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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1967, p. 9

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eight Hc TeanI Standing J. SCampbell I.Wright M.Sedman____ -~W. Nesbitt ______ .4 M is Averages X. CaJ'm,4.1 - I. Wright J. Mairs_____ ___ J. Shearer _____ C. Bate'_ _ _ _ M. Sedman ______ FP. Land ______ J. Rowe _____ X. Raiston -__ L. Burgess P. Bruce _____ W. Nesbitt___ ____ -E. Combes______ ]B. Wilbur _____ A. Lorusso D. Cochrane______ L. Woodcock P. Bagneil A. Glaspel P . Broome_______ M. Overiden_____ A. Burgess D. Ogden-- J. Amodeo - a- 'e- -'e va-- a-' 'J' 4.. '--J' 'J -r 4* -J'. a- 'w, 'e .4> 'e *4. 4- w. 'w t,. a. fi. 'e 'e j; v. e a- e. 'Je "e'~h '-I e- ~ . .. ~ 4.* *. 1' f .4 '.4 *4 i s! k 2 i -'4 .4. .4. -4 -4 t- e *'~:.-. -. uw ks Bowling1 C. Tewns ______140 -4 D. Kelly ________139 - 4 'C. Marchant _____136 - 3 M. Rhude ______135 - 1 B. Roberts _______130 - 0 J. Harnes ______ 130 - 0 D. Sallows ________127 A. Perfect _______121 223 Y. Young 100 221 200 Games 205 1. Wright 270, K. Campbel 200 258, 248, J. Mairs 239, 208, M. 174 Sedman 239, J. Shearer 221, 170 216. 168 _________ 166 157 157 157 Registration for Youth bowl- 155 ing was held Saturday, Sept. 154 9th with a record number of 150 173 attending. We have ron 148 for: 6 Bantam Girls. 4 Ban- 148 tam Boys, i Junior Boy, the 148 Jr. Girls' team is tilled and 147 we need 4 more for the Sr. 147 Mixed League for an 8-team 146 league. Time schedule: Ban- 14.1 tams-l10:45 a.m., Juniors- 142 12:30 P.M.; Seniors-2:30 p.rn. COMING.. *SE"T. 15th - 6th "Dusty" Shopherd at thse organ console la our upotairs lkmasd louffl 9 J.'tul amu. Some of the Participants - in Senior Men's Golf Tourney We Are Stili Holding-- The Line ...0 Since 1951 prices of aimait everythlng have risen greatly, but the annual fee for membership ln the ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE - Peterborough Club bas remalned at oui>' $15.00 per year. AND the benefits ta members have actuailly Increased. When you are lnterested lni Jolning a mater club, b. sure to learn about ALL cf the features cf member- ship. More Information can be obtained tram the office. ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE - Peterborough Club (328 Water St., Phones - 745-4146 Peterborough, Ont. 745-4192 Could this bey., Let the Canadian Armed'Farces put you ini the picture with the Officer Candidate Training Plan. To qualify you must be single, between 17 and 23, and bave completed a Seccndary School Education. You'll like the lob. lt~s different and challenging. And the rewords are many. Good pay. A month's holiday. A qualified skili. And the prestige of being a Commissioned Off icer. If you would like ta do something like that, clip and fi out the attached coupon. You go places when you go with us, The Canadian Armed Forces. BOWMANVILLE LEGION 12 fmon oflf6:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2Oth 1967 --------------------------- -- - - ----- - - --- -- -- -- - -- Director of R.crultlng, Coadion Forces Hoadquarters. NAM I ADDRESS CITY ~RO-______ AGE -HON EDUCAflONAL GRADE COPLETED ___________ The annual senior golf tournament at the Bow- not included, including Ernie Dickens who won the manville Club was held on Saturday when players handicap trophy. Photo shows, front row, Jef t to right, completed the second 18 of their 36 hole total, starting Charles Bickle, Ji-n Crouch, Ralph Ames; back row, shortly after noon. Following play they were pro- Ted Hoar, Charles Warren, Wally Braden, Don Oke, vided with barbecued haxnburgs by the management. Don Gilhooly, Jack Jarvis, Bob James and Larry Sonie of those taking part are shown here after the Heffering. event. Unfortunately, others had to leave early so are Il -. 1 hr-A -à, FromTee r by ALUX SHIELDS ....... ...Professional at Bowmanville Golf Club A few weeks ago Y gave a rough outline of the procedures that an aspiring young tournament player has to go through if he wishes to join the tour. We left him just having received his Approved Players Card which now permits him to file for entry in any of the Professional Golfers approved tournaments. Now, brimful cf eagerness, enthusiasm, confidence and visions af coflecting a nice fat weekly pay cheque, graciously presented by some generous sponsor, hie heads for his first tournament, but, because hie is a rookie hie now has te play in a pre-tournament qualifying round before he can play ln the tournament proper. A tournament can usualiy accommodate up te about 150 players and the established systemn exempts the previeus years top 50 mnoney winners froini aving te qualify along with those players who played the final 36 holes in the previeus weeks tournament. Other exemp- tions include past winners of the National Open, Masters, and P.G.A. championships. Add te this list the current tournament winners etc. and obviously there are few places left for the non-exempt. It is net the first time that more than 300 players have competed for less than 35 places. With only ane in every ten players able te make the grade our young hopeful will have ta corne up with a pretty good gamne ta make it. There have been numerous occasions when a round cf even par :iust aqueezed in. If cur friend dees net make it he just packs his clubs and heads for the next tour, there, ta practice as much as possible in the hope of making it the next week. There are many cases where some tellows, although trying every week for months, only managed to play in a couple of tournaments. This has got toeact a player up, probably he plays quite well but a couple of missed putts means he doesn't even get ta try for a pay cheque. He is aimast a regular member et what is sometimes referred te as the Ghost Squadron - the boys who try weck after week but rarely get the chance te play ini the tournament. Should he manage ta quality he is stili et a disadvan- tage te the headliners. The severity cf this handicap varies with the time af year and the- location. As the prime tee-off times are nermally reserved for the clite our rookie can flnd himself teeig off at the crack of dawn on ground covcred with a heavy dew or in some cases even a slight frost. In some cases the advantage he has of puttlng on unspiked greens is off-set by the temperature compelling him ta play hampered by heavy sweaters and freezing hands. It is understandable that he may be sllghtly chagrined aiter fighting the elements te see the big names teeing off I ideai tee-shirt weather. These conditions only make it a littie tougher te make the "cut." The "cut" Is aptly named as after 36 holes only the leading 50 or 60 players are allowed te play the iast two rounds while the others are cut off from any further participation. Net making the cut means ne money, lots of frustration, and more pressure in having te qua]ify at the next tournament. The tact that there are always a few breaking away from the "Ghost Squadron" and securing a position in the limeight is suffilcient encouragement te many young players and ensurea that there will always be plenty of boys ready ta try their luck an the Gold Dust Trail. _______________I Mi -- - Bowmanville 0:00 'til mldnlght in the Downstairs Lounge BAR FACILITIES AvalJable gaier UCL.CO. Liceas $1 .W Per Perso-% (10% Amusement Tax laclel> RESEBVATIONS REQUESTED PHONE 623-3373 f MenwS Maj'or Lge. President Clarence Oke was on hand ta welcame new and old mnembers for the 1967-68 bowling season. A minute's silence was ob- served ln memory ai Ron May- nard. a long time member of thé Men 8 Major League. Ron ~ ssed away this summer and ewill be misaed by all mem- bers ot the league. The league has tour new memnbers: Ray VanMeer. Bill Luxton, Ron Carter and Dave Reynolds. No deubt you will be hearing frani theae boys as the season rails on. Forty-two bowlera started tie seasen with a better than 200 average. Dr. H. B. Rundle toppcd everyone with a big 813 triple. Rundie had games of 272-281-260. The doctor made It clear that he will win thc high average this sched- uic. Wlat adreamer! Rusa Hatul>' had a big 363 single gamne and a triple of 801. Bud Henning had 796 (338-268), Ruas "Wigger" Oke 779 (275-302), Ruas "The Fly- ing Dutchman" Hallman 771 (311). Harry Akey 742 (254). Brian Ma ty 735 (295), Bill (re2U), Don Bagnell 732 (270), Stan McMurter 7311 Bob Williams 204 (307), John Carter 728 (309), Ray Van Meer ___ 204 Harold Michelson 726 (314), Lou MeFeeters ____-203 Ernie Perfect 723 (260), Jack Lou Wiseman 203 Bond 711 (328), Fred "I.G.A." Ron McLean 203 Thomson 709 (314), Bob Glan- George Piper --- ------ - -200 ville 703 (303). emSadn Lowell MacDougal had Tea tadn single -game 279, Ron Etcher Team W L Pins Pts. 278, Ray Van Meer 269, Bill Pepsi Cola -- 3 0 3019 3 Luxton 268, Jimn Houck 267. I. G. A. 2 1 3488 2 The I.G.A. team won high Frank's single 1278 and high triple Variety.. 2 1 3487 2 3488. Whyte Bros.-- 2 1 3460 2 Jim Calian Jr. won low hon- Jury & Loveli 2 1 3319 2 ors, having single games of Mutton & 83 and 94 and a 333 triple. Gould----2 1 3058 2 lat Week - lut Schedule Selby Grant Average for Three Games Heating --- 1 2 3361 1 Dykstra's Food 1 2 3322 1 Namne Ave. Nels Osborne Dr. E. B. Rundie 271 Insurance ---i 2 3210 1 Ruas Hately 267 Lander Hdwe. 1 2 2985 1 Bud Henning 265 Beaver Ruas Oke --______ 260 Lumber-- 1 2 2944 I Russ Hailman_____ 257 Ken's Harry Akey -_____ 247 Men's Wear - 0 3 2934 0 Brian Martyn 245 _________ Bill Orme -_______244 Don Bagneli ______244 Stan MeMurter 244_Tennis 244 John Carter --- -___243 m nn s C u Harold Michelson ____242 Ernie Perfect 241___N ew24 Jack Bond -_____237N ew Fred Thomson _____236 Bob Glanvîhle____ 234 Bowmanville Club Ab Saman ______222 . Tournamient Don Bishop--____ 221 The club tennis tournament Maurice Annaert 219 is nawi fuli progreas at the George Stephen - 217 local ýcourts. The first group Lowell MacDougal 217 te declare its winner was the Don Jensen .--___ 214 Junior Boys. Andrew Mac- Howard Bromell 214 kenzie and Ron Strike _la cd Ron Etcher_____ 213 their final match last Friday. Fred Cale__ ____ 213 Tiiese twa beys are both il Jini Houck _____ 213 years of age and there as no Larry Piper 211 doubt that bath of them vwif Bob Lawton_____ 211 became very gaed p layera in Hap Palmer_____ 208 the near future, if their inter- Ted Bagnell 207 est is et the sanie standard Bruce Milne_____ 207 as their abilit>'. Andirew cam Bill Luxton _____ 206 out an top in this, their firat Ed Leslie _____ 205 taurnamnent 6-2, 6-2, atter Maurice Richards 205 many gaod rallies b>' both Bill Westlake -____ 204 boys. Bobby Strilce and le A] Osborne. 204- Chittick al»n madue a uéint. 7iThe Canadian Sttesman, EoWmmvlfe, Sept là, lm MIxed Doubles eated- M. James, Dé Jamig-&" R.. Carlson, L. Carlson deteat- 6-1. A. Strike, A,.St-çc cd J. Evans, B. Stevens 6-4,j eated N. AllUn, B. Burgesi 4-%, accoumt for themselves. As has b een recorded ln this newspaper during the summer, the slightly eider Intermediate Boys have done rather well for themselves. Chris Steel and Paul Slemon won the doubles tournament of the Kawartha Centennial tennis tournaxnent by beating Gary Kidd and Mike MeGarrity from Peterborough 6.2, 6.3. Chris Steel, however, lost in the singles final ta Dennis Mohur 6-3, 6-0. Althaugh War- ren Aider did flot wIn any Individual honora (sa tar), he is possibly the best tennis prospect i Bowmanville at this tume. He proved this by beating Bill Burgessi the first round of the Senior Men's Singles. Bill is one et the better player i the club, ai- though he has flot been able ta play too much lateiy. The resuits of the matches played so tar are seen beiow. At various times this sum- mier, we have seen a tew ot the "gard" on the courts. Don Marsden, Art Hooper, Don Rundie and Stu James to mention a tew..If, a few more ,came eut, It would be inter- esting to have a tournament- of the veteran players cf this À~ Complete materlala, easy te toile- bluoprint Plana, Nothing down, easy monthi>', budget ternis or a upecial 6 month deferred payment'. Plan. Phone Beaver toda>', - Good Design Three different styles - Big Seleetion . . . More tha» 20 modela - Sound Construction. . For a ilfetime - Easy To Foilow Plans -Complete Materila Delivered MORE THAN 20 DIFFERENT MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ... Three styles et garages te match and compliment Four home. SAngle «ar. two and oar-and-a-half modela . front gables, aide gable or cot- tage roof - sa. the selection st Deaver. Economy Modela From. $269. Cadet Modela from. . $349. Reuidential Modela From $43L. A garage stands beside Four home for a houseime, Chocsthse BDes Garage that will look boat wlth' Front gable, aide gable or GARAGE SELECTOR ~ cottage 'rot. . . There la Visit or pbone Deaver for the lu&,y a model te match your llutrated Desver Garage sîlîdor qihome, te belp wlth your wleet1o. KAV EA E LUMER STORE MKgS.Ea#tPoo6338 STORE HOIRS: Mon.. Thur.: &0S«Sa.m..-S:30 ~m 1- Ope Frida Till9:00 p.mcudStu tm 11 F - - --.- 1 MOTOR INN fwy. 401 and lberty St. Presents ""THE LEE ROSE TRIO", for your Dancing Pleasure SAT.,r SEPT. 23rd , 1: 1 1 à»- il mm a 1 wFÀ 11 1 mSu â"91%ýW & 4umFý SEPTEMBER CENTENNIAL FESTIVAL PINE R'IDGE SCHOOL Bowmanville, Ontario September 29 & 30 1967 FEATURING: ý' The burning of the Elma, Sky l)lvlng, Varfety Concea*, Sports, MUltary Review wlth Tanks Flring, Gala Parade, Antique and Vintage Cars, Bands, Flrewowrks Film, Tented village of dlsplayu. The Publie Cordlally Invîtel Wàtch for turther announcements ls;ee

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