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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1967, p. 8

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sandI u atsan, Eowmanville, sept 1D. lu" fSPORTropics W. ba tii oprtunt t ta]k with Eddie Feiguer at zEMdu' Ibto ae lu Oshawa, sud ofcourse aur #rst qeto uthdt e Io did you bcm sucha grnt pltchcrV' "What I weuld do would be te tees a eau lu a slow- moving river sud throw rocks at it untili iaplit it open and Rb *i~I Riq . It sssik. I got s0 after a whfle I could hit that cu wlith eauiIElI Ne~w ii4 siglt throws eut o! ten. That's how I developcd my arrn and Uic accuracyd Icouldn't get a Job when I was about 15 years old, : ..... 1 went Into seftball I can stili Uirow a bail underhand 250 *net, but six or moyen years ago 1 could stand at one end of a football field sudhis it over the cross-bar at the opposite end." Eddie remembered he once played agaluet members of the Detroit Liens football teani. They added hockey star Gordie Howe to their lino-up. Howe fanned twice, but Uic '~third tinie up, belted a home u. P eigner la qulte a ton-pin bowlcr as weil, good eneug ta put on shows ln that sport as weil. Hoe averages 204, and thon blludfolded, still scatters Uic pins for a 182 mark. t t tt t BOB JAMES WINS GOLF TITLE The Bowrnanville Golf Club Chauipionship was won by Bob James on Saturday when he fired a 76 hi go with a fine fist round 68 fer a 144 total. Bob wvas thc easy winner by l6 strokes over runner-up 7 Larry Heffeing who carded an 83 sud 77 fer 160. Ted Hear had a 168 total au rounds of 80 and 88..............4~ ~ Emnie Dickens was the lew handicap winner, with Jack Jarvis holding down the ruuucr-up position and Don Oke third. t t t t t THE FIRST 900! t didu't take long for the firet 900 to be recorded Liberty Bowl, as the new season got underway last weel t waa flnc other than manager AI Osborne who turne, tie trick, rolliug ganies of 260, 361 sud 286 for a 907 tripIt while bowling Friday night in the Mlxcd League. ~. The Youth Bowling registration on Saturday was th, -largeat In hltory, leavig bowling superviser Harold Bennel .with a big imile on hlm face. No doubt Harold was centeni platlug last year's succès wbich resulted I a Canadiai Championmhip - and hoping bis bowlcrs eau do it again. -.t t t t t '~NOVICE PLAYERS A try-aut for Bowmanvillc's Novice Ail-Star tearn wi] be held this Saturday mornlng fram nine hi ton o'clock AUL players wbo are ton and under, with a blrth-date o! June n;ý- Lit, 1957 or after are cligible, sud the coaches Issue an invi- Station te al Èowmanville sud area youugsters, who wani toe play Novice hockey. --t t t t t SUINDAY BOWLING Ai Osborne, manager of Liberty BowI, anuouuced thhs Week that the lanes wlll be open every Suuday aternoon dýurlng Uic sesson with a special price of 35c per game. t t t t t 9 SFTBALL FINALS .~After a free-wheeliug first garne, won by Ken', Men's Wear 15-8, Uic Mci'. Town League Saftbail final seriez bas ~-devélôped Into quite a battle. XeWi' went twe up ou tre strength of Raye West's two- imAailnnhig honme run, taklng a 5-4 vlctory, sud Mouday *Wbdgt -Stephen Fueins got back Into, contention as George Ç Oephen pitcbed theni tg a 3-2 esin Peurth gamin theUicbout of seven sertes goes hoigbt S(Weducsday at elght o'clock under the llghts at Mernorlal SPark. wIi the flfth slated for Mouday at the smre tirne ansd place. Should sixth sud mveth contensabc iieeded tbey çj« lapy Wednesday sud Uic foflawing Menday at.Mernorial Park, ame at 8 p.ni. Iu the Junior circuit, EUs Shoca, atter dropping the £rot two games, have mared back te grab a 3-2 edge ou .~Wbyte's Upholotery In Uic best cf saven final The. sxth encounter wss played asat nlgbt, sud if a seventh sud decldlug battlc la ueeded it wifl take place on Thursday n igbt, 8:15 p.m. under Uic lighits at Memnorial Park. t t t t t LAST CHANCE We have'been natificd by the OHA., that a meeting *has been, cailed for Tuesciay nlght, Sept. 19th, at elgbt o'clock In thc Cobourg Arcus, in order to ferm an Interxnediatc Hockey League. - A pair of new entries will be I the greup fer the cornhng 1967-68 season - Carnpbellford sud a Belleville s Iutermediate club, whlch will play their home garnos I Tweed. t appearn likely that Whitby wiil form another -;new club, whlle there la also a pesslbllity o! a United Btates. tearn from Alexandrla Bay, New York, giving the s: loop su International flavor.n If Bcwmanville la te returnu otei Intermediate hockeyb wrm, uew la Uic tinie thiset - Uic meeting ln lesa than t a weck Bway. + + 4 <:44Es No CINCR Mtrcapturlng Uic first Uiree ganies Jr. *«A" best of seven final sertes, It appear Green Gaela werc going to wrap Up thcl.r hIfour stralght. The vlstlng New Westminster Salmon as Uic best tearn to corne out of the we< ertabnly hadn't ahown anything to warrar mnd ln the late stages of Uic third clash, thej out of IL. However, sernething happened - perhi visit to Uic Leafs' Petcrborough training ci *ords of wlsdorn tram"Punch" Irnlach.E boles won Saturday 12-5 and lookcd lip Then Monday night, ln a trernendous la( New Westminster, down 3-0 in Uic first aii back te down Uic Gaela 12-10. Oshawa trailed 10-7, when Gaylord Powl nd set up the tylng tally at 13:32 of thc the Partisan crowd roared its approval, les 1ater the weterners had bagged the eventt 4dded another within 17 seconds. Now audden]y Uic Gaels are no longer a t*a cup, as Uic Salmonbollies are Jtent on the great comebacks ln Canadian sport.j houl b. a tremeudous battis on Weduesd OM*ek at Oshawa'g Civic Auditorium. i. t i. i.t 1 JMNOB HOCKEY 1 PIaYers wlhiug to play ln Jr. Meus1 oMtat Stan Staphoe or Sld Wordmn at1 ..,t. 17UL DON" FOET "143 SUNDAY 1 PM. #bKlinAtOff muet Smni o at ck. 24MatHarrison 281, le, Mchell236. eTcam Standings Team W L Pins ce Osborne 303175 1- erfe __ t3 03005 Wico 3 0 2977 M. Etcher 3 0 2908 n On Saturday afternoon, senior mien at Bowman- right, was this year's wnner, with Larry Heffering, Bedford-- 2 1 3020 ville Golf Club competed for the club championship far right, the runner-up. The club's new owner, Bob Lobb 2 1 2737 and this beautiful new trephy that wihl be awarded MacDonald is making the presentation with' club Donoghue- 1 2 2758 annually. A smaller replica will be retained by the professional AIex Shields alongside. Haro ---i 329287 e Paron__ 1 329387 iwinner each year. Bob James, holding the trophy at Bromeil 0 3 2861 C.Nowlan 0 3 2786 ,ecollcctcd two !iits for the Brock -- O 3 2731 Ke "s To F e er 1 m8losers. Hellam's pair, gives Averages at bts.Aftr agreat regu- Dick Perfect Perhaps the long walt had A walk, along with a great threc sixth inning taîhica after lar schedule,' "Alie" has car- Jim Bedford _____ somehin todo ithItbutbun sigle y CintFeruso, to wre ut.ried right an with his sizling Matt Harrison sorn thi g t do wlt It but bun si gle by lin Fer uso , t e w re ut.hitting t roughout the play-1 C onnied W ise ran last Tuesday night's opening a ficlder's choice that failed Bob Foster allowed Il safe- offs. Kilpatrick and Leveck,j Howard Bro.meli sgame in Uic best of seven ta get the runner at the plate tics, walkcd two and fanned sport gaudy .400 averages for Don Bradley 1Men's Town Softball League and singles by John Fowler three ta eamn the win. George Ellis in the finals, while Har- Gord Wilcox final series, 'didut cxactly and Richards put Ken's back Stephen, entering the gaine old Michelson bas been an- Harold Moore produce particularly awe-in- an top 5-3, with four in the with a 4-0 semi-final record, other o! tbeir all-around stand- Vince Prout _____ singPlay. . second. dropped bis firat decision, giv- outs. Two o! the rnystery men Audrey Osmond ____ Kena Mn'sWea coldnt Oce gai Ke's mplyeding up 10 bits, four free pass- in the finals at the plate have AI Lobb ----- ____ 9care bass, as they walloped the bunt te perfection in the es and striking eut a pair, te be Dick McLean, WNhyte's Cecii -Mutton _____ Stephen Fuels 15-8. Ken's eut- third, adding three more runs. Bb ~ b Wlims htok s1' firs _____nd____ RthGrn 9alugged the Fuelers 13-11, An errer, Vince Vanstone's e am, W 0 od, rtscran Els'RtGat had six other base-runners on bunt and Ferguson's second, ov.er te start the sixth, per- reliable centrefielder Gord Merley Etcher -____ walks te a pair for Stephen's filled the bases, and Archie nittcd thrce hits and two Wallace. MeLean ils mired in George Glanville and each team comuiitted four Crossey drove them ail in on walks. a two for 15 (.133) rut, while Bob Glanville ____ errors. a single. Crossey circled the Along with West'& tbree- Wallace ia hitting a puzzling Jee Nowlan -____ Kens opened te moigbases- wheu eu§, al -put run borner, Ricbards, Fergu- .2 BA (w or 126à.pBath Murray Gtc _______ with a single run Iu the firat, Wright, but was out fer fail- son, Fowler and Crossey each players are a 'oB20opine~b Mthl ____ on "Mac" Richards single, ing te touch tbird. claimed two singles te lead tha below their capabilities, but Ssa itchell but Stcphcu's carne back te Don McMurter homered for winners. anc and possibly two games Onie Etcher______ forge in front 3-1. when Jirn the fuels in the tbird, but McMurter bad a homer and sitll rein the serie s. h E lto rk_____ Moorcreft Ted Dadson and Ken's kcpt roiling along, single in the losing causewspae lstibt<u-HpPaer_____ GrntWrght ingIed after the counting once In the fourtb, with Dave Werry, Wright aunBund_____ firt two batters ofeam-trei teffho aeMocrf agn arn day). If Whyte's squared Uic Fern Bradly hadred. We t's two-ot hoeruh n aydsie caiece. ga pir set, the seventh and deciding Lou Welsh _______ ti r e . W st ' t w -o u h o e r u a n - s n g l s a i e c . ig a m e w ill b e p la y e d th is S a n d r a S ta in t e n a evec Dicens __8_m. Ellis Continue to March âgâvenng t 8__ '>phy Presented for Club Championshir > Mixed Loque Bowling Supathy is extended te Uic family of thc late Mcl Wise- man. He will be rnissed lu aur league. AI Osbarne started the scason off an the right foot sud carne up with a big 907 triple fer the nigbt, and a bigb single garne ef 361, giving -hixn high average of 302. Canle Wiseman led tbe ladies with ai 690 triple, 259 single sud high average o! 230. 300 Gamet AI Osborne 361, Dick Per- fect 309. 220 Gamet adOver AI Osborne 260, 286; Ernie Dickens 232, Murray Grant 262, Howard Bromell 253, 250; George Glanville 222, Mer- ley Etcher 252, Ceunie Wise- man 259 and 241, Dick Perfect 241, Alex Wiseman 240, Har- old Moore 250, 223; Vince Prout 266, Audrey Osmond 221, Gord Wilcox 275, Don Bradley 272, Bob Leaman 260, AI Lebb 273, Pat Prout .228, E I by liai Clarke strikeouts sud walked only anc Tecd Leveck, plus Gord Wal. Ells Sboes continued their man. lace's sacrifice fly and an ini urge hiward their second Jr. El, wbo won the leaguelfleld errer, gave Ells tbreé men's title, last Wednesday champianship in« 1965 sud morruns n tc furth night, wbipping Wbyte's Up- were flualista asat year, have trame' Aloe the safetici holstery 6-'.wnte attre ae.wreh bunts. Kilpatrick picked Ted Leveck with a brilliant Gord Wallace's double that up b i.it n eet 3ix-bitter, allowed Uic Sbee- was babbled, allowed bim te R.IB.I.'s, i* the finals, when non te take ~~~the lead in the scpre Ells' first run, in the h mse w u oe est a! seven finals, 3-2. In bottom a! the second. Tbree fer Ellis in the last o! the oilecting initial win o! stralght uits by John Kla-ffb he eres, Leveck claimed 12 rick, Harold Mchelsond Leveck, who mowed downý of the Canadian 1 West ilomers to Give red as If Oshawa Ken's Men 5-4 Win rflfth Minto Cup A home run by Raye Wcst attack. Werry was tops fo with two out in thc bottom eto Stephen's with two singles. nbellies, heralded the scvcnth, gave Ken's Mcn's Foster checked the Fuels c est in ten ycars, Wear a 5-4 victory over five safeties, fanned threc ai mit tliat dlaim - Stephen a Fuel, under the wledoe ate.Stpe y were obvbously Thursday night. The decision alse liigtresrlco putKe's i ron 20 in the victims and issuing a lone frtt .aps it was their best of seven Men's Town pass. amp, and a few Softball League final serles. But Uic Salmoen- The Fuels jumped into a 2-0 first lnning lead on singles ressive dolng it. by Don McMurter and Grant crosse attraction, Wright, along with a two-out l. minutes, came error, when left-fielder Clint Feruso, hroof the opener, dropped Jlm Merca s afly ~* rless scored twlce ball. final pcrlod. As Stephen's added two more ;s Uiau a minute In the third as Dave Werry, ualwinersudWright and Moorcraft singled, before 'Jiggs" Cowling rappcd. into a double play te end Uic... sure bets te win threat. kmaklug one of Ken'is began their coe At ay rae 4,back with a pair i the bottom At auyrate half, as Don Bagneil walioped daY nlgt, .ight a home run, follewing a wl to "Archie" Cressey. A single by Bill Nicholson and Bagncll's sacrifice fly pro. duced a run lu the flfth, wit Hockey League Ken's pushing acrosa the 72&9177 before equalizer in singles by "Mec" Richards, Vince Vanstone and Bob Ponter. Thcy Uireatoned hi add more, but pitcher DANNE PASSANT George Stephmn bore down to retire the final two batters624 with runners on second and 120 Duke St., 8<wnzaVjil kCES Lu Ic e scvonth, Cro.sey * LifI. rac opmned wt a single, but was * lacme Disahut out trying te steal second. bIt Thon when the next batter * Pension Plan PonWed h short, West drilled a hard smaoh dowu Uic leit G.pInuaC fielddlUne that teck a wlcked D"uuine a nurance howay r Mur'rs ead fgr cctIgeU beltcd a hoaner SnLIfr ASurenuc Ni a nd oubIe, wl*h VneVan ~ ~ t Par Ca sienco1ectig p ,o CMUsyo Cnd nine straight batters, after Joe Kennett's leadoif double,ý in the fourth, had bis shutout bid spoiled in Uic sevonth. A walk, a fielder's cheice and an infield eut, was followed by ll McLeau's infield bit. Don-j for nis SulIlivan thon banged a .drive off Leveck scoriug on Whyte's only run of the gamo. id "Woody" Lee popped up to en Leveck to end it. . le Around the base.: Leveck, a ut fast worker, was esgecially te Swift in registeýring the ail- - important win, in this series. M Only Joe Kennett, Wbyte's catcher, cscaped being anc o! Leveck's strikeout victims. Joe, along lthBob elan, (0F Bowling League The C.O.F. started bewling an flday nlgbt with Dot Bond taking bigh single with a very nice 308 game. Hligh triple went to Bfi Nicholson with a 682. Gaines over 200 Marie Sedman 201, 201, BIhI Patter 229, Gord Butter 203, Bill Buma 260, 204, Bruce Whitehead 210, Sharon Mllley 259, Norm Woadcock 230, Gea. Marsalal 242, 239, Glenn Prout 212, Bob MeBeelis 217 Bill Nicholson 269, 235, Dic Donuis 203, 214, Dianne Me- Rc1s202, Dot Bond 308, 213 Bob Marshall 213, 244, Dou Nolan 214, Bemnie Holden 21 240, Jack McNab 212, Fr Stubbard 216. TO&mistandings Bill Nicholson____ Glenn Prout ______ Dot Bond_______ Jack Bond À Ham y.Snowe Jack UCNab______ Bon Brock 0 Morley Thonipson 0 Bruce Miller_______ Ray Westak _______ LBob *s Pts. 757 D5 7, 777 08 7 0 5 74 583 722 350 M10 50 302.1 253 242 231 230 229 223 221 217 213 211 210 204 Fiels Rack in Cotenion Defeat Kuu's 3m2 en Mondîy S ph uels poated aSS n lt ingle m ithe declln over KnX e &'s2firat ona*base on=bll, d Weri arkon under the 1igts at he singles by Bob Abbott , and Mernoria Park M nday lh, Grant Wright. . to move back Into conenton Foster's second Innngh for the Men'a Town Softball run tled It up, befere SteW~ League champlonsiilp. en's went k1i front again Ken's lead the best of moyen the third on a horner by Lloyd final series two gaes to one, HafliiltOii. with »te fourth encounter A base on bals, followed slated for tonlght (Wed.) at by Foster's two-out single put eight o'clock. Ken's back on even terma mi George Stephen twirled à the fourth, -with the Fuels strong three-hitter, walking staging their wlnning rally only one batt«z \and atriking I the bottorn haif. out four to earn the victory. Ted Dadson's drive to cen. The loss went to Bob Fos- tre went for a four-base error ter, winner of the first two and that broke up the bail games, as ho gave up six sate. game, although thc next two tics, fanned thrcc and walkcd batters - Bon Pollard and pair. B1311 Hay slngled, before Fos. Stephon': opened the scor- ter retired the aide. MEMOR lAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SK A TIN G FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER l5th j- AND - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2Oth 8 TO 10 P.M. BRING TRIS SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS for two to the SFRIDY 7F IAYSEPT. 15 KmINENGSUERCA ',1PETERBIOROUGHatMEMORIAL 'CENTRE $8,300 IN PRIZES Including Brand New 1967 AMBASSABOR Sedan or $2,000 in Cash; $1,000 El-Lo Game; $1,100.00 SmaIl Snowbail (53 nos.); $1,300.00 Bit Snowball (55 nos.) $600 regular gamet; $450 speclal gamnet. Plus 4 Esrly Bird Gaines (Share Uic Wealth) at 7:U Don't forget te bo the. cConomy pack for vat , Afany Fre. sud Valuable Deer Prizes Fo ward Jr. Championshiop Ry Defeating Whytes 6 to 1 1 Las

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