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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1967, p. 7

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- q ~;Married in Staffa United 'day weekend, returning Tues. < 2 de vnn.Staffa, brother of the bride; The Canadien Stategman. Bowmnanvffle, Sept. là, 116? John Hooper, son o1 Hubert M.ÎlPfikado Trn oR Sup o W dd/gcousin of the groom, and Mr. VIl mste1 -Mis.aDo Hooe _ urintendent ~Lyle Vanclief of Bellevilie. Mrs. Hector n, Withs oIv an a g randgher m Mpion Pi ig d n r.The reception was held i r.Hco Bowenwt Congratulations to Mr. ad irnd he JIU Sim et HoewilI commence studies RICKARtD - WORDEN J ers, highlighting the. gown. the Faniy Life Centre f te eweeker rs .L.Ms J .Brw nd. sr on an daughettr hre w un at the University of Guelph on Her elbow-length veil was Church. Miss Rosaa Wor-1 Campbell, Ici t froni the Tor-' 62nd wedding anniveraary on end with Mr. andMn. Dei-e4 Septeniber .14th. 'He i pre Bouquets of yellow gladioli held by a headpiece of threelIden. sister of the bride andlonto International Aiprt on September l3th. Also ta Mn. Hilborn and family at Vern- ently trying out with the foot. and white daisies enhanced leaves fashioned of the gown maid of honor, received, assist- !Sunday for the latter's home and Mrs. M. J. TamblynonoCille. bal team there. Safarr ite thhfr h StfaUitdChrhfo)h materiai and she carried a ed by the groom's *mother who in Halifax. Îter Slst wedding anniver- 1 nrtlun~t n.A Roen d edSmos f age on Saturday alter- bridai bouquet ai white sweet- 1onrauhose. fi ra A S t. tand Tsent Labnornon ugs 1,197at430har ossan vY aqa or the occasion, an; Mr. and Mrs. Melville Brien.sar.,September 12th. aneswo eqbti, ot.cCathaoinMiss RamonabJean silk dress with matching 'of Dunsford visited Mrs. Ivan' Mr. Bruce Chapman, Mn. and rOltbthaldwek Day weekend visiting their o W ko Ms ooaJec rwordhrsa r Saunes who qta Ï: gradprens ev.mdMrs N~f* dugter0fMr.Alin Miss Rosanna Wrden i shoes, white accessories and Frowo Tusdy Mrs. Ross Broame of Toronto, 91fbrdaIatwe. A. ~ ~ ~ N W.orden of Staffa, Ont. Montreal was maid af honor coraeiiyiowrss.Mr. and Mrs. 0.M.. wr arDyadw eked r onBs s a ga Robe ri ntLertyPlcgn the Unitan Mrs. Wýorden, for lier sister and the brides- Following the reception the Fagan and daughter Kareri guests af Mr. and Mrs. Orville gtweeks special mrlig versity of Waterlooa tkis F, and Mr. James Garnet Rick- maida were Miss Joanne Wor-1 couple departed for a honey- of Markham, spent the week:;htetfl aa ndDvd cse in wToron sto ad i akin 'orei onu dMs a-den of Staffa, another sister1 moon in Bermuda. For trav ndwt Mr. n r.F . M. John Henry Gibsorisaigwthssse h Pal!. ardsoneaf Mn a ager.7ehdsband iFM.s0Evabrother-in-law, Mr. and Mn. Math netB. Rckar, R.. 4 o~~of the b ride; Miss Bannie Jean 1 elling the -bride wore a pink, Cooper. FrelGbopse aa Wayne Hooey. MndM nsaTdho.ar nvllB. Rcad . 4 o Miller of Staffa, cousin of the silk linen A-uine. sleeveless Mis LarrCoelnai NbelonThursd ay e-.r n 'r.Jle e spent the weekend with his 'ated and the organist was Mr. hoiden of Hamilton. They coat and corsage oi white 'Clark. High School is at the *ne7h tteBwa-Peewr udydne parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leur- David Kemp of London who wore sieeveiess, formai gowns gardenias. They ar e residing ! oeo r.C .MLrn viiie Memorial Hospital. getofM.ad rsAle' ence Goddard at Lake Catcha-j played Praîse My Soul, the famaize nylon organza aven at 76 Liberty St. S., Bawman -1 Mrs. Cecil Robinson, wt io Funeral Ha fomthe Bar-TDee meeatigsdef Hlîî cm.They had just rt a iofHeaven. Tesoloîst, p)eau .de faille. Lace onthe ville. witGshilon lre o w d Fuerai o tment n onte hree meetings i rn e rm am hstorO h Mrs Hazel dlr aunt of te i empire witmthd hmo ust teddfrf al night guests, Wednesday af Orono Cemetery. beid on Tuesday, Septemb.j Western Provinces and Cali- bride sang the Twenty,-Third'the bell sleeves of the fuil- Ste. Marie. London, Toronto, last week af Mr. and Mrs.i Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ram-1 l2th. Unit 1 - et the home fornia, visiting friends in Cal- Psalrn and l'Il Walk Beside length maize crystalline coats Guelph, Belleville, Ottawa, 1JWilbert Stewart and family atiaut of Chatham visited Mr 'of Mrs. Ross Gilberi at 8:00' gary, Vancouver ~1 and Cca.YuJanthey Wore fluted wedding Montreai, Waterloo, Hamilton, Midland. and Mrq. Julien DePaepe onipm.Uis4ad5- n Mr. and Mrs. Frank I o~~~~illboxes af matching crystal- Brampton, Aylrner, Staffa and! Visitonswt n n r.Saudy h anhl Mr n r.FakWhite- i Given in marriige by her' line.M. Tdheir trdy."an allofthe C.B. lnTerbouquets were of surrounding area. iWm oisnweeM.aiMr.FakAdr adsnBuili ng et 8:00 p.m.: and wedding anniversary on Sun- al, white gown afi analMrsErnieJhso fPtrjln*fTrnocaldojni i tLehm fMs day, September 10, at theirlaver peau de faille with man-,crioeswt lerbo HOW YOUNG do yau feel borough, Mrs. Kenneth SyerjMrs. James E. Richards and Cr iig, a 1:00 ocloclc hom, Jckmn R. U tllala e odie, ulllegthstrames.when you learn that the of Cavan, Mr. and Mrs. Frankother friends on Fair Day. luc eon meeting. irembers of their family were insert af the same lace ac- Mr. Donald Rickard of lovely yaung thingc smiled, White of Bethany, formeriy aof! Mrs. Catherine Seal spent M1r. Ernest Dent ls the n«ew, prsnfrom Oshawa, Bele centîng the front of the A-line! Guelph, brother af the groom, back et you because shelTrenton. îFriday with Mn. and rssecretary - freasurer of the. ville, Stirling and Medoc. The; gown, and a detachable train,! was best man ad ushering thuht o«we nefhrlM.ad rsWi. ite H rcknaOnoCmtyB rdsM. family presented the anni-!Iwhich feli froni the__should- were Mn. William Warden af iather*s riends? ison of Welland visited his leld. jT ( f.m.- --. ___ versary couple with a chinai---____ Miss Rose Palm er, Miss Dorothy Williams and Mrs.i Isobell Johns of Oshawa have returned from a month's holi- day at Vancouver, B.C., and Victoria where they visifed friends and relatives. Mrs. Johns then spent a iew days with hier parents, Mn. and Mrs. 1 AI!. Bickell, visiting ber fath- er who is in hospitel. Dr. J. P. Mayberry, Mrs. 4- Meyberry, John Jr., Kistina' * The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. James Garnef and Elna, Washington, D.C., ]Rikadshown in the above photo, was solemnized' and Miss Elizabeth Bergland inkSaffrd te, ai nSaudy fenon ug fSweden spent a week t, * St ffa U ni e d h urc on S af rd a aft rn o n, u g- th e h om e ai M n. and M ns. M . : lst 12, 1967, at 4:30 a'clock. Formerly Miss Ramona L. Raenigk, King St. West. :Jean Worden, the bride ie the daughter of Mr. Alvinr During their visît a iamily * N. Wordn ofStaff, On., ad the]ateMrs.Word rt"y was held in their honar 1Ç.ýordn o Stffa On., ad te lte rs.WorB.i when relatives of Dr. May- ind the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet B berry were present from Owen Rkard, R.R. 4, Bowmanville.*Sound, Isiington and Toronto. ___ MykPhofography Our thanks ta the many i who phond orsent in itemns for hi oedor There are $" KIeene) many more students, ton num- I r us ta recalaIl their FACIAL TISSUEI rSoi ï/ namnes,'who have leit or will C, c-ier&slena onta commence ori 200's Sugg. ist2fo35 continue studies at vaniaus 2 for 41 c 2or Phone 623-3303 institutes of learning. Please lformation .concerning them, i an of ourtravels and vis!-0P Bilil Depew has returned to held by the Professionai Pho-1 tors et your home. Diel 3-3303. Ei K~ingston for futher studies tographers Association a! On- Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Hard- laHOURI et Queen's Univcrsity. tanao on Sunday et Fenn Re-: pnt last weekend with irii lmnadii;sort, Oillia.îgsp Vingina Sieon an JilIDr. and Mrs. R. W. Thompsn tAmes have returned ta Queen'si Miss Pet Gi, who returned Susan and Dâavid, in Hamil'ton. iUniversity, Kingston, for' from a summer tour n!I Mrs. Thonipson la a deughter C pue kTurther studies. !Europe on Monday, left on l of Mn. Harding. While there CoId C pue M. Douglas NiChos, Dukc Tuesday ta commence heri theY enjoyed watching the 1,35 1 I f7- St., bas rcturned to amlo second medical yean at Queen's: spectacle o! the Canadien m i ta commence third year studies' University, Armed Forces Tettoo, and et Mohawk College. Ms te ate !C also visited the Royal Bofani- Fuhabe Bob James left on Monday lisle, E r-r cl Grdns a s. te v. Ius-a.y (o ontnuebisstuiesat b I nglndwhobasbe1 thousand new rose bushes in DISPOSABLE DIAPERS ~ to ontnu hi stdis a te visitîng Mrs. John Humphrey, fuil bloom. The raie bushes .jffiversity of South Cerolina' Division St., fan the paasJ Newborn 60s et- Columbia, S.C. month, left for bier home lest Meeeetdtiasupmg a Mn. and Mns. Daniel Bick- 'Friday~ evening. Cnena erpoet ý f Winnipeg. Man., spent'Mr.Ros Metalfbasbum wîh i n- Mn. John Twist is home 1Mrn. oa Pemaetba beenor Todlrst hoias ihhs rn-from'hissummner mission aPrmaent j -249 ~~nîcke1I. ~ ~ ~ Wliard, Sask., and next itCrii&e-liMii o wil ntun a uen. Secondary Schools by the De- ,4,,Rv and Mns. E. K. Norman University, Kingston, ta entercrsnteto! EduatoThe lat usc2. 09 >ÉiÏd family, Ganenoque, were ibis 2nd yeer Theology. course, which is tet- usicC ;.-*cent' guests o! their uncie icurenfeedb heDent ~.deunt, Mn. and Mrs. L. A." Peter Vanstone leit necenty' ment, was held i Toronto this C n d t ,ýt"Icouali o ated LkehadUnierity pst Conf. M.detslf ý7-'Mr. Mr.reeckLtaatnLahed nîesyps sumrMn Mtcl,, "M'ad Ms rdrc . Port A rthur. Don Kerr is alsi. who is supervisor af music in THE Fggïi. k *&a i s JDanington Tow7hs gch0J5 J SANITARY, wit te ffcerCadiat TrinngPln.Up'ie a prefty good game tJ niiake if. There'have -wit th OficerCanidae Trinig Pan.been numerous occasions when e round af even par * To qualify you must be single, between 17 and 23, and just squeezed in. 3 have completed ai Secondary School Education. If aur iniend does not make if hie jusf packs his clubs,8 You'll like the job. It's different and challenging. And a.nd heads for the nexf tour, thene, to practice as mnuel the ewads re any God py. moth' hoida. A as possible in the hope of making if the nexf wecke e te rwars ae mny.God py. mothsholdey A There are many cases where some fellows, althougj~ « qualified skill. And the prestige of being a Commissioned tn3ing every week for monfhs, only managed to pla3P 10 ie. n a couple aif ounnament s. This hes gof to eaf a playe 01 up, probably he plays quife wl but a couple oi misse je If you would like ta do somnething like that, clip and fi putts means he doesn't even get ta try for a pay chequee He is almost a regular member ai whaf is sometime~ out the attached couponl. referred fo as the Ghost Squadron - the boys who fr3 ~ - You go places when you go With Us, %heCana dian week afer weelc but rarely gef the chance fo play 1r9 t Arme Fores.the tournamnent. Should he manage fa qualify he is sf111 et a disadvarý BOWM NVILE LEIONtage to the headhiners. The severify ai this handica>f BOW ANVLLELEGONvaries with the finie af year and the- location. As th uC prime tee-off times are nonxnally reservred for flhc eit 12 mlon off 6:00 p.m. aur rookie cen flnd himacif teelng off et the crack V dawn on ground covered with e heavy dew or in som À WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2th cases even a slight frost. In corne cases the advanteg hie has af putflng on unsplked greens Is off-set by tg 1967 femperefure conipelling hlm to play hampered by heavý sweaters and freezing hands. It is understandable thý r---- ---- - ---- ------------e' a my be slightly chagrined aiter fightlng the elemeni r - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - -- -- - tosec the big nemes teclng off in ideal tee-shirt weathdNT SDirecior of Rscrultlng, These conditions only make if a liff le tougher fa mail Canadin Fores HsdquarThe. Jclit Is aptly named as aiter 36 holes on? INAMr- the leading 50 or 60 players are allowed toaIy tf lest two rounds while the others are cut off fnom a1 IADDRESS- funthen participation. Not making the cut means 9 _____________________moncy, lots ai frustration, and more pressure in hv ci Y RO_____________ o quelify et the next taurnament. Î IAGF HO The fact thaf there are elways a few bneaking aworSS" I I 1 fon the "Ghost Squadron" eand securing a position t.S IEDUCAT0MAL GRADE COMPLETED the limelîghf is sufficient encouragement fa meny youri - -- -- -- - - - - - -- - -------R67.Nj players and ensures that there wlll always be plent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -a b oy s r e a d y t a t r y th eir l u c k o n t h e G o l d D u s t T r a l Pk. ________________________I -- ffwy. 401 and lberty St. Plesonts ""THE LEE ROSE TRIO" for your Dancing Pleasure SAkT., SEPT. 23rd COMING.. SEPT. 15 th - 6th ""Dusty" Shepherd at the orgau console in our lupatairs liemsed louage 9Pin. ' aii a. m-l u 8 u- .raIny as reurea. Bowmanvill. 9:00 'til midnlght ln the Downstairs Lounge BAR FACILITIES AvaUable unier L.C.D.O. LInnu $1.50 Per Perso', (10% Amnuement Tai IeIuhd) RESERVATIONS REQIJESTED PHONE 623-3373 I EX MCGREGOR PRESCRIPTIONS - ,I.D.A. REMEDIES PLIILAU .W,~ W~~F7~ I 't t - I i q * q h h * q. r B. B. 4. r if.,, 4. h. h. i a s- 'q h. N jq J Il MOTOR INN '4 a 44 *1 I., 4,, * lB q. '-t -h q.. e:! "t do v i'l

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