NESTLETON <Mtendsd for iast week) table Bowers is currently on a 1fr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson week'u vacation here. Oiave ~med from a week's "acati a Sait Lake City, Smncere sympathy is extend- Utah, -dere they attended a cd ta Mn. and Mns. Grant Cofl'(ntion' Thampson an the death of her The commun! .ty weîcomes brother, Mr. Robert Johnstan j M. *nd rs L.Suton ndat his home in Peffelaw, far. Sut adWednebaAgs 0h tauvWho have purchased ~ aAgs Oh th<i ott home. They mavcd Mr. and Mrs. Wilfard Vine, durfa the week and the chiid- Herbent and Christopher, thon- Will be ready for the oughly enjoyed their three commencement ai the sehool days' visit to Expo. There terni. were no prablems in lining up Mn. Norman Samelis attend- at aIl. They also visited ed "Steaxn Ena Day" at Mi!- Ottawa and spent a day at tén, on Saturday. On his ne- Qucbec City. Mn. Vine is a turn he vlsited Malton Airpont. camera fan and during their Mn. nd rs.Orai MoreWednesday ta Monday vaca- Mr. nd Ms. Oam Moretion he taok aven 300 coioned and David attendcd the 25th pictures on bis 35 millimetre Wedding annivensany in honor camera. îf Mn. and Mrs. Onville Moore, Caron, at the home ai Mn. Mrs. Bruce Heaslip acconi- and Mn. Paul Bailey on Sun- panied by Mrs. Stephen Kelly, day. Port Penny, and Mrs. Melville Mn. and Mrs. Clarke Wi1- Invine, Cannington, attended Dlams wene guests at the 25th a shower for theirninece, Miss weddlng anniversary ai Mn. Shirley Irvine in Bowman- and Mrs. Frank Gibson at ville on Frîday evening. Prince Albert, Friday evening. On Sunday the Bruce Heas- On Saturday Mn. and Mrs. lîp were guests at the 4th Williams, accompanied by Mm. wedding annivensary ai Mn.5 and Mns. Frank White, Beth- and Mrs. Weylic McKeown, *ny, enjoyed the day at Kin- Mono Road, at the cottage ai Molunt Fair. On Sunday the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson at Williams were dinnem guests Lake Simcoe. Wth Mn. and Mrs. Doug Fallis M. and Mrs. Richard Davi- and family, Bowmanville. son and grandson David Elliott Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- wene Saturday visitons with ers returned Satumday aiten a hem mother, Mrs. Charles Gist, pleasant week's vacation with Peterborough. David neturn- thein son Constable Jerry cd ta his home in Leaskdale on ]Bowcns at Red Lake. Cons- Sunday. Mrs. Cccil Wilson accom-- panied hem sister and broth- er-in-law, Mm. and Mrs. Clii- F or gfirl S fond Hetz, Fairview, Pennsyi.. set an Thursday. Hem broth- er and sistem-in-law, Mr. and witil Mrs. Lamne Lamb, Enniskilicn, also have a cottage there and Mrs. Wilson returned home engaffing with themn on Monday ater enjoying a Sunday famîly! 1 d s~ gatheing there. Corne in and se aur engag. fIg fashions. Styles as modern et tamorrow. ereated by COLUMBIA Diamond Rings fth, -from $ $10, * 29 King St. B. BOWMAN VILLE ésk us for your fres brochure "Haw ta Select your Diamorid" OBITUARY M. H. TEBBLE Follawing an ilinesai anc yean, the death ai Matthew Henry Tebble occurned on Fi- day, September 1, 1967, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman-' ville. He was in bis 96th yeam. Son ai the late William and Margaret Tebble, he was barn in Clarke Township where be attended school. In 1893 he married the former Sarah AI- berta Noyce who predeceased hlm. The deceased had resided in Newcastle for appoximately 35 years. He had also lived at Newtonville, Clarke and Les- kard before moving ta New- castle. A farmer and labour- er, he was emplayed at anc time by the Depatment ai Hîghways. Hc ntired 15 years aga. Mr. Tcbble was a mcm- ber ai the United Church. Mn. Tebble is uurvived by four daughters, Leta (Mrs. W. Hele), Clama (Mrs. A. Lowv- nie), Irene (Mrs. H. Farrow) and Leona (Mrs. F. Laycoe), and a foster-son, Albert Nay- ion. Besides his wife, Mn. Tebble was also prcdeccased by a daughter, Lillie, and a son, Earl. The funera] service was held on Monday, September 4th, fromf the Morris'Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville, and was conducted by Rev. T.H. Smith ai Newcastle United Church. Interment was in Orono Cemetery. Palbearers were Mesrs. Jack Crago, Joe Visser, George Stapleton, Noray Goheen, Lan. son Milison and Hanny Farrow. NUEW DEMOCRAII PARTY DURHAM RIDING CANDIDATE NOMINATION MEETING BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL THURSDAY, SEPT. l4th 8.00 p.m. Omut Speaker: FRED YOUNG, M.P.P. - YORKVIEW EVERYONE WELCOME k "OZITE" INDOOR CARPET Ideal for Kitchens, Bedrooms, Hallways, Etc. -GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS Stain Resistant SEE US FOR FREE. ESTIMATES Special Prices fer Buildens MULDERJ'S ,We Specialise in Custom Carpeting» NG ST. EK BOIYMAN VILLEC Celebrates First Birthday This happy, littie felIowv is Ernest John M a rti, .-s on -o f îMr. and Mrs Fritz Marti, R.R.' 4, Bowmanville, who celebnated his inst birthday on August 22. He is the gandson af Mm. and Mrs. John A. King, St. Andrew, Jamaica, and Mr. and Mms. Fritz Marti, Sm., Berne, Switzcrland. -MRobbie Photo Cele brate 4Oth Anniversary c a e Clay, W= nu sgraie T'n* canma» UtateoanEOWMaviwm, Sept. il, lmS Parents, Mr. and Mrs. . Haaey. Mr. and Mns. C. Hamer and family, visited with Mr. and'S Mrs. Mervin Bird, Brooklin, C n e n a n s în Mr. and Mrs. T. Baker and.1 C n engl î S ln family attended the Braggý by M. J. Fraser senior citizens--resplendent ln lin front of the schoolhou94,n. Pienic at Greenwood Park on waistcoat and tails, carrying this 10-o'clock-at.night"mi Sunday. One of the most enthusiastic an Irish ancestor's 140-year- migration"! Miss Jean Baker was aCele aound rato for aid shilleIagh-brought me- For haif an hour a display Marri- mi un took place Fni- mories of his 65 years in the af fireworks delights bath old guest at the Cooper - day i-day ighept. lst, when the village, tales af the erY and young, with a clear sky, son wedding an Saturda at people of Sauina converged ong î ar Coutic UntedCh~chCormunty allforanpioneers (the Werrys and the ful af stars and the sharp the rcepUted followin - h omnyHl o and h Bakers, Pascaes and Hogarths autumn air adding zest to the the Geinosa ol, in i old-fashioned country celebra- and ail the athers) back ta occasion. Mh. aind s.Htl Oshawa. tion. those unknawn first settiers, Th Mr. nd rs.Monty- Em- More than 250 folks that's whose broken arrawheads and t n back to the hall aga"n merson, Belleville, were Sun- aîmost ail of us!) turned up charred fragments af pattert top off the evening with a MISW. fr , heel-stomping hoedawn that day uess wth M s, - f r t e bi paty hat got urn d u ye rs a o wth heIasts 'tii the wee small houri, Werry. and family. underway with cauntry-sized first ploughings, in a field on with bath lîttie lads and Miss Jean Baker la attend- platefulîs af barbecued chick- the old Taylor farm. grandads joining in the fun. ing Teachers' College at Pet- en, potato saiad and ail the Mr'Tyo ncue hi erborough. trimmings. A scattering ao M.Tylrfnlue i That's how you celebrate Mrs. Cyril Luke accompan- 19th Century costumes gave address wîth a Centennial Canada's Centennial . *if led by Mr. and Mrs. Noble an air af an ald-time harvest paem-composed by himself inl you live in Solina. Metcalf visited with Mrs. W. supper to the occasion - the honor af the accasion-whicn _________ Werry and family recently. kînd the village used ta en- appears elsewhere in this Mrs. N. Wotten and family joy a 100 years ago; back in issue of The Canadian States- MEMORIAL HOSPITAL visited with Mr. Nelson Rob- the days when schaolmaster man. EKYRP T bîns and Miss Thelma Rab- Mr. J. Hughes took exception The end af the party? Oh, WE LYRP T bins, Bowmanville, on Sun- ta the fishy-saunding namne of no . . . flot in Solina! Instead, Week of Sept. 4-10 inclus, day. Pilchardtown and had it the whole crowd heads down Amsin ----7 Mrs. Dorothy Pascoe visited changed ta the present-day the road and 'round the corn- Adissions------------'715 with Mrs. Art Beevor, Osh- Sauina. And many af the er ta the football field. A Bits-2mi,3eal awa, when they celebrated "Solinians" who joined in few driving; mostly Maajong Discharg s ------5 their mother's, (Mrs. John Friday's whing-ding carry the running, shouting... laugh- Major aperations ------2 Dyer) birthday. samne namnes as those earliest ing at the astonishment on EMirnororieatns-----2 Mr. Larry Broame bas re- settlers who built the coin- the face ai a travelier passingEerncteamts 0 turned from Calgary, Alberta, munity, just after the turn of through, whose car is halted Visiting hours 3-8 p.m. daily where he spent the summcr. the century (the 19th Cen- Sunday visitors with Mr. tury, that is!). and Mrs. Lloyd Broome were, The bauntiful supper wasi Mir. and Mrs. Ron McDonald foliowed by a concert ai home- and family, Belleville, and' grawn talent, in true country MrI. and Mns. Loran Pascoe, style, with Mr. Wes. Yellow- Oshawa. 0 lees as Master af Ceremonies.ý Mr. and Mrs. Don Goode, The parade ai costumes dis- Paul and David, Lakefield; played several cherished items C n i e MIr. and Mrs. Lamne Tink, ai apparel-from gawns and Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Doug aprans ta top bats and tails- F'ergusan, Newcastle, were souvenirs, ai Sunday-best in t i Sunday dinner guests with the Good Old Days. t i Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Jim C o bs ac mp ne Herb and Neil. by Jiim Cryderman at the b Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, piano sang Old Favounite" i refully, . aà. Dennis and Dale, were Sun- solos, and Mrs. Burney Haoey's ay tea guests with Mr-. and rib-ticklîng satire an chicken unrs. Cecil Disney at Mount supers i general (and Sa- ion. 1lina's in'iparticular) let the Stiff succession duties can take a big Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tay-1 crowd lm with laughter. or and family visited with Sqare- danigd osra bite out of the paorly arranged estate V. and Mrs. A. F. Aber- tions came next, with the Oid. . . draining away assets buit up iethy, Manilla. Tyme Hoedowners kicking up Mrs. Greta McCarmack, Col- their heels ta, the tune ai Mr. over many years, as well as creating imbus, was Sunday guest Stinson's old-time fiddling and needless problemrs for the family you vith Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harold Balsan's calling, back- leave behind. ice. ed up by Mrs. Everett Cryd- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jacklin, crman's piano playîng, and a tan City, Saskatchewan, vis- veny talented guitanîst. Then ETT PLANNING td recently with Mn. and it was the Durham County ET T Ins. Frank Westlake and fam- Junior Farmers (winners ai ... by competent Sterling Trusts pro- Y. first pnize at Peterboroughifsinlcue a qclyptor On Saturday evening, Mrs. and third in Guelph in recent fsinlcuslcnqikyptyu rank West 1 a k e, Gardon, square - dance competitions) affairs in good order. Advice without ýhirleY and" Kevin, attended with swinging costume andobiaon vetgeths albe double showen at the Mem- flying feet; bringing the latestobiao.Ineiatthsaubl ril Park Clubhouse in hon- twst-and a sxnglng caler- service todlay. un ai their cousins, Mr. ta the old-iashioned fun ai corge Moore and his bride- square-dancing. Prompt Confidential Service -be Miss Kay Hutton; and The climax ai the program iss Linda Stephens, Scar- came when M. Elgin Taylor, u Draugh, and ber husband-to.. one of Solina's best-known TDNN e Mr. Blake Smith, Aurora. STER1LINGTRUSuTS Sunday visitos wth Mr. nonsn, Bowmanville.v zz id Mns. Frank Westlake Mn. Chas. Allun, Bowman-A ere Mn. and Mns. C. West- ville, was recent visitor withW ýke and Beverly and also Mr. and Mrs. Ray Langmaid. 372 Bay t., 35 Dunlop St. 73 Misinaga. cLir baby granddaughter, Mn. Sunday guests with Mr. and wI Toronts Barrie Orille d Mrs. Lloyd Parker and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid wene rniiy, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Ashton, rs. Frank Cook, Susan and Lois and Ken and Mr. and 'ankie and Mn. Harold Ed- Mrs. Loran Pascoe, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Mutton Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mut- Fair who made the presenta- Beuiulbuutsa1e to ienhnrdb ms'to ote of an electric!andi white carnations and ai enjoyable surprise party in refrigeraton and a gift ai thrq'e-tiered wcdding cake celebration af the 4th Anni- money from their neigh bors, licedi in white and silver adorn- versary ai their wedding given îfriends and relatives. . d tîhe anniversary celebrants' at the Legion Hall rccently'1 Arthur Stonebridge, a son-, table on the stage. This tableý by theirSn and daughters- in-law, prescntcd Mr. and ,was' iighted with taîl rubyl in-iaw, 'daughters and sans-in- Mrs. Mutton with a maney 'cala ed tapers in ruby shadedi law, Mr. and Mrs. Georgc tnee covcned with ruby red1 can lesticks. The deconations Mutton, Bowmanville, Mr. and roses and 40 dollars from aif tle hall wcnc also effective- Mrs. Arthur Stonebridge, Bet- thein iamily. ýly clarried out in ruby and ty), Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs., Besi wishes irorn His Wor- white, and there were a num-ý Grant Snider (Shirley), Han- ship, Mayor Ivan Hobbs, and;ber ()f cieverly humarous car-1 mswarth, Ont., Mn. and Mrs. Bowmanville Town Council, ton aon the walls. George Vi ck e ry (Audrey) wene read by the M.C., Mr.' Mn. and Mrs. Mutton senvcd Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Dunn. He also rcad a message ',the cedding cake. Bill Cale liam Couch (Marilyn), New- ai good wishcs irom, John land Peter Staccy wene in castle, and Mr. and Mrs. Han- Stanebridge, a grandson af Mn. charý e ai beverages. A dcli- ald Mutton, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Mutton, who is la ýciaus buffet lunch was scrvcd. and Mrs. Mutton have 14 the Royal Canadian Navy, sta- Du -ing the evening dancing -grandcbildren. i'tianed at Halifax. Telegrams ýwas enjoyed ta the music of Mn.~~~ andMs. uto'ai- . cards fnom aout-of-town an n)chcstra camposcd of est adagtr Mrs. u tonel- ' friends were also read by Paddy Welsh. Glen Virtue bridge, pinned a lovely cor- Mr. Dunn. and ';tewart Hoey Oono. sage ai mcd and white canna-, tions on ber mother's should-1SL 1 A cm, and their eldest son, Mr. S L George Mutton, piaced a car- nation boutonniere in his On Thursday evnng, Aug. Sat.irday evening guests father's lapel. The 40th An- 3lst, Mrs. Ernest Hockaday with Mr. and Mns. Wcs. Yel- niversary celebrants were led' and Miss~ Eiieen Hockaday1 iowle 's werc Mn. and Mns. ta pecal hais a hoar n ntentaincd at a shower for' Ahf. Ilin and Jimmy, Bow- the stage. Miss Sharon Spires, on the, manviýle; Mn. and Mrs. Clame occasion of hen ianthicomiliglAllin,l Provide n ce; Messrs. Their mamiage took place marniage. Misses Bev. Samisi John Allin and Bob Nichais in Toronto on August l3th, ýand Donna Watten assistedofIai 1'nais University, U.S.A. 1927. Mrs. Mutton is the for-îShanon ta open the 1ovelyi The interment ai the late mer Miss Mathilda George, gifts. 'Miss ]ffa Wright tock-placel dauhte aithelat Mm and At the Eldad Church ser-, at Eidad Cemetcry last Tues- Mrs. Floyd George, Halsead, ieo udymrig e aN Essex Engand.heard reports from Mr. Dave The Salin a School Sm. roon-j Mare than 100 gucsts were Nemis and Miss Alice Killen, took rt in tbe parade atr present at the Garnet Mut-iwho spent two weeks on OP- Orono Fair on Fnîay ton's Anniversary party. Their eration Beaver this summer. Mn. d Mrs. ToýnmY Anden- granddaughter, Miss Sharon Mn. Nemis attended a camp at son an Amy af Oshawa, vis- Snebridgc, Oshawa, was in, Montreal Lake, Nothcrn sas-I ited w th Mn. and Mrs. John charge af the guest book. katchewan and Miss Killen at:; Knox n Saturday. Stan Dunn was the able , Walpole Island, in Lake StU Sund.,y guests with Mr. and! M.C. Amang the speakers wbo1 Clair. Thene are still group~ Mrs. Jhn Knox wcre, Mn.' spake of the high regard in leaders and Sunday Schooli and M s. Robt. Miller an which Mr. and Mns. Mutton1 Teachers needed. Contact Mm. îamily, Brougham, and Mr., are held by their friends wcre Stan MilIson or Rev. C. Catta and M s. Grant Down and l Jack Knight, Clarence Os- if yau can assist with these famiiy ai Sunderland. borne, and Alvin (Paddyt !jobs.fMn dMn.LrySre Wels. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hillsj and . and Mrs. Kcith Cry- i Congratulations and best and family attended Deoaden njydaiw ayat wishes were extended ta Mn. tian Service at ethesda Expo. and Mr& Mutton by Jamesi Centetery on Sunday. Maste r Robert Spires apentl younameit+-e >011 t3lwpge ia <11- Our town's got everything... fine shops, handy services, heipful people. And the one place to find them ail is in your Yellow Pages. Take, for instance, ail the things to do with building. Your Yellow Pages can help you find the builder, the lumber dealer or brickwork or masonry contractor you might need. Whatever you're looking for,. your Yellow Pages can help you find it quickly and ea6ily. .. whether you're building a factory or just decorating your patio with some ornamental concrete blocks like the one illustrated. Yes, it's good to get in the Yellow Pages habit . .. everything's here in town. e~yd~~b heoe hilimu OUTDOOR [#- lu Ul :ý7,îeTý ý 7 -a_ z i ito n i av ol' Fu SG ao ai tal an far Fr,