utano MdicalSroe -lsisce Pl1a n <OMSIP),1 whlch offers simillar coverage at lower rati. Those wli continue PST ta ithe sud of thse Pear. can traifer te (?NI with no lapse li ccv- iferaId;e they apply to, 0 nFbene sept. 30. ,Tclde mong "psy. dii- eNOT in Groups Thidctr-ponsored Triaino nividual waa ata.rte g contracta wMf reduce PSI en- pre sy eu m chnlam fo p ~r x m t 1,300,000 per- t Pur p os of pr vidu lg i om nt b a ou 1 %, o employed gupa nivds sn.PS Ilconcentrate Its enrolmaent camne about ln efforts'crig0op curlment comparatively meent years be- and on enroS int of groupa cause citizens not ln ernployed ln Its Extended Health Benue- groupa had extreme dlfficulty lita plana, wh!ch provide cov- in obtahng coverage for oragýe for nurulng, preeftip- medical e pnme. Now that to druge and otiier para- the. Ontaro Gverument la medilca1 services. By lthe end offezlng individual coverage, of th= year 20% of PSI par- PSI feula there is no longer ticipants wIll have tha ex- a n.ed to remain in this field. tended coverafge. YELVERTON weht"- sabïcribens -are Ihose (Iteudeti lor'lait week) wo have eleclad to continuelM- Ken Wilson o! Guel itsefr PSI covarage aller leav- apent the weekend with1 Ij en mplayed groupa, as waiI parants the Jack Wiisci es lIeue enralaed an indil- taking lu Biacketacis Pair i duals. Mosport races lu bis capsci In conliixig Its business ta as photognapher sud pi-cs gaepcoverage, PSTIslene- Portei-. trig ta ils original cou- A number front this col mu4lty enjoyed as picasi EN IS IL EN aftefnononu Sunday ai their pond an 7A sud .(Tnteuded for lait we.k) Highways. Mn. sud lIra. Murray San- Several bea! producena fri 4erson, Raglan, wene Sunday thâalacality attended tle be callens ai E. Wrlght's. field day sPeusored by Vi , Mr. sud lIra. V. J..Belle, taris sud adjoiniug count., Port ArthIur-, Mn..sud lIra ai the lai-m leed lot a! Mn. ar John Belle, Philip sud Kare lI rs. Donald McQuald ai Oroo, ereSunay uprn famiy, near Ornemee. A nun Orono, wR.er Suudaysuperber of key speakers sud ùt :Miss Janice Wright, Tn enthusiastic cooperalion of oo aulo, was home over'îlehast lu answerfrig sîl queutiar Weckend. Mr. sud lnsvEr te osea ne bis feediol openatti Wright comaieir. .E.conlnlbuted toa svery iuform4 Ton- liomsudiorthwhle day ther Mn. Herb Wrighti Tor Pofivan theale dy onto whan Janice returued Crofitnniall d li-om th CenennalCelebrations wi and visiled Miss Florence be used for thib Centenni' Van Nest. Poet-ta fIpoin Mi-. sud Mar. E. Wright sud aj ain-tac teJaneti lIra. P. Spry were Sunday sdv antnncl!le Jn calions ai Mr. sud lIns. 3~.vil Park. Mullr's Oshwa.Donations of paint for il Mrand Ars. L titnW'I' "Janet Villa" building i Mi-. sudaylIn L. aiton îthe pai-k wei-ereceived fi-o: dier. Cnae i vis ait o vaîl & Matthie Ltd., Ed Go M. Cc!MI. a wards Hardware aud Canadias Gi-ove.Tire al af Lindsay, sud Ci-ee Mr. andi Mn. David stain- Harâwans Of Pont Penny. Tho ton sud Deauna, Cobourg, Ceulenulal Birlhday Cake wai Were weekend guesta wltli île douatad by Trent Valley anc L. Siainteus sud the Neilsens. Wonder Bread Bakenies , c Mrs. Mabel Rowan sud Misa Lindsay. Playera of the 1wc Annie Rowan, Yelverion, are Pae Wee bail teama wha pi-c visltlug the B. Rowaxis.. vlded an intenesling gamE Mn. sud lIns. Tom Ph llps, wene îneated wlth bars ci David and Dale, Maildstoue, caudy aller the game. %rese Sunday overnight gucata Many fi-rnm this cammunity of Mr. aud Mn.. Wallace atleuded Biackstock Fair on Gihlm. Salai-day. -Congratulations ta .Mi-. sud lI.s. Art Yaungmau tbose exhîbitons who were and laniiy, Hétydon, werc auccessful lu the showixig. Xi &andaY ev.nlug callera ai W. 4H Club . Competlon. Brion GsiftW4i. Wilson was lirai lu bath his -Mr, snd Ifs. David Fin- cal! sud lu abowmauship, lai- eourt Ottawa, vistidai O. C. lowed closeiy lu second pot- Aihton i. lion by Terry Malcolm. Their 'Msr. B. . Ormlston speut calves aIta tapped the open 4"udy wlth Mr. andi lra. L. lat sîen class. Tanny Mal- Aston, Isydon. colm, won second pizi with Ils gili and. final in swiuî uhawmianship. Master TIonPage won third lu lis dais wilh lis Herefard heifen. Mi-. Bruce Lawsan won sevanal red and blue ribbons with hi. loi-ses ln the carniage classes. Pyjamna partie. havi be. cmine n age wlthhéeyoung. or maii aur comrnunlty. Miie Candy Mlcolmi aud Mis Parnela SIien have néenui bien tle hoiteuses o! suc? - "'baby dali" do'. for their le- Iual. fienda. Misses Bai-bara anti Aune Wilson apeni a liw daya thia un. ~ w 'thîleCasi-iSmith# flUI ~Milsa Pamela Blinion la vilil- L~~ L lu Wilh the Ieilli Thorn- dykes ln Torotosrs o week yrandTas-culampbwell aON I H umprimlss, Beverley 'andi ~, Lar-y o! Cantllperd vilat Wlth Oh-COflVifhiSiiPfeIfUn, thia Woesk Wltthîe Ray Rob- >yMit han you cUa % n aio mous eurocule ta île C.N.E. eM hIlPluMns o yor fl. where Beverley wa ahedul- put l. pymeus o yor h, mc ta sîng on asttalent show, tgrtàob oves- à pouioti of living buin clomen ta nipne- ýioths la sit yous- convenl- sent lier iclool lu îhe Bei!reW Mde nt Yoùr buduet. u'. a ares.t lot ssaîiqitiss trîng a ~List of Wlners LIn topay J0,11tasville Contenalal Parade i lrgeluM 5W1 OiCiS ~5T~ (Douai-a o! prizcs ln brackets) CUE us for fül detMls, Famlly Float-li prias ta the Leslie i'amily of Flset- waod (Rasa Stores, Lindsay); 2ud prizeiJanelvîlle Mil! Pond1 1¶Henry iouzer Mcri'à Wear, ST A T Farm loal-Spur Garage o 2nd Grand Oie a Lum oin-a Lamnber, Lindsay).1 Antique Cevereti Wagon- Mr. sud lIra. Don Pamneroy GENEAI. NBURNOE (Adams Furi-ailaie Linda). nt. Z newm viue Cornie PIoaaI-{t, Iniu M Hni I. . DwuunvlleWar Dance (A & P Stores, Offluelgemeas Lindsay); 2nd Kawartla it. 08-561 0285418(A & P Stores); 3rd, Miss Janelville Quecu (RosSlancs, PERK-UP WITH MILk!1 Sclaool bella are.aga irl4ag, brlng with them tise noed for- energy-b0uidng sacks. Nothlng peksa up, pipa up andi laites half as Vao as a "taltmPting glus of Glen Rae Doi-y PHONE 628-54 FOR HOME DELIVERY G. RasDair Centennial FiyQa- G I l and Jbottr Caig, Mnd . anati M Sanre etr.eM Donneta d Hpe. Boys, 7 tsud9, 1lai t ri Tootnrs, Lindsay);. -Mr Lor-ohUF Gilsthrel Davd 'a o bsrland borne and 3 d Bu ns G ocer Stoe (Sp r mo Xi[bràd ln O hewa, n dE. irl sto7Sudra, Ca i ada Kye M.Klso . r n ,M C o m m e r c i a l F l o a t - i i M a x i - D o i t P ig s , If o r t te r B C a l e 2 d w D nn a o n nh a , M s e J n i f : A u lphthar versdonstucti (ScWeoodd-JMiets Tei Lyn ad r rea ogaixteudedut 1ehaloc ar d . Brls71ta12, lo t e Rss lon eT ronoa vis itoua hs R om)iRniondtoeuLn- Mr. andospialr. Jo e-ph Scn Wottwardt, 2nd a rcltc ood-~ wththi )n-say d,ment( e otr, indsaW.)L nod XiJý an d . ene e-L a d. y Gs, 10hre12-lggo p e R. i:so d Mnrsu. :ity G arage - John W alker). lup , onn e W o wr , 2nd D ona Jha n t , l e w o , m as Srd, Opa 4H Club (Lorne Cur- visltora duriz the w f tb -- ihft,2d Grl U tiii- 4th, Janetvllle Couples th rcDeup.Burt.N 35 Club (cash). Saturdiy eventag dlsner anus Collacuti, 2nd SharleN Yva..agr Jr. Horse and Rider-lut, pet wIt Mi-. aud Mi-,. Cain. Teenage Girls Bal ,cmI Mexican Boy from Big Star 'akWilliînmsweyre Mir. and Throw, lot Shariene Cain, 2nd eef Ranch (Master Feeds, Lind- Mrs Frank White, Bethany, Joanne Woodward. Ladies' 'te- say); 2nd, Cowboy - Don and their granddaughtsrs Ann Bal low st SharleneCan les Huby (cash); 3rd, Mariene« White of Bethany sud Joan 2nd XeT raw, Codard. tnd McGill (Wollacotts, Lindsay); Bdthweli, Peterborough, and Ladies' Bail Throw, lut Shar- nd HrseDran V d .-lt lro. Alice Pearce, Mr. and lene Caini 2nd Kinstte Ruby idH ors Mr. and Mrs. R lels t ielr. AI. Cochraue, M. and Woodwarâ. Ladies' Shos Kick uhe (Drury Grocery Store, Lind- Mrs. Arthur Clarke, Mi-. and lot Sharlene Cain, 2nd Kin- )u say); 3rd, Star Ranch (Mid- M d fLon roOslarke adet e ude )otown fuitue) ancehildi-entri Osa . Potato Race, lot Kinette a- Spr ntr- lst, McGiIl ! nigvstiswere Mr-. snd Ruby Woodward and Kinette Mrs. Dou. ala and famlly, Joan Brun. Men's Race under ýhe uay); 2ud, Ses Pies (Imperial ..........Bwa n r rod40, loi Duie rs n,2ýPe ,illOil; 3r, Vewlae SeamWilliams and threc boys, Nes. dent Ralph Whyte. lIen', tel 011); (I rd Viea i<e Seamleton. Shae Kick, G ardon Rundîs. ai F oat I m pe ial u).M r. sn d M rs. C larke w il- T he W ater ne on E a i n g ng Convertible Clas-lat, Earl t liama were Sunday gust f Contesi vise won by ar t- Waiker as "Mayor cf Janet- guea ~r ville", (Roy Pitt, Pontiac Desl- Their relatives and frlends in this area will be interested in this five gen- Mi-. and Mra. H. Bothwell, Coilacutt. Psan t Patching he ci-, Lindsay); 2nd, Mr. and lIra. eration photo. The group includes, Mrs. Walter Dervent, right, of Oshawa, now Peterborough, sud attended Contest wneswr us an ln Ernest Colley (Ken Parnell, 84, her daughter Mrs. Dorothy Tanner (nec Morris, fornierly cf Bowruanville)thc famlly picnle. Alaine Hewaon, Port Hope. ýEsso, Lindsay). airi, . UPieyPadeJoane, Dunan. ~- Pols n Rdra-lugrandson Walter Morris and great granddaughter Mrs. Brian Rai-p (nee MorrPiUleyPats Roace, Dlauca Lnalso formerly cf Eowmanville) and gi-eai, great granddaughter Sandra Lee to is LnNancy Stilcs (John Walkcr, Mrys en Cinan Mnry aî, Ut Sur Garage); 2nd, Jennifer Karp, four-months-old. Photo by 'ry StudioEgThongCteiSar ' 'e MlcGiil (Smith Hairdressiug,\V s Aw d psipsdet 'RB Lin say; nd, Linda Plum- w n w r )f A dy onat , 3 , ca too ist L O N G S A U L T (cash). Dooh Bwn T L E 1r O t whose work appears weekly PIED THOMSON Clowns-lst, Mrs. Guy Mc- (Intended for lait week) Sundsy with Mn. snd Mrs. Lindsay, and Sunday guesis cd slxth place lu the edilorial Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk of Bowmanville's IGA Food- Gu Mxa adns;2d Reeent visitai-s w1th Mi-. George Johns. were Mrs. Erie Ross. sud Mi-. car-toon section of the Fourth visited Mr-. aud Mrs. Andy limer, this week announcea the Mrs. Lethbrldge (Moxon Gar- aud Mns. Ell Mai-s wers Mi-. lIns. Vers MacDonald sud and Mns. Reg. Ruskin, a- International Salon cf Car- Sutch, Pontypool, Suuday af- appoi nimeut of Mr-. Fred ; es.and lIns. George Sellera, Mn. daughîcr Beverly, S ur r ey, bonough, and Mr-. sud Mrataona. tei-noai. Tomon as manager of hie (nLais- ySlvl hop)adMr.Ke ayadM. rtihColumbia, arc enjoy- Lloyd Capstick, Uxbridge. The Uward wss made for a Mr-. sud Iro. Allen Baker nowrijanvffle store. Fred his ýo (indsy SlkSsuad lIrs. Don Mains, Mn, ling à vacation wiîii lier sis Mi-. and Mna. Lloyd Wilson cartoon whIch appeared ln sud Michael, Misa Janet Baker been with thc IGA chain for Oldeat Citizen In parade- Alec Malns, Mna. Bud Virtue tens Mabl ansd Blanche Bruce Scroogr}i Maidbý n r. e aeradTri,.~ e 'c Thuh ccmaie y e Canadian Statesman dur- sd frIend, Waterdown; M. 1yer nd resides lu Bw- 7" Mrs'. McDowell (96), (Tangney sud daughter Donna, ail fi-rn and brother, Edward. is mothen, Mns. Dave W!î ng the Mercantile Bank bas- sumlranenBaersd eriwix hlis wlfcsud " Furniture). Bowmauville Mr and Mrs.slwihhe ntd State. Bur'lungtou, w e n e Sunday w hli-en. He la Inteneatd sa Bands-McGuîl Beach (Wil- Ivan Mara, élankion, Mr-. sud PlyIug Offîcen Mrs. Rosa son, graudmother, lIra. S. p pih h nie 1- son Stapies, Lindsay); lIrs. Ted Mains, Susan sud Hcke, Angus, ônîario, Visil- lIcQuade, sud lis ululer Suz-. t hwearie il., er -et fM- u Is . usot ihseil a ed atrdy it ler un, nn, ttndd afail g- easo spnkeia-.u o as son golf sud bowling, lu 1- Special Vehcles-lsl, hack Gloria, CanningtonsdM.cdSliaywl erat, aunandddafm.l MrPasn.puiga pro Mr. F. G. Smith received concurrent announcement, Mn. * driven by Melvin Wight (Oui- aud Mns. George Windsor, Mia. Jas. Farder lu Uxbnid e therng with the Ai-cher tam- huge Texas boot.th a word, Saudy ht Milligan adviies that lie has *i-arn Miro., Lindsay), 2nd, Aax Boanane. Hospital sud was a g uestIl y at Brighton ouý Sunday. A total of 390 cuti-les fi-rn bis sister lu England wharn he ucaeantrIG Fod Fine Englue (Imperlal. 011). MIr. and lIns. Andrew Mai-- the evenlug with Mn. snd On ,Tuesday they Sp eut a 54 countI-es were entered lu had vislled last summier, had linen lu this arcs sud will b. i Decorated Dol! Carniage - low, Mr. Leta Pitze, Oshawa, Ins . Lawrence McLaughlin. pleasant day ai Collilngwood. the cempelîllon, which wss passed swsy Augusi 9. dii-ectiug bath euierprlaca, elai Marilyn Wright (Siubearnisud Mi-. sud 'N*o. Jack Craig- Cangratulations to Mi-. Hi- MlIs. Sid Lckyer, Brooklu,lstaged u Montcal. lIr. George Wells sud Mrs. ___________ a Baicries)' 2ud Debbie Beggu bcsd, Part Penny, visited on bei-i Hoaey who wass warded 0 (cash); ýnd Wima Gowon t he rze ai. Blackutock Pair * cash).-B anff*~ê' o eng the oldeat genile- AU decorated bicycles and - 1 ma present. Mi-. Hoaey, lu tricycles were given a çcà&ash £ n dey lear sleïdy volce, thauked * 1ze doated by Wilson I{cas- lIC lf ihe Fair Board snd réminisc- fp eI Wright, John - d about previaus tairs. Con- . Beug Ms. dw g Beggs ]RAT L .DILLDMG ratulations also to Mr. laoey* Wedig nd»ats lae& cf Chmrtered Accounisut who celebrated hle uluety- aViewlake. 03 Chus-ch Sireest, third blrthday on Sunday, 00-Ca-ts.-.lit Fneddie Bow- 623-3881 A~s 7h u cas i en, 2nd Fisher hays sad Don.-î.i n. COGGINS tencied Cartwrlght's Centen. aid Hughes. Chariered Accouxilsut nia! Ecumeénical Chiaich 8cr- Senior Citizen& Flot-lit, 115 Llberty SiLS. Bawmsnvîlle vices eai rti-wight Park. Antliqu easch (Xnieruai ___1)._____________3812 McGll' ~ pr il)ese6~31 Salai-day visitai-a with Mr-. were dousld hy Peterborough WLf»SM C. anLsd lIrs. George H-eaallp were Aulealie c Lixdas,, er-B.Carm .Mr. aud lIra. Poney Preston, ley GreeveaofELirn,dsay r- Charte±-ed Accaulu ______________ P'ulto's Grocei-y aoi, Golden'sy 0 a kTCIug St.E.25-658 a Book Store aud Walkwooda. Tlpoe7b63 Prizea for the dances were Bv-Kto-eO , SELÎT îh è. A cd n ~evIdd as awa Fiddienu' Çharlcred Accauntanîs . en Mi-i. ~ ~ Mr asoie nud 323 King Street West ,Bsc ad tMuslp 7254451 - 7878 Round'Ur Centre. Willim A. D. Selby. C.A. (neddfrli ek Spot DanePilai, donated G. Edmonud-frrows, CA. (neddfrli ek rCli- Browni Jewellsrs Mc- I lait wee#'a Issue o!flTahe l eelrWalkcris Chiropraciic Staleamar Itilwas inàdvei-. JeweleriC. i ih as d _Ch___rop__racc___ tly mrted that a moter- Chips, CourtslMusic Caee ,.BDWN AN,»c cycle openated by Ronald John Walke- sud Superte Cfrorcti BeauprIe, Bruce Street, Osh- (Paul lIcDoweli). Office - awa, sud a car dnîven by' e r a l Pnize for Parmi-s' Slip 15 Elgin Et., cor. Of Horsey St John Pari-y Logan, BR R 6, Dauce won by Bei-i McMullon ce ]Phono 623-0500 Bowmanville, laed becri lun ______ doualed by Lindsay Bra l fcHours: By appoitment collision. What actuallylisp- 01 T.C.O. peued was thetMi.Beaupnie' The Centenlal Comtinltiee ni astbound on J%. ati-ycle aire Iudaed graleful ta &Ul those -D l0 n a £ bad came round a tai-n ou menchanta an d Iudividuels DL W , tUDELL, DD.S. N. 2 Highway usai- Breaks' who sù generouaiy prevIded 75 Kin S. E. Beos-minville chlcken fanm, sud Mr. La- prizis; alao ta Rayi Offiuekouri:gan'u car ei the hcad o! aev- sm, ta O1't.n.aiy eral allier isslbound cars was m e n t f o r h e i r c a s o n a cu l p 9 a m , a 6 m . d i l y p n a p a r l y m a k in g a l e f i t u s -n .,I c S O L à o Closed Satunday sud Sunday The niotorcycla rider, ta sayMr R Iw$1e P),Office Plione - 623'-5790 UUl Mr hdis JW<'AI T (101 a OIIBIE io .OWlrn, . h neN~cate 87421avoid collidlug,p ut lits ma- Sd11.V a Zio %LOpS o nh o.PoeNwate0746 chine lu thé dic'. LION #ECI Dl.i.F.CATTRAN, D.D.S. Sie Bacon 79c (Interidad for last week) 75 KlIg St. B. Bowmanil There wss a collision e lIns. Norman Gerow sud Office Dours: iweeu two trasporit tsulers Alpine, Prlanrose, Triangle CUONAYêNI David, returned Salai-day from 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily O. .hui-aday ai il p.m. ou BierfRNE a week's vacation spant ai Closed Salai-day and SundsyNo 401 Highway, westo Capé Cod. 'Ë~elephone: Office 623-5459 Bowmanvllle. The drivers lu- S e k te b 5 Mrsa al d. pe avolvad were Gsi-aId Rase, day lt.we with Mn1D.S . . e.BToonand eoi-. oenwho Whl e r Mat ike . a i - w é kM s .L D . . b é .W e R ms r v e t h . e l gi h t 3 . . 9 9 c Port Ho e. Office ilis home suutain.ed chant Injuries wasTeLnIQatls Misa Elalue Caswell, having 100 Liberty St. N., BowmanvlUe ti4 n yîlmBiexvil omlidercusaiKu- Phone 623-5604 àAres Ambulance ta Memoril C MERlL à. slon, ta uow enjoyiug, wlth Office Hours: Hsia for trealmeni. OoOn.0U her fredaweke xo 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Mond~ay Mr. Roue lad recv a!foie neturuiug lame. Cljoe4 Wdesday 1-1 SaYlai-dayPE lIns. J. eransd, _sznuy ci-yéed aufflclsnîly ta returu ta 1W.o hae ie uinin î l » UmmTA iLfl oEhlhoetreprae e joincti wmtheb. far lbf theOouting. TheY vicitédthi Caves. heMOuhtain, ti Georgian China sud the ]Bit Mounitain Potteny sud watc] id as tie patterni was Slsuuj ed mo.Saturday nod Mid Itru.WUbM1 o rl.tfi Ur. and MUn.Granaiî, bell, Karea, Richard and Ro< wf et aiî i:k1~" cr Ur-. andMUn, Loi-ne Lami Ernikil, ho were re Mr. sud MmaCecil wilson )kntud i-eu LIII!WV Ur-. sud'UM. Grant Thomp. sam VWatéd lh lis mothe, Ifs. James ahmpson, Pair 1k..Arthuai- yland aud herkinsumm HoId ' -aAnnuaI Picnic at SCrs.. of Mtî4i ~'The gownil Ciue lit Club held i h11 ine il CreaM o1 Darliy 5rounds ne- 'b cenlly, ?neaidexsî Rs3mWhylie 9. waa the Piule CMafn1> at charge o!fi-aà smlsàu th Kixiette Jeura olau u n. Kixiette Kay Cain were ip d chageaiPrime.- 9 herace for *1n0, agiS3 and Ù. under wasn y:lut SMdra 'Mary E]Men Tronouhir SHope. -Girls, 4 ô oud 8 lot r' Lana. CaIi, 2nâ JInny iiuey. Boys aie 8 sud under lut Allen Voodwatd, 2nd - eov c i si 1 at m w a1 w Pt U. '34r. Md Mm. Jim desock Mou. - C& -IThum .- Df.Irt * 0to eDon L Miig'swan, rrierI.r Toodowee 9aui a -m I04>ftet~- T & M W t 5 Iavu#. 4. v Z1. C. Caok qeathe Weel=n- ei the Smith home andi oa Sunday Mr-. J. C. Cook sud Mi-. Robert Bit were Sunday guesis, ail atteuding the races '5toBOO& Club 80 mou TU* Syrmpatby of the-oo«M=i fWcr laexten4d to1M. lest son evls&n Ilicir anale M- fcet BiMI, Thurodaj evening. M..johmatn pstet~ wioeued wlth be alter4fr and'- Ms-a. MoL'u "'iaIe Ilaeyuwli cuebsated ihei- Silverd Wedding Annivensa-y, Mr-. sud Ifs. Cîsyton Brown' sud 4uda wes-e Sund&t ap PCiî lIra. a- A

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