-J Ibn Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvile, Sept. 10, 1967 Solina Seniors Win Darlinglon Football Championship Last week, Solina Seniors camne through with an- Ashton, Edgar Werry and Dwight Bradley; back row, other win over Zion Seniors to take the Darlington Percv Westlake, coach, Ron Baker, Don Westlake, Ron Championship. Team members are, front row, lef t Broornv, Alan 'West]ake, Ken Spires, Bruce White- to right, Lorne Pascoe, Harold Yellowlees, Bob Black-i head, Murray Flett, Brian Howells and Larry Welsh. burn, Glenn Werry, Neil Tink, Aif Huggins, Ken McRobbie Photo the sixth when six safeties produced the eventual margin Ken's Down Fuels 11-6 of victory- five runs. Stephen's staged a Iast- To W n So tbal Tiiefienan trie , hle obFos- Dn Bagneli pacedthe To W n S ftbal Ttlechampions with a single, dou- Kens Mn'sWer, cordjter rapped a home run and inev' er n's Wearxce hcsingle. John Fowler and Raye in C\ w'ryiSenni FexeptanheWest each collected a double K en s D ow n Fuels ft ast, whilyoerutlte aflH ddapiro inls seventh when te etfivel Dave Werry, Bob Ahhott runncrs across the plate. Thatiand Ron Pollard each picked was I he' story Monday night asi up a double and single for Ken's Men's Wear defeated struck out two batters. the Town Softhall League se aro gaves. 3 e Stephen Fuels 7-1, under the Bagneli collected a double' Championship ini five games. gakdtoaedup 13 hîsix, lights at Memorial Park last and twa singles to pace flie Kcn's acccpted two unearn-l walk e to nd allwnned six* Wednesday night ta take a winners' attack, while Rich- c lun i the first and coufli 1 fies, one hase on halls and commanding three games ta ards added a single ta his:cd single tallies in the second iclaiming, three strike-outs. one bulge in the hest of seven home i-un. and third as the Fuels made' Men's Town Softball League costly C rrors. But the Men's. GET CASHI TODAT Championship series. Stephen was the lone Fue1.3 Wear had their bats working FOR2 OLD APPLIANCES A pair of three-run homers batter ta dlaim more than one' oo, collccting 15 bits off los- through hy Raye West and "Moe hit, swatting a pair of three- er Georgc Stephen. CLASSIFIEDS Richards provided the margin baggers. Thcy led 6-1 heading into Phone 623-3303 of victary, as Ken's led 7-0, hefore the Fuels finally scor- ed in the bottom of the sev- enth. Don Bagneil opened te third with a -oul, Joh Fowler was safe on an infield error, and West smashed a<' homer. Ken's added another in the fifth when a walk ta West, Richards' single and two more bases on balîs to Bob Foster and Clint Ferguson, forced in a run. Richards cracked bis circuit1 clout in the sixth, following tentional walk to West George Stephen's two-out . triple, sent Ron Pollard, who had singled, home with the lasers' only tally in the sev- enth. Foster checked Stephen's on five safeties, walked twa and fanned a pair to chalk up his third victory in the finals Th e tay o ï erz Laser, Stephen, allowed eigh safeties, five free passes and o r C r A B a e G r g ! Liberty Belles~ orCr evr~aae League iHow Many Times Teams Last Winter No. i-Olive Patfield, Olive; Stack, Ann Piper, Nena Oud-!DdY uW s shoorn, Sadie Bucknell. ur No. 2 - Helen Reynalds,'- - ou Hau a arager Molly Horstman, Elsie Rich-11 ards, Ruhy Spicer, Lila Grah-- am, Valerie Gaul. Somehow lit never fails, we keep No. 3-Betty Richards, Olive puttinz things off frni year ta 3'ear Richards, Millie Bates, Ann .sub. ze o earn the .so an Berry, Daisy Paeden. ithat eoweatr allneyeremornings No. 4 - Lorraine Martin, M thae wot ar ge . IVneli gonow Is Betty Lau Locke, E il e n 1wne ihu aae elnwi CoomesEmaClare, arythe time ta build that garage - gatmes, ima Clambe Mry No.1- Mai4Fser uh Bkel1D-riue areus aw o~î 14 7-3 2-6 1-8 5-4 T'ree st.vles of garages (o match 21 - 1-5 8-4 7-2 3-61- and compliment your home. Single 28 3-8 5-2 4-6 7-1 car, two and car-and-a-half models Dec.-. front gables, side gable or cot- 5 4-1 6-7 8-3 2-3 liage roof - see the selection at 12 8-2 3-5 6-1 4-7 Beaver. 19 4-3 2-1 8-7 6-5 26 - 7-5 8-6 3-1 4.2 Eeonomy Models From . $269. I, Cadet Models From -** $349. Residential Models From $439. N ightHawksA garage stands beside your home N i h aw s . -for a ousetlme.Choose teBae Team StandingGaaeta illo bs wh J. Wright 7 your home. Beaver has the selection. K. Campbell 7 F. Land ___ 6 - Front gable, side gable or GARAGE SELECTOR J. Mairs 2 cottage roof . . . There is Visit or phone Beaver for the fully M. Sedman 2 a model ta match your lllustrated Beaver Garage Selector W. Nesbitt ------0 me. to help wlth your selection. K C am ell .t20 J. Mairs _____201 1. Wright _____201 J. Shearer 185 EVI W. Nesbltt 179 F. Land 171 J.Ro _ 6 LUMBER STORES C. Bate 163_ V. Wilbur --------- 162 96 Ring St. East Phone 623-3388 Bowrnanville -200 Gamet W. Nesbitt 231, 203, J. Rowe STORE HOUES: Mon..- Thurs.: 8:00 arn. - 5:30 p.n. 226, 1. Wright 222, M. Sed- OPen Friday Till 9:00 p.m. CIosed Saturday at nome man 220, J. Mairs 220, D. Sai- )ows 213, P. Bagnell 211N . Camnpbell 203. .