The Cmnadian Statesman,'Eownianvlfle, Sept. 13, 1967t timne he served as à ship's doc- U * * * EIC o n r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ipressions he had receivedl EN N S ILL ND :IJsv tor. e ameo okenaa. an the Kind the MeIat Co nter_____________ D oc or eco m en s che ameta anaa. eepst sympathy is extend- Mr. and Mrs. Garth McGilI I,! D octor ecom me ds Theraads in this country, edDta Mr. and Mrs. N.E. Mark Kim, David and Danny, are excellent, Dr. Ingle stated. Wright on the passing of his Cannington. holidayed with i The highways here are su- ster Miss Effa Wright, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. H. McGîll last' Shoulier Seat Be Ifs peror to those in England, but awa. After the burial n ek he contended that driving Tuesday, relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGill, standards in this country were uests at the home af Shaun, Dean and Todd, Cooks should be improved. Mr ad Mrs. Edgar Wright. ville, spent Labor Day week! To Preven f Injuries h Msbemfyar. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. n .I IY OJ KO meat belts in cars as a safety: the Lions Community Centre' formed this opinion from the and family, Bailiebora, last1 of Mr. and Mrs. Narman Scott r mneasure was advacated by Dr. Irecently. numbers of badly injured wek. ovle Charles Ingle in his address at D.Ige h a enJNepeh a en hoh D.adMs lr e wtonille the dinner meeting of Bow- D.Ige h a enpepeh a en h ad DranMs.Crk emy Mrs. Gea. Irwin was. a Sun-ý pmatisng erethi yer a ben hrt n cr acidntsJohn, Elizabeth and Peter,lday afternoon visitor of Mrs. <xii CASHD rODA? the summer doctor on the staff1 Greater safety mcea s ù. r e s Etobicake, Mr. and Mrs. Keith iiney Knowlton, Oshawa. FOR OLD APPLIANCEs of Memorial Hospital, was i- shou Id be încarparated i McGill, Dale and Brian, were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc- throucb troduced by Dr. E. L. Ewert North American cars. He Sundayuper guests at Mr. Gili were Sunday- dinnerr STATESM AN visits ta A ustralia, Hong Kong, er 'type o ! seat belts w ul Mr an M s. C re c Vit . CLASS FIED He ave a acc unt f hi also explined that he s ould andMr s. lanr rys. C a e ce gruet M.a d Mr. RONO N BST C Phon. 623-3303 Japan and Egypt during the prevent many injurie Avery, Miss 'Shirley Avery r Mrs. F. Toms accampanied roa acidnt. ýdMm. Mra Marshall ofiMr. and Mms. Wilbur Toms ta er r eygo Bowmanville, spent a wee Ooqf air on Saturday.M ca___ tis in t i a ea" Dr.- with Mr. a nid M rs. Gilbert! The U.C.W . m eeting will be -. uwg ma for you famay lis pleasant and asy ai Domin,o. Whether yt cal faclites n his are ", r.M arhall, South Range, Novaiheld at M rs. John Slem on's on;ar, choose Persoal 5ere front the rendly Man bchind the maf couriter. 1n lelrebt h hdIctaWednesday afternoon, 2 p.m * ""' meat cuis you know. Switch Io Dominion t0dm>... mainiy because of teme. SOUDR ON Tcu beensurpisedat te nuberMiss Elizabeth Knapp spentlSept. 2th. Guest speaker I sWevc siy.yof îdtebatvrît fIeoua ON of people who had asked ta be a week with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Louise Scott, a life tim ebEc!AtDMoNMTNDUTPOCS given either pep pili or tran-AguKigLtteBta.nrsfomnda quilîzers. M r . and M rs. A llan H enry M r. and M rs-. Leslie G ra-1I E M N R Z N O I C SS B A EG V I N N N P CE Eric Barr m ved a vote af and immy, Gat, were week - a , Hy d n wee vst s aU_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OTRR WI RuAES AE RON ,~thanks to Dr. Ingle for bis in- iend visitors at R. Shamp's. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs.onYuComnîyArRNRA SBob Williams also expressed onto, was a weekend guest Decomation Day at Bethesdai Ce_957 jProec '~his persanal appreciatian ta the at Mr and Mrs. E. A. Werry on Sundav. I ' guest speaker. an amily. Mm. and r.EeetSn Cn nilPoe The birthdays of Howard Mater David Schell, Rich-eroGtwe weekend ff dRon Hthmig ond swt iios at Mm. and Mms. A Jefrad ehrngo iI, vstn ITS MAINLY BECAUSE 0F TEM A were clbae by their fel- Mm. and Mrs. E. MNair. 1 Sharp's. j 5i FRESH CHICKEN CUTS low Lions.Bo Kent, a pastJ o1presitdent, moved that the ac- cans munting ta $168.55 EUD Sbe pssed for payment. This w wa ecanded by Dr wrFriday evening tY O N E E D Er. an andcarie. r. we t, llwas agan open- MrslgRalph fHilîs nd amly L < muniyHal thso-ri and family n ed for the regular card parties were Sunday visitors of Mm.1Y evemy week. There were 6 Albert His and attendedltLiRSH LOIN PORK SALE MEATY TENDER LOIN END * LONG SAULT tables. Prizes were as follows Decoration Service at Beth- T FRKM ~' M andMrs Gerld Sin-Mrs. S. Gable, Mm. Fred Part- esda Cemetery. Rh 1 M I r.Grl tner r.T iîoM.Cr r n r.Walter I K I son, Brooklin, were Saturday GmltMs n try were dinne guests Sna -- b G. nig guests of Mr. and Mms. Mrs. o rwod 0~>o! Miïss Mary Niddery, Hamp MW L GBaker. ýdraw was won by Mrs. E. A. ton. Mrs. Fletcher and Mr. Jack Virtue. M9 n r. H r ymC nre C t ono ino w Dominion MrJohnsonrbMer, CnreCts Li Joedsbn, Oshawa, acconipan- At the Sunday morning, Thousand Qakes, California,1 ie yM . and Mrs. Bert service, Mrs. Fred Fox o Pa- istd e pret, r ad Johnson visited the latter's sadena, California, sang "yMrs. Chas. White. daughter and family, Mr. and Task", whieh was very muchi Mr lvrBceti pn-ORK CHOPS7 9 WN RS:53 Mrs. I. Rawley, Tottenham, on appreciated by ail present. Mm. iv er ektt is dun the Labor Day Manday. Sunday afternoon brought!igM it i ag- Presswood Compass . RindlessDoions Pr M m. n d ms. W m. o h n o n ela iv es an d fri n dster M n d M rs. L lo y d A il- 1O w da hMr. and M rs. B. cohn o ratioe n d rvi e a B hs r d a d an i t ng o f e ds1 1 P W I C N DE E end Linda, Lifford, spent Sun- near and far tao attend the De- i Tyrone. BrakasRBco Mr. and Mh.MJ. andhMBu.-B.vhetbutir.nhServimce atPr«ss.d ar aonsn r. F .Smt emetery. Beautiful flowersi r n r.J mtBf ht«Fah rz rcse r Mr.mandile Mrs. GeorgSmit were placed on graves of falo; Mrs. R. Hodgson, Tom- Ic B o w m n vi le; rs. G eor e l ved nes and frien ds. T he lonto; M m. and M rs. L . Virtue,1 4 l O E N E T I S E T D WillsMr. ad Mrserv C ceowas held in the new' Osh a wa; Mrs. A. Spicer, 7 were Friday supper guests o Chapel . Rev. D. Northey read Bomnil; r.GVRMNT1SETD b the Smiths.teSrpue i ieMs. F. L. Byam, Mr. Milton Vir- HUSA NIH FE URFID YOUR ~Those fram aur community Northey gave the Meditation tue and Mrs. Annie Rvr Wh hveURn ate t he in 1tue0 is ifeMiS. THURSDAY NIGHT FEATURE 6:0FRIDAY- :00IGHT FEATURE00 LU B ERAL C AN DID A T E Memorial Hospital, Bowran- on "Suffering". Many thanks wreund Ms A dir guesto ou .M :0 .. NY6:0PM.-9:0CMIOL FRville lately are, Mm. F. G. ta the Cemetery Bd., Messrs. Mm. ndd MrE.A. ionresi DmninaradCunrdlu oino' FRSmith, Mrs. G. Kayacs, Mrs E. A. Virtue, Ross Pooley, H. atteda Deorto ervieoiinsBadCutyClboîinsOnBad-Dmn W. Vaneyk, Mr. Rober't Sirn Skinner, Aldin Hoar and Ev- atBehsaemtr.a E l-zI an r . oeige ldertan White. Special thanks Improvementsar being 1F Ez __________________________________ M. mith hve ridetumned t onga o tetd1a-anw an oItM. n DUR H AM ta repart Mrs. Vaneyk and ta Mr. J. Jahnston and Roy' made at ýE. A. Virtue's garage X_ OlTE ac Pac 7 9 C IU I'JRI L . _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ pe ranc o! heJcmete yl Mr. J. Cave 's, new pati their hmes much improved. pgrunds ofth. J er and their home painted, alsol Mrs. V. E. Milîson, Mm. andMm and Mrs. Adrian Haines Mrs .A. Millsan, Mm. and Mrs.'have improved their home by R SP OD CFE A. E .Moffatt, Mm. Ed Miii-1 a coat of paint. F E H P O U E F A U E son, Mrs. R. Virtue, Mr. Len A family e-union was held' CANADA NO. 1 GRADE - ONTARIO GROWN f Moore and family attended a the home of Mr. and Ms the Memorial Service on Sun- 1 Gordsyn Brent and Mrs. L. D. 'i day morning in memomy of yks )Sp. 3rd. Mm. and Mrs. ~*- Mrs. Leon Moore at Gibeonl Carl Curtis, Baltimore; Mm.MU MM M D' St. Church in Oshawa, and and rs. Lynn Wokman, Ls * ..* * .l d Moore and family. Mm. and Murphy,ý Miss Janette Snidcr, Y ou ha e unti Septem er '15Mrs. Bill Daw: and childrenITronto Ms: Janice Sadler, Canada Fancy Grade New Crop Ont, Canada No. i Grd CrsGee Yorihav un il eptmbe 15Toronto, also vis ited the Netton; Mm. and Mms. How- Mor hoead.s . r- r isnadfamily, Sol-5-b tue. ina; Mm. and Mrs. John Sic- a A number from Tyrn mon and Kathryn, Mm. Roy q a oosA p l s cCB commnxt atendd OonoKnox, Enniskillèn; Mm.Ke M r. .ndM rs. G .ldread rT 'DE P C U E A U E adrson SaJ as, -Miss L na Sry fok y ph bso e, E.Pg M. and Mrs. James Park Christine Brent. Dingman, Peterborough, were out o! order for'a wiebi P'OMlIO R DD D WHAD3 c Sunday guests of Mr. anri then couldn't get yours seAL- PR SIFE Dd 2- MsW.Pr.line was busy, will try harder 5VrrAMIN ENRICHED O T E L C O ISG A special recovery toalal next week.Q tose from Tyrone commun- r n r.G Choose f ôm foi Torentout s zea Lancia - 2-lbg. S nd Mms. Stan Hall. ¶7rTerr'nwnrviy an r. tnHal NCONDITIONALLY GAATEI Wîth Borax - Kn îeSV eG Mr. nd rs.Len Thomnett, EVR O 7 M.alitn spent a week with zaiLlI1~10L A FAB DEI R EN 1 her parents Mm. and Mrs. R.l Mrs. Ray Robinson spetai Yor911:oz Gibbs, other guests were Mr.j few days this week in hospi- r 9ozSV 3 and Mrs. Edgar Harrop, Do..t ta] having a sinus conditioni bie, OtMr. adMrs. Ryicorrected, rtr pn oen *BEANS wt O K5o$10 Pettit, Clarkson, and Mr. L.!,Su jnda.r rirites-1-0 vV O Rt. r. uuney, oshawa,i The September meeting or,-' Domino - 32-oz. euaorDyF held at the home of Mr. andli LIQU ID DETERGENT 59c HALO SHA P O 7 c Mms. Reta Thornton, Tom-iMrs. Floyd Stinson on Thurs- £ -o.Tb naiiaOawa, were guests o! M. andi Mrs. Ruth Wilson pmesided S C E #A M N 5 c CO E i Accounts oeed this w k receuve cstMr M. and m.Dvi yes creonsite Deo! oal 4s Cinnamon, Plain. Asorted, Sugar Pkg. cf 12 n e r e s Hugh M . nMurhy, om n- Sept. 17, wen ao planninx- rom ncock, Oshawa; Mr. and for Church Anniversary oni Tu Rich mello Donuts 2 for 49c fulRetroactive It st fro September m. MEdith Murphy B w il westaspae opliawe- 1e WiHmeTE BlREdadUAleD -3 fo r 5E RAi ville, were visitors o! Mrs. minister Rey. Sommervler RcmloSIeadUnIed-2- SAVE 10cM yaendd the cKnih att edanestsarevteFoo- RE Mm. and Mms. ICenneth Har-!ing the church service, aî ii HT B E D 3fr6 ct i Greer wedding at Oshawa on!main for refreshments and a A ecas I urned T Saturday. !social boum or two at whichr6AlMrhnds sGaatedT ie10%Stsato Mr. and Mrs. S. Sharp ttue Mm. Sommerville w'Wî Values Effective Until Closilng, Saturday, et 6 6,i omnzl Fmankfomd, weme weekcadi show slides taken during hisiW R SE V THE RG T O UA TTTSC ~ guests ai hem sister, Mrs. K. trip ta Europe. Other busi- W E E V I H I I G o - A h e o d p e o p i e b a n k o n ~~~~H a r d y a n d M r . H a r d y . n e s s i n c l u d e d p l a n n i n g f o r aO p rT u sa d F i . N g t i i 9 p m Go-Ahead people bank on Mr. and Ms R. D. Hd-wcdding anniversary celebra- OprTus adFi kinson, Aurora, spent a cou- tion and aur annual Than ks- j pie ai days with their daugh- giving Monday Turkey S up- EIImo TOR O NTOO O M I N I O N ter and husband, Mr. and per. The program was provid. E yI Woodlcy and J. Waodley. Mr. reading- "See Mother Run"tý and Mrs. Ray Paterson andi by Mitzi; a solo by Janîcel family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stacey "Edeihwicz" accam- I Ronald Rowe and family, panied by Ruth Wilson; ai] Bowmanvillc, were present. piano duet by Pamela and! DOMINION STORES LIMITED Mis. Mabel Wilkinson, Osh- Barba2ra. The quartet sangý LAWTON, anagerawa; Mrs. Chaude Watson, "Canada",Kin St. and Simpson Avenue (Highway N.2 ot '39T%0poeaa. stret, Bwmnv1le Ontr!. don Hilhs, Hannon, and Mr.(ved by Mns. Clarence Page, Z and Mrs. Wesley Hilis and1 Mrs. Floyd Stinsan and Mra.J tamniiy, Mr. and Mù.s David Harvey Malcolm,. t- or È 81110=q - ---- i e, - làtim Wwiiï*e.